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S02.E04: Go Where I Send Thee

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Abbie giving Crane driving lessons was hilarious.


Really liked another nugget of history being revealed about Abbie (and to a degree Jenny).


I didn’t understand why Abbie, Crane, new guy and the kid spent 15 minutes sitting talking in the woods after escaping the Pied Pipers cave. Should’ve they have continued to hall ass?


Abbie’s hair was down before they went into the cave, but when they came out her hair was in a ponytail. When did she get a moment to pull it up? LOL


New guy has so far been helpful, or at least appeared to be. It doesn’t seem like he’s working for any evil faction. However, it is very unwise for Abbie and Crane not to keep an eye on who he’s selling those artifacts to.


Love Abbie! She always rocks. How many times has she saved Crane’s ass now? I think I’ve lost count.


That is total BS that Henry would be able to basically steal Irving’s soul from him. That makes pretty much everyone is fair game and easy prey, and fails at making the story compelling. 


Odd that Sheriff Reyes was missing this episode. I’d think she would’ve been all over the missing child case.


Descent episode. Still not as strong as the premiere.  I kind of feel like the writers are a little lost this season. I think they should be taking it to the next level with apocalypse stuff, but don't feel like they're doing that. The villain of the week is good, but almost seems like a retread of last year only the monsters have different names. And I feel like they don't really know what to do with Henry, Katrina or the Horseman and are sort of feeling their way through. That said, I can watch Abbie and Crane, practice driving, drinking latte’s, reading the phone book to each other all day long. They have such amazing chemistry.

Edited by Enero
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Who will save Frank Irving's soul?


Enjoyed this ep, but then the Pied Piper is one of my favorite stories. Missed Jenny - she'd have been perfect to assist in taking down the Piper. 


Ichabbie were all kinds of adorable tonight - particularly in that espresso scene.


Next week looks super scary!

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I don't care about Hawley one way or the other, so I was glad that he didn't show up and save the day at the last minute like I was expecting.  I hate that they focused so much on this dude and Jenny was out of the episode entirely.


That scene with Irving was spooky.  Either he'll be demon possessed, or end up another Horseman.  


Loved the Ichabod/Abbie scenes.  Nicole and Tom continue to be awesome.  So cute with the espresso and the driving lessons.  


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This episode was a lot of fun with the show's take on the Pied Piper.  Though the scene with Irving as a Horseman (or servant of Moloch at least) was really awesome.  Liking the new guy and his dynamic with Ichabod.  From driving to sneaking into houses, Crane was great tonight.  Love the nicknames or him tonight too "Ricky Bobby" and especially "Pride and Prejudice."

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Adding to the Ricky Bobby  and Pride & Prejudice enjoyment!


Wasn't the Lancaster house the house used in the Witch episode last year? Serenda or somesuch?


Hawley's "Aw damn!" Indeed, sir.


The flute is evidence of a child's murder. Hawley seemed to know that part of the legend; I get he's all "charming rogue", but...nevermind. He'll either go Team Witness or Team Moloch, so whatever.


The Logging/ Log In Ceremony! *G* Please, do not change, Mr. Crane.


I just want to hug Frank! Is the the Lando Calrissian of the group, or someone else due to him not knowingly entering a deal with a devil/horseman?


No Jenny- not happy.  Jenny is much more badass than Hawley and can do his stuff backwards and in heels.


For the last fight, I saw that neat little spin, Mr. Crane. Love you and your unnecessarily glowing earbuds! (Talk about giving up an advantage!)


Abby being badass, again, some more. Love her!


Stay strong, Frank Irving! Don't let that brat turn your mind or heart!


"We made it right."  Well, for this generation. The piper sold his soul to a devil (presumed to be Moloch) for speed and the ability to take revenge on the descendants of the guy who killed him. He'd been active for centuries. Unless killing him with his own bones was more powerful than the deal with a demon ( possible, I had a phone call about halfway through the episode- grrr!), then the Piper will still return. :(


Yeah, the whipped cream drink scene was cute; Tom Mison does "discovering"  and monologues well. Does he have an infant or small child to use as help?

