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Bethenny Frankel: Skinny Girl

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So last night on WWHL Bethenny said something in response to the lady who called in chastising her for referring to herself as "homeless" about there being legal reasons she could not discuss why she could not buy a new place to live.

So on the Housewives, she says she's bought a house in the Hamptons and a new apartment.

Would there be some reason not to buy something that would be from her divorce--would buying a home constitute abandoning her place with Jason?  I'm assuming that is why he has stuck with the apartment despite her wanting him out.   

  • Love 2

So how is it we're so certain it didn't?


I am willing to concede Bethenny could be lying. Are you willing to concede Jason and his dad might not be entirely truthful? Because the proof for EITHER point of view is nonexistant.


Usually I would say yes to that because I try to be open minded when it comes to the Hos. But that story is so outrageous I can't see it being true.  I just can't.  If Jason said that he'd had a business meeting in the apartment and Beth was sitting around in her skivvies, I'd think that was bs, too. 


They're both smart, calculating people who were looking to 'win'.  Neither one of them, imo, would pull that stunt.  Leave a doodie in the toilet to aggravate the other, possibly, but to do something like that with other people as witnesses?  I just can't see it. 

  • Love 6

Usually I would say yes to that because I try to be open minded when it comes to the Hos. But that story is so outrageous I can't see it being true.  I just can't.  If Jason said that he'd had a business meeting in the apartment and Beth was sitting around in her skivvies, I'd think that was bs, too. 


They're both smart, calculating people who were looking to 'win'.  Neither one of them, imo, would pull that stunt.  Leave a doodie in the toilet to aggravate the other, possibly, but to do something like that with other people as witnesses?  I just can't see it.

Yes, I have to agree there.

It seems so far fetched.

I can maybe see Jason doing to get back at Beth but both him and his dad????

No fukkin' way, IMO.

  • Love 2

I can maybe see Jason doing to get back at Beth but both him and his dad????


Again, I have seen nicer people do worse (and shock me far worse) while in the throw of angry custody rage.


I can totally buy it. Its stupid and and nasty and look just how many people are defending it with "Betthenny needs to understand her husband and her father in law, IF THEY DID THIS, have every right to parade in their underpants and she's the one with the problem, not them. She needs to get over it NO BIG FREAKING DEAL!"


So first, yes, if it happened, no matter how much of an exhibitionist she is (because its been justified that since she gets naked for magazine shoots and tv, its ok and NO BIG FREAKING DEAL for her estranged husband and father in law to wear nothing but underpants in the home while she has guests) its not ok for her estranged husband and father in law to do this. Because its not ok for this to happen to any woman, no one deserves this kind of passive aggressive threat in their own home.


Second, people do CRAZY things in custody battles. I mean otherwise exemplary people snatch their grandkids and hide them, some parents go crazy and kill the kids so the other parent can't have them.... the Hoppys aren't saints. It's not beyond them, especially considering the tone of the divorce.

  • Love 6

 It probably is unlikely that the links are still valid after 2 years.  Server upgrades, etc and that stuff just moves.  No one goes back and repairs links.  You need to catch this when it happens.  Someone just asked why I thought that since Jason's PR person spun that the other way a month later and in the spirit of the internet if you say it enough times it's true.  I know I saw the documents.  They had the little boxes highlighted etc.


So that's why I know that they asked for the same thing.  I don't need other people to know that.


Of course now that Jason has hired forensic accountants so that he can get every last penny of the $10 million he wants for a two year marriage ... yeah he's a douchebag.


If the documents were public record, they will still be available through the court, probably digitally. The courts have professional records managers working on this stuff. Broken links are amateur hour (for sites like TMZ) ;)

  • Love 2


If the documents were public record, they will still be available through the court, probably digitally. The courts have professional records managers working on this stuff. Broken links are amateur hour (for sites like TMZ) ;)


True. But sites like TMZ make their money being first and now.  These are old news, I think that was like 2 years ago.  The scans that TMZ had were the only ones I saw.  I'm sure if someone wants to go to public records themselves they can get copies.  I don't need to since I saw the documents when they were originally posted.  

