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S08.E01: Buzzkill

Snazzy Daisy

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What idiot only has one epi pen for herself and her child when both of them are allergic? Did she think that if they ran into some bees, only one of them would get stung? 

Also, no explanation for why anyone owuld be transporting "killer bees" which are an invasive species and not used for agriculture. 

I was also annoyed that after the news of the bees, the dimwit was still having her outdoor party. 

I am glad the camp is back (when they said "are you ready for Monty?" I flashed to "the full monty"-- and I think they wanted me to think that), but I'm not enjoying this the way I've enjoued previous over the top 3 episode disaster season openers.

Bobby's story is kind of boring. 


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35 minutes ago, possibilities said:

What idiot only has one epi pen for herself and her child when both of them are allergic? Did she think that if they ran into some bees, only one of them would get stung? 

Also, no explanation for why anyone owuