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Red Band Society - General Discussion

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YOU CANNOT LIVE AT A HOSPITAL FOR BEING A HYPOCHONDRIAC!!!  This show!  What the hell kind of place is this and how are they running since they must be bleeding money.


Here's the thing about suspension of belief.  For me the amount of suspension that I'm willing to do is related to how in reality the show/movie is supposed to take place.  It is supposed to be based in "real world" reality.  I cannot get over all the things that I would be required to get over (like all the kids actually living in the hospital with NO PARENTS AROUND) to get into this show because every five minutes something pops out that takes me completely out of the show. Like the stupid, stupid, pointless, HIPPIE HYPOCHONDRIAC THAT LIVES IN THE HOSPITAL!  Who is paying for Jordy's treatments?  Some guy in the news a while back got charged like $50,000 to get his appendix taken out.  And he had insurance!  When my dad was in the hospital we had to have special little wrist bands to show to the nice camera so that they would buzz us in to visit. These kids can just walk in and out at their leisure.  They're not supposed to but there's literally no doors stopping them. Or even giving them a hard time.


The only thing I like about this show is that sometimes, sometimes they throw out a line that makes me chuckle.

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I cannot get over all the things that I would be required to get over (like all the kids actually living in the hospital with NO PARENTS AROUND) to get into this show because every five minutes something pops out that takes me completely out of the show


When my dad was in the hospital we had to have special little wrist bands to show to the nice camera so that they would buzz us in to visit. These kids can just walk in and out at their leisure.  They're not supposed to but there's literally no doors stopping them. Or even giving them a hard time.


I've (unfortunately) spent too much time in a pediatric hospital and these two points don't bother me, because they're pretty darned real.   Kids basically living there without parents?  Yup.  Really, really, really sick kids, sometimes really young (baby, toddler) kids left there.  Without parents.  For days, weeks, months.  Yup.  Breaks my heart every single time.   But the reality is that if your child is inpatient for a long stay, and they are pretty stable, not all parents are going to make it in every day because life (jobs, school, other kids) doesn't come to a full stop.  (And the other reality is that some parents just don't care.)    So far we know Jordi has no one, Charlie's dad is the guitar volunteer who comes when he can (but isn't legally supposed to be there) and his mom was away on business, Emma's parents love her but stress her out, Kara's 4 parents have all been there, so that only leaves Dash and Leo.   Nothing major is going on with them, they're pretty comfortably settled, so I can understand why we're not being shown their parents.  (Now, let's not discuss why they're there when nothing major is happening, because THAT irks.)


And as for visitors and walking in and out - I have never seen a ward other than ICU and maternity that buzz visitors in and out and monitor them closely during regular visiting hours.  We have had pizza delivered directly to our bedspace without the nurses on the floor knowing.   I have taken my kid off the floor without anyone seeing us go.   So yeah, I can see teenagers up and walking off the floor - and once off the floor out of the building - without anyone noticing.   (These are reasons I would never leave my minor child alone in a hospital, but it's reality.)    Ideally when you leave, you're supposed to notify your nurse, but as long as you're not contagious or on the monitors, we've always been encouraged to go for walks out into the hospital garden, down to the cafeteria instead of ordering up a tray, etc.   Yes they SHOULD have better security - but that doesn't mean that all/many hospitals DO.


Overall this show feels like it's set in a different *time* of medicine.   20 years ago, being admitted for cancer treatments was a lot more common than it is now.  Children in comas and with CF really may well be long-term residents.   It was a different model of care.

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And as for visitors and walking in and out - I have never seen a ward other than ICU and maternity that buzz visitors in and out and monitor them closely during regular visiting hours.  We have had pizza delivered directly to our bedspace without the nurses on the floor knowing.   I have taken my kid off the floor without anyone seeing us go.   So yeah, I can see teenagers up and walking off the floor - and once off the floor out of the building - without anyone noticing.   (These are reasons I would never leave my minor child alone in a hospital, but it's reality.)    Ideally when you leave, you're supposed to notify your nurse, but as long as you're not contagious or on the monitors, we've always been encouraged to go for walks out into the hospital garden, down to the cafeteria instead of ordering up a tray, etc.   Yes they SHOULD have better security - but that doesn't mean that all/many hospitals DO.


