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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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But I don't know.....right now Show is a drag to watch.  It's one horror after another - and a set in serious need of new lighting - with little in sight except more weeping and wailing and misery.  


It really has been one horror after another ever since the writers who gave us the elephant storyline were fired.  Their endless story-lines with their repetitive scenes and dialogue were yawn-inducingly boring, but now we have reached the far extreme where murder and torture is the norm.  Ken Corday better take another look at his show, as he may not recognize it yet again.

  • Love 3

Yeah, it sure is depressing to watch these days, isn't it? I miss Calliope : )


I liked KM yesterday, but I'm used to and comfy being in the minority on that subject. I saw more of the insane yesterday where Friday I complained that she seemed too calculating. Having said that, I do NOT need to see anyone's burning flesh in my soaps. (Had a bad experience with a dormitory fire in my college days and although it's been many years, these scenes disturb me. Although I will say I saw people with worse injuries walking and moving that night, so there's some adrenaline surge or something that may have allowed Ben to walk down the stairs.)


Oh Steve and Kayla. They are both so GOOD at this. Both of them speak volumes with just their facial expressions. Happytobehere, I understand where you're coming from and why you want Steve to deserve Kayla at this point. I can't disagree. I just wish it didn't have to be that way -- I want them happy. Now. Sigh. 

  • Love 6

WRT: Kayla

I could totally get behind her and Finn starting something - I definitely saw some sparks flying today.

Kayla (MBE) has chemistry with everyone. I remember a scene with she and Aiden (DC) before the WilSon wedding in HTS and ...whoo...chemistry abounds. I thought they might go that route with them but nope...Haiden. 

  • Love 7

Kayla (MBE) has chemistry with everyone. I remember a scene with she and Aiden (DC) before the WilSon wedding in HTS and ...whoo...chemistry abounds. I thought they might go that route with them but nope...Haiden. 

I wanted Kaiden as well....I thought that they had excellent chemistry..The show should have pursued them. Plus. it would have been nice for Steve to find out that Kayla had moved on with another man..I think it is insane that she never had another love interest on the show...Even when she came back on the show years ago, the writers had an opportunity to give her a love interest during the time that  she lived in LA with Kim...They had Kayla pining for Steve for over 15 years...How lame!  Missed opportunity...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4

What serious love interests has Steve had other than Kayla since he came to town? That fling with Billie and whatever that was with Ava don't count. 

He has had love interests in the past, as much as I hate it, he did love Marina, Ava and Britta..They were bitches, but he did have relationships with them...Kayla has had Shane, but, I refuse to even talk about that abomination.....Kayla's character took a hit over that, it was the only time that I disliked Kayla...Kayla should have moved on with Marcus after Steve's 'death". The show was scared to a do a romance between a Black man and a White woman..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 9

He has had love interests in the past, as much as I hate it, he did love Marina, Ava and Britta..They were bitches, but he did have relationships with them...Kayla has had Shane, but, I refuse to even talk about that abomination.....Kayla's character took a hit over that, it was the only time that I disliked Kayla...Kayla should have moved on with Marcus after Steve's 'death". The show was scared to a do a romance between a Black man and a White woman..

Although I was watching everyday at the time, I have actually blocked out Shane and Kayla. My brain refuses to access any memories of it.

It would have been really natural to get involved with Marcus...they had a nice rapport. They always underused him.

I always loved how the show handled Britta and Steve, and him getting over her. It was very natural and she was awful, lol.

  • Love 3

Although I was watching everyday at the time, I have actually blocked out Shane and Kayla. My brain refuses to access any memories of it.

It would have been really natural to get involved with Marcus...they had a nice rapport. They always underused him.

I always loved how the show handled Britta and Steve, and him getting over her. It was very natural and she was awful, lol.

I love your post..Can you imagine the angst that would have ensued, once Steve came back from the dead...A Steve/Kayla/Marcus triangle would have been so powerful...

Steve and Kayla are pushing all of my Todd/Blair buttons. There are so many similarities and, unfortunately, a lot of those similarities right now are the rage inducing kind.


Kayla has been put through the wringer as of late and is currently suffering from a head injury dealt by the insane lamp-post that fixated on Steve. What's more, Steve's the one who pushed to 'forgive' Ava when she was doing her 'I'm dying... see? *cough* *cough* It's leukemia! *darkens makeup under eyes* I just want forgiveness before I shuffle off this mortal coil! *cough* *cough*' Kayla didn't want to forgive her bony ass even after the test came back positive! She did so grudgingly... so grudgingly that I sure as hell didn't believe it.


