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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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 Abigail does not seem stuck between two loves.  It does not seem like she loves Ben at all.  I can't even figure out why she stays with him.   There is no reason that she could not be with Chad.  


Right, tribeca -- she looked positively sick and worried about her choices by the end of the episode. She should know that one can have a biological child with someone and not tie yourself up to him for the rest of your life - especially if he's showing signs of being an unhinged, possessive partner. 

  • Love 5

I guess my problems with this storylines are

 Abigail does not seem stuck between two loves.  It does not seem like she loves Ben at all.  I can't even figure out why she stays with him.   There is no reason that she could not be with Chad.  


I'm supposed to believe that Abifail loves Chad but KM has done nothing to show me that. If Chad weren't degrading himself and begging her for another chance would she be interested in him? He is currently single after all so it's not like she would get the thrill of humping a taken man. 

  • Love 5

I don't mind that Abigail doesn't appear to love Ben. I think she's staying with him because she thinks she's carrying his baby. Sure, you don't have to stick with the guy who knocked you up, but she thinks she's doing the "right" thing, and until she found out about the app, Ben didn't seem so bad. But, it really seems like she's settling. People do it all the time, and they even convince themselves that they love the person they're settling for. I think that's where they're going with this, but the writing is off. We can put some of the blame on KM, I guess, but there's no indication from the writing that she feels conflicted at all. They've done a decent job at establishing her feelings about Chad, but they've done nothing with regards to how she actually feels about Ben. In other words, I'm making a lot of assumptions about settling, but it makes sense to me.

  • Love 6

Today was a rather uninteresting day storyline-wise and the only thing that really stood out to me is that KM/Abby-looking rather unattractive while wearing a weird blouse --was on yet again and we even got to see Chad gazing wistfully at yet another weird-looking photo of dear sweet loyal Abs :)


I also really can't stand Paul and his "Did you know I used to play baseball?" schtick.  He is almost as useless and boring as Abby and that says a lot :)

  • Love 7

I totally disagree. Lauren should be allowed to work as long as the storyline calls for it. So what if she's going to age next week? We all KNOW it's make believe...and it's not as if we're all going to be surprised and/or confused. Keep up the good work, Lauren!

Don't get me wrong, I find Lauren to be a joy to watch and a better actress than quite a few of the adult actors. It's just going to be that much more jarring to me personally when the recast turns up, especially if she is as, let's say green as most of the teen actors on this show. The recast has some big shoes to fill, so to speak, and juxtaposing her work so closely to Lauren's is probably not going to do her (the recast) any favors in my book. Clearly this is all highly subjective, and YMMV. Regardless, Lauren's clearly talented enough to go far in show biz and I wish her the best.

  • Love 4

Speaking of Sparkle, Christopher Sean did a periscope interview earlier while waiting for his flight to Hawaii for H50 and mentioned he filmed for Days yesterday. He also slipped up and said that he worked recently with Joseph Mascolo who plays Stefano..I smell a paternity change coming into the future. I think John and Paul will bond as father and son, only to find out that he is a Dimera via Andre or Peter....


Why is Abigail always on? can we get a break from her? I really don't understand why she cannot be with Chad, if that is what she wants...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4

They've done a decent job at establishing her feelings about Chad, but they've done nothing with regards to how she actually feels about Ben. In other words, I'm making a lot of assumptions about settling, but it makes sense to me.



yes, even Will thought she wanted Chad to be the daddy.  Abby could have broken up with Ben anytime before she was pregnant.  She could still break up with Ben which would actually be more fair to both Ben & Abigail.

   At the one time I thought she was staying away from Chad because of her family and his family.  I guess I just don't find this love triangle that believable even for a soap.

  • Love 6

LOL at Joey's line to Kayla about Steve still thinking she was hot even if she had big hair. Was disappointed we didn't get a flashback, just a framed wedding photo. I sat through the John/Marlena flashback snooze fest. I feel cheated. 


So Hope and Aiden's big wedding date is set for the anniversary day...hum. I guess we can expect a big "showdown" as that all comes to a head along with the killer reveal and the bicentennial....Can Days get all that in in one hour?  Seems like they should get a 2 hr. show for the 50th.


Lingering questions over this week's shows:

Did I miss Abifail finding out that Paige is dead?  It's entirely possible because I rarely pay attention when she's on. But even the scenes I saw she didn't seem upset or go comfort JJ. Guess she was too busy lying to Ben's face about never contacting Chad again. 


Do JJ & Jennifer realize that turning on music won't do much good if you talk above a whisper? Seriously, if the house is bugged, their conversations have been loud enough to be audible.  Maybe next time they should try some heavy metal music and a lower voice. Or talk in the bathroom with water running--is the toilet bugged? (Probably. Clyde doesn't seem like the type to be bothered over hearing bathroom noises.)  So they could simply go outside and talk???


Why did JJ not tell Roman about Clyde? After Clyde left he had the opportunity?  He went to all that trouble to disguise himself in a hoodie look like A from Pretty Little Liars and get to the police station after all. 


Question: so many people seem to dislike Clyde bc of what he done to Jordan, so my question is why don't these same people dislike Ej and Jennifes husband (forgot his name grr) they both rapped people and they actually rapped people that we care about on screen not some random girl who had a short story line

I went on hiatus for Days during the Jordan/Clyde reveal so I missed that.  Even without that indiscretion I still find Clyde a creepy redneck.   I still to this day can't get on board with Jack's character. I saw the original airing of him raping Kayla. It was so violent. She kept screaming "no."  There's not enough mind bleach to make me accept redemption of his character. Mathew Ashford is a good actor, but I can't get on board with him as a good guy.   As for EJ, I've never disliked him. Maybe it's the British accent (that I'm a sucker for) and his good looks, but honestly EJ has always been portrayed as a self admitted bad guy so it wasn't that much of a stretch for his character. Plus, I also saw that scene's original airing and it was much easier to get past than Jack's rape of Kayla, which was so disturbing graphic and gutting. The EJ/Sami thing was filmed as a cutaway so it was much more implied than shown, and it was more coheresd than violent. Not saying rape is ever right, but the show has definitely gone different routes at presenting it. 


Why are Kayla and Steve picking out Joey's classes for him? He can't do it for himself?

I was confused on that too. They even picked what period he had each class. I thought maybe he was doing cyber school for a moment. Was the school's guidance office on strike or something? I didn't pick my own schedule till college.


Yet again another HIPAA violation - Kayla talking about a patient in front of Steve.


That scene reminded me of the memes circulating social media regarding that crazy KY marriage clerk. I want to see one now for Kayla that says:

Dr. Kayla Johnson:

Doesn't believe in evil....but still does her job treating Stefano Dimera. 

  • Love 2

Why doesn't Stefano have a bodyguard on his door?

I think the show has slipped/the writers have forgotten these things. I remember the good old Days when Stef and Victor didn't leave the house without their henchmen...I mean bodyguards. ;-)  Now it's only hillbilly Clyde that has one. What's up with that?

  • Love 1


Did I miss Abifail finding out that Paige is dead?  It's entirely possible because I rarely pay attention when she's on. But even the scenes I saw she didn't seem upset or go comfort JJ. Guess she was too busy lying to Ben's face about never contacting Chad again.


Considering she's propping Chad as not being a killer, she MUST know, but since it isn't about her, she doesn't care.

  • Love 8

Man, after today's episode, the Ben/Abby relationship went from annoying to massively weird and all kinds of twisted.  Was I the only one shouting at Ben "Tell her you know she cheated" the entire time Abby got to act like the wounded victim when she discovered the stalking app?  Yes, it was wrong of Ben to put that on her phone but for Abby to stand there in wide eyed shock when she knows she's already cheated on him made me sick.  Maybe if KM had put in an ounce of self-awareness that perhaps there's a reason Ben's so mistrusting would actually be kind of awesome.


I get that Eve's in pain over Paige's death but to blame it on JJ is ridiculous.  I'm ready for Eve to find another person in Salem to interact with besides the Hortons.


I kind of like Rafe's realizing that Chad's being framed and that he is trying to help where he can--kind of cool.


If it turns out that Paige was killed by Clyde, at Clyde's behest, or that Clyde is the serial killer, then it's Eve's fault because she's the one that told Kyle that JJ was undercover. What the heck did she think would happen?  That they'd just kill JJ and no one else would be in danger?  I love KDP and I loved Blair but, IMHO,  DOL is making Eve pretty much irredeemable.

  • Love 2

I can't believe Abigail is buying Ben's excuse for putting that app on her phone.


Little Chase is still on the show, too.


Abigail knows Stefano's medical history because she works in a hospital.  Uh, she's in Public Relations.  I don't think they get access to patient records.


Uh, Kayla, it wasn't Aiden "drilling" Stefano, it was Rafe.


Paul never bothered to find out who his grandparents are?


The Steve and Joey scene was really nice.


"You are just like a little Julie."  Ain't that the truth?

  • Love 3
Well, Clyde didn't physically kill EJ, one of Stefano's minions did, but the minion was secretly working for Clyde, and Clyde was there watching it happen.



What...? I thought the thug was only working for Clyde. Why would Stefano keep a thug around that would betray him? I'm sorry - why would the SHOW suggest a thug would cross Stefano? That seems off-brand. Stefano is the king of evol, right? I might have missed a detail back when this aired, but it seems highly unlikely to me that the show would have one of Stefano's men secretly work for Clyde and then openly execute EJ in public, knowing it might be possible for boss man Stefano to find out.


I remain convinced he was working only for Clyde.


And I really enjoyed MR and James Read today.   Beyond tired as I am with Clyde, we got to see two very good actors, doing a good job of sending a slow creep down our spines.  Or at least I did.  Maybe the new regime can rescue Jenn from the bog of despair they've put her in since Tanny the Dan man and Abigail sucked all the humanity out of her.



This scene was good, though I found myself wondering how/why Jenn didn't immediately suggest they "go out for coffee!" and have their talk in public, where he'd be less likely to kill her instead of inviting him into their house so he could touch all her belongings and be creepy while she gaped passively. Come on Jenn! Survival instinct!?


I think Jenn would be fine as a supporting character in Hope and JJ's lives, but I don't want her to be on the front burner. I need more time, thank you.


...speaking of Jenn, has she processed any grief at all for having KEPT the secret of JJ and Eve's affair, thereby hurting Paige in the last months of her life? No? Yup, you can take a backseat lady.


I'm not caring for the Return of Rafe. He's dull. Hope makes him slightly more interesting in a co-worker way, but I have no interest at all in them as a couple and dread that coming to pass. Rafe will always be Louis from Passions to me. Or whatever his character name was. And the less said about that mess of a show the better.


91 episodes of filth and boredom. All she does is have weird alien sex, cheat on her fiance, and lust after Dimiera men.



Woah woah woah - you're actually making her sound interesting there! You take that back!


Patch is insufferable; would he rather she not be professional and just let the man die?  He has such a snotty holier than thou character.



Yeah, I'm not seeing his appeal here. I know some of you love him, but the writers are sticking him with idiotic immature behaviour. What kind of mature apologetic man stalks around his wife's workplace just to demands to talk to her? And the writers haven't been any kinder to Kayla either...her interjections today about how Steve ran out on her/used to love her when they were clearly talking about Bo and Hope felt very forced and overdramatic and immature. I know you are all happy to see this couple back on the show, but I'm unimpressed. Kayla hasn't been coming across well to me. Her telling their son that she thinks his Dad may have come back for the right reasons but shhh! don't tell him I said that is crazy unhealthy. Feuding parents channeling emotions through their only child is abusive and stupid...a doctor should know that!


I wanted Rafe to walk into Steffi's hospital room with latex gloves on and a scalpel in his hands. Looking like he intended to cut his junk off. After all, turn about is fair play. (But I wouldn't wish looking at Stefano's junk on anyone!)



Oh wow - I TOTALLY forgot about that! Thanks for the reminder - we definitely need a "So dude, thought you could cut off my junk, eh?" scene between these two.


Frankly, I rather liked Rafe with Kate. He's boring, but she seemed happy with him. And it messed with Sami which is a bonus, right?


But Abigail, my, what a deceiful little liar she is.  Ben tells her he put a tracking app on her phone, the guy SPELLS IT OUT, and Abigail, trying to buy time because he's laid bare all of her lies, instead starts playing Melanie Wilkes with - "Ben, I'm having a really hard time understanding this. Are you saying you've been secretly tracking me?"  Well, yeah, shit-for-brains,that's EXACTLY WHAT HE SAID.   And then, instead of confronting the real issue in the room, her screwing Chad and then chasing him almost as hard as she mounted EJ, turns it on Ben. "Who ARE you?  You SCARE me!  I LOVE you".  And when it looks like he might just keep pressing the point home, she pulls out "This can't be good for the baby".  Girl, the only thing that isn't good for the baby is having a lying ass like you for a mother.