  • Love 1

I will agree that people in the middle of divorce can lose their minds and sense of proportion and decency. When huge assets are involved, well, forget about sanity. (Though, I guess, big money isn't always the only thing that causes people to jump the rails. One of my sweet uncles loves to tell the story of his first divorce case back in the 70s. He said the couple lived in a trailer with few amenities. The focus of their biggest fight was a Fry Daddy, which is a cooking thing that makes French fries and fried chicken.. Uncle said there was NO dealing or compromising with those two!)

But here's the thing vis a vis UnderwearGate: Jason (and his parents) love Bryn, and he was fighting for joint custody. Two grown men walking around the apartment in their underwear can be construed as threatening to a child, especially a female child. Depending on whether we're talking about briefs or boxers, junk can escape and be exposed. Would they risk that around the child? Or, more on point, would Jason want to show the court that he is capable of poor judgment or questionable morals around his kid? Anything is possible. Anything. But I'm inclined to think the Hoppy men wouldn't risk looking like moronic, clueless assholes who were willing to (potentially) expose their genitals to a small child. But, really, who knows? Jmo

  • Love 4


...  she testified, and then after she sat down, she offered Jason joint custody, which was what he was formally seeking as of 2014.  She is the one who didn't want to be cross-examined.  When she finished her direct testimony and then offered Jason joint custody... given what was at stake, he had to take it.  So it was all manipulated by her.  She refused to offer him joint custody *until* she testified, because she wanted to put her version of events out there for public consumption.  Then and only then did she cave.  Because she knew that by timing her settlement offer like that, she'd stop the whole hearing where things were-- with her having just given her direct exam testimony, knowing she would never have to be cross examined.


Jason didn't have to accept anything.  In fact he was a fool to if he had any witnesses who could directly contradict what Bethenny has claimed he had done.  Depending upon the strength of his evidence, he might have been able to make her appear to be a full-blown perjurer.  And judges hate few things more than being lied to.   It might have been enough to make the judge doubt other things Bethenny has claimed and been the swaying factor whenever anything seemed equal between their cases.  Not only in terms of awarding custody, but also with regard to everything else at stake. 


I am sure Jason's lawyer is well aware of the advantage to be gained in the overall case by making Bethenny look dishonest and would not have passed up the chance to do so if they had the ammunition to use against her.  Which makes me think they didn't have anyone who could (or was willing) to take the stand to contradict her.  


That is why I tend to believe what she said on the stand, rather than see her testifying and then offering joint custody as being manipulative in terms of PR.  


Of course that begs the question of why she then offered joint custody at that point instead of ... whatever it was she might have been seeking (it appears the jury is still out on what exactly she was after).  I suspect any compromise may well have been part of a larger negotiation, the specifics of which have not been made public.  Jason might have caved on a smaller issue that was important to Bethenny, and by agreeing to joint custody, Bethenny essentially got something she wanted for free (since it always seemed pretty much a given they were going to get joint custody because neither one of them appears to have any real shortcoming as a parent that would make joint custody against the best interests of Brynn).  Jason probably gave up something not very important to him and in return got Bethenny to agree to joint custody without any more fighting.  Who knows, he might have been afraid how the judge would view what Bethenny said about him and (being afraid to take the stand himself to answer for it and unable to rebut her testimony at all due to lack of a witness to contradict her), he feared what might happen with custody and gave up something big. 


They both probably walked out of court feeling like winners that day.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
  • Love 3

And judges hate few things more than being lied to.  


I'll bet they hate people who interrupt, too.  Beth doesn't like to be told what to do or when to stop talking. 


Judge  (for the nth time):  Ms. Frankel, please sit down and allow your counsel to speak.

Beth:  Get off of my jock.

Judge:  I find you in contempt of court.

Beth:  Oh no you di'int.

Judge:  Bailiff, remove her from my courtroom.

Beth:  Am I going Downtown Julie Brown?

  • Love 10

Exhausting is pretty spot on...


