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S06.E14: Judgment Day

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I must not understand something. What is the point of having a guard dog outside in a cage or tied up? It can't protect anything if it can't physically get to an intruder. I don't think a bunch of dogs in kennels would deter me from breaking into a house. If I heard ferocious dogs barking inside the house, I might think twice.

I think at night they might roam around outside. Usually the dogs are either trained to stay on property or the yards are fenced in. It's unusual for a burglar to break in through the front of a house, and if they go out back, surprise! I know none of this for certainty with the Juicy dogs though (and mine are house dogs so if your lucky enough to get in, you're not getting out all in one piece).

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I took that to mean he isn't a fan of material possesions and the like, and Nicole will not be getting one cent out of him to indulge in reckless shopping sprees.


I thought the same. Nicole said don't screw with the legal system, live withtin your means and "forget about the money and the big houses and the jewels and whatever". When Bobby looked at her and replied, "Glad you and I are on the same page" Nicole gave him a look like "Whaaat?" I took Bobby to mean "Bitch you ain't gettin a dime of my money" and the look from Nicole I interpreted as , "Well I didn't mean I'm going to forget about money, big houses and jewels. I was planning on getting them legally by marrying you." Something about her little speech rubbed me wrong. It sounded sanctimonious and preachy. Maybe it was because of her grating voice but it really bugged me.

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OK Gang, a few posts have been deleted regarding the dog issue. Lets please keep it civil and maybe just drop the whole "what will happen to the dogs" issue all together if you can't talk about it without insulting each other. Thanks.

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Nicole was being sanctimonious as were all of the other ass hats in terms of their avowing that they are not driven by material possessions - ALL of them have sold their souls for fame and fortune.


But yeah, Bobby was absolutely telling Nicole that he was about to gift her with lavish gifts. I would assume the shoe wine holder was about the extent of his gift giving. And I absolutely agree that Bobby is so NOT into her and only hooked up with her to be on the show.


I do find it interesting that Bobby has essentially concealed his real profession and financial net worth on the show because there is not a peep about his actual car dealership business and I assume that he spends significant time on that. And I always thought the whole fireman stuff was bogus as a career. I grew up in Colts Neck and it's a volunteer department. My uncle was involved with it because he owned the General Store but my uncle didn't self identify as a "first responder". LOL.

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I've been watching the previous seasons on Hulu (recently subscribed). Just got to Teresa talking about how her Jewish friends would have left Joe. Cause you know how divorce is so much easier for the Tribe. I consider myself an honary member given where I grew up (they would probably disagree). I think that's where I definitely started to really dislike her.

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Teresa not having compassion for anyone else is on her alone,IMO. This shows how real Kathy and Rosie are, despite hard feelings, they are worried about the felons and most of all, about their daughters. I believe their feelings, Kathy's/Rosie's, are real and are a reflection of the caring/loving people they really are. Which is far from who/what Teresa is as a real person. JMO


Oh, and Teresa would be joyful about Kathy's guilt and shouting it from the rooftops at the top of her lungs if the roles were reversed!

I see the exact opposite. I think Rosie is sincere and trying to patch things, but Kathy is a simpering and holier than thou fake AGAIN. If she's crying about anything, it's that she won't have as much fodder to go on a show and talk about Teresa anymore, if Teresa is in prison.


Jac's a selfish nut who Just Can't Understand why anyone would question her sincerity and not want to refriend her, knowing she'll tell the world all of your business and call you every name in the book, then turn around and want to be your sorority sister. 

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I see the exact opposite. I think Rosie is sincere and trying to patch things, but Kathy is a simpering and holier than thou fake AGAIN. If she's crying about anything, it's that she won't have as much fodder to go on a show and talk about Teresa anymore, if Teresa is in prison.


Jac's a selfish nut who Just Can't Understand why anyone would question her sincerity and not want to refriend her, knowing she'll tell the world all of your business and call you every name in the book, then turn around and want to be your sorority sister. 

Both Rosie and Kathy care about the Giudice kids, they are their family and they love them as well as real concern/love for Teresa and Joe. Have you never fought with family yet still loved them? Love does not stop because you are pissed off at someone.


