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S02.E09: You're Grounded

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Ben doesn't have an assistant. Last season Eddie stepped in to help a few times and this season he made the pizzas. I also saw Andrew in the galley but I'm not sure he was actually of any help. The tip is split ten ways because there is also a first officer (he helped with the slide once) and a first engineer who we haven't seen yet.


So, considering one guy is manning the entire galley on his own, I can see why he's complaining that the guests want food coming out constantly. That's a lot of work for someone who is cooking and cleaning for a dozen people on his own.

Edited by rho

I agree about her being on a reality show and opening herself up to criticism. I just wish people would get out of the mindset that thin equals eating disorder. It just kind of bugs.

I also agree that her comments about the food the guests were eating was out of line.

As long as a person is healthy, who cares?!

There are so many other things to snark on where Kate is concerned. Number one in my book is why does she never brush her damn hair?

Does she think the just rolled out of bed look is cute?

We don't know if she has an emotional attachment to weight and eating. We don't know if she throws up her food. We don't know if she gets her period or not. We don't know if she's ever been diagnosed with an ED or even if she would be if she went for help. It is apparent that she's likely underweight. That's not healthy but not necessarily very unhealthy. It depends on her body.

A lot of people tend to claim they couldn't possibly have an ED because they've never been diagnosed. But, as an adult, especially, medical professionals aren't seeking out patients/clients off the street. It's a fairly subjective illness/disorder because EDs largely are based on self-reporting of symptoms. And, medical professionals definitely don't always agree even with the same information.

I'm not trying to argue to say that you or Kate do or do not have an ED but just to say of course we don't know. But, I'm still pretty certain she's underweight, so it looks like she's either eating too little or moving around too much for HER metabolism and body. But, again, if she's not purging or missing periods or having trouble functioning/messed up immune system from lack of energy, I agree, it's not from a physical standpoint, a large risk to her health either way.

Edited by Betweenyouandme
  • Love 2

We don't know if she has an emotional attachment to weight and eating. We don't know if she throws up her food. We don't know if she gets her period or not. We don't know if she's ever been diagnosed with an ED or even if she would be if she went for help. It is apparent that she's likely underweight. That's not healthy but not necessarily very unhealthy. It depends on her body.


But it's no one's business whether she is underweight or not. I'm sure her 20K tips can cover a trip to a nutritionist. She doesn't need a bunch of idiots on the couch saying she's got an eating disorder or low BMI.

And if she does suffer from an eating disorder, that isn't something to make fun of. Anorexia isn't an insult, it's a medical condition.

  • Love 3

Hey I didn't mean to insult anyone but I bet that Kate is as naturally thin as she is naturally blond. 


I just think she should have been fired out of hand for her behavior on this charter. So that makes it seem even more likely that she is an actress and not a real cruise worker.


Her attitude was inexcusable all season but now she has really jumped the shark.


Of course she is not as bad as Kat who humped the shark but still you know what I mean


(Judging and snarking on these mooks is the reason why this board and this show exists)

Edited by Trooper York
  • Love 6
Also, Amy is the oldest? I would like to know the age difference. Amy speaks as though she almost was like a mother to Kelley, yet they don't appear to be that far apart in age. I need to know more about the background of these two.


Didn't we find out in an earlier episode that Amy left for college when Kelley was a young teen? I don't remember specifics, but I think Amy was like a mom to him, but then she left for school and he was left on his own. I've always pegged Amy as early 30s (~33) and Kelley and mid/late 20s (~27/28).


Stupid question here.  How long are the charters supposed to be?  A weekend?  A week?  How expensive are the charters if the tips $10 - $20K?


I don't know what Bravo paid (though they rented the boat and sent it's normal crew on a vacay), Ohana (now named Rhino) charters at $140,000 a week.


The tip is split ten ways because there is also a first officer (he helped with the slide once) and a first engineer who we haven't seen yet.


