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Jeopardy! Test: Have You Taken It?

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I took the test tonight, and it's so frustrating when I know the answer but just can't bring it to mind. That happened three or four times. Maybe more. Tomorrow I'll be googling to find the questions and answers so I can see how I did.

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I totally forgot about the test until I looked at the clock and it was 7:15, test was at 7. So I'll try (to remember) again tomorrow. It was a nice day so was outside playing with all the dogs before they go to bed for a nap. I even missed Wheel. Ha ha!

There should be an Old Person's Jeopardy hour-long show where the clues are shown, then the following half hour is when contestants ring in with the answers. I'd totally ace that one!

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59 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I took the test tonight, and it's so frustrating when I know the answer but just can't bring it to mind. That happened three or four times. Maybe more. Tomorrow I'll be googling to find the questions and answers so I can see how I did.

You can do it tonight if so desired:


I got, I think, 33; and had the same problem you had in several embarrassing places.  For Q5, for example, I said "revolution" instead of the proper "R" word, as I'm no gamer and could only hope to remember from the big-ass posters in the store windows advertising it back in the day; and for Q46 my mind just went blank.  (Also, I think Q4's question was drafted wrong by the show itself; based upon the answers the above link provides, plus a quick Google, tells me that Q4's proper answer was the daughter of the second of said name; and not the third.  I mean, I got it right anyway because it's such a gimme I can't imagine anyone missing it; but still, it should have been written properly.)

I shouldn't really be surprised that science and geography are my downfalls in general though... sigh.  

Edited by queenanne
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I just checked the questions and answers at Reddit. I got 32. Ugh. For one of the questions, I forgot what the category was, so I answered incorrectly (incompletely). And there were three that I knew but couldn't get them off the tip of my tongue. 

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I just finished the Wednesday test, and I think I got 35 right.  I definitely had an attack of the stupids! I knew one answer was the capitol of Portugal, and couldn't come up with Lisbon.  Argh!

(And yes, I know that I can't be on the show again.  But I like to stretch my brain from time to time, and the Jeopardy online test is a great way to do that!)

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58 minutes ago, j5cochran said:

And yes, I know that I can't be on the show again.

I started reading at the top of this page and about had a heart attack when I saw you passed the test and were being invited to interview! WTHeck!

I read on TheJeopardyFan that one person has her son video the test as she takes it so she can check for sure how many she got correct. I think that's a great idea.

I would have gotten more correct tonight if I had the ability to put the photo in my brain as an answer, like Henry Kissinger. I could see him, just could not bring up his name in 5 seconds. I can barely remember a fraction of the questions, although they will be posted on TJF.com tomorrow. I don't ever have to worry about being on this show though, each year I score worse. My brain is on a serious downhill slide.

Maybe the show gave me a harder test than everyone else based on my serial-killer-like photo I submitted. Yeah ... that's the ticket.

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15 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

I started reading at the top of this page and about had a heart attack when I saw you passed the test and were being invited to interview! WTHeck!

I just liked a post from 2017. lol

I obviously haven't been in this thread for quite some time.

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I didn't do as well tonight as I did a few weeks ago. Some brain farts and some of the questions were really tough. I got all the easy ones, at least! Between the two tests I think the questions are much harder than what you typically see on the show. Maybe just grasping at straws to make myself feel better.

So I didn't get all of the easy ones. Most embarrassing miss: What state lies directly east of Wisconsin?

Complete blank. I swear Illinois and Minnesota were the only words I could think of. I will wear sackcloth and ashes for the rest of the month.

Edited by Tabasco Cat
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4 minutes ago, Tabasco Cat said:

So I didn't get all of the easy ones. Most embarrassing miss: What state lies directly east of Wisconsin?

Complete blank. I swear Illinois and Minnesota were the only words I could think of. I will wear sackcloth and ashes for the rest of the month.

'"Upon" and "without" are these parts of speech.'

Total, thudding-heart blank. "Adjective? Adverb? What else is a part of speech?"

Don't beat yourself up. It happens to all of us!

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Wrote the test tonight as well -- agreed, some of the questions were tough.  Couldn't remember Rachel Carson for the life of me for the Silent Spring question during the test, but remembered about a minute after it was over.  And then swore just a little. 

I think I maybe got 38, possibly 39 right -- I'll have to check the youtube video to be sure.

ETA:  Upon further review, got 37 right.  D'oh !!

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Cheer up Tabasco Cat - I was sitting at home in Michigan taking the test and second guessed myself 😂. I think I got 37, maybe 38 if I had enough of a partial answer to count. 

I am not holding my breath waiting for the email but am glad I did it.  It should make me have more respect for the on air contestants.

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13 hours ago, j5cochran said:

'"Upon" and "without" are these parts of speech.'

That is one I easily got, due to an old saying my mom taught me years ago: "Never use a preposition to end a sentence with." I told that to my editor once and he replied, "Yes, you can," without even catching the joke. *sigh*

13 hours ago, Tabasco Cat said:

Most embarrassing miss: What state lies directly east of Wisconsin?

This one I would have gotten as well, although my first thought was "Lake Michigan." Oops. A  lake is not a state.

13 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Couldn't remember Rachel Carson for the life of me for the Silent Spring question during the test,

Another one I would have gotten, except I did the day-before test. My brain-dead moment was being able to picture Henry Kissinger and hear his voice, but I could not come up with his name for the life of me.

I missed all of the opera clues for sure. I haven't looked at the answers since I know I tanked so badly I'm not even close to getting "the call." I get dumber every year. I know how hard it is to get on this show, even with the country-wide testing. I do like trying my hand (brain) at it though. I admire everyone who makes it on to play for real.

13 hours ago, Tabasco Cat said:

I got all the easy ones, at least! Between the two tests I think the questions are much harder than what you typically see on the show.

Those questions are EIYKI*. (Easy if you know it.) The show puts in one if not more clues to the answer, I guess so viewers will feel smart and be more inclined to play along. I remember decades ago being in LA with a friend who took the test. That was when one had to travel to the studio to apply to be on. She came out of the building shocked by how hard the questions were, she was expecting the test to be like the show. She did not pass.

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Trivia Nationals has announced that Jeopardy will be holding in-person auditions on site, and  contestant coordinator Maggie Speak will be hosting a panel discussion on how to be a successful Jeopardy contestant.

According to a discussion I read on Facebook, in the past when Jeopardy held auditions at a convention like this, they allowed people to try out even if they were already in the contestant pool.

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Yes,  back in the cheap days of the 90's!

Took the initial 10-question test in Atlantic City; passed,  and had to return a few days later for the video test and practice-buzzer test. 

Flew out for show, taped in December,  televised following April. Not in any archives,  which have only 4 shows from that month. 

Came in third,  so no money,  only "parting gifts."

All in all, with cross-country airfare, hotel room, taxis, meals--- I lost money!

😄  ✈  🏬  🚕  🍴 ✈  💸💸

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I took the College online test over the weekend and only missed 4. Maybe I could go back to school and get on the show. I'll try the regular test again when that happens. I'd love to be a contestant, especially after "meeting" others here who have been. It would be so fun. One of the answers in the test I took was Taco Bell, category fast food, which chain has gorditas and crunch wraps. I thought that was so funny. 

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I think I've taken the initial test 4 times--twice in NYC and twice in Atlantic City.  The first NYC test was in 1987 I think, and I was coming from a radiation treatment to take the test.  I remember that we were handed a test paper with 50 questions on it.  You had 13 minutes to answer the questions.  I remember scanning the questions to answer the easy ones first, and even was able to go back and change an answer or two.  The other tests had the questions on a video screen and you had to handwrite the answers.

I do remember the 2nd NYC test in 1990.  I was a new teacher and called in 'sick' to take the test.  The local ABC station was there to cover the test and I remember trying to stay away from the cameras.  If I recall, Alex Trebek was there, too. 

I've never taken the online test, but I will apply for next week's test..

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Good luck @marypat57. I remember being in California decades ago for dog shows. A friend's sister went along and took the test at the studio. She was stunned that the questions were so difficult, no give-away clues like on the show, which was what she expected. That was way before Internet.

I take the online test every year just to confirm the fact I'm not smart, and like Brad said on the GOAT, answers come slower every year. I laughed when I got a friend of mine to take the online test a couple years ago. Her comment afterward was, "And I thought I was smart." I told her the test is a good humbling experience. For me, anyway. She did not take the test again.

Some of yous guys will pass, I am sure!