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I don't think the blood signature necessarily means that Irving has given up his soul, but I do think that it matters if Irving believes that is the case.  It makes it harder for him to fight against doing Moloch & Henry's bidding if he thinks that he has already damned himself.  At this point, we haven't seen any evidence that Irving is the new Brooks; all we have seen are parlor tricks that Henry (you know, the witch who actually does spells and stuff) could easily pull off without any soul-control over Irving.


By the time Henry even brought up the contract, he had already bludgeoned Irving with a number of blows to the captain's resolve:  I'm on the side of justice, ending our association will hurt your family and keep you from them, and by the way, what have those Witnesses ever done for you?  He took care to till the field (flaming bible and bicep-tacular flash-forward) and sow those seeds of doubt before following up with the idea of the contract, which will probably cloud Irving's judgment regardless of what the contract even says.


After reading the recap, I wonder if Henry's bone-tasting adventure is related to his sin-eater status.  Perhaps he can absorb the sin or the power of the sinner.  Then again, perhaps he just wants to make a bone orchestra so his suit of armor has some theme music; I wouldn't put it past this show!

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Ichabod continues to charm my socks right off.  Something about the way he said, "I have just received an Amber Alert." made me laugh out loud - twice, because I rewound it.  I'm almost positive that was not meant to be funny, but he just tickles me to no end.

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This was my first full episode of the show, and I'm already obsessed! I love Abbie, I love Ichabod, I love their dynamic, I love the acting, I love the dialogue, I love the look, feel and tone of the show, I love the cinematography (or whatever it's called when we're talking about TV rather than cinema!), I love the blending of history and legends, and I love that the show doesn't forget to have a sense of humor. Like, for instance:




Ricky Bobby and Pride & Prejudice!


I'm still grinning over that! 


I'm not usually a fan of apocalypse storylines, but this may prove the happy exception, especially if they keep working in 'smaller' mysteries and legends along the way (like tonight's clever take on the pied piper.) 


All that AND John Noble?! I'm watching the earlier episodes from this season on demand and already logged on to Amazon to buy the Season 1 DVDs :) 

Edited by amensisterfriend
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And I feel like they don't really know what to do with Henry, Katrina or the Horseman and are sort of feeling their way through.

Agreed, but I'd also add Irving to the list; they clearly know what the endpoint is for him but are struggling to get him there in an interesting manner. I groaned when Henry showed up to mwa-ha-ha tonight and basically eat some screentime. I know getting John Noble is considered a coup, but don't force him into episodes where he isn't needed/doesn't fit. Also, given that it was Henry's boss that endangered Irving's kid and set him up to take the fall for it in the first place, I can't believe he's quasi-considering working with Henry. That said, I do think it has to be more complicated than "Irving unknowingly signed in blood, therefore his soul is Moloch's." If it was that easy, wouldn't Henry just have used the pen trick on Abbie and Ichabod last season?


Overall I thought this episode was a step down from the first three (though I desperately want a deleted scene of Jenny giving Ichabod driving lessons!). I liked Hawley last week, but such a heavy dose of him this week=the writers are pushing him hard=he annoys me. Much, much rather see Jenny than him. The case of the week was fine but nothing special. The flashback with the Pied Piper was suitably creepy and atmospheric, but I thought Irving's "dream" about working for War was terrible. Something was off about the filming...it made me laugh, and not in a good way.

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I thought for sure they were going down the typical "Hawley shows up at the last minute to save the day" path, so I loved that it was Abbie who finished off the Pied Piper.  Abbie is the best!


Kind of a quite episode, but I did like seeing plenty of Ichabod and Abbie again.  Of course, the driving scenes were hilarious, and the bit at the coffee house, was a riot (Ichabod's random rants will never get old.)  I do like that location; I'm assuming that's somewhere in Wilmington.


It was kind of weird that Jenny wasn't around.  She doesn't have to be in every episode, but a throwaway line from Abbie about where she went off to, would have been nice, especially after the events of the last episode.


