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S16.E39: Clip Show

Tara Ariano

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I don't have the feeds so this was great.  


I really saw and liked the genuine Frankie in the DR clip for a moment. About Caleb. "...........and it is really terrifying"  He meant that!  Too bad we didn't see more. 


I loved watching them all dissolve into hysterics when Nicole downed Zack and gave him a wedgie.  The bond that laughter brings blows all animosities out of everyone instantly.  Not that there is all that much with this group, they get along well. 


The montage of Zach  showed he made a bad decision not taking his ADD meds!    

Edited by wings707
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I thought it was a teensy bit swayed toward Zach to influence AFP voters, particularly his "I've been wasting my f**king time!" cry from the heart speech in the DR re Frankie and his charities. Donny also got some good camera time but not as much as Zach. I did vote 20x again for Zach today and plan to until Monday.

Edited by TimWil
  • Love 1

I thought it was a teensy bit swayed toward Zach to influence AFP voters, particularly his "I've been wasting my f**king time!" cry from the heart speech in the DR re Frankie and his charities. Donny also got some good camera time but not as much as Zach. I did vote 20x again for Zach today and plan to until Monday.

Well I'll cancel those votes with 20 Donny votes.  I don't dislike Zach.  I just can't vote for a dumbass fratboy who thinks Frankie is great.

  • Love 10

I for one enjoyed the clip show. I enjoyed seeing some of these scenes again. It made me realize that I actually liked a lot of these people and last season is a nothing more than a fading memory, thank goodness.


I laughed at Devin's speech too. It was uncomfortable, yes, but still HILARIOUS! Made more so because they showed Frankie and Victoria actually sharing popcorn, just like she said. 

  • Love 5

I figured the only reason Veronica had to announce that while Devon was giving his speech, she was sharing a bowl of popcorn with Frankie is that was all she had to add to this montage as she did not do anything else all season...I thought...until I noticed this:


First, at the beginning of the episode, when Veronica was talking about how she & Derrick have had a final 2 agreement since the first night in the house, Derrick said something like he was so happy to be left in the house with his best friend, thought he was going to say Cody, but he said Veronica!  It was not like he said this in front of her to appease her but he said it in a DR segment.  Then...when they showed the breakfast out on the table, Cody came out of one of the downstairs bedrooms by himself, Derrick and Veronica came out of the upstairs HOA room together, as if they had spent the night together up there alone.  When they were showing the segment of Niccole chasing Zach around the yard, they panned over to the outdoor couches where Derrick and Veronica were sitting, he had his head on her lap and she was stroking his hair, just like Christine did to Cody.  To me, this is no different than Christine and Cody.  Derrick is a married man...with a baby! It was all just very suspicious to me and rubbed me the wrong way.


I just do not like Veronica.  She gloats like she has worked so hard to get where she is. I am sick of hearing her refer to herself as a princess.  I also did not like the comment she made about Donny feeling out of place because of his age.  He is only about 10 years older than Derrick & Frankie; she talked as if he were elderly.  I wish BB would begin casting more people over the age of 30 like they use to.


Paper Tree said:

OT I saw a promo for those shrieking twins from TAR going on Survivor!!.   No. No. No.


Oh No! I thought I had heard their voices from the kitchen the other night & asked Mr. ToStandOn if it was the 'Twinsies" from AR and he said he did not think so...Oh, is that going to be an aggravating season of 'Survivor'.




I am just really hoping that Veronica is the next one out of the house & I never have to see her face or hear that aggravating whine of hers again!

Edited by alegtostandon
  • Love 2

This clip show seemed more like campaign ads for AFP. 



 I enjoyed seeing some of these scenes again. It made me realize that I actually liked a lot of these people and last season is a nothing more than a fading memory, thank goodness.

That's a good way to view this season: a BB palate cleanser [defined as generally used in the middle of a meal to remove lingering flavors from the mouth so that the next course may be enjoyed with a fresh perspective.]  I liked that this cast basically got along and accepted the [minor] differences in each other.  After Amanda Aaryn and Andy,  I didn't really mind it. 


Then...when they showed the breakfast out on the table, Cody came out of one of the downstairs bedrooms by himself, Derrick and Veronica came out of the upstairs HOA room together, as if they had spent the night together up there alone. 