Didn't we see the first engineer in the last episode? He was with Captain Lee when they were testing the props for mechanical failure. And wouldn't Captain Lee be included in that total? So the tips get split 11 ways: Captain Lee and 1st Office, the stews (Amy, Kate, and Kat), the deckhands (Eddie, Kelley, Logan, Jennice, and 1st Engineer), and Ben.


For what's it's worth, the Ohana page I linked to specifies there's room for 9 crew (in 4 crew rooms) and a separate Captain's quarters. We've seen the 4 crew rooms (each with 2 beds?) - but we don't know where the 2 unseen crew members stay. Unless they stay on the companion boat at night (the boat that follows Ohana around where the film crew stays).

Edited by McManda

But it's no one's business whether she is underweight or not. I'm sure her 20K tips can cover a trip to a nutritionist. She doesn't need a bunch of idiots on the couch saying she's got an eating disorder or low BMI.

And if she does suffer from an eating disorder, that isn't something to make fun of. Anorexia isn't an insult, it's a medical condition.

This is so true. I'm another naturally thin chick, and I don't have an eating disorder. I have seen therapists who tried to tell me I did, because of my appearance. But I have a fast metabolism and legit physical digestive issues that keep my body underweight. It has nothing to do with not wanting to eat or purging. I love food. But my body doesn't. Anyway, it really is insulting for others to assume I am anorexic because of my appearance....and I resent when people say I need to go eat a sandwich or something. Because really, would it be nice for me to say to someone who is overweight that maybe they need to lay off the Big Macs? Probably not. I don't understand why insulting thin women is ok but not fat women. Then that's fat-shaming. Double standards much?

  • Love 4

But it's no one's business whether she is underweight or not. I'm sure her 20K tips can cover a trip to a nutritionist. She doesn't need a bunch of idiots on the couch saying she's got an eating disorder or low BMI.

And if she does suffer from an eating disorder, that isn't something to make fun of. Anorexia isn't an insult, it's a medical condition.

I see you quoted me. Not sure if you're calling me an idiot for noticing she has a low BMI...really mature. However, I'm pretty sure that nowhere in my post did I either make fun of her or say that I deserved to know the things I listed. What I was saying is that there's far more to having an ED than being thin. If that makes me an idiot, I guess I'll have to take the label.

  • Love 2

Sorry, I didn't mean to start anything, I was just pointing out that thin doesn't always mean eating disorder.

Fliptopbox, I swear I could have written your post, word for word about myself. Except a therapist has ever tried to diagnose me as having an eating disorder.
I agree,completely with your entire comment.


Edited by Bella
removal of problematic comment
  • Love 2

Didn't we find out in an earlier episode that Amy left for college when Kelley was a young teen? I don't remember specifics, but I think Amy was like a mom to him, but then she left for school and he was left on his own. I've always pegged Amy as early 30s (~33) and Kelley and mid/late 20s (~27/28).



I don't know what Bravo paid (though they rented the boat and sent it's normal crew on a vacay), Ohana (now named Rhino) charters at $140,000 a week.



Didn't we see the first engineer in the last episode? He was with Captain Lee when they were testing the props for mechanical failure. And wouldn't Captain Lee be included in that total? So the tips get split 11 ways: Captain Lee and 1st Office, the stews (Amy, Kate, and Kat), the deckhands (Eddie, Kelley, Logan, Jennice, and 1st Engineer), and Ben.


For what's it's worth, the Ohana page I linked to specifies there's room for 9 crew (in 4 crew rooms) and a separate Captain's quarters. We've seen the 4 crew rooms (each with 2 beds?) - but we don't know where the 2 unseen crew members stay. Unless they stay on the companion boat at night (the boat that follows Ohana around where the film crew stays).


The Captain makes a decent salary and doesn't get a cut of the tip. Some captains do, Lee doesn't run his ship that way.


