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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Wasn't Younique a contestant on America's Next Top Model? No, that was Spontaneous. Silly me. 


The "I fucked you for the elephant in the room (not that one) you gave away?" look from Serena made me giggle like a school girl.


If they have sex again, then it's more than just his elephant. ;)

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Finally!  It's been at least three days since we've been treated to scenes with the most inappropriate mother since Oedipus' Baby Mamma, but never fear, Jenn was here!   Paige can go play in traffic for all I care.  To go and complain to Jenn, of all people....well, she's a nasty passive agressive thing too.  JJ is well rid of her - and I hope Paige finds out exactly what price she'll pay to have Jenn on her side.


When Jennifer hurt her wrist and Paige went to get ice it was the same scene as JJ and Eve.  For a minute I thought they might sleep together.


“Will you step into my parlor?” said the spider to the fly;
“’Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy.


After seeing the bond between Mother and Stalker Chick Blank Paige today, I could definitely see a "Misery" and "Grey Gardens" mashup in JJ's future.  After the truth comes out, it's no stretch for me to see JJ shackled to the bed in his old room at the Horton Homestead O' Horrors, with Mommie Dearest Jenn and Paige ministering to his EVERY need - and I do mean "every". With an occasional special punishment, too, since they must remind their boy of that there is a price for disappointing them......   Abigail is there too, but less involved, since she spends most of her time muttering to herself and slapping random strangers in Horton Square.  At night those three gather in the dust-shrouded parlor and exchange stories of the Men Who Done 'Em Wrong, with emphasis on they got done.  Upstairs, JJ prays for release but in his heart of heart he knows that it's just a matter of time before he hears the clump of their club feet as they climb the stairs to "take care" of him yet one more time.

If there was such a thing as a Psychiatric SWAT team, there should be one swooping down on Jenn right now.


I thought that JJ and Eve brought something different to their scenes today, something we got to see because of the skill of these actors, not because of the writing, so much.  Both JJ and Eve got the bleak unhappiness they're feeling, the utter lack of any pleasure and the abundant self-loathing they're feeling across to the audience.  And that's to the credit of the actors IMO.  I saw two people who feel like they've damned themselves through their actions and just continue with it because it's more punishment.  Not pleasure.  There is no pleasure for either of them that I can see.


And then in barges Jenn, once again, abusing Eve in her own home.  And, with the wrong information.  Although on paper Jenn, I guess, is in the right, on screen she is just insufferable.  Yet Salem applauds this harridan as the town saint and the best bestest bestie of all mommies.  The inbreeding in Salem is starting to show.


Don't even get me started on the false equivalencies of "You've had more experience that I have." Such horseshit! 


Karma's a right bitch, Will: your daughter will grow up to despise you.


Guy Wilson put all the dramatic skill of Curly from the Three Stooges in his performance with Sonny today.  The only thing he didn't do was go "Whoop Whoop Whoop" and hit himself on the head.  His silly explanations and attempts at rationalization were utterly nonsensical.  Sneasel is so lacking in self-awareness I'm sort of surprised he's able to button up his grampa sweaters on his own.  You could see that tiny weasel brain of his desperately trying to come up with ways out of what he'd done.

I'm starting to think now that Will "fell in love" with Sonny as much - or more - out of fear of being in the world on his own as because of any real affection.  I think back of how passive he was with Nick about Arianna, how willing he was to be pushed around and how it was everyone around him who basically provided the strength and backup and action to deal with Nick.  Left to himself, Will would have retreated to the corner and sucked his thumb.  And while I do believe that Sonny really loves Sneasel, I also think that Sonny has a bit of a savior complex, and helping Will with his coming out really cemented his affection.  Now that is all shot to hell, and I think there is worse to come.  I think Will is going to out-Sneasel himself and somehow try and blame his actions on Sonny and Paul.  


I think my favorite moment was when WIll found out that Sonny is Paul's first love and he was about ten seconds from going into a tantrum that Sonny still has feelings for Paul when Paul shut him down with a , "No he said he was married and in love with his husband."  Simple. straightforward and it shows the depths of Sonny's faithfullness.  Awesome moment :)


That was an awesome moment!  And while I don't like Sparkle, Sparkle did act like a mature adult in his encounter with Will.  He didn't attempt to blame Will for everything, and was pretty considerate of him all things considered.  While I don't care much for Sparkle, I think CS is a decent actor and Sparkle......may be improving for me as a character.  Too soon to tell, and if he's Jawn's spawn, well, that's a rabbit hole that is hard for anyone to climb out of.


Also Justin wtf is a work spouse? That's not cute to your real spouse and I wouldn't find it cute. Justin doesn't bother to tell Else that he's uncomfortable with that because he's married. If Elsa takes offense to it then it's someone he shouldn't be working with.


How lame was that??  Justin can do better than that.  He should have told Adrienne that Elsa was batshit crazy and he was placating her lunatic crush.  This was just b.s.

And when even Adrienne knows you're blowing smoke, then really.......

I'm disappointed in Lucas.  He may be enduring a long dry spell, but going after Adrienne is bad sport on his part.  Especially since pretty much all we've heard Lucas do since he returned is to diss Sami and her poor choices.  While I like Lucas, I really wish that Sami could do a fly-by and put a flea in his ear right now.