Well, things seem to be going to shit for Frank.  He's now accidentally setting things on fire, seeing visions of himself fighting for the bad guys (which, honestly, that bit was kind of bad, but it was so damn entertaining), and now finds out from Henry, that he more or less own his soul, and if he doesn't comply, Henry will ruin his wife and daughter.  That's why you can't trust John Noble!


So, Ichabod has, well, "history", with Betsy Ross.  Why am I not surprised?


Next week's episode does look like it could be very creepy.

Edited by thuganomics85
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Ichy Stu is so awesome! He has all the ladies fall for him! He's so handsome they become obsessed with him! He plays all the instruments! He speaks all the languages! He knew every historical figure and was involved in all the important historical events of his time! Bored now.


I like Nick, I really do and I definitely want to see more of him, but I wish Jenny had also been part of the episode. Where was she, btw? She should have been thrown in the mix.

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Abby being badass, again, some more. Love her!



This. I love badass Abbie saving Crane's ass once again. I love that although petite they allow Nicole to be strong, fight & save the day herself.  I'm giddy between Carol from the "Walking Dead" yesterday & Abbie today taking names & & kicking ass. 


And I feel like they don't really know what to do with Henry, Katrina....



I agree, even thou I like John Noble in small doses. IMO, Katrina doesn't serve any purpose. She's useless as a character. The flow of the show was better to me because we didn't shoot off for Katrina scenes. They did have Crane mention her helping them again. 


Sure show: claim innocence on the Ichabbie shipping then have Abbie wipe milk foam off Ichabod's face.



This bothers me. Ugh, Eether dump Katrina or stop doing it. Abbie & Crane have amazing chemistry but we all know it's not going to truly go anywhere, if Katrina is still around.

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but I thought Irving's "dream" about working for War was terrible. Something was off about the filming...it made me laugh, and not in a good way.


It looked like an ad for a videogame, didn't it?


The premise was shaky.  Mom knew about the curse, knew that the tenth birthday was THE day, yet she took no extra precautions? 

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Agreed, but I'd also add Irving to the list; they clearly know what the endpoint is for him but are struggling to get him there in an interesting manner. I groaned when Henry showed up to mwa-ha-ha tonight and basically eat some screentime. I know getting John Noble is considered a coup, but don't force him into episodes where he isn't needed/doesn't fit.

Oh my god, Irving! His storyline is killing me. I loved him last season, when he was involved in the action and served as bridge between the weird and the normal. I loved how torn he was, how he called Ichy out on his bullshit and how he delivered reality checks. Then that nonsense in the finale happened and now he's buried under John Noble's scene-chewing, while Henry himself isn't all that interesting to make up for it. Dull, dull, dull.

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This episode was absolutely insane, and I loved it! My favorites are the creepy episodes, and this one delivered ("For the Triumph of Evil" aka the Sandman episode was probably my fave last season). 


The driving scene, Crane skulking in the bushes, and the cappuccino scene were all hysterical. The pied piper was creepy, even with the blonde Madonna ponytail. I enjoyed taking a break from the main arc, and it was Katrina-free! 


Irving's BAMF dream was a bit WTF, but I bet Orlando Jones loved it. Irving needs to get out of Tarrytown and be reinstated as captain ASAP.


My only nitpicks were the noise-canceling earbuds (in my experience, they're great at canceling consistent sounds, but something as changing as that flute melody or speech would still come through loud and clear) and Crane and Abbie's reaction to Hawley. I'm not a fan of Hawley, but I think he was well within his right to walk away.

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The child sacrifice anvil hit me so hard on the head I almost lost consciousness. I already know they won't kill off Henry. Crane sucks too much to do it. John Noble is also a regular in the cast, so Henry is in no real danger and it's not like I have any reason to care about Henry anyway.


"It is not our fate for one of us to bury the other"? Oh, shut up! I love how he keeps forgetting he was more than ready to "bury" her last season. He better keep up learning stuff, because he'll do it again. He wasn't as obnoxious as the last couple of weeks, so at least there's that.