I see you quoted me. Not sure if you're calling me an idiot for noticing she has a low BMI...really mature. However, I'm pretty sure that nowhere in my post did I either make fun of her or say that I deserved to know the things I listed. What I was saying is that there's far more to having an ED than being thin. If that makes me an idiot, I guess I'll have to take the label.


I quoted you to put what I said in context. Mostly I agreed with you but I wanted to add that anorexia shouldn't be used as an insult and none of us know her BMI so we can't speak for her health. Even a doctor watching at home can't make a diagnosis.

Kate is a rude, whiny, apathathetic, slurring, passive aggressive, towel folding bitch who should be fired. At the very least she needs a reality check because her 'service with a smile' is lacking. But I think accusing her of anorexia is insulting to anyone that suffers from the disorder and the reason why many are ashamed to seek help. It's a practice that needs to be stopped.

  • Love 1

Ben doesn't have an assistant. Last season Eddie stepped in to help a few times and this season he made the pizzas. I also saw Andrew in the galley but I'm not sure he was actually of any help. The tip is split ten ways because there is also a first officer (he helped with the slide once) and a first engineer who we haven't seen yet.


So, considering one guy is manning the entire galley on his own, I can see why he's complaining that the guests want food coming out constantly. That's a lot of work for someone who is cooking and cleaning for a dozen people on his own.

I agree...which is why I'm dumbfounded when guests want the easiest foods ever to cook! You'd think it would be a "break" for an amazingly talented chef like Ben. *eye roll*

  • Love 3

Yes, you would think Ben would be happy to have nothing to make but chicken fingers and cheeseburgers one night but no. It's all about his "craft". Honestly a lot of the time the guests seem non-plussed by what is set in front of them.


I have a neighbor who is super skinny and bony. She once mentioned that it is totally natural for her. Otherwise I would have thought secretly that she has an ED. She even has thin, scraggly hair. But I do believe her that she can't help it, it's just how she's built. Her daughter is also skinny.


Agreed that Kelley has it bad for Jennice and won't reject her. Too bad. Remember not long ago when he asked her for a hug and she rolled her eyes and was sooo put-off that she had to touch him? She really needs to be brought down a few pegs.

  • Love 4

Kate just annoyed me this episode. Like other posters said, I really don't understand why she wants to work in the service industry and not provide any service. I hate how she treated the charters. I don't care if they sold their house and spent the last of their life savings to come on the boat, their money should be just as good as any other charter guest. 


And I agree with the others. Look at all the super wealthy. Most of them ended up marrying another highly intelligent professional. But forget that, who wants to marry a wife who is not going to smile and complain about doing anything. The wealthy wives I know who are not working are still working. They run charities and foundations and manage the household. 


Kat also annoyed me as well. And Kelley, if his arm was bothering him, should have immediately mentioned it to his boss and perhaps to the Captain. Then maybe they could have adjusted the duties for this particular charter, or he sit it out and go without pay. 


Amy, regardless of how she acts, is far more professional than anyone else. She at least never lets the guests see what is brewing underneath. She always greets them with a smile, she doesn't cry in from tot them, she makes them comfortable, and she's friendly. I wish there was a way she could get an extra bonus at the end. At the very least, she should be above Kat in the chain of command. 

  • Love 1

Kate even looked pissed off when she saw that Amy went above and beyond for the birthday celebration - like, damn, you get exasperated over someone else doing a good job? This work is probably not for you.

Eddie was having trouble with his crew and he was fixed it, with the changing of shifts. Even after being scolded by him, Kelley was appreciative of the way his boss handled it. It was a good contrast to Kate joining Kat in slacking off and then getting an attitude when called on it.

Also, I agree with what was said above somewhere - it's ridiculous that one deckhand can't help with the lifting and placement of the slide. As soon as Kelley went off to have his little snitfit, Eddie seemed to be the only one doing the really heavy lifting. So it's like they're always down by one person when it comes to operating that thing.