So, yeah, basically they're in a miserable situation that is centered around Steve... let's not forget that Kayla wasn't all that interested in reconciling when he walked off the elevator, either.


Blair would get fucking fed up with Todd's shit, too. (Granted, Todd's shit tended to be done specifically by him and it was often way worse but Blair was also a much bigger mess of a human than Kayla ever has been,) Usually when she did get to the end of her considerable rope with her beloved fuck up then he'd start telling her how much he loved her and how he needed her and, oh by the way, you totes love me, Blair so you need to forgive me immediately.


Which is exactly what Steve is doing right now! Space? What's that? Room to breathe? Huh? You love me! That trumps everything! Even your stupid woman feelings that have you mad at me or whatever! Steve doesn't seem to get that the space Kayla is asking for is what will give her time to process and sort it all out. Todd never got that, either. Nor did he understand that, just once, doing as Blair asked (leaving her alone for more than an hour) would most definitely result in her deciding that the worst with him was better than nothing at all. But Blair was just as fucked up as Todd so you can understand why she'd make that decision. Except that Todd never let up so she'd just get angrier and angrier and then things would get worse and worse until the stupid shit that Todd had done in the first place was then replaced by an even stupider and more destructive thing.


Kayla is one of those you could actually buy making a healthy decision for herself and saying 'Look... you're the father of my children and the love of my life but your particular evolution has stalled. You are not Wolverine... who has a healing factor and unbreakable bones and can handle the ridiculous amounts of punishment he heaps upon himself. Then again, I'd like to remind you that Wolverine is currently dead because his healing factor went away and without that he's just a dude with metal bones that can't fucking heal! I may have gotten sidetracked... the point is that the lifestyle that you continue to pursue, the lifestyle that will dress up in slinky red dresses, perch on barstools next to you and spill out a sob story to entice you to pursue it, never worked for me in the first place but really doesn't work for me now. I'm not asking you to change. I can't do that and I won't ask more of you than you can give... so all I can do is say that this is where our romance must end. We are parents, we are family, but that is all we can ever be from this point on.'


And it would be sad but absolutely understandable, you know?


Plus, I feel that Steve is going to be the one to start defending Joey's relationship with that monotone weirdo. Jade? Her name is fucking JADE?! (So much judgement, y'all. So much.) Plus, that little twit is just rude and has the most dangerous bit of information at her disposal to use whenever she feels she may get slighted. Ugh. I don't even want to entertain the idea that she's the missing Ava baby (please let that baby just be DEAD)  but she's a mess and a disaster in the making of a whole different kind... and the disaster stems from Ava's existence in the first place so she could pretty much fuck Joey up.


As for Joey. He's a moron but for some reason, I keep hoping he'll wake up and manage to rub two brain cells together.


So, yeah, all of the Todd and Blair buttons, guys. I want to shake the shit out of Steve and then hug Kayla and offer her copious amounts of wine and a good Netflix marathon so she can just relax and not think of her hot mess of a lover for an hour or two. So frustrating.

  • Love 7

I should put this in UO I guess but I'm transfixed by the show the last two days.  The acting seems much more natural from KM in particular, as well as Missy.  I took notes yesterday but didn't post.  Makeup on the burnt legs was first rate.  Kayla is amazing.  The only thing I muted was huge faced Eeyore with Mar.  I learnt upthread they might have cut some scenes with he and Missy but it's the only time I've tolerated him.  At all.


I hate the part Jade is playing but she's doing a great job with it.  I love Ciara.  I love all the kids. Our boy JJ has grown up very well.  Maybe next week he'll get some loving.   I'm enjoying the heck out of the show right now.

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 2

I should put this in UO I guess but I'm transfixed by the show the last two days.  The acting seems much more natural from KM in particular, as well as Missy.  I took notes yesterday but didn't post.  Makeup on the burnt legs was first rate.  


I agree that KM's acting has been good the last few episodes. Actually since the full-day episode, I've thought she's done a good job.  And I'm loving devoted to his wife and son, Chad. The Chabby fans must be loving this!  And though the fire scenes were hard to watch, they were very realistic, including the makeup.  Glad the flashbacks today were fuzzy and not closeups.


Did they cut a scene with Jennifer at the square that Chad was referring to?  I think I read something about Chad running into Jennifer when he was out doing Abigail's stalling shopping. Weird to cut the scene, then refer to it in another episode.


Poor Eric.  I've really liked the character since my return to the show in summer 2014, even though he was stuck in the elephant nightmare.   I'm sad to see him leave and hope they will bring him back eventually. I liked him with Nicole. Him and Jennifer, though, seems too random and weird.  Especially with him leaving tomorrow.  Jennifer's too old to have a baby, right?!!


What was up with that ending.  I really hope they aren't planning to make JJ a murderer too.

Steve and Kayla have their problems, but, it has never been on the same level as Todd and Blair.. Todd and Blair were good at first then it devolved over time into a toxic mess....I wanted Blair away from Todd.....


They ended on a much better note than the worst of their shit, at least.


The point is, that Steve's drama is the cause of all the shit that Steve and Kayla are going through right now. And it was pissing me off that Steve was basically demanding that Kayla tell him what was going on with her being in the hospital and refusing to accept her 'none of your business' or basically any of her very clear statements to leave her the fuck alone so she could have some space and time to breathe.


The 'I love you and you love me' excuse that he's attempting to use to push his way in that really burns me up. Steve and Kayla are infinitely more functional and healthy than T&B ever were which is why, I think, Steve's attempt to usurp Kayla's agency angers me even more. If he loves her and respects her then he needs to step back and give her the space she is bloody well begging for. Even the other day when he left and went to the bar so Tina could start in on her 'you saved my life! Now you can save it again!' sob story while Other!Steve basically told him he was a fucking moron for even entertaining getting involved in the drama of someone he doesn't even remember... sure, he seemed to get the clue and then went over to Kayla's house, walked in with flowers and was disappointed when she wasn't there! Dude, had it been even six hours before he starts in with the flowers and the 'don't give up on us' shit?


Even Joey's all 'Mom's being stubborn.' As per usual with soaps, the fault of the pairing not working or being happy is laid at the feet of the woman drawing a line in the damn sand as opposed to the guy who fucked up! It's a very uneven dynamic and it's something I think they should have come to terms with a long damn time ago.

Decent writing today. Abby blanking was a neat idea, but boy did the Lucas stuff seem random without the scenes that were cut from last week.

I thought I'd be into the Jenn/Eric hookup more...it was okay today but maybe the dialogue could have been better. Perhaps it was Eric talking about Daniel with Mar that turned me off.

Dee was good but she smiles at weird moments. Wish she had been able to keep Eric with her. Jennifer letting him drink was super weak...is Jenn really this destroyed? Wouldn't she want to keep it together for Abby's sake?

Well at least their sad romance is kinda hot...

JJ is in no way threatening.

Where is Jenn getting all the extra pills? Her precious son was accused of dealing drugs, but now she's what - buying extras from a dealer? There was room for a real story here...

I like that this year Hope has committed murder, Rafe helped her cover it up and frame an *innocent* man, and Failure burned a man alive, and all got away with it, but Eric has to go to prison for accidentally killing that loser. It's such a shame what they've done with this character. So many wasted opportunities. I bet he won't even get any final scenes with Brady or Nicole. 


If they're going to cut scenes they should make sure that also cut dialog that talks about those scenes. Chad talking with Jen and referring to "what happened in the square" means nothing to us since we never saw what happened in the square. Apparently there was a spoiler that said Chad helped Jen when she stumbled while high. 

  • Love 4

Eric is really a moron if he thinks he doesn't need his father's help while he's in jail.


How did Chad clean the bedroom before the cops got there?  Wasn't the bed burned?


Chad and Abigail's scenes were actually pretty creepy.


Ha.  Spoilers I saw said that Abigail was going to make Ben pay for Will and Serena and Paige, but it's JJ talking about them, not self-centered Abigail.

  • Love 2

I don't understand how the show or NBC PR dept. can issue incorrect episode descriptions.  They shoot 5-6 months in advance and I cannot believe that they're doing editing and post production on these shows down to the airdate wire.  They'd literally have to be doing last minute cuts to lose all these scenes that they're publicizing.  Is NBC PR only going off the shooting script from last year?  Dumb.


I never understood why they didn't address Abby needing to get some therapy after the cabin drama.  That's bad writing because they could have done some nice foreshadowing of the breakdown to come and it never made sense that a character would be kidnapped, held hostage, forced to give birth in a cabin, understand that her fiancé murdered all those people basically because of her (not blaming her for crazy Ben, but that was his reasoning), had to take her newborn to the ER, love of her life brainwashed to hate her, Mom in car crash and addicted to pain killers, forced to move into DiMera mansion, crazy Ex escapes from loony bin...and never saw a doctor--not even an OBGYN after delivering a premie baby in the woods.  Did I forget something?  Good writers would have at least mentioned the need to talk to someone rather than Chad always telling her to forget the past and only think of the future.


I like the drama of this story (UO, I know) and I like Abby and the actress playing her (REALLY UO, I KNOW!!) but even the most loco of soap stories can still be grounded with hints at reality.


Finally, in yesterday's show, when Abby was holding the baby and telling Chad what transpired, I give props to KM and BF.  The crying nose snot was flowing and he twice wiped her nose with his fingers!  Yay, commitment!

  • Love 6

I have to say that I am getting really tired of the show right now.  


I hate, hate, hate, all the cover-ups that are happening.  If you are a Horton or a Brady, you get your crime cleared covered up.  The only reason Eric is paying for his crime was because it was against the sainted Daniel.  Andre is paying for the crime Hope committed, and Chase is paying for a crime against a Brady/Horton hybrid.  Nepotism and crimes go hand-in-hand in Salem...  Gross


Abby is just gross.  The whole storyline is gross.  I still blame her for being the driving force behind Ben's crazy snap.  He seemed just fine before he met her and went all off the rails after she kept up her serial-cheating and lies.  Granted there is no excuse for what Ben did, but has Abby ever even thought about the fact that she brought this man into their lives, that he started killing after her went nuts over her cheating and lies?  She never even thought about anything but herself and Chad's penis.


I wonder if she will end up in the loony bin.  On the one hand, it couldn't happen to a nicer person.  But on the other...why is it only ever the women who seem to get locked up?  Every soap...The women go crazy and end up in an asylum.  You never see the guys there.  Granted, if it gets Abby off my screen for a while, lock her up!


I actually like Eric and Jen together.  I would love to see them work together to heal and still stay strong, but Eric is off to jail.  What a wasted opportunity.


Steve and Kayla are just sad now.  I love these two, but don't love the writing that is being done for them...


The Chase/Ciara plot just made me sick, I'm glad to not see it on my screen lately.  I still hate how they destroyed and wasted Chase.  And I still don't like Ciara...


Oh show...

Edited by LadyJaney
  • Love 4

Another coverup! Is there going to be anyone in Salem left who hasn't committed a crime or helped with one in 6 months?

So everyone else thought they missed an episode like me? Chad asking about the square had me going, "what happened there?" Hey editors if you are going to be cutting scenes, make sure a character isn't asking about one of those cut scenes! Considering mental illness runs in Abigail's family Chad might want to come clean. It's nice you are googling symptoms but that's not going to help anyone.

Jennifer and Eric both drunk and Jen is high. Still like their scenes. Probably could do without them making out on the couch where Ciara was raped though. By the way does Jennifer even know that happened? Now with Eric leaving it's such a wasted opportunity.

  • Love 3
I like that this year Hope has committed murder, Rafe helped her cover it up and frame an *innocent* man, and Failure burned a man alive, and all got away with it, but Eric has to go to prison for accidentally killing that loser. It's such a shame what they've done with this character. So many wasted opportunities. I bet he won't even get any final scenes with Brady or Nicole.



Our thoughts are one.


I never understood why they didn't address Abby needing to get some therapy after the cabin drama.  That's bad writing because they could have done some nice foreshadowing of the breakdown to come



Which characters didn't need therapy after Fall 2015?


-Caroline was recovering from dementia and having visions and then lost her son Bo

-Hope's new husband attempted to kill her, then was murdered by the old husband she had given up on, who then returned, professed his love and died

-Eric lost his girlfriend Serena, who was murdered, after he was held hostage with Nicole, after being thrown out of the church, after being raped, after seeing terrible things in Africa...

-Abby lost her close friend and relative Will because her fiancee Ben found out she'd been cheating on him with Chad and became a serial killer...

-Kayla suddenly had her estranged Ex back in her life and a son who was messing around and acting out, and a mother suffering from dementia, and a dead brother...


...etc, etc, etc, etc, etc...these characters have been put through the ringer since August, and for some, well before that. Every time I see Marlena laughing and smiling these days I feel like asking her, "Sorry but...isn't your daughter on the run from the mob with your grandkids? Isn't your other daughter trying to get your only son off from drunk driving charges because he's so depressed he became an alcoholic over the course of 6 months and none of you noticed? Didn't Stefano try to throw you out a window last year? Isn't Brady marrying the woman who practically killed your beloved John? What the hell do you have to smile about, lady?!!?"


This show needs to calm down. Took much trauma is happening all at once.


I actually like Eric and Jen together.  I would love to see them work together to heal and still stay strong, but Eric is off to jail.  What a wasted opportunity.



I'm glad this is a short fling. I don't especially care about Eric (he's been cardboard and judgy since 2012) but I wouldn't wish a real relationship with Jennifer on anybody. Lady's a pain the ass, to say nothing of her kids.


I think we're getting just enough of them right now. Hopefully this isn't the start of some new "epic romance" that they'll play out whenever they inevitably bring Eric back from prison.


I bet he won't even get any final scenes with Brady or Nicole.



You are probably right and that pisses me off big-time. I get that they both have their own storylines, but COME ON. Those two owe it to Eric to at least wish him luck in the clink. I'm still astonished that Brady hasn't given a hoot about Eric's alcoholism. Has Brady even shared a scene with Eric in the last six months?? What was the last time they talked and what was it about? It's as though they had a final "I hate you. I can't be around you. We're done" conversation and I just don't remember it.


If nothing else, Brady should be there to help Marlena and John and Belle through this, even if he hates Eric. And Nicole? She yelled at him in the hospital and that's been all...at least as much as I can remember.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1

Well, this is weird to type, but I didn't think KM was bad at all today. Actually, if I can see beyond my deep-seated dislike of the character ( with some spillover to the actress if I'm honest), I don't think she's been bad, especially in her quieter crazy moments.

If Show had played Abigail this way - as a limited, slightly unstable woman with a hair trigger temper and a tendency to be nasty when she felt threatened, I think the character would have been easier to take. It's been this insistence that we see her as the Pink Princess of Salem, that we cheer her on through her ugly moods and temper tantrums, cheer on her hypocrisy - not to mention how much screen time she's eaten that's made her so unpalatable to me. If Show had portrayed her with these tendencies, shown us someone who got too close to the edge, it could have been different.

Whatever, as a crazy lady who can go cold as ice and mean as a snake, I can appreciate what I'm seeing.

Billy Flynn gave us another good day of real acting, understated but very recognizable concern and fear.

Show was very good today IMO.

Hasn't JJ become the Man since becoming a cop? He's being written as an actual adult these days and is really pulling it off. His scenes with Jen were quietly stellar. There was a lot he didn't say to Jen, concern he felt, that he conveyed just with his eyes. Good job by CM and good character direction.

What a treat to see Lucas! So many opportunities with this character and actor. I hope Show starts to remember exactly what they've got with BD.

Eric's scene with Roman was very touching - and here's another UO - I think Roman was very good today too. But then, Eric with Marlena.....wow. DH was fantastic. Then, him and Jen - I can't help but wonder what good stuff we've missed to the cutting room floor with this storyline that got abandoned.

Neither MR or GV has an OUNCE of sex appeal, IMO. They're both storyboard pretty but I see no heat, no sparks of any kind from either of them with anyone. That wasn't always true with MR but for me, it's always been true with GV. Nonetheless, I think seeing these two, both damaged, both in the middle of addiction, stumbling towards each other would have been a treat to watch.

Show hasn't done us - or them - any favors with what they've chosen to broadcast and tossed aside. Today showed me - reminded, me, really - of how good an hour of Show can be when it concentrates on decent storytelling and competent, decent, actors.

Edited by boes
  • Love 8

I love your post..Can you imagine the angst that would have ensued, once Steve came back from the dead...A Steve/Kayla/Marcus triangle would have been so powerful...

This would not have happened. Sadly, Richard Biggs died young, leaving a wife and two small children behind in real life. The show could have played Kayla as finding love with Marcus, marrying, possibly having a child with him only to be devastated by his death. Had that happened, I could have seen Kayla swearing off men and devoting her time to her children and becoming a doctor after the loss of two husbands. This would have been interesting because Stephanie would have memories of having a father that Steve would have had to compete with/live up to, Steve would have to deal with the relationship, Kayla's child by another man (notice, it is always the women on the show who must accept a child that is not theirs), and the loss of his friend (I don't think the show ever dealt with Marcus's death when Steve returned from the dead).

  • Love 4


The 'I love you and you love me' excuse that he's attempting to use to push his way in that really burns me up. Steve and Kayla are infinitely more functional and healthy than T&B ever were which is why, I think, Steve's attempt to usurp Kayla's agency angers me even more. If he loves her and respects her then he needs to step back and give her the space she is bloody well begging for. Even the other day when he left and went to the bar so Tina could start in on her 'you saved my life! Now you can save it again!' sob story while Other!Steve basically told him he was a fucking moron for even entertaining getting involved in the drama of someone he doesn't even remember... sure, he seemed to get the clue and then went over to Kayla's house, walked in with flowers and was disappointed when she wasn't there! Dude, had it been even six hours before he starts in with the flowers and the 'don't give up on us' shit?


