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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Well, Petunia and Shesajar, you are obviously better and stronger people than I am, because when people mispronounce my name after they've met me it immediately makes me dislike them. It's not that difficult! It's two syllables! I've told you how I pronounce it! It's my NAME!!! If you cannot get this simple thing about me right I have no interest in knowing you.

I guess the Caroline/Carolyn thing bugs me so much is because I have a young friend with one of those names who feels the same as I do about GET MY DAMN NAME RIGHT!!!

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My name is Jeanne and once in a job interview I was told I pronounce it wrong because she knew someone named Jeannie.  Ever had someone tell you you pronounce your own name wrong? The only people allowed to call me that have been calling me Aunt Jeannie since they were kids.  If I were a real snot I would make everyone call me Jeanne-Marie with French pronunciation.  Having said that, I admit I call her Carolyn because Victor does.


And if you call me and ask for Gee-Anne I will hang up on you.

Edited by QuelleC
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It's a huge stretch. Abi and Chad are responsible for their own mistakes, but not dumping someone or cheating does not make him a serial killer and isn't an excuse to blame them for his starting to kill people. He started killing people because he's totally mentally unglued. Who knows who he killed and what he did in Florida before he came to Salem, is that because of Abi and Chad too? Do we blame another girlfriend for those murders? The only person to blame for Ben being a psycho killer is Ben.


Nobody made him that way and it's not on anyone for not breaking up with him as an excuse to say had she done that or had Chad not gone after her then may be Ben wouldn't have started killing people. 

I'm late checking in but wasn't Ben in trouble in Florida?  Maybe he killed whoever Clyde is being blamed for killing?  That would make a lot more sense than having to share Abigail's golden cooter drove him to it.  They could make it so that Ben was doing serial killings in Florida but almost getting caught caused him to flee and lay low until the crazy caught up to him again in Salem.

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My name is Jeanne and once in a job interview I was told I pronounce it wrong because she knew someone named Jeannie.  Ever had someone tell you you pronounce your own name wrong? The only people allowed to call me that have been calling me Aunt Jeannie since they were kids.  If I were a real snot I would make everyone call me Jeanne-Marie with French pronunciation.  Having said that, I admit I call her Carolyn because Victor does.


And if you call me and ask for Gee-Anne I will hang up on you.

I once had someone spell my name wrong on a document and when I mentioned it, I as told I spelt my name wrong.

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Jordan and Ben fled Clyde and changed their identities multiple times and as young adults didn't even live in the same state because that would make it easier for him to find them.  Then Clyde came to town and ....... nothing happened. They didn't run, they were just annoyed.  So was the reason they were running because of Ben's predilictions?

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Ocean, wouldn't it be great if the show gave us that layered a story? Without both Jordan and Clyde on the scene, I guess I'm doubtful they'll pull that off. But I'd love to find out that Ben was sketchy for years, with Jordan saving him and whisking him out of town just in time, etc. 

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I'm late checking in but wasn't Ben in trouble in Florida?  Maybe he killed whoever Clyde is being blamed for killing?  That would make a lot more sense than having to share Abigail's golden cooter drove him to it.  They could make it so that Ben was doing serial killings in Florida but almost getting caught caused him to flee and lay low until the crazy caught up to him again in Salem.

That's what I thought as well. But someone corrected me and said that Clyde actually did kill the person he's accused of killing. I'm enjoying the story, but I didn't care enough to go back and verify that for myself. I still like the theory, though. Have they even said what it was that Ben was doing in FL that got him in trouble in the first place?

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That's what I thought as well. But someone corrected me and said that Clyde actually did kill the person he's accused of killing. I'm enjoying the story, but I didn't care enough to go back and verify that for myself. I still like the theory, though. Have they even said what it was that Ben was doing in FL that got him in trouble in the first place?

Gambling, if I remember correctly. But there was some vague implication that there may have been more going on that he didn't know about. 

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Well the editing today is certainly sharp. We're breezing through all the major plot lines at record speed. You can tell they're trying to deliver the goods today.

Unfortunately the wardrobe department has really made some bizarre choices. I don't at all understand what Marlena is wearing, let alone whatever it is that Abigail is wearing. Is there supposed to be a vaguely 1960s vibe to everything? Caroline's massive flower wrap thing looks like something from Golden Girls, in the worst way. And apparently, they're turning her into Celeste now, with full-on visions...

Funny how Eve is the only one who looks stunning....

The WIGS are hideous. Oh my god. I can't look away. Is this supposed to be a costume party?!

Edited by DisneyBoy
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I can't believe I'm going to say this but Abby looked nice today, her hair was styled and her outfit was actually attractive--will wonders never cease :)  And while I don't want Ben to be physically abusive towards her, I am liking that he's yelling at her and telling her off and I'm really looking forward to his throwing her cheating on him with Chad back in her face.  She is so used to getting whatever she wants with little to no fuss that it's entertaining to watch things not go her way for once.  Of course none of this will matter once Ben's revealed as the killer, but I'm going to take my joy where I can.


I like this new version of Brady and Daniel who are actually giving Theresa a chance and good for Brady for telling Kate to let the belittling go.  It is odd that Kate would do that at a party but I don't think she liked Theresa's standing up for herself but I think she'll come around--Theresa just has to prove she's a hard-worker and great designer.  Easy :)


And what was with the weird wigs on Theresa, Hope and Kate?  YIKES!!  Jenn, Eve and Gabi all looked particularly lovely, which is kind of awesome, especially because Gabi and Eve are so hated by the Hortons.


Lastly, what is with Adrienne's glaring at Justin and Eve being together?   Adrienne didn't want Justin, so what's with the frowny face?  I can't stand fickle bitches and that is exactly what Adrienne is acting like--does she want both Justin and Lucas fighting over her passive aggressive ass?.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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Of course Bo and Steve's plane crashes and they walk away unscathed. 


Been needs to toss Abifail out of a window. 


I don't know why Adrienne was looking stank and Justin and Eve. It's ok for her to move on with Lucas but not for Justin to move on? She's so annoying. 

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Lastly, what is with Adrienne's glaring at Justin and Eve being together?   Adrienne didn't want Justin, so what's with the frowny face?  I can't stand fickle bitches and that is exactly what Adrienne is acting like--does she want both Justin and Lucas fighting over her passive aggressive ass?.

Yes, that's exactly what she wants.

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I could maybe understand Aiden's desperation to save Chase, if they hadn't SORAS him so know he looks like he's college age. A young boy to protect made more sense.

So, so true. Why are they always recasting or SORASing folks before climactic events like weddings?

I get that they wanted to pay homage to the show's roots, but there was no build-up or explanation for it. Suddenly half the ladies are wearing wigs, but no one remarks on it or laughs about it? Odd. And the men aren't entirely in 60s attire. It just looks like a hodge-podge...

But it was cool to see practically the entire cast together for once.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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I'm so over the stall tactics keeping Bo & Steve from Salem. Maybe if the show paced itself better they wouldn't have to write ridiculous plot devices in order for the duo to make a staged appearance at the wedding/bicentennial. Like why does Steve not try calling Kayla??? "Hey Sweetness, I found your brother, baby. I"m bringing him home. Tell Hope."   It would be a lot more effective than Bo calling his mother with dementia!!!  Because of course no one is going to believe her. 

Edited by Peanut6711
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Yes, that's exactly what she wants.


I think you are right because I saw Justin look back at Adrienne as he walked away with Eve and I now realize that Sonny's parents are so emotionally screwed up from their years of infidelity that they don't actually know how to keep each other interested or how to behave in a healthy marriage, so they are resorting to games.  The only problem with that is neither Eve or Lucas are in on their sick, twisted game so they are both going to end up hurt by Justin and Adrienne's heartless actions.

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I think you are right because I saw Justin look back at Adrienne as he walked away with Eve and I now realize that Sonny's parents are so emotionally screwed up from their years of infidelity that they don't actually know how to keep each other interested or how to behave in a healthy marriage, so they are resorting to games.  The only problem with that is neither Eve or Lucas are in on their sick, twisted game so they are both going to end up hurt by Justin and Adrienne's heartless actions.

This is probably Corday's brand of "romance." ;-)

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Well the editing today is certainly sharp. We're breezing through all the major plot lines at record speed. You can tell they're trying to deliver the goods today.