Edited by Luciano
  • Love 1

I agree...which is why I'm dumbfounded when guests want the easiest foods ever to cook! You'd think it would be a "break" for an amazingly talented chef like Ben. *eye roll*


To his credit, and I'm sure his ego took a huge blow in doing it, he did make chicken and waffles for this charter. I'm no food snob by any means but even I scoff at chicken and waffles on a $20M yacht

I thought the chicken and waffles was awesome. If I was paying $140k plus tip, I better be able to have food I'll enjoy. I'm willing to be adventurous and let Ben cook what he wants for the most part, but breakfast better be traditional and tasty.

I'm joining others in the ride to Hades because I Googled Kelley's pics. Damn dude. I could get with that, until he started crying, then I'd give him back to Amy to deal with.

Speaking of Amy, she really is the best stew on the boat. She knows the "service with a smile" saying for sure. I worked as a flight attendant, and Amy is the only one out of the three that I would want to serve passengers with. Sure, everyone makes fun of customers, it's part of the job and how you deal with it, but Kate and Kat don't even do the job before they start in.

Also, FWIW, my sister and I look nothing alike. I favor my dad, she favors my mom. I've got blue eyes, her's are brown. In public people often think we're a couple, especially when my niece and nephew are with us. On the accent, we lived in the south until I was six and then moved to the west coast . My sister is four years younger than me. My southern accent is much more pronounced.

If I spent over 100k to charter a fully staffed yacht for a few days, I'd expect the crew to treat me with respect and the chef to cook Kraft Mac and Cheese with hot dogs in it if that's what I wanted.  These tools don't  have the money to charter these yachts, they're there to work on them. When they have the cash to charter one themselves, they can snark on the crew for being beneath them. Until then, they need to shut up or get out of the service industry. 

  • Love 13

This is so true. I'm another naturally thin chick, and I don't have an eating disorder. I have seen therapists who tried to tell me I did, because of my appearance. But I have a fast metabolism and legit physical digestive issues that keep my body underweight. It has nothing to do with not wanting to eat or purging. I love food. But my body doesn't. Anyway, it really is insulting for others to assume I am anorexic because of my appearance....and I resent when people say I need to go eat a sandwich or something. Because really, would it be nice for me to say to someone who is overweight that maybe they need to lay off the Big Macs? Probably not. I don't understand why insulting thin women is ok but not fat women. Then that's fat-shaming. Double standards much?


Sorry, but I really don't see double standards.  An overweight person gets the "hit a gym" comment without any thought as to whether they do workout but have a slow metabolism that makes it hard to lose weight.  Most people are smart enough not to make that comment to that person's face; but I'd bet the same people telling you to eat a cheeseburger are likely the same people that would poke at a woman's belly and tell them to hit the gym.  

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 3

The best I get are from my friends (or whoever....even a physical therapist said it once) who want to lose weight that say they'd love to have my digestive issues so they could be skinny. Yeah. I bet they would. I have to eat almost 3000 calories a day cos I have malabsorption issues too and I still can't gain weight. But hey, if someone wants to trade I'd do it in a heartbeat. It would be nice to not be the sick person for a change.


I dunno. Weight shaming is just a very sore issue for me.

I don't appreciate being made to feel bad about something I cannot fix.

  • Love 6

The best laugh for me on the show was when they were leaving port and Johnny Day Sailor refused to give way to Ohana (Ok, that could have been dangerous but it turned out alright).  Eddie and Captain Lee were absolutely right about Ohana having right of way, but the part when Eddie said read the book was priceless.  I've said it and anyone with true experience on a boat have screamed this out to people who don't know all the Maritime rules. 


I don't understand how hard it was for Amy to set a table for dessert, cut a cake and get some drinks.  She wasn't serving a three course meal here.  Kate and Kat did set up a dinner, served it and cleaned up.  Yeah, they apparently took their time getting back but really?  What did Amy have to do that was so overwhelming?  Amy is a whiner like her brother.  And I still don't get that Kelley is so hot. 


