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Married At First Sight: The First Year

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I think Courtney and Jason's story is about the most real i've ever seen from a reality television series.  Jason is dealing with a lot -- loss of his mom, the fire academy, moving.  Courtney just lost her job, which can sometimes be traumatic and is helping Jason deal with the loss of his mom, the fire academy, etc.  These things are stressful individually, but it's all just kind of piled onto these two.


This is of course just my opinion, but I think Courtney is dealing with a loss of identity.  Her job is gone.  She stopped doing the burlesque shows, and she is basically throwing herself into being a good wife for Jason.  BUT Jason is pre-occupied with the fire academy and still grieving for his mom.  So, if her validation depends solely on him, she's going to be left wanting.  I thought Dr. Pepper's advice was perfect!


Although the good Dr's advice was perfect -- it would seem that Courtney is going through a bit of depression.


I also want to mention that in the first episode, Courtney admitted that she was scared of telling Jason that she had lost her job.  This was the couple who I thought had the best communication of all of the couples on MAFS.  It would seem that this is where they are suffering now.  A lot of things seem left unsaid between them.  Maybe i'm just reading into it though.


Jamie and Doug need to have an open discussion about when to have babies.  I love that Jamie wants them right away!  However, I sense that Doug's hesitation is on the fact that his job is still fairly newish (he said he got it 1 month before MAFS) and wanting to make sure that he and Jamie are solid as a couple.  I mean, let's face it.... she went from being completely scared and turned off to now head-over-heels.  They just started to have a sex-life for goodness sakes!


I agree with Doug that they need to wait.  BUT I think he kind of sucks in communicating "why".  


Doug seems to be doing a lot of avoiding and deflecting, but has he ever outright told her no? Use your words, Doug. Say you're not ready yet and then set a definite date to start trying to get pregnant.


THIS!  If they could sit down and have an honest and calm discussion about having a family and then set a date for when to start trying, that would make this whole thing a non-issue with them very fast.  When Doug deflects and avoids, Jamie takes it as him not ever wanting a family.  On the other hand, when Jamie starts pressuring, Doug feels like she wants a family tomorrow and he's not yet ready.  I think they both need to set realistic expectations.


 Monet's date was very handsome!  I love catching up with her life now after MAFS.... but it seems kind of odd that they are throwing small scenes with her dating, etc. in there.  Especially, since they aren't doing the same with Vaughn.  I keep thinking there has got to be a point to this.

Edited by MissScarlett
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Ugh, I'm so on Doug's side with the baby business. I think he's told her before that he doesn't want a baby yet, but it's just not registering and she keeps bringing it up in every other sentence. He must feel incredibly pressured, and he obviously doesn't want to upset Jamie, which I'm sure would happen no matter what time frame he suggested. Because she wants a baby NOW. It's so unfair to make it about Doug not trusting the relationship. You can believe you'll be with someone forever and still keep your wits about you. Not to mention it's perfectly normal to want to enjoy your time together for a while without babies in the picture, because it won't be the same with them. He doesn't even need any other reason than that. Sure, it might take a while to get pregnant, but it also might not and she has more than 10 years to try. If she has problems in that department, then one year won't make a difference at this point. I can't help thinking that she's in a rush so she can continue her 15 minutes of fame.


Cortney and Jason were kind of depressing. She really needs to start making herself happy again, though I'm sure it's hard right now with having lost her job and all. But I'm also wondering why she doesn't start organizing the apartment at least since she more free time than Jason. Maybe they're waiting to buy some furniture, but I'd be depressed too in that mess.

  • Love 2

Cortney and Jason were kind of depressing. She really needs to start making herself happy again, though I'm sure it's hard right now with having lost her job and all. But I'm also wondering why she doesn't start organizing the apartment at least since she more free time than Jason. Maybe they're waiting to buy some furniture, but I'd be depressed too in that mess.

I agree!! Especially since we saw Jason giving Dr. Pepper a tour of the place he shared with his mom: remember how Dr. Pepper pointed out how organized and neat he was? He must be going insane looking at that mess! In addition, if Courtney has any spare time, I think it would be a really nice gesture for her to iron his shirts. She doesn't have to do this forever -- just while he is going through the hell of the academy. I think it would make Jason feel cared for and wouldn't take that long for her to do.