And all cleaned up, which for Victoria means a black dress, heels and dangling rhinestone earrings at 9:00 am.  I doubt Victoria slept up there - they were waiting for BB to call them to come down and do this show.   


I did notice her running her hands through Derrick's hair (at the time and tonight) but this group was a very touchy-feely group to say the least.   Even so, this is the first season in a long time where I don't think there's been any sex in the house - I barely watched the feeds this season but I feel confident I would have heard about it. 


I don't like Victoria either; she hasn't done a damn thing to play this game - she's Derrick's goat and he's spent countless hours coaching her/talking her down/talking her up/listening to her drone on and on so I hope it pays off for him.  He many genuinely think of her as a friend but I doubt it.  But then I doubt almost every other word out of Derrick's mouth.   

Edited by Cosmocrush

There are two things that are left unresolved for me. Maybe I missed the answers along the way.


1.What happened to the fifty thousand dollar reward challenge offered to Derrick and Frankie when TA was over? What did either of them have to do?


2.Since Derrick kept his real occupaton quiet, what did the mutants think he did for a living? 


Good think Izzy got evicted. He would have really embarrased Victoria by beating her in a comp.

  • Love 3

There are two things that are left unresolved for me. Maybe I missed the answers along the way.


1.What happened to the fifty thousand dollar reward challenge offered to Derrick and Frankie when TA was over? What did either of them have to do?


2.Since Derrick kept his real occupaton quiet, what did the mutants think he did for a living? 


Good think Izzy got evicted. He would have really embarrased Victoria by beating her in a comp.



They didn't do anything for the extra $50.  It was just a way to reward them for a job well done from production is the gist, I think.  It doesn't bother me in the least.  


Derrick told everyone he worked for Parks and Recreation.  He has in the past so it was an easy cover for him should anyone ask details.   


They did a good job in capturing every HGs personality.  Victoria's behavior is cringe worthy.  That girl is so in love with Derrick it drips from the screen. 


Donny's clips were both funny and sad at the same time.  I love his wit. 


Good show, well done BB!  

Edited by wings707
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I figured the only reason Veronica had to announce that while Devon was giving his speech, she was sharing a bowl of popcorn with Frankie is that was all she had to add to this montage as she did not do anything else all season...I thought...until I noticed this:


First, at the beginning of the episode, when Veronica was talking about how she & Derrick have had a final 2 agreement since the first night in the house, Derrick said something like he was so happy to be left in the house with his best friend, thought he was going to say Cody, but he said Veronica!  It was not like he said this in front of her to appease her but he said it in a DR segment.  Then...when they showed the breakfast out on the table, Cody came out of one of the downstairs bedrooms by himself, Derrick and Veronica came out of the upstairs HOA room together, as if they had spent the night together up there alone.  When they were showing the segment of Niccole chasing Zach around the yard, they panned over to the outdoor couches where Derrick and Veronica were sitting, he had his head on her lap and she was stroking his hair, just like Christine did to Cody.  To me, this is no different than Christine and Cody.  Derrick is a married man...with a baby! It was all just very suspicious to me and rubbed me the wrong way.


I just do not like Veronica.  She gloats like she has worked so hard to get where she is. I am sick of hearing her refer to herself as a princess.  I also did not like the comment she made about Donny feeling out of place because of his age.  He is only about 10 years older than Derrick & Frankie; she talked as if he were elderly.  I wish BB would begin casting more people over the age of 30 like they use to.


Paper Tree said:


Oh No! I thought I had heard their voices from the kitchen the other night & asked Mr. ToStandOn if it was the 'Twinsies" from AR and he said he did not think so...Oh, is that going to be an aggravating season of 'Survivor'.




I am just really hoping that Veronica is the next one out of the house & I never have to see her face or hear that aggravating whine of hers again!


I think the whole clip show was scripted, including Vic's popcorn comment.  And her 'princess' stuff and most of the gloating.  Probably the comment about Donny's age, too.  


I saw her picking at Derrick's hair but it wasn't like Christine's, to me.  Christine was constantly all up in Cody's skin... rubbing the scalp, playing with his hands, etc.  Victoria and Derrick did seem more sibling like.  I don't think she even touched his scalp.  

