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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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But he hasn't seen him yet, right? Until Sonny, Justin, Adrienne, or Victor see Xander and fail to respond to him as if he's Alex, I don't know that the show needs to "retcon" Xander into Alex.

I agree..The show has been mentioning his name alot and we all know what that means on a soap...lol As the world turns was the exception to that rule  .Douglas Marland was very good at keeping the audience connected to characters who were no longer on the show, he always had somebody mention them in passing in an organic way....Characters would come back for Holidays, funerals and weddings just like in real life...There was always a sense of community and continuity in Oakdale..I wish we had a Douglas Marland for Days of our lives....He was one of the best.....As the world turns was never the same after he died..He truly loved the Soap genre and it's audience....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 4

Ewwww! I laughed and barfed at Sneasel's idea of being sexy. The posing in the doorway made me LOL. And then the handy stuff all over Sonny...no wonder Sonny wanted out of there. It was skeeving me out,he just kept pawing at him. Those faces!

Can't wait until Paige finds out who JJ was really doing, hope it doesn't take as long as the stupid elephant story has.

Let's get this Serena s/l wrapped up!

I don't think Will was trying to be sexy or anything by leaning on the door....Sonny is upset with him, it is natural that he does not want Will touching him.. Will betrayed him in the worst way...

  • Love 3

I want someone to beat Daniel with a bag full of elephants.  Repeatedly.  I want those elephants to knock him unconscious, and then I want to have him dipped in a dipilatory and strapped to the fountain in Horton Square wearing only his underoos.  Or Depends.  Whichever.  Whatever.  And just let the whole town laugh.  What a ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS!

He was questioning JJ with that breathy - stop-and-start, dontcha LUV me stare, (which is damn creepy on its own) about why JJ didn't want his coat.  Why, was it supposed to be like a promise ring between the two of them?  JJ is an adult and if he says he doesn't want to talk about it, why the hell can't that dickhead just leave him alone?  It's bad enough that his mother and sister have absolutely NO respect for his privacy, but for this obnoxious self-congratulatory bag of hot air who is NOT his father to stick his nose into his business is just intolerable.  

Jack died when an elevator collapsed.  If only the same thing could happen to Daniel when he collapes under the weignt of that massive - and undeserved - ego.


It was bad enough watching Jenn with JJ today.  I swear to God JJ must be humming "Me and My Shadow", because she will NOT leave him alone.  I was expecting her to slip him the tongue when she said goodbye to him at school.  And JJ, I love the guy, but it's past time for him to grow a pair and start laying down some ground rules for the overbearing women and MAN in his life.  Too bad they've messed him up so badly I don't think he can do it, though.  And frankly, I wish Jenn would just tell Paige at this point.  I'm beyond tired of hearing her threaten Eve with it, and then Eve diss Jenn, and yadda yadda yadda.

I know its a plot device to move this story along, but why did Show have to have Paige tell Daniel about her mother's sex partner?  And for Show to them have her say "I don't think I'll ever know who was in my mom's bedroom" was downright creepy.  

There is NO part of this storyline that doesn't have an odor to it.  And now that Daniel is even more involved, it's also has the stink of his B.O.


So now Maggie hangs out in the bushes around the park, huh?  it was pretty funny that Paige was waving her and Parker off when JJ met up with her.  Sooooo, what exactly DOES Maggie do in the bushes?  Maybe ambush other women and steal their shoulder pads?  Maybe a little flashing?  I'm only glad Mickey never knew......


I want Nicole to jump Zander and I want her to do it QUICK, before Show ruins him.  I'm glad to see she's starting to make more sense and have more confidence in herself again.  Her conversation with Marlena was an example of the Nicole I love.  She's getting fed up with Daniel and his unreachable expectations and that's all to the good.  I do hope that Show will at least let Nicole tell him off before she has to go on the inevitable apology tour again.


T!!!  A T sighting is always a good thing.  It was nice to see T being a friend to Will, and to see Will accepting it.  He hasn't exactly had much time for T in quite a while, so maybe he can recover some of things that matter with this diet of humble pie.  Not that I expect it to actually last - but Will was more Will today and less Sneasel.  Worse to come, I know, but at least he wasn't frantic and hysterical today.  When he finds out that Sonny - GASP!! - actually spoke to Sparkle today, though, I expect Will to outsneasel himself.  

