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S25.E01: Go Big Or Go Home

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Season 25 begins with 11 teams in New York City's Times Square, where they learn that the duo who win the first leg of the race will receive "The Save," a game-changing element that allows them to rescue themselves if they finish last on a future leg and face elimination. Next, the teams fly to the U.S. Virgin Islands and participate in their first challenge.

Interesting, I'll have to keep my eye out for more.  I see ones which is like a season preview and includes brief talking heads of several teams, but I haven't seen any others that focus solely on one team.  The only one I keep seeing is "Bethany Hamilton, she can do it all!" and has her jumping off a cliff, etc.


Incidentally, it's great that it's no longer on Sundays so I don't have to stress about football delays and having to record "The Good Wife"  and my stoopid DVR not being able to handle three programmes:  Good Wife, "The Walking Dead" and whatever else I was recording, happened many times last season.  But I worry about being moved to Fridays, the death knell.  Then again, Hawaii Five O has had reasonable success, so I'm glad I get two of my favourite shows back to back.

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I see ones which is like a season preview and includes brief talking heads of several teams, but I haven't seen any others that focus solely on one team.  The only one I keep seeing is "Bethany Hamilton, she can do it all!" and has her jumping off a cliff, etc.


It should be interesting to see how a person with one arm can compete in the race.  ( I keep envisioning climbing tasks where it would be all but impossible.  I wonder if the race was restructured to accommodate her).

Unspoiled and ready to watch.  Way gone are the days of the far better old school TAR Classic with FF on every leg and awesome locations and 24 hour bus trips away from their fly in or fly out points.  And the era with no artificial stupid stuff to slow down other teams like U-Turns etc which lead to silly soap opera garbage.  More the feel of grand adventure back then. 


And I miss the bonding in pitstops and helping one another at times.  It truly was the A-M-A-Z-I-N-G race back then.  (I hate, despise and detest the "racccceeee" crap that reduces it to just that, just another -- yawn -- race). 


But despite it having moved years ago into it's dumbed-down, more like every other reality TV show, it still does at least remain a step ahead of them.  Just wish TAR producers would watch the current Face Off to see and remember how cooler old school was with people cooperating while still competing.  It can be done and it can be competitive and at the same time heart warming.


Well unspoiled like I say.  Except when I saw above the first destination of the Virgin Islands.  That sounds boring actually.  Some nice scenery and physical challenges no doubt but not too interesting or exotic in culture etc.  Yeah I know they have visited almost every world icon that is in a safe location and all but the Caribbean just seems like a ho hum start to this season.  Hopefully the cast will make up for the easy first location.

Edited by green

It should be interesting to see how a person with one arm can compete in the race.  ( I keep envisioning climbing tasks where it would be all but impossible.  I wonder if the race was restructured to accommodate her).


I was wondering about her ability to swim, which seems like a strange question considering she's a surfer.

Ohmygosh! The pirate ship? Blackbeards Revenge? I was on that boat in May! I can't believe it! But the crew were hippies, not pirates.

The dentist is kinda scary with his orange skin and over bulked body but he earned points by helping a couple racers with the compass.

Thank goodness the real estate agents are out. I've seen them on their own reality show and they are pretty repulsive.

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 7

That creepy dentist isn't going anywhere near my teeth.  Looks like we're stuck with them for awhile.


Miami chicks playing dirty.  I hope it bites them in the ass.  Sun sets in the east.  Smart girl.  I see they don't teach geography in school any more.


The college sweethearts are so cute.  The wrestlers gotta go.


I like the science women, mother daughter, the asian couple.  I forget the rest.  Survivor losers look like losers.


That actual location graphic was hilarious!  Penalty footrace!  Nail the blondies!  


LOL  A fantastic finish for episode 1.  Looks like snagging that pen was a bad move.  And now you whine about playing dirty??


eta:  bummer preview.  I like both of the teams.

Edited by PaperTree
  • Love 3

Oh we try to be so nice -- except when shoving and grabbing ourselves.    I would guess that grabbing the pen right out of someone's hand would be a penalty but they were last anyway.   


