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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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Also, Show? I know you don't much care for the concept of letting the audience make up their own minds about characters... but to see Theresa get legitimately excited about the possibility of having a new friend and then a) have it be Melanie and b) have Melanie attack Theresa over Brady... I am finding myself not on the side you clearly want me to be on (not Theresa's.)


It's crazy how when freaking Kirsten Dimeria came back to town Super Good And Pure Jen was able to give her the benefit of the doubt yet Theresa only has Anne and sorta kinda Eve on her side. I so wish they would have let Sami and Theresa become close. If anyone in town would have understood her it would have been Sami. Throw in Nicole too.



Who’s worse, Jar Jar or Adrienne?


I couldn't stand EJ but he didn't thoroughly disgust me the way Abifail does. Back when I hated Kate I didn't hate her the way I hate Abifail. The only people who rival Abistank's level of worthlessness and awfulness are Jen and Kristen. Probably plastic mannequin too. Even Stefano is less nauseating.

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It's because of what Eric saw in Africa that he became a priest.


That I can buy... I have yet to buy Serena because she seems very unaffected, thus far, by what was in Africa. But, seriously, if they're going to specify the Congo I just cannot believe this sweet, 'you still have the most beautiful smile' romance that they seem to want to sell. I don't expect a documentary on the troubles in the Congo but... maybe don't use that particular country unless anyone who comes back from it is deeply, deeply emotionally scarred.

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I know how this SL with Sneasel and Sonny is going to play out.  Sonny will cheat.  Sneasel will find out, and immediately blame Sami for making Sneasel take the writing job and go to California.  Either that, or Theresa or Nicole will get the blame.


I'm still waiting for my spin off show with Sami, Kate, Theresa, Nicole and Ciara.

Edited by TigerLynx
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MarK Lawson - Wee Pocket Soldier - was magnificent, just magnificent.  And now I've gotten to say that one more time.  And to think Ron C. threw him over for his crush on the Fudd Brothers.....

Oh, not just Brody.  He threw Matthew, Cole, and Markko over for them, too.

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That I can buy... I have yet to buy Serena because she seems very unaffected, thus far, by what was in Africa. But, seriously, if they're going to specify the Congo I just cannot believe this sweet, 'you still have the most beautiful smile' romance that they seem to want to sell. I don't expect a documentary on the troubles in the Congo but... maybe don't use that particular country unless anyone who comes back from it is deeply, deeply emotionally scarred.


I'm guessing that Serena recognizes Mar from some previously unmentioned trip that she took to see Eric in Africa.  And I'm sure that Show is so uninformed that Mar will gush on about how MAAAAAAVALOUS the Congo Hyatt was, and how much fun she enjoyed the Conga line at Congo Disneyland.  No way Show won't make it worse than it already is.  No.way.


I did love it when Serena, looking at Mar, said "She hasn't aged a day"!  Well, of course not.  Mar is never far from her oil can.  And when she's feeling down she just runs throw the local car wash and gets a new wax job.

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I did love it when Serena, looking at Mar, said "She hasn't aged a day"!  Well, of course not.  Mar is never far from her oil can.  And when she's feeling down she just runs throw the local car wash and gets a new wax job.


Marlena's face is made from SCIENCE! Of course she hasn't aged! 

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I think it looks like a mask which reminds me of her serial killer days. Her hair is weird too and Maggie's they look like zombies or animated dead people the stiff faces, hair, and frozen or I appropriate expressions.

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Sonny is way to vulnerable to Paul and it's kind of worrying me. I mean, why did Sonny marry Will if he was still hung up on Paul?

And that is the million dollar question.

Even yesterday, I found myself thinking that besides the passionate nature of their relationship, Paul and Sonny were actually sweet talking about their dreams and their love of hotels, etc. It reminded me that Sneasel and Sonny were never really shown courting each other and dating before they were thrown together ( I know that's par for the course on this show). From the beginning, Sonny was Will's mentor,then there was Adrienne and Sami drama then Gabi and Ari. Will even became a writer out of nowhere.

It's always felt like they have fast-forwarded past those unique couple moments and moved straight on to marrying them and throwing a baby at them.

Using Sami and Lucas as an reference point: where is WilSon's version of finding a snake in a tent, throwing flour at each other, kissing in a clown car, making salty French toast and breaking a bed?

It actually makes me sad that the show has mostly stopped doing that. Jar Jar and BOllie don't do that either.

Sonny has always implied that falling in love with Will was like coming home. He didn't seem like the type to have a great love roaming the earth still. But regardless, maybe Sonny married Will because of Ari?

