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S11.E04: Only Mama Knows

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This was the first substantial episode of the season largely because it was built upon one of the show's core themes: Meredith's fraught relationship with her mother. In my opinion, this was the storyline that made the series most exciting and unique in its early days. Essentially, this was an episode we've been needing for about six years. (And I do believe the surprise sibling story was supposed to be a cliffhanger for the end of the fifth season, the year in which the diaries were introduced. I seem to remember a casting call for a mixed race male, whom many fans speculated to be Richard and Ellis' child.) Unfortunately, this episode wasn't nearly as effective as it could have been because it came too late. Additionally, the flashbacks didn't reveal any new information; we'd pieced all this stuff together before. However, because Meredith was at the center, the drama was organic and welcomed, so I will quiet my complaints and just be grateful for this scrap of an episode. (And I appreciated the reduced cast tonight -- the only person we need every week is Meredith.) 


However, I loathed that the entire episode was a tool by the writers to further the Maggie storyline and manipulate the audience into wanting her to stay. Derek bonding with Meredith's sister? Cheap ploy; not subtle. Nothing about this arc is logical or enjoyable. 

Edited by upperco
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Memo to GSH: Next time Maggie quits, let her. We were this close to getting rid of the Puzzle Whisperer. It was so close I could feel it. But, much like herpes, she’s never going away.

I really liked Kate Burton as Ellis back in the early seasons but she’s been tarnished for me thanks to her scenery-chewing performance on Scandal last season. Oh and if I never see that damn carousel again, it will be too soon.


So all’s well with Mr. and Mrs. Derek Shepherd because 30 years ago Richard made a bad choice and happened to disclose this to Meredith the same week she and Derek were fighting? That’s quite convenient.

Edited by CleoCaesar
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Why doesn't anyone ever mention that Meredith has another sister? Even if she never talks to her, it's weird it never gets mentioned.


This was good.  But now Meredith remembers her mother being pregnant?


I thought that was weird.  I guess when she was thinking about it she started to remember her gaining weight?  But it seemed off that she was so insistent on not remembering, then suddenly did with no explanation.

  • Love 7

Maybe someone should tell Maggie that Meredith already had a surprise sister show up and then she died.

Its too hard to suspend disbelief that Maggir would just take a job there like a stalker instead of, like, writing them a letter introducing herself or something. They could have set this up better - she finds out her mothers name after already accepting the job, or something.

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I think that this was one of the best Grey's episodes in recent seasons.  Like @jschoolgirl, I only looked at the clock because I was hoping there was more time left.  That's how it was for me with nearly every episode in seasons 1-3, then it became very sporadic after that.  It was great to have an episode hold my interest so much again.


I loved the absences and limited appearances of those characters who were absent and had limited screen time.


Why doesn't anyone ever mention that Meredith has another sister? Even if she never talks to her, it's weird it never gets mentioned.


Right when I read this, I could only think of Lexie, and I was wondering if you wanted Dead Denny 2.0.  Oops!  I quickly figured out you were talking about Molly.


I enjoyed the Derrick/Pierce scenes. Partly because the Derrick/Lexie big bro/big sis relationship was my favorite in season 8. I didn't mind Derrick bringing them closer since he was so adamant about Meredith getting to know Lexie.


Agree.  Derek mentoring Lexie was my favorite part of season 8.  Derek's reaction to Maggie being Mer's sister seemed completely inline with his character, to me.


Holy smokin' Patrick Dempsey!!!

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I always thought it was after the move to Boston that Thatcher disappeared from Meredith's life... But since she was hanging round the hospital on her own after Ellis' suicide attempt I'm guessing that Thatcher had already forgotten his daughter.


The suicide attempt was after Ellis left Thatch.  He probably hadn't truly forgotten Mer that quickly.  Ellis probably did something to prevent him from coming to get Mer.


When Young!Richard walked away from Young!Ellis, I thought I heard him say "child." Is that right -- did he?

Young!Richard looked a lot like James Pickens. Good casting.



Yes, because that's what he was yelling at her:  "You have a child!"


ETA:  Were those the same young Ellis/Richard actors as in the season 6 flashback episode?  The actor playing Richard looked the same to me, but I'm not sure about the actress portraying Ellis, other than it once again bugged me that young Ellis had blonde hair when Kate Burton's hair is red.  Ellis doesn't strike me as the type of woman to change her hair color.