Jennice - I liked her somewhat at the beginning but now, not so much.  Apparently, she got over Kelley's issues very quickly.  After watching Kelley on WWHL, they don't seem to be dating anymore after his response to how good a kisser Jennice is.  It also reinforced my opinion that Kelley is immature  and a bit full of himself.  He and his sister's relationship is just off.


I also didn't take their comments about the guests as being racial or bigoted.  Their comments were about hair and style.  What was insulting to me was the comment about NJ.  They obviously haven't been there and Snookie isn't from NJ.  People in the service industry are going to snark on the people they serve.   I don't understand why some people think that this unusual.  People do this all the time - in the workplace, at a bar, here, wherever.  


Lastly, Kate is small boned and thin.  I never even considered and still don't consider her to have any kind of eating disorder.

  • Love 4
Yeah, they apparently took their time getting back but really?  What did Amy have to do that was so overwhelming?


Ben seemed to complain about it more than Amy. Amy also mentioned taking care of the cabins and downstairs.


Though I do not understand why they don't keep the upstairs bar stocked at all times with the guest preferences so they don't have to run down to the galley all the time.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 1

The thing about Kate and Kat is that this isn't the first time they left Amy to fend for herself. It was also the case when the rugby (?) players were there on the short charter. She was left alone to man a crazy party where the drunk guests were jumping off an unanchored boat in the night. Stupid stupid. Amy isn't one of my favorites (not sure if I have one on the show), but I felt like she needed someone defending her these past 2 episodes. 


Count me also as someone who was unhappy at the underwear showing. I felt like it was also to show the size as well as the items. But you know, I bet her husband likes them. He makes his wife happy, and she makes him happy, and there is no reason for anyone to make fun of them. 


I don't mind them snarking on the guests when they deserve it. The ones who talked down to them, or made outrageous demands, or decided after they were already on the boat that they wanted a very specific drink (like that one lady). Even though I think Kate should be more pleasant, I still defended her against the two guys who said she should smile (while I agreed with them, I didn't like the way they approached it). But, at least from the show, it seemed like these guests were just a normal group who wanted to have fun. They ate, they swam, they enjoyed themselves, and then they left. Other than the one demand (about the lamb and scallops) all they asked was to keep food coming (which doesn't seem so crazy, I know it is not a trivial amount of work, but there are plenty of snacks that need minimal preparation that can be available).

  • Love 4

I forgot to mention in my post that after all the complaining about the slide, the camera cut to Kat suggesting that the guests use it. It appeared that she brought it up, not that the guests asked for it.

Yes, she definitely made that happen at that moment.

Didn't it seem as though there was no method to the slide thing? Maybe they should do some drills, see if they can get with it faster. Know nothing about boats; just free wheeling here.

  • Love 1

Yes, she definitely made that happen at that moment.

Didn't it seem as though there was no method to the slide thing? Maybe they should do some drills, see if they can get with it faster. Know nothing about boats; just free wheeling here.


What struck me is that Eddie is running around talking about being by himself to do the work while deckhand Jennice just kinda stood around watching again.  The only time she seems to be useful to anyone is scrubbing the deck or serving the guests.  So why is she a deckhand?  It's almost like she chose a job she could get away with doing the least amount of work by virtue of the fact she's useless.    And yet she'll complain that she had to help doing "women's work."

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 5

I just wish people would get out of the mindset that thin equals eating disorder. It just kind of bugs.


The same for someone that carries some weight equals out shape. 


Kate and Kat both suck.  I am not sure why it took Amy so long to set up the birthday party we really didn't get to see everything she had to do.  I thought it was mentioned she also turned down the cabins but I have no idea what that entails.  And I agree with poster who mentioned that Ben complained more about at least on of the girls, Kate or Kat coming back with guest to help Amy finish up birthday.  It sounded like it is part of the routine of doing beach dinners and that one of the stews comes back with the guests.