If Will turfs Sonny out, I'd like someone to ask if that's the only reason he wants to stay.

That reminds me that Paul doesn't know about Arianna Grace.

Edited by 271queenie
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That I can buy... I have yet to buy Serena because she seems very unaffected, thus far, by what was in Africa. But, seriously, if they're going to specify the Congo I just cannot believe this sweet, 'you still have the most beautiful smile' romance that they seem to want to sell. I don't expect a documentary on the troubles in the Congo but... maybe don't use that particular country unless anyone who comes back from it is deeply, deeply emotionally scarred.


Yes, exactly this! This is the kind of thing that drives me up a wall. At least TIIC picked a country and stopped with the 'When I was in ~Africa~" BS. Contrary to the pronouncements of some, Africa is not a country. And I could absolutely do without the white-savior complex played out on black bodies for the benefit of the white protagonist crap. And OF COURSE ~Africa~ is represented by traditional arts (which fine, whatever, but we're obviously supposed to imprint on 'primitive') and a ceiling fan. Writers, I can guarantee there are air conditioners, skyscrapers and everything in Kinshasa. I can't stand the trope of romance between white people who have can leave the horrors of the things they are covering, volunteering with, etc as the war dead, rape victims, and famine victims are somewhere hazily in the background. And I actually think it bothers me more that it's just sort of thrown in there by the writers as ambiance. Like, there is literally no reason why THIS had to be the backstory. And the fact that a country's brutal history is being used to bring 'exotic romance' to the backstory of a couple on an American soap kind of makes me nauseous. It's times like this I remember how incredibly insular and white American daytime soaps are. 

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When Fr Eeyore came back they had to invent a story where he had been and why he had unexpectedly become a priest so they settled on trauma, so Africa probably sounded like a "good idea" at the time and it was something that would put his photography to work.  I really don't think anyone was planning to bring in an old girlfriend from that time in his life two years after he started the show after they pushed Ericole so hard at us. Good lord,  it felt like I spent more time in church in Salem than I have in the last 30 years of real life. So I cut them some slack about the location because what else were they going to do after that backstory.  We all know they never seem to plan ahead more than about six months.


It still doesn't explain Eeyore's asexuality though and I am wondering how he broke it off with her under those terms and that "might" be interesting to see, and how she can forgive him at this point.  To be honest though, I'm not sure anyone can rehabilitate his character for me after the past year of sulking.  And I'm not really impressed with MA yet.  . 

Edited by QuelleC
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When Fr Eeyore came back they had to invent a story where he had been and why he had unexpectedly become a priest so they settled on trauma, so Africa probably sounded like a "good idea" at the time and it was something that would put his photography to work.  I really don't think anyone was planning to bring in an old girlfriend from that time in his life two years after he started the show after they pushed Ericole so hard at us. Good lord,  it felt like I spent more time in church in Salem than I have in the last 30 years of real life. So I cut them some slack about the location because what else were they going to do after that backstory.  We all know they never seem to plan ahead more than about six months.


It still doesn't explain Eeyore's asexuality though and I am wondering how he broke it off with her under those terms and that "might" be interesting to see, and how she can forgive him at this point.  To be honest though, I'm not sure anyone can rehabilitate his character for me after the past year of sulking.  And I'm not really impressed with MA yet.  . 


For me, right now, MA is the only saving grace of this whole ridiculous story. I'm ready to see her spread around the canvas.

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Ugh of course I can't get my wish of having two days free of Abifail & of course we have to watch her & BOllie have sex everywhere possible.    And I find it interesting that she's trying to act like she's not interested in whether Chad & Jordan are having sex (since she seems to think that Chad should be pining away for her)


Skipped the Dannifer stuff - they nauseate me


I wish they'd put Brady with Nicole - out of all her pairings that one is the best (although I did like her with original recipe Eric)


I'm enjoying Theresa more & more these days - just keep her away from Brady & we'll be good.


I really am intrigued by Paul & Sonny - it does make you wonder if Sonny has some residual feelings left for him that he didn't realize he had - I do hate that he's going to Paul for the money


And I do wish the women on this show would actually dress like it's winter instead of still thinking it's summertime.