I'm doing one of those Jesus!Jesus! moves with my hands to the sky right now. PREACH IT!


I give credit to Joe Masculo for doing the work, because I don' think the man is well.  He's tired, but he puts his best out there, even if that is diminished from his glory days.  I really appreciate our older performers who keep doing this when they could have long ago said to hell with it.



He is a trooper and like others have said deserves better material and better scene partners. His relationship with Chad hasn't been keeping my interest much and I wish they'd have done a better job of bonding them as relatives instead of the constant game playing...


I must say, Steve, Chad and Rafe all looied great in their leather jackets today. Steve always does but it was nice to see Chad with a bit of scruff and the leather.



I hate how this show insists all badass! men wear the same darn black leather jacket. Lame. A cool guy looks good in anything. Aiden for example looks awesome in all his suits. And clearly the badass! men also turn out to be dolts, as Kayla/Hope/Marlena are now finally realizing...


I so hate this "twist" with him and Stefano. Really now? Stop throwing interesting characters under the bus, show. You need the fresh blood...


Why doesn't Stefano have a bodyguard on his door?



Chad hasn't called one? I'm sorry, I'm stretching here...


He also slipped up and said that he worked recently with Joseph Mascolo who plays Stefano..I smell a paternity change coming into the future. I think John and Paul will bond as father and son, only to find out that he is a Dimera via Andre or Peter....



Interesting but definitely spoiler material. To the Spoiler Thread with you!

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 2

If it turns out that Paige was killed by Clyde, at Clyde's behest, or that Clyde is the serial killer, then it's Eve's fault because she's the one that told Kyle that JJ was undercover. 

If it turns out Clyde is the serial killer I'm going to throw my hands up in the air over these new writers for not coming up with anything more original or less obvious.  If Chad looks guilty to the cops, Clyde looks guilty to the viewers. 

  • Love 2

They may have changed out some of the writers, but this is still the show that expected me to believe that Sami Brady, Kate Roberts, Lucas, and Sonny Kiriakis wouldn't be able to handle Nick Fallon, and that Kate and Sami would need help covering up a crime. 


What a waste of James Read.  Clyde could have been a long term interesting bad guy.


Why bring Eve back for this?


Why bring Aiden to the canvas just to trash his character to prop another character?


Oh right, that is Days and several other soaps MO.  Forget history, character continuity, and bringing on new interesting characters.  When all else fails, continue doing the same thing over and over again.


While bringing back some of the vets, changing the direction of some SLs, and giving more layers to certain characters is a good thing, there are still a lot of other problems that need to be fixed on the show.

  • Love 5


I still to this day can't get on board with Jack's character. I saw the original airing of him raping Kayla. It was so violent. She kept screaming "no."  There's not enough mind bleach to make me accept redemption of his character. Mathew Ashford is a good actor, but I can't get on board with him as a good guy...

 MA is really good. I saw the original airing of Kayla's rape and years later, I managed to convince myself that MA wasn't playing Jack at the time. I hate the show having Kayla practically making herself the villain in an effort to absolve Jack of his sins in his kids' eyes. That was just beyond ridiculous.

  • Love 4

Things that displeased me on today's show:

1) What was the point of those John flashbacks? Are they setting us up for the non-reveal that ole Johnny Black really is Forest Alamain after all. He would still be Tony's half-brother in this scenario, thereby continuing the Stefano link. Also dear show, what are the odds that the detective who investigated Forest's drowning would be alive now.

2) Dear show, a lack of continuity fromTuesday to Wednesday is not a good sign. Remember yesterday when Stefano was allowed visitors and Kayla wasn't his doctor. Today, no visitors are allowed and Kayla is his doctor. Make up your minds.

3) Why is Kayla already softening towards Steve? I am as big a Steve and Kayla fan as the next person, but he needs to grovel and earn back Kayla's love and trust. Yes I know Kayla never was able to stay mad at Steve, but come on.

4) More of Pennywise, Boob and Chad. Only one should be on the screen for back-to-back episodes. Guess which one.