Once he gets done with training, they'll be better. They just need to get through it. She could even ask a friend over to hang out while she irons or organizes so she gets some social time and maybe some help (Pro-tip: Courtney - if you have any super organized friends, they'd probably enjoy helping set up the apartment. I know since I am one of those people!)


I also hope she sees losing her job as an opportunity. Maybe it's the universe telling her to get a job doing makeup. Heck - what about doing a retail cosmetic counter job? Again, it doesn't need to be forever -- but she might end up with a job she enjoys and that helps her get some extra experience under her belt AND if she has a new job, Jason won't be so stressed about money. 

  • Love 3

If I hear how hard the fire academy is one more time I'm going to jump into a burning building. That is all.

I KNOW.  My husband was in the Police Academy when we had our first child, and then after that he changed careers and became a stockbroker.  The SEC license is incredibly hard and takes hours and hours of study, yet we still had pretty much the same kind of a family life and I don't remember things being turned upside down because of it.  They're just trying to create drama.

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My son went through the fire academy and he had the most fun of his life. Much easier than REAL life.

I went to nursing school full time (2 years) and worked full time AND had 2 children under the age of 5. My husband and I did not act this weepy or needy.

geez. But  I would act all melodramatic if someone paid me to!!!!  

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My mother was in nursing school when I was a kid and she was only gone when she was in class, not reading the same binder for hours on end like Jason seems to do.


What's really hilarious is that the "interviews" with Jason show him with about an extra 2 weeks of hair on his head, so it's obvious a lot of the commentary was filled in after editing.


What's really hilarious is that the "interviews" with Jason show him with about an extra 2 weeks of hair on his head, so it's obvious a lot of the commentary was filled in after editing.


I noticed that too and laughed.


Watching C & J makes you want to see them happy at the end.


Watching J & D makes you want to scream "Stop talking about babies every 3rd sentence Jamie."  I think Jamie is afraid she will loose Doug and is hoping getting pregnant will make things better. 6 months is just too early to think about bringing a child in to her marriage. If she is that bored or lusting after a baby, go buy one of those "reborn" dolls until Doug is ready. lol

  • Love 3

Doug said he ruined his credit on one credit card.  That's baloney.  It was probably a lot more than one.  And it may have just been editing, but Doug looked like a little boy biting his nails when she wanted to discuss bills.  He totally acted like he could care less.  If his credit is crap, it could really drag down Jamie's credit rating.  

Regardless of Jamie's reality-show machinations, I feel for her regarding her mother.


I cut ties with my mother when I was around 30 due to her being physically abusive when I was a child and then mental/psych abuse the rest of my life.  A few years later, I ended up at a family event where she was present and I probably looked just like Jamie as I watched my mom play the fake "we're all a big happy family" role. I couldn't get out of there fast enough.


I see Jamie as someone who could really benefit from some long-term therapy with a good therapist.


I have decided to remain estranged from my mother, but through therapy I feel mostly healed from all of the abuse. I get the sense that Jamie has just never had that opportunity to really acknowledge how her childhood affected her and then work through that. She comes across as white-knuckling it when it comes to her emotions about her childhood.  Sadly, she is going to bring all that baggage into her marriage.


IMO, you can't get to the point of forgiving someone for how they harmed you until you've allowed yourself to fully feel the impact of what they did and grieve it. I don't think Jamie has done that, and that is why I can completely understand her reaction to her mom at that dinner.

  • Love 4

I think that it is a common thing for women who had really shitty childhoods especially who had a bad mother to want a baby ASAP.  They want to love a child in the way that they weren't loved.  Jamie needs to quit pushing Doug and Doug needs to put his foot down! 


Since we see Dr. Pepper again, I assume she is also giving her sage advice to the couples too.  I hope that she is telling Jamie to back off!!  Also, I hope, though I don't think it's happening, that Jamie is in intensive individual therapy. 

It made me real sad to see Cortney so down. I really hope she finds a job she loves so she can have her life too. It's depressing being home alone day in and day out. I really liked them.