All of the hospitals i've been in - and i've been in quite a few - require you to be buzzed in and out of any pediatric ward.


For adult wards - you have to walk past the always-manned nurses station to get to any exits (and they don't encourage you to leave the floor you are on).


I'm thinking Leo is in the hospital because it seems like his leg was somewhat recently amputated (within the past few months) and he will be undergoing inpatient rehabilitation to train him on his new leg.

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The handling of Emma, the anorexic girl: so last week we had a situation where the nurse just left food for her and she was not monitored as she ate.  When food was gone from the plate, it was assumed she ate it. Then this week, the most-unbelievably naïve nurse goes to weigh her, leaves her alone right before the weigh in (because apparently nurses aren't told in advance of all the tricks kids with eating disorders get up to before a weigh in) and Emma goes so far as to overload herself with clothes, stuff rolls of coins down her bra and chug a huge bottle of water.  Then she gets weighed in in what looks like a gym, in front of others who hear all about her weight gain.  Nope.  That's not how it would be done, ever.

Oh Good Lord. That was probably the dumbest part of the Pilot (and that's REALLY saying something). Emma gets food prepared by a private chef. Because that's what's behind eating disorders! They're not a mental illness that makes people refuse to eat, they're just kids with very refined palates! The whole reason she's not eating to the point where she's so sickly she's an inpatient is because she's just a picky eater! So in order to cure EDs you just have to give the patients really good food!


And how are we supposed to trust this hospital when it's run by idiots? Is there going to be an upcoming storyline where Brittany has photos of the hospital CEO having sex with an underage goat? Because that's the only way I can see her being hired.

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I'm *guessing* that last week we saw her father and her step-mother on that side.

That's just a theory, though.



I'm pretty positive that's right because Kara mentioned multiple times her mom leaving her dad for "the help" and going as far as blaming said former nanny for the breakup of her parents' marriage. So it makes sense that last week the people we saw were her dad and other step-parent.





I'm pretty sure the way that was explained is that the guy is some eccentric billionaire who donated money for an entire new wing which had a room built in specifically for him, so he can hang around all day because he's a weirdo. Not the most realistic sure but at least it's something of an explanation for why a guy not sick hangs around the hospital. 


This episode was slightly better than the Pilot. I chuckled a few times, I enjoyed all the adults a lot more and I continue to find Leo the most interesting of the kids and think the actor's pretty good. But all the medical/hospital nitpicks aside, which I can totally understand and agree with, my biggest issue so far with the show is that I'm having a hard time connecting with most of the characters. More importantly I don't find myself absolutely engrossed. As others noted in the Pilot thread, I do find myself watching the clock during the hour and that's not good, especially when I compare it the other freshman shows I was looking forward to.


For example, many posters in the How To Get Away With Murder thread had A LOT of nitpicks like many have with this show, in terms of the legal profession and law school but I didn't care about that stuff because I enjoyed every minute of that show and the hour flew by for me. Same with watching Gotham. Red Band Society has moments that are engaging but many others that seem to drag and again I think it's because I'm not connecting with the characters. Kara's bitch schtick is kind of overplayed for me, though I loved her for saying that comment about the two guys being into Emma. 


Because yeah, another thing not working for me. I don't care about Emma's character AT ALL and so that little triangle being foreshadowed holds little to no interest to me. If anything, I was hoping Leo would go apologize to the co-ed girl just because one, he should have because he was an offensive douchebag to her but two, I would be far more interested in seeing that possible relationship. Someone living a healthy, teenage life falling for someone who is very sick, possibly could die. Along with not caring about Emma, I also don't care (and I know this may make me seem heartless) about Jordi either.


The actor just does nothing for me and doesn't hold my interest at all and I find his and Emma's scenes rather forced, again just to set up this lame triangle or maybe square if Kara gets in the mix but I hope not because I don't want to see her and either of the guys as well. I will say the only chemistry I've seen with any of the kids was with Leo and Emma but I think that's more down to the actor playing Leo who again I think is the best out of all the kids. Still don't want to see them together or care about them being together or her liking him and Jordi or whatever crap is coming with that. 