I'm with a lot of you, in that I basically liked these slobs this year.  Mostly pleasant goofballs. A lot of people complain about the lack of "drama." Last year had plenty of that, and most of it was hateful, racist "drama." I do wish there had been strategy and big plays, but it is what it is. (That's why Caleb refusing to do BoB with Frankie stood out for me in the clips, as the closest to "drama" that we got this summer).


Loved Izzy, funny when her picture turned dark and they all carried on about it.


The biggest laugh of the night was the clip of Frankie making his Arianda disclosure, Derek (or Cody?) getting her name wrong, and Caleb asking, "Are you even gay?"  LOLOL. Shine on, you crazy (and stalker-y) diamond.

  • Love 4

Here's the thing: It may seem brillaint that both Cody and Victoria are sure they are Derrick's true Final 2, but there's a good chance Derrick himself is going to have to evict one of them and piss them off because they're going to walk out of there realizing he was just playing them all along.


I'm sure Derrick would prefer to throw the HoH and make one of them pick him, so he doesn't get the "blood on his hands," but it might not work out that way for him. For one thing, he and Cody are bound to win the first two HoH comps because those things are always brutal and Victoria sucks at every competition, even easy ones. For another, that final HoH comp is a total crap shoot, and even if Derrick tries to throw it he might win anyway. It's always some dumb generic questions about "guess how the jury member finished this sentence" and it's so innocuous it could have been answered either way. You just can't throw those things.


I don't understand why they do that either. When you've made it all the way to the final HoH comp you should be rewarded for your skill or knowledge about the former houseguests. It shouldn't all boil down to basically "pick a number from 1 to 10."


At least we got to see the dog.



  • Love 2

Ugh.... all that scripted dialogue delivered by non-actors was PAIN.FUL.


Context and direction can be supplied by editing. Tell these clowns to sit around and reminisce about the season, and then get a decent editor to pull out the moderately interesting/funny parts and pair them with the video clips and you're good to go.


It may be revisionist history on my part, but I don't think they used to script the show as much as they have this season.

They didn't do anything for the extra $50.  It was just a way to reward them for a job well done from production is the gist, I think.  It doesn't bother me in the least.  




A Team America player has to win the game to earn the extra $50K.


I thought it was interesting that they mentioned the Caleb/Amber situation, but did not show any clips of it.

I can't see him throwing the HOH to avoid blood because he could just get evicted.  It would be the smart move for Cody or Vic, after all.  What is one hurt/bitter juror in the grand scheme?  Could Cody or Vic poison the whole jury or would the others respect his game?  I think the latter.  

Cody or Victoria wouldn't even have a chance to influence the jury pool.  Whoever is evicted at F3 goes out and on stage.  At worst, Cody or Victoria might not vote for Derrick but that's just one vote.  


But it seemed to me that Derrick has set this up exactly to avoid getting the dreaded blood on his hands, confident that either one would pick him.  He had Caleb evicted (via Cody) because 1) he would never beat Caleb in a physical comp and 2) he couldn't be sure that Caleb would take him to the finals.  I think it's  a big gamble  and not one worth taking but since Derrick rarely shares his strategy with us in the DR, I guess we will just have to see. 

  • Love 2

Winston9-DT3 said:


I saw her picking at Derrick's hair but it wasn't like Christine's, to me.  Christine was constantly all up in Cody's skin... rubbing the scalp, playing with his hands, etc.  Victoria and Derrick did seem more sibling like.  I don't think she even touched his scalp.


If that were my husband & I was sitting at home watching this, it would make me angry.  There is no reason for her to be stroking his hair.  My opinion, from what I saw, it was a very affectionate type move on her part, not just bored and looking for something to do with her hands.


wings707 said:

That girl is so in love with Derrick it drips from the screen.


I see it too, just the way she looks at him & talks to him.  There was another comment made, I cannot remember what she said but Derrick made sure to respond by saying something about 'brother/sister'.  I just do not know when she became his 'best friend' in the house.


Edited by alegtostandon

Wings707:Thanks for answering my questions.


I'm hoping Derrick takes it all. He played a quiet, non dynamic game and seemed to know what he was doing from day one. It's not exciting TV but it was fun watching him work everyone.


From a competitive standpoint I would have liked a final three of Derrick, Cody and Caleb to see who was the bull of the woods but this game isn't about competition as opposed to getting rid of your competition as soon as possible so I'll take it.