As for Jac, Teresa threw out enough "secrets" about her as well. Most times, like the last reunion, it was Teresa doing it first with Jac retaliating. Maybe I missed it, when did Jac reveal something Teresa told her in private, a secret, on the show first? Yes, Jac cries way too much and she has gone way overboard about Teresa not speaking to her, even though Teresa told her things were fine. I think Jac expects what most people/women expect in a friendship, an open honest mutually supportive friend. Teresa is none of that, if it is not all about her she is not interested. Teresa is 1 of those women/people that you can never disagree with , you are either ALL for her or you are completely against her. That is why Teresa and Dina are such "good" friends, they prefer shallow, superficial friendships, no questions or comments allowed with either woman. JMO

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You know what I think? Kath isn't sad at all. I think she is glad and her crying was totally fake. I didn't see a tear shed. Jac who, seems to be able to cry on demand, couldn't get it done either. They had to hide their faces because it was all BS. I can see maybe Rosie feeling bad and maybe even Chris but not all the other bitches that were sitting around on death watch in Kathy's old ,normal sized kitchen.

ETA: Not that they should, just that they don't and they are pretending to.

Edited by Higgins
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Why do I have a feeling that soon after Teresa is imprisoned we'll read a story about Jac being arrested for standing outside the prison with a big, old boom box on her shoulder, that's repeatedly playing Whitney Houston belting out "I Will Always Love You"?

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I've been watching the previous seasons on Hulu (recently subscribed). Just got to Teresa talking about how her Jewish friends would have left Joe.

Somebody on the Juicy and Tre sentencing thread mentioned this line recently, and asked why Teresa's friends, Jewish or otherwise, were even discussing the subject of leaving Joe....? What was going on in their marriage for this subject to be brought up? Was it the cheating? The bankruptcy? Drinking? Hmmm....

And I wonder what Teresa will think about her friends' advice if she does end up filing for divorce....oh, in about 15 months from now.

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I believe Rosie is the only one really feeling pain for T & J aside from Melissa and Joe.The concern on Rosie's face looked real and I don't believe the hidden "sobbing" of Kathy and Jacqaloon.

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I see the exact opposite. I think Rosie is sincere and trying to patch things, but Kathy is a simpering and holier than thou fake AGAIN. If she's crying about anything, it's that she won't have as much fodder to go on a show and talk about Teresa anymore, if Teresa is in prison.


Jac's a selfish nut who Just Can't Understand why anyone would question her sincerity and not want to refriend her, knowing she'll tell the world all of your business and call you every name in the book, then turn around and want to be your sorority sister.


Agree with this. I think Kathy was secretly happy Tre is going away. To me she comes off as a jealous petty bitch who was jealous Tre got the show and both jealous AND furious when Tred id the cookbooks. I totally believe the story Tre told a few seasons back about how Kathy pushed aside Rosie when they were teens because Rosie was different and not one of the cool, pretty, thin girls.I can see Kathy doing that to be in the "in crowd".  Rosie said it wasn't true but what's she going to say? She didn't want to ruin her present relationship with Kathy.


I think Rosie was genuinely upset. She's a sensitive caring person who I believe has true feelings of affection for Tre and Joe. I can't believe I'm saying this about Richie, but he seemed truly upset when the verdicts came down. He was acting smarmy while they were waiting for word but when it became real the look on his face was total shock and upset. There was a quick camera shot of him when he didn't seem to know he was on camera - he's standing against a kitchen counter - and his face and eyes were all red. I don't think he believed they would get that much time - or any time at all. I saw some real concern from Chris too. Jac only cares that she didn't get the scoop of the real story from Tre ahead of time. Once again, Jac cries for herself.


ETA: As others have said kudos to Joey and Mel for telling Andy to go fuck himself and refuse to be filmed when the verdict came down. I'm sure they were with the Sr Gorgas waiting for the verdict and when shit got real Joey did the right thing and chose his family over the show and camera time.

Edited by happykitteh
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Unless they find someone that is willing and able to care for/handle the dogs they will be put down. Sadly that is what happens to "guard" dogs when their owners can no longer care for them or find someone else that can.


One last comment about the dogs:  there are several German Shepherd rescue groups that take dogs like these and rehabilitate and re-house them  Just like there are groups for pit bulls … 


With all this publicity, I'm sure they will find a loving home with people who are experienced with guard dogs.

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Nicole was being sanctimonious as were all of the other ass hats in terms of their avowing that they are not driven by material possessions - ALL of them have sold their souls for fame and fortune.