As noted, I do find the adults funny and interesting and like all their interactions. I enjoyed the doctor trying to subtly tell Octavia Spencer's character she's mean, also his walking off on Brittany while she was babbling on, enjoyed Ricky's character and his interaction with Kara's parents. Honestly my favorite scenes the whole episode was anything with them and Leo's breakdown at the frat house.


Finally, like another poster stated in the Pilot, I too thought, when I first saw the ads for the show, that it would be about a bunch of kids who periodically come to the hospital for their cancer/other terminal illness treatment and have formed something of a community/friendship because of that. I too did not expect that they would be living at the hospital. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I loved her for saying that comment about the two guys being into Emma.


"the two most eligible bachelors in the hospital..." "Bachelors"???? ReallY?????


The dialogue sucked bad.  


And Leo should have been picked up and thrown in the street by Elise's friends for calling her a slut.  She actually did the right thing -- he said "Stop" and she stopped.  Then wanted to know why, without really pressuring him.  A lot of dudes could learn from her.

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He didn't have to call her a slut. I get that he panicked, but that's no excuse to call her names. I was glad that she just got up and left and then ignored him afterward. I was afraid she'd tell one of the guys and a fight would break out. At least that cliché was avoided.


And did the new nurse really have to be mistaken as a stripper? There was an awful lot of casual misogyny in this episode.

Edited by dubbel zout
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He didn't have to call her a slut. I get that he panicked, but that's no excuse to call her names. I was glad that she just got up and left and then ignored him afterward. I was afraid she'd tell one of the guys and a fight would break out. At least that cliché was avoided.


And did the new nurse really have to be mistaken as a stripper? There was an awful lot of casual misogyny in this episode.


With Leo, it was probably the first word that came to mind that he knew would get her out of the room ASAP.


With the nurse, if she hadn't had her ID on, she would've looked like a stripper.


But since she had her ID on, presumably with the name/logo of the hospital right across the street, the situation is a bit... odd. Just chalk it up to drunk college kids with underdeveloped cerebral cortexes.

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I really hated both Dash and Leo in this episode.  Leo especially was a real douche bag all around.  I hate love triangles that pop up for no reason.  It was clear as soon as Jordi arrived that he and Emma had an instant connection.  Leo seemed fine with it then, what changed?  If his newfound feelings had come from a genuine place instead of jealousy I would be more sympathetic.  As it is he needs to bring it down a notch.


I actually thought Leo had a very good connection with Kara.  I thought maybe he would be the one to bring her out of her shell.  She was typical Kara in this episode but I still found myself very disappointed when she took that pill at the end.


As for Dash, I felt for him when Leo kept dissing him for Jordi but I hate how opportunistic he is all the time.


I was surprised that Eva was Jordi's mom.  I can't decide who to believe about the kind of mother she is.  On the one hand if your child is going around telling people that you are dead, there is obviously something wrong there.  But I found myself believing that she tried her best as well.  So maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle.

Edited by blugirlami21
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I want so much to like this show. The premise is great but for some reason it's not working. The similarly themed "Chasing Life" on ABC Family works better I think because they picked one direction to go and went with it. "Red Band Society" has all this extra crap mixed in. There's the annoying and superfluous voice over mixed with ridicuous mystical realism, grating teenange angst, and then the adult drama. I'd say go with the adult drama with a lower percentage of teen angst but that's just me. I didn't like the episode that much. It reminded me a lot of "Glee" and not in a good way. Still, I hope it lasts a bit longer. I think it can figure itself out but just needs Fox to give them the chance to do so.

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I gave it the standard 3 episode tryout, and I guess I'm just not part of the desired demographic.  I can't quite get into the "My So-Called Life in the Hospital" vibe with some of the characters.  A tip o' the hat and thank you, ma'am.  Good luck.

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I am just guessing that we are suppose to care about for these kids and I just do not.

The kids are the worst part of the show!  Dump them all.


 I want to watch a show with Nurse Wilson Cruz and Nurse Octavia Spencer.  Seriously why hasn't Wilson Cruz had more to do since My So Called Life.  I love him.

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I am in agreement with most of the sentiments here.  Somehow it just isn't working.  Perhaps it is the teen angst.  And the doc beddiong the gal from the bar is just yucky.  Especially when it turns out to be a 'dead' mother of a patient.  