Sparkle is so full of it.  For a guy who says he's going to stay out of it, he sure finds himself IN it as much as possible.  Yeah, he's Jawn's son alright.  Same sense of righteous entitlement.  And for me he leaves the same lingering unpleasant after scent, too.


Now, back to the important stuff.  Somebody boink Dark Roast in the head and somebody else call the cops and tell 'em Maggie Horton is lurking in the bushes at the park.

  • Love 8

I seriously loved Nicole telling Marlena to mind her own business (regardless of the fact that Mar is basically right, and BTW HOW COME NICOLE HASN'T LEARNED TO "EWE SEARCH" SERENA IN THE PRIVACY OF HER OFFICE OR HOTEL ROOM). People need to say MYOB more to Marlena, to Maggie, and more recently, to Daniel. A good old, "This isn't something I can discuss with you," should have come out of Jennifer's mouth, the moment she decided to leverage JJ and Eve's affair (I struggle to call it that, but I'm trying to avoid "fuck fest" and now I haven't) against Eve. A simple, "Daniel, I know what's going on with JJ now, but I've promised to keep it private. Please back off," would have saved us all so much aggravation. 

I hate when TV characters fail to say what real people would say. Hell, I've told my own mother (in re situations with my teens), "I can't talk about it with you, mom. I gave my word."

  • Love 8

But he hasn't seen him yet, right? Until Sonny, Justin, Adrienne, or Victor see Xander and fail to respond to him as if he's Alex, I don't know that the show needs to "retcon" Xander into Alex.


I will accept any and every DOOL BS explanation for Xander to be Alex at this point. They could have Sonny say something stupid like "I know I said I was going to visit Alex in Arizona but I actually went on a nature retreat and didn't even talk to Alex. Last I heard from him, he was in Britain, and that was about 5 years ago" and I would nod along like "makes perfect sense." They could tell me Alex had a voicebox transplant and i would think, "cool, Eve should look into that for her singing."

  • Love 5

I will accept any and every DOOL BS explanation for Xander to be Alex at this point. They could have Sonny say something stupid like "I know I said I was going to visit Alex in Arizona but I actually went on a nature retreat and didn't even talk to Alex. Last I heard from him, he was in Britain, and that was about 5 years ago" and I would nod along like "makes perfect sense." They could tell me Alex had a voicebox transplant and i would think, "cool, Eve should look into that for her singing."


Oh GOD you've got me laughing now and I'll be doing it in my sleep.  Voice box transplant - why the hell not?  After all, we've got evil twins, evil body doubles, etc., and truly outrageous things like Daniel supposedly being considered sexy and not just an ad for RAID.



LMAO. I think I would too, chassiecrane. Soap fans. We're a dying breed.


And we are NOT going away without a fight!  (Or so says my evil twin.......)

  • Love 4

Once Marlena turned into a panther, all things became possible

Really, once Marlena was possessed by the devil (and/or once Vivian buried Carly alive for fucking months, but she didn't come back dehydrated, starved, or with poopy and peepee pants), all things became possible.

Or maybe it was when everyone accepted that John Black was Roman Brady with plastic surgery that darkened his skin over his entire body, changed his DNA, so that his hair went from curly to straight, and even made him taller...

  • Love 2

Yeah, I think the show is going to waste the opportunity to put some teeth back into the Kiriakis family and not make Xander Alex, but I can retcon it.  Perfectly easily.

At home in Phoenix Alex is a mild mannered accountant with a broadly general American accent.  While diamond smuggling in Africa he is Xander, exotic and foreign with his accent.   


It's a role he plays.  No one would surrender to the dread pirate Alex.    


It needs to happen because Nicole dating Victor's beloved great-nephew?   So many happily awkward family dinners.   Yes!

  • Love 3

I prefer Damon more than Xander. He looks good either way but I liked the long hair, leather jacket wearing character a little bit more. IMO I think Damon had more longevity as Victor's hitman than a diamond smuggler. Salem needed a bad boy that's not a child molesting rapist like Creepy Clyde, a DiMera who can't fight his own battles Chad, Plastic Mannequin sure as hell isn't a bad boy. I'm never interested in diamond type stories on soaps because they're never written any good, no matter what soap tries to write it.


Anything involving art or diamonds, soap writers should stay away from because it's always without fail, horribly written. If they write a story like that, they should temporarily hire a writer who excels in the subject of art or diamonds or do some serious research before giving the story a green light.

