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Season 2 Discussion


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What's amazing to me is that the golddiggers of the cast never seemed to pick up on the fact that none of these Americans seemed super stereotypically wealthy. They saw them in person at least once and chatted online. There had to have been some hint, based on affect or whatever, right? Mo's a scammer for sure, but not a very good one, unless he was trying to screw himself.

Well in addition to potential golddigging, there's also the green card-digging element... Regarding Mo, I get the impression "gullibility" was a pretty important consideration, along with whatever money he thought she had. He probably thought she'd just pay his way until he sailed into that permanent resident status, yeehaw! Eh, I find so much of this show to be so awkward, and sort of unpleasant to witness haha. Specifically, Mo and Danielle make me cringe. And the Brazilian girl (Cassia?) and her dude are just so awkward together. Chelsea herself is a mess, but her Nicaraguan dude doesn't bother me even though he seems sort of off in space all the time, so whatever. 

  • Love 2

Now on to Mo & Dani, and I won't speak of the obvious but...


In one of the first scenes, they are walking away, back to the camera.  Mo was holding both his hands in his back, kinda over his keister.  A great position if you don't want to be holding hands with Danielle!  However she found a way to hold his hand anyway while he had both hands over his keister.  FAIL.


In the scene where Danielle admits to being a manipulative liar of the worst kind, lying about her financial situation to her own selfish ends, and causing him to leave his job and family on false pretenses (I am not blind to the irony), she cries and tries to give him a hug.  He wraps his right arm on her back, holds back the urge to retch, but leaves his left arm dangling on his knee.  Mo's commitment to the green card is at once bold and unwavering.


Interesting that Danielle totally ignored Mo's tradition of wedding indoors.  I thought that not asking his opinion was callous, especially since his family won't be there (they know it's the bezness LOL). Not that he cares, really, it's not a real wedding for him, but she's really self-centered.  He's got to be impressed with his & hers outhouses, though.  The DJ should be the banjo duet from Deliverance.


Danielle has this goofy way of talking, either she's all hee-hee-hee-hee or she's crying.  She must be heavily medicated.


Danielle's sister appears to be of normal intelligence at least.  She should get POA over Danielle.


In other news our family income is easily 5 times that of Danielle and we married at city hall without a wedding dress or rings.  Thirty years and going.

  • Love 10

I wanted to smack Danny's brother when he put his filthy shoes up onto the coffee table.

Justin has the oddest way of speaking. IDK what it is. Maybe he doesn't open his mouth enough when he speaks?

Myla Vox's song seems to have an English chorus (Tonight, tonight, tonight. ..) so I hope that means that they were getting ready to try to break into the US market and that somehow helps Yamir. Gabrielle's text seemed so over-the-top mean.

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Jason & Cassia.  I get the thing with the "Don't bend it!!!!" porno magazine.  It bothers her, whatevs, but he promised there would be none.  So she checked, and there was one.  And HE has the gall to complain that she should trust him? 


And who buys porno magazines on the internet, where you can't check that the best pages aren't all sticky or completely stuck together?  He had no intention of selling this, he is just lying and she knows it.  She's aggressive, he's passive-aggressive... oh boy.


Next week:  Cassia scans Jason's hard drive.

It's not inconceivable that a grown man would introduce his family to his partner when they're at a stage where they're committed, and not before. The brother was making it seem like he had to be aware of every step in that relationship for it to seem right, and be right, but that doesn't have to be the case. He's not your 20 year old kid brother. And the outrage at the party wasn't about "oh, we didn't get to see you meet, fall in love, and get engaged! We missed out on some precious moments" but rather accusatory, not implying but declaring Evelyn to be a user, a fraud and disingenuous about her intentions.


The meeting with the mother was so one-sided. She did make it all about her and as much as she was asking Justin to see his brother's side, she didn't once declare that she was going to have the brother she his side, and call it a truce. 