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Wow, I just took the Tuesday online test. I know I'm not smarter by a long shot, but it seemed to me that this test was really dumbed down. I kept thinking as I was taking it, this can't be the real test, Jeopardy is punking me based on how poorly I've done on past tests.

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I thought this year's test was surprisingly easy!

If they don't ding me for spelling (Haaj, Bolyen, McBeth, and Dogers) I got 48 or 49!  I tried to fix a typo on Eulogize and am pretty sure I ran out of time before the final E.

Maybe I shall avenge my brothers gimmickgenius & tee_eff_em this year after all!

Gonna go brush up on my bowtie-tying skills, as long as I don't have to grow the beard 😂

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I just kept blanking on the test. I couldn't even pull Carl Jung out of my brain, for crying out loud.

Of course, if we rewind to an hour before the test, when I was drinking away a bad day at work with a decent-sized glass of wine, that could explain my significant lapse in memory.

It was rather frustrating though - there were several that I was unable to pull out of my brain (Thames was another - super easy answers that I just couldn't find the words for).

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Of course, there was no standardized spelling in Tudor England!  Wonder if they’d have taken “Nan Bullen”?

Or Ann Bowlen, or Bolen, or Boullon, or any of the other myriad ways the Boleyn family was addressed at the time!




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I took the test in 1997 at a contestant search in Atlanta. It was a 50 question test with Alex reading the “answers” on video and then you had to write the answers. There were several sessions of try outs over a 2-3 days period but there were probably 100 people in my session and only 10 of us passed the test. Then we did a mock interview and game. They took our pictures and said we’d be contacted at a later date with a month’s notice to be on the show. I took the test in May and got a call for the show in October. And everyone who passed the test in my session was there for tapings with the exception of a woman who was much older than the rest of us (and I was in my mid 40’s.) 

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23 hours ago, The Wild Sow said:

Wonder if they’d have taken “Nan Bullen”?

I think they should since it's sort of the same as "Ahrun Bhuur." And we all know that answer is correct!

19 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I planned on taking the test Tuesday but forgot. So I set a reminder to take it tonight. Unfortunately, about eight questions in, I hit the wrong key and exited the test. I hope I can take tomorrow's.

You better make it through the Thursday test. You are running out of excuses.

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I am taking the test tonight too. I wish I had taken it Tuesday when others said it was easy. Or, easier. But the times didn't work for me. Good luck to everyone, I hope to see some posters on the show. This will be my third time taking the test. It's the charm, I've heard.

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Based on The Jeopardy Fan information,  I think I got at least 40 right (which is a personal best) but I know I missed some I should have gotten. 

So I think my chances of making it further are minuscule but I will take pride in participating and make my annual vow to be kinder to those who make it to the show (the vow may not last but I will try).

Good luck to all posters taking the test and I will enjoy living vicariously through anyone moving forward in the process.

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I looked at the answers at TJF but didn't score myself. A couple answers were so easy and I knew them, yet I sat and stared at the screen until time was up. The one that bugs me the most though, was my instant answer of Dali. There was so much time left, and I rethought "Spanish," so erased Dali and put Picasso.


I should go back and actually count my correct answers. I'll do that when I can handle the depression it will cause.

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I tried to take the test on two separate dates and during the countdown before the test, the screen froze at 23 seconds the first day and 22 the next . I saw something on Reddit that a number of people had their screen freeze and couldn’t take the test. I’m disappointed and missed my chance.

Edited by Madding crowd
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2 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

I tried to take the test on two separate dates and during the countdown before the test, the screen froze at 23 seconds the first day and 22 the next .

Something similar happened to me two years ago, I couldn't get the test screen to open at all any of the three days, even though I had taken the test every year before (and after) that year.

You can take all three tests at TheJeopardyFan.com if you want to see how you would have done.

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I took the test, and got an email on March 5 inviting me to an audition in Las Vegas on April 3.

Yesterday I got an email telling me the audition was still on, but as our Governor closed all non-essential businesses for one month I knew that would change.  A couple hours later I got another email saying the audition would be rescheduled at a later date.

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Update:  Although my audition was cancelled I had a Zoom interview a couple of weeks ago.  I can't go into details, I should find out in a few weeks if I still qualify for an in-person audition when they resume.  

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Good luck @3 is enough. I did pretty well on my test I thought but haven't heard anything so I guess I'll try again next time. I don't know if I can do the anytime test since I did the regular one but I will check it out. 

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