Edited by KnitsWithRaceCars
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They recasted the Young Ellis which I think was a shame. The Old...Younger Elis had more of the air of Kate Burton for me, vs. ArmyWives!Ellis who was good, but she was just so vulnerable. (Which worked, I just think  it would be nice to see her). Did we ever get the information that the reason why Richard never left  Adele wasn't just because he ultimately loved her - but because he was uber jealous that she was always going to be better than he was. 


I am so over Maggie. I'm so over Derek. I'm so over Arizona. I'm so over how everyone screws over Alex. Why the hell did they have to tell Bailey anything. Just say congrats - you won. the end. 

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They recasted the Young Ellis which I think was a shame. The Old...Younger Elis had more of the air of Kate Burton for me, vs. ArmyWives!Ellis who was good, but she was just so vulnerable. (Which worked, I just think  it would be nice to see her). Did we ever get the information that the reason why Richard never left  Adele wasn't just because he ultimately loved her - but because he was uber jealous that she was always going to be better than he was. 


I am so over Maggie. I'm so over Derek. I'm so over Arizona. I'm so over how everyone screws over Alex. Why the hell did they have to tell Bailey anything. Just say congrats - you won. the end. 


Thanks for the answer about the casting @Daisy!


I don't recall the jealous Richard information before.  In fact, it seems contradictory to last season when Richard showed Leah the pic of him with Ellis when she won her first Harper Avery.  Unless he did that like Mer planned the champagne toast for Cristina--to cover up the jealousy.


Also, agree about telling Bailey anything.  How to add even more hot air to Bailey's already over-inflated ego!

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Yeah, the old young Ellis was Sarah Paulson, and she stays pretty busy.  She just may not have been available.  


Really good episode.  Good to see Grey's can still bring it.  Little Mer was amazing.  She even kind of has her posture and demeanor.


Much improved over last week.  And seeing all those actual flashbacks from the past 10 seasons was kind of nostalgic, and well used.   

  • Love 6
I always thought it was after the move to Boston that Thatcher disappeared from Meredith's life... But since she was hanging round the hospital on her own after Ellis' suicide attempt I'm guessing that Thatcher had already forgotten his daughter.

The suicide attempt was after Ellis left Thatch.  He probably hadn't truly forgotten Mer that quickly.  Ellis probably did something to prevent him from coming to get Mer.



The thing that doesn't make sense to me is why the hospital didn't call CPS, who would have tracked down Thatcher and placed Meredith with him while Ellis was on psych hold, or maybe even permanently. Surely they didn't just stitch Ellis's wrists up and sent her and Meredith on their merry way.



Were those the same young Ellis/Richard actors as in the season 6 flashback episode?  The actor playing Richard looked the same to me, but I'm not sure about the actress portraying Ellis, other than it once again bugged me that young Ellis had blonde hair when Kate Burton's hair is red.  Ellis doesn't strike me as the type of woman to change her hair color.



The S6 young Ellis was played by Sarah Paulson, who is now starring in American Horror Story. I actually think the new young Ellis is more plausible because both she and Kate Burton have blue eyes - Sarah Paulson has brown eyes. Ellis may or may not be the type of person who dyes her hair, but she's definitely not the type of person that uses colored contacts.



Yes, because that's what he was yelling at her:  "You have a child!"



I heard that too, and I remember in one of the earlier seasons, in an Alzheimer's induced rage, she yelled something like "He left me because I had a child. I should never have had a child" at Meredith, so at least that part seems to not have been ret-conned.


Still not a Maggie fan, but I loved Derek's warm reaction to finding out she's Mere's sister. Patrick Dempsey really nailed that scene.

Edited by chocolatine
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The thing that doesn't make sense to me is why the hospital didn't call CPS, who would have tracked down Thatcher and placed Meredith with him while Ellis was on psych hold, or maybe even permanently. Surely they didn't just stitch Ellis's wrists up and sent her and Meredith on their merry way.




The S6 young Ellis was played by Sarah Paulson, who is now starring in American Horror Story. I actually think the new young Ellis is more plausible because both she and Kate Burton have blue eyes - Sarah Paulson has brown eyes. Ellis may or may be the type of person who dyes her hair, but she's definitely not the type of person that uses colored contacts.




I heard that too, and I remember in one of the earlier seasons, in an Alzheimer's induced rage, she yelled something like "He left me because I had a child. I should never have had a child" at Meredith, so at least that part seems to not have been ret-conned.


Still not a Maggie fan, but I loved Derek's warm reaction to finding out she's Mere's sister. Patrick Dempsey really nailed that scene.