Things I liked about the show:

1) JM as Stefano continuing to give his all. Hopefully a good storyline will be created to transition him fro the show.

2) Victor visiting Stefano -- Grumpy Old Men, The Gangster Chronicles.

3) Little Ciara continues to be a delight. To bad she is being recast.

4) Joey's scenes with his parents. It's good to see him in non-petulant mode. He realized on his own he was right about his Aunt Hope and wondered how she would treat him for his verbal abuse.

5) Hope asking Kayla if the letter fromBo would stop Steve from his Bo-Quest and her replying in the negative.

6) Marlena being in scenes that help remind me of why I originally loved her. Therapist and support system work on her.

  • Love 7

Abby is being a dumbass like always. She agreed to an engagement with Ben because she thinks he's the father of her baby. But has doubts on him as a bf, what makes idiot think he'll be a decent husband or father then? Of course given every single relationship decision she's ever made being engaged or married isn't going to hold back her romantic options or sex life with others. Who cares about what's best for HIM or HER BABY?

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 7

Today was a good episode, not spectacular, but pretty good for a placeholder episode.


My favorite scenes were all of the ones with Steve - with Joey, Hope, Kayla, John.  Steve finally saw why Hope had emotionally moved away from Bo, and he both saw and admitted that he had a clearer idea of what his leaving did to Kayla.  I think MBE is doing such a superb job, just wonderful.  You can see in her eyes the pain, maybe old, but still sharp enough to hurt, about Steve's abandonment.  And I can write my own backstory as to why that feeling of betrayal and being tosssed aside has kept her from seeing other men, and instead concentrate on her job and family.  
And Steve apologizing to Hope, all of it made me doubly glad that Steve is back.

And his conversation with John is pointing us to Bo's return.


Joey was better today, too.  His moving beyond his world of hurt, making nice with his parents and feeling bad enough about his behavior to Hope to talk to both his parents about it made me feel better about the character.  He's not striking me the way Casey Moss did so quicklyon hiis introduction, but that's okay.  The guy may have some talent.  At least he's not just a sulky face.


I know Abigail was hopping around town but I blanked her out completely.  As much as I like Billy Flynn, I can't see investing in this storyline much since she's supposed to be so great.


But to hell with all that - we've got some actual good actors, front and center right now, so who am I to complain?

(Just wait until tomorrow and I'm sure I'll have something to bitch about! )

  • Love 11

MA is really good. I saw the original airing of Kayla's rape and years later, I managed to convince myself that MA wasn't playing Jack at the time. I hate the show having Kayla practically making herself the villain in an effort to absolve Jack of his sins in his kids' eyes. That was just beyond ridiculous.

I didn't see it that way at all. That OOC crap with Kayla and JJ wasn't to absolve Jack of a damn thing. It was all about he wonderfulness of St. Dan. And how very DARE JJ ( or anyone) love Jack? Edited by Jewlmc
  • Love 4

Loved the scenes with Joey, Steve, and Kayla today. After talking separately to his parents, Joey is going to the right thing and apologize to Hope. I see Joey's issue of being more about the situation between Steve and Kayla than a issue with Hope and Aiden. The problem is that the two situations are very similar. Give the kid a break. On the bright side, he is coming around quicker than most. I especially loved the "dad was hot for you even though you had big hair" comment. Too cute!

Why doesn't the Dimera Plaything just dump Ben and shack up with Chad? She's doing everything possible to be in Chad's life and doesn't seem to care about Ben's feelings at all. I will give her credit for urging Chad not to leave town and try to seek Marlena's help with hypnosis. This Ben/Abby/Chad thing is really irritating! Just put her with Chad and let Ben be the killer or a victim already!

  • Love 7

I loved all the scenes with Steve, Kayla & Joey - Joey is good with both of his parents (am still hoping we'll see Stephanie again at some point) - I'm not surprised that Kayla's softening towards Steve (who could ever stay mad at him?) but I still hope she makes him grovel to get her back.


The reenactment of the proposal between Aidan & Hope was weird & could have done without it - I know they wanted a cute way to tell the kids but it still annoyed me.


And is anyone surprised that Abifail couldn't keep her promise that she'd stay at the apt all day?    I'll bet Ken Doll is wishing he'd not taken the app off her phone.   I did like her talking Chad down from leaving but still hate that she's the one to do it.

  • Love 5

And is anyone surprised that Abifail couldn't keep her promise that she'd stay at the apt all day?    I'll bet Ken Doll is wishing he'd not taken the app off her phone.   I did like her talking Chad down from leaving but still hate that she's the one to do it.


I still can't figure out if The Show wants us to like her or not.  She makes a promise to her fiance and breaks it, what, 20 minutes later.  And it's not like she had to go see Chad to stop him from leaving, because she didn't know he was planning to leave.  She was just hurt because he didn't answer her text 2 seconds after she sent it.  And then she just marches into the Dimera house like she belongs there.   How'd she even know he was there!


So many of the other characters that were written badly by the old writers are getting better scenes now, but they keep writing Abigail the same.   Instead of breaking her promise and "searching Chad out", why couldn't they at least have "run into" each other at the Horton Square and him admit he was planning to leave Salem, and have their "chat" there.


Too bad that baby wasn't Chad's, as she'd now be in Europe! </sarcasm>

  • Love 7

Abby is technically engaged to Ben but emotionally tied to Chad. So looking at it that way, her loyalty to Chad and his impossible situation will trump Ben's possessive jealousy every time. I don't get how she can be in the same room with Ben these days after seeing his desperation and duplicity. I'm loving this oppressed love story mostly because of Billy Flynn but also because -as I've said a few times, sorry -- it reminds me of Jack and Jennifer. And I like that echo. 


I enjoyed the John Black flashbacks -- it reminded me of how handsome I found Drake originally and he showed more ability in those foggy flashback scenes than I've seen from the actor in a long time. 


Joey! So glad they started to flesh him out a little. The kid has gorgeous eyes, doesn't he? I hope they have him interact with JJ soon -- they have a lot in common. 


Also loved that last scene with Victor glowering at Stefano, when I'm pretty sure they'll join forces to bring Clyde down eventually. 

  • Love 7


And then she just marches into the Dimera house like she belongs there.   How'd she even know he was there!

The same way everyone else always shows up at someones house and they're always there do. Despite it being in the middle of a working day, Jenn, Victor, Maggie, etc.. are always home when someone stops by.


As for marching in, everyone does. Harold even lets Rafe in of all people come in as much as he wants and unannounced. Abby would have free reign to come in if Rafe does. 

Edited by Artsda

As for marching in, everyone does. Harold even lets Rafe in of all people come in as much as he wants and unannounced. Abby would have free reign to come in if Rafe does. 


At least Rafe is in law enforcement and can claim he's there on police business, even if he's lying. Abifail is just some thing that lusts after Stefano's sons. 

  • Love 6

At least Rafe is in law enforcement and can claim he's there on police business, even if he's lying. Abifail is just some thing that lusts after Stefano's sons. 

And unless he has a warrant, he and the cops are the last people on earth Stefano should be letting walk freely around and in the house. Yet Harold does it and nobody says otherwise. 

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 1

Also loving the Kayla/Hope/Steve/Joey scenes.  I'm also intrigued by John's ever changing back story and the search for his true identity.  Normally I don't care one way or the other about John but am a sucker for a decent quest story.  I like that it's part of the umbrella story that will include so many other characters.  Given how isolated almost everyone was before, it's pretty amazing how quickly the cast became integrated again.  There's still more to do, but it's come a long way in a very short amount of time.


I liked the proposal scene with Hope and Aiden with the kids watching, but still hate what they're doing with Aiden.


I can't work up much sympathy for the mannequin.  Abigail lies like a rug, so he should know she's not going to keep any promise she makes, especially one he nagged her into making.  She can't be trusted to do anything, especially when it comes to things like staying away from Chad or actually doing her job.   And just when I think KM can't get any worse, she does!  Billy Flynn was giving it his all, his voice breaking and his eyes welling with tears as he explained that everything pointed to him as the murderer, and she just stood there, blank faced and mouth hanging open, saying her line without any emotion at all.  Gah!  She's horrible!

  • Love 9

I can't work up much sympathy for the mannequin.  Abigail lies like a rug, so he should know she's not going to keep any promise she makes, especially one he nagged her into making.  She can't be trusted to do anything, especially when it comes to things like staying away from Chad or actually doing her job.   And just when I think KM can't get any worse, she does!  Billy Flynn was giving it his all, his voice breaking and his eyes welling with tears as he explained that everything pointed to him as the murderer, and she just stood there, blank faced and mouth hanging open, saying her line without any emotion at all.  Gah!  She's horrible!


