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Gary: The original Belden Lineman

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I also just thought about how prominent the sound "lee" is in the names of females in Gary's life:

Leah Leann Shirley (a "lee" in each name)

Amber Leann Portwood ("lee" sound in her middle name)

Emilee Grace Shirley (2 "lee" sounds)

I hope Kristina's middle name has some variety of Lee in it, or else Gary is going to have to marry her so she gets the "lee" sounds from Shirley.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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I have a niece named Kimberly Lee. Every female on that side has Lee for their middle name. I get that but choose a different name than Kimberly for the first name.

My name is spelled with an i where it's traditionally spelled with y. It doesn't bother me when random people spell it wrong but when people I've known for over 20 years still can't get it right, it bugs me.

I don't correct people's spelling of it unless it's some type of legal papers or something.

Edited by Maharincess
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I was searching on the Adopt US Kids website a while back- someday I might like to adopt from the foster care system. And the names...THE NAMES!!!! For every Ashley or Sarah, there were ten that were either atrocious, not names at all, or were horribly spelled. I'd list examples but how do I know those poor kids aren't members of this site? I'm sure they take enough teasing in life!

  • Love 5

I don't side-eye unusual names, but I do kind of question the point of giving your kid a traditional name with a crazy spelling. I mean, yeah, weird to name your kid "Apple" but no one is going to struggle to pronounce it or spell it.


Funny timing- my facebook newsfeed this morning had like 6 people referencing someone named Airwrecka (Erica). Wow.

  • Love 6

I don't side-eye unusual names, but I do kind of question the point of giving your kid a traditional name with a crazy spelling. I mean, yeah, weird to name your kid "Apple" but no one is going to struggle to pronounce it or spell it.


Funny timing- my facebook newsfeed this morning had like 6 people referencing someone named Airwrecka (Erica). Wow.


Good point, I guess I'm pretty much the same way. I don't mind unique or unusual names, it's the wacky spellings that drive me crazy. Airwrecka?  Really???  I would so not want to be on an airplane with her. It seems like tempting fate.

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Horrible names I ever came across that I can remember

Twins named Washa and Dryera

Boy named Huckleberry, Darkeem, Browinee, Brownstone, Trident

Girls named Hennessey, Tequila, Lasagna, Boonquisha, Harleem-Brookelynne, Raspberry, Koolaidaisa,

Did you really encounter a human child named Lasagna?

I met an orange, Garfield-looking cat named Lasagna once at the Vet's office and I thought that was pretty awful.

Edited by Shelby
  • Love 4

Horrible names I ever came across that I can remember

Twins named Washa and Dryera

Boy named Huckleberry, Darkeem, Browinee, Brownstone, Trident

Girls named Hennessey, Tequila, Lasagna, Boonquisha, Harleem-Brookelynne, Raspberry, Koolaidaisa,

This is the type of stuff I saw on that site when I mentioned unique names. Like, words that should not be a name at all. I cannot imagine what people could be thinking!

I had a teacher tell me she had students named things like Tequila and Dasani (like the water).

My name is unique in the traditional sense. Sometimes it annoys me, because I have to constantly spell it and remind people how to pronounce it (and you can tell someone like 3 times and they'll still say it how they think it should be said...)

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Did you really encounter a human child named Lasagna?


Really? I've known of a person named LaSonia.  Could that be similar in pronunciation. 


I've worked in courthouses in a couple of states, and there are always individuals with "unique" names, and sometimes I think, "Hell yeah, (he/she) is in trouble with the law.  That poor kid probably had to fight every day of his/her life!"  Maybe I shouldn't be saying this, but I've come across an Optimus Prime. 

Edited by zenme
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That child's last name was Rice too. Lasagna Rice. Ugh. Poor kid. I didn't like calling her by her name and she didn't want me to neither.


That is really bad!  I've heard some bad names but that one may be the worst so far. Did she at least have a decent nickname she could go by?  Good middle name, initials, something?  Poor kid, for sure.

  • Love 1

That child's last name was Rice too. Lasagna Rice. Ugh. Poor kid. I didn't like calling her by her name and she didn't want me to neither.

That's terrible.

Making a child go through life when everyday, their name is an obstacle to overcome, is practically a form of child abuse.

If an adult wants a goofy name, fine, they're equipped to handle it and it's their choice. But a little kid having to deal with it everyday? Man, some people have no business having kids.

  • Love 4

That is really bad! I've heard some bad names but that one may be the worst so far. Did she at least have a decent nickname she could go by? Good middle name, initials, something? Poor kid, for sure.

Her middle name is semi okay than her first name. Ebisheeda? Dont know if the spelling is right was her middle name. She still hated it, so she just picked out a whole different name for people to call her by.

That's terrible.

Making a child go through life when everyday, their name is an obstacle to overcome, is practically a form of child abuse.

If an adult wants a goofy name, fine, they're equipped to handle it and it's their choice. But a little kid having to deal with it everyday? Man, some people have no business having kids.

I agree. I wish parents would think about how their name choosing will affect their kid. Unless they're planning on homeschooling or having their child live at home forever without a job, then naming your kid Lasagna is ridiculous.

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Not gonna lie, my youngest has a name that rhymes with "Alex P. Keaton". And I was 26 when I had him. Married and owned a home. A few cars and cell phones, too. Paid cash for it all.

I totally thought my second child would be a girl. I was lost when I found out he was a boy. My sister named him. She said "just name him Alexander. That way when Dad calls and asks "what are you doing?", you can say "feeding Alexander" and mean it."

Poor kid got the short end of the stick with the family name, though. I think my grandfather was about 93 with 6 kids, 21 or so grandkids, and God only knows how many great-grandkids. He was happy my kid got his middle name("I've lived my entire life and never had anyone named after me") but he apologized in advance, in case my kid got beat up because of it.

It is a very good name and will look awesome on a door plaque. It's spelled correctly too. Thankfully, kids are only kids for a short time. They grow up to be adults and live most of their lives as adults. They are people like that. *tm roseanne*

  • Love 2

I have a niece named Kimberly Lee. Every female on that side has Lee for their middle name. I get that but choose a different name than Kimberly for the first name.

My name is spelled with an i where it's traditionally spelled with y. It doesn't bother me when random people spell it wrong but when people I've known for over 20 years still can't get it right, it bugs me.

I don't correct people's spelling of it unless it's some type of legal papers or something.


After 11 years my SIL still spells my daughter's name incorrectly and my child's name is a traditional one with only four letters.  I've never corrected my sister-in-law however she's 'discovered' twice over the past decade that she's been spelling her god child and niece's name incorrectly yet she still continues to do it.  This woman's got a master's degree to boot.  Go figure!  I don't usually get hung up on the small stuff but I had to vent!

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 1

Horrible names I ever came across that I can remember

Twins named Washa and Dryera

Boy named Huckleberry, Darkeem, Browinee, Brownstone, Trident

Girls named Hennessey, Tequila, Lasagna, Boonquisha, Harleem-Brookelynne, Raspberry, Koolaidaisa,

Were those children conceived while parents were doing it on top of a washer and dryer?


Lasagna? Was it spelled that way too? No words.


As for the rest, I imagine the parents were drinking up those products while the horny feeling hit them.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Were those children conceived while parents were doing it on top of a washer and dryer?

Lasagna? Was it spelled that way too? No words.

As for the rest, I imagine the parents were drinking up those products while the horny feeling hit them.

Omg. Kazu, you're hilarious. I don't even know how these parents come up with these names. For Washa and Dryera the parents said they wanted names that matched. Yes that girls name was Lasagna. I don't know if that mother liked lasagna or not. I asked the parents of the girl name Tequila why they named her that. They said they liked tequila and it matches their child's personality.

  • Love 2

What is a Tequila personality? Complex and smooth?

Maybe the baby got really loud then threw up a lot?

To keep this on topic, remember Gary's friend that looked a bit like Brad Pitt? He's the one I would both bang and marry if playing the bang/marry/kill game from the Teen Mom 2 thread.

Edited by Pakalolo
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How does one know what a child's personality will be? They obviously had the name ready to go, regardless. Maybe Tequila matched the parents' personality. They must have watched too much Tila Tequila on television.



Watching Gary, it kind of breaks my heart. He clearly has a huge issue with food. I wonder if there could be a crossover with My 600 Pound Life.