I agree about calling CPS.  I think the answer to why they didn't is "This is Grey's Anatomy."  And given that this is Grey's Anatomy, I doubt that Ellis was put on a psych hold, despite them showing her having restraints put on her wrists, which I imagine were only there so that the staff could treat her.  It falls under the "Declare Miranda Bailey incompetent?!" reaction from season 2.  Plus, one of Mer's revelations in her season 4 therapy was that if Ellis had really wanted to die, she would have cut her neck instead of her wrists.  Maybe the doctors treating Ellis realized that, too, although any self-injury shouldn't just be written off.  Also, in this episode, current Mer said something to the effect of that both times she and Ellis just came and went from the hospital.


I noticed Sarah Paulson's blonde hair, but not her brown eyes back in season 6, but I do recall people making a stink about the eye color as well.  I did try to check for eye color tonight, but never figured it out.  Glad they at least corrected that.  Ellis is definitely not one to wear colored contacts!

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Loved this episode. I'm one who was hoping (back when the casting call for the character that ultimately became Jackson went out) that Jackson would somehow end up being Ellis and Richard's child, and while I don't like episodes that centrally focus on a new character Maggie doesn't otherwise grate on me. (Though I thought she was unreasonable when Richard told her last week, it's also perfectly realistic that people in that highly-emotional situation aren't always putting themselves in others' shoes for a reality check.)

One thing that did confuse me - though I loved Bailey's relief that Maggie was his daughter and not a fling-gone-wrong, I didn't think she knew about him and Ellis? Back when he resigned as Chief to save Meredith's job after the Alzheimer's trial, I think she, Callie, and Arizona had a scene in a break room wondering what was with him and covering for Meredith. The Fab Five knew about the affair, plus Derek and Jackson (she told him when he ranted about "and the chief slept with my mom"), but I thought after her relief Bailey would have been a little surprised about his affair with Mer's mom. (Or "oh, it all makes sense now!)

Boo to Bailey and the board seat - probably to get her a storyline, so I'm going to roll with being pleased it isn't another OCD storyline - and this show always screwing Alex, but I am impressed (and shocked) with how quickly he got over it when Meredith and Arizona were straight with him. He's a bigger person than I am.

But I still think he should sue/get another board seat, because Cristina left him her hospital shares - that she paid $15M for - and those shares are why the other planies have board seats. I know we're supposed to let it go and roll with Jackson's explanation of why that doesn't actually equal a board seat, but I'm in disbelief.

Nice that Mer didn't explain the blood (edit: I guess it was actually a red wine ring) in the journal to Maggie, nor did Maggie ask, and Mer found the positive in "she stopped drinking wine, I think this is when she found out!" rather than "and after her suicide attempt, the ER doctor told her she was pregnant and then the wine stains stopped." Loved how Derek reacted to Maggie, and how Dempsey played it. Nice to see him non-angrily teach Meredith that spousal arguments CAN be put on hold for Big Things. (I suppose he learned that lesson AFTER he refused to speak to Meredith when they first got temporary custody of Zola.)

I also realized, in reading other comments, how it really was nice to have a limited cast focus. Sigh.

Edited by WalrusGirl
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The thing that doesn't make sense to me is why the hospital didn't call CPS, who would have tracked down Thatcher and placed Meredith with him while Ellis was on psych hold, or maybe even permanently. Surely they didn't just stitch Ellis's wrists up and sent her and Meredith on their merry way.


Yeah, this was sort of what I was getting at... If I was to have any sort of accident at home right now, my 2 young kids would not get to ride along in the ambulance and then hang around the hospital by themselves until I was ready to go home. 


The carousel scene wasn't long after Ellis left Thatcher (I don't think) so it just bugged me that CPS or no-one at the hospital got Thatcher to come and pick his daughter up. 


I guess it was just so Meredith could have the parallel 'waiting for mum in the hospital' memories.

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Derrick scenes:

1. I believe he tried to cut Meredith to shreds with the mother comment.

2. I do not believe his "give me a big ole hug" reaction to Pierce.


1.  Agree.  His voice was dripping with venom when he said that.


2.  Very strongly disagree.  Derek accepted Lexie.  In season 5 he tried to protect her from Mark.  In season 8 he was shown as a great "big brother" to her, as well as a professional mentor to her in Neurosurgery.  And he had a very anguished reaction when he found out that Lexie died in the plane crash.  So it's completely in line with his character to accept another Grey sister.  I also think that his smile, overall facial expression, and hug for Maggie were out of relief and understanding of what was going on with Meredith.  His saying "Meredith isn't good with sisters." also showed that it was a relief and understanding type of reaction.