The firefighters are going to get old with their "Boston Strong" schtick.   I'm sick of it already.   We get it, the Marathon was bombed.   But that has nothing to do with how well you will do on the Amazing Race.


Finally vindication.   THose compasses proved what I have always said "North moves."   But really, you sell real estate in FLORIDA and you think the sun rises in the West?   I can just see you selling beach front property.    

  • Love 8

The blonde realtors. The one who thinks the sun rises in the west.

Thanks, CooksDelight. Looks like Karma bit them back!

I've rarely been so happy to see a team eliminated. Their self-righteous reaction to not getting Boston FD's cab just sealed it.

Rest of the teams ? Hard to say so far, a few who grate (dentists) but no clear choose to root for yet

  • Love 14

The pen wins!  I would have been so angry if they had made it through but not gotten any penalty for that. 


Thank goodness one of the really annoying teams is gone. 


THOSE TEETH. It makes me sad that they seem to only cast "beautiful people" now. 


The compass problem, really? Did none of them have a floaty round compass on their car dashboards, ever?

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I don't think that ever in the history of the race has my most disliked team gone out first (mostly dislike from the opening intro and the remainder of the show--I hadn't read all the bios beforehand).  But I do appreciate the moment of humor they gave us with the sun rising in the west before they left.

They were also my husband's most hated team and his watching of TAR is rather tentative--I'm always scared he's going to quit on me--so I'm happy they're gone for that reason as well.

I liked the graphics showing the trunk locations.

  • Love 11

The compass problem, really? Did none of them have a floaty round compass on their car dashboards, ever?

I forgot about that! I had one of the floaty compasses( haha, compi?) when I first started scuba diving so I didn't see that as common knowledge. I forget that there was a significant period of time where a compass in the car was the floaty.

  • Love 1

Yay! The Race is back! So far I like Bethany/Adam, the biker girls, Boston guys, flight attendants and even the dentists a little. They can find in the way in the dark with there teeth. biker girls were funny, doing bunny ears behind the dentists in the plane. The shoveling was brutal. The firefighter's paces were too long. Pancake races next week!

I'm glad the Miami girls are gone. How could you not know where the sun rises and sets when you live in Miami? Wouldn't the sun rising over the ocean give you a slight clue?

Edited by Lamb18
  • Love 3

It's depressing how many of the contestants are now D-list celebrities from sports or entertainment television. Also the number of bleached blonde women gets more over-powering every season. Thank god the ultimate silicon realtor Barbies are gone. Who goes on a race around the world thinking the sun sets in the east? The dentists are from the city where I live but I agree he is too creepy to root for. Got to give him credit for nailing the compass challenge that stymied nearly everyone else, though.


My favorites so far are the cute, dog-loving gay couple and the quiet but competent food scientists.

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If karma is going to be in effect, then this is going to be an interesting season.


Ex-Racers? I think I recognized Frank from TAR1. Who else was at Times Square? BTW, I feel like a herb for not going, since it was happening at 3 in the damn morning. That's enough reason to not go even if you're from Staten Island like me . . . right?


Bethany is impressive so far. I'm also impressed that the show casts from the disabled community.


The dentist is kinda scary. I looked at the cast video with him and Misti, and I knew they were going to be loathe-worthy. So far, so bad. But I guess it could be worse . . .  they could be as "competitive" as the Realtors.


Speaking of the Realtors, Boston Strong and the Survivors (screw "#TeamNashville") . . . was it cool or cruel to see where they were supposed to be digging? I'm thinking "cool," and I'm hoping for more comedic comeuppance in the future.


Any other fans of The Real World see Amy & Maya and immediately think "Amaya"? Or is it just me? Also, I wonder if the wrestlers will bring up Lori & Bolo, who finished a respectable fifth in TAR6.


All in all, I thought it was a good episode. I liked the enthusiasm showcased by the teams, and we had a memorable finish, even if three teams did take the easy way out, and the surviving pair dug themselves a six-hour hole (plus whatever time they were trailing the other teams by) they might not escape, even if the teaser for next week comes true. BTW, are there any Doctor Who fans who would be afraid to punt due to time bubble abduction?


nottopbravo . . . each team was given coordinates to a treasure chest with the matching numbers. Finding another chest wouldn't have worked.