I'm not so fond of Jamie. I feel like this whole thing is a fun being famous game to her. I think she loves Doug. Do I think she's in love with Doug? No. I think at first she was caught up in the whole media frenzy over this (she's always had the fame bug). Her Twitter was crazy during the first show with "you guys are so cute!" to "Doug is such a great guy!"  I think she also knew if they stayed together, there was a good chance of a spin-off.  Now that she's essentially got this "free husband" roped in (no more being single or worrying about a guy running when she pulls out her baggage) and the family she's always wanted to boot, she's taking that and running with it. I think most of her excitement she showed was because the cameras are there. She just felt very "on" to me. I can see her anger brewing when Doug said he's not ready...the same anger when he smoked a cigarette. If she was thinking of having kids for the right reasons (not to show them off on camera, or to fans), she'd respect his decision. And know that if he means not now, there's a chance of resentment toward the baby if he's not ready.  I had a crazy mom with a crazy childhood too, but I knew a baby wouldn't fix things. My (now ex) husband wanted to wait, so he waited 4 years. I had to respect that and realized each year we waited, things would get stronger.  When she said having a baby would make them closer, I immediately thought she sounded like a teenager. It's constant. At his birthday party I was expected her to pop out with "...and your sperm are 30 years old today too!"



If she is that bored or lusting after a baby, go buy one of those "reborn" dolls until Doug is ready. lol


She's totally the type that would. I used to look at those on eBay and be fascinated by them...in a creepy way. Not a good way.

Edited by ShaNaeNae
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The way she pronounces BAY-BEEEEEs is sorta annoying. As a RN, I have lots of friends who are labor and delivery nurses, none of them say it that way. And how about saying children? or kids? Having said all that, I do wish them the best. I hope they prove all of us negative nellies wrong!


She keeps saying babies. Not kids, not children, not even a baby. It's babies. She also reminds me of the type that if it's a boy, she'll be pissed because she can't dress them up.  It's all a big showboat for her.  I posted my feelings on her in the "Have Your Cake and Eat It Too" thread, but I do think she loves Doug but is not in love with him. She was just too fake with the "we're so happy, look at me now!" bit and the seat dancing in the moving van.

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After all the panic over losing her job, and stress over how the lost income would affect Jason, I did a double-take when Courtney busted out "Now let's pick a new sofa!” I had been giving her the benefit of the doubt about her debt issues, but I'm starting to think Jason is right to be apprehensive.


Speaking of which, after all the "I don't want to marry a schmuck" stuff we heard last season, how does Jamie justify wanting to have a baby (or "babies") with Doug, given his current financial situation? Maybe he was a legit victim of the recession, but damn, at least take some time to make sure the job he just freakin’ started works out.

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Hilarious recap.

I'm considering calling Matt Paxton to intervene at Courtney & Jason's apartment. Having just moved is not a reason to have clothes strewn all over your unmade bed. I mean, I'm not the neatest person in the world, but if I know a camera crew is going to show up I can guarantee my house will be clean.

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Ok, caught the rerun.

Every time Jaime said "I didn't have a dad" I did a shot, so kinda wasted right now.

Was the Halloween shopping even necessary? If there's anything Courtney and Jason have covered, it's costumes. But I won't lie; Courtney scored huge points with "You can't fix a fucking chicken!"

Jaime's "prom queen" wig looked just like Julia Roberts' hooker wig in Pretty Woman. And yes, it makes both of them look like Carol Channing.

And Halloween aside, the white eye shadow and unmoving forehead aren't doing her any favors this season. I guess she's just going to keep saying "I'm 28" until it comes true.

Monet realizes the show is different this time 'round, right? She doesn't have to marry any of these guys. And for the love of god, whether it's Monet's idea or the show's, stop using Vaughn as the douchebag yardstick everything must be measured against. On the plus side, while Jaime's looks took a hit, I think Monet looks awesome this season.

"I don't know if Doug realizes how much I wanna be a mom".

Well yeah, I mean, you can't expect a dude to just read your mind.

Edited by Sienna
  • Love 6

Why am I watching this, again? There's repetitive and then there's Jamie bemoaning her childhood. And dear? Please don't try to find your dad. Your mother more than likely screwed him for drug money and he's not  apt be this upstanding citizen who will provide you with all the unconditional love and parental support you so very, very, very desperately crave.

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Jamie keeps bringing up her parents a) because it's a storyline of the show and b) because she needs to lord it over fricking everyone for the rest of your life. Jamie, it happens--your mom is crazy and your dad is gone, get over it.


I also find that I am mesmerized by the amount of makeup Jamie and Courtney wear, how can makeup get THAT matte? Is it drag queen makeup?