Still not on board with Serena & Eric - their backstory just seems forced to me - plus I don't want to see Serena saddled with Eric

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Paul's grown on me. I'm not going so far as to say I actually like the character, but I can see some potential there. I suck at gauging chemistry, but he and Sonny seem to have it, at least far more than Sonny and Will do. I'm not thrilled with the Sonny needing money plot point, but Will being too wrapped up in his own life/problems to be there for Sonny is a huge contrast to Sunny moving heaven and earth to help Will, Will's daughter, Will's mother, Will's grandmother, and Will's baby momma when they all needed him. Yeah, Will doesn't *know* that Sonny needs him, but he would if he could be bothered to check in with his husband. Given that Sonny's very much in an all give, no take relationship with Will, it's a nice surprise to see Paul willing to give . Of course, if there are strings attached to the loan, I reserve the right to change my opinion.

So yeah, I like the way that Sonny and Paul's past is being presented. It's much more interesting than seeing two grown ass adults making googly eyes at each other when they meet up after a few years. 

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If this Sonny/Paul thing gets as far as Will/Sonny divorcing, how would that work?  I happened across their wedding on Youtube yesterday and discovered Marlena officiciated, which got me wondering, are they legally married?

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I thought Paul was okay looking when he was lying in the hospital bed. But he's sort of funny-looking whe he's skulking around in a baseball jacket and heavy jacket.


If the hotel dude could figure out that Paul is gay, how has he been able to hide his sexuality?  I wouldn't guess that he's gay, but it seems some people can, so I'm surprised his secret isn't out already.


I just realized that Will could write a feature outing Paul's sexuality like he did outing Abigail as the mistress. Maybe that's what will break up Sonny and Will. 

Edited by bantering
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If this Sonny/Paul thing gets as far as Will/Sonny divorcing, how would that work? I happened across their wedding on Youtube yesterday and discovered Marlena officiciated, which got me wondering, are they legally married?

They are legally married, but they just wanted a personal touch by getting Marlena to officiate since there was obviously no religious component. They would have to get a legal divorce like everyone else. What will be interesting is how Sonny's relationship with Ari is affected.

I thought Paul was okay looking when he was lying in the hospital bed. But he's sort of funny-looking whe he's skulking around in a baseball jacket and heavy jacket.

If the hotel dude could figure out that Paul is gay, how has he been able to hide his sexuality? I wouldn't guess that he's gay, but it seems some people can, so I'm surprised his secret isn't out already.

I just realized that Will could write a feature outing Paul's sexuality like he did outing Abigail as the mistress. Maybe that's what will break up Sonny and Will.

I will be irritated if Sonny dumps Will over Paul being outed (especially with the kissing and the possible money borrowing).

Will is a chump but I still have PTSD over all of Salem siding with Abby over Sami, so for me it's a matter of principle.

I wouldn't be able to stand Will being cheated on (aka The Wronged Party) and all of Salem sympathizing with Sonny and Paul over that 'terrible Wll' that dared to out Paul cos his husband was cheating.

And I do think that outing someone is reprehensible, but I would hope that Will wouldn't do it on purpose.

I envision something along the lines of someone else putting something extra in, like when WILL wrote the article about EJabby, but SAMI got the blame just cos she named her.

This is so bad of me, but if Sonny ever wants to make a go of things with Paul, I would hope he loses out on contact with Arianna Grace. Sonny is just as much a parent to her as Will is, but legally he has no rights, except upon the deaths of Will and Gabi. Forget about Will not picking up the phone, Sonny should think of their daughter at a time like this. I know people fall out of love all the time, but really it's been no contact for a few days and that's no excuse to destroy your family over a closet case.

People who cheat need to realize that there are long term consequences for going down that road. This WilSon thing might not end up like EJami where everything returned to the status quo in a New York minute. If at some point Sonny chooses to be with Paul, he has to know that he might have to choose between Paul and the other things in his life that matter.

This of course could all be hypothetical, but I think most of you guys on here know I can't stand cheating storylines.

Edited by 271queenie
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Given that Sonny's very much in an all give, no take relationship with Will, it's a nice surprise to see Paul willing to give .


What is Paul willing to give Sonny besides sex and money? As long as Paul is in the closet and ashamed of who he is they will never be able to have a real relationship. If Sonny is willing to lose the man he's supposed to be in love with and potentially lose contact with Ari it should be over someone better than closet case Paul. Personally, I don't consider Paul to be much of an upgrade since he has just as many issues as Will does. 

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Soaps have warped me in such a way that I don't even think soap-cheating is all that bad, especially since it happens for the dumbest of reasons (grief sex!) or because of some outlandish situation (the huddle together for body heat because we're trapped in a freezer, oh hey, let's have sex! thing always makes me laugh). I don't want Sonny to cheat, but Will being emotionally absent, combined with him acting like such a tool when he did talk to Sonny, are (by soap standards) reasons enough for me to accept it if he does. 