And I think the guest were too generous with the tip but then again they did not see all the wailing and complaining that went on behind there backs either.  Wonder how they feel now?  And the chicken and waffles looked good.  I am going to have to try that one day.

  • Love 1

Okay, and what is so wrong about chicken and waffles?  If you are truly a culinary artiste Ben, then make the guests the best damned chicken and waffles they ever ate.  Elevate that shit!  You are an artiste after all.  I don't claim to know much about food but after watching endless seasons of "Top Chef" I think the judges on that show would have a bit to say about Ben.


Customary micro greens, check!  Customary Sauce/Gravy/Balsamic vinegar swirled on the plate for dramatic effect, in some such geometric shape or design, check!  I mean, he looks like he does the same stuff over and over plating-wise.  Ben's time management skills suck too.  Ben thinks he's all that but I would like to see him step up to the plate and go on a Bravo cooking competition show just once.  I bet he wouldn't last all that long.

  • Love 10

I don't understand how hard it was for Amy to set a table for dessert, cut a cake and get some drinks.  She wasn't serving a three course meal here.  Kate and Kat did set up a dinner, served it and cleaned up.  Yeah, they apparently took their time getting back but really?  What did Amy have to do that was so overwhelming?  Amy is a whiner like her brother.


I'd be more generous with Kate and Kat if they didn't pointedly delay themselves and delight in how they were taking their time and sticking Amy. Kate in particular, as the head stewardess, should really try acting more professionally. As it is, her behavior merely confirms that she's chosen Kat's side in the Amy/Kat thing and intends to help Kat punish Amy for the rest of the charters by endorsing the "Lets give Amy the shit jobs" plan.

  • Love 6

It just kills me when chefs have that holier than thou attitude. I was raised upper middle class, not wealthy by any means but used to nice things in life. However,  I  like my food simple. I do not have a sophisticated palate. Steaks, lobster, shrimp, scallops, pasta and chicken prepared almost any way is fine with me and yes, a mouth watering angus burger will do just fine for lunch. No salmon, lamb chops, caviar, sushi. Would that make me low class white trash in the crew's eyes?  I guess I would be a total nightmare on one of these charters with my list of common foods.

Edited by demarti
  • Love 9

It just kills me when chefs have that holier than thou attitude. I was raised upper middle class, not wealthy by any means but used to nice things in life. However,  I  like my food simple. I do not have a sophisticated palate. Steaks, lobster, shrimp, scallops, pasta and chicken prepared almost any way is fine with me and yes, a mouth watering angus burger will do just fine for lunch. No salmon, lamb chops, caviar, sushi. Would that make me low class white trash in the crew's eyes?  I guess I would be a total nightmare on one of these charters with my list of common foods.


This!  It's called comfort food, people!  Ben has never heard the term?  A great chef (as Ben claims to be) should be able to elevate anything! especially with a FREAKING UNLIMITED FOOD BUDGET.  If Ben's gonna piss and moan about that then maybe being a chef in a luxury yachting environment is not for him.


Being a chef is uber-stressful so wouldn't charter guests that order the occasional kobe burger or hot dog, gourmet pizza, or other relatively uncomplicated dish be a well-deserved break or breather for him?

Edited by beesknees
  • Love 2

Try telling a haute cuisine chef that you are a vegetarian sometime. They regard you with barely contained scorn.

Lol ! But you're right !

My hubby was +/- like that, and I'm really happy having helped him to change his point of view. Now, he starts to be renowned Chef in our place by vegetarian people who wants to eat "haute cuisine" and not only the "garniture" or salad that are always offered to them !