Unfortunately the wardrobe department has really made some bizarre choices. I don't at all understand what Marlena is wearing, let alone whatever it is that Abigail is wearing. Is there supposed to be a vaguely 1960s vibe to everything? Caroline's massive flower wrap thing looks like something from Golden Girls, in the worst way. And apparently, they're turning her into Celeste now, with full-on visions...

Funny how Eve is the only one who looks stunning....

The WIGS are hideous. Oh my god. I can't look away. Is this supposed to be a costume party?!


They're supposed to be in 60s attire for the show's 50th anniversary.


The guys on AfterBuzz were talking about the ... unattractive ... dress Caroline is wearing, and one of their viewers posted that it's the same dress she wore to the Emmys, so I guess it belongs to Peggy McKay personally.


I'm finding it difficult to tell who's who with the wigs.


Damn, Abby actually rubbed two brain cells together.


John to Marlena: "You're my family now."  Now?


What was Roman talking about SD and Belle living in Maine?  I thought they were sailing the seven seas?


Is there a purpose for Andre being there, or is he just there to stand around and smirk?


Poor Caroline.  Nobody will believe Bo called her.

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Given the weirdness that happens in Salem (Marlena was possessed by the devil, for fuck's sake) I really wish that Caroline's clairvoyance was just accepted. The sheer amount of resurrections in this town alone should allow room for belief in convenient super powers.


"My mother thinks she's having visions of Bo... crazy right?"

"... Is it? We've seen weirder in this town, haven't we?"

"That's actually a good point..."


I mean, come on! If I'm expected to swallow the fact that Caroline is having visions can they at least acknowledge in show that this is part of the reality? Otherwise, it just looks kind of lame. If  you have a character experiencing this and no one in town entertains the notion that they're legit visions (except for Steve who's in the dog house anyway) then you're just piling on the 'this is so unrealistic' factor. Have fun with it! Crazy shit happens in this town all the time!

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Given the weirdness that happens in Salem (Marlena was possessed by the devil, for fuck's sake) I really wish that Caroline's clairvoyance was just accepted. The sheer amount of resurrections in this town alone should allow room for belief in convenient super powers.


"My mother thinks she's having visions of Bo... crazy right?"

"... Is it? We've seen weirder in this town, haven't we?"

"That's actually a good point..."


I mean, come on! If I'm expected to swallow the fact that Caroline is having visions can they at least acknowledge in show that this is part of the reality? Otherwise, it just looks kind of lame. If  you have a character experiencing this and no one in town entertains the notion that they're legit visions (except for Steve who's in the dog house anyway) then you're just piling on the 'this is so unrealistic' factor. Have fun with it! Crazy shit happens in this town all the time!

Or at least acknowledge that Caroline's best friend Celeste had visions as well and used them to help those in Salem.  I can understand being shocked that Caroline has visions but like you said with everything that has happened over the decades this isn't that far fetched.


I'm just annoyed that they didn't bring in Celeste for this storyline.  Have her come back from Chicago because she is concerned about Caroline's health and integrate her into that story.  She could be having the visions of Bo with Caroline urging the hunt.  This storyline seems so clunky, you have Caroline now in possession of a "power/ability" that her psychic best friend used to have without bringing said friend up or integrating her into the storyline for the 50th anniversary.

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Given the weirdness that happens in Salem (Marlena was possessed by the devil, for fuck's sake) I really wish that Caroline's clairvoyance was just accepted. The sheer amount of resurrections in this town alone should allow room for belief in convenient super powers.


"My mother thinks she's having visions of Bo... crazy right?"

"... Is it? We've seen weirder in this town, haven't we?"

"That's actually a good point..."


I mean, come on! If I'm expected to swallow the fact that Caroline is having visions can they at least acknowledge in show that this is part of the reality? Otherwise, it just looks kind of lame. If  you have a character experiencing this and no one in town entertains the notion that they're legit visions (except for Steve who's in the dog house anyway) then you're just piling on the 'this is so unrealistic' factor. Have fun with it! Crazy shit happens in this town all the time!


Especially since she also just had an experimental, mysterious drug to alleviate issues in her brain. Oy. 


