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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Omg! I'm glad I had not just taken a drink of water when Jenn asked Abby "how". Is she that blind??? Oh how I wish that Jack was alive so that Abby and JJ would have a parent with a functioning brain. Maybe Jack could help Jennifer locate her's. An APB needs issued for Jenn's brain! Abby had to tell Jenn that she......wait for it......CHEATED on Ben. Yes, she actually admitted it. Well, I guess she had to considering that the Dr told her right in front of Jenn that Ben wasn't the baby's father ((((eye roll)))).

And another one goes under the bus. Eric drunk driving! Well, at least GV might get some decent material for a while. It's not like he couldn't have before now if the writers would have bothered. SMH

"But you are married". Seriously Abifail???This from a woman who went after Austin, nailed EJ, and cheated on her own man. Get real! Pot....meet kettle!

Joey needs help ASAP! Better yet, some unrelated teen girls need to be on scene. I don't want a repeat of the Eve/JJ debacle.

  • Love 10



As far as Abby knows, Belle's name is on an ornament on the tree inside her living room and Belle is happily married to her cousin. So yeah she reacted with a shock "you're married" to see her cousin's wife almost about to have sex with Chad. That was hardly a lecture. 



Abby has never had a problem going after married guys. And sleeping with a married woman is comparatively not as bad as what a  "A DIMERA!!!!!!" (isn't that what everybody screams when they want to talk about how bad they stink?)  is capable of. So it's clear why most people on the forums would be laughing at her. Even if you like Abigail and are a fan, it would be hard not to think "Pot meet kettle." Her penchant for married guys is Abigail's defining characteristic -- nothing else about her personality overshadows that glaring flaw like it does with other characters on this show.  So even something as small as saying "You're married!" would naturally elicit a guffaw and a "what the hail, Abigail???"

Edited by bantering
  • Love 12

Abigail might as well grew into her bad girl moxie.

All she wants is DIMERA men or psychopaths. If Abigail likes the bad boys, she might well grow into her bad girl cloak. This is why I keep saying Abifail is written like the Sam Mccall of Days. She's been the welcoming mat, selfish, a cheater, judgmental as she was today with Belle and her "YOURE MARRIED" comment and how she chases the same guy around town even though he's told her to leave him be.

Plus what is this girl's goals? She hasn't seen a college in years. Does she want a career or will she be ok being the significant other of a potential criminal in waiting??

It's like she needs to pick:

Is she going to change and actually change or is she still going to stay the hot mess she's always been as I've listed above.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 5

Plus what is this girl's goals? She hasn't seen a college in years. Does she want a career or will she be ok being the significant other of a potential criminal in waiting??


Abifail only cares about sex and violence. She'd love nothing more than to move into EJ's bedroom at the mansion and have a staff take care of her Plot Point Baby while she has affairs and assaults people. 

  • Love 11

she might work with andre to get it back.

She could!

Kristen didn't start off as villian until Stefano adopted her and she entered Jawn/Marlena's orbit.

Same can be said for Nicole. Nicole didnt turn into a scheming and contriving temptress until she took millions to to marry Lucas over Eric from Kate.

Abigail could be that. It wouldn't really be much of a personality shift but at least she has picked a fence to be on.

  • Love 1


Any bets on how long will it be before a statue is erected in Salem Square in honor of Saint Taniel -- naturally the statue will be bronze.



I think I wouldn't mind Abby as much these days if they didn't keep saying what a wonderful person she is.  If they portrayed her as being known as a hypocrite, liar, snob, cheater, etc. I would accept it more.  But apparently she is kind and sweet and loving.  Not translating.  She needs to actually be around her baby instead of chasing Chad.  Even to tell him he's the dad...call him!  Or have someone you know he would pick up the phone for call.  Stay at the hospital with you sick child.  Stay put with him for more that a New York minute!


Happy New Year to my Forum friends!

Edited by LadyJaney
  • Love 7

The director should have instructed KM to say "You're married" in a crestfallen rather than highly judgmental way (the tone was really bad there). The line was kind of stupid for Abigail's character to say given her history, but I think there was an interpretive spin she could have put on it that could have made us better understand her disappointment at losing her love to the lady with glued-on hair...or, er, something. I just wouldn't have gone with that tone in saying that line...but I'm not an actress.