  • Love 3


I thought Daniel said he looked familiar, to hang a lantern on the fact that enough of the audience is going to recognize this actor as the same actor who played the henchman who failed to kill Clyde. (Damn you, dead Damon.) That said, I would love for him to be Alexander Kiriakis. I will totally hand-wave the accent issue. Damn, it's good to have a man look at Nicole like he is actually a heteroman with working sex organs.


La la la la la la la, I can't hear you.

That's a very plausible reason for Daniel saying that, but if you don't mind, I'm  going to put these here fingers back in my ear and ignore that possibility.

Edited by shesajar
  • Love 1

I warmed up to Xander today, too, and the scenes with Eric have me wondering what all went on down in the Congo. Interesting theory about Xander/Alexander, and I think it would be a great twist, but I bet the writers are just toying with us as usual. 


Dan was insufferable yesterday. I get that he's shocked and upset for Paige and JJ, probably, but he ought not to go around demanding answers. As anyone with a relationship with a teen or young adult knows, you can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink. If they don't want to talk about their issues, no one can make them. It's hard when you care about the young person, but backing them into a corner even for "their own sake" just doesn't work. And if he feels a moral obligation to spead the awful news about JJ/Eve's affair -- that's just nuts and ignores his own history. With friends like these.....

  • Love 3

Once Marlena turned into a panther, all things became possible

I have to confess, this flew straight out of my head, last night. I think when I read "panther" I thought "cougar." When I was going to bed, I realized panther does not equal cougar, Googled, and found this blast from the past. How could I have forgotten?


Edited by General Days
  • Love 2

Having the moms continuously popping up on campus is one thing but wardrobe did Kassia a particular disservice by dressing her in a Peggy Bundy inspired leopard print dress waylaying young men in the student center lounge. Not a good look! And once again Jen and Eve have the same damn conversation. At this point, I just wish Eve would call Jen's bluff so we could just be done with this mess.


Now to double, no triple down on the muckery, enter stage right, one Daniel Jonas. Salem's answer to a question no one asked.  If it weren't for the very well established fact that Dan is a philandering, low down dirty judgmental dog that has run his surfbort through 3/4 of the Salem female population and gets to triumphantly solve every mystery I would find it slightly amusing. Amusing because Jen every the weirdly over-involved parent herself oddly engages and re-engages him to get involved in her kids lives.  Now she is being hoisted by her own petard. However, at the end of the day, they both suck and are over involved in the lives of teenagers. Teenagers!! This can't be said enough.


Ain't gonna lie - thought the development of Eric knowing Xander was an interesting one. Still not the most compelling of stories but the addition of eye candy has made it more bearable. I am so shallow. Not loving Paul's haircut though. I do hope the show grows out Paul's hair a bit around the sides and back.


My goodness that double date with Serena, Eric, Paul and Nicole needs to happen. That is on my list of things that I didn't know I wanted but now I must have at all costs. Serena is gonna have to have her eyes surgically re-inserted back into their sockets when Nicole shows up as Xander's surprise date. Nicole seemed to have said no though.


Her desperation with Dan continues to be embarrassing. She sends a bunch of text messages and when he doesn't answers, she calls and he answers curtly because he is too busy interfering in teen romances and hangs up. I hope Nicole gets a clue quick, tells Dan to kick rocks, calls Xander and says yes.



I want Nicole to jump Zander and I want her to do it QUICK, before Show ruins him. 


Yes to this. My greatest fear right now is him being thrown into either Mel or worse yet Abby's sphere. Seriously, if he even throws a compliment Abby's way .... shudders I can't even entertain the thought.  I just want cool, curt polite indifference towards her.  I would be cool with him and Theresa though I think she will have her hands full with Brady, Kristen & snatched fetus.   


Why the hell was Serena just lounging around in her hotel room in that sparkly cocktail dress in what appeared to be the middle of the day?


Oh to matriculate in the hallowed ivied halls of Salem University. I wonder who their team mascot is? Go Land Crabs!! (tm Better Call Saul) With all the cancelled classes Salem University makes me think of that rinky dink community college on that cancelled NBC show Community, which had such classes as the Ups and Downs of Ladders, History of Ice Cream and the ABC's of Math. Well it did graduate such brain trusts as Brady.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 5

Having the moms continuously popping up on campus is one thing but wardrobe did Kassia a particular disservice by dressing her in a Peggy Bundy inspired leopard print dress waylaying young men in the student center lounge. Not a good look! And once again Jen and Eve have the same damn conversation. At this point, I just wish Eve would call Jen's bluff so we could just be done with this mess.


Now to double, no triple down on the muckery, enter stage right, one Daniel Jonas. Salem's answer to a question no one asked.  If it weren't for the very well established fact that Dan is a philandering, low down dirty judgmental dog that has run his surfbort through 3/4 of the Salem female population and gets to triumphantly solve every mystery I would find it slightly amusing. Amusing because Jen every the weirdly over-involved parent herself oddly engages and re-engages him to get involved in her kids lives.  Now she is being hoisted by her own petard. However, at the end of the day, they both suck and are over involved in the lives of teenagers. Teenagers!! This can't be said enough.


Ain't gonna lie - thought the development of Eric knowing Xander was an interesting one. Still not the most compelling of stories but the addition of eye candy has made it more bearable. I am so shallow. Not loving Paul's haircut though. I do hope the show grows out Paul's hair a bit around the sides and back.


My goodness that double date with Serena, Eric, Paul and Nicole needs to happen. That is on my list of things that I didn't know I wanted but now I must have at all costs. Serena is gonna have to have her eyes surgically re-inserted back into their sockets when Nicole shows up as Xander's surprise date. Nicole seemed to have said no though.


Her desperation with Dan continues to be embarrassing. She sends a bunch of text messages and when he doesn't answers, she calls and he answers curtly because he is too busy interfering in teen romances and hangs up. I hope Nicole gets a clue quick, tells Dan to kick rocks, calls Xander and says yes.



Yes to this. My greatest fear right now is him being thrown into either Mel or worse yet Abby's sphere. Seriously, if he even throws a compliment Abby's way .... shudders I can't even entertain the thought.  I just want cool, curt polite indifference towards her.  I would be cool with him and Theresa though I think she will have her hands full with Brady, Kristen & snatched fetus.   


Why the hell was Serena just lounging around in her hotel room in that sparkly cocktail dress in what appeared to be the middle of the day?


Oh to matriculate in the hallowed ivied halls of Salem University. I wonder who their team mascot is? Go Land Crabs!! (tm Better Call Saul) With all the cancelled classes Salem University makes me think of that rinky dink community college on that cancelled NBC show Community, which had such classes as the Ups and Downs of Ladders, History of Ice Cream and the ABC's of Math. Well it did graduate such brain trusts as Brady.

Greendale's classes were not cancelled! Although they (almost) gave a bachelor's degree to a dog. COMMUNITY is back on Yahoo Screen, with Dan Harmon as showrunner.

Edited by plurie
  • Love 1

I think overall Melanie is a good person who will try and help someone she thinks is in trouble which is definitely a positive triait but why does she talk to anyone even remotely older then her as if she's about to be scolded?  It's such a strange acting choice and it feels very contrived, as though the actress wants to illicit sympathy for Melanie.


And Maxine is a piece of work, such a kind and caring person.  If Theresa is in trouble with an abusive man, that's not Mel's problem, but if something bad's about to happen to Brady's, all bets are off.  WHAT?!


Why can Will admit that he's completely in the wrong for having sex with Paul to everyone but Sonny?  And I loved Paul's astonishment that Sonny didn't even know who he was when they first got together.  You've got Sneasel with horrendously low self-esteem and then you have Paul who has an ego the size of Detroit--there is a happy medium, people.

  • Love 7

I think overall Melanie is a good person who will try and help someone she thinks is in trouble which is definitely a positive triait but why does she talk to anyone even remotely older then her as if she's about to be scolded?  It's such a strange acting choice and it feels very contrived, as though the actress wants to illicit sympathy for Melanie.


And Maxine is a piece of work, such a kind and caring person.  If Theresa is in trouble with an abusive man, that's not Mel's problem, but if something bad's about to happen to Brady's, all bets are off.  WHAT?!


Why can Will admit that he's completely in the wrong for having sex with Paul to everyone but Sonny?  And I loved Paul's astonishment that Sonny didn't even know who he was when they first got together.  You've got Sneasel with horrendously low self-esteem and then you have Paul who has an ego the size of Detroit--there is a happy medium, people.

Paul is very smooth...He is pretending to be noble in Sonny's eyes when it comes to Will.....He is letting Will destroy his own marriage and keeping his hands clean...Will may be right after all when it comes to Sparkle.....The show is really boring....there is nothing exciting to look forward to....This show  used to be the show to watch back in the 90's......There is no romance, boring storylines, repetitive dialogue, awful wardrobe, make-up, cheap sets.....We need help....I hope Dena and company can bring us back to what made Days a great show...


Daniel  is heinous...He needs to go away forever and never to be seen ever again..He is like Sonny from General Hospistal..He ruins everything..He ruined Jennifer, Jack, Maggie, Chloe, Parker, Carly, Victor...I want him gone......I loved it when JJ used to hate on him..He is a hateful human being...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

OMG can Nicole please STFU about Dan. Please just bury yourself in work or start hooking up with random men or join Tinder and stop trying to find love and validation in the arms of some man who would rather be with a raccoon than you.


My favorite part of the show is Sparkle's reaction when he found out Sonny had no idea who his ass was when they first met. His ego is way too big. Being a good baseball player is nice, but it's not like he's a doctor or scientist or teacher. Calm the fuck down and eat some humble pie.


The three major stories going on right now are all terrible. The gay story is nonsensical and poorly written. The knockoff Pier 1 elephant/fake Walmart diamonds and the Eve/JJ stories are excruciating and are in competition for being the worst story on the show. Just nothing but boredom and terrible writing across the board.

  • Love 5
Yeah, I think the show is going to waste the opportunity to put some teeth back into the Kiriakis family and not make Xander Alex, but I can retcon it.  Perfectly easily.

At home in Phoenix Alex is a mild mannered accountant with a broadly general American accent.  While diamond smuggling in Africa he is Xander, exotic and foreign with his accent.  

It's a role he plays.  No one would surrender to the dread pirate Alex.   

It needs to happen because Nicole dating Victor's beloved great-nephew?   So many happily awkward family dinners.   Yes!


DID Storyline!  Xander is Alex's alter.

  • Love 3

Just curious, because I don't see it, but why do you think it's nonsensical and poorly written?

It is poorly written because it makes no sense to the characters..I don't believe that Will or Sonny would ever cheat on each other....There are so many ways that these writers could have gone to give them conflict...Infidelity was just a cheap gimmick..Look at the cheating storyline between John and Marlena, it was rooted in History and character driven..The fallout was awesome and it changed Sami into a vixen that drove stories for years on the show...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

Just curious, because I don't see it, but why do you think it's nonsensical and poorly written?

I'm not @leftphalange, but for me the problem is that Will is so awful that I only want Jackson with Paul only because he's not Will. I wish we had two characters that were worth being in a triangle with Jackson. It's why I'm so desperate for Damon to be alive and gay or Xander to not be Alex and be gay.

This problem with the gay triangle isn't limited to this triangle or even triangles on this show. Atsome point, writers in general in all mediums forgot how to write a triangle where the fans are legit torn.

ETA: today when Paul was going on and on about how amazing he is and how he thought Jackson was a gold digger, I was hoping an animal would jump out of the bushes and maul him to death. And then they'd to a Will scene, and especially when Will showed up in the park at the end, I thought "well I guess Paul isn't so bad . . . ". I also felt bad for T having to listen to his drivel.

On a different note, Dan needs to be mauled, shot, stabbed, whatever to death. His bitchiness towards Jennifer & Nicole was disgusting. None of this is any of his business. I almost feel like this material involving JJ/Paige was written for Maggie and for whatever reason Suzanne Rogers was unavailable, so they crossed out "Maggie" and wrote "Daniel" on the scripts.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 4

Sonny just knows all the right words to say, he really knows how to shut people down and gets it from Victor, you can tell they're related. Their way with words. Telling Sparkles he's going to leave if he doesn't speak up. Sonny is the only one with a damn brain, because he's the only one that sees it as Sneasel having a choice to sleep with Sparkles or not and that celebrity charm is a weak ass excuse. Red flag Sonny, Sparkles really thought little of you, thought you wanted him for his celebrity status and money. He thought you were a user and golddigger so don't even bother with him anymore.


T should be a detective since he's able to figure it out that quickly. He can try and solve why he's not in my bedroom and what he plans on doing about that.


I don't understand how is Ari with a sitter? When Sonny came home Sneasel was standing in Ari's doorway like he just got done being with her. T comes over and all of a sudden she's with a sitter when Sneasel is ready to jet off to go after Sonny & Sparkles. The way T said it, it sounded like Ari was still in the house and with a sitter. So sitter must have heard everything about her employer being a big slut.


Theresa is so pretty even without all the makeup. Whether she has on a little or a lot, she's always a sight to see.


Let me tell you this, the minute someone closes the door and tells me I'm not going anywhere. Time to get a knife, gun, pepper spray, crowbar, brick, or call the police. I really could care less though if Jacosta and Dark Roast lock themselves in a room forever and forget the key and we never hear from them again. They'll probably off each other from their incessant nagging. 


The way Jacosta and Dark Roast put their hands on Nicole was just so unnecessary, forcing her into Dark Roast's demonic lair he calls a home and then forcing her out and Dark Roast slamming the door in her face. I'm constantly repeating this but Nicole find your dignity, go get you some Xander because Dark Roast isn't worth all this trouble. If a man doesn't answer my phone calls or texts, physically shoved me out his house, and having a door slammed in my face then the relationship is O-V-E-R!!


This is who the writers want us to believe is a good person?? When Dark Roast comes off as an unfeeling judgmental wildebeest with Farrah Fawcett flips.


I'm just tired of hearing about JJ & Lima Bean. They're not the greatest love story ever told. It's the worst damn love story ever told. You rather watch Naggie go out to Horton Square naked and twirl her tits around like there was no tomorrow.

Edited by ShadowSixx
  • Love 11

Just curious, because I don't see it, but why do you think it's nonsensical and poorly written?


I think the cheating story has been mishandled from the very beginning. There was no build up and there's been no concrete explanation for why Will cheated. He set out to do an interview with Sparkle and all of a sudden they hop into bed. Will and Sonny were having problems but nothing was shown on screen to indicate things had gotten so bad that Will just couldn't resist fucking another man. It seemed like they were going to have Sonny be the one to cheat and then out of nowhere they decided Will should cheat for whatever reason. But since they decided to make Will a cheater why couldn't that be enough? Instead of begging for forgiveness and trying to save his marriage he's coming up with all kinds of lame excuses for why he couldn't keep it in his pants and is blackmailing Sparkle's stupid useless mother. It feels like they're working overtime to make Will an asshole so Sparkle will look good in comparison. Speaking of Sparkle, I find him to be extremely repulsive. Trying to break up a marriage and endlessly harassing Sonny about dumping his husband. Roaming around acting like a vulture waiting for a marriage to disintegrate so he can go in for the kill. Deciding Sonny can't possibly love his husband more than him because what they had was SO AMAZING. And today he admitted he thought Sonny was a gold digging groupie. His ego is MASSIVE, and for what? Because he's attractive and knows how to hit a baseball? So what? He acts like he's God's gift to women and men and that's not a good look at all.


So basically, one of the people involved in the triangle is an ass and another one is gross. Will and Sonny need to go on a break for awhile and I would rather see Sonny with someone else rather than get back with that walking advertisement for teeth whitening strips.

  • Love 5

I am so bored with most of this crap, the thing that was really biggest on my mind was how come super successful surgeon that apparently is a specialist in ALL fields, has such a shitty apartment/condo?

Oh, and I still can't stand the poor acting skills of GW, although the facial expressions make me lol.

And why does every apartment/condo have the kitchen so open in such a tiny space? It's bugging me

  • Love 4

I think the cheating story has been mishandled from the very beginning. There was no build up and there's been no concrete explanation for why Will cheated. He set out to do an interview with Sparkle and all of a sudden they hop into bed. Will and Sonny were having problems but nothing was shown on screen to indicate things had gotten so bad that Will just couldn't resist fucking another man. It seemed like they were going to have Sonny be the one to cheat and then out of nowhere they decided Will should cheat for whatever reason. But since they decided to make Will a cheater why couldn't that be enough? Instead of begging for forgiveness and trying to save his marriage he's coming up with all kinds of lame excuses for why he couldn't keep it in his pants and is blackmailing Sparkle's stupid useless mother. It feels like they're working overtime to make Will an asshole so Sparkle will look good in comparison. Speaking of Sparkle, I find him to be extremely repulsive. Trying to break up a marriage and endlessly harassing Sonny about dumping his husband. Roaming around acting like a vulture waiting for a marriage to disintegrate so he can go in for the kill. Deciding Sonny can't possibly love his husband more than him because what they had was SO AMAZING. And today he admitted he thought Sonny was a gold digging groupie. His ego is MASSIVE, and for what? Because he's attractive and knows how to hit a baseball? So what? He acts like he's God's gift to women and men and that's not a good look at all.