Edited by glow
  • Love 6

Jason and Cassia: I don't know if I want to give her an Emmy for acting like she is jealous over that bug eyed, broke ass, says he is 38 but acts like he is 68, resident of Shady Pines living with his dad version of Sophia Petrillo minus the straw handbag OR send Jason into witness relocation before he ends up fork stabbed by Cassia and found floating face down in that slime covered green pool of his. These two make absolutely no sense.

Amy and Daniel: I am still giving him the side eye but I will give him a few points. After dropping the 'my dad has an issue with your race" bombshell, I thought he said the absolutely perfect thing afterwards - it only matters that I love you, doesn't affect my intentions to marry you, etc. That was perfect. My only objection is to the timing. That should have been disclosed BEFORE she hopped on a plane to the US. In other news, Danny's brother continues to act like an ass and doing the most in front of the cameras.

Jason and Evelin: He baffles me and not in a good way and I think Evelin deserves better. He seems put out and mad that his family dared questioned him at all after turning up with his insta-fiancee, that he never even bothered to mention to anyone, and saying they are to wed in 90 days and expecting a clap on the back and congratulations. All this knowing that he has some dysfunction in his family. Huh?? Then he wouldn't even respond to his brothers calls or text messages until his mom asked him with tears in her eyes to meet with him. He is a weird one. I do wonder about that family dynamic. Next week Jason brings up eloping again.

Danielle and Mohammad (the story that gives me the most life): I thought their segment would be more detailed. I would love to have known what precipitated all her financial woes. I am sure paying for plan tickets back and forth to Tunisia didn't help matters. It is interesting to see how her family (minus her poor daughters, who are hostages to Danielle's emotions) are dropping truth bombs on her but she is as immune to them as Superman is to bullets. They just bounce right off her. Yet like some young ingenue low budget version of Platinum Wedding She is touring campgrounds and planning to drop hundreds on her dress and food yet she can't pay her cell phone bill and has a $1000 bill coming up for Mo immigration filings. Who does that?!?! Who brings in another grown ass man as a dependent into this country yet can't even support the children they have? To see her clinging to Mo yet again like a barnacle on the hull of a ship while weeping is taking some of the trainwreck watching joy I have for this show.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 10

I feel like shaking Danielle! I was rolling my eyes when she was crying. She acts like 12 year old. I can't believe that she can't pay any bills yet she wants to spend all of her money on her hack wedding! Something is seriously wrong with her.

The message that Yamir received was a little harsh.

Cassia and Jason bore me. I can't stand her fried hair and terrible eye makeup. I have a cousin who does a really bad exaggerated cat eye for everyday use, it looks terrible.

  • Love 3

Danny's house/garage would drive me insane. When she found the magazine, the first thought I had was "If you snoop, you get what you get" and the second thought was "Watch it, that's probably worth some money on eBay!" I sell on eBay and no way in the world does my house look like that. Dad didn't have too much to say about her bitching at his son in front of him.

Dani just made me cringe. She's in the restaurant, they are telling her she can't afford to do this, and she's smiling that 'possum smile the entire time. She really isn't grounded in reality.

Jason's garage looked like an episode of Hoarders.  I was waiting for the bags of poop and the dead cat bodies.  


I kept thinking to myself "if she actually looks through that entire place to find a Playboy, she really is committed, because I would get exhausted just looking at that mess"

What was it he said when he took her out in his fine El Camino.... something about he wanted her to get out and see all that the town had to offer, things to do and see. Whatever it was, I laughed out loud.

Thus far, local amusements include, a claim shack, a buffet and a swimsuit shop.  Good times.


Whats the over/under on Cassia being online putting herself on dating sites while Jason was away?

  • Love 6

Jason and Cassia: I don't know if I want to give her an Emmy for acting like she is jealous over that bug eyed, broke ass, says he is 38 but acts like he is 68, resident of Shady Pines living with his dad version of Sophia Petrillo minus the straw handbag OR send Jason into witness relocation before he ends up fork stabbed by Cassia and found floating face down in that slime covered green pool of his. These two make absolutely no sense.