So I'm getting a kick out of the costumes, although there are some misses for sure. Maggie's frock looked like a clown suit, and Kate's was a bit over the top, and I'm not sure what 60s look Jenn was going for. I'm wondering why Theresa's wig was too Hairspray, but I loved Marlena's and Abigails Valley of th Dolls hairdos. The men's suits were on point, though, and wasnt it funny not to see their hair standing up in some way or another? Dan cleaned up; too bad they weren't doing the 70s, lol. 

Edited by Lastwaltz
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I'm so over the stall tactics keeping Bo & Steve from Salem. Maybe if the show paced itself better they wouldn't have to write ridiculous plot devices in order for the duo to make a staged appearance at the wedding/bicentennial. Like why does Steve not try calling Kayla??? "Hey Sweetness, I found your brother, baby. I"m bringing him home. Tell Hope." It would be a lot more effective than Bo calling his mother with dementia!!! Because of course no one is going to believe her.

This is what gets me. Even if Kayla was so over Steve and his crap that she would not believe him, Steve could put Bo on the phone, but that would make sense. [it would also require the show to acknowledge and play put something it has chosen to ignore -- the fact that Bo and Kayla was always super close. Heck, Bo could be in the worst place emotionally or physically and seeing Kayla would always cause him to light up. They were each other's favorite siblings. Even when Bo was falsely aligned with Victor to help his family, Kayla never believed the worst of Bo even when she saw it with her own eyes.] Why play to both common sense and show cannon when you can call your aged Son Whisperer mother and try to get her to stop the wedding. This Bo and Steve story seems like it has been dragging on since January and I just started my rewatch at the beginning of July.

Speaking of Part 1 -- Kayla, why was Lani invited (does she know anyone other than Rafe?), but Kayla is nowhere to be found. Every other onscreen Brady, former Brady and wannabe Brady was present but her and Joey. She missed Will's funeral to care for Caroline, but Caroline is at the party. Sure.y she has more right and reason to be there than Taniel.

JM looked so nice in his suit. I love me some Stefano. Speaking of Part 2 -- How the hell does, drug dealing, murdering, sexual abusing, framing, attempted murdering, etc. etc., gang lord Victor get to act like he's a model citizen and Stefano is scum? Victor's attack on Stefano's character is akin to Killer A telling Killer B that he is better than him because Killer B shot people, while he, Killer A just stabbed them.

Speaking of Part 3 -- Why did all the women look hideous. If their dresses weren't bad their hair was? Even Kate and Nicole look bad. The only one who looked nice was Eve.

It's about time John did the right thing by Marlena. Now if Steve could learn to do right by Kayla. I have no such hope for Bo and Hope because PR is only back briefly.

Sometime ago, someone on this thread predicted that the murders would be nothing more than yet another Abby prop. Fellow poster, I salute you because that's pretty much all this waste of a storyline is turning out to be.

Edited by Happytobehere
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Well, I'm guessing Abby is going to figure out that Ben is the killer soon.  He is going off the deep end, he is going to reveal himself at this rate.  He actually is playing scary quite well, I keep fearing he is going to hit her or something.  I don't like like guys being abusive or domineering toward woman (obviously).  Damn though, Abby is being so dumb in this moment.  I think she could have avoided a lot of this impending craziness and got herself out of there before it escalated.  


She could have lied that she saw the pictures.  When he got in the shower, she could have left instead of having this conversation about his unstable ass right within earshot of his unstable ass!  It doesn't give him a free pass to be abusive, and I hope he doesn't hurt her.  I just hate seeing a woman being portrayed as being dumb.  Hope she gets herself out of that moment without having to be rescued by a man.


Some outfits were nice at the event, some were hideous.  Actually, the men all looked quite dashing in their suits.  Some of the dresses were nice, but the hair was pretty bad with some characters/actresses.  WTF with Adrienne's matronly wig?  A lot of the actresses have nice hair that could have been styled in a retro manner without a crazy wig.  Why didn't any guys have big hair or hippie hair or sideburns then?


Still think it is odd to plan a wedding the same night and place as a town celebration.  It takes away from both events actually, especially the bi-centennial. And really, in Salem, are we to believe that every person there knows the Hortons/Hope?  Maybe some wanted to come for the celebration party and not the wedding?  I know in my home town, when they had their big 350th celebration, had two people even from a known family decided to have their wedding then and there, some people would have been like "who the hell are these two anyway?"  I'm sure somebody in Salem doesn't know Hope or the Hortons and therefore doesn't give a Sh*t.