Edited by bantering
  • Love 10

I agree with those who say GV was wasted after Serena. They're just using him as a plot point to kill people off and eventually get rid of him. I think he had more potential that wasn't tapped into. He's better than all these new people they brought in anyway.


What happened to John and Marlena today? One day they were at the runway party and then they disappeared. At least I didn't have to look at their weird facial expressions today!


This shows writing has become so uneven with all the changes. It's crazy and so many explanations are being dropped like how Ava knows Nicole or even Joey. What's her and Joey's past? I think she's trying to seduce him or did seduce him but not sure what's her motive.


Anyway, just a lot of bad acting going on here. Hoping 2016 will get some things back on track!

Edited by kmm49
  • Love 6

Show has subtle down pat, doesn't it?  We'd never suspect, not in eleventy grazillion years that trouble was a-brewing, would we? {insert sarcasm emoji}  I mean, we don't see Dr. Tan the Dan Man for ages, and then we months of sandblasted goodness packed into one episode!  
He's praising Nicole to the heavens, not only to her face BUT also to everyone else.

He's SHAVED.  And, looks like he showered, too.  And not scratching inappropriately. 
He's nice to Theresa.
He's not pontificating to any and everyone.
He's nice to Theresa.
He's not speaking down to Nicole.
He's nice to Theresa.
He's not speaking down to Nicole.
He's clean.
He's clean.

Okay, I'll stop repeating myself but it's all pretty stunning considering how he's been SINCE HE CAME TO TOWN, and now he's Dan the Good..


So Eric is drunk?  Been hitting the root beer again, with a Holy Water chaser?  Or maybe his underwear is too tight and it's cut off the circulation in his brain.    Poor Eric is hopelessly uncool.  Cute, but he does 'bad boy' less convincingly than Ava plays 'good'.


Belle.....I'm starting to think Shawn is a saint for just divorcing her and not burying her alive.  She's one of those types who thinks they're a lot cleverer than they are,  and don't know that simply because they're so self-absorbed they never notice how many people dislike them.   Good thing Sami never managed to sell the twit - she'd have been sued for selling a defective product.


Poor Chad.  He really is cursed.  He's leaning in to kiss Belle - who is at her best with her mouth shut - and gets a vision of Abigail.....




If he ever manages to get it up again after seeing that, it will be a true miracle.  


And then, with her usual class, she literally pushes her way into his room.  I swear, Honey Boo Boo's Mom has better manners, and then...AND THEN!!...proceeds to gasp and make her scary fish face because Belle....is MARRIED!  MARRIED, I TELL YOU!

I wish Chad hung her out the window upside down like Michael Jackson did that time with his kid. 

Abigail is an insult to trailer park trash.


I am rooting for her and Chad to get together, though. I want her to be running to him through a field of wildflowers, his arms open to her, as she runs past him and off the cliff.

That's one more funeral I could live with.


The director should have instructed KM to say "You're married" in a crestfallen rather than highly judgmental way (the tone was really bad there). The line was kind of stupid for Abigail's character to say given her history, but I think there was an interpretive spin she could have put on it that could have made us better understand her disappointment at losing her love to the lady with glued-on hair...or, er, something. I just wouldn't have gone with that tone in saying that line...but I'm not an actress.


Neither is she.  She just plays one on DOOL.

Edited by boes
  • Love 16

And then, with her usual class, she literally pushes her way into his room. I swear, Honey Boo Boo's Mom has better manners, and then...AND THEN!!...proceeds to gasp and make her scary fish face because Belle....is MARRIED! MARRIED, I TELL YOU!

I wish Chad hung her out the window upside down like Michael Jackson did that time with his kid.

Abigail is an insult to trailer park trash.

I am rooting for her and Chad to get together, though. I want her to be running to him through a field of wildflowers, his arms open to her, as she runs past him and off the cliff.

That's one more funeral I could live with.

Oh man I love this place.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 5

Could people PLEASE stop posting spoilers in this thread??? It says right in the title, NO SPOILERS, yet upthread folks are chatting it up about who dies in the car crash. I had no idea who it would be (actually I am so unspoiled I didn't even KNOW there was going to be a car crash until it was mentioned here) and when they showed Jennifer at the end I actually said out loud "oh my god, is it going to be Jennifer?" CURRENT plots. TODAY's show. Go somewhere else to discuss the future please.

Sorry to be so bitchy, but I do not read spoiler threads because I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW, so when stuff just pops up here casually, like it's common knowledge, when it hasn't even happened yet it just annoys me to no end.