Should Sonny be thinking of Ari? Yes, he should. But if he did address her, it'd be a huge departure from every other character who's ever strayed, so I'm not going to hold him to a different standard. 



What is Paul willing to give Sonny besides sex and money? As long as Paul is in the closet and ashamed of who he is they will never be able to have a real relationship. If Sonny is willing to lose the man he's supposed to be in love with and potentially lose contact with Ari it should be over someone better than closet case Paul. Personally, I don't consider Paul to be much of an upgrade since he has just as many issues as Will does.

I guess Will's set the bar so low that I look at Paul simply asking Sonny what he can do to help as a huge plus in his favor. I'm sure there are a host of other issues, not the least of which is Paul's closet-dwelling, but since they're not currently in a romantic relationship, that doesn't matter at this point.  I'm just happy to see someone willing to lend Sonny an ear, or a few bucks. Over all, I'm just tired of Sonny busting his ass for Will and Will being....Will.

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Marlena was ordained, but I'm not sure if that's what gave the ceremony legal authority.  What state are they in?  Wisconsin?  Is that like Pennsylvania, where people can legally marry themselves without a state-certified officiant?  Whatever the deal is, Sonny and Will's marriage is legal.


Sonny's attraction to Will (either the last one or especially the current one) has always baffled me.  I actually like Sonny a lot better with Paul.  But then I have no use for Will and have not missed him one bit.  And Paul has a lot of potential.


I have also not missed Jennifer.  AT ALL.  I really wish Days would cut her and Abigail loose and move JJ into his own apartment or something.


Melanie is already getting on my nerves, though I will take her and her many teeth over Abigail and her bizarre face any day of the week. 



I did love it when Serena, looking at Mar, said "She hasn't aged a day"!  Well, of course not.  Mar is never far from her oil can.  And when she's feeling down she just runs throw the local car wash and gets a new wax job.


Bwah!  So funny!

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I wanted to point out that at least Will is being faithful to Sonny right now (although that may change), and it made me wonder about the first time that Paul and Sonny were together. Paul is almost manic when it comes to flirting and I'm guessing he had beards. I would be curious to know if he slept with those women to keep up the pretense while he and Sonny were together? This is my opinion, but Paul seems like the type that would be paranoid and would immediately think people would assume he was gay if he didn't have a girlfriend. And he would probably be worried that the girls he dated would gossip with their girlfriends (just like Gabi did about Will), if he couldn't 'perform.'

I'm just curious about the extent to which Paul has gone to to hide his sexuality and it makes me wonder if Sonny was prepared to accommodate all kinds of things when they were together.

Edited by 271queenie
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What will be interesting is how Sonny's relationship with Ari is affected.


Given everything Will's said about the way he grew up with Sami and Lucas constantly going to war over him and the way he was so fearful of rocking the boat with Gabi and sparking a similar situation, one would think Will wouldn't want to separate Sonny and Ari.  But could I see him spitefully refusing to let Sonny see her?  Totally.


It made me wonder about the first time that Paul and Sonny were together.


I'm curious at what stage Paul's career was when they were together.  I'm speculating that perhaps his first big contract, one that would shove him more in the spotlight, came around right when Sonny was getting fed up with the secrecy and that became the splintering point for them.

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Given everything Will's said about the way he grew up with Sami and Lucas constantly going to war over him and the way he was so fearful of rocking the boat with Gabi and sparking a similar situation, one would think Will wouldn't want to separate Sonny and Ari.  But could I see him spitefully refusing to let Sonny see her?  Totally.



I'm curious at what stage Paul's career was when they were together.  I'm speculating that perhaps his first big contract, one that would shove him more in the spotlight, came around right when Sonny was getting fed up with the secrecy and that became the splintering point for them.

This is a tricky one for me.  I like that Sonny has been a great step parent to Ari but that doesn't give him any legal right to her.  If Will and Sonny do get divorced in the next year I don't think that should guarantee that Sonny "deserves" any special time with Ari.  I think it would be a nice thing, but I don't think Will is obligated to keep Sonny in her life. 


In fact I think the best thing would be to try and in a healthy and respectful manner taper off the dependent relationship they have with one another before Ari really gets into her formative years.  I know that sounds a little insensitive but there are incredible joys and downsides to blended families.


I just think that it sets up a weird precedent for Sonny to have any legal right to Ari considering the whole picture.  If we applied that to all of Days recent history that would mean that Austin would of had a legal right to Will, Lucas a legal right to Johnny, Rafe or EJ a legal right to Ally, Nicole a legal right to Sydney, Billie a legal right to Shawn D, and John a legal right to Carrie, Sami, and Eric.