  • Love 2

I totally agree that Ben is a snob about people wanting to eat food he thinks is too "simple" or "lowbrow" or whatever, but I did understand his frustration about having to make a different meal for the primary's wife. Since the primary specifically came down in the kitchen to discuss dinner and agreed on lamb and scallops with Ben, if I were Ben I would have been super annoyed if at the last minute it was like "oh, but also make a whole separate hunk of some other kind of meat for this lady." And not just a random lady, but the wife of the person who told him to make lamb and scallops in the first place. That lady surely had a right to ask for whatever meal she wanted while she was on her charter, but I'm not faulting Ben for being annoyed about it. 

  • Love 2
if I were Ben I would have been super annoyed if at the last minute it was like "oh, but also make a whole separate hunk of some other kind of meat for this lady." And not just a random lady, but the wife of the person who told him to make lamb and scallops in the first place.


Particularly because when he was making the dish for the wife he mentioned that the reason for the lamb and scallops was because the primary guest had requested a change from the original menu because of the taste preferences of another guest and ordered something his wife wouldn't eat. Maybe it's never come up before? 

  • Love 1

It just kills me when chefs have that holier than thou attitude. I was raised upper middle class, not wealthy by any means but used to nice things in life. However, I like my food simple. I do not have a sophisticated palate. Steaks, lobster, shrimp, scallops, pasta and chicken prepared almost any way is fine with me and yes, a mouth watering angus burger will do just fine for lunch. No salmon, lamb chops, caviar, sushi. Would that make me low class white trash in the crew's eyes? I guess I would be a total nightmare on one of these charters with my list of common foods.

I agree completely. You've listed my favorite (and least favorite) foods. The reason I can't get into cooking shows is that they never demonstrate normal foods. They cook shit I've never heard of and would never want to eat.

Gimme pasta. Any kind, and I'm a happy girl.

  • Love 4

Agree with the idea of taste being something that you sort of develop. The guests had the caviar and probably didn't think much of it. Ben's an ass for saying to tell them it's Beluga because they can't tell the difference, then bitches when he has to make food they're more familiar with. Maybe if Ben didn't get caviar from the bait shop, they might have been more interested in the finer things he had to offer.


By the way, I would ask for shit like Mojitos and baked Alaska and everything else that's either expensive or hard to make if I'm paying the equivalent of the median US income per passenger. I'd ask for freakin Condor omelets with truffles.


Amy is the first stew on this show that I haven't considered weird looking in some distracting way. Kate and Kat need to return those horse hair wigs.

  • Love 7
The guests had the caviar and probably didn't think much of it. Ben's an ass for saying to tell them it's Beluga because they can't tell the difference, then bitches when he has to make food they're more familiar with.

This annoyed me because the guests never asked if it was Beluga, they simply asked if it was sturgeon (which is traditionally what sturgeon roe was called, with other fishes simply using the term blank fish roe, though now many different kinds of fish roe are called caviar) and it was only because Kat is an idiot who wasn't aware that caviar is roe regardless if it's sturgeon or Beluga sturgeon and screwed up their question that Kate and Ben decided they were too stupid to know anything that they should be lied to. I think it's clear they liked it because they ate a shit ton of it.

Edited by biakbiak
  • Love 4

This annoyed me because the guests never asked if it was Beluga, they simply asked if it was sturgeon (which is traditionally what sturgeon roe was called, with other fishes simply using the term blank fish roe, though now many different kinds of fish roe are called caviar) and it was only because Kat is an idiot who wasn't aware that caviar is roe regardless if it's sturgeon or Beluga sturgeon and screwed up their question that Kate and Ben decided they were too stupid to know anything that they should be lied to. I think it's clear they liked it because they ate a shit ton of it.


I thought it was funny too that Kat was essentially making fun of them for not having class and yet she had to ask about 4 times for Ben to repeat "Beluga" as if she'd never heard of that before.

  • Love 6

I found the part when they were leaving the harbor and the boat just kept going and the lady yelled about having the right of way... Right or wrong... The Ohana would have destroyed that little boat had there been a collision... That was ridiculous for them to continue because if there had been a collision it's them who could have been seriously hurt or even killed...who had right of way would have been a moot point.