  • Love 1

Train wreck. It's like Union Pacific and the New York Interborough Rapid Transit and the choo choo at Disneyland all collided and Married at First Sight: The First Year was born.


Jamie, honey. Stop. Please. Please stop.  I've got second hand embarrassment. She just reeks of fake. Her OTT-ness is way too much. She's a real special kind of crazy. She's old enough to know there's no such thing as the perfect life, perfect mom, perfect baby, right? I get where she's coming from, I had a less than desirable childhood too, and couldn't wait to have my own, but I also knew the longer we wait, the better it'll be for our child.  I knew, knew it that as soon as Doug's mom said they had trouble conceiving, Jamie was going to take that and run with it and assign it to herself. Now, according to her, she's 28 and will be 35 in a week or two and pretty much will take 5 years to become pregnant and she knows she'll have a miscarriage in there, so account for that, so they better get started last week on this. Because she's ready to be the perfect mom by putting her hands in the air on roller coasters.


And how is she a L&D nurse, yet still thinks a fertility test will tell her her whole reproductive history and future as well as Dougs? She acts like those are mandatory for reproductive health. And it looks like next week, she's holding out on Doug for sex. Doesn't surprise me. I knew that would happen. She's cold and calculating and needs therapy. And not a diary as therapy, but actual therapy.  And running to Dr. Pepper (I can never get used to that name) to try and gang up on Doug isn't therapy either.


I thought the ballroom dance lessons were showing because she wants to continue her reality TV stardom and be asked to do Dancing With The Stars.

Edited by ShaNaeNae
  • Love 6
Because she's ready to be the perfect mom by putting her hands in the air on roller coasters.


Oh, lord. I had blocked out that part. Because no one over the age of 29 can possibly be vibrant and play with their children.


It also occurs to me that she has already been a surrogate mother to her younger sisters and it doesn't seem like she handled that "perfectly" (which, nobody would at 18, but it's another log on my shut up Jamie fire.)

  • Love 4

Why am I watching this, again? There's repetitive and then there's Jamie bemoaning her childhood. And dear? Please don't try to find your dad. Your mother more than likely screwed him for drug money and he's not  apt be this upstanding citizen who will provide you with all the unconditional love and parental support you so very, very, very desperately crave.





^ Word. So much word.

Edited by Sienna
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When Jaime was describing what she thinks motherhood will be like, I was laughing hysterically.  I was thinking to myself, you will  not be doing any of those things because you will be tired and a single mom.  You will be a single mom because you had a baby with a man you knew for 7 months, that you met on a reality show, and that will leave you after the cameras stop because he will see how insane you are.  My husband had a HORRID childhood.  Maybe as bad or worse than Jaime, but guess what he's not bitching and moaning about it constantly.  You are a 28 year old woman and you need to deal with your shit and move on.  There is no such thing as a perfect life.  Life is messy, kids are messy and kids suck the life out of marriage.  I haven't had a date night in 3 months but hey....I have a perfect life.  I had so much more hope for this show, but Jaime's cray cray is in full force.  Courtney and Jason are cute, but I'm still not totally sure about their long term prospects.  I threw up in my mouth a little when she referenced Neph as her Family....Um cause you've known him a total of 6 months....that's family.  Ok.  Ahhh.  End Rant

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Cortney and Jason don't really bother me. They seem normal and they are cute together. I do think that they love each other and it seems like they want to make it work.

But that could just be because Jamie and Doug are crazy. I can't even with Jamie. She's ridiculous. With the "perfect" life and the "perfect" family. It's just OH. MY. GOD. Sickening. I'm tired of her story and the whole "baby fever". They really come off as totally fake and playing it for the cameras. If they aren't and all of this baby crap is real, I feel bad for Doug having to deal with her.

  • Love 2

So, I know WAY more about fertility testing than I wish I did and the scene with Jamie going to the drug store for fertility tests struck me as so fake. You don't just pick up fertility tests at the local Walgreen's. Your doctor orders a bunch of tests and (for women), you go into the lab on Day 3 and Day 22 of your cycle to test things like FSH , TSH, estradiol...The timing is really precise. They're standard tests. Any doctor will order them if you ask and even my crappy insurance which covers nothing else covers them. Jamie as a nurse would know this. Meanwhile, Doug would go into the lab where he would get a little cup and have to excuse himself into the bathroom for a sperm sample. Or, he could bring it in from home, as long as he arrived within 30 minutes. So, yeah, I know this is a small detail and none of us actually believe reality tv isn't staged, but this moment just really annoyed me. Kind of like this whole baby crazy plot line.