And what did the nurse leave behind to do this work?

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I mostly liked the episodes I've seen, but I am so sick of cops/murder/spy/conspiracy/pseudo-sci-fi shows, so maybe I'll take anything that is different.  I give them credit for trying.


And, Rickie Vasquez!!


I think Jordi's mom isn't trustworthy, and she is playing at being a good mom now so as to snag a rich doctor husband.

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Yeah, this is dropping off for me. I'd much rather watch a show that focuses on the staff and how they deal with these kids. I know we have to suspend disbelief for this show but the reality is to strong. Kids will come and go in a hospital, but the staff is constant. This show can last longer with rotating patients and focusing on the constant (the staff).


Plus more Wilson Cruz screen time would be preferable.

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I like it- not love it.  It is by no means appointment tv but good for background noise.  


While Dash is annoying- his delivery of "only the baddest lady-chef ever.Whatever, I'm kind of a foodie," was hysterical.  

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I don't care how much you give your hair the George Clooney ER treatment, you still look like Baby Walker in a high-school production of Death Of A Salesman.


I have yet to see one episode of this show, but I'm guessing Octavia Spencer is made to spend basically all of her time in the pose pictured above, arms akimbo, patented "None o' your sass!" expression fixed on her face?

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I too so wanted to like this show, but I may be done.  To tell the truth, it was the scene of Emma stirring the Rice Krispy treats with her hands that did me in!  Actually, this episode had at least some moments of believability, like Dr. BabyWalker (tee hee) aka McAndrews, telling Dash he wouldn't release patient information to him, but otherwise, this is how is just a big ole bunch of nothing.   


Emma's character is very confusing to me because she is suffering from such a significant eating disorder that she has to live in the hospital, yet we have learned nothing about her body dysmorphia or seen any real evidence of it. Yeah, people talk about how she doesn't eat, but there is so much more to anorexia than not eating. 


Why aren't we seeing these kids in therapy?  Why does Emma seem to be the only patient in the eating disorders ward?  Why does only Kara wear a hospital gown?  Why did they make Nurse Cruz get in on the illegal betting Dash was doing?  Why does Dash have nothing to do but be a stereotype?  How is it that Brittney is an idiot when it comes to nursing, but she has already figured out what Dr. BabyWalker's ties mean?  How does she know that he wears that tie after sex?  Does he come in talking about it with her?  Isn't she new? When did she gain all this insight?  Why does a hospital cafeteria have so much butter just laying out on all the tables?  Where did they get the marshmallows from? (Notice they never mentioned needing them)... How come the nurse's/doctors staff room is open to the public?  At nearly all schools now you need an electronic key to assess anything, but at this hospital there is no security at all. Kids just go where they want, when they want.


And as the recap said, why was it OK to amputate Jordy's leg without any consent, but he can't undergo chemo without parental consent?


I will say I had no idea that the kid playing Leo is actually British, so hurray for his American accent.  I wish he had more to do in the show... but then again, I'm not sure I'm gonna keep watching this.  It's Glee-lite in a bad, bad way.

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My biggest frustration with this episode was in the doctor and nurse spending so much time doing what a hospital social worker would be doing. As soon as Jordy came in, he would have had a social worker working with him. There's no way a doctor or nurse would be making calls to his grandmother or trying to track down a family member. Where is the social worker for this ward? 


Here's the other thing. In order to be emancipated, a teenager has to already be living on their own and have their own source of income. It also has to be in the teen's best interest. There's no way a judge would allow a sick teen with no job to get emancipated. She could give up custody of him, but he would just go into foster care then. They aren't going to just let him live alone.

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I actually like the show. I think the first two episodes were really rough, but now that the characters are familiar the episode went a lot more smoothly. I will agree that Dash was ultra annoying this time around - he went from almost no role to having his heart crushed from his bromance (what WAS that scene with him and Brittany???). But anyway, I like that the story is different from the rest of what is on TV right now, and I am glad to see kids who are decent actors getting the spotlight

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I want so much to like this show. The premise is great but for some reason it's not working. The similarly themed "Chasing Life" on ABC Family works better I think because they picked one direction to go and went with it. "Red Band Society" has all this extra crap mixed in. There's the annoying and superfluous voice over mixed with ridicuous mystical realism, grating teenange angst, and then the adult drama. I'd say go with the adult drama with a lower percentage of teen angst but that's just me. I didn't like the episode that much. It reminded me a lot of "Glee" and not in a good way. Still, I hope it lasts a bit longer. I think it can figure itself out but just needs Fox to give them the chance to do so.