The "I fucked you for the elephant in the room (not that one) you gave away?" look from Serena made me giggle like a school girl.


Is that an elephant in your pocket or are you just glad to see me is probably NOT the best way for Serena to start greeting Eric...

Is Serena really okay with having to say three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and thee Glory Be's while Eric sings Onward Christian Soldiers when they approach take-off?  I confess I was worried about the shock for Serena when she was ransacking Eric's place looking for that Pier One elephant, just in case she ran across Eric's porn stash.  I;m pretty sure it runs pretty heavily to wimples and whips.

Edited by boes
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I just have to say that today was a good show...I am happy that a gay couple is the reason for all of these spirited discussions on here and on other boards. I hope TPTB are paying attention to all of this buzz. For a long time, people complained that Wilson was boring, not anymore...lol..It is also good that they are being treated like any other heterosexual couple on daytime....The writing for them leaves a lot to be desired, but, at least   they are not relegated to the backburner. I cannot praise him enough, but, Freddie Smith is sublime.....What a gem! I hope his bosses recognize his worth....I wonder if the show will acknowledge Wilson's one year anniversary this coming April....

Edited by Apprentice79
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I believed that Will fell in love with with Sonny when Massey was in the role, and that the feelings were mutual. I thought the two had genuine chemistry -- much more than Wilson with Smith, actually. I never bought their connection after Wilson was cast. The doubts that the current storyline (and, more importantly, Wilson's performance) casts on the couple's history feel like the nastier sort of retcon to me. That's a pity.

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Not only does GV have chest hair. It's gray chest hair. Nice to see he hasn't caved in to the razor. I thought Freddie Smith was great laying into nuWill. He will always be nuWill to me. I really liked CM in the role but I always got the impresson that Freddie Smith didn't like that Massey got all of the attention. Now, he's more of the lead and is getting the attention and is really showing his acting chops. Also, I think Deidre Hall did a great job, too. She is so compassionate as Marlena.

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I just have to say that today was a good show...I am happy that a gay couple is the reason for all of these spirited discussions on here and on other boards. I hope TPTB are paying attention to all of this buzz. For a long time, people complained that Wilson was boring, not anymore...lol..It is also good that they are being treated like any other heterosexual couple on daytime....The writing for them leaves a lot to be desired, but, at least   they are not relegated to the backburner. I cannot praise him enough, but, Freddie Smith is sublime.....What a gem! I hope his bosses recognize his worth....I wonder if the show will acknowledge Wilson's one year anniversary this coming April....


They didn't acknowledge the anniversary of their engagement.

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Cheese and fucking crackers Guy's acting sucks right now. A goldfish out of water gasping to breathe is not the best acting choice, Guy.


"You've had sex with other guys (before we even really started hanging out together)" is the most WILL-fully stupid comment imaginable.

Sucks right now?  It's sucked since he's been there.  The facial contortions, the phrasing making him sound like a four year old, ugh he's just awful.  Although I have to admit I watch him "ironically" he's always good for an unintended laugh.

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Finally!  It's been at least three days since we've been treated to scenes with the most inappropriate mother since Oedipus' Baby Mamma, but never fear, Jenn was here!   Paige can go play in traffic for all I care.  To go and complain to Jenn, of all people....well, she's a nasty passive agressive thing too.  JJ is well rid of her - and I hope Paige finds out exactly what price she'll pay to have Jenn on her side.



“Will you step into my parlor?” said the spider to the fly;

“’Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy.


After seeing the bond between Mother and Stalker Chick Blank Paige today, I could definitely see a "Misery" and "Grey Gardens" mashup in JJ's future.  After the truth comes out, it's no stretch for me to see JJ shackled to the bed in his old room at the Horton Homestead O' Horrors, with Mommie Dearest Jenn and Paige ministering to his EVERY need - and I do mean "every". With an occasional special punishment, too, since they must remind their boy of that there is a price for disappointing them......   Abigail is there too, but less involved, since she spends most of her time muttering to herself and slapping random strangers in Horton Square.  At night those three gather in the dust-shrouded parlor and exchange stories of the Men Who Done 'Em Wrong, with emphasis on they got done.  Upstairs, JJ prays for release but in his heart of heart he knows that it's just a matter of time before he hears the clump of their club feet as they climb the stairs to "take care" of him yet one more time.

If there was such a thing as a Psychiatric SWAT team, there should be one swooping down on Jenn right now.




Guy Wilson put all the dramatic skill of Curly from the Three Stooges in his performance with Sonny today.  The only thing he didn't do was go "Whoop Whoop Whoop" and hit himself on the head.  His silly explanations and attempts at rationalization were utterly nonsensical.  Sneasel is so lacking in self-awareness I'm sort of surprised he's able to button up his grampa sweaters on his own.  You could see that tiny weasel brain of his desperately trying to come up with ways out of what he'd done.