Amy and Daniel: I am still giving him the side eye but I will give him a few points. After dropping the 'my dad has an issue with your race" bombshell, I thought he said the absolutely perfect thing afterwards - it only matters that I love you, doesn't affect my intentions to marry you, etc. That was perfect. My only objection is to the timing. That should have been disclosed BEFORE she hopped on a plane to the US. In other news, Danny's brother continues to act like an ass and doing the most in front of the cameras.

Jason and Evelin: He baffles me and not in a good way and I think Evelin deserves better. He seems put out and mad that his family dared questioned him at all after turning up with his insta-fiancee, that he never even bothered to mention to anyone, and saying they are to wed in 90 days and expecting a clap on the back and congratulations. All this knowing that he has some dysfunction in his family. Huh?? Then he wouldn't even respond to his brothers calls or text messages until his mom asked him with tears in her eyes to meet with him. He is a weird one. I do wonder about that family dynamic. Next week Jason brings up eloping again.

Danielle and Mohammad (the story that gives me the most life): I thought their segment would be more detailed. I would love to have known what precipitated all her financial woes. I am sure paying for plan tickets back and forth to Tunisia didn't help matters. It is interesting to see how her family (minus her poor daughters, who are hostages to Danielle's emotions) are dropping truth bombs on her but she is as immune to them as Superman is to bullets. They just bounce right off her. Yet like some young ingenue low budget version of Platinum Wedding She is touring campgrounds and planning to drop hundreds on her dress and food yet she can't pay her cell phone bill and has a $1000 bill coming up for Mo immigration filings. Who does that?!?! Who brings in another grown ass man as a dependent into this country yet can't even support the children they have? To see her clinging to Mo yet again like a barnacle on the hull of a ship while weeping is taking some of the trainwreck watching joy I have for this show.


What Danny said was right, but the only wrinkle is...did he even tell his dad that she was black?  Because I would be hella pissed if some crazy Yosemite Sam racist showed up to my wedding and started making a scene because he didn't even know I was black.  The brother seemed to think Amy was tan, and he seems pretty okay, so I'm wondering what story has been cooked up for racist dad?


The only way I understand Justin is that he didn't want to have to deal with his bitch of a sister in law.  Sometimes if you give those types time to prepare they have their assholery all prepared and ready to go.  His mom and brother seem allright, so I think it has to be Jennifer that was the wrench.  I can already tell she suffers from adult queen bee syndrome, and a young, pretty woman is going to likely become a target for her no matter what.


As for Danielle - its that vacant smile that is like her sword and shield.  I can totally envision her poisoning Mohammed to keep him there, and doing it with a vacant smile on her face.  I just want to tell him to cut his losses, head back home and look for a better mark.  There are older desperate women in the US and around the world.  I mean, he will need to workout a bit to really get into prime gigalo shape.  How much you want to bet that whatever he was cooking was one of the few homecooked meals they have had?  As for her financial woes, not just the price of plane tickets, but you go overseas you're gone for 10 days, 20 days and that not only means that you're missing income from work, it means that work is starting to realize that they can live without you.  

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Holy airborne pathogens Jason. That sneeze caught wind where you can see the mist ON TV and I ran for the Purell.


I must not be following along real well.  I thought by Yamir leaving Nicaragua, he was giving up his space in the group.  I thought that was a done deal. Why is everyone acting so shocked that he was replaced or that the group is no longer? What did I miss?

Edited by ShaNaeNae
  • Love 5


I must not be following along real well.  I thought by Yamir leaving Nicaragua, he was giving up his space in the group.  I thought that was a done deal. Why is everyone acting so shocked that he was replaced or that the group is no longer? What did I miss?

No, he was hoping to still travel and be in the group when they performed.  They were going to play it by ear (no pun intended).

Jason's garage looked like an episode of Hoarders.  I was waiting for the bags of poop and the dead cat bodies.


My thought exactly. Jason and his dad are one possum away from a visit by Matt Paxton. Jason has absolutely no intention of selling his precious magazines -- or any of the other junk stacked in that garage. Cassia is no prize herself, but seriously. Run, girl, run!

  • Love 5

No, he was hoping to still travel and be in the group when they performed.  They were going to play it by ear (no pun intended).

I don't get the impression that Gabriel knew they were playing it by ear. I got the distinct impression that Yamir failed to explicitly tell Gabriel he hoped to stay with the group and continue to perform. Not only that, who knows how long it would take Yamir to get his green card...it would be irresponsible for Gabriel to bank on Yamir being able to travel freely, so it would make more sense to disband the group if fans aren't receptive to the new line-up.


Justin was absolutely wrong for springing Evelin on his mother and brother the way he did. They seem like perfectly reasonable people. Beyond what we've been shown, I'm not going to speculate that Justin was abused or treated like the red-headed stepchild growing up. It seems his mother likes Evelin quite a bit, she just doesn't like how everything unfolded and I think she has a very fair point. Same for the brother - he said Justin didn't even mention Evelin in passing, so how was he supposed to react when Evelin was brought to the party? If anything, Justin came off quite immature. I'm of the mind that when you're grown, you just own your shit. You want to get married to a woman your family has never met? Fine. Be a man and tell them.


Danielle...I just don't have words. Her own sister spelled out to her why going forward with the wedding would be irresponsible from a pragmatic, financial standpoint, but Danielle was too dense to get it. Do I think Mohammed is genuine? No. But I also think Danielle lied and misled him to believe that she was in a stable place when it's clear she's one missed rent payment away from being evicted. When you have no money, you don't spend $500 on a wedding dress. You suck it up, go to court, get married, and save the wedding for when you have more than two pennies to rub together.


I am so over Danny. How rude and inconsiderate of him waiting to tell his girlfriend, a Black woman, that his dad is racist and ignorant...you can't make shit like this up.

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I can't help but feel that Mo wanted someone who would love him enough to believe anything he said and go with whatever he wants to do (for example, I think he could absolutely convince Danielle that he shouldn't be living in that house with the teenage girls, or can convince her that his religion really prevents him from having sex with her even after marriage because of some obscure Islamic law that mandates he can't have sex in a house with chicken patties even though he really, really wants to). Unfortunately, the flip side to that kind of desperate obsession is going to be that he will never be able to shake her, he may end up in witness protection after he gets his citizenship.

I think Jason was in the service, so I thought he would have picked up some social skills, even if they were from fellow officers.

ITA about just cleaning your place, I don't think I've heard too many "this place is too small!" but I've heard quite a few "this place is a mess!" And unless there is a body in there, I can't understand that pool. I know it would cost money to drain, but that just looks like a health hazard, like a West Nile virus thing.

I agree to some degree about foreigners probably assuming that every American is living in NYC, California or some other bustling city. I mean, even our "reality shows" are filmed in more metro areas. But, I just can't imagine agreeing to go someplace for 90 days and not doing a basic google search.

Lmao they're so a chicken patty house.

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I don't get the impression that Gabriel knew they were playing it by ear. I got the distinct impression that Yamir failed to explicitly tell Gabriel he hoped to stay with the group and continue to perform. Not only that, who knows how long it would take Yamir to get his green card...it would be irresponsible for Gabriel to bank on Yamir being able to travel freely, so it would make more sense to disband the group if fans aren't receptive to the new line-up.

I agree with this. What I saw and heard from Gabriel re: the band and Yamir's future in it is not in line with what Yamir and Chelsea were hoping and dreaming in their talking heads. I think if Gabriel had intended to wait and see if Yamir could 'work from home' in the USA and return occasionally to perform he never would have announced Yamir as leaving the group (without even letting Yamir know he was gonna do such a thing so Yamir was blindsided) and introduced Chelsea as the reason for his departure at that sad fan event. Plus, didn't Gabby intro the new band member at that same event? Gabriel dropped some truth bombs on that couple but I do have to say that I thought he was a pissy and unprofessional little bitch after that. 