Edited by annabel
  • Love 8

Happy New Year, everyone! 


This episode was sort of strange.  People just disappeared without explanation, Eric was drunk out of his mind and no one stopped him, and Dr. Tan was nice to Theresa.  I'm so happy the new writers were able to salvage her.  The last regime really messed up her first few months on the show by putting her in a  Jonas/Devereaux bubble.  Can you imagine if the old writers hadn't have been fired and had gone through with having Theresa fake an accident or illness with Tate to get Brady to pay attention to her?  It would have been so awful, and so difficult for the character to come back from.  Of course Jen Lilley would have given it her all, but I'm glad she didn't have to play such a terrible, pathetic story.


Speaking of terrible and pathetic, in one breath Abigail says she needs to be there to take care of her son, but in the next she leaves the hospital to chase after Chad.  Her priorities are completely messed up, as usual.  And she clearly has no sense of irony.  How can the writers seriously think that this hypocritical, selfish, horrible character with zero self-awareness merits being in more than half of the episodes for the year?


Joe is an idiot.  I hope this Ava story wraps up very, very quickly.  Kayla and Steve don't need to be saddled with her.

  • Love 7

After failure's failures what sticks in my head is the awful music we were subjected to for two days.  Is Corday composing again?  All I could do was try to rule out what type of music it wasn't. And those slitherine silhouette dancers looking like something out of Dieter's Sprockets.  Eeyore Eric, as lame as ever, head bopping now?  If it had been Jesus Is Just Alright by the Doobie Brothers my butt would have hit the floor laughing.  But he was a highly amusing drunk stumbling around that dark plane hangar. I'll always think of him crying in a hoodie though. 


Oh, didn't even Joey say upon arriving and once again there's another dj in another room?  The music was that bad.


Jenn has some terrible writing again.  First she doesn't flinch when upon failure's rescue she's giddy about Chad and checking her texts while being reunited with plot point baby.  Today she has no real reaction to the paternity reveal other than a word or two and watching her run around giddy over finding Chad.  I don't expect her to pile on but if she falls back on the honey thing much more I will have to decide whether to drink or kick her hard in the shins. At least we got a scrap of failure saying I thought my son's father was a psycho killer.  If only we'd have seen a hint when it looked like she wasn't bonding with the kid, that it was an issue... I kept waiting for it.  Not sure which is worse:  Smirk mouth or guppy mouth.


Joey.  Unless Ava was 16 when she met Steve and Bo, chasing a 60 yr old and leading on a 16 hr old Joe (I think Steve's supposed to be playing a bit younger though) makes no sense.  And we have to deal with TB on top of it. Disappointed he's a Bears fan so close to Packer country.  The man suffers, that's for sure. I don't find it impossible Joe's attracted to her but not the dating and wanting to act on it part.


Good lord is Gabi gorgeous.  I was hoping to see her in more than the 2 outfits.  Sparkle nicely fills his role as a spokesmodel.  That's all I want to see of him. 


ETA I think I've always been on the Theresa train because there was no way they were going to let her do drugs, etc, indefinitely.  I always saw it as her being put on a redemption arc.  And she had the chops to pull it off.  Belle?  I don't see her changing at all but I'll be surprised if she does.  Sometimes I prefer lines like "you can try" (to ask me out again) than the simpering Theresa and Nicole have been written to do . 

Edited by QuelleC
  • Love 5

After Nicole almost died Daniel turned over a new leaf. He was sorry for how he treated her in the past.  That made him see what he was missing.  Daniel has kept that promise.  Today was one of the first times I have really liked them as a couple. 

Me, too! I had all kinds of nice feels for Dan yesterday. Figures. 

Abigail's more concerned with telling Chad he's the baby's father instead of worrying what's wrong with her baby?! Crazy!


There's some of that, but I thought it was important for the docs to test the father's blood, and that's why she flew out of the hospital. 

  • Love 3

He has an ornament on the Horton tree.

Well, so do I, probably!!! (meaning: everyone in the world seems to have an ornament on that tree!)


I guess I need to pay more attention, thank you for your help!!

Could people PLEASE stop posting spoilers in this thread??? It says right in the title, NO SPOILERS, yet upthread folks are chatting it up about who dies in the car crash. I had no idea who it would be (actually I am so unspoiled I didn't even KNOW there was going to be a car crash until it was mentioned here) and when they showed Jennifer at the end I actually said out loud "oh my god, is it going to be Jennifer?" CURRENT plots. TODAY's show. Go somewhere else to discuss the future please.

Sorry to be so bitchy, but I do not read spoiler threads because I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW, so when stuff just pops up here casually, like it's common knowledge, when it hasn't even happened yet it just annoys me to no end.

Hope you weren't referring to my question.  I properly cloaked it in the "you-know-who" terminology. :)


Joey.  Unless Ava was 16 when she met Steve and Bo, chasing a 60 yr old and leading on a 16 hr old Joe (I think Steve's supposed to be playing a bit younger though) makes no sense.  And we have to deal with TB on top of it. Disappointed he's a Bears fan so close to Packer country.  The man suffers, that's for sure. I don't find it impossible Joe's attracted to her but not the dating and wanting to act on it part.

I don't know if this helps because I'm not sure myself, but when Steve "died" in 1990, he was listed as 35 on his tombstone. When he came back in 2006, the tombstone still listed him as 35 at the time of death. So even if you take away the SORASing of Joey, Steve would be playing 61 or 62 depending on his date of birth. So unless they have de-aged him, Steve isn't much younger than SN who is 64. Because he was in the Merchant Marines with Bo, and SN looked relatively young, I think people forgot that in the initial story that brought him to Salem, he met teenaged Bo who ran away from home at 17 (I think) to join the MM. Steve was always older than both Bo and Kayla (who is older than Bo who was older than Hope), even though he was their peer for storyline purposes. Based on the shifting Brady kids ages, Steve is actually closer to DH's Roman in terms of age, I don't know how this plays out with JT's Roman.

  • Love 3

Abigail's more concerned with telling Chad he's the baby's father instead of worrying what's wrong with her baby?! Crazy!


No, not crazy if you actually watch the show and listen to the actual dialog instead of just attacking Abby blindly. The doctor needs Chad for the genetic testing of his blood, that's why she ran out of there to get him. She CLEARLY told Jennifer, "I need to tell Chad, I need him for genetic testing" and "I can't think of me and Chad, I can't go that far. I just need to focus on Thomas." 

  • Love 4

Plus what is this girl's goals? She hasn't seen a college in years. Does she want a career or will she be ok being the significant other of a potential criminal in waiting??


With Salem being the center of the fashion universe she can always get into design. An entire line of easy-to-get-into-and-out-of wear for the gal on the go.

Ava and Joey make Eve and JJ seem like classic literature in comparison.

  • Love 6


Plus what is this girl's goals? She hasn't seen a college in years. Does she want a career or will she be ok being the significant other of a potential criminal in waiting??

They wrote her as finishing college at Salem U and she works for the hospital. Having a job in PR at a hospital would be considered a career.  JJ dropped out of college and is now in the police academy, when he becomes a cop would that not be a career?

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 2

No, not crazy if you actually watch the show and listen to the actual dialog instead of just attacking Abby blindly. The doctor needs Chad for the genetic testing of his blood, that's why she ran out of there to get him. She CLEARLY told Jennifer, "I need to tell Chad, I need him for genetic testing" and "I can't think of me and Chad, I can't go that far. I just need to focus on Thomas." 

Or, what Artsda said, lol. I got the gist, but I forgot that the actual dialog was pretty clear about her motivation, too. 

Don't doctors genetically test before the baby is born?

Also knowing who your parents are genetically for medical treatment isn't as important as this show wants us to believe.

Chile.. who is co writing the show... Dena Higley.

That woman wouldn't know research if it slapped her in the face.

Remember this is the same woman who wrote Nighttime Hope thinking that would be some revolutionary storytelling and it ended up being on giant fart! Claiming she got her research from Dateline. Threw Dateline under the bus like that.

No lie, if I took Ambien, saw that story and if I were gullible, I'd probably stop taking that shit too.

  • Love 3

It makes no sense time wise and numbers wise. But hypothetically if Chad were the father...if I was Abigail (I'm not slapping someone or chasing married/engaged/not interested penis and Im not jar jarian - so I'm safe) but, if I was, I'd lie that the baby was Ben's regardless. Yea there's a stigma of the baby being the child of a serial killer but, so what? Chad's entire family is psychotic and murderous and Failure's own grandpa was a killa too, so who gives a shit? Plus Ben and his father are x'd out. If she opens up about the baby being Chad's the DiMeria clan will get their grubby mitts on him or plant a chip in his head.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 10

Don't doctors genetically test before the baby is born?

Also knowing who your parents are genetically for medical treatment isn't as important as this show wants us to believe.



Spent my entire life in the medical field.  Emergency Room, to be exact.  As you said, there is no illness, no condition, nothing that needs Emergency genetic testing at 1am in the morning. Nothin'. Nada.  In an emergency situation you don't treat the diagnosis, you treat the symptoms.  Sure, you want to know the underlying cause for long term treatment and you want to know it fast, but you sure as hell don't want someone showing up at 1am for genetic testing.  Not even in a university hospital setting would there be appropriate staff on hand to handle it.  That's a 9 to 5 job, Monday thru Friday, with an on call person for the very, very rare case where there is a LEGAL need to know ASAP.


So either, as usual, Abigail goes off half-cocked, and yep, I do mean that the way it sounds, or her doctor is a doofus.

Or both, which is certainly possible considering this is the same hospital who hired her because of who her mommy is.

  • Love 16

It makes no sense time wise and numbers wise. But hypothetically if Chad were the father...if I was Abigail (I'm not slapping someone or chasing married/engaged/not interested penis and Im not jar jarian - so I'm safe) but, if I was, I'd lie that the baby was Ben's regardless. Yea there's a stigma of the baby being the child of a serial killer but, so what? Chad's entire family is psychotic and murderous and Failure's own grandpa was a killa too, so who gives a shit? Plus Ben and his father are x'd out. If she opens up about the baby being Chad's the DiMeria clan will get their grubby mitts on him or plant a chip in his head.


I never really thought about it, but that poor kid sure lost out in the gene pool lottery.  Either a serial killer daddy and a child molester/killer grandpa.  Or an easily brain-washable father with an entire crazy murderous clan for relatives.  And then there's the mother... LOL.

  • Love 13

Poor Joey.  This show just loves to bring on legacy characters, and trash them.


Writers Room:


"This SL makes no sense.  Why is everyone acting so stupid?"


"That's the only way the SL works."


"It's not working."


"Okay, let's kill someone.  That will fix everything."


I'm just waiting for the inevitable comment from the Salem residents either to or about Eric, "You are just like Sami."  Even though drunk driving was never something Sami did, I'm sure this phrase will be spoken.

  • Love 7

I think at first it came across as if Abigail was more concerned about her baby (at least writing-wise), but once Abigail stormed into the room to find Chad with Helmet Head it came across acting-wise as if she was more concerned with who Chad was sleeping with.


So, yeah, dialogue-wise and in the writing Abigail is shown to have some concern for the baby, but acting-wise KM made it seem she was more concerned with Chad's sex life once she got a hold of him. So KM had help with the writing, but failed in the nuances part of showing Abigail's concern once she got Chad alone. A young MR probably would have done better with that confrontation. 

Edited by bantering
  • Love 5

I think at first it came across as if Abigail was more concerned about her baby (at least writing-wise), but once Abigail stormed into the room to find Chad with Helmet Head it came across acting-wise as if she was more concerned with who Chad was sleeping with.


So, yeah, dialogue-wise and in the writing Abigail is shown to have some concern for the baby, but acting-wise KM made it seem she was more concerned with Chad's sex life once she got a hold of him. So KM had help with the writing, but failed in the nuances part of showing Abigail's concern once she got Chad alone. A young MR probably would have done better with that confrontation. 


Which is why it was a mistake to give Abifail this kind of story. KM isn't capable of showing any nuance or elevating the material even a little. The writers keep giving KM heavy material to play and she can't handle it so the other actors in the scene end up having to do all of the work while she stands there looking foolish. If they insist on keeping KM the need to play to her *strengths* and make Abifail an unrepentant psycho freak and stop treating her like a Horton princess. 

  • Love 6

Good interview with Billy Flynn, Kate Mansi, Stephen Nichols & Mary Beth Evans:  http://michaelfairmansoaps.com/days-of-our-lives/billy-flynn-kate-mansi-stephen-nichols-mary-beth-evans-interview-days-of-our-lives/2015/12/30/

I thought Kate Mansi came across well, which is why I thought I'd post something positive about her in this thread where she and her acting choices are constantly criticized. No spoilers in the interview, BTW.