That was an awesome moment!  And while I don't like Sparkle, Sparkle did act like a mature adult in his encounter with Will.  He didn't attempt to blame Will for everything, and was pretty considerate of him all things considered.  While I don't care much for Sparkle, I think CS is a decent actor and Sparkle......may be improving for me as a character.  Too soon to tell, and if he's Jawn's spawn, well, that's a rabbit hole that is hard for anyone to climb out of.







ITA!!!  Jenn is getting creepier and creepier with her unhealthy need to discuss such private matters with her children.  She is beyond a "caring" parent, it's getting really did I mention...creepy? LOL!


Did you notice the gap in GW's shirt during one of the scenes?  I cracked up, try putting on a shirt that fits,  I guess I can blame wardrobe for that.  Looking forward to more facial contortions and horrible phrasing next week!  I can't believe how bad this guy sucks.


I have never had a problem with Sparkle, he can act rings around GW...but then again almost anyone could.


And enough with the freaking elephant, this is one of the most boring couples on the show and that is saying a lot.

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Honestly, if I didn't know better - I would think those scenes with Will and Sonny were a parody given the hideously bad acting by Guy.  It is show-stopping just how bad this guy is - the way he kept putting his hands on Sonny's shoulder or chest even looked awkward and forced.  Can they really not see how bad he is as an actor?  Not only does he look 12 years old, he acts like one and…and…and, oh well.  It's just ridiculous that they can't find themselves a better actor out of the thousands of out of work actors in L.A. - even if soaps are dying, there are many that would kill for a chance to add to their CVs.

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Although I think Sonny is great, the New Year's resolution he showed Will after they had gotten together, where he had resolved almost a year before to get Will to fall in love with him, actually sort of verges on stalkerish.

I don't remember this, but because it was Jackson making the resolution I think it's kinda sweet. Now if say Clyde or Stefano or Dan had made a resolution to make someone fall in love with them, I would have thought it was creepy.

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I don't remember this, but because it was Jackson making the resolution I think it's kinda sweet. Now if say Clyde or Stefano or Dan had made a resolution to make someone fall in love with them, I would have thought it was creepy.


It's the Dobler-Dahmer theory from "How I Met Your Mother":


If both people are into each other, then a big romantic gesture works: Dobler, but if one person isn't into the other, the same gesture comes off serial-killer crazy: Dahmer.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I can easily see a million and one excuses and lies Sami would tell to get herself out of trouble, however, whatever Sami had been up to, changing paternity tests, blackmail, scheming to get a guy, scheming for revenge, etc., Sami wouldn't have fallen backwards into it.  Sami would have known what she was doing, and she never would have been as passive as Will is.

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I wonder if GW's version of Will has led the writing on the current characterization during this storyline.


CM's Will became passive during the Nick debacle, but he had moments of assertiveness like when he was blackmailing EJ or rebelling against Sami. He had shown he was capable of playing different sides of Will.

But this version of Will was kind of comatose when he started, and has just continued like that without any point of view about anything. So  now we're stuck with a version of Will who thinks citing the other spouse's prior sexual history is an excuse that can get him out of a jam. I was trying to figure out if CM could have said that excuse and made it sound any better, and I wasn't entirely sure.  I was trying to figure out if there was subtext (i.e. extreme desperation???) that CM could have gleaned out of that line and I was at a loss about it.  However,  I DO think GW has been given some meaty material to work with though during the other parts of the storyline that could have MAYBE made us understand why Will would choose that particular excuse? Ok, sure we'd still be laughing at him, but maybe we'd understand better the motivation to pick that particular excuse?


Meanwhile, teary-eyed, anguished FS is someone you kind of want to take care of (that's meant as a compliment -- he's always been attractive, but his looks have struck a different chord with me when I saw his character in pain.). 


Edited to add:


Sami often used excuses, but I think she'd also lash out at people even when she wasn't trying to cover up one of her schemes, so there were times when some of her excuses didn't sound like excuses (if that makes any sense?) even if that's what they were. Yes, she was using excuses (I won't deny that),  but what she'd also say about Carrie being the more liked sister or whatever wasn't entirely untrue either. There were times she'd pull out the "John ruined my family" line when she was simply mad at Marlena for trying to shrink her (and who wouldn't get defensive whenever Marlena would pull out that haughty face?)  so that gave off the impression that Sami really did think ill of John rather than just using it as a good cover (the excuse did help out that way conveniently, but I believe she did also authentically think that  John tore up her family and that her mother was stinky when she did it on the desk with him. So there was a weird merging of both convenience  and authenticity in the excuses Sami came up with.) But  I couldn't tell if Will genuinely has had anger all this time at Sonny for having a few more sexual partners. I can't recall that ever being a problem for him until yesterday (although even if it were, I'd still think that was the lamest excuse of all time to try and explain away your infidelity. I'm sure Kanye agrees with me). 

Edited by bantering
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I don't know how Will ended up like this. He should have issues for sure but not these issues. He didn't have to deal with any Saint Carrie's during his childhood. Despite all of their issues, I'm sure Sami, Lucas, and Kate made him feel loved and wanted and supported everything he did. I'm sure Sami especially worked overtime to make sure he didn't feel like she did growing up. So why is he so insecure? If anything he should be overly confident and cocky. He should be scheming instead of letting people walk all over him. I just don't believe someone raised by Sami, Lucas, and Kate would turn out like this. He acts like he was raised by raccoon Jen.

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Yeah, Will reminds me of Abigail, although in her case she says things with a certain conviction rather than indecision (of course this makes her seem delusional and nutso, but at least she seems stronger?). 

Edited by bantering
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I  am also perplexed with Will's characterization. He should be more assertive and not this passive and weak. I remember reading somewhere that Chandler Massey wanted Will to go dark and be more assertive and the idiots in charge shot down his suggestions. Will is becoming more unlikable and impossible to root for. I still maintain the infidelity story is out of character for Will. Will loves and worships Sonny too much to hurt him like this..Plus their relationship was still in the honeymoon phase for him to wonder about having sex with other men..He and Sonny should be locked in their bedroom having fun with one another...lol... I could see Sonny  giving Will some good loving at night..It pains me to see them like this...The conspiracy theorist in me is saying that the idiots in charge are manipulating us by making Will so unlikable so that we can root for Sparkle and Sonny to reunite as a couple. Look at how EJ got in the way of Sami and Lucas finally getting together..They were never the same again after he bulldozed his way into their lives....I fear that this is happening with Will and Sonny....Sonny loves Will too much for him to get over this kind of betrayal....If the show wanted to make Will the cheater, then they should have given us reasons that makes sense as to why Will would put his family at risk. When Marlena cheated on Roman with John, it made sense because of their complicated history. We have speculated that Sonny may still want to have a relationship with Ari when he leaves Will, but, what if he cuts ties with her....He has never adopted her, so it would be very easy for him to walk away from her. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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Will loves and worships Sonny too much to hurt him like this.


Will is a character on a soap opera and characters on soaps only love and worship their romantic interests too much to hurt them until the story dictates otherwise


I do think the show wants to make Paul rootable enough/have enough of an anchor in Salem that his end of the triangle holds weight (Nick on OLTL was likable and had fans, but it was crystal clear he was no serious threat to Kyle and Fish).  


But I don't think it's active manipulation on the show's part.  I just think the show doesn't realize how Will is coming off.  Just like how they don't realize Dan is coming off, how Abigail is coming off, etc.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I don't think the writing favours Paul. He comes off as a dipwad too. But I think the guy playing him is a better actor than GW (not to mention better-looking), and that makes Paul seem slightly less objectionable (though perhaps accidentally so).  I don't really like Paul as a character (and I'm annoyed he might be related to John, which means I'll have to deal with Paul making bedroom eyes to his dad), but objectively speaking I can tell he's a better actor and way better looking. 

Edited by bantering
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I don't think the writing favours Paul. He comes off as a dipwad too.


I feel the writers have been quite heaving handed in how they're writing for Sparkle


  • He was "forced" to give up his true love because he was afraid of losing his career
  • He basically gave up Sonny for nothing since his career ended only three years later because of injury
  • He ends up in the same town as Sonny and sees this as his chance to get him back, only to find out Sonny has moved on
  • His mother has been less than supportive after he came out
  • His father died before he was born
  • He's probably about to find out some other man is really his father
  • He was Sonny's first love and if he would have come out of the closet maybe they would be together right now
  • He "saved" Sonny's life
  • Will is the asshole husband who has now cheated and broken Sonny's heart


To me it seems like we're supposed to find Sparkle very sympathetic while thinking Will is a piece of shit who deserves to lose Sonny. The thing is, Will may be a scumbag right now, but I didn't spend the last two+ years watching the trials and tribulations of Wilson and then watch them get married only for their marriage to be in shambles a mere 10 months later. They couldn't even be relatively happy for a whole year before some interloper shows up. Why am I supposed to care about Sonny and Sparkle's love affair that happened off screen? Why am I supposed to care about some newbie that's been here less than six months? If the writers insisted on doing this stupid story they should have waited until Wilson busted up before they introduced Sparkle. Watching Sparkle repeatedly harass Sonny and try to break up his marriage is not a good look and doesn't make him at all sympathetic to me. And if someone HAD to cheat it should have been Sonny because they would provide more story opportunities. How would Lucas react? Would Kate try to kill Sonny? Would Adrienne insist on defending and making excuses for her precious son while still acting like Will is literally the worst person ever? Would Will be passive and easily forgive Sonny or would he scheme to destroy Sparkle and his cheating husband? It would have been a nice chance of pace to see Sonny as the screw up for once.

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You are correct in your assessment leftphalange.. I would have had Will move out with Arianna, while Sonny reunites with Sparkle after Will outs him in the magazine, out of revenge for their affair. This would lead to Sparkle losing his career.  Will would try to keep Arianna from Sonny, while Sonny fights to see his daughter. I would have had Sonny already formally adopt Arianna, making him and Will equal as parents. This would have set up a custody battle in the future with Rafe and a jailed Gabi stuck in the middle. I would bring a hot  guy to hook up with Will and watch Sonny's head explode....It would have been more organic and remained true to their characters. Instead we get this drivel..These people running the show threw Jack under the bus for Daniel..Jennifer only had eyes for Jack. The real Jennifer would never have chosen Daniel over Jack. So, I have no trust that they are going to do right by Wilson....

Edited by Apprentice79
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I don't think the writing favours Paul. He comes off as a dipwad too. But I think the guy playing him is a better actor than GW (not to mention better-looking), and that makes Paul seem slightly less objectionable (though perhaps accidentally so).  I don't really like Paul as a character (and I'm annoyed he might be related to John, which means I'll have to deal with Paul making bedroom eyes to his dad), but objectively speaking I can tell he's a better actor and way better looking. 


Not sure if the PTB want us to like Paul more, but I do. And I rarely like the person trying to break up a couple, but Will is written/acted so badly that it's easy for me to dislike him and favour Paul.


Paul is good looking, but Will could be too, if they wanted him to be.  There's lots of pics online where he looks 100% better than on DOOL, including his Twitter pic:  https://twitter.com/theguywilson


BTW, anyone know if he pronounces his name as "geye" or "geee" ?




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  Watching Sparkle repeatedly harass Sonny and try to break up his marriage is not a good look and doesn't make him at all sympathetic to me. A 


This is why I don't like Paul. That's why he seems like a dipwad to me no matter what his back story.


Now that you've mentioned the points, I can agree that the writers have given a   background that's meant to make him look more sympathetic for whatever reason. And it would have made more sense for Sonny to have the affair, not Will.  I don't know if it's active manipulation or just stupidity from the writers. I could believe the latter just as much as the former.


Personally, for me I don't really want to see Sonny end up with Paul. Not sure I really want to see him end up with this version of Will either.  I have wondered what I would feel if Chandler Massey were still playing Will, but a part of me is glad that I don't have to see him playing this side of Will either.  Maybe I can't bear to see CM's cutie-pie  face messing up this badly like GW's Will. That wasn't meant to sound as shallow as it sounds, but I really like the pleasantness that CM brought to the role of Will (he had sunshine in his face even when he was acting like a brat). I think it's easier for me to disengage from this version of Will because I have no attachment to GW. Nonetheless, I do think, no matter how dumb GW's version of Will might be, I'm probably more on board with Will as an actual character because of who his parents are and because I've seen him from birth. I'll still laugh at Will though since he deserves it right now, and because GW is in the role.

Edited by bantering
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I feel like CM was stronger as an actor than GW (and on a shallow note better looking too), but even this terrible writing of Will's character could not save him no matter who plays him. I think. A great actor migh make a bad written character at least harder to dislike but it does not change the way the character is presented.


If CM was still playing Will now, I am not sure if I would have liked him or disliked him more.

Edited by Ruby Red
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I just don't think GW is a good enough actor. The writing isn't doing Will any favors but the writing is bad for everyone. Even before the cheating story started GW was pretty bad. I took a peek at the Days Facebook page there are tons of positive comments about Sonny and Paul. Lots of negative comments about Will and how Sonny deserves better.

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What is the scuttlebutt from TPTB on DOOL? I'm guessing they are happy with GW, right? Otherwise, he would have been canned by now. When he was written out for several months I thought he was going to be replaced but apprently he was told in advance that he was coming back. Unfortunately, GW isn't a very good actor (first time acting, right?) and he looks like a passive child compared to the other two men. Also, the wardrobe department must totally hate him because they continue to dress him like a 12 year old boy. It's so bizarre. All the other guys look really cool with their leather jackets and tight jeans. He looks like a kid. It can't be his decision so it's the wardrobe departments fault but you'd think he or someone would speak up.

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I vote stupidity on the writers part.  They do not care about character consistency, the history of the show, or good writing.  The rely on shocking twists that aren't shocking or interesting, and they ruin every single SL.  These writers make Brady and Eric look smart, and the writers that are going to replace them aren't any better.

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Sami often used excuses, but I think she'd also lash out at people even when she wasn't trying to cover up one of her schemes, so there were times when some of her excuses didn't sound like excuses (if that makes any sense?) even if that's what they were. Yes, she was using excuses (I won't deny that),  but what she'd also say about Carrie being the more liked sister or whatever wasn't entirely untrue either. There were times she'd pull out the "John ruined my family" line when she was simply mad at Marlena for trying to shrink her (and who wouldn't get defensive whenever Marlena would pull out that haughty face?)  so that gave off the impression that Sami really did think ill of John rather than just using it as a good cover (the excuse did help out that way conveniently, but I believe she did also authentically think that  John tore up her family and that her mother was stinky when she did it on the desk with him. So there was a weird merging of both convenience  and authenticity in the excuses Sami came up with.)

I don't know.  I remember when she got exposed for switching Theo's paternity test and lost Brandon because of it, and to Roman's face, she blamed him and Marlena not being around in her childhood for her actions, one of the weakest excuses I'd ever seen her give for a scheme.  And sure enough, Roman amazingly, awesomely shut her right down before she could even finish.


Josh is certainly one of the weaker actors in the cast, but that was one of his better scenes, for sure.

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I don't know.  I remember when she got exposed for switching Theo's paternity test and lost Brandon because of it, and to Roman's face, she blamed him and Marlena not being around in her childhood for her actions, one of the weakest excuses I'd ever seen her give for a scheme.  And sure enough, Roman amazingly, awesomely shut her right down before she could even finish.


Josh is certainly one of the weaker actors in the cast, but that was one of his better scenes, for sure.


Fair enough. I guess I feel there was a certain consistency to the kind of excuses she'd come up with so that even when the excuse didn't fit the crime she had committed I do think she genuinely hated John and Marlena anyway (I don't think that was fake from her end), and what would blurt out of her mouth at least had a context or logic  for her to rationalize the excuse she was coming up with to buy her time to try and get out of the jam.  (I didn't necessarily think anyone was actually buying the excuses though. Marlena and Carrie slapped her enough times for me to understand that Sami's excuses weren't necessarily working on anyone). I think Nicole's excuses often work out the same way -- there's a certain logic to them even if she shouldn't be using them. Even the excuses (or lies??)  Kristen tried to pull out when she got found out through the sex tape in church  had a certain logic backing them up, and I think Kristen is way too cuckoo for coco puffs.


The weirdest thing In Will's case is that he wasn't even scheming like Sami or Nicole or EJ. He committed a mistake a lot of people make by cheating. But yet in that particular context his excuse was the strangest one I've ever heard from anyone on a tv show or even on this show by itself. I can't  recall even EJ using an excuse like that. I think he just used the standard one a lot of men use ("we weren't having sex and I needed someone to make me feel pretty").  I'm not even sure if Rafe bothered to come up with one.  Will probably could have used EJ's excuse or just hung his head in silence like Rafe. There are so many different kinds of excuses men use when they cheat, but they usually try to stay away from the one Will used -- I guess Will didn't have time to google.  Or maybe the writers don't know how to use google??

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I have wondered what I would feel if Chandler Massey were still playing Will, but a part of me is glad that I don't have to see him playing this side of Will either.



The people in charge need to try to get CM back. Start digging through couch cushions for change and offer him whatever they can scrounge up.



Personally, for me I don't really want to see Sonny end up with Paul. Not sure I really want to see him end up with this version of Will either.


If Will and Sonny break up I would like for Sonny to stay single for awhile. Unfortunately, I'm sure Sonny will get stuck with Sparkle since the writers seem incapable of letting people be single. Or if he does stay single he'll probably just turn into a desperate loser like so many other people in Salem.

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What is the scuttlebutt from TPTB on DOOL? I'm guessing they are happy with GW, right? Otherwise, he would have been canned by now. When he was written out for several months I thought he was going to be replaced but apprently he was told in advance that he was coming back. Unfortunately, GW isn't a very good actor (first time acting, right?) and he looks like a passive child compared to the other two men. Also, the wardrobe department must totally hate him because they continue to dress him like a 12 year old boy. It's so bizarre. All the other guys look really cool with their leather jackets and tight jeans. He looks like a kid. It can't be his decision so it's the wardrobe departments fault but you'd think he or someone would speak up.


Guy was off for a month because he took a vacation in Australia.

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When Sami switched Theo's paternity test, she knew what she was doing.  When her scheme backfired, Sami fell back on an excuse she had used in the past, and it did make some sense in Sami's twisted way of viewing things.  Sami wanted a happy family with Brandon and Will, she hadn't had that with Roman and Marlena, so in her mind, she was justified in doing whatever it took to make it happen with Brandon and Will.


Will OTOH seems to be sleep walking through his own life.  I think GW is doing a horrible job, but so are the writers.  Will has not always been a passive brainless spineless idiot.

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I don't care about Will (a character I liked) anymore, don't give a damn about newbie desperado Sparkle, and like Sonny. So my interest in this triangle is minimal.

I mean I give a shit if Sonny throws both jerks aside like parking tickets and/ or humiliates them. But a good triangle should be juicy and compelling.

I'm finding it hard to care about Serena and her Cost Plus World Market pachyderm heist also. She's kinda bitchy too.

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When Sami switched Theo's paternity test, she knew what she was doing.  When her scheme backfired, Sami fell back on an excuse she had used in the past, and it did make some sense in Sami's twisted way of viewing things.  Sami wanted a happy family with Brandon and Will, she hadn't had that with Roman and Marlena, so in her mind, she was justified in doing whatever it took to make it happen with Brandon and Will.

Yes, that part did.  I absolutely understood that part.  But the excuse she gave when Roman reamed her out made no sense at all.  She started to say if he and Marlena had been there to teach her right from wrong, she wouldn't have done it.  That was when Roman tore her right to shreds.

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 I couldn't believe all of the excuses Will was coming up with and here's another unbelievable tidbit:  apparently Will could have cheated dozens of time because according to Sneasel, there were all of these men who wanted to have sex with him.  Yeah, I believe that.


So in addition to the stereotypical limited alleged gay category preferences of bear and twink we can now add sneasel. So I guess there is a portion of gay LA men who love them some snake/weasel combo. Good to know.

Not a bad reveal. Paul was dropping dime all over town. First confessing the truth to Sonny. Then giving Marlena the scoop, followed by laying a few home truths on Sneasel. I did wish that Sonny had been able to verbally ream Will the whole episode though. The interruptions lasted longer than the actual confrontation. I wanted more!!! I sincerely didn't get what Will was getting at with reference to sleeping with Sparkle in relation to getting his article scoop.

I think my favorite moment was when WIll found out that Sonny is Paul's first love and he was about ten seconds from going into a tantrum that Sonny still has feelings for Paul when Paul shut him down with a , "No he said he was married and in love with his husband."  Simple. straightforward and it shows the depths of Sonny's faithfullness.  Awesome moment :)


But I think Sneasel still went away with the hamster wheel turning in his head and with some ammunition. He will be blaming his actions on Sonny and also accusing Sonny of not only lying to him and never telling him that an ex-lover was in town but also emotionally cheating because Sonny was interacting with him and coming to Paul's hotel room.

I have never had a problem with Sparkle, he can act rings around GW...but then again almost anyone could.

The empty coffee cups every one in Salem are pretending are full, act circles around GW. Don't get me wrong this storyline would have been a hard sell for even the greatest daytime actor but at least it would have been emotionally more riveting and engaging with a better actor. GW's bad acting took me out of the scenes.

The last time I saw Eric with the elephant he was putting it into a box and talking to Daniel about it. So did he give it to Daniel? Will Serena have to sleep with Daniel now? I don't care if that thing was full of diamonds, the mystery of life, a map to the greatest treasure horde the world has every seen or coordinates to Heaven's gate - nothing is worth having to sleep with Daniel.

I don't care what excuse Paige used to be at JJ's house, her being there interating with his mom is creepy as fuck!!

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The last time I saw Eric with the elephant he was putting it into a box and talking to Daniel about it. So did he give it to Daniel? Will Serena have to sleep with Daniel now? I don't care if that thing was full of diamonds, the mystery of life, a map to the greatest treasure horde the world has every seen or coordinates to Heaven's gate - nothing is worth having to sleep with Daniel.


I'm hoping Eric gave it to Daniel to give it to Jenn for the Church rummage sale.  Then Serena would have to sleep with Eric to find out what he did with it, then sleep with Daniel to find out where it went, then sleep with Jennifer to find out who bought it at the rummage sale and then sleep with that person, too.

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I don't like Serena, but I think she has some feelings for Eric. I fear that it's all going the way of "I did it to protect you" when Eric finds out what she's up to and I have an even bigger fear that Eric is going to be totally cool with that. 
If Eric blames Nicole for his trust issues, I'd have to think that he'll hold Serena just as accountable, given that he repeatedly whined to her about how Nicole's deception ruined his chance at ever finding happiness, or some such nonsense. However, it's only wrong to lie and deceive if it's Nicole, so he'll probably tell Serena how much she means to him and would she care to make him omelettes and macaroni and cheese for the rest of their lives?

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The show should have done a better job of explaining why Serena couldn't have just have asked for the elephant if it was of no sentimental value to Eric.


On other shows, the person only jumps in bed with the person after every other avenue has been exhausted. 

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The whole elephant SL is just meh, and I don't really care about Serena.  However, no one should have to sleep with Eric, Daniel, and Jennifer.  That's just cruel.  I like Greg Vaughn, and he is pretty to look at, however, this version of Eric sucks.


This show is so weird when it comes to chemistry.  Eric, Justin, and new Chad had all kinds of chemistry with AS/Sami.  Old Chad and Old Will had all kinds of chemistry.  EJ and Kristen had some odd chemistry to.

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And Abigail has had more chemistry with JJ than any other male on this show...


Edited to add:

What if it turns out that really wasn't the elephant that Serena needed and it was just a duplicate? What if she slept with Eric for a fake elephant? I can't recall  her doing any actual testing on that elephant to make sure it was the real deal, other than to compare what it looked like with another photo of an elephant on her phone. I doubt you could put a Faberge egg up for auction for 2 million dollars before you've tested to see if it's the real deal...

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I don't like Serena, but I think she has some feelings for Eric. I fear that it's all going the way of "I did it to protect you" when Eric finds out what she's up to and I have an even bigger fear that Eric is going to be totally cool with that. 

If Eric blames Nicole for his trust issues, I'd have to think that he'll hold Serena just as accountable, given that he repeatedly whined to her about how Nicole's deception ruined his chance at ever finding happiness, or some such nonsense. However, it's only wrong to lie and deceive if it's Nicole, so he'll probably tell Serena how much she means to him and would she care to make him omelettes and macaroni and cheese for the rest of their lives?


I think a lot depends on the reason Serena is lying. Nicole lied so Eric wouldn't have a choice but to leave the priesthood. The person on the phone has already told Serena Eric can't know the truth and has said that it doesn't matter if he's hurt. I'm willing to find out the reason Serena's lying first.

The show should have done a better job of explaining why Serena couldn't have just have asked for the elephant if it was of no sentimental value to Eric.


On other shows, the person only jumps in bed with the person after every other avenue has been exhausted. 


She was definitely ready to have sex with Eric for his elephant (insert silly joke LOL), but I do think she has feelings for him and it was him that initiated the sex when she was not expecting it. I think like most women she can multi task well, and caring about Eric, perhaps even still loving him can be blended with her mission to exchange the figures.