In the above situations you could make a case for the "step-parent" having a hand in raising the child, but it doesn't give them a legal right.  Now I think it is a nice thing when the child can have a healthy relationship without their being a "formal" attachment. For example, I love that Carrie considers John her second father and can differentiate the relationship she has with Roman with the one she has with John. I also like that Lucas will take Ally to visit Rafe every once in a while and they can have a nice visit without their being any angst on Rafe's part about Ally being his daughter, sort of an honorary Uncle relationship.  That to me is more appropriate.

Edited by JBC344
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I loved how today was focused on Sonny. He's been on four days this week and today other characters also spent time talking about him, which makes a change from hearing about Dan and Melanie. Dare I hope he be allowed to top the episode rankings this month?

I also liked how this episode showed that Victor and Kate on their own are just as effective as DiMeras when it comes to solving problems. At least Will is not forced into relying on EJ because of Sami anymore. I also love me some Victor and Kate cos I loved them in the nineties and I also just like seeing Victor on a lot and not tied to Magster's apron.

I'm glad that Vic is concerned about Sonny and Will and that Rafe is involved cos in a weird way they're all family.

Chad better watch himself. That's all I'm saying. He should be glad that Adrienne doesn't know the full story yet.

As to Sneasel keeping a secret, meh. Sonny has a secret about the Sinkhole aka TBD 2.0 and Paul. I did enjoy Sonny dropping the call like a hot potato when Will came in. While it lasts of course.

All in all, I'm glad Sonny managed to keep his fly zipped while Will was out of town. If you're gonna cheat, have the guts to admit it's cos you want to and don't blame it on your spouse and what they're not doing for you.

Edited by 271queenie
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Goodness this was a boring ass show today and I wonder why. Oh yes, BOllie, Abifail, Mr. Rapey, Grimace, Adrienne, Sneasel all rolled together on one show. Just blech.


Jar Jar and BOllie scenes are completely useless and having to hear Jar Jar say how great her breed of family are. Let's decorate that ugly ass tree that can bring roaches and ants with strings of gummy and whatever the fuck was on that string, and then top it off with a paper star. 


Good question Kate, why didn't Sonny READ the fine print? Why does Victor want things to blow up in Sonny's face? Why not give Sonny the money so he doesn't take a fall or Kate loans him the money.


Goodness Adrienne, STFU, it's up to Sonny on whether or not he tells Sneasel about Paul. Since they had an agreement on not knowing about their exes, Sonny doesn't have to say anything. Plus Sonny also is under the impression that Paul will be leaving Salem, so from Sonny's POV there's nothing to tell. Adrienne just can't help herself.


Oh goodness the highlight of the show for me was Sneasel telling Sami that the studio dumped him LMAO, I cackled a little bit. They found out what a hack ass writer he was and didn't meet deadlines. Karma came to bite him in the ass and it's what he gets, for favoring Jar Jar Binks over Sami in that trashy article. Now he's going to have to write a story on Paul. I know that Paul doesn't know that Will is back in town or that Sonny is married to him, so wondered what he wanted from Zoe.


Overall a very BORING episode.

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If this Sonny/Paul thing gets as far as Will/Sonny divorcing, how would that work?  I happened across their wedding on Youtube yesterday and discovered Marlena officiciated, which got me wondering, are they legally married?


Marlena got her license to marry people from an online religion, but the organization was dragging their feet about granting her license.  EJ flew the DiMera corporate helicopter to Chicago on the day of the wedding, and stormed into their offices, and they guy was refusing to grant Marlena a license because he knew Sami and hated her and was not going to give a license to anyone associated with her.  EJ "persuaded" him with his DiMera charm and flew back to get Marlena her license just before the wedding.

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I also liked how this episode showed that Victor and Kate on their own are just as effective as DiMeras when it comes to solving problems. At least Will is not forced into relying on EJ because of Sami anymore. I also love me some Victor and Kate cos I loved them in the nineties and I also just like seeing Victor on a lot and not tied to Magster's apron.



I never understood why EJ was the person they went to for help.  Sami, Kate, and Lucas were pulling off their own schemes for years before EJ ever showed up in Salem, and Victor summed things up nicely when he told Sonny, “Next time you need someone killed, you come to me.”  EJ could never accomplish anything without Stefano’s help.  EJ’s hitman didn’t even kill Nick.  Gabi beat him to it.

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Goodness this was a boring ass show today and I wonder why. Oh yes, BOllie, Abifail, Mr. Rapey, Grimace, Adrienne, Sneasel all rolled together on one show. Just blech.

Jar Jar and BOllie scenes are completely useless and having to hear Jar Jar say how great her breed of family are. Let's decorate that ugly ass tree that can bring roaches and ants with strings of gummy and whatever the fuck was on that string, and then top it off with a paper star.

Good question Kate, why didn't Sonny READ the fine print? Why does Victor want things to blow up in Sonny's face? Why not give Sonny the money so he doesn't take a fall or Kate loans him the money.

Goodness Adrienne, STFU, it's up to Sonny on whether or not he tells Sneasel about Paul. Since they had an agreement on not knowing about their exes, Sonny doesn't have to say anything. Plus Sonny also is under the impression that Paul will be leaving Salem, so from Sonny's POV there's nothing to tell. Adrienne just can't help herself.

Oh goodness the highlight of the show for me was Sneasel telling Sami that the studio dumped him LMAO, I cackled a little bit. They found out what a hack ass writer he was and didn't meet deadlines. Karma came to bite him in the ass and it's what he gets, for favoring Jar Jar Binks over Sami in that trashy article. Now he's going to have to write a story on Paul. I know that Paul doesn't know that Will is back in town or that Sonny is married to him, so wondered what he wanted from Zoe.

Overall a very BORING episode.

Does Paul even know that Will is out of town? I must have missed an episode. I guess I feel like Will needs to know that Paul and Sonny kissed. Kissing is low on the cheating scale, but it's still cheating. I'm a firm believer that a kiss is never just a kiss, especially between two people like Sonny and Paul who were obviously in love.

Plus what is Sonny going to do about the money now? And if he does get it off Paul Will deserves to know based on the discussion we had about finances earlier this week.

I'm starting to suspect that there is more to TMZ-Bellhop than meets the eye. How did Zoe know Paul was at the Salem Inn?

I'm trying to understand Victor. I think he thinks that by not giving Sonny the money he will force Sonny to break away from Chad permanently and then he and Kate can tag team annoying Chad for control of DE as well. What he doesn't know is that Sonny is stubborn and is looking for that money elsewhere. I hope he would help Sonny after the fall if this is what he intends to happen.

I hope Sonny understands when he finds out that Will came home because he was fired. And I think Will is truly glad to be at home with Sonny anyway. When you're feeling low it's nice to have someone in your corner.

Will is not going to tell Sonny he was fired for the same reason that Sonny is not going to tell Will about the second club failing. I don't think either likes to fail and would be embarrassed that they spent time apart for things that turned out to be generally not worth it.

Anyway, I just need Sonny to collect his ornament on December 25th and then the worst can happen. Speaking of ornaments, I'll bet BOllie will come to the Horton Christmas Party or whatever.

Maybe Chad hired Abby back at the hospital cos he knew she would spend all day in bed with him if he did.

Edited by 271queenie
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Oh, and Paul totally asked Zoe to get Will to write the article because of how he wrote the Chad article. I think he's going to regret it coz he doesn't know that Will Horton is Sonny's husband. Good way to play on the fact that they kept their own names. But think of Will, imagine outing this guy and then finding out that he used to date your husband. I'm curious as to how it all plays out.

If Will outs Paul after finding out about his relationship or cheating with Sonny,at least that gives Will a reason to lash out instead of making him vindictive. And I don't like people who cheat so I don't mind seeing them exposed (like I hoped for with Abby). It's just the fact that Paul is gay and in the closet that makes this sensitive.

Edited by 271queenie
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Abigail's smile is really bad when her hair is pulled straight back.

And that dinner place that they meet up...it has green booths and an orangey tablecloth. Uh, what is with the lighting???There are shadows everywhere and it's so distracting. Are they trying for sunny? Sunlight casts one shadow. Not shadows from everywhere.

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Abigail's smile is really bad when her hair is pulled straight back.

And that dinner place that they meet up...it has green booths and an orangey tablecloth. Uh, what is with the lighting???There are shadows everywhere and it's so distracting. Are they trying for sunny? Sunlight casts one shadow. Not shadows from everywhere.


Are you talking about where Clyde and Kate had cocktails?  That's the Brady Pub.  People also sit and eat in the Horton Town Square and at Sonny's club.


I can't fault this episode, any episode with tons of Victor is a good one.  And please, Show, break up Victor and Maggie and hook him up with Kate.  They have chemistry through the roof.

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Are you talking about where Clyde and Kate had cocktails?  That's the Brady Pub.  People also sit and eat in the Horton Town Square and at Sonny's club.