Another Ichabbie bait episode you say? I'm sure the next one will have the prescribed amount of Katrina switch. The show is nothing but formulaic and yet I still haven't lost all hope that they will stop with that pointless Ichabbie teasing and let Abbie develop a genuine romantic relationship. /delusional

Edited by kimberella
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This was good but not great. I loved the MoW and the family dilemma but some of the other stuff was kind of blah.

I'm curious as to every little thing they have going on with Henry, why did he need the bones? We what's his evil master plan? But I don't buy the Irving part of it, that seems rather bland.


I also don't get why the blonde hottie keeps popping up in the show. I like him but he's essentially a male Jenny, and I'd rather have Jenny in the episode working with Crane and Abbie. Is he a potential Love Interest for Abbie or something?


I love that Abbie was the one to finish the Piper.


I'm also getting a little tired of Crane knowing all these historical figures and being the most specialist snow flake during the Revolutionary war.

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- I missed Jenny.


- I am liking the direction they are going with Frank.  Keeping Frank just as Captain-Ally feels like it could have easily dwindled down into just a support character whose only purpose is to help Abbie * Crane.  This gives him his own story and his own stake in all of this outside of Team Witness.


- I think they are treading a nice line with Hawley.  The Han Solo vibe is very much alive with him and he's delivering it well, which I think is a very smart tack to take with this character.  He's playing the Privateer (love how Ichabod makes that one word sound like 'fucking asshole' when he spits it out with disgust) who only is in it for money, but the actor is telegraphing more than that. Even better he isn't messing up the chemistry of Ab & Ich. 


- Abbie and Ichabod were like maxed out versions of themselves.  Once again, Ichabod was off the charts with his knowledge of everything and his reactions to stuff while Abbie was a BAMF Goddess!  Honestly I loved every conversation (it felt extra quippy between the two of them) and every interaction.


- "Hear me Grace Abigail Mills, it is not our fate for one of us to bury the other. We shall be victorious or defeated together." --  I am not gonna lie, that sounded more intense and solemn than a wedding vow. 



 I kind of feel like the writers are a little lost this season. I think they should be taking it to the next level with apocalypse stuff, but don't feel like they're doing that. The villain of the week is good, but almost seems like a retread of last year only the monsters have different names. And I feel like they don't really know what to do with Henry, Katrina or the Horseman and are sort of feeling their way through.


I think they do know exactly what they are doing.  Sure, this episode felt a little filler, but they do need to do their Monster-of-the-week episodes so it doesn't become too serialized so the casual viewer can't follow.  But I think about last year how  'Sin Eater' just felt like a way to introduce the Masons and give a little backstory on Ichabod -- only of course it introduced Henry.  or how the Treebeard/Haunted House episode & The Golem episode all just seemed at the time ways to fill in Ichabod backstory but in reality they were very important to the overall mythology of the show and the Apocalypse.  I think they are doing the exact same thing this season.  They are laying out little bread crumbs leading to something and we just aren't seeing it just yet.


-- On a shallow note, in the scene where they were down in their lair, whatever lipstick Abbie was wearing -- I need it!


I think it is more difficult to settle in and just let it go during the second season because we have built up some expectations.  But I am very curious to see how they bring it together.  We know that have something up their sleeve, I just hope it is as clever and I get as blind-sided (in a good way) as we did with the Henry reveal last year.

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I continue to enjoy the partnership between Ichabod and Abby.  They both know their mission and are willing to risk their lives to accomplish it.  When Abby  proposes that she become entranced and lead them to the Pied Piper, you can tell he is initially reluctant ("act as bait?") but he trusts her and will be there to back her up.  Abby trusts him to pull her back and remove the earbuds when needed.  At the end when Abby tells Ichabod to "go get" the Piper while she is comforting Sara, she's sending him into danger alone but trusts him to do so.  When he is losing his fight with the Piper, I half-expected Hawley to return and save him - but it was Abby who came after him as back-up and saved him.  While the Piper is distracted fighting with Ichabod, Abby comes up behind him and pierces him through the back.  It is fitting that it takes both Ichabod and Abby as a team to defeat the Piper - each one alone could not have done so.  Of course, you have to hand-wave the fact that a Piper who easily defeated a contingent of soldiers was taken down by two people.