But yeah, Bobby was absolutely telling Nicole that he was about to gift her with lavish gifts. I would assume the shoe wine holder was about the extent of his gift giving. And I absolutely agree that Bobby is so NOT into her and only hooked up with her to be on the show.


I do find it interesting that Bobby has essentially concealed his real profession and financial net worth on the show because there is not a peep about his actual car dealership business and I assume that he spends significant time on that. And I always thought the whole fireman stuff was bogus as a career. I grew up in Colts Neck and it's a volunteer department. My uncle was involved with it because he owned the General Store but my uncle didn't self identify as a "first responder". LOL.

Bobby never said he was a career fireman.  He became a volunteer after 9/11.  I don't think Bobby is required to talk about his family's business either.  Jim did bring it up on the show.


My take on Nicole's comment as being that you don't commit fraud to get material possessions and that Bobby and she were on the same page. 

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I really hope someone calls Dina out during the reunion on her shady charity. I suspect 80% of proceeds go towards lining her pockets. I also hope someone mentions how incredibly offensive her catchphrase "Namaste, bitches" is and how it completely obliterates her put-on persona as this spiritually inclined entity. I would have emailed the question in to Bravo myself had I known the season was going to be cut short and the reunion taped early in light of Teresa the felon's sentencing, but I couldn't for the life of me find a link to submit questions on the Bravo page.

After reading your post I looked at Project Lady Bugs tax returns to see where the money is going but I'm not a numbers person so I can't tell much about the expenses just that it was used on events, advertising, travel etc.,  but what I can tell you is that Director of Project Lady Bug was Caroline Manzo in 2010, 2011 & 2012 and the President during those years was Claudine Manzo. I had no idea that Caroline was involved in Lady Bug.  Dina's name isn't on the list of officers, directors, trustees and key members.

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I think Kathy was secretly happy Tre is going away. To me she comes off as a jealous petty bitch who was jealous Tre got the show and both jealous AND furious when Tred id the cookbooks. I totally believe the story Tre told a few seasons back about how Kathy pushed aside Rosie when they were teens because Rosie was different and not one of the cool, pretty, thin girls.

I have to say, this was one of the worst things Teresa has done on the show, imo, and that's saying something. Kathy and Rosie are her cousins, and in throwing this story out there, she not only disparaged Kathy, but she undermined Kathy's now-adult relationship with her sister. Why do that? Why tell tales from their teen years? I don't believe anything Teresa says, but even if this is true, I wouldn't hold it against Kathy, cuz I generally don't judge teenagers for stupid stuff like this. Wanting to be cool and popular? That's Teenager 101. In fact, I'm sure Teresa held her own on stuff like this while herself a teenager and pining for that always-in-juvie Juicy Joe.

It just shows that Teresa's line about family being so important to her is such bullshit. In Sunday's finale, the kids (all cousins) were playing, and Teresa told them all to always stick up for each other. She should look in the mirror and repeat that line.

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You know what I think? Kath isn't sad at all. I think she is glad and her crying was totally fake. I didn't see a tear shed. Jac who, seems to be able to cry on demand, couldn't get it done either. They had to hide their faces because it was all BS. I can see maybe Rosie feeling bad and maybe even Chris but not all the other bitches that were sitting around on death watch in Kathy's old ,normal sized kitchen.

ETA: Not that they should, just that they don't and they are pretending to.


I think Kathy's and Jac's emotions were very real.  The sentencing wasn't just about Joe and Tre.  It was about their family, especially their children.  I can't stand Tre or Joe and absolutely hoped they would get prison time but at the same time, I felt very sad for those kids. 

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My take on Nicole's comment as being that you don't commit fraud to get material possessions and that Bobby and she were on the same page.


I think they all commit fraud by being on this show - faking their lives, pretending to be people they really aren't in order to be more interesting - so they can get paid to buy material posessions. Now is it anywhere close to what the Guidices did? Not at all, but before they all carry on like they're so much better they need to take a good hard look at themselves and what they themselves are willing to do for a buck (sell their souls to Bravo, publicly humiliate their families) as a way to get material posessions.

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After reading your post I looked at Project Lady Bugs tax returns to see where the money is going but I'm not a numbers person so I can't tell much about the expenses just that it was used on events, advertising, travel etc.,  but what I can tell you is that Director of Project Lady Bug was Caroline Manzo in 2010, 2011 & 2012 and the President during those years was Claudine Manzo. I had no idea that Caroline was involved in Lady Bug.  Dina's name isn't on the list of officers, directors, trustees and key members.

The sisters started the charity together but Dina ran it. Caroline removed herself from the charity when she and Dina had the falling out, so when was season 2 filmed? It would have been 1/2 way through that filming.


This is season 6 and they filmed 2 seasons back to back so my guess is that Caroline removed herself from the charity about 4 to 4 1/2 years ago. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Edited by WireWrap
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Their behavior makes me think they set the whole Rino/Santa rumor in motion. None of their reactions to that information being shared rings true. If it is true, it's disgusting. I think it's a rumor, but one they were/are all well aware of and long since dealt with. I think it's being brought up now strictly for the story line and the dramatics. To me all of the new cast members are very carefully playing off a script, supplied by Bravo, or on their own.

I believe this too.  At the very least, I would have had to get VG on the phone stat so she could tell me to my face that my mother slept with my husband.  24 Hours would not have elapsed with out me having a conversation with her about something so offensive.


They all seems so blase about the whole thing other than blasting Amber and Theresa about it.  Its all a bunch of bull to me, but I don't take these shows too seriously.

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As for Jac, Teresa threw out enough "secrets" about her as well. Most times, like the last reunion, it was Teresa doing it first with Jac retaliating. Maybe I missed it, when did Jac reveal something Teresa told her in private, a secret, on the show first? Yes, Jac cries way too much and she has gone way overboard about Teresa not speaking to her, even though Teresa told her things were fine. I think Jac expects what most people/women expect in a friendship, an open honest mutually supportive friend. Teresa is none of that, if it is not all about her she is not interested. Teresa is 1 of those women/people that you can never disagree with , you are either ALL for her or you are completely against her. That is why Teresa and Dina are such "good" friends, they prefer shallow, superficial friendships, no questions or comments allowed with either woman. JMO

Maybe but Jacqueline clearly doesn't agree.  She obsessively texts Theresa, basically begging her to let her back into her life (or at least film with her).  I never heard Theresa deny that she wasn't a good friend to Jac or whatever, the difference is, Theresa doesn't want anything to do with her anymore and Jac just doesn't.get.it.  It's pathetic IMO.

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After reading your post I looked at Project Lady Bugs tax returns to see where the money is going but I'm not a numbers person so I can't tell much about the expenses just that it was used on events, advertising, travel etc.,  but what I can tell you is that Director of Project Lady Bug was Caroline Manzo in 2010, 2011 & 2012 and the President during those years was Claudine Manzo. I had no idea that Caroline was involved in Lady Bug.  Dina's name isn't on the list of officers, directors, trustees and key members.


Is Dina short for Claudine?


LOL, Google is my friend.  Thus, Dina is President of Project Lady Bug from 2010 through 2012.


I have used Guidestar to look up the financials of non-profits.  According to the IRS 990 that I read, none of the officers took any form of compensation and most of the money donated was granted to Julien's Project Lady Bug Fund, Tia's Project Lady Bug Fund and Children's Welfare. 




About $500K was raised from 2007 through 2012.

Edited by ToukieSmith
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The sisters started the charity together but Dina ran it. Caroline removed herself from the charity when she and Dina had the falling out, so when was season 2 filmed? It would have been 1/2 way through that filming.

I didn't know they started the charity togeher. Wikipedia- I know not that reliable- states that the second season premiered May 3, 2010 & Dina left after the 7th episode.

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I have to say, this was one of the worst things Teresa has done on the show, imo, and that's saying something. Kathy and Rosie are her cousins, and in throwing this story out there, she not only disparaged Kathy, but she undermined Kathy's now-adult relationship with her sister. Why do that? Why tell tales from their teen years? I don't believe anything Teresa says, but even if this is true, I wouldn't hold it against Kathy, cuz I generally don't judge teenagers for stupid stuff like this. Wanting to be cool and popular? That's Teenager 101. In fact, I'm sure Teresa held her own on stuff like this while herself a teenager and pining for that always-in-juvie Juicy Joe.


IIRC, Tre was responding to one of Kathy's stealth bitch comments in a TH, you know the ones, where Kathy would smile sweetly at the camera and throw digs, pretending she wasn't really throwing shade when that's exactly what she was doing, lol.  Tre just isn't smart enough to retaliate in the sneaky ways Kathy did. Tre just blurts it out. I do 100% believe Tre on this one and being a teenager does not excuse cruel treatment of others, esp your own sibling. That's like saying it's okay to go along with taunting and bullying of others if it get you with the 'cool kids".  YMMV and that's okay, we are all allowed our opinions.

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After reading your post I looked at Project Lady Bugs tax returns to see where the money is going but I'm not a numbers person so I can't tell much about the expenses just that it was used on events, advertising, travel etc., but what I can tell you is that Director of Project Lady Bug was Caroline Manzo in 2010, 2011 & 2012 and the President during those years was Claudine Manzo. I had no idea that Caroline was involved in Lady Bug. Dina's name isn't on the list of officers, directors, trustees and key members.

I wonder how there could be info out there then about all the money being filtered to pay Dina's salary over the years when she's not even listed as an employee? Or was Director Caroline approving some shady dealings passing off money to her little sister?

Edited by hottesthw
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I believe this too.  At the very least, I would have had to get VG on the phone stat so she could tell me to my face that my mother slept with my husband.  24 Hours would not have elapsed with out me having a conversation with her about something so offensive.


They all seems so blase about the whole thing other than blasting Amber and Theresa about it.  Its all a bunch of bull to me, but I don't take these shows too seriously.

For me, it does not matter if the rumor is true or not. It was that something so nasty was said about a cast members parent. I also think Teressa just wanted it to disappear and that is why she refused to take the bait. Nicole on the other hand, wanted to fight, that is her nature....fight! JMO

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After reading your post I looked at Project Lady Bugs tax returns to see where the money is going but I'm not a numbers person so I can't tell much about the expenses just that it was used on events, advertising, travel etc.,  but what I can tell you is that Director of Project Lady Bug was Caroline Manzo in 2010, 2011 & 2012 and the President during those years was Claudine Manzo. I had no idea that Caroline was involved in Lady Bug.  Dina's name isn't on the list of officers, directors, trustees and key members.


Claudine is Dina's proper, given name. Dina is a nickname she goes by.

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IIRC, Tre was responding to one of Kathy's stealth bitch comments in a TH, you know the ones, where Kathy would smile sweetly at the camera and throw digs, pretending she wasn't really throwing shade when that's exactly what she was doing, lol. Tre just isn't smart enough to retaliate in the sneaky ways Kathy did. Tre just blurts it out. I do 100% believe Tre on this one and being a teenager does not excuse cruel treatment of others, esp your own sibling. That's like saying it's okay to go along with taunting and bullying of others if it get you with the 'cool kids". YMMV and that's okay, we are all allowed our opinions.

You are correct from what I remember. And it had nothing to do with being cool. Rosie was lamenting about not being accepted for being gay when she came ouy to family and friends and Theresa mentioned that she was always by Rosie's side, even when Rosie and Kathy weren't close then. Something neither Rosie nor Kathy ever denied or addressed.

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Maybe but Jacqueline clearly doesn't agree.  She obsessively texts Theresa, basically begging her to let her back into her life (or at least film with her).  I never heard Theresa deny that she wasn't a good friend to Jac or whatever, the difference is, Theresa doesn't want anything to do with her anymore and Jac just doesn't.get.it.  It's pathetic IMO.

It is sad/pathetic that Jac can't seem to move on. IMO, just mine, Jac is not strong emotionally at all and she also takes what people tell her as truth. Teresa telling her that things between them were fine was cruel and Teresa knew it. She knew that Jac would believe her because Jac is needy. Teresa is COLD, she has no problem cutting someone out of her life even if she was in the wrong. These 2 women should never have been friends with each other, they have 2 very different ideas about what being a BFF entails.

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Is Dina short for Claudine?

Good catch! That could be it- her address is in Franklin Lakes and I just looked again and on the signature line it's typed Dina Manzo President.  Oops- I did it again! Last night I stated with certainty that Andy's drinking word was clink clink and I even thought I saw him waive his finger under it. I should change my screen name to take with a grain of salt.

I wonder how there could be info out there then about all the money being filtered to pay Dina's salary over the years when she's not even listed as an employee? Or was Director Caroline approving some shady dealings passing off money to her little sister?

I was wrong again- sorry.

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I just wasted two hours on Tiny Jim's tweets.  He's such a wussy one isn't he?  He retweeted an article about Bobby being a Howife groupie ~ and then I found this gem in the comment section.  Save Tre!  House arrest!