Did anyone else pick up on Ellis' last words before the video of her cut off?  "Where were we?"  I wonder where she was in her career and Alzheimer's onset when she was giving that speech.  I think that was intended for a kind of "Whoa..." or "Wow" reaction, which is exactly the reaction I had.

Edited by KnitsWithRaceCars
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Yeah, this was sort of what I was getting at... If I was to have any sort of accident at home right now, my 2 young kids would not get to ride along in the ambulance and then hang around the hospital by themselves until I was ready to go home. 

The operative words being "right now." Biiiiiiig difference between 2014 and 1983. Right now, children are required to sit in car seats until damn near puberty while in 1983, they could lolly gag around in the backseat with no car seat or even a seatbelt required. I don't think CPS even existed then in its current form. I think it was just social services, with local offices staffed with about two people.

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I buy it, especially from Derek. He really encouraged Meredith to have a relationship with Lexie. He may not always get along with Amelia, but he loves his siblings and he seems to place a lot of importance on family (not just his family with Meredith but his sisters as well). Mr. EB's family is very similar - they have welcomed me with open arms from the very beginning and they have a huge extended family (imagine me trying to explain who all these people in the pictures at family gatherings are to my mom thusly: "That's my husband's uncle's wife's sister's husband, and that's my husband's cousin's husband's brother's boyfriend, and that's my husband's cousin's cousin's fiancé").


ITA that this episode was more like the earlier seasons of the show with more focus on Meredith's relationship with her mother and less antics from the newbies frantically running around shrieking about whatever. The only down side to this part of Meredith's story was that it involved Pierce, who I have no interest in. I hope that Pierce soon realizes that she was lucky Ellis gave her up for adoption. Not only did she end up with parents who seem very loving and supportive, but she didn't end up being raised by Ellis. So many of Meredith's issues stem from Ellis being a terrible mother so Pierce was lucky to escape that fate.


Loved seeing Gunn as young Richard!




Callie focuses her attention on the Veterans’ project.

Heh, i guess that got cut. I generally like Callie but I am not crazy about this new storyline for her. I'm all for veterans getting as much assistance as they can, but I just hate all of the "Callie and Arizona are super busy" stuff. I was expecting to see the fallout from last week's realization but I'm glad we didn't. If we could just cut that entire plot altogether, I would be happy.


in 1983, they could lolly gag around in the backseat with no car seat or even a seatbelt required.

Hell, I remember our neighbor's dad used to let all the kids sit in the back of his pickup truck when he drove us places. I didn't live in a rural area where kids are allowed to drive tractors when they're ten either. This was in the city on 50mph surface streets. We used to love when he hit potholes and we all got jolted into the air.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 5

The operative words being "right now." Biiiiiiig difference between 2014 and 1983. Right now, children are required to sit in car seats until damn near puberty while in 1983, they could lolly gag around in the backseat with no car seat or even a seatbelt required. I don't think CPS even existed then in its current form. I think it was just social services, with local offices staffed with about two people.


Aaaah, ok... I wasn't born until 1988 and I'm in a different country. 


Having said that, I still don't get why the hospital staff didn't call Thatcher since he would still have legally been Ellis' next of kin and he was of course Meredith's dad. If they did call him but he didn't bother to come and pick Meredith up then it speaks to my original point that the father/daughter relationship was broken down before the move to Boston.

With all of the talk about Ellis audaciously using her name for the Grey Method, I am surprised that Ellis took Thatcher's name.

My family doctor was a woman who married in the late 40s or 50s, practiced in a very conservative rural area, and she retained her maiden name for professional use. She said it was more practical than changing all of her records.

So you'd think a driven person like Ellis, from a later era, would keep her maiden name. Plenty of women her age have done it.

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Maybe Ellis and Thatcher got married early? Like right before medical school? I remember reading somewhere, I can't remember what now that because interns etc are paged - they don't really like changing their names (because a new name means a delay in response in hearing the page). So it could have been, "What the hell, Dr Grey sounds a lot better than Dr. Maiden Name" (Or maybe she didn't really like her family and didn't want her maiden name linked to anything she would have done in the future. that sounds more like Ellis LOL)

  • Love 1
Maggie just needs to go. That, or Shonda just needs to stop overselling her and propping her up so damn much.