I'm glad the Miami girls are gone. How could you not know where the sin rises and sets when you live in Miami? Wouldn't the sin rising over the ocean give you a slight clue?

I know that buying real estate in Phoenix and CA involves lengthy conversations about where the sun is in the morning/night. How did these two ever sell anything?

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Well bye bitches!  Never been so happy to see a first episode team go.  


Okay, I do not understand how everyone struggled so much with the challenge.  It was afternoon, so the sun was setting in the west.  From there, you could at least generally work out north and northwest.  I know it would not have been perfect, but it would have been close enough that you would have a general area to dig in.  When I travel I use the position of the sun to guide me all the time.  Are people really this dumb?  Really?  They cannot work out where north is?  I can always find north.  Now again it would not have been as accurate as a compass, but surely anyone with half a brain would have very quickly worked out the different cardinal directions just using the sun, and based upon that been able to figure out how to use the compass, right?  


I just do not get it at all.  It makes no sense to me how so many teams were incapable of deductively figuring out how to use the compass.   

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I've never seen Soul Surfer yet I still know who Bethany is.  This is because she and the movie are referenced in The Most Popular Girls in School web series, a stop-motion animation show with Barbie dolls which portrays how it might actually be like to be a Barbie girl in a Barbie World (hint: bitchiness and cussing out the ass; I love it!) 


MPGiS features the character of Deandra, who lost her arms in an overzealous human tug-of-war match between rival high school cliques and ended up getting one prosthetic arm and one cyborg arm.


I spent most of this episode trying to find the MPGiS episode where Soul Surfer was referenced and missed most of it.  I could kick myself.

Up the rocks better/faster than I would have with two arms. You go girl!


Blackbeard sounded like Rupert!! The only scarier thing was the neon shade of white on the dentist's teeth. They scare me as do the dentists.


I watch the wrestling the rasslers are (occasionally) on. Go figure she plays a diva character and he plays a Jersey Jackasss (it was part of a Jersey Shore feud). And I think now... they weren't just playing characters.


The latest incarnation of the Pinkies reaped what they had sown. Tough break gals. Cya!

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I know that buying real estate in Phoenix and CA involves lengthy conversations about where the sun is in the morning/night. How did these two ever sell anything?


Their boobs?  My husband expressed sorrow that they were eliminated but I said that at least one of them got to roll around on a beach in her bikini, her boobs spilling out.

I know that buying real estate in Phoenix and CA involves lengthy conversations about where the sun is in the morning/night. How did these two ever sell anything?

I am confused too.  If they live in Miami, then I assume there are a lot of discussions of watching the freaking sunrise over the ocean.  I mean shouldn't realtors understand basic shit like that?  It never ceases to amaze me how totally out of it so many women like them are.  It is like being massively self-centered makes the simplest observations of how the world works completely out of their grasp.  

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Question for Haleth . . .  did you recognize "Blackbeard"? From the voice, I think they may have tarted up Rupert Boneham, who believes he's the reincarnation of the pirate. Oy.


Regarding the wrestlers . . . "Don't do the 'rar rar"" would've made for a great title. I heard the quote before the credits. Does anybody know who said it?

I think Browsie went in for some threading because it was looking sharp. Along with the rest of "Mr Phil."


Coming off a fantastic TAR Canada season, this version had to step up their game in terms of tasks.  I liked that the Roadblock LOOKED somewhat easy if you knew how to read a basic compass but man that threw a lot of people off.  Kudos to Mike and his very white teeth for mastering it quickly.


And to the 3 teams that were so close...I can only imagine what their faces were like when they realize the truth. But hey, the sisters were the team I like the least going in so thanks karma!


(sniff) 25  seasons.  Whatever happens this time around, I just remember we could have lost it after season 4.  Cheers to your silver anniversary, show!

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The one who lives in Miami, where she must have noticed the sun rises over the ocean?

Yeah duh.  In the west.  


Two realtors who cannot even be bothered to find the city they live in on the map.  This seals it for me that selling a house actually takes no special skills whatsoever.  These stupid idiots would have no idea if a kitchen is southern-facing or not.  How is that even possible?  How can that be?  


Even forgiving the horrendous behavior for the marker are these girls blind? The first fire fighter was already in the cab? Really are those two Miami women that clueless? He was in the cab. It was his cab. We're you going to push him out? What was the plan there?



The only thing I could think, she was under the impression of the "both have to be on the mat" to count.  Unfortunately this dummy carried it to the floor mats of the van.  I'm guessing she thought if both of them shoved into the van ahead of the second fireman, the van became theirs.  Which to then complain about manners is all kinds of wonderful.


The Dentist couple looked like they could have been ripped from a Dateline "the husband dunnit" ripped from the headlines story.  People like that just make me suspect under all that over the top bravado there is something they are over compensating for.  Plus they tend to only use their own subjective tastes as the metric for every single thing making matters of opinion into virulent diatribes of right and wrong.  This guy (and likely his wife) already seems so dogmatically self praising. 


I was so surprised how immediately so many of them got into an idiot cluster without taking a moment to try the compass task on their own.  That and the sheer wiped out look on every single one of them even as they got to the beach, including not-as-great-pecs-as-you-think Dentist in his UnderArmour bodycondom top.  Even without the plummets of despair shown in the previews.  First episode and I'm wondering if this was the season they came closest to killing someone through utter exhaustion.

  • Love 8

The only thing I could think, she was under the impression of the "both have to be on the mat" to count.  Unfortunately this dummy carried it to the floor mats of the van.  I'm guessing she thought if both of them shoved into the van ahead of the second fireman, the van became theirs.  Which to then complain about manners is all kinds of wonderful.


The Dentist couple looked like they could have been ripped from a Dateline "the husband dunnit" ripped from the headlines story.  People like that just make me suspect under all that over the top bravado there is something they are over compensating for.  Plus they tend to only use their own subjective tastes as the metric for every single thing making matters of opinion into virulent diatribes of right and wrong.  This guy (and likely his wife) already seems so dogmatically self praising. 


I was so surprised how immediately so many of them got into an idiot cluster without taking a moment to try the compass task on their own.  That and the sheer wiped out look on every single one of them even as they got to the beach, including not-as-great-pecs-as-you-think Dentist in his UnderArmour bodycondom top.  Even without the plummets of despair shown in the previews.  First episode and I'm wondering if this was the season they came closest to killing someone through utter exhaustion.

Call me crazy, but I think the dentists have horrible teeth.  Under Armour body condom made me laugh out loud.  

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The Dentist couple looked like they could have been ripped from a Dateline "the husband dunnit" ripped from the headlines story.   


Gosh, I hate to be critical but the Dental Husband looked like a serial killer and the Dental Wife looked like a plastic 45 year old Barbie.  Gotta give them props though for being able to read a freaking compass.

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Question for Haleth . . . did you recognize "Blackbeard"? From the voice, I think they may have tarted up Rupert Boneham, who believes he's the reincarnation of the pirate. Oy.

Lantern, the pirates must be actors hired for the show. When we were on it there was a crew of 3 hippies. The guy that interacted with the passengers was a surfer dude who had an uncanny ability to remember everyone's name. We're talking something like 50 people. It was fun. It was an excursion to swim with sea turtles. Incidentally, on the ship's maiden voyage on the Hudson River, it sunk. It was fished out of the river, refurbished, and sailed to St Thomas.

Were there any PTVers or TwoPers in the crowd at the start line?

Edited by Haleth
  • Love 1

I'm so happy this show is back on. Missed it so much.

Glad the real estate girls are gone out of all the teams they were the only annoying ones. One had on bikini underwear so small they had to blur out her hoo haw. Don't like teams that rely on looks.

Don't blame firefighters for being aggressive since blondes snatched pen out of one of their hands. Karma came back to get them. The thinner firefighter is cute.

Team Dentist woo they can replace lighthouses with those teeth. Goodness and I thought Nene was the only person with overly bright neon teeth.

Now that annoying blondes are gone and the other teams aren't annoying, everyone is on an even playing field with me on who to like and root for.

  • Love 4

Hee, the magic gleaming teeth--twice. Well played, Show.


Eliminating those hateful, ignorant realtors makes me give Show a save certificate of my own--play it when the dentists get on my nerves so much that I think about not watching.


Still love you, Phil. That was a deft turn to body profile at the starting line--and you were working that hat!

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Only really disliked two teams.  One won the leg as is typical, but the other was eliminated (yay!).  They're dumb, they sucked with the whole pen thing, stop bending your body in a way that you think looks porny while trying to measure out distances.  You're gross, go home.  Not huge fans of Keith and Whitney, both because I've seen them before and they are SO DULL.  They're not offensive or anything, they're just boring.  They were boring on Survivor, they're boring here so far.  Would not mind seeing them ditched soon. Firefighters I think are fine for that slot, though they have the whole we're from Boston and we have to tell you about it all the time thing that a lot of Boston natives seem to have.  The thing I did like about them was the good humor with which they and the wrestlers approached being in last.  Wrestlers are maybe a little bickery, but I also thought that to some degree they were joking with each other.  Have to see how that plays out.  Mother/daughter team didn't make a huge impression, but seem fairly likeable.  Food scientists are nerdy women, which is cool to see as a member of the cast.  Their intro made me burst into laughter because they were voiceovering about how they "weren't all about beakers and labcoats" while the Race had their intro be... swirling food coloring in beakers while wearing labcoats.  Absolutely killed me.  Cambodian/Vietnamese dating couple and the college sweethearts seem into each other and enthusiastic about being on the race, so that's good news.  Bethany is impressive.  Most surfers are super athletic, but it's still cool and a little surprising to see it with the single arm.   Her partner is kind of bland, but it does look pretty obvious that he thinks she's awesome.  Biker women are my early favorites.  They seem cool, they raced well, and I thought they were pretty cute which doesn't hurt.


In the early going I'm mostly hoping for teams that like each other and aren't gratuitous dicks or SUPER SUPER INTENSE so that there is no possibility of showing a sense of humor about themselves.  The last is the problem I have with the dentists.  He's gross and creepy and I don't think is capable of enjoying the Race for the sake of the Race.  Yuck.


As for the course, first legs are always hard to tell, but that's a new destination and it seems like they don't go to the Caribbean too frequently so I approve of that.  Couple pretty physical things and a really nice Roadblock with unfamiliar tools that rewarded precision and calm.  I think things here are overall pretty promising, more than they've been in a few years.


Next week (just from the previews, no non-aired spoilers here, but I'll still mark them for anyone who hates even watching the previews):


Punting! Remember Ken & Gerard punting? And then kicking ass in Scotland at a really physical challenge when you first thought "Hey, these guys are awesome and might have a shot..." Good times.

And I think I hope the preview is a total mislead. Preference is to eliminate the save, then Keith and Whitney, and then I really don't dislike anyone, but the wrestlers might be worth getting rid of before I dislike them if they really do get all bickering.

Edited by enlightenedbum
  • Love 2

Good episode.  I was glad to see the Realtor sisters go first - though I do wonder if they'd gotten to the mat before the others if they would have been assessed another penalty for ripping the pen out of the Firefighter's hand (and writing their own name on the line when he had already been writing on it).


I didn't really dislike anyone else yet - the wrestlers were far less annoying to me than their intro would suggest, and while Mr. Dentist is creepy I liked that he helped Bethanny's husband with the compass.  I'll admit it, I don't know that I've ever seen a floating compass before (or never realized what it was if I had seen one).  Though I think that I would have been clued in by how it worked by the setting sun.  Although with them being so close to their actual chests, I wonder if the bigger problem was their measuring out the distance correctly with the shovel handles than with the compass itself?


I like quite a few teams already - the mother/daughter flight attendants, the college sweethearts, the surfers, the scientists, I even kind of liked the dating couple.


So glad this show is back!!

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cooksdelight, on 26 Sept 2014 - 7:51 PM, said:

The blonde realtors. The one who thinks the sun rises in the west.


Too bad they were eliminated.  I hoped they'd bring the stupid every episode.


Lots of ladies this season, especially blonde ones.  Do the producers have a thing or something?


Also, I was surprised at how built that one dentist dude was.  Big, macho muscles and dentistry do not usually intersect.

Edited by bmoore4026

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