So basically, one of the people involved in the triangle is an ass and another one is gross. Will and Sonny need to go on a break for awhile and I would rather see Sonny with someone else rather than get back with that walking advertisement for teeth whitening strips.

Thank you, leftphalange, it is nice to know that there are other people on here who are not drinking the Paul Koolaid...He is truly repulsive...They can make Will into the Anti-christ, I will always root for him because he is Lumi's child.....It is hard to be a Will fan these days, I am hanging on...I survived the travesty that was Shayla(Shane and Kayla). I will survive this as well....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 5

He was questioning JJ with that breathy - stop-and-start, dontcha LUV me stare, (which is damn creepy on its own) about why JJ didn't want his coat. Why, was it supposed to be like a promise ring between the two of them?

Bwahahahahahahaha! Oh, this I can't WAIT to see!

Edited by minirth
  • Love 1

Sonny and Will were having lots of problems before Paul ever came to town.  Will was looking down on Sonny as "just a bartender who can get a job anywhere", he totally blew him off while he was in Hollywood, and then when he came home he pretended that it was because he just couldn't be away from Sonny for so long when it was actually because Hollywood dumped him.  So at first Will felt superior to Sonny, then he felt inferior to him, then they started having money problems which Sonny acknowledged were his fault (not the least because Sonny took their joint money without telling him), so I don't understand why anybody feels that there was no reason for Will to want to make himself feel better by sleeping with a guy who was a big, famous, celebrity, to make himself feel like he was wanted.

  • Love 5

For God sakes Nicole find a spine and some dignity, and bitch slap that prick the next time he tries to manhandle you.  I didn't like Yawn and dimwit Brady manhandling Theresa and I don't like this either.


Sonny ditch your cheating husband, and that egomaniac ex, take Ari, and go to Hollywood to see Sami and her children.  See if Kate, Theresa, Nicole, and Ciara want to go with you.

  • Love 2

Sonny is still the only one I care about in that awful triangle.  Shut up Sneasel and Sparkle.


Sparkle has some kind of ego, thinking that he's so entirely irresistible to men, and women, and Won't, too. Is it too much to ask for people to take responsibility for the things that they actually did? At least Sonny is exhibiting some sense; and I guess Won't has finally admitted to himself that he was in the wrong. But Sparkle Paul needs to stop reading his own press. I don't find Christopher Sean a good enough actor to pull off the most emotional of Paul's scenes, and he isn't charming enough for me to overlook Sparkle's unremitting sense of his own awesomeness.

  • Love 6

Sparkle is totally working for me.  The Sparkle Kool-Aid is hot and sparkly!


Not only do we have to deal with Jocasta Jen and her abnormal interest in her son's sex life, now Daniel is invested too? That's just...eww. And Dan should be missing a body part after slamming the door in Nicole's face.


T is awfully cute.

  • Love 3

T was on today!  BEST part of the Show IMO.  Otherwise, this felt like somebody's idea of a last-minute casserole.  Today felt like it was written by Hamburger Helper and fine-tuned by Velveeta.


For God sakes Nicole find a spine and some dignity, and bitch slap that prick the next time he tries to manhandle you.  I didn't like Yawn and dimwit Brady manhandling Theresa and I don't like this either.


Nicole, for fuck's sake grow a spine and gain some dignity!!! Why are you still after that asshole Daniel?  He slammed the door IN YOUR FACE.  

Please let her go on that date with Xander and let asshole Dan see her having a fab time and being admired by a hot guy who showers.


Damn.  Can you BELIEVE that bonehead?  He's been a jerkoff to her all week, trying to protect his virtue when he isn't making impossible demands and dismissing Nicole and her own thoughts entirely.  Today he has the NERVE to put his hands on her, shove her out the door and then slam it in her face!?!??  Time for Nicole to do a Lorena Bobbitt and drop off his parts with Maxine.  God knows how much she really wants them anyway.