All this talk about loyalty makes me think someone after the show should remind Caleb and Cody that loyalty is good in real life but this is a TV game show with five hundred thousand reasons to talk a good game but play a better one and that means loyalty gets you only so far.

  • Love 1

Winston9-DT3 said:



If that were my husband & I was sitting at home watching this, it would make me angry.  There is no reason for her to be stroking his hair.  My opinion, from what I saw, it was a very affectionate type move on her part, not just bored and looking for something to do with her hands.


wings707 said:


I see it too, just the way she looks at him & talks to him.  There was another comment made, I cannot remember what she said but Derrick made sure to respond by saying something about 'brother/sister'.  I just do not know when she became his 'best friend' in the house.



I think that Victoria absolutely has a crush on Derrick or as I call it....a smitten kitten.  However, the difference for me is that she knows Derrick is married and that nothing will happen or even think about happening.  Derrick has made it clear about his commitment to his wife and family and Christine didn't give off that same impression.  Derrick has emphasized the BIG BROTHER/LITTLE SISTER because he knows how Victoria is feeling and wanted to constantly reframe that relationship.  I think Derrick cares about her, but in a way that does not jeopardize or demeans his relationship with his wife.

  • Love 3

I think that Victoria absolutely has a crush on Derrick or as I call it....a smitten kitten.  However, the difference for me is that she knows Derrick is married and that nothing will happen or even think about happening.  Derrick has made it clear about his commitment to his wife and family and Christine didn't give off that same impression.  Derrick has emphasized the BIG BROTHER/LITTLE SISTER because he knows how Victoria is feeling and wanted to constantly reframe that relationship.  I think Derrick cares about her, but in a way that does not jeopardize or demeans his relationship with his wife.



Women fall in love with married men everyday and vice versa!   She knows it has no future but that doesn't matter, she is not going to act on anything.  I do know that Derricks wife will have none of it, when it comes to them having a friendship outside of the house!!!   And that means texts, too. 

Edited by wings707

Women fall in love with married men everyday and vice versa!   She knows it has no future but that doesn't matter, she is not going to act on anything.  But I do know that Derricks wife will have none of it when it comes to them having a friendship outside of the house!   


That would be interesting to see.  I would hope that Derrick's wife would be confident in their relationship and marriage and know their friendship doesn't in any way threaten that.  In that way I see Derrick's behavior as vastly different than Christine's.  

That would be interesting to see.  I would hope that Derrick's wife would be confident in their relationship and marriage and know their friendship doesn't in any way threaten that.  In that way I see Derrick's behavior as vastly different than Christine's.  



I do believe they are solid.   Even then, Derrick keeping a friendship alive with Victoria will not sit well with her.   She watches her grab and hug her husband  repeatedly and say the words "I love you."   I would not be able to watch that and have feelings of disgust for Victoria and some anger at my husband for taking his comforting her way too far.  She is not worried about him acting on anything but I do think the level of involvement he has with her is uncomfortable.  I would be yelling at my computer saying, "back off and just leave her the fuck alone!". 

I do believe they are solid.   Even then, Derrick keeping a friendship alive with Victoria will not sit well with her.   She watches her grab and hug her husband  repeatedly and say the words "I love you."   I would not be able to watch that and have feelings of disgust for Victoria and some anger at my husband for taking his comforting her way too far.  She is not worried about him acting on anything but I do think the level of involvement he has with her is uncomfortable.  I would be yelling at my computer saying, "back off and just leave her the fuck alone!". 


 It sounds as if you know Derrick & his wife, Wings707, if so, thank you for your feedback.  As a wife, it just bugged me to watch this.  Neither Derrick or Victoria are Hispanic, so I don't think that has anything to do with it. I think she has a crush on him and is looking at him as her protector. 


At the beginning of the season, Victoria was the player that you never saw; they would show her every once in a while & you would think 'who is that and where did she come from?'. I think there were even jokes made by the other housemates about that.  Then there was the thing that none of the other women wanted to share a bed with her because she was so high maintenance.


Just remembered, no episode tonight...

Edited by alegtostandon

I skipped watching the show during Week 5 (the Frankie/Zach HoH) because of how boring and predictable the season had become.  (And because I had zero interest in any "Zankie" cockteasing [of the audience, I mean; I was reasonably sure that nothing would happen] being shoved down my throat as "cute".)  Seriously, if Nicole/Donny hadn't won the next HoH, I might not have come back. (Which probably would have been better over all, so fuck you, Nicole/Donny!  But I digress…)


So for me, there was a "new" scene that most of you had already seen:  Zach's berating of Amber as she was being backdoored onto the block.  Now, I know this was part of a Team Asshole task (where, as I understand it, they got their money, even though they shouldn't have [because Amber didn't respond, so it wasn't an "argument"]), but I'm reading about it in the Live Feeds thread now, with all the men in the house (excluding Donny, but not excluding Hayden, to my non-surprise)  encouraging Zach during his rehearsals to really lay into Amber, rip her a good one because how dare she "disrespect" Caleb and "lead him on" and, well, "gross and disturbing and really sexist" doesn't seem to cover it enough.  How much of this was shown on the actual episode?  Because I think Grodner may have reached new lows in misogyny, and given the past track record of this series, that's no easy chore.


Oh, I know, it was just played off as "that wacky Zach", the way the nomination speech was.  Gee, call me crazy, but there's a slight difference between calling Christine a floater and Nicole a dummy and between bitching out Amber for not submitting to the house psycho.  I'd say that I would wonder what Ariana thought, given that she has to deal with the sort of crazy people that Frankie is encouraging, but frankly I don't think she's smart enough to make that connection.  And really tasteless that Derrick was a part of this, given how often he plays the "I have a daughter" card, but that's Derr-ICK for you.  (And Derrick's wife had better show up at the finale, no matter what's happening in Rhode Island;  the Derrick/Vic thing is apparently not all that one-sided.  Give them $600K in their pockets and time alone at the Las Vegas party and I definitely think the "brother/sister" are gonna have some incest going on, Victoria's virginity and Derrick's marital status not withstanding.)


On the other hand, the dog was cute.  (I liked how they said the Final Five were more thrilled to meet Izzy than to meet Jeff and Jordan.  Well, duh!)

Edited by DAngelus

I skipped watching the show during Week 5 (the Frankie/Zach HoH) because of how boring and predictable the season had become.  (And because I had zero interest in any "Zankie" cockteasing [of the audience, I mean; I was reasonably sure that nothing would happen] being shoved down my throat as "cute".)  Seriously, if Nicole/Donny hadn't won the next HoH, I might not have come back. (Which probably would have been better over all, so fuck you, Nicole/Donny!  But I digress…)


So for me, there was a "new" scene that most of you had already seen:  Zach's berating of Amber as she was being backdoored onto the block.  Now, I know this was part of a Team Asshole task (where, as I understand it, they got their money, even though they shouldn't have [because Amber didn't respond, so it wasn't an "argument"]), but I'm reading about it in the Live Feeds thread now, with all the men in the house (excluding Donny, but not excluding Hayden, to my non-surprise)  encouraging Zach during his rehearsals to really lay into Amber, rip her a good one because how dare she "disrespect" Caleb and "lead him on" and, well, "gross and disturbing and really sexist" doesn't seem to cover it enough.  How much of this was shown on the actual episode?  Because I think Grodner may have reached new lows in misogyny, and given the past track record of this series, that's no easy chore.


Oh, I know, it was just played off as "that wacky Zach", the way the nomination speech was.  Gee, call me crazy, but there's a slight difference between calling Christine a floater and Nicole a dummy and between bitching out Amber for not submitting to the house psycho.  I'd say that I would wonder what Ariana thought, given that she has to deal with the sort of crazy people that Frankie is encouraging, but frankly I don't think she's smart enough to make that connection.  And really tasteless that Derrick was a part of this, given how often he plays the "I have a daughter" card, but that's Derr-ICK for you.  (And Derrick's wife had better show up at the finale, no matter what's happening in Rhode Island;  the Derrick/Vic thing is apparently not all that one-sided.  Give them $600K in their pockets and time alone at the Las Vegas party and I definitely think the "brother/sister" are gonna have some incest going on, Victoria's virginity and Derrick's marital status not withstanding.)


On the other hand, the dog was cute.  (I liked how they said the Final Five were more thrilled to meet Izzy than to meet Jeff and Jordan.  Well, duh!)

Replying in live feeds thread since most of that was shown in live feeds.

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