I can't fault this episode, any episode with tons of Victor is a good one.  And please, Show, break up Victor and Maggie and hook him up with Kate.  They have chemistry through the roof.

I hated that they broke up Kate and Victor back in the day.  They were such a compelling, interesting, older power couple, who were very much a "grey" couple.  I still to this day don't get the Victor/Maggie relationship.  Outside of the fact that they are part of the older generation, they just really aren't that interesting.  I would of rather had Caroline and Victor rekindle their relationship, I feel that would of been an interesting take on Caroline, to see her in a full fledged relationship with Victor since most of their "time" together has been a brief affair 52 years ago, and have been at arms length which each other since then.  While Maggie has become less interesting as a character.

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Won't wore a big, surprisingly genuine-looking smile when he and Ari G. surprised "Daddy Sonny" (which, ehh, not feelin' it, as far as nicknames go) today. I think the baby playing Ari is legitimately fond of Freddie Smith, judging by the way she put her arms around his neck and hung onto him. I truly don't care about Won't anymore, and I care very little about the state of his marriage, but Ari & Sonny? OMGSOCUTE. Sneaze-who now?


The most interesting part of the episode other than that was Pop-Up Victor and Kate possibly maybe cooking up some mischief for Even Stupider Chad. (Poor, clue-starved Adrienne...)


Also: I could listen to Pop-Up Victor calling Shut Up! Rafe "You poor slob!" all damn day.

Edited by Sandman
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Anyway, I just need Sonny to collect his ornament on December 25th and then the worst can happen. Speaking of ornaments, I'll bet BOllie will come to the Horton Christmas Party or whatever.


I hope he hangs his ornament, too.


Otherwise the tree will be all Abigail and Jenn.  After all, they've detached and collected the largest number of balls this year.  And last, as I remember....

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Is it really so "bad" that Sneasel *only* came home to Sonny because he was fired? I mean, what is he supposed to do, stay in LA with no job, leaving Paul free to put the moves on his husband?

Sure, Sonny can be upset with Will for withholding the fact that he was fired, but Sonny would be childish for being upset that he wasn't the reason Will came home. They agreed on the six-month thing at the outset. Maybe Sonny's ego got a big boost from knowing that Will chose him over his career (something that he seems to have an issue about lately, I wonder why?), but it doesn't mean that Will didn't miss him at all. Sonny should just be glad he has his husband back.

Maybe I'm just being sensitive, but on what planet is a secret about a lost job bigger than being in debt, kissing your ex and possibly taking his money? Sonny would be a hypocrite to get pissed at Will.

I would actually be in favor of Sonny keeping the kiss(es) a secret from Will if Paul were already gone or leaving soon, but PT could takes weeks or months. And yes, he expected Will to be gone longer than even that, but Adrienne would have been on the case before too long I'm sure. How long does Sonny really expect that he would have lasted without going further with Paul? His face in yesterday's episode went positively slack at the idea of convening in a hotel room with him. Now he really can't stop Paul's and Will's paths crossing. He could have headed this off at the pass, but whatever.

Will said it would be bad for him if the truth about the studio dumping him came out. If this show was more nuanced I would like to see them make this less about Will's career and ego and more about him realizing that his relationship with Sonny is in a sensitive place right now.

In any case, I'm a sucker for soapy drama where one party attempts to make it work but there is still a huge disconnect with the other party and they don't understand why. It raises the stakes for when it all hits the fan and it could be a catalyst for Will to do some sleuthing.

Sonny is being short-tempered and irritable, and I would guess that is only going to continue, especially when he finds out that Will is going to be writing about Paul. Plus he and Paul will be lying through their teeth pretending not to know each other, which means extra stress.

It's been foreshadowed that Sonny is headed for a fall. I hate having to back Sneasel, but I would prefer watching Sonny cope with losing everything he loves rather than make everything Will's fault for outing Paul while Sonny and Paul get to walk off into the sunset.

Edited by 271queenie
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Chad half naked makes me happy - can he be shirtless at least once a week?    I'd rather see him half naked than BOllie


I am really hoping that Chad & Sonny's friendship doesn't blow up because of this stupid club - I like them as friends & don't want this stupid show to ruin that - I would really like at least one person who's actually on Chad's side & not condemning him for being a Dimera.


Baby Ari is just adorable & you can tell that she loves Freddie (who wouldn't?) - so cute seeing her with him.


And of course Will is writing the story about Paul - Paul's going to regret that.