Daniel did the impossible, though.  He made me cheer on Jenn for the first time in forever.  How freakin' DARE he stop her from leaving?  I so wish that when both she and Nicole were glaring at him they'd joined forces and just beat his flabby ass into the ground.


I am so, so very tired of Show - and the other remaining soaps I watch - have the men treat the women with such massive disregard - and worse, with such active disrespect and downright hostility.  Frankly, it's hard to wrap my head around how bad soaps have gotten in this regard.  And it didn't just start.  Both AMC and OLTL had far too much of that going on as well before those shows were murdered.  Why has misogyny made such a strong comeback on the soaps?

Well, it's freed me up to wish all these guys woke up singing soprano.  

And I'd like to see Daniel treated exactly the same way - and often.  And soon, VERY SOON.


Sparkle has some kind of ego, thinking that he's so entirely irresistible to men, and women, and Won't, too. Is it too much to ask for people to take responsibility for the things that they actually did? At least Sonny is exhibiting some sense; and I guess Won't has finally admitted to himself that he was in the wrong. But Sparkle Paul needs to stop reading his own press. I don't find Christopher Sean a good enough actor to pull off the most emotional of Paul's scenes, and he isn't charming enough for me to overlook Sparkle's unremitting sense of his own awesomeness.


Sparkle is such an empty suit.  It was a sweet scene, after Sparkle lovingly detailed how "hard" it is to be so beloved, to have "everyone" want something from him, because that's the price of fame, dontcha know, with his sad, put-upon expression about how all the little people just can't get enough, and then to watch Sonny blow that gas bubble of his all to hell and tell him he didn't have A CLUE who he was.  And didn't give a shit either.  

Sparkle's mommy told him he was the bestest, cutest widdle boy just one time too many, and this doofus bought it.   What a self-centered buffoon he is.  

Oh, Sparkle, you wondered if these jeans make your ass look big?  Well, they do.  Maybe they wouldn't if you  would PULL YOUR HEAD OUT.


Frankly, right now I think he and Will are the PERFECT couple.  Both of them can comfortably fit their heads up their own asses, and both of them think the air smells just fine there.

Sonny should run from them both as fast as he can.  

  • Love 8

I have a new tablet, so quoting is hard, but WORD to whoever upthread commented about the wide open kitchen/living areas. I have been living in studios and 1 or 2 bedroom apartments for 30+ years and have ALWAYS had a galley kitchen. Part may have been open to the living space but not this all-in-one that everyone seems to have.

  • Love 2

I just had this image of Sonny racing through town, pushing Ari G's stroller at top speed, fleeing asshats...



Go, Sonny, Go.  As fast as you can.


Someone needs to explain to the writers, like they are Brady, that the point to having obstacles to a couple is for the fans to root for the couple to work things out, not for the fans to be cheering for one party to get the hell away from the other one.  That the point to triangles is for the fans to consider both pairings are possible, not for the fans to be screaming, run away from both of them, there is someone way better out there for you.

  • Love 8
Board question: Why do people refer to Jennifer as as raccoon?


One day Jen was crying and her mascara was running so it made her look like a raccoon. Plus, a raccoon is an animal and so is Jen.


Sparkle has some kind of ego, thinking that he's so entirely irresistible to men, and women, and Won't, too. Is it too much to ask for people to take responsibility for the things that they actually did? At least Sonny is exhibiting some sense; and I guess Won't has finally admitted to himself that he was in the wrong. But Sparkle Paul needs to stop reading his own press. I don't find Christopher Sean a good enough actor to pull off the most emotional of Paul's scenes, and he isn't charming enough for me to overlook Sparkle's unremitting sense of his own awesomeness.


I thought I was the only one who didn't think Christopher Sean was OMFG SO AMAZING. He's fine, but nothing to write home about. At least for me. Maybe he just looks good in comparison to GW and that woman who plays Sparkle's useless mother.


I just realized that the Eve/JJ/Paige storyline is a retread of what happened on The O.C. with Marissa, her mom, and her ex-boyfriend. I can't remember if I was appalled, but I think The O.C. might have pulled off the weirdness of this storyline better.


Melodramatic and sometimes ridiculous The OC was a far more entertaining show than Days. And the adults didn't spend all of their time interfering in their kids lives.

  • Love 4
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