Two things I think Beth has always done well is pick a good foil and play victim. Its interesting that she is returning as the wealthiest/most prominent cast member because she still seems to be itching to find herself slighted, mistreated, etc. Its a pretty crappy look on a 45 year old with somewhere around $20 million.


From watching the last ep I think she is trying to pick of Sonja as her woe is me sounding board. And ole Sexy J is too daft to notice.


I think the interaction between her and Ramona is insane. They are two children of alcoholics with major diet, $, control, image issues who know how to land a sucker punch. Watching Moaner shut down her seasonal 'I'm through with us... you are nothing to me.. just so you know..' routine was classic. And then when she bit**ed about it in the talking head... Puppies and rainbows for me!


I think at this point anyone can see why the woman made it 45 without a single long lasting relationship.

  • Love 8

Really....not even a long term family member, friend, lover or spouse or even work friend.

She still sees her high school crowd. Her long time assistant is still involved in her corporation, theres Kyle Richards and Hoda often out in NYC. She a and Ellen still hang. The apt she originally stayed at when she didn't have Brynn is a businessman she's known for ten years. So there are a lot of folks in her life. The only family she has is her mother. There are no aunts etc so nothing you can do about that. The one person I haven't seen her with on her website twitter etc is that fellow that would review food trucks. He lost a bunch of weight so maybe I'm just not recognizing him.

  • Love 4

Which is why it sounds so fishy to me.

Of course, if he had a man cave, they could have watched TV butt naked but someone decided otherwise.

She probably was getting a tax credit on the place.

SUCK IT UP, girl. It is part of the game.

As far as SkinnyGirl, it is everywhere. She is an incredible success.

Maybe, the money will calm her down and fulfill her at some point.

Unfortunately, I do not think that is likely...this woman has serious mental health problems, imho

  • Love 3

True. But sites like TMZ make their money being first and now.  These are old news, I think that was like 2 years ago.  The scans that TMZ had were the only ones I saw.  I'm sure if someone wants to go to public records themselves they can get copies.  I don't need to since I saw the documents when they were originally posted.  


Again, they aren't public record.  According to the NYCourts:

The County Clerk of New York County is responsible for receiving papers initiating actions and special proceedings and maintaining the official case files of the court, which contain all papers filed with the court in each case. These files (other than older files and electronic files described below) are kept in the Supreme Court Record Room (Room 103 B, in the basement at 60 Centre Street, hours: 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.). Anyone who wishes to do so may examine the case files in that room. There are, however, two exceptions. First, by law the files in all matrimonial cases are confidential and are available only to the parties to the case or their attorneys, upon presentation of proper identification.



  • Love 2

Whatever happened with boxer-gate, none of us know.  Those who think it was awful are taking as true Bethenny's interpretation of why Jason and his dad were wearing their boxers.  I personally see Bethenny as a perpetual victim and fact-spinner, so I don't buy her spin anywhere close to 100%.  And I always felt Jason and his family were on the whole sincerely lovely people, particularly his parents, so I just don't see Jason's dad wearing his boxers as a hostile act.  For some people?  It would be.  Like most of the guys on RHONJ!  I just don't see that with Jason and his dad.  

I don't buy her version of events 100% either. Jason's dad never struck me as the type who'd sit around in his boxers to spite his ex-DIL.


I find Bethenny's need to have a professional office space for her employees in her home very odd. When she was struggling financially, it made sense to have her assistants in her home since she likely couldn't justify paying for an office space. However, now she can afford a home and a separate office space. I think it would be better for everyone involved if she kept things separate. One thing I remember from her reality show is that she really struggled to keep professional boundaries in her old home office. It was a chaotic environment.

  • Love 7

I don't buy her version of events 100% either. Jason's dad never struck me as the type who'd sit around in his boxers to spite his ex-DIL.

I find Bethenny's need to have a professional office space for her employees in her home very odd. When she was struggling financially, it made sense to have her assistants in her home since she likely couldn't justify paying for an office space. However, now she can afford a home and a separate office space. I think it would be better for everyone involved if she kept things separate. One thing I remember from her reality show is that she really struggled to keep professional boundaries in her old home office. It was a chaotic environment.

It is simply a corporate apartment.

Bethany was living in her headquarter to save money and taxes, IMO.

I think the whole working from home, working from the car, etc. is nothing more than a big power trip. It keeps everyone under her thumb. The sleeper bed thing wreaks of one particularly nutso boss I had who insisted no one leave the office when we had to work late- she would order food in or something but had this weird psycho streak about people so much as getting fresh air for 10 minutes to recharge for a late work night. It was the third clue that she was truly not right in the head.


I think Beth likes them working from her home or car because the person cannot claim any ownership of their general area, a personal office or even a cubicle. It also means no separation between work/home/quasi family relationships. I can only imagine the meltdowns should someone ever quit. 


She finally makes me truly understand the phrase 'money can't buy you happiness.'  It should be 'money can't buy you happiness if you refuse to shop for happiness.'  Because she could use 20% of her sizeable net worth to throw the stupid $2 million apartment at Jason and buy herself another $2million apartment. But she'll spend untold $ fighting him tooth & nail to probably end up at the same property distribution any moron could suggest from the start. And simply skip an interior designer and go for a brand/exhibit designer. They do nice work as well and that is all she actually wants. 

  • Love 12


Because she could use 20% of her sizeable net worth to throw the stupid $2 million apartment at Jason and buy herself another $2million apartment.


Why?  Because he's an asshole?  I don't understand why she should do that.  Give him some money and let him buy his own apartment.


Also can someone weigh in on NY divorce law.  I believe she can't give up residency on the apartment.  Meaning she can't get her own place without prior agreement that it does' mean that she is giving up claim.  So she appeared in court and listed the reasons that the douchebag was making it untenable to share the residence.  Bingo! They settle.  She buys a new apartment.  I bet it was part of the agreement.

  • Love 2

Again, I see so many people do this in divorces.


Example? Neighbor couple has a violent ex-husband. Both women (its a lesbian couple) constantly tell us how they are afraid of Partner A's ex-husband who is crazy violent. They keep guns at their house, have an extensive alarm protection system. They also both work and do quite well for themselves.The daughter of Partner A is not required to see the ex-husband as she is old enough to tell the judge she does not want to see her father.


My point? They also routinely serve Mr. Crazy Violent with papers suing him for back child support for daughter A, thereby inciting him and encouraging him to be in their lives. And why? Because they don't need the money, they're quite proud to tell us how they can provide for Daughter A. They're doing it for the principle of the matter.


I see Betheny and Jason caught up in that anger. Does Jason even want to live in NYC anymore? I mean, does he have a job or anything other than his pending divorce to hold him there? Will Bethenny ever really want to live in that apartment again? This is all to make the other person miserable. They're both guilty.

  • Love 7


She had no problem getting paid after she left her relationships but is unwilling to do the same for Jason.


I don't agree with either.  It was a two year marriage.  How much did she get for her 6 month marriage.  I believe that was the only prior one, right?  If she got a $2 million custom apartment and office and $10 million dollars I'm surprised we haven't heard about.  I just don't agree with men or women that see a short term marriage as the golden ticket.  I have more empathy for someone like Ramona that spent 25 years working in tandem with her husband and his business.  But Jason?  He's being an lazy ass.  I actually think Brandi Glanville has more of case for alimony.

Edited by QuinnM
  • Love 7

I don't agree with either.  It was a two year marriage.  How much did she get for her 6 month marriage.  I believe that was the only prior one, right?  If she got a $2 million custom apartment and office and $10 million dollars I'm surprised we haven't heard about.  I just don't agree with men or women that see a short term marriage as the golden ticket.  I have more empathy for someone like Ramona that spent 25 years working in tandem with her husband and his business.  But Jason?  He's being an lazy ass.  I actually think Brandi Glanville has more of case for alimony.

I hear you but for her own sanity and peace of mind, she needs to pay him to go away.

Life is too short and she can always make more money, IMO.

And she got paid in all her relationships, either in cash or goods.

So she needs to put her big girls panties and keep it moving for her own sake.

  • Love 2

I know she's crazy in her own way, but I missed Bethenny on this show. I'm glad she's back. And she's a good counterpoint for Ramona, who appears increasingly insane.


As for the divorce, if the marriage lasted less than 3 years, you should leave with what you brought in to the marriage, minus support for the child. Here in PA, a 2 year marriage doesn't usually get you alimony, unless you're getting paid to give in and just sign the papers.

  • Love 5

Kellyee, we're in the same boat. I tried watching the first incarnation of B's spinoff and eventually tuned it out. Same with the talk show. I caught a few episodes here and there, but it was obvious she's ill-suited for a talk show format... because she doesn't let the guests talk!


But in the context of Real Housewives, I'm glad she's back. It won't be quite the same this time, but there's no one as skilled at the one-liners and moving with the breakneck pace of a RH argument. Her pop culture references are always a bit dated, but to me they work within the context of the RH world, if that makes any sense.

  • Love 3


But in the context of Real Housewives, I'm glad she's back. It won't be quite the same this time, but there's no one as skilled at the one-liners and moving with the breakneck pace of a RH argument. Her pop culture references are always a bit dated, but to me they work within the context of the RH world, if that makes any sense.


Yup, I agree.  In fact I thought that during the years of the spin off/talk show.  She really either is just better suited to RH or she developed her public style during RH and therefore that's where it fits best.  I too am glad she's back.  I didn't hear anything about Ramona's continued dress thievery and might never have heard of her crime spree if Bethenny hadn't come back.

  • Love 3


Her pop culture references are always a bit dated, but to me they work within the context of the RH world, if that makes any sense.


I know!  I've wondered about that … it's like she's in some kind of cultural bubble.  It's not like she wants to stay relevant to today's scene if she's referencing stuff from the 80s … maybe her quip writer is some old guy--you know, like some retired writer from M*A*S*H (that was a 70s TV show, kids).

  • Love 3

but there have been a bunch of pretty transparent blind items about Bethenny having an active and horrific eating disorder and that that ("that that"? English is so weird...) is the reason why Jason has been intractable in the divorce battle.


If that is the case - that she has an active and horrific eating disorder - then Jason is a bastard for agreeing to anything other than primary custody of his child and that he won't fight for his daughter, but will fight for the apartment makes him an asshole. Sorry - watched far too many episode of Intervention to think Jason is a sweetums for letting Bethenny near the kid at all if she is genuinely that ill.


When Brynn is an adult, she'll know what was important to daddy Jason and it wasn't her growing up in a sane environment, it was Jason getting his fair share of the money. Seriously folks, if you genuinely believe this about Bethenny, then Jason is a monster for not raising the subject and not fighting for his child.

  • Love 3

How would we know what has and hasn't been discussed between the parties?


We don't. But people are saying its obvious in news articles, forgive me "blind" news articles that Bethenny has an obvious horrific eating disorder and Jason's motivation for dragging out the divorce - and NOT the custody battle (which would make more sense but hasn't happened) is because Jason knows Bethenny has a horrific eating disorder.


Does she? Who knows. But Jason didn't fight for full custody, now did he?


Furthermore, her little empire is based on her being skinny. If that information were public it would seriously damage her business and there would be no money for them to argue over.


So per your own argument, Jason is more concerned about money than his daughter. Since he's unwilling to risk the money and make the accusation that would damage her business.


They're *both* awful people in this scenario - but please don't place Jason on a pedestal for sitting silent over his ex's horrific eating disorder because he'd rather have the money than his daughter in a healthy environment.

  • Love 3

I know!  I've wondered about that … it's like she's in some kind of cultural bubble.  It's not like she wants to stay relevant to today's scene if she's referencing stuff from the 80s … maybe her quip writer is some old guy--you know, like some retired writer from M*A*S*H (that was a 70s TV show, kids).


Or when she said, "Homie don't play that." I mean, referencing lines from In Living Color doesn't exactly make you on the pulse of the zeitgeist... But her delivery and the context in which she drops her cribbed lines usually works for me on the show. Especially because she can usually back up the smart aleck lines with a more substantive retort.


Even if you took away her one-liners, she wouldn't be lost in an argument. They're just sort of the garnish that gets used for the trailers. 