Ichabod's teasing of Abby and their banter continue to amuse - the driving lesson, the flute versus cello remark, etc.


I am still on the fence about Nick Hawley.  While I like the different dynamic he brings to the team (his skepticism, his self-interest, calling Ichabod "Shakespeare"), his involvement in this case seemed a bit contrived.  But he did serve as a plot device to deliver the bone flute to Parrish.  When Abby broke the flute, I was relieved because it seemed like she had been too willing to hand over a powerful cursed object to someone she barely knows.  I still can't believe she and Ichabod let him keep that cursed coin from last week.


Poor Frank now knows that he's signed his soul over to the Horseman.

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I'm also getting a little tired of Crane knowing all these historical figures and being the most specialist snow flake during the Revolutionary war.


I handwave this because Ichabod has always been a Witness and thus Fate made it possible for him to witness all these events and meet all these people.

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Well, that was creepy - a monster that kills ten year old girls so he can make flutes out of their bones? Ack!


I feel like Han Solo really is an independent contractor, willing to work for whoever is willing to pay him. It will be interesting to see if he gets sucked into the dark side or if he will end up working with Crane and Abbie.

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Nitpick:  the child sacrifice is a Lancaster family curse.  Beth should be a Lancaster through marriage, yet her sister was taken?  C'mon writers.  The way it stands, Sarah has greater problems than the Pied Piper.  Like her family tree only having one branch.


Irving's BAMF dream was a bit WTF, but I bet Orlando Jones loved it. Irving needs to get out of Tarrytown and be reinstated as captain ASAP.



I'd rather he hook up with Jenny and get trained in the fine art of vigilante warfare.  With all he's done, I can't see him back in law enforcement, but rather working outside its boundaries with his fellow TPI escapee.




ETA:  Who played the Mom?  She really did not look old enough to have been Abbie's case worker when she was a kid.



Beth was played by the never aging Francie Swift.  She was Nate's seemingly teenaged mother on "Gossip Girl" as well.  

Edited by Lila82
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They finally acknowledged the vast height difference between Abbie & Crane, but they should have shown them fussing around for 10 minutes trying to properly adjust the seating and mirrors in the car for them switching drivers.  Well, some cars have a memory button for different drivers (I lurve this), but I don't know of any that have it for mirrors.


Who did not guess it was evil Henry's hand that was going to accept the bone flute?  That was kind of a big build up for ....nothing.


Hawley needs to fade back into the woodwork for a few episodes.  He's been in two and is shown in next week's preview.  Less is more Show.  And Katrina did not bug at all last night so see how that works?  Of course, Jenny is the exception to the rule because I'd like to see her back.  I want to see her and Frank team up - that would be delightful.


They really need John Cho back.  He was Moloch's minion but you (well, me) kinda rooted for him anyway and was never sure if he was actually trying to help Abbie or just trick her.  It was such a balancing act between writing and acting that was awesome.


ETA:  Who played the Mom?  She really did not look old enough to have been Abbie's case worker when she was a kid.

Edited by DeLurker
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Nitpick:  the child sacrifice is a Lancaster family curse.  Beth should be a Lancaster through marriage, yet her sister was taken?  C'mon writers.  The way it stands, Sarah has greater problems than the Pied Piper.  Like her family tree only having one branch.


According to the Amber Alert, the little girl's name was Sarah Lancaster-Weiss.  So I assume the mother was the Lancaster and the father is the Weiss, so that would be correct that in this case it is through the maternal line.

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Nitpick:  the child sacrifice is a Lancaster family curse.  Beth should be a Lancaster through marriage, yet her sister was taken?  C'mon writers.  The way it stands, Sarah has greater problems than the Pied Piper.  Like her family tree only having one branch.

I think Sarah's name was Lancaster - Something.  So Beth was the Lancaster and the Father was the Something, so this would make Beth a Lancaster.

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I also don't get why the blonde hottie keeps popping up in the show. I like him but he's essentially a male Jenny, and I'd rather have Jenny in the episode working with Crane and Abbie. Is he a potential Love Interest for Abbie or something?

He and Jenny would have some smoking hot chemistry together. 


On a shallow note, in the scene where they were down in their lair, whatever lipstick Abbie was wearing -- I need it!


The makeup dept need to spill what they use on Abbie stat! ( Jenny too please!)

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls
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I love this show so much but the shipper baiting scares me. That kind of thing rarely ends well. Even though this ep was AAW (All About the Witnesses) one of the things I love about this show is that ensemble and how well they all play off each other.  I love scenes between the Mills sisters, Jenny/Irving, Crane/Irving, etc..I missed that a bit in this episode. Crane and Abbie are perfection but I checked out on both Bones and Castle when they hooked up the leads.


Several posters have said that the theme of this season will be trust and we see that with Irving. Henry saying that Crane/Abbie have brought him nothing but misery is going to stick especially know that Henry owns Irving's soul. This is building on what we saw from Jenny when she was under the Judas coin's influence last week and the conversation we saw where Abbie said she doesn't trust Katrina. I remember this from Fringe. Orci/Kurtzman are very good with the long arc. That one of the things that kept me hanging in spite of the dreadful Peter/Olivia pairing. I think that we will see our little Scooby gang completely fracture this season. It's basically going to be the long version of BtVS' "Dead Man's Party."


Have we all learned now that when the episode shows Ichabod staring into the middle distance recounting some deeply emotional monologue only goodness will ensue once the camera pulls back?


I need Irving to have some backup. I can't stand him left so isolated with Henry. He needs more visitors: Jenny, Macy, or even Luke. What the heck happened to Luke anyway? He was there right around the time Irving supposedly committed the crime that he's confessed to. He was possessed by Moloch's minions. He's seen undead Andy. Have they mentioned him this season and I missed it? (I often have to put on the CC to understand the dialogue so I sometimes miss stuff.)


The jury's still out for me on Hawley. I don't mind him and I hope he gives us some insight into Jenny assuming they ever share a scene. I hope there's some mad chem there although I'm still partial Jenny/Irving. #TeamTarrytownPsychiatric


LOVED Ichabod's reference to being a "gillygawpins." One of the things that routinely cracks me up about this show is the height difference between Beharie and Mison. I like watching how the camera frames shots of the both of them when they are standing next to each other.  I also loved the look on Abbie's face when Crane called her out by her full name. She was like, "Umm, alright Dad."


Sooner or later we are going to get a Crane/Betsy Ross flashback.I need to think on who should play the lusty Miss Ross.

Edited by marceline
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"We made it right."  Well, for this generation. The piper sold his soul to a devil (presumed to be Moloch) for speed and the ability to take revenge on the descendants of the guy who killed him. He'd been active for centuries. Unless killing him with his own bones was more powerful than the deal with a demon ( possible, I had a phone call about halfway through the episode- grrr!), then the Piper will still return. :(

That aspect confused me, too. Crane made it clear that Daniel Lancaster killed the Piper, but he came back because his soul contract with Moloch (or another demon) made him immortal. So why was Abbie's kill, bad-ass though it was, any more permanent. Or is it?



ETA:  Who played the Mom?  She really did not look old enough to have been Abbie's case worker when she was a kid.

Francie Swift is 45. Which, wow. She looks great. I thought she was mid-to-late thirties. Nicole Beharie is 29.


But in the context of the story, Abbie and Jenny didn't enter foster care until they were well into their childhood. Abbie was 13 or 14 when they saw Moloch in the woods. Beth could have come back to Sleepy Hollow for her first Social Work job right after college--when she was in her early 20s. So a ten-year age difference is believable.



It looked like an ad for a videogame, didn't it?


The premise was shaky.  Mom knew about the curse, knew that the tenth birthday was THE day, yet she took no extra precautions?


I thought the same thing about the video game ad. The greens were too green--everything looked computer-animated.


And the mom says she fell asleep. Although we know that she was willing to sacrifice Sara to save her 3 sons, so her "falling asleep" was likely a ruse.

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He and Jenny would have some smoking hot chemistry together. 


I believe they used to have a fling back in the day. I also believe it was hot, fast and ended with a few gunshots.


But I'd love to see them together in action when one is not being possessed. He's like a blond Nathan Drake.

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It's official, I hate the new guy.  I don't see that he brings anything to the already crowded table.  I don't see him as a love interest for Abbie or for Jenny, who had a lot of chemistry, IMO, with Irving. 


I feel like the writers are overwhelmed by the material and don't really know where to go.  But if they think about it, they could indeed go somewhere.  For instance Katrina needs side against Ichabod.  I think with her being corporeal in current times that it should be truly felt by the players AND the viewers that no matter how much in wuv they were back in 1776 they haven't seen each other in over 200 years and that while it seems like only yesterday for Ichie, Katrina has been conscious throughout and has no doubt changed in that time that included losing him, giving up her child, being punished by her coven and being tormented by a demon.  I'd even like if they gave Abe some deeper dimension and make him a man that Kat falls for because in many ways, he GETS her more than Ichie.


Honestly I think the show should stay with their original Scooby Gang and flesh out the different relationship,s but focus most on the two core relationships, the witnesses who are prophesized to go down fighting - together, and the Mills sisters who have endured a lifetime of haunting, possession, and estrangement.  I've been thinking for a while that although Abbie is the capital W witness, Jenny would be the x-factor that could turn the tide in their favor.

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He called himself a gillygawpins and said he could see for miles from up there.

What the heck is that?


Here's another example of the Crane-Abbie height differential. I wonder if Nicole's neck hurt after looking up at Crane during this scene:




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Francie Swift is 45. Which, wow. She looks great. I thought she was mid-to-late thirties. Nicole Beharie is 29.

Thanks.  She really doesn't look her age - I was guesstimating mid 30s and thought NB was late 20s so that didn't seem to be a big enough age difference, even right out of college/first job.  But adding a few more years it makes sense, but hats off to your Francie Swift!


I thought they did good casting between her and the daughter - they looked like each other to me.

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Another good episode - I enjoyed it. I thought the actress who played the mother did really well. Totally moving.


Didn't the little girl look absolutely thrilled to be carried around by Tom Mison? I swear, she looked like she was in heaven, especially when they came up to the house. And he was carrying her around like she weighed one pound. So adorable.


Nicknames for Crane this episode: Pride and Predujice, Ricky Bobby, Shakespeare and what he called himself for being so tall (Gilly Gwapings??)


I actually really like Hawley. He plays off of Crane really well and is a nice foil. Him being all about the money - not surprised at all and it's a good contrast to Crane. But he's eventually going to find out about the evil in SH and will change. He and Crane bounce off each other really well and I like that Hawley challenges Crane. Good addition.


Henry was tasting the bone because he's doing his sin eating thing. Crane, Hawley and Abbie touched it. I think he's determining how he can manipulate Hawley, but his target is Abbie. Henry knows how close Abbie and Crane are - he's going to find a way to hurt Abbie, to hurt Crane. My theory.


So is the show giving us tons of Ichabbie now, because when Katrina returns, we will get none?? Could you toss us any more shipper bones, show? I love Ichabbie to death, love their interactions but will not be pleased if this is just to appease us Ichabbie shippers. I mean, come on. The flirty looks in the car and out, the fact that he learned to drive to impress Abbie, the wiping off of the whipped cream (!!), him pushing her almost again a tree, calling him cute, looking shyly at him in the cafe, etc. This show...


Two things of note for me: Point one: I find it interesting that the show has never shown Crane to have seriously harmed or killed everyone. Crane has never been shown to have stabbed or shot anyone to death at this point. Jenny has done it (Hessians multiple times) and Abbie has shot and killed people (Hessians and demons) and took out the Pied Piper. Yet the show has not shown the male lead to have done any of this. I find it interesting that they've made Crane a not very effectual fighter also. He's good, but not perfect. Yet in all of Crane's fighting encounters, he has never taken a shot or shot anyone. I wonder if they are going to save him doing that for something down the road.I think it is an interesting decision by the show. Actually, I have to slightly revise. He DID kills Hessians with two swords in the Sin-Eater. But that is it. In every flashback, he's held the gun but never shot it. Hmm...


Second, I thought it interesting that someone like Crane is obviously worried that Abbie is "going to leave him." This, from a person who in his own time was perfectly self-sufficient. Here in the 21st century, he is completely dependent on Abbie, and we've seen this bothers him, yet his comment to Abbie made it seem like he was a bit upset that she wanted him to be independent - because that would mean that she wouldn't be around as much. Strange yet telling this for the show to add.

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One problem I had with the writing this week was that Abbie was thoughtless and insensitive, in the scene in the woods with Sarah and her mother.  Sarah didn't know what was happening -- she didn't know that her mom was taking her to the Piper -- until Abbie explained it.  The poor kid knows that her mother was going to sacrifice her in order to save the other children.  Abbie and Ichy should have just taken her home, and then told mom that they were going to take care of the Piper. 


And while I'm complaining, why don't our heroes explain to people how they're going to save them?  Instead of saying "Trust us" -- tell them the freakin' plan already!

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I feel like the writers are overwhelmed by the material and don't really know where to go.  But if they think about it, they could indeed go somewhere.  For instance Katrina needs side against Ichabod.  I think with her being corporeal in current times that it should be truly felt by the players AND the viewers that no matter how much in wuv they were back in 1776 they haven't seen each other in over 200 years and that while it seems like only yesterday for Ichie, Katrina has been conscious throughout and has no doubt changed in that time that included losing him, giving up her child, being punished by her coven and being tormented by a demon.  I'd even like if they gave Abe some deeper dimension and make him a man that Kat falls for because in many ways, he GETS her more than Ichie.


So much this. There are some real emotional beats that need to be hit between Ichabod and Katrina and now that the show has a little more breathing room this season with 18 eps instead of 13 they should have a chance to deal with them. Ichabod and Katrina need to sit down face to face, sometime when they aren't in mortal danger and deal with everything they've lost and try to figure out where they stand now. They both have a past to mourn, as individuals, a couple and a family. 


I'm hoping that we get more character based stuff for everyone. More of Abbie and Jenny being sisters. More Irving with...well...everyone but especially Jenny and hopefully we get to see Macy again. I'd also like to get a few more glimpses of Abbie away from Ichabod. I liked seeing that Abbie was desired by the men around her. Be it Luke or Andy. She's badass and beautiful. There ought to be men trying to get with her. She had a life before Ichabod showed up and I hope the show remembers that.

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<<I'd also like to get a few more glimpses of Abbie away from Ichabod. I liked seeing that Abbie was desired by the men around her. Be it Luke or Andy. She's badass and beautiful. There ought to be men trying to get with her. She had a life before Ichabod showed up and I hope the show remembers that.>>


Word.  I thought they missed something deep with Luke.  According to the story the couple broke up because Abbie was headed to Quantico, not because of problems in the relationship.  They missed a true triangle opportunity in which Abbie's instinct is to run to Luke, because the love is still there, but because of his role and need for her, she has to stay joined at the hip to Ich.  It would have been cool to see two alpha dogs circle each other, both having legitimate claim to her.  THEN have the whole Luke possession thing happen as Abbie and Ich realize that Moloch is purposely separating them from loved ones and has been their entire lives and attacking those people.  THAT would force their hand at being together (not romantically ----- at first <evil grin>) as the triangle replays itself with Katrina, but Katrina is not Luke and is much more of a player/threat and not happy at all with this witness bonding and you know what they say - hell hath no fury...  Man, I want to write for this show, it would be a blast!

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Didn't the little girl look absolutely thrilled to be carried around by Tom Mison? I swear, she looked like she was in heaven, especially when they came up to the house. And he was carrying her around like she weighed one pound. So adorable.



And the way he rushed over to her (and Abbie) and scooped her up. Sigh. He would've made a good father given the chance.

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