Edited by LadyJaney
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The actor playing Ben is pulling off the psychopath role very well. He sincerely has scared the shit out of me during his confrontation with Chad, the flashbacks of the murders, and his argument with Failure.

I concur the men looked so dashing and women were stunning and fun in their looks.

So Bo and Steve survive the plane crash with barely a scratch on them or injury and no shock whatsoever (Rolling my eyes).

Ben has always displayed anger issues, control tendencies, and a dubious past. I'm not going to had wave the "oh Abby would never suspect the man she loved..." Why wouldn't she? Those 3 things I listed make him seem sketchy as fuck. Of course she should have never gotten engaged o him in the 1st place even with the pregnancy.

Neither she or Ben considered investing in blinds or curtains to limit those obnoxious flashing outside neon lights in their apartment? Hell they could thumb tack some fabric over that offensive window. They are both crazy and lazy so I guess that trifling is consistent.

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Seeing all the fun dancing of Aiden & Hope made me sad for them, Aiden was a great addition. 


Ben's doing so well with the crazy and unraveling. 


I laughed at Ben's stalkery photos of Chad on his phone while accusing Abby of being obsessed with him. Yet he has more pictures of Chad on his phone than Abby does. She also looked great with the hair and casual wear today. Then her not dressed for the party but knowing she had to get out of there so saying lets go, while she's still in jeans.


Loved also Andre threatening the town about them getting it when Chad's exonerated. I hope Andre holds up to that, all of them in that room so quick to think Chad's a serial killer and murderer of Will does deserve to side eyed forever.


Theresa's hair was awful and way too high. But did like her and Brady.


Gabi's at Hope's wedding, a Horton event because?? I hate that everyone has forgotten she's a murderer but treats Chad and any Dimera like they're evil.

Edited by Artsda
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Good show today, all of it.  


I liked most of the 60's look, especially the hideous hair.  I've got pictures that prove women - at least in my family - wore that same hairdo Hope had.  And one unfortunate cousin who would have found Theresa's to be too muted.  


Marlena was at her best today, IMO.  She looked great, and the way she choked up when she said, "Will....my Will", got me in the heart.  And although I make fun of Jawn as if it's my assigned job, him showing up for her got me too.


And then, there's Brady.  Yeah, it was nice, I guess, that he spoke up for Theresa.  But does he ALWAYS have to talk trash to any and every woman he's even mildly annoyed with?   When he said "Shut the hell up, Kate", how I wish she'd kneed him in the nuts, if even has any she could find.  Unlike most women in Salem, he didn't faze her one little bit.  Big dumb shit.  Theresa could do better if she developed a passion for Henderson.

And Dr. Dan the Tan Man looked like Eddie Haskell on his way to a juvenile probation appointment.


Did we really need to see Doogie boogying down with his daughter?  That's one booty we do NOT need to see shake it.  Hope needs to put Daddy in a home, a substandard one in Moldova, if possible.  


Okay, so Steve and Bo are not only in northeastern Kansas, they've also gone into another dimension where guys freak out because somebody wants to make a long distance call.  Okay.  I sure hope that guy remembers to vote for Coolidge next year.


Evil of me, I know, but I was so hoping that when Bo called and Caroline answered, she'd just said, "WHO??"


Oh, Ollie is looking pretty durn evul with Abigail, isn't he?  And I know I'm supposed to feel afraid for her, aren't I?  

But for some reason, I'm more afraid for us.......


Did you all notice how less annoying Jenn is when Abigail isn't near?


And what's with Roman and the smiley faces?  Did he forget Will is dead, or is he just happy because his wig stayed on?

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Rob Wilson has finally come into his own. All year I thought (and, said) he was a horrible actor but today he was scary good. That doesn't bode well for him long term but I'm more interested in him as actor now. I agree that Theresa's hair/wig was way too big for her head. I'm not sure what they were going for. Were they trying make her older, richer, glamorous?