Also, re Courtney/ Jason, can I say I was so glad to see some people commenting on the last episode that 6 months isn't that long. My husband goes overseas for four months at a time and probably will continue to do so for at least a few years. We get excited when he is assigned somewhere on the same coast so he can come home every other weekend. Sure, we actually knew each other before we got married, but I'm just not finding myself all that sympathetic to this "Oh my God, Jason is working late every night for SIX MONTHS" plot line. But then, Jason and Courtney both kind of remind me of golden retrievers or something--good natured, but not always the brightest bulbs--so maybe in their time, that's really 42 months.

I don't fault Jamie entirely- Doug needs to put on his big boy pants and speak clearly about this topic. He was FAR more articulate in his camera interviews than when he spoke with Jamie. I think that would go a long way to allaying her anxiety.


I think Courtney actually took on the role of setting her own feelings/needs aside and focusing on Jason's from the VERY beginning of their relationship. She was always the earth-mother soothing the scared little boy who couldn't open up about his feelings or childhood. Ok, that is an exaggeration, but you get the idea. Given that, I am not surprised that this dynamic has now deepened. Courtney needs to start focusing on herself for a while. I don't get the feeling Jason is going anywhere.


Also, years ago I heard a psychologist/family therapist say that in a healthy relationship, couples are "connected" apprx. 70% of the time, and its perfectly normal to have some times when you're not. Its not psychologically healthy to think that you will feel constantly bonded to your partner every moment of every day. I think both of them need to learn that.

  • Love 1

When Jamie was in the drugstore buying the fertility tests I was like "this background music sounds really familiar." Then it hit me. That music is from The SIms! To be fair, I don't know if it's standard music and The Sims licenses it or if that was some sort of sly editing monkeys jab at Jamie's need to create the perfect life. I'm choosing to believe the latter because I have hit my limit with her. 


Jason and Cortney do seem like a nice couple, albeit one without a great amount of perspective, but I do hope they make it. 

  • Love 1

But then, Jason and Courtney both kind of remind me of golden retrievers or something--good natured, but not always the brightest bulbs....


My sense is that this is also why Jason finds the fire academy so incredibly difficult. I mean, I've never personally given him an IQ test, but I doubt any of his friends would leap to describe him as erudite.


And now we're getting to the real question of what Doug sees in Jamie. Just because she's pretty?

  • Love 3

And Halloween aside, the white eye shadow and unmoving forehead aren't doing her any favors this season. I guess she's just going to keep saying "I'm 28" until it comes true.


I think you just discovered the reason for Jamie being in such a rush. She's actually 35 in human years. Honestly, I'm 28 and I swear I don't look that old.


I had such high hopes for Jamie and Doug before this sequel, but now I can't believe Doug hasn't fled yet. She is just crazy and not even in a cute way anymore. And if their sex life is already too quiet for Doug, then no wonder he's in no hurry to make babies. You just know she'll forget about sex entirely once she's had her baby. Dr. Pepper hit the nail in the head when she suggested (in not so many words) that Jamie's gonna fall in love with the baby and forget about the sperm donor. I can totally picture that.


Jason and Cortney are a cute couple, but I agree, they certainly aren't Mensa members. I hope the whole bit about Jason getting injured was just for the cameras, because that's just moronic otherwise. And for heaven's sake, can't they take 15 mins out of their day to do something to that mess in their apartment? Yeah, I lived like that when I was 20, but I still tidied up when someone came over. Their mess is being shown to everyone!


Monet's dates are too good for her. Where did she find them all of a sudden after resorting to this show because she can't find anyone?

  • Love 1

Honestly, I have to admit to feeling more than a bit sympathetic towards Jamie.


While it is absolutely true many of us had to endure less than stellar childhoods for various reasons, and managed to move beyond whatever trauma we suffered as a result without any outside intervention, some people cannot.


If I were friends with Jamie, I would gently point out to her that her demands to have a baby NOW stem from her need for the safety and security of the idealized view of "family" she has created in her mind.