For me it's the unbelievable amount of suspension of disbelief necessary. I'm more than willing to hand wave stuff for an emotionally satisfying story but some of the things we're asked to believe just push me too far. These kids living in the hospital with no parents. The idea that a kid could "sign up" to have his leg amputated and his mother wouldn't know. The rooms which look like dorms. Even smaller things like Kara cutting her hospital gown so short it barely covers her ass. (You know that's hospital property right?) or Nurse Octavia being able to throw a bottle of pills at Kara in the hallway. (My mom was in the hospital for a knee replacement and the process nurses had to go through just to get her medication was like watching someone defuse a bomb.) Or the ability for these kids to come and go with no security on the ward. (I've been to the pediatric ICU of a hospital. They put airport security to shame.) Plus I always keep coming back to "Who is paying for all this shit?"


Like you I want to like this show. I think it's a fairly original twist on medical shows but it isn't a medical show. It's more like Glee meets House.

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I lasted about ten minutes, and then said "I'm out." I really wanted to like this show, but I just can't. Not even for Octavia Spencer.



Wow, this was so me. I watched up until Leo came into the room and saw Emma and Jordi holding hands and told that bullshit about him and Emma not being fully done to Jordi and I was out. As others noted above, the biggest issue for me is a lack of connection with the teen characters. I find Leo the most interesting of them and the actor the best out of the bunch but as I don't care a lick about Emma and Jordi, I really, really do not care about this love triangle and wish they would kill it and kill it fast. I also don't want to see Kara with Leo either or care much about Kara at all. So it all just feels very slow and annoying to me. Sucks for Octavia Spencer but I'll be surprised if this gets a second season. Of course it is on FOX and not many of their shows are pulling big numbers so they may survive. Not to mention others may not feel as I do and may be loving the show.

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Speaking of MSCL:  "He's been doing that since high school."  ROTFL!

Ha, that was definitely the best moment in the entire episode! Now I hope that Rayanne pops out of one of the stalls to talk to him about Tino getting Chinese food!


The one cliche that the show managed to avoid in this episode was Kara overhearing what Octavia Spencer said about her because she was in one of the stalls. I did think it was nice to hear the nurse acknowledge that she is human and can't stand Kara. Speaking of which, why doesn't someone make Kara put on some damn pants or pull her hospital gown onto her shoulder? I am so tired of her running around the hospital in her Flashdance-esque outfit. Everyone else is wearing regular clothes!


I was already sick of the love triangle last week but this week was even worse. Leo is suddenly jealous because he sees Emma touching Jordi's hand RIGHT AFTER HE WAKES UP FROM SURGERY? That is one of the few times that you are allowed to hold hands with someone without assuming that it means anything besides "I'm glad you didn't die."


I'm glad that Dr. Dave told them he couldn't reveal another patient's medical information. Finally! It's been so long since I saw a hospital show that doesn't have HIPAA violations left and right.


Seriously why hasn't Wilson Cruz had more to do since My So Called Life.  I love him.

He has done some movies and musical theater (he was AWESOME in Rent!) but most of his tv work since MSCL has been short guest star stints.

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It still interests me. I think it is because there really isn't anything on TV like it.  I happen to also really like the actor who plays Jordi. Not that he is a good actor but he has a kind / innocent face. I bet that is how he gets work. His mom and their troubled relationship seemed like a nice addition.


I am not a fan of Leo and his childish tendencys.  I thought from the first episode that he and Kara might hook up.  But they seem on hold now.  Did I miss it or where are Leo's parents?


I know that there are tons of unbelievable things on this show but at the moment my biggest gripe is that there doesn't seem to be any other doctor but Dr. Baby Walker. Who is taking care of Kara?

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It's just too much to ignore. I mean how long are these kids in this hospital? And some of them walk around in regular clothes and don't appear to have a thing wrong with them. Just don't get it. 