Eve (DePavia) looked amazing. Adrieene (Evans) was really showing the girls and they were too low. Hope (Alfonso) looked the best. Nicole (Zucker) looked very Joan from Mad Men. Kate (Koslow) shouldn't be blonde. Marlena (Hall) looked refined. Jen (Reeves) looked great in her white dress but her makeup was too white for her face. Oddly enough, Julie (Seaforth-Hayes) & Maggie (Rogers) from that era in real life and on the show didn't look true to the era. Looking forward to the rest of the week and maybe some flashbacks either this or next week. I'm not holding my breath. I don't see a week of flashbacks fro Corday. It's almost Christmas and he's playing Scrooge.

Edited by ByaNose
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I thought the dress was cut too low and we saw too much of her decolletage in an unflattering way. Felt bad for Deidre. They should have gone the Jackie O route and given her a classy high collar to cover the wrinkling. They should be doing their veteran ladies favors and putting them in their best light.

If Caroline's dress is the actress' own, they still should have found a polite way to get her in something else. I feel like she's going to start to Tango any second...

The telephone guy being so obsessed with his phone was absurd.

I can't believe Bo was first seen starving and near death and passing out, proceeded to get tazed over and over and beaten up and then went through a plane crash and is now somehow stronger than ever. Steve should be dragging his raggedy butt back to Salem. Instead they're practically skipping home. Bo being unable to speak at this point would have upped the drama more than arguments about long distance calls...

Edited by DisneyBoy
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What happened to the chick taking care of Bo? Was he dreaming that? I'm a little confused where Steve & Bo are. Did they crash in the U.S. or in a foreign country? I'm guessing Mayberry due to the random guy with the cell phone. Sooooooooo dumb. It's stuff like this that gives soaps a bad rap. Speaking of bad raps. What the hell is Caroline/Carolyn wearing?

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I meant Marlena's hair and makeup. There were a lot of close ups and she looked pretty.

The phone guy was ridiculous. I don't even think long distance calls are that expensive anymore and many plans its the same per month.

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I did like everyone at the gala... ball... whatever... even if some of those wigs were full on ridonk. I know they're to period but Hope's did not flatter her AT ALL and Theresa looked like and extra from John Waters' 'Hairspray.' Eve, Gabi and Marlena looked gorgeous and I liked nuCiera's (seriously, how do you spell that girl's name? Is it NOT like the mountain range because that's confusing to me) dress a lot. Julie's sleeve poofs were ridiculous but totally to period so I kind of dug them nonetheless. I really loved Jennifer's top and her skirt... just not together. It looked like she got dressed in the dark.


But I really loved that there was a party scene with everyone. I miss those sorts of things on soaps. You just don't see them very often anymore. And, of course, the DiMera's crashing was delightful.


Justin and Eve are ridiculously pretty together. God dammit. I kind of got a kick out of the whole Justin/Eve almost run into Lucas/Adrienne. Justin and Eve are standing there all tall and willowy and Lucas and Adrienne were like the travel sized for your convenience couple. I don't care if it's not fair, it make me laugh.


Steve and Bo... no wonder these two idiots keep getting into such dire straits. They call CAROLINE?! Are you fucking kidding me? Why not call Roman? You know, Bo's BROTHER who is a POLICE COMMISSIONER and can actually call people in authority in Kansas and get those two morons home? No, by all means, call Caroline who Steve knows is going through all sorts of mental shit that has everyone around her worried for her state of mind! Jeezy Creezy these two.

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Jesus, Ben works out too much! Tendons, tendons everywhere...

The music at the gala is much better today. Sets the mood perfectly.

Are they setting Eric up to want Nicole back?

Caroline's "suckers!" was so cute. Wish they were letting Peggy havr more fun like that.

Woah boy...they did an editing mix-up. Hope was already in the wedding dress (if that's what that thing is) on Monday with Aiden looking in on her through the window...but she's only opening up the dress bag now?

Edited by DisneyBoy
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Jesus, Ben works out too much! Tendons, tendons everywhere...

Are they setting Eric up to want Nicole back?

1. Ben's workout routine results are the only reason to like him on screen right now so...NO DON'T STOP WORKING OUT!!!

2. Yes. They've never really let that go at all. They're just showcasing it more and using it for the drinking thing (with Serena's death).