If she wants to have that safety and security for both herself and her future children, the most important thing right NOW is to work on strengthening her relationship with Doug.


Jamie needs therapy to deal with her past, forgive her mother, and learn to move on. Jamie and Doug have to be emotionally healthy before they even think about having children - not to mention, they both have to be fully onboard with the idea.


Sure, plenty of people have children even when they do not have the financial and emotional resources to raise them properly, and even parents who are fully prepared with to meet the demands of parenthood make mistakes.


But if Jamie wants better for her future children than what she herself had to deal with, she cannot afford to enter into parenthood without both of them taking the time to prepare themselves in every way they can.


Unfortunately, there is still a stigma among some people regarding therapy. If Jamie is one of those who hears "therapy" and thinks "I'm not crazy!" then the likelihood of her getting the help she needs to deal with her past is slim. If that's the case, my heart goes out to her.


But, by delaying her desire to begin a family and using that time to work on her issues, her relationship with Doug, AND ensuring both of them make the necessary emotional and financial preparations, I think Jamie could be an excellent mother and eventually have the safety and security a stable and loving family can provide.

  • Love 2

So, I know WAY more about fertility testing than I wish I did and the scene with Jamie going to the drug store for fertility tests struck me as so fake. You don't just pick up fertility tests at the local Walgreen's. Your doctor orders a bunch of tests and (for women), you go into the lab on Day 3 and Day 22 of your cycle to test things like FSH , TSH, estradiol...The timing is really precise. They're standard tests. Any doctor will order them if you ask and even my crappy insurance which covers nothing else covers them. Jamie as a nurse would know this. Meanwhile, Doug would go into the lab where he would get a little cup and have to excuse himself into the bathroom for a sperm sample. Or, he could bring it in from home, as long as he arrived within 30 minutes. So, yeah, I know this is a small detail and none of us actually believe reality tv isn't staged, but this moment just really annoyed me. Kind of like this whole baby crazy plot line.


Yep, that's exactly what I was saying above. She should know better being a L&D nurse that a trip to Walgreens and a store bought test will not determine if she's got fertility issues. And if so far, she's had no major female issues, she shouldn't worry about that at first and just try the old fashioned way.  If, after 6 months (most RE's will make you wait 12 months), nothing, then start looking into ovulation predictors and what not. I know with my endometriosis (already known prior to trying to conceive), the doctor told us to wait until month 6 to start further testing. But she's just way to obsessed with this whole thing.


Doug is also playing with Jamies heart, right at the end he began talking to her about making babies (at the dance studio). Jamie told him not to do that. i don't remember the exact wording.

He should keep his mouth shut after he tells her his timetable.


All he said was, "this is baby making music" which is a common term for a sexy song. It doesn't actually mean you are telling your spouse, let's go home and try to conceive a baby. Today.  I disagree that one comment is playing with her heart. If she's that fragile that he has to watch every word he says around her, and has to go around completely not mentioning the "B" word, then she has no business being in a relationship, much less an arranged marriage for reality TV. 


And, I wouldn't want sex either if the camera was on us!



No, I don't think many people would. But I don't think this is an isolated event. Most likely this is a staged scene, because I doubt the camera was there, on, all night hoping to catch her in the morning turning down sex.  I'm guessing it's something they were having a problem with so they asked them to recreate it for cameras sake.

  • Love 3

Ugh. If CrazyPants is like this at home -- imagine what she's like at work (where she also doesn't have A!Dad! and her mom still isn't around to take care of her, and her past will crush her... BUT THERE ARE BABIES!). She only talks ONLY ever ONLY talks ONLY about making babies (editors; did she give you nothing else? Yeah, I thought she didn't). She'll fake a pregnancy and smuggle a newborn out of the hospital one day y'all, just watch if she doesn't....

  • Love 2

My sense is that this is also why Jason finds the fire academy so incredibly difficult. I mean, I've never personally given him an IQ test, but I doubt any of his friends would leap to describe him as erudite.


And now we're getting to the real question of what Doug sees in Jamie. Just because she's pretty?

Haha--yeah, I've never personally given Jason an IQ test either and I don't want to in any ways undermine the fire academy, but I've known people who have gone through firefighter training and I just don't recall anyone representing it as such an insurmountable challenge as Jason.


So we know Doug's not in it just for the sex. Maybe it's the kissing? (Bad Bachelor reference).

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