Maggie is no Christina. There's a giant gaping hole left behind, and she's not filling it. I'm not sure anybody could, but this is a particularly bad attempt. Can we get a sweeps disaster up in here to end this?

Yep to both of these. Maggie would be palatable if she weren't shoved mercilessly down our throats and sold as the greatest EVAH, and a saint to boot. Part of the Grey's story since the very beginning is that no matter how brilliant and smart there people are, every single one of them has flaws. ALL of them are FUBAR in some facet of their lives. Whether it be drinking too much tequila and nailing your attending (Meredith, Cristina), Mommy issues (Mere, again), having a shitty upbringing and a sour personality (Alex), trailer trash, poor up bringing, posed in her underware to pay for med school (Izzy), confused sexuality (Callie), OCD, overbearing, ego that eats the hospital (Bailey), the doormat (George...I still miss George), the man who broke up the main character's marriage (Webber), PTSD (Owen), ego driven, God complex, ex-wife screwed him over (Derek), and Amelia....there's just too many issues to mention.

Maggie is being sold as perfect. That wouldn't be so bad if she wasn't taking over the show. I realize that they need a "Grey" on the show if Ellen Pompeo leaves. Lexie is gone, now. Even though Maggie ISN'T a Grey, because she's not only been adopted by a nice family named Pierce, she's not Thatcher's kid. But, I guess since Ellis went by her married name, if she had kept Maggie she would have been a Grey, so that's close enough in Shondaland.

I just think that Shonda isn't trying anymore. Her "precioussssss" is Scandal, now. The even got Grey's time slot. The 8:00 pm time slot on Thursdays on ABC has always been a revolving door of failed shows. And they stuck Grey's there to prop Scandal and give the new Shondaland (which I've already given up on because it's too confusing to follow) show the 10:00 slot.

They need to back off Maggie now that everyone knows who she is. Time to let her get one or two lines for a few shows and bring the neglected cast back to the forefront.

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Derek was so cute loving on Maggie as his new sister. It's also a hilarious contrast to how Meredith reacts to family. He's all: "You're my wife's sister? That's awesome! Well, you know you can come to me for anything now. You need five bucks for lunch?" while Meredith's typical response to all things family is usually: "...Ugh." As to Derek getting on board the new sister thing so quickly, I bought it. That's just who he is. He was overprotective with Lexie the same way. Wasn't that the whole thing when Mark first started sniffing around Little Grey? That Derek would be all "Bad dog! Get off of her!"? That said, I too do not like people hugging me for that long. Get off of her, Derek.


How is it now Meredith suddenly totally remembers Ellis getting all big in the belly and then going to the hospital and coming out with her belly not big anymore? Odd how she was so insistent before that she had no recollection of her mother being pregnant and now it's all clear.


I'm not sure how I feel about the revelation that Webber broke things off with Ellis mainly because he did not want to resign himself to a life lived under the shadow of her greatness. Glad they got J. August Richards back for the part. I understand that Sarah Paulson was probably too busy to come back, but I think she did a better job conveying the Ellis Greyness of Ellis Grey. This new actress was too ... nice?


I stand by my personal opinion that the show made a mistake killing off Ellis so early in the series. Kate Burton is absolutely fabulous in the role and she really should have appeared more/longer.

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I stand by my personal opinion that the show made a mistake killing off Ellis so early in the series. Kate Burton is absolutely fabulous in the role and she really should have appeared more/longer.

That was my main issue with the episode. Ellis died EIGHT seasons ago. If this had been S5, I would've cared more. It's such a different show/cast now that it just felt like a bad spot to put the episode with so many current SLs up in the air.

But to be fair, with the TV climate how it is, I'm sure Shonda never thought Greys would still be on in double digit seasons.

That was my main issue with the episode. Ellis died EIGHT seasons ago. If this had been S5, I would've cared more.


That's how I feel about the secret love child storyline in general, too. Shondaland said this is something they wanted to do from early on, and I believe them, but it would have been better if they had done it back in the day. At this point, ten seasons later, after so much has happened and so many characters have come and gone and we've had so many "twists" to the Grey's universe already, bringing this up NOW, long after we've stopped even caring about the Ellis/Webber thing anyway, is just like, "Is this really necessary?"

  • Love 3

About  Ellis not changing her last name, I wonder if it is because Meredith would have had a different last name from her. This happened to my mom her half sister had the same last name as her even though they had different fathers.