Don't forget, this type of manipulation is how he got her back in the first place. Intentional or not, Steve used Bo's death to his advantage, and there was the little moron that could leading the Ava backed charge, I wonder if Steve had respected Kayla's request for time the. F she would have a traumatic brain injury now. As you noted, Steve insisted that Kayla forgive Ava after he left Kayla's house to spend of hours with Ava in her hotel room doing heaven only knows what. Kayla told him Ava was using this kid to worm her way back into his good graces, but Super Steve knew better. I'm still waiting for Kayla to point out that were it not for him and his psycho skank, her father would have lived a longer life, not to mention all the other things that have gone wrong in her life since Steve's resurrection. However, I will take the little bit of agency from Kayla we were granted. I'm waiting to see if Steve will get it and grow beyond being an over-aged adolescent.

  • Love 3


Another coverup! Is there going to be anyone in Salem left who hasn't committed a crime or helped with one in 6 months?

So everyone else thought they missed an episode like me? Chad asking about the square had me going, "what happened there?" Hey editors if you are going to be cutting scenes, make sure a character isn't asking about one of those cut scenes! Considering mental illness runs in Abigail's family Chad might want to come clean. It's nice you are googling symptoms but that's not going to help anyone.

Jennifer and Eric both drunk and Jen is high. Still like their scenes. Probably could do without them making out on the couch where Ciara was raped though. By the way does Jennifer even know that happened? Now with Eric leaving it's such a wasted opportunity.

This is how the Show is ridiculous.  Jennifer is not aware of what is happening with Abby and that Ben is on the loose.  But how is she not aware of the rape that happened on her living room couch?  Cuz didn't fill her in?  So many gaps.   Hope and Ciara moved out, did she notice?  Other people in town know what happened to Ciara, but Jen does not?  

Edited by bannana
  • Love 4
So everyone else thought they missed an episode like me? Chad asking about the square had me going, "what happened there?" Hey editors if you are going to be cutting scenes, make sure a character isn't asking about one of those cut scenes! Considering mental illness runs in Abigail's family Chad might want to come clean. It's nice you are googling symptoms but that's not going to help anyone.


Thank you! I thought I was going the way of Abby and losing my freaking mind.


So Eric is going to jail for killing someone while drinking and driving and he thinks it's a good idea to share drinks with an addict the night before he goes to prison - brilliant!


I hate that a character I adored all through my teens and twenties I cannot even stand to watch anymore. Jennifer with Jack was awesome and amazing, at least during their first pairing, and I cannot believe that the Jennifer on screen now is the same Jennifer Jack fell for.


Billy Flynn killed it today. His slow realization that Abby is becoming mentally unbalanced was great but I would have been looking up PTSD symptoms before nervous breakdown. Abby has been through some horrible things and memory loss is a symptom of PTSD.

Edited by cmahorror
  • Love 3

This would not have happened. Sadly, Richard Biggs died young, leaving a wife and two small children behind in real life. The show could have played Kayla as finding love with Marcus, marrying, possibly having a child with him only to be devastated by his death. Had that happened, I could have seen Kayla swearing off men and devoting her time to her children and becoming a doctor after the loss of two husbands. This would have been interesting because Stephanie would have memories of having a father that Steve would have had to compete with/live up to, Steve would have to deal with the relationship, Kayla's child by another man (notice, it is always the women on the show who must accept a child that is not theirs), and the loss of his friend (I don't think the show ever dealt with Marcus's death when Steve returned from the dead).

That would have been an awesome story..I hated that the show did not reunite Kim and Shane after she came back from LA, after giving birth to Theresa.  Patsy Pease was on maternity leave in real life, plus, she was at odds with the show because they wanted to kill off Jeannie/Theresa in the womb. Patsy said No, because it would have been the second daughter that Kim and Shane would have lost...Instead the show put Shane and Kayla together..It was so awful in so many ways.....Kim and Shane could have slowly work their way back to one another. While Kayla and Marcus build a life together with Stefanie and their son Steve, until his tragic death...

  • Love 1

I wonder what's going to happen with Jen now that Eric will be gone. Getting her out of Dan's orbit and limiting her time with Failure was a good move but the only time I've found her even a little interesting is in her brief scenes with Eric. I can't even think of who to pair her with. Fynn maybe?

  • Love 3
The point is, that Steve's drama is the cause of all the shit that Steve and Kayla are going through right now. And it was pissing me off that Steve was basically demanding that Kayla tell him what was going on with her being in the hospital and refusing to accept her 'none of your business' or basically any of her very clear statements to leave her the fuck alone so she could have some space and time to breathe.


The 'I love you and you love me' excuse that he's attempting to use to push his way in that really burns me up. Steve and Kayla are infinitely more functional and healthy than T&B ever were which is why, I think, Steve's attempt to usurp Kayla's agency angers me even more. If he loves her and respects her then he needs to step back and give her the space she is bloody well begging for. Even the other day when he left and went to the bar so Tina could start in on her 'you saved my life! Now you can save it again!' sob story while Other!Steve basically told him he was a fucking moron for even entertaining getting involved in the drama of someone he doesn't even remember... sure, he seemed to get the clue and then went over to Kayla's house, walked in with flowers and was disappointed when she wasn't there! Dude, had it been even six hours before he starts in with the flowers and the 'don't give up on us' shit?


Even Joey's all 'Mom's being stubborn.' As per usual with soaps, the fault of the pairing not working or being happy is laid at the feet of the woman drawing a line in the damn sand as opposed to the guy who fucked up! It's a very uneven dynamic and it's something I think they should have come to terms with a long damn time ago.


Steve has some growing to do, but I'm really enjoying Kayla standing her ground with him.  The March shows made me dread that Joey was going to succeed in guilting Kayla into begrudgingly forgiving Steve, and that was going to be the closure for this whole story, leaving them in a pretty depressing place.  Kayla taking Steve back after big, ugly drama became a bad pattern with them during the last run.  She did it after Steve's amnesia and him taking up with Billie right under her nose, after Steve's brainwashing (including forcing her to remove John's kidney and almost killing Bo), and after round one of the Ava story.  He's so used to her taking him back and making all of his fuck-ups okay with the magical her everlasting love (I keep thinking of his line from last fall, "If I could just have you back...").  It's a pleasant surprise that the writing seems to be acknowledging that the dynamic exists at all.  During the last run, these issues were always papered over, with maybe a token discussion but no real impact on the story.


It's wonderfully grounded drama, too, for Steve and Kayla.  Their best material always came from family issues, not the crazy brainwashing stories or campy stuff.

  • Love 3

This is how the Show is ridiculous.  Jennifer is not aware of what is happening with Abby and that Ben is on the loose.  But how is she not aware of the rape that happened on her living room couch?  Cuz didn't fill her in?  So many gaps.   Hope and Ciara moved out, did she notice?  Other people in town know what happened to Ciara, but Jen does not?  

If it does not pertain to her princess do no wrong daughter jennifer does not care.

  • Love 5

Who said Deidre Hall smiles at weird times?  Blasphemy!


It was nice to have Eric dealing with the emotional consequences of his actions.  Can't say the same for Hope or Joey.  


While I'm no fan of Greg Vaughan, I am curious about how a relationship would play out with Jennifer and Eric starting out as such broken people.  Of course, that would require writers who could thoughtfully explore the subject, which this show doesn't seem to have.  


Casey Moss is a young guy in good shape, so it's unfortunate Wardrobe makes him look like he's drowning in that Salem PD uniform.  


So Eric is going to jail for killing someone while drinking and driving and he thinks it's a good idea to share drinks with an addict the night before he goes to prison - brilliant!
But why would he go home and get a good night's sleep?  It's his last night to party!  
  • Love 5

Adriana and Ed see each at HS. She ask why hes still in town. Ed wants Adriana to know the whole story.

Hope and Caroline see each other at The Pub. (Kristian's hair and make up is on point BTW). Caroline has Eric's bible. Hope lets her know Maggie and Vic are stable. They shift focus, Hope believes Caroline's premonitions on Demios that their is more to him. Caroline calls him the devil.

Deimos got the movers in and out and Nicole has stopped by. He still wants Nic to go out for coffee.

I'm already loving Eduardo and Adriana talking about their past.

She's going off.

Hope is white as snow. Hope puts the close sign up. Hope tells Caroline what happened with Stefano. Caroline is happy. She's mad she didn't shot Stefano herself. (Ok original gangsta Caroline

  • Love 1

AZ and VI have great chemistry.  It's too bad I hate the thought of Nicole and Deimos getting together.


Great Adriana and Eduardo scenes too.


Peggy McKay was on fire, too.


I'm glad Nicole mentioned that her real last name is Mendes.


Nicole and Kate snark FTW.


Two things today that really pissed me off.  Deimos using the term "feisty", which is sexist, and Dario saying, "We know maybe means yes," which is rapist talk.


Other than those two things, this was a really good episode.

  • Love 5

Ok, Nicole and Deimos are all kinds of hot.  VI is yummy.


I'm also enjoying the woman playing Adriana. 


Hope and Rafe do nothing for me.  I'd rather see him with Kate.  It also makes no sense to go through all the trouble to cover up Stefano's murder and then for Hope to turn around and tell everyone.

  • Love 6

I enjoyed Eduardo and Adriana today.  They seem very natural, I can buy that this was his great love and wants her forgiveness.  She shows just the right amount of anger and empathy toward him.  They were being such mature adults having a mature adult conversation.  Such a rarity on a soap!  Then of course Dario had to show up like a yelly Neanderthal, speaking for his mother as if she were to stupid or weak-minded to speak for herself.  She's all set, dario, back off!  I liked how when Ed asked her to have breakfast with him and Dario said "no" and she quickly responded that she would see him the next day.  Mama H has some spunk, I really like her.  And I want her and Eduardo to work things out.


I also liked how Caroline snarked at Rafe about being a "crazy old woman" when her looked alarmed at Hope telling her about Stefano.  He didn't know what to say!


Nicole and Deimos have loads of chemistry, if he can get her to move on from stupid Daniel, he gets tons of redemption points for what he did to Maggie and Victor!


The Rafe/Hope kiss was OK.  I didn't really care one way or another.  Why is Hope still at Jen's?  The fire at her place wasn't so bad that she would be gone that long.  The crime scene after Bo killed Aidan looked worse than what that fire did and she moved right back in after that.  Maybe it's only been a few days, I can never tell the time on this show...

  • Love 6

'Maybe' means 'yes' is also stalker-talk. As is 'no'. They see you as playing hard to get, and a challenge. You really don't mean no and if you see me enough or if I ask you out enough, you'll eventually go out with me.  Dario, give Nicole a bit of a break. She is focused on her job and her fiancé died 3 months ago.


Caroline has no basis to label Deimos as a 'devil'. Yes, she has her opinion, but that's it.


Deimos needs to turn it down a bit with Nicole and her resemblance to his beloved Helena. It's been thirty years and the eyes and memories are a bit fuzzy.


I also enjoy the spunky Mama H.

  • Love 6

Another good episode.  When Hope was talking to Caroline, at first I thought she was going to tell her about Ciara, which made sense to me considering how close Caroline and Ciara have been over the years.  It shows how thoroughly Show has moved on from Bo that I didn't even think of him at first.  Or perhaps that's just me.  With all the other stuff that's happened, Bo's death seems long ago and far away.


Deimos and Nicole were......intriguing.  I'm not convinced he's Da EVUL, but that's probably because i don't want him to be.  Comimg to town and taking everything from Victor, that's fair play in Soap Land.  Coming to town after having Bo kidnapped and tortured, that's not - and no matter how often Days wants to insist people doing horrible crap is okay, it's not.  I just don't want Deimos in that category - or to be more precise, I don't wnat VI stuck with it.


I liked the conversation between the elder Hernandii - as has been said, ACTUAL ADULT behavior, and from ACTUAL ADULTS and not just Theo.  How refreshing, and how bizarre.  Show needs to do more with Dario than make him the guy with the poopy pants every time we see him, although I am glad his scamming ways seem to have receded into the cutting room floor clips.  I'm just afraid everything else has, too.


But once again we got to see good actors (well, excepting Galen Gehring with the pretty pout and that's about it) make Show worthwhile - no teen scene, no Abigail, no Ollie - and I personally needed a break from the Kayla/Steve angst, too.

  • Love 6

It was a boring episode for me but thanks God no Abigail.

LK/Kate and VI/Deimos look so awesome for their age.

Dario looks so much like someone from a Shonda Rhimes show in appearance and facial expressions. Maybe the actor was a guest on one in the past? But he looks a lot like one of her types she casts.

They aren't making sense. Papa Hernandez left his wife and 5 kids to protect them due to his job/missions...yet had no problem hooking up with other women and siring other children after? O K

  • Love 9

I couldn't get into yesterday's' show, not with the knowledge of "the kiss" looming.  It still isn't working for me that Hope is ready to move on. And for me it's isn't even all about Bo, as I liked Hope and Aiden as a couple.  But this falling in love while discussing the dead husband and murdering the wrong man just doesn't work for me.  

  • Love 6

I'm behind by the way.......


What did Jennifer do at the Square that got Lucas and Chad so concerned?  Was she walking like a drunk?  Was she slurring her words?  Did she pass out?  Was she skipping down the street singing "La La La"?  Something is missing, Show!  What happened with Jennifer?  She was sure acting belligerent towards Lucas.  She just about dismissed him when JJ came home.  By the way, how come Bryan Datillo looks so darn young?  He looked like he de-aged 10 or 15 years.  And how come we can't see more of Lucas?  What happened with his storyline of dating Adrienne?

  • Love 3
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