I read a little about the beezness and it seems that the scammers are warned that you may end up with a poor target but you just discard them and move along to the next.  How did Mo end up taking it this far?  Did Danielle lie about her finances to snag him?  Agreed with all those who have posted about the wedding dress.....your children probably realize that you don't know where their next meal is going to come from, but there you are parading like a teenager in front of them in wedding gowns.  Unbelievable!!!   



Danielle's sister appears to be of normal intelligence at least.

I thought so too.  But Danielle is so delusional, I seriously don't think anyone can get through to her. 


Oh, Amy!  It goes beyond not wanting her to marry the Marionette......I don't want her to get married this young at all!  She's such a bright, mature and thoughtful young woman.  She could experience so much of life right now and be successful in so many different ways!  What is she doing???  Danny is light years behind her in every regard.  I also didn't like the way he handled the race conversation.  I felt the way that he phrased it indicated almost that it was Amy's "fault", or certainly her unfortunate problem to deal with.   


I can't help it, I think Yamir is an endearing cutie and I hope things work out for him.  With or without Chelsea it really doesn't matter!

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I think that some of these Americans have the most bizarre family relationships.  Justin's family seems too far up his ass; Justin is a grown man and if this is a mistake he will learn from it.  The same with Danny.  He's an adult, no reason for that stupid brother to take a "fatherly" role and sit in between them while they were watching a movie.  I think most of them need a copy of the book, "Codependent No More."

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One thing I noticed in the meeting with Evelin, Justin and his mom - his mom took forever to eventually make eye contact with Evelin at all, and even then she barely did. She said "So how are you guys doing?" and looked only at Justin.


I was prepared to be really angry at Danny for not telling Amy about his dad's views earlier, but dad lives half a country away, so I'm okay that he didn't bring it up earlier. His brother is the real problem here - I guess he's trying to fulfill some sort of a fatherly role in making sure that Danny and Amy don't get "tempted," but wow, that is not the way to go about it. They're adults and they don't need supervision, but if you really want to get parental, just poke your head into the room and ask what they're watching or if they need more popcorn or whatever ... it's what parents have done for eons!

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Oh, Amy!  It goes beyond not wanting her to marry the Marionette......I don't want her to get married this young at all!  She's such a bright, mature and thoughtful young woman.  She could experience so much of life right now and be successful in so many different ways!  What is she doing???  

YES!! She is too young! I wonder if they are both virgins? Virgins tend to rush to marriage (from what I have seen of religious fundy virgins on TV, at least) so maybe getting to do "the sex" is the reason? But so far on the show they have only said that Marionette and Amy were waiting for marriage - I haven't heard anything about virginity. 

  • Love 1

I was prepared to be really angry at Danny for not telling Amy about his dad's views earlier, but dad lives half a country away, so I'm okay that he didn't bring it up earlier. His brother is the real problem here - I guess he's trying to fulfill some sort of a fatherly role in making sure that Danny and Amy don't get "tempted," but wow, that is not the way to go about it. They're adults and they don't need supervision, but if you really want to get parental, just poke your head into the room and ask what they're watching or if they need more popcorn or whatever ... it's what parents have done for eons!

See, even if my future father-in-law lived half a country away, if he were racist and my SO knew this, I'd be furious that my SO didn't tell me sooner than a couple of months before the wedding. I'm Black and I just wouldn't be happy to hear that after a proposal because I know my FIL's ignorance would not just affect myself and my husband, but the future generations of my family in that my kids likely wouldn't have the relationship with grandpa that I would hope for.

Edited by trimthatfat
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I am so over Danny. How rude and inconsiderate of him waiting to tell his girlfriend, a Black woman, that his dad is racist and ignorant...you can't make shit like this up.