THIS!!   And KM's Abby is on yet again today and I just can't deal with the non-acting especially when we can see BF's Chad playing his angst for all it's worth.  I did kind of love it when Abby hung up on Marlena--Mar didn't even look pissed just confused.


I like seeing Kayla and Hope have such a lovely and emotional conversation and of course they'll always be sisters :)

  • Love 9

So Aiden plans on paying Stefano with money he's stealing from Stefano? And Aiden just walks into the house with keys and none of the staff notices or says a thing. Stefano should have guards all over.


If someone is following Chad I doubt it's the cops. Or Rafe would have known he was in the hospital. Then Rafe of all people asking Marlena if she'll be prejudiced against Chad is hilarious.


Gabi's return comes at a pretty bad time. Rafe is so after this killer, because murderer's of Serena and Paige are bad and evil people, but Gabi's going to be let free to walk around months after murdering a Horton?  

  • Love 2

If the writers wanted Gabi to kill Nick they should have just let him stay dead after she hit him in the park. Then it would've been 100% self defense and the Hortons couldn't get mad at Gabi for killing their precious Nick that they ignored and let run amok. 


What was the purpose of Victor coming to see Stefano? He couldn't have possibly thought Stefano would listen to anything he had to say about Chad.


The Dimeria mansion is a joke. Kate and Sami should have burned it down. 


Abifail is only being loyal to Chad because she wants him. If she were really into Ben I'm sure she would've told Chad to kick rocks. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 4

Gabi's release is of course ridiculous (although common in soaps), but I'm not sure she's in quite the same league as an active, anonymous serial killer.

She did shoot him 3 times in cold blood, even once in the back and for weeks let the cops going after a lot of innocent people until she confessed because Will was going to jail. 

  • Love 1

Abigail, Abigail, Abigail. You're supposed to be someone we like? Someone we admire? In what universe?


She needs to be honest and just break up with Ben. She makes him promises she has no intention of keeping. She says they should start over and build trust between them and then immediately breaks it because there's something she considers more important. She says she loves Ben, but not one action she has ever taken has backed up those words. How is it that this "rootable" "heroine" makes me sympathetic to possessive, jealous, controlling stalker Ben? And her reaction when Will asked her about Paige today was heinous. She is more concerned about Chad than she is about the emotions of her own brother, who, if she gave a moment's thought to anyone but herself she would KNOW is completely devastated right now. She should be at his side, or at least have been shown mouthing words that indicate she gives a shit.


Even if KM could act (I think she shows glimmers of ability, but whenever I think that she then has an awful scene that reminds me overall she is a weak link), the character is just beyond redemption. We're supposed to care if she gets with Chad? We're supposed to want them to be together? I LIKE Chad. Why would I want him with someone so disloyal, untrustworthy, and just plain screwed up? She's going to get him and transform into a completely different character, right? Hmph.



So Aiden plans on paying Stefano with money he's stealing from Stefano?


I thought he was stealing money from Stefano to pay the thug guy in the park who broke Aiden's finger? Stefano implied there are gambling debts, so I thought that the debts were to the thug guy.


I thought the reenactment of the engagement with Aiden and Hope was weird. However, the emphasis on Chase filming it made me think maybe Aiden wanted to do it to have a video to prove they are engaged? Or something? If not it was just hokey IMO.


I hate that they have Hope glowing and looking more and more radiant just as she is increasingly being played for a fool. Is it too much to hope that Aiden actually does love her, that in the process of enacting this scam for Stefano that he developed real feelings for Hope?


I am loving this thing going on between Kayla and Steve. MBE is killing it, IMO.

  • Love 7

If the writers wanted Gabi to kill Nick they should have just let him stay dead after she hit him in the park. Then it would've been 100% self defense and the Hortons couldn't get mad at Gabi for killing their precious Nick that they ignored and let run amok. 


What was the purpose of Victor coming to see Stefano? He couldn't have possibly thought Stefano would listen to anything he had to say about Chad.


The Dimeria mansion is a joke. Kate and Sami should have burned it down. 


Abifail is only being loyal to Chad because she wants him. If she were really into Ben I'm sure she would've told Chad to kick rocks. 

But after she get 

Chad she will not want him either.  Just like before when she left him on a hospital bed after being shot.  She would be searching for an even bigger dick because that is all she cares about.

Edited by bobcat1946
  • Love 2

And her reaction when Will asked her about Paige today was heinous. She is more concerned about Chad than she is about the emotions of her own brother, who, if she gave a moment's thought to anyone but herself she would KNOW is completely devastated right now. She should be at his side, or at least have been shown mouthing words that indicate she gives a shit.


I'm baffled as to why JJ and Jen always defend her when she's never shown them any genuine support for longer than 2.5 seconds. 

  • Love 4

"Should I adjust your blankie for you?"  Go, Victor!


"I think Abigail is smart enough to do the right thing."  Based on what past history? And how rude of Abigail to hang up on Marlena without explanation.


Wait, what?  Caroline is living in Victor's mansion?  When did that happen?


Why would Kayla say that she loathes Steve?  Mad at him, yes, but loathe him?


It was kind of weird that they released Gabi with no workup to it.

  • Love 4

I have finally accepted that I must ff through all scenes with Pennywise. I think I could actually like Chad when he is not in the hell mouth aura of Pennywise. Heck, I can even tolerate Boob when he is out of her orbit. She just ruins every scene she is in with her great thespian skills.

When Marlena said Pennywise was smart, I wondered if the show was setting up a senility storyline for her because that's the only way that statement makes sense.

I loved Victor and Stefano together. The scene really served no point other than to acknowledge their standing as the uber villains on the show as we prepare to move on. Too bad there is no suitably villainous but semi-likable character to fill their shoes. Still say KDP's Eve could fill this role.

I loved the Kayla and Hope scenes. They have always been such good friends. We need more of that than what we usually get -- You were my bestie and in-law but with the divorce, I will never be seen interacting with you again (Marlena) or -- You were my brother for years and we wer super close, but if people watching didn't know that history, they would have no idea we even know one another (John). So seeing them together and having an honest talk about Hope's remarriage, her needing closure with Bo and Kayla's conflicted feelings about Steve (made even more relevant because Hope was the first person to support their coupling), was both refreshing and needed.

I also loved the Steve and Kayla scenes. Their chemistry and connection is so easy. When Steve asked if Kayla wanted him to come back and she said no and he told her he didn't believe her, was so them. FYI Kayla, you have a tell when it comes to Steve. No matter who you are talking to about him, and you decide you are through with Steve, your voice gets a little bit higher.

I don't know where this story with Aiden is going, but since we know it will drag out at least through the bicentennial, I guess I have to suck it up because the end is nowhere near.

I really don't like this incarnation of Will. The other versions had a believable grandma/grandson relationship with her. I always loved her scenes with Mophead Will (whatever happened to him?) and CM Will (it was believable that Marlena was his grandma). There is nothing about him that convincingly portrays actual feelings for another being. Perhaps that is why he and Pennywise relate to one another so well.

The let's build a world around Rafe in yet another attempt to make him someone people actually care about continues. First, his angst over Hope and Aiden and then the return of his sister. I'm already bored, let's move on. I say show chucks Pennywise if they plan on subjecting us to Rafe.

Edited by Happytobehere
  • Love 2

Aiden is clearly desperate and crummy, but he does seem to truly love Hope and Ciara.  I hate what they're doing to him, and to Hope.  She's going to feel so stupid and guilty.


There better be a good explanation for Steve's last exit.  Letting Kayla think it's because he thought her and the kids were boring, and that he'd rather be off on capers with other women, is pretty low.  I wonder if Kayla will end up helping him track down Bo?  A good ol' 80s style rescue adventure would be so awesome.


As usual, there was way too much Abigail.  Why doesn't she just tell Ben she doesn't want to be with him?  Is it really easier for her to lie to him and to manipulate him with kisses and sex than to tell him the truth?  What a whack job!



I'm baffled as to why JJ and Jen always defend her when she's never shown them any genuine support for longer than 2.5 seconds. 


Even that is being generous. 


KM's deadpan, "Oh yeah, that was pretty horrible, gotta go!," when Will asked about Paige's grisly murder was just ... there are no words.  She is the worst.

  • Love 6
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