Also, about no one bringing up Lexie didn't Derrick's sister Lizzie (?) bring her name up and Meredith made it pretty clear she did not want to talk about it. I could see no one bringing it up because Meredith made it clear to everyone she does not want to talk about Lexie. The only other time they brought it up was when they had to change Zola's guardian and Meredith wanted it to be Cristina.

Also, about no one bringing up Lexie didn't Derrick's sister Lizzie (?) bring her name up and Meredith made it pretty clear she did not want to talk about it. I could see no one bringing it up because Meredith made it clear to everyone she does not want to talk about Lexie. The only other time they brought it up was when they had to change Zola's guardian and Meredith wanted it to be Cristina.



I think people are talking about the living sister, Molly (Lexie's younger sister/Thatcher's daughter).  However, Maggie has no relation to Thatcher's children, as she's not Thatcher's daughter.  So I'm not sure it's relevant, especially as Meredith has no relationship with her.  Derek did reference the whole thing when saying Meredith was bad with sisters, sort of.


I'm a little tired of the "no I have to talk to you about something but you assume it's something else and walk away before I can explain" trope.  Seems to get used a lot in Shonda-land.

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I think people are talking about the living sister, Molly (Lexie's younger sister/Thatcher's daughter).  However, Maggie has no relation to Thatcher's children, as she's not Thatcher's daughter.  So I'm not sure it's relevant, especially as Meredith has no relationship with her.  Derek did reference the whole thing when saying Meredith was bad with sisters, sort of.

That makes more sense I forgot about Molly. I think the last time she had a mention was when Jackson arranged for Lexie to visit her when his mom visited in season 8.

  • Love 1

I loved the focus on Meredith and the mother's back story issues, but I am getting increasingly frustrated with the depiction of marriage on this show.


It would be so much easier to swallow if they just had these characters bed hopping, dating, whatever.  Derek and Meredith apparently both care about their kids and their marriage, but never act like it.  They both want completely different things.  Arizona and Callie are both too busy and now they're "taking a break" like it's a high school relationship?  Every scene between Meredith and Derek had me yelling at the screen to just sit down and talk already.  I guess this is nothing new with them, but it's just such a dysfunctional dynamic.

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Get off of her, Derek.

I know I'm in the minority here, but that scene had me wishing for a Derek/Maggie hookup. I like Maggie (when she's not being uncharacteristically nutty, like the scene with Richard at the end of last ep); she's competent and mature for her age. Unlike Meredith, whose behavior - the drinking, hanging with Alex - was cute when she was an intern but stupid now that she's an attending/wife/mother.


And I would love to see Meredith stop taking Derek for granted/remove the stick from her ass. What happened to Meredith's "I was abandoned by my father" issues? Now she wants Derek to leave their kids? What crap.

  • Love 3

I don't recall the jealous Richard information before.  In fact, it seems contradictory to last season when Richard showed Leah the pic of him with Ellis when she won her first Harper Avery.  Unless he did that like Mer planned the champagne toast for Cristina--to cover up the jealousy.


I think it is would have been more in character for the Chief to have left Ellis because he was afraid that by marrying her, and starting a family, he would have held her back in her career.


I also believe Derek is in a place where he has had no physical affection, with probably the exception of his children, and Maggie may have been the first hug for him in quite a while. Yes, Meredith is angry and upset, but so is he. He's hurt, too.


I think part of the joy Derek felt in finding out Maggie was Meredith's sister was it gave him a little insight into her drunken behaviour with Alex. He realized she did have some additional drama in her life, and wasn't just being reckless. 


With all of the talk about Ellis audaciously using her name for the Grey Method, I am surprised that Ellis took Thatcher's name.

My family doctor was a woman who married in the late 40s or 50s, practiced in a very conservative rural area, and she retained her maiden name for professional use. She said it was more practical than changing all of her records.

So you'd think a driven person like Ellis, from a later era, would keep her maiden name. Plenty of women her age have done it.


Most doctors and PHDs use whatever name they had when they received their doctorate. 

  • Love 3
So you'd think a driven person like Ellis, from a later era, would keep her maiden name. Plenty of women her age have done it.

Most doctors and PHDs use whatever name they had when they received their doctorate.


That's what I always figured. As much as she has no particular affection for the man from whom she got that name, it's the one she had throughout the beginning of her career, the one she used when she first made a name for herself, the one she put on her award-winning study, etc. By then, "Ellis Grey" was already a brand, so to speak, so maybe going back to Ellis Maidenname wasn't really practical for her.

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