Edited by KFC
  • Love 4

I think the whole working from home, working from the car, etc. is nothing more than a big power trip. It keeps everyone under her thumb. The sleeper bed thing wreaks of one particularly nutso boss I had who insisted no one leave the office when we had to work late- she would order food in or something but had this weird psycho streak about people so much as getting fresh air for 10 minutes to recharge for a late work night. It was the third clue that she was truly not right in the head.


I think Beth likes them working from her home or car because the person cannot claim any ownership of their general area, a personal office or even a cubicle. It also means no separation between work/home/quasi family relationships. I can only imagine the meltdowns should someone ever quit. 


She finally makes me truly understand the phrase 'money can't buy you happiness.'  It should be 'money can't buy you happiness if you refuse to shop for happiness.'  Because she could use 20% of her sizeable net worth to throw the stupid $2 million apartment at Jason and buy herself another $2million apartment. But she'll spend untold $ fighting him tooth & nail to probably end up at the same property distribution any moron could suggest from the start. And simply skip an interior designer and go for a brand/exhibit designer. They do nice work as well and that is all she actually wants. 

You're so right that she'll probably end up in the same place financially after the fight. Just get him an apartment in the same building so that Brin has an easy time of it. I always thought that Kelly B and her ex having units in the same building great for her two daughters.

  • Love 3
I know!  I've wondered about that … it's like she's in some kind of cultural bubble.  It's not like she wants to stay relevant to today's scene if she's referencing stuff from the 80s … maybe her quip writer is some old guy--you know, like some retired writer from M*A*S*H (that was a 70s TV show, kids).


I actually kind of like her dated quips. But this is coming from someone who's been trying to bring back "Booyah!" for years. 

  • Love 6

Just to clarify, when a spouse files for divorce, just because their money may have paid for the home they are living in doesn't entitle them to force the other spouse out of that home.  Unless, that spouse has been found by the court to be committing some unacceptable things such as abuse, illegal activities...in other words something that could cause harm.  Marriage is a contract where both parties are equal and a partner doesn't have more right just because they have more money.  And that's a good thing.  Until the divorce is is finalized, unless otherwise ordered or agreed to, they both have the right to live there. 


As for Beth saying that she couldn't buy another place, she was probably told not to move out officially until the custody issue was resolved.  It wouldn't bode her well to leave her child's home when requesting full custody.  And wasn't it right after that she bought the house in the Hamptons?


In the end, I think Beth thought this was going to much easier than it has turned out to be.  I still don't think she's understands that despite a prenup, marriage is an equal partnership.  Beth is a power and control freak and she hasn't gotten her way like she had though she would. 

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 13

Hi all, Im so glad I found this forum.

I love Bethany. She worked so hard to get the money she received . Its sick that Jason is in her house. She was right on Ramonas passive aggressive quips this week. I missed that. I cringe that Kelly B will be on next week..Yet the whole Scary Island was some of the best tv that I have ever seen.

  • Love 3

I liked Beth during her first run on the Housewives, watched her spinoffs even though they changed my opinion on her, and man oh man is she dragging down this season thus far.


While attaining what 99.9% of us can only dream of, she still manages be entirely joyless about all of it. She buys a gorgeous apartment in SoHo and has the most expensive help in renovating/redecorating it, but refuses to have a moment of fun with it. Poor little rich girl.

Edited by missy jo
  • Love 17

I think the whole working from home, working from the car, etc. is nothing more than a big power trip. It keeps everyone under her thumb. The sleeper bed thing wreaks of one particularly nutso boss I had who insisted no one leave the office when we had to work late- she would order food in or something but had this weird psycho streak about people so much as getting fresh air for 10 minutes to recharge for a late work night.



Oh hell yes. She wants to make sure her employees, i.e. her "paid friends," have no excuse to go home to their own lives.


And the eating disorder thing has been out there forever, because ... we can *see* her.

  • Love 9

So Bethenny, get it together---finish your apartment, and while it's being worked on, buy the apartment next door and then make that your offices, and let the contractor do that build out and cut a door between the two so you roll out of bed, and go to work...but if you have your kid, you close the door and you're home.


I had a very close friend who was divorced and in a long term relationship with a guy, she had kids, he had kids-they did not want to live together while their kids still were in school and at home--so they bought side-by-side condos and cut a door between them.   When the kids were home--door closed--when the kids were with the other parent--door open.  It seemed like my idea of a perfect setup.

  • Love 3

If that is the case - that she has an active and horrific eating disorder - then Jason is a bastard for agreeing to anything other than primary custody of his child and that he won't fight for his daughter, but will fight for the apartment makes him an asshole. Sorry - watched far too many episode of Intervention to think Jason is a sweetums for letting Bethenny near the kid at all if she is genuinely that ill.


When Brynn is an adult, she'll know what was important to daddy Jason and it wasn't her growing up in a sane environment, it was Jason getting his fair share of the money. Seriously folks, if you genuinely believe this about Bethenny, then Jason is a monster for not raising the subject and not fighting for his child.

I think Jason is being pragmatic the best he could hope for was joint custody and staying on the east coast.  Bethenny wanted sole custody and move to LA.  He did fight for his child and got a good but not great resolve.  I was more concerned when Bethenny wanted to single handedly control every bit of food that goes in the child's mouth. 


There were things I liked about Jason he was the one who wanted the work stuff over at 6pm in the house.  I thought that was a good thing.  Bethenny wanting to work and staff present 24/7 was taxing.  I liked Bethenny until she had Bryn and then she gradually became more and more annoying.  Before the big sale of Skinnygirl to Jim Beam Bethenny was doing marginally well on the Skinnygirl product.  I think she needed a bit of a fairytale image to make things work in her business life.  She managed to be nice on the outside to Carole and Bob for about 18 months.  I thought she treated the Hoppys like they were fungible.  She got the Beam deal so off with them.  Bethenny has the money, should be grateful he is only asking for 10 million.  If she thought clearly about what is truly important to her child a cohesive environment between the two parties.  Her being a victim just doesn't work for me.   


As far as the allegation about the Hoppy men sitting around in their boxers-Bethenny wears underwear out in public all the time-she did it again last night.  I also find that Bethenny tends to exaggerate.  For once maybe Bethenny needs to stop using the child's home as a business and photo op.  I am sorry but seeing the house in the Hamptons-I agree it is shrink wrapped with Skinnygirl.  I get Skinnygirl bought it but she needs to try to let someplace she calls home just be a home.


I am regretting Bethenny's return. Having seen every episode of every RH franchise this may be the first one I no longer enjoy it is no longer must see TV.  I think with Cohen's blessing this franchise became the Bethenny show and it just isn't working for me.

  • Love 15

I liked Beth during her first run on the Housewives, watched her spinoffs even though they changed my opinion on her, and man oh man is she dragging down this season thus far.


While attaining what 99.9% of us can only dream of, she still manages be entirely joyless about all of it. She buys a gorgeous apartment in SoHo and has the most expensive help in renovating/redecorating it, but refuses to have a moment of fun with it. Poor little rich girl.

She is in the middle of a nasty divorce and not settled in her place, so I can understand her not being "happy". Also I think the snark is just her personality. Some people are constantly sarcastic, yet it doesn't mean they have no joy.

  • Love 8

I had a very close friend who was divorced and in a long term relationship with a guy, she had kids, he had kids-they did not want to live together while their kids still were in school and at home--so they bought side-by-side condos and cut a door between them.   When the kids were home--door closed--when the kids were with the other parent--door open.  It seemed like my idea of a perfect setup.


I am happily married with no children and that still sounds like my idea of a perfect setup! 

  • Love 13


Bethenny wanted sole custody and move to LA


Bethenny has never requested sole custody as in wanting to eliminate Jason from Bryn's life . There are two parts in custody battles: physical and legal 


Bethenny wanted primary physical custody because in the state of NY one of the parents will have primary custody even if that means a split of 51- 49% , It would had been legal suicide and her lawyers would have strongly advice for her to even request that being that Jason wanted to be involved and her divorce petition clearly says that she was requesting for primary custody which is exactly the same that Jason requested but nobody went ape shit on him for requesting this.


Where they differ was on the legal custody, Jason requested join legal custody and Bethenny requested sole legal custody. Both parents have legal custody of their child during the time the child is spending with them, the parent who has sole custody is the one who has final say on matters of health care, religion, school choice, etc. One parent can't use their sole custody to move the child away from the state without violating the judge order for visitation so if Bethenny wanted to move to the other coast she would have needed an explicit order from the judge and she knew that would had been a lose battle so since the beginning she has said that she was staying in NYC, the rumors about her wanting to uproot her daughter to LA come from when she was talking to Jason about moving there as a family. Sole legal custody is sought when the divorce proceedings are in such bad form that both parents can't agree on the simplest things and it turns into a contant visit to the courts, in order to avoy that, the judge gives one parent sole legal custody but it doesn't mean that the other gets to do whatever he/she wants.


They both have agreed now on joint legal custody and one of them has primary physical custody (we don't know who does so it must be an almost even split) and as long as both work on it it can go on forever but if one of them (at this point it seems to be Jason) keeps going back to court for everything I wouldn't surprise me if the judge finally rules and changes that to sole legal custody to avoid the contant legal quarrel. Jason and his lawyers with the help on their "inside sources" and media friends (ROL) have made an excellent job in misleading the viewers and readers about the issue of sole custody to the point that now everyody quotes that as a fact and thinks that Bethenny was trying to eliminate Jason from Bryn's life and that has never been the case.


Custody arraignments are exhausting, there is a lot at stake, and most people are not familiar with it, unfortunately when you have battle for custody (like me) , you quickly learn a lot about it. I wouldn't wish a custody battle on my worst enemy.

  • Love 10

I've never heard this re: one parent having "primary custody" even if the custody agreement is joint in NYS. I will admit that I only reviewed family law while studying for the bar, but I pulled out my bar review books and I don't see it either. Are you thinking of parents as primary caretakers (that is, how one parent may be thought of as the "primary caretaker")? Perhaps I am misunderstanding your point?


Maybe I didn't explain myself very well. I will try to better explain.


I am not saying that a judge in NY will not give shared physical custody, specially is both parents request for it because of a non contentious divorce, if they can make that work then by all means the judge will probably approve. A complete split 50-50% percent of time is usually tricky though, it is very hard to split the time evenly all the time, for that reason judges have been known to name one of the parents as the primary physical custodial parent even if the time allotted is 51% against the non custodial parent having 49% . 



That is just a matter of physical custody (time that the child spends with each parent) , both Bethenny and Jason have requested primary physical custody yet only Bethenny has been crucified in the press for it, nobody has said a peep about Jason requesting primary physical custody.


Legal custody as you are  well aware is not about the time the child spends with each parent, it is about who get to make the ultimate legal decisions for the child.


Physical custody refers to where the child lives. Physical custody is sometimes known as residential custody. Legal custody refers to which parent has the legal authority to make decisions involving the child



Joint custody means joint legal custody, and not how much time the child spends with each parent. Joint custody gives both parents equal decision making authority. Joint custody will allow both parents an equal role in rearing their children, provided both parents can work together to make joint decisions. However, equal authority also means that each parent has an absolute veto over the decisions of the other parent, meaning that complete deadlock on decisions involving the child will result if a mutual agreement cannot be reached


Joint custody is very difficult and can only work when both parents are willing and have to unresolved feelings which is not the case here. I don't fault Bethenny one bit for requesting sole legal custody, Jason requested shared but instead of trying to smooth things with her was making her life miserable so how would that have ever worked. It doesn't matter now because they have agreed to have joint legal custody but I can foresee a litany of court hearing for every little crap they can think off. i.e Jason requesting that Bethenny is not allowed to wear Bryn pajamas, Jason requesting that Bethenny is not allowed to introduce her BF to Bryn, Jason requesting blah, blah, blah.


They both need to understand that they are on this for the long run and need to work together , not only Bethenny, Jason too needs to understand this.

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