THIS. Amy clearly has a multi-racial background and to handle the issue the way he handled it just rubbed me wrong in all sorts of ways. Yes, he said what matters is that he loves her but he needs to go way beyond that for this to work IMHO. Danny, needs to acknowledge that his dad IS a racist and that his views are wrong and repulsive to him. For fs sake, she's from South Africa - has the lived experience of the legacy of apartheid and now she has to put up with a racist father-in-law! Amy please run, run, run.


Damn it, in spite the fact that it is hard to see why else Mo would be in this relationship with Danielle other than for financial/green card expedience I must admit the man is charming and very socially skilled. They way he responded to Danielle's lies and histrionics was so appropriate - it couldn't have been handled better. Let's face it, she got him here under false pretenses and it is now apparently clear that she has made some really poor decisions. He now knows Danielle prioritized sending him money for a ticket from Tunisia rather than taking care of her family/kids financial needs when they are actually in a really desperate situation. That doesn't sound like someone that has their head screwed on straight.

Edited by Beebee111
  • Love 5

Add me to the people who thought Yamir was quitting his band and not coming back. I don't remember them saying he and going to travel back and forth. They even talked about him starting a singing career here.

I think that whole thing was a producer set-up. I remember a young guy showing up at the farewell thing who appeared to be Yamir's replacement. It reeked of fake for the show type of stuff.

I am a little disgusted  by Yamir's bewildered response to the Myla Vox situation. He reacted like he had no idea this was coming. I can only conclude either he is embarrassingly naive and unsophisticated when it comes to business, or we are missing a huge chunk of this story.  Probably both. Putting aside the reason for Yamir's departure, it doesn't make sense that he would leave without everyone involved having a business meeting to decide exactly what they were going to do going forward. It doesn't make sense that Yamir would just take off and assume everyone else would put their plans on hold and sit on their hands while he sorts out his situation in America.


Yamir is a grown man. You cannot convince me that he did not understand that that this was going to cost everyone a lot of income and missed opportunities.  He knew good and well that when  you put out an album, you have to do tons of appearances and promotions to get people to go out and buy the music. (Particularly if you are a boy band and much of your success depends upon your accessibility to fans.) Yamir knew he was not going to be around for any of that.  He could've delayed his departure some weeks or even a month to fulfil those kinds of obligations, but he chose not to.  Chelsea's whining about nobody even trying to work it out was ridiculous. It didn't look to me like Yamir himself had put any effort into coming up with a workable plan, before or after he left.  He just announced he was leaving, and left, figuring that somebody else would figure out how to make it work.


I will entertain a slight possibility that Gabriel kept Yamir in the dark before he left, either avoiding the questions entirely, or putting Yamir off with assurances of "we'll figure it out." But I don't for a minute believe Gabriel didn't see the end coming. He knew what Yamir's departure would cost the group. He knew the group was already in a vulnerable position, having lost two members, and now here was a third. Judging from the quality of their music videos, I wonder if Gabriel has recouped whatever investment he made in the group, and Yamir - whether they kept him or replaced him -  had just made everything a lot more complicated and a lot more expensive. I don't blame Gabriel at all for finishing off their remaining obligations, cutting his losses and terminating the whole thing. Perhaps the way he broke it to Yamir was a bit harsh, but I don't see any reason why Yamir should be coddled and protected from reality.  The group broke up because Yamir left. It IS his fault. And while he had every right to leave, he is grown enough to understand that his decisions have consequences. I have no sympathy for him sitting around, bewildered and sad, as if he had no idea how this happened.


    Danielle's tears and fear disgust me.

AND her self-centeredness. Until last night, I felt a tiny bit of guilt for bagging on Danielle.  She clearly isn't one of life's winners.  But last night I finally saw the selfishness and manipulation. If she apologized for lying and misleading him, I missed it.  All I heard was the constant repetition of her fear about being left. It's all about Danielle. Her issues. Her fears. Her feelings. Not a single thought for her husband-to-be. She didn't take any responsibility for her financial situation. Instead, she started shifting the burden onto him. Now HER problem is THEIR problem to fix. In 90 days or less.