  • Love 5

And still the Days publicist had her do an interview with three of Days' best actors. Now they have to prop her an interviews now.

I've read many of KMs solo interviews, especially her recent one in SOD, about how she now understands motherhood thanks to her character being held captive in a cabin.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 3

Good interview with Billy Flynn, Kate Mansi, Stephen Nichols & Mary Beth Evans:  http://michaelfairmansoaps.com/days-of-our-lives/billy-flynn-kate-mansi-stephen-nichols-mary-beth-evans-interview-days-of-our-lives/2015/12/30/

I thought Kate Mansi came across well, which is why I thought I'd post something positive about her in this thread where she and her acting choices are constantly criticized. No spoilers in the interview, BTW.


Stephen and Mary Beth are just as cute in real life, it seems : ) They both seem so happy to be on together again. 

  • Love 7


Kate Mansi: Chad and Abigail had this gravitational pull to one another that you can’t help but deny.  But then that made Abigail a liar, and a cheat.  But that is not who the character was, but this was about Chad and Abigail’s love that was bigger than them, in a sense.


I don't know... Abigail was always a liar. Maybe not a cheater in the strict sense of the word -- but she did lie a lot to try and cheat WITH, rather than on,  people.


Mansi is usually talkative about interpretations in her interviews -- not sure if a lot of them make sense when it comes to Abigail though, or if her interpretations match up with what shows up on screen. Maybe the producers have told her to just believe that Abigail is really a nice person with integrity or to forget what her character did to try and get with EJ and Austin. 


I did wonder if she is leaving the show though -- she said that this is the first time in 5 years the show is telling complicated,  compelling, and real stories, and usually actors don't dis the previous writing unless they're leaving. 

Edited by bantering
  • Love 6

Why are KM and BF doing an interview with SN and MBE? That's a bit random. It would have made more sense for BF and KM to do an interview with RSW.



When head writers Josh Griffith and Dena Higley decided to make Abigail’s fiancé Ben Weston (Rob Scott Wilson) the Necktie Killer, it was the perfect way to set up Chad and Abby as the next super couple.  Fearless performance after performance, Billy Flynn, and Kate Mansi, and Wilson help made this tragic tale gold.



Can we speak about Rob Scott Wilson as the serial killer, and how that really changed everything!  It allowed the writers to truly create the Abby and Chad love story as a star-crossed couple to root for.  It was a game-changer, and a shrewd move.


Still confused as to why some people are calling Crabs the next super couple. What is this based on? Out of the two or hree years that they've been interacting how many months total have they been together? Six? Before multiple people, including a legacy character, were needlessly murdered to give them angst, what had they been through? Abifail made Chad and Cameron compete for her vagina and then dumped Chad after he lied about having a brain tumor. They don't have enough history nor have they been through enough trials and tribulations to be considered a future super couple. And I personally don't think BF and KM have any chemistry together.



I think it created a momentum for the three of us to jump off of, because not one is perfect in that triangle.  It was equally messy and wrong on all three accounts.  Abby should not have been sleeping with Chad.  She should not have been showing up lying to Ben, and so I think this is how something like this kind of happens


So even KM acknowledges that Abifail having sex with Chad and constantly lying to and using Ben played a part in why he went off the rails.


It would be nice if some of the other couples, characters and actors on the show could get as much praise as Chad/Abifail and BF/KM do. 


I do agree that KM came off well in this interview and didn't leave me scratching my head in confusion, which tends to happen with her interviews. And all four of them were more complimentary to the writing than it deserves, particularly SN and MBE.

  • Love 7

Stephen and Mary Beth are just as cute in real life, it seems : ) They both seem so happy to be on together again. 

I love their scenes together, you can tell how much the two of them trust each other and it's not "acting."  I was an occasional viewer until hearing SN was returning and then I started watching again.  They leave, I leave  :-)  

Edited by Lisa418722
  • Love 8

The journalists and she call Chabby a super couple because the show wants them to be a super couple. It's twitter is always talking about it. I personally think they aren't if any newish coupling is getting to that status maybe bold and beautiful Raya or CarRidge.

I wish this show would better utilize Lucas! He's paid his dues, still looks good, and is interesting. He's been part of a very popular pairing and handling it with grace.

I'm starting to like Thrady. But I know in like a month Theresa will do something horrible.

  • Love 8
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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