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John's ISA wouldn't it be more logical for Bo and Steve to call him? And 80+ year old who can't keep track of a phone is the last person to call. Why not pick someone younger that you know would stop the wedding and would have their cell phone glued on them at all times and hear and who people don't think is nuts? 


Abby did well trying to defuse Ben, she didn't confront him like spoilers suggested. She tried to be calm and call Marlena instead of cops was a good idea but there's too much crazy there to deal with. 


LOL at Steve's "road trip" and Bo's "I like it much better when Hope's back there." Bo and Steve are the cutest bff couple. lol


Hope really is a saint putting up with Caroline all day on her wedding day, I would have lost patience 12 hours ago.


LOL at Ben's text. "XOXO Abs" does anyone call her that or does she call herself that? Totally bet only Chad would read the text and know Abby didn't send it 

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LOL at Ben's text. "XOXO Abs" does anyone call her that or does she call herself that? Totally bet only Chad would read the text and know Abby didn't send it 

That. They would totally write that for Chabby. Barf.

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Spoilers said that they were going to toast Alice today - did they? I missed parts of the show. And was there any build up to Abe confronting Lani? It seems like a very random scene for such a life-altering revelation...

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Good episode.  LOL'd at Caroline's "suckers".  And thought KM's acting was really good, for like the first time ever.  But then I think I like the chemistry between her and Ben better than her and Chad.  Yeah, I know, poor me. LOL.  Enjoyed the banter between Bo and Steve.



Why didn't we at least get a picture of Tom and Alice during the tribute?  Flashbacks would have been better!

Why is Hope getting changed at home instead of one of the spare rooms at the mansion?  And why is she alone?  Can't she and her maid of honour travel together?


edit to add:

Spoilers said that they were going to toast Alice today - did they? I missed parts of the show. And was there any build up to Abe confronting Lani? It seems like a very random scene for such a life-altering revelation...


Julie, Marlena and Jennifer all had nice comments about Tom & Alice.  But as I mentioned above, no pictures or flashbacks.


And who is Lani's mother?  Someone we know?

Edited by buffynut
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Steve and Bo... no wonder these two idiots keep getting into such dire straits. They call CAROLINE?! Are you fucking kidding me? Why not call Roman? You know, Bo's BROTHER who is a POLICE COMMISSIONER and can actually call people in authority in Kansas and get those two morons home? No, by all means, call Caroline who Steve knows is going through all sorts of mental shit that has everyone around her worried for her state of mind! Jeezy Creezy these two.

They could have had them call Roman and still have had Caroline be the one to answer the phone. Same result, less us screaming WTF?!


I'm on board with Eric wanting Nicole back. They never resolved their near sex experience in the boiler room, and Eric's been emotionally all over the place since then. If it comes down to a wanting-Nicole story vs an alcoholism story, I chose the former. I'm over drunks.


Even Salem physics aren't bendy enough to get Bo to the church on time to re-enact his Bonnie Tyler moment, are they?That makes me unreasonably sad.

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Yes it was strange for Hope to go back to her house to get dressed.  Someone had to do her hair after she took that wig off and for a complicated updo like that, it would have taken at least an hour!


I have no sympathy for Abs because all this time if she thought Chad was innocent then the only logical conclusion is that Ben is guilty.  She's a doofus.


Aiden actually has several options other than killing Hope to protect Chase:

  1. he could tell her the truth and get the police involved
  2. he could secretly leave town with Chase and start over with a new identity
  3. or, if he must commit murder, he could kill Andre and Stefano, at least then he would be considered a hero.


This is like when Gabi killed Nick, except she was young and stupid, so it was more believable than this.

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Did they crash in the U.S. or in a foreign country? I'm guessing Mayberry due to the random guy with the cell phone. Sooooooooo dumb. It's stuff like this that gives soaps a bad rap.



Steve said they were in Kansas.


Woah boy...they did an editing mix-up. Hope was already in the wedding dress (if that's what that thing is) on Monday with Aiden looking in on her through the window...but she's only opening up the dress bag now?


She was only trying on the gown earlier while Aiden was spying through the window, the gala was scheduled before the wedding.



LOL at Ben's text. "XOXO Abs" does anyone call her that or does she call herself that? Totally bet only Chad would read the text and know Abby didn't send it 


JJ calls her Abs.

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