The whole elephant SL is just meh, and I don't really care about Serena.  However, no one should have to sleep with Eric, Daniel, and Jennifer.  That's just cruel.  I like Greg Vaughn, and he is pretty to look at, however, this version of Eric sucks.


This show is so weird when it comes to chemistry.  Eric, Justin, and new Chad had all kinds of chemistry with AS/Sami.  Old Chad and Old Will had all kinds of chemistry.  EJ and Kristen had some odd chemistry to.


And chemistry is so subjective. I find that Eric and Serena have oodles of chemistry.

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I'm currently enjoying Eric and Serena. I like their rapport and chemistry.

This show isn't able to keep my interest in a couple for very long though-so by next week I might lose interest. I lost interest in JJ and Eve and even Paul/Sonny/Will.

I hope Higley and Griffith can fix that. Not holding my breath.

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Yes, that part did.  I absolutely understood that part.  But the excuse she gave when Roman reamed her out made no sense at all.  She started to say if he and Marlena had been there to teach her right from wrong, she wouldn't have done it.  That was when Roman tore her right to shreds.



Almost everyone on this show makes excuses for their mistakes.  I don't think Will is anything like Sami because while Sami knew what her goal was and what she wanted, Will doesn't seem to have a clue what he is doing or why he is doing it.


One time where I do believe Sami didn't know what she was doing was when she cheated on Rafe.  That was OOC for Sami.  When Sami and Rafe finally got to a point where they were considering getting back together, Sami finally just admitted ruining good things in her life was what she did, and she didn't know why she cheated on Rafe because she loved Rafe and wanted to be with him.  However, that still didn't make sense to me because one line Sami didn't cross was cheating.  Considering all the other boundaries Sami was willing to cross, the writers really should have let her keep the never cheated characteristic.


Theresa is another character which originally didn't seem to have any motivations.  The writers just had her show up in Salem as Kim and Shane's problem child.  JL gave the character layers the writers couldn't be bothered to.  I think Dan and Jenn are boring, but I don't know why Theresa would waste time on them trying to cause them problems.  They aren't worth the effort.

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I think one of the main problems with this show is the fact that they tape the shows so far in advance...I am perplexed as to why they do this..It keeps the show from fixing mistakes that are hurting the show. They should go back to taping 3 weeks in advance, it would help them enormously in the long run. I think another problem is the fact that the idiots in charge try to tell us who we are supposed to like...I hate Abigail because she is presented as a heroine, when her actions show that she is nothing of the sort. I still the hate the fact that she was able to have the upper hand over Sami...I understand that the show has a vision and they should not let the audience control their vision, however, audience feedback should be taken into account..Douglas Marland said that writers should write with the audience in mind and not their egos and their favorite characters.. New characters are given more priority over established characters. Dan was favored over Jack, they trashed Jack in order to make us like Dan with Jennifer..They are now doing that with Will and based on responses online, it is working. Alot of people want Sparkle with Sonny....Soaps are dying because the idiots in charge refuse to go back to their roots. They are trying to imitate other genres and that has alienated long time viewers. Most hit shows imitate the soap opera formula, for example on Scandal Olivia is in a triangle with 2 men; Mellie, the president's wife did not know for a long time if her son was for her husband or her late father-in-law who had raped her years ago....Now Higley is back, that hack may get the show cancelled..She is horrible and only writes events...Corday seems to be another problem for the show, I get the impression  that he micromanages the writers and that can also a detriment to the overall quality of the show....

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I think Serena may have feelings for Eric, but it seems like I  only saw them develop right after the sex and before  the wtf reaction she had when he mentioned the elephant going to a yard sale. Which may have been all of 5 seconds on Friday?  


Otherwise, I could have sworn that she looked a bit taken aback previously at the thought of sleeping with Eric. It wasn't disgust exactly, but she didn't look too thrilled about it either, which surprised me (well, considering what he looks like and all. Although I suppose she's clued in to the fact that his personality is really annoying...) I pity her if she has to sleep with Daniel. Sleeping with Eric doesn't really seem like prostituting one's self (maybe because he's cute?) But sleeping with Daniel and the spray tan that Nicole couldn't get off in the shower?  (yuck). That feels like a Law and Order episode waiting to happen...

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I think Serena may have feelings for Eric, but it seems like I  only saw them develop right after the sex and before  the wtf reaction she had when he mentioned the elephant going to a yard sale. Which may have been all of 5 seconds on Friday?  


Otherwise, I could have sworn that she looked a bit taken aback previously at the thought of sleeping with Eric. It wasn't disgust exactly, but she didn't look too thrilled about it either, which surprised me (well, considering what he looks like and all. Although I suppose she's clued in to the fact that his personality is really annoying...) I pity her if she has to sleep with Daniel. Sleeping with Eric doesn't really seem like prostituting one's self (maybe because he's cute?) But sleeping with Daniel and the spray tan that Nicole couldn't get off in the shower?  (yuck). That feels like a Law and Order episode waiting to happen...


I don't know, she seemed to definitely be all about Eric when he initiated it. Maybe she wasn't expecting it, and she wasn't the one trying to control the situation, but that seemed to be the real her.

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