  • Love 6

I found the part when they were leaving the harbor and the boat just kept going and the lady yelled about having the right of way... Right or wrong... The Ohana would have destroyed that little boat had there been a collision... That was ridiculous for them to continue because if there had been a collision it's them who could have been seriously hurt or even killed...who had right of way would have been a moot point.

 Ohhh yeah that was so stupid! She's one of those people that is going to *MAKE HER POINT* at the expense of all safety and common-sense. I have encountered people in traffic like this and it is infuriating and dangerous. 

  • Love 4


Chris and Cathy...I mean Amy and Kelly are very strange. I'm close to my brothers but have never stroked their legs as they cried yet again.


LOL. I got back from watching Gone Girl where they made a couple of incest jokes about two of the characters. Amy and Kelley do kind of have this "more than brother and sister" vibe going on at times.


As for Kelley...well, you know what they say about men with big feet....;-) (Let's just say the guy's a show 'er.) He's got a great body and a not-bad face, but Kelley also just seems ragingly insecure and immature for a guy who's at least 26/27.

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I think it's sweet that Amy and Kelley are close but yea, sometimes it appears a bit too close like when she had her hand on his leg when he was whining about the Captain. .


It is funny that Kat thinks those guests are low class yet that's exactly how she comes off to me. Like last season her yelling, "Kat wants to go the baah" and later being seen naked wasted. And asking ten times to repeat "Beluga" not knowing what that was. She's very low class. I also got a low class vibe from Adrienne when we saw her recently.

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Stupid question here.  How long are the charters supposed to be?  A weekend?  A week?  How expensive are the charters if the tips $10 - $20K?


I don't know what these people do for a living but typically the parties seem to be what, 10 guests?  I'm just trying to calculate how expensive it would be do to that.  And most of those that have chartered the boat don't strike me as particularly wealthy.

I think it is $100,000.00 for six nights.  A tip should be between 15 and 20%.  So roughly $120,000.00 and there are five state rooms so it can accommodate 10 guests.  If my math serves me correctly it is basically $2000.00 a night per person.    The eight "stars" get their pay, pay for being on the show and tips.  By then end of the six week stint they have raked in about $10,000.00 in tips.  Another big plus is they get really good free food and beverages.


The problem with the yacht guests we see is not only do they have to have the $$$$, they also have to agree to being filmed.  After this last season, I would be surprised if this arrangement still works.  Next season I expect the cruises will be peppered with reality stars or such other types.

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Ben doesn't have an assistant. Last season Eddie stepped in to help a few times and this season he made the pizzas. I also saw Andrew in the galley but I'm not sure he was actually of any help. The tip is split ten ways because there is also a first officer (he helped with the slide once) and a first engineer who we haven't seen yet.


So, considering one guy is manning the entire galley on his own, I can see why he's complaining that the guests want food coming out constantly. That's a lot of work for someone who is cooking and cleaning for a dozen people on his own.

If they received a tip of $20,000.00 total and each person received $1,800.00 it is split 11 ways.  I think this week you will see the assistant.

Hey I didn't mean to insult anyone but I bet that Kate is as naturally thin as she is naturally blond. 


I just think she should have been fired out of hand for her behavior on this charter. So that makes it seem even more likely that she is an actress and not a real cruise worker.


Her attitude was inexcusable all season but now she has really jumped the shark.


Of course she is not as bad as Kat who humped the shark but still you know what I mean


(Judging and snarking on these mooks is the reason why this board and this show exists)

I agree about Kate, I too believe she is trying to pad her resume with a stint on a reality show-I was shocked to learn she was only 31 years old.  I thought she was pushing 40.  I liked Adrienne and thought her "welcome" back was out of line and I think Kate is a little jealous that in spite of all her fabulousness she can't schedule crew for dinner service or get along with the chef.   I just wish Kate would have had Smirking Sam instead of Amy would have loved to see her deal with that twit.

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