Do these people, the ones that signed the petition, really believe that the Federal Judge will change her mind about prison for Teresa? SMH LOL

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I rewatched the end... because FatherGigi made me show it to him (for the official record, he paid attention to this when I started watching -season 3- because "they all remind him of everyone he grew up with/knows... that he tries to avoid being around".)  He pointed out to me that Chris Laurita looked really uncomfortable, and since he said it, it continued to stand out to me. Maybe it was just shock. But it really did seem like he wanted to least "participate." I've always had a soft spot for Chris, even at the height of my anger over exploiting Nicholas, and yeah maybe he was partly thinking "could I be next?" but mostly, I do think he was thinking the most about the Giudice family and how his former friend's life just exploded. I didn't take notice last night, just how much it seemed like he had to chide Jaq into saying Teresa hugged her at the funeral (actually, he was the one who started to say it) when she was on her latest "I've done this and tried this and she just doesn't respond" Poor Jaq rant.


I didn't take notice either last night, that Nicole looked so much prettier in her scenes with Bobby than she did at any point this season and the sound of her voice didn't annoy me. Since these were clearly add-on scenes, maybe full production wasn't around or pressure was off to be a "Personality!" and that made her more of an actual person. Nicole made an interesting point about her kids... they will see this, and ask questions. Who knows whether or not they actually ever met Teresa, but they have to know who she is, and this is on the actual news shows. I wonder if CJ has seen his parents former friends on the news? If so, I really hope he went to Chris with those questions... because otherwise Jaq is still crying to him about how Teresa did things and didn't tell her about them... never mind the pesky government.

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. Teresa telling her that things between them were fine was cruel and Teresa knew it. She knew that Jac would believe her because Jac is needy.


I think when you have a friend that you don't want to hang with anymore but you don't want to be fighting with/angry with you do what Tre did - say things are fine, I'm not mad at you and leave it at that. You have a cordial relatioship when you see each other but you don't go out of your way to call or hang out with the person.To directly tell Jac she didn't want to be friends anymore would have sent Jac into an emotional tailspin. Tre is wrong about a lot of things but here I actually think she did the compassionate thing - told Jac they were fine, stopped fighting with her, treated her kindly when together but cut the cord.

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I didn't know they started the charity togeher. Wikipedia- I know not that reliable- states that the second season premiered May 3, 2010 & Dina left after the 7th episode.

That would have put filming for season 2 in 2009 thru very early (Jan) 2010. Caroline removed herself about half way through filming. She may have left her name on the Charity in hopes she and Dina would makeup quickly but as we all know, that did not happen.

Edited by WireWrap
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Do these people, the ones that signed the petition, really believe that the Federal Judge will change her mind about prison for Teresa? SMH LOL

They have 22 signatures and need 50. For what? Where is this being sent? SMDH2

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I do 100% believe Tre on this one and being a teenager does not excuse cruel treatment of others, esp your own sibling. That's like saying it's okay to go along with taunting and bullying of others if it get you with the 'cool kids.

I don't think not wanting to hang out with your younger sister, or maybe thinking your little sister embarrasses you, is the same thing as taunting or bullying, or even cruel behavior. It sounds like normal teenage stuff to me. Whenever the topic of HW's exploiting their kids on TV is discussed here, I've always said this - I'm against all of it, but casting your teenage kids is the WORST and most damaging and most embarrassing of all. Why? Because it's the WORST age.

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I think when you have a friend that you don't want to hang with anymore but you don't want to be fighting with/angry with you do what Tre did - say things are fine, I'm not mad at you and leave it at that. You have a cordial relatioship when you see each other but you don't go out of your way to call or hang out with the person.To directly tell Jac she didn't want to be friends anymore would have sent Jac into an emotional tailspin. Tre is wrong about a lot of things but here I actually think she did the compassionate thing - told Jac they were fine, stopped fighting with her, treated her kindly when together but cut the cord.

Except they were never together after she told Jac this. I am of the opinion, it is better to rip the bandage/tape off fast than cause more pain/discomfort by doing it slowly. Teresa would have been aware that letting Jac think things were fine would only make her more needy/demanding. 

They have 22 signatures and need 50. For what? Where is this being sent? SMDH2

I guess they need 50 to keep it on that petition site for others to sign. Then I guess they plan to send it to the Federal Judge that sentenced Teresa! I can not decide if I want to shake my head in disbelief or laugh at the ridiculous idea it would make any difference! I guess both are appropriate! SMHLOL

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I don't think not wanting to hang out with your younger sister, or maybe thinking your little sister embarrasses you, is the same thing as taunting or bullying, or even cruel behavior. It sounds like normal teenage stuff to me. Whenever the topic of HW's exploiting their kids on TV is discussed here, I've always said this - I'm against all of it, but casting your teenage kids is the WORST and most damaging and most embarrassing of all. Why? Because it's the WORST age.

Were you a fly on my wall this evening?  About 6:00pm when I told Miss lil Lablover to start her homework.  She told me to go upstairs and work on my career (I'm a SAHM).  Don't worry, I'll be working on 'my career' an hour after school gets out.  She can sit and wait on 'my career'.   Teens get freaked out at just a post on their mom's FB page!!!    Only smart kid on this show is Gabriella. 


ETA:  Tre did hire a new attorney.  Wants to serve closer to 'her four beautiful daughters.'



Edited by Lablover27
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Were you a fly on my wall this evening?  About 6:00pm when I told Miss lil Lablover to start her homework.  She told me to go upstairs and work on my career (I'm a SAHM).  Don't worry, I'll be working on 'my career' an hour after school gets out.  She can sit and wait on 'my career'.   Teens get freaked out at just a post on their mom's FB page!!!    Only smart kid on this show is Gabriella.

You know I love you, Lab! And I'm sure I'm going to love Miss lil LabLover..... in about 6 or 7 years!

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Good catch! That could be it- her address is in Franklin Lakes and I just looked again and on the signature line it's typed Dina Manzo President. Oops- I did it again! Last night I stated with certainty that Andy's drinking word was clink clink and I even thought I saw him waive his finger under it. I should change my screen name to take with a grain of salt.

I was wrong again- sorry.

No problem. Just call me Jacqueline, I believe anything anyone tells me *wink wink*

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Were you a fly on my wall this evening?  About 6:00pm when I told Miss lil Lablover to start her homework.  She told me to go upstairs and work on my career (I'm a SAHM).  Don't worry, I'll be working on 'my career' an hour after school gets out.  She can sit and wait on 'my career'.   Teens get freaked out at just a post on their mom's FB page!!!    Only smart kid on this show is Gabriella. 


ETA:  Tre did hire a new attorney.  Wants to serve closer to 'her four beautiful daughters.'



Is she asking for facilities farther away from NJ?  WTH? 


Ok, someone that understands what or why Teresa is requesting facilities further from their home than the ones in NY City? I am at a loss to understand this.


I also found this little announcement by Wendy, Teresa's consultant! http://www.eonline.com/news/590188/teresa-giudice-and-crisis-manager-part-ways-after-reality-star-requests-to-go-to-prison-that-inspired-orange-is-the-new-black   Teresa got fired!? LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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I guess they need 50 to keep it on that petition site for others to sign. Then I guess they plan to send it to the Federal Judge that sentenced Teresa! I can not decide if I want to shake my head in disbelief or laugh at the ridiculous idea it would make any difference! I guess both are appropriate! SMHLOL


Are these petition people under the impression that this works like a  WWHL poll or a Bravo poll? Get enough signatures, Tre is voted "Most Popular Housewife" and the judge will rethink her sentence, LOL?

Edited by happykitteh
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Except they were never together after she told Jac this. I am of the opinion, it is better to rip the bandage/tape off fast than cause more pain/discomfort by doing it slowly. Teresa would have been aware that letting Jac think things were fine would only make her more needy/demanding.


Chris said Tre and Jac saw each other at Papa Guidices funeral and they hugged.

Edited by happykitteh
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Is she asking for facilities farther away from NJ? WTH?

Ok, someone that understands what or why Teresa is requesting facilities further from their home than the ones in NY City? I am at a loss to understand this.

I also found this little announcement by Wendy, Teresa's consultant! http://www.eonline.com/news/590188/teresa-giudice-and-crisis-manager-part-ways-after-reality-star-requests-to-go-to-prison-that-inspired-orange-is-the-new-black Teresa got fired!? LOL

There is a VERY big difference in prison experience between those facilities in NY and a camp facility. If she's classified to go to a camp she should fight to make sure she gets placed in a camp. I know I would. I would be shaking my head more if she didn't fight the placement. Edited by hottesthw
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