I think Rafe needs to worry more about Clyde than he does Chad - sorry that Jordan has moved on because you willingly cheated with Kate - not Chad's fault - also Chad wouldn't have had to out Gabi at her wedding if they had all told the truth about Ari from the beginning.  Was it his place to out them at the wedding?   No but I don't blame him for doing it.   Sorry Rafe - Chad's not at fault for anything that Gabi has done - she chose to do all the things she did all by herself.

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It's been foreshadowed that Sonny is headed for a fall. I hate having to back Sneasel, but I would prefer watching Sonny cope with losing everything he loves rather than make everything Will's fault for outing Paul while Sonny and Paul get to walk off into the sunset.


This is so typical of DAYS:  Sonny, who is hardworking and kind, has to have his life destroyed, while Abby, who truly is an awful person, gets to walk around with no accountability for her actions.

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Is it really so "bad" that Sneasel *only* came home to Sonny because he was fired? I mean, what is he supposed to do, stay in LA with no job, leaving Paul free to put the moves on his husband?


Maybe I'm just being sensitive, but on what planet is a secret about a lost job bigger than being in debt, kissing your ex and possibly taking his money? Sonny would be a hypocrite to get pissed at Will.


I guess it depends on how it all comes out.  If Will finds out about the Paul-related stuff and gets up some kind of "I threw away a great career opportunity for you, Sonny!" high horse only for it come out that Will only came home because he was fired...well that's, to quote Pete Campbell, not great, Bob.


In other news, I just cannot take Will seriously as a journalist at all.

Edited by TeeVee329
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This is so typical of DAYS:  Sonny, who is hardworking and kind, has to have his life destroyed, while Abby, who truly is an awful person, gets to walk around with no accountability for her actions.

True, but I would rather have something happen to Sonny as opposed to become all about Will.

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You're assuming those two things are mutually exclusive, aren't you, queenie? Something could happen to Sonny, and Won't could still make it all about him. It's the Horton way.


And of course Will is writing the story about Paul - Paul's going to regret that.


Oh, we're all going to regret that, trust me.

Edited by Sandman
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Seriously people, has Abby been on five days this week? Let's just put her on every day of the week and twice on Sunday's.

I'm so irritated I could scream.

I actually went back to check, and I think it's only four days, but still, if it feels like too much it probably is.

What I can't stand is that worthless Ben who should be written out gets to be on just as much because he is with her. I've only just realized this.

He's not even a legacy character and he and his Hillbilly family have eaten this show. With CS leaving, I don't see the point of Clyde nor Ben.

I will just pray they get written out when KM leaves. With Rafe, Lucas, Brady, Chad and Eric up for grabs why is Ben needed?

I any case, I don't know why they keep on putting out casting calls for more men.

Edited by 271queenie
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I don’t like Will.  I don’t want to see another person who gets cheated on being blamed for what the cheaters did.  I don’t want Sonny, who has been a good supportive boyfriend/husband to Will to get ruined for this SL.  If the writers were capable of doing emotional nuances that might save the SL, but they aren’t.  It would be up to FS to sell the story because NuWill sucks.  I wanted to like NuWill because I was tired of CM smirking his way through scenes, but like I said NuWill sucks.


SOD 2014 Best & Worst


Best Storyline: Sami's Revenge – I loved Sami/Kate’s SL, but the writers ruined it to put Sami back with EJ.  I wanted Sami/Kate to destroy EJ, Stefano and Kristen.


Best Exit: Kristen lying on the stretcher waiting for the Theresa's fetus to be implanted


Best New Pairing: Hope & Aiden


Forced Couple: Paige & JJ


Worst Marital Conflict: Will's Article


Most Wasted Characters: Nicole, Rafe & John

Edited by TigerLynx
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Does Abby not get that anonymous means you don't know who gave the money? She and Ben knowing it came from his dad, means it's not anonymous. 


LOL at Kate saying Chad should be happier in the morning. She's going to figure out that Chad is using Jordan.


Rafe really needs a life, EJ's gone so now his new role in life as a cop is to chase after Chad. Rafe shouldn't even have a job with all the wrong and corrupt he's done. 

Edited by Artsda
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Does Abby not get that anonymous means you don't know who gave the money? She and Ben knowing it came from his dad, means it's not anonymous. 


LOL at Kate saying Chad should be happier in the morning. She's going to figure out that Chad is using Jordan.


Rafe really needs a life, EJ's gone so now his new role in life as a cop is to chase after Chad. Rafe shouldn't even have a job with all the wrong and corrupt he's done. 

She may have iot mixed up with "unanimous". In which case everyone knows. The same could be true for the various "anonymous" rfecovery groups in Salem.

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