Mohamed, poor little con man. Now he has to figure out whether to cut his losses and go home. Even though Danielle is not very bright, and easy to fool, it still took a lot of time and energy to get her to the point of flying him over. If he goes home, he'll have to start over and find another sucker. Assuming he's not doing that already, while Danielle is at work. Maybe he's been working on his other options this whole time.


    I do think she was ridiculous about the magazine, but I think she was more upset that he lied.

I find it interesting that the topic of nudie magazines came up prior to Cassia's arrival, but the the fact that he lives in dullsville with a green pool did not.



    I am so over Danny. How rude and inconsiderate of him waiting to tell his girlfriend, a Black woman, that his dad is racist and ignorant

Yes, so now she will have two days to meet the father and find out if she can live with his particular brand of racism for the rest of her life.

  • Love 4
For fs sake, she's from South Africa - has the lived experience of the legacy of apartheid and now she has to put up with a racist father-in-law! Amy please run, run, run.



Actually Amy said she didn't experience apartheid, though she said she'd heard about it.  She is in her twenties and Mandela was probably president by the time she was born.  She also said she didn't know too much about segregation in the US, which shocked me.  


Danielle is either medicated, mentally ill or both.  There is NO way she should have bought a husband from overseas.  Mohammad is probably working on his next victi...er conquest.  

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 2


Actually Amy said she didn't experience apartheid, though she said she'd heard about it.  She is in her twenties and Mandela was probably president by the time she was born.  She also said she didn't know too much about segregation in the US, which shocked me.

The legacy of apartheid continued well into Mandela's presidency (only began in 1994) and many institutions were still segregated well into the mid-late 90s, not to mention the informal segregation that still exists - but yes you are right that Amy's age probably means she didn't experience the worst of it.

Edited by Beebee111
  • Love 1

We had a good laugh at Jason's:  That's worth $10.00.   Watched some of the extra clips online and he has a car with no AC.  IN FLORIDA!  The inside of the door has no backing.  Jason and his dad be sorta po'.



I know they showed the bonus clip on last nights rerun and no A/C. In an El Camino! And she always looks like the town hooker with her spandex dress that ends right below the butt cheeks and her stilettos and giant floppy hat. She dresses the same if it's a walk around Spring Hill, a romantic night at the buffet, or to check the mail.


I'd love to know his back story. I mean, he doesn't seem very accomplished in a career. And nothing wrong with that, but he's got nothing to show. No kids, no spouse, no career, no prison time, nothing. He couldn't have joined the National Guard very long ago if his friend (that was with Cassia first) is close to her age.

  • Love 1
'd love to know his back story. I mean, he doesn't seem very accomplished in a career. And nothing wrong with that, but he's got nothing to show. No kids, no spouse, no career, no prison time, nothing. He couldn't have joined the National Guard very long ago if his friend (that was with Cassia first) is close to her age.


And no mother. Did they ever say what happened to her?


According to the story in my local paper (I live in Tampa, about an hour south of Spring Hill), Jason moved to Spring Hill from Illinois. My guess is that dad is from Illinois and retired to Spring Hill, as retirees from the midwest compose a large portion of the population. I'd like to know why Jason moved. Maybe it was to take care of his dad or maybe because he figured he could do ebay from Florida, since he said that was his job, outside of the National Guard, which he quit. I have a hard time believing that anyone can make a really go living off ebay. It's probably a good deal for Jason, since he can live with dad and his pension/social security and not have to actually support himself and sell a few trinkets here and there to put gas in his car and pay for his plane tickets. And national Guard is a PT job, one weekend a month and 2 weeks in the summer. It's not a FT job unless you are the in-charge person. I find Jason to be quite the sad sack. He doesn't seem to have much ambition or energy. At 38, why would you want to live in a community that is largely retirees?


As for Yamir, what did he think was going to happen? Showbiz is one of those things that is a flash in the pan, you have to capitalize on it when you are hot. You can't walk away and expect to come back. Both of them seemed shocked that the group moved on. How long does it take to get a green card so you can travel? He wanted the band to wait for him for months or years? That makes no sense. 