Plus they did the Leo likes Emma again because she liked Jordi. So lazy. 

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What was up with Dave Annabel's voice this episode? It was like he just had dental work and was struggling to talk.  I am not sure that I understood Leo's melt down. Surely someone that experienced would know the only reason they wouldn't take the leg was actually a worse situation for Jordy

Was wondering the same thing. Voice was off, and looked like he was sliding his jaw to the side when speaking.


Based on how long they imply Leo has been at the hospital it was ridic that he wouldn't have known immediately that changing course was code for, it has already spread. And the Dr would have known that Leo would get it. Kids and Docs in children's wards are extremely aware and realistic. Scared, but aware. Its the fam who are emotional and struggling (completely understandable). YMMV.



I don't know, I'm not feeling this show.  I loathe the voice overs, can't stand Kara, don't really like Leo either, feel like Dash is just playing a stereotype.  I can't get past why all these kids are in the hospital full time.  I wanted to like this, but I don't.  I'm still a co-mod here, so I'll be hanging around, but I don't know if I'm going to watch it anymore.

Co-sign. I want to like this. But it is sooooo boring. Earnest is only good in small doses. Going to watch ep 3 on-demand, but if not better I'm out.

Edited by 2KllMckngBrd
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Why is Emma dressed like Brenda Walsh's love child, a Gossip Girl, every show (although she is gorgeous)? I guess an even better question is why is she even in the "sick kid wing", and not at an eating disorder clinic? Hello parents! Maybe that's why she's not getting any better.


While I'm the question lady, what was the point of hiring such high profile adult actors to essentially do nothing, and/or play a stereotype? I'm looking at you Octavia Spencer.


I also need for the coma kid to wake the hell up, then shut the hell up. Either order works for me.


I have now made it thru 30 min and I am not going to be able to do it. The intention of this show may have been sweet, but I am bored out of my mind. I think my cold heart and cynicism are showing. I'm working on that. Sometimes.

Edited by 2KllMckngBrd
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(Also, Ciara Bravo looks perfectly healthy. I don't want to be the guy complaining that an actress isn't thin enough for a role, but in this case, the optics are sending some mixed messages.)

She doesn't even have to be thinner, but she should not look like she stepped off the pages of a Gap catalogue. They could do a lot with makeup to make her look drawn and tired. They could even just establish that her perfect hair is a wig-someone with anorexia severe enough to require live in care should have done serious damage to their hair.

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That scene with Jordi's mom leaving him, although predeictable, was still so heartbreaking. Especially when they intercut it with her putting him on a bus to Mexico when he was a kid...I'm not ashamed to admit that I got a little misty.

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Worst mom ever! Poor Jordi. He really had her number. He knows what she does and he knows better to hope, but just like every other kid he just wanted his mom so much that he let himself believe only to get let down again. And she didn't even have the decency to say goodbye to her son. She told him she was going to get a soda and ran away. On the plus side, at least they didn't drag out her storyline all season and now she's finally gone.


So Leo just happened to have a suit in his room for such an occasion?

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This was it for me.  I am done.  So the kids can just leave and go to homecoming?  And the only one who needs a chaperone is Kara because she is on a heart monitor?  Plus schools around here will only allow students to attend.  One guest can accompany a student but they have to be okayed ahead of time.  The show cannot get high schools right.  They can't get hospitals right.  


The hospital is acting as a dorm for these kids who are in high school.  Yay.  No curfews, no parents.  Just nurses and one doctor.  


And Coma Kid.  Please die.  I cannot stand your voice.  Maybe they really will move you out next week.  That might help but not enough for me.


It is a ridiculous show.  I don't like any of the kids and there isn't enough of anything else to keep me coming back.

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The hospital is acting as a dorm for these kids who are in high school.  Yay.  No curfews, no parents.  Just nurses and one doctor.


No studying either.  Anorexic girl should at least be doing some studying since she seems healthy enough to keep up with her classes.  Did she bring all her party dresses to the hospital?  

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My main takeaway from this episode was the surprise at hearing

played at the homecoming dance. Seeing as how the artist is someone I know from both high school and med school in Sweden, and not exactly a big name even over here.  Edited by Lathund
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