Gary did try out for that reality show about losing weight. Can't remember the title of the show.

I just can't even get my mind around the mechanics of how Gary was able to get someone pregnant. Just how does one get around all of that mass to get to the plumbing?

I was thinking the same thing!


The only thing I can possibly think of is the fact that he is a classy dresser, and she couldn't resist him when he showed up wearing his Belden Lineman Camp T-Shirt.

Didn't he wear a shirt most of this OG season that stated he could not show anymore how much he cares less. Hello, Christine!



I dunno. Maybe Gary is a beast between da sheets. I don't know if a person could be lured out of a happy marriage though. I guess she wasn't all that happy.

Even if he is/was I doubt it lasts more that 30 seconds. He looks like it is hard for him to move. Again, just like Matt, I fail to see the appeal. 

  • Love 3
I dunno. Maybe Gary is a beast between da sheets. I don't know if a person could be lured out of a happy marriage though. I guess she wasn't all that happy


Oh.  Gary's a beast all right.  Man, that ex-husband must have been a real douchebag if GARY is the man that made Christine turn her head. 


Even if he is/was I doubt it lasts more that 30 seconds. He looks like it is hard for him to move. Again, just like Matt, I fail to see the appeal.


Gary definitely looks like a 3 pump chump.

  • Love 5

"Coincidentally, Amber made an announcement for her own wedding date, posted on the same date as Gary and Kristina’s wedding!"


Teen Mom Junkies is reporting that Amber tweeted on the same day that Gary & Kristina got married that it was "official" that she and Matt are getting married next October.

Of course she did....

ETA: Edited for clarity.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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The way I worded that post didn't make much sense. Sorry, Maharincess. I went back and edited it so it would be clearer.

I meant to say that on the date that Gary & Kristina married, Amber issued a tweet saying that it was "official" that she and Matt would be marrying in October 2016, not that she'd be marrying him on Gary & Kristina's anniversary (some day in the end of Septemeber). Hope that makes better sense.

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Not sure if this is the right place to post this (it seems more appropriate than the Amber thread) but can I get a brief history on Kristina? I think I'm missing something. She was married and has a daughter about Leah's age, cheated on her husband with Gary (whaaaa?) And is now married to Gary. I've read that she lost custody, or gave up custody, etc. My understanding was that her ex husband didn't want his daughter on the show, so they just didn't film her. Sorry, I tried to do some googling, but I keep running into conflicting stories, from unreliable sources!

If you go to radaronline there are plenty of stories about Kristina Anderson. Her ex husband served her a restraining order because he did not want his daughter on TV when she had primary custody. They settled before court and she agreed not to allow the TV to film their child. A few weeks later she signed over custody with Kristina getting every other weekend visitation. On toofab a couple of months ago he filed papers stating she was behind on child support and that she refused to work. It was also alleged that when filming she either didn't pick up her daughter or her daughter was told to stay in the bedroom, implying Kristina chose the show over their child.

Leah has no shot with these role models.

  • Love 7

It's not about looks its about his health. He may not be much but he's the most stable parent Leah has and if he doesn't get control now, he'll die of a heart attack by the time he's 40.

Edited because he'll and hell are not the same.

So true. 


All the times Amber went off on Gary, I imagine how many other guys would have tolerated the abuse? I always wonder if Gary had been a different guy or if Amber had put her hands on a different guy, Amber would have ended up in the hospital due to a Ike Turner smackdown. Gary did push Amber out of the house after she assaulted him. This occurred after the assault where Amber hit Gary in Leah's presence and CPS intervened.  When Gary pushed her out of the house, all she was wearing was her underwear. http://www.examiner.com/article/amber-portwood-police-called-after-teen-mom-has-another-violent-fight


Then, there was the time a Walmart employee accused Amber of threatening them:http://hollywoodlife.com/2010/10/20/amber-portwood-teen-mom-walmart-gary-fiance-beat-up-christopher-hossman/


Common denominator in these situations is Amber. I don't really believe Amber's buttons are being pushed as much as she can't restrain herself. It is everybody else who is at fault for her failures. It is everybody else who is to blame for her not having custody. It is everybody else's fault for why she turned to drugs. This shit starts early in life. It is not something that happened once Gary came into her life. 

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