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Until last night, I felt a tiny bit of guilt for bagging on Danielle.  She clearly isn't one of life's winners.  But last night I finally saw the selfishness and manipulation. If she apologized for lying and misleading him, I missed it.  All I heard was the constant repetition of her fear about being left. It's all about Danielle. Her issues. Her fears. Her feelings. Not a single thought for her husband-to-be. She didn't take any responsibility for her financial situation. Instead, she started shifting the burden onto him. Now HER problem is THEIR problem to fix. In 90 days or less.

Mohamed, poor little con man. Now he has to figure out whether to cut his losses and go home. Even though Danielle is not very bright, and easy to fool, it still took a lot of time and energy to get her to the point of flying him over.



Absolutely. They deserve each other. I am so angry on behalf of Danielle's daughters, who seem fully aware that their mother is incapable of taking care of them. I hope that they spend a lot of time with their aunt and uncle.

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Dani just made me cringe. She's in the restaurant, they are telling her she can't afford to do this, and she's smiling that 'possum smile the entire time. She really isn't grounded in reality.

That woman gives me the creeps. There is something mentally off with her.  And she has how many kids? Jeesh....


It seems to me Yamir had more going for him than his girlfriend (don't even know her name). She speaks fluent Spanish, why not just stay in his country and get married there? Wasn't she working there?  But no, she wants to  move back to the US , makes him give up his entire life, which he was stupid enough to do. She has no job, no income, has to live with her parents, and his prospects are looking very slim except maybe working in some factory. 


I'm finding it hard to believe any of these relationships this season are for real. I think we're being Punked.

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Danielle and Mohamed checking out that farm was creepy. You could tell Mohamed truly didn't give a shit about planning their wedding. I agree with whoever posted that he probably doesn't view it as a real wedding anyway. I also am kind of relieved her sister and brother in law were speculating where the money for all of this was going to come from. At least someone says out loud what we're all thinking. Then Danielle saying in her talking head about the money issues.. I don't get how they are able to keep up this charade that she makes decent money, let alone makes any money at all. Especially since we find out later she's a missed payment away from eviction and their cell phones get shut off. How can she justify spending money she doesn't have on a fancy (and I use that term VERY loosely) wedding? Delusional for sure. I also noticed when Danielle was meeting her sister for lunch she seemed more alert and with it than she ever does when Mohamed is around. If she thinks that sleepy, moony eyed affect she takes with Mo is cute....well it isn't. The damsel in distress routine doesn't work in the bezness.


Danny mystifies me. He claims he realizes he has next to no alone time with Amy, but then when his brother comes along and intrudes in the little alone time they did have, he does nothing to kick him out or say anything at all. It just got totally awkward. Wussy much?


Justin and Evelin were meh. I can get the brother's point that it came out of nowhere, but in the end Justin's an adult. He doesn't need to clear everything with his family first. Jason and Cassia were also kind of blah, too. So she found Playboys around the house. Big deal. Lots of guys have Playboys. Especially single guys. And, of all the nudie mags Playboy is pretty tame. Comparitively. To me it's not that weird. Though I would be annoyed at the no a/c in the car in FL thing. The fact that it's an El Camino doesn;t bug me.


Chelsea and Yamir made me feel like they're just teens playing house. Nothing seems to worry either of them and they're just kind of going with whatever til something falls into place. Maybe it will work, maybe not. But at this point I guess Myla Vox is no longer an option, which I kind of expected if Gabriel was unable to find a suitable replacement.

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However, the US government is equally concerned that he not end up broke here and unable to leave if his visa expires. That will come down on Dani, his sponsor. I wonder if she has enough cylinders firing to understand her financial obligations in this matter.

Doesn't the sponsor have to meet a minimum income requirement to even get the Visa to bring the fiance over to prove that they can support them fully before they get their green card? I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't get researched throughly enough before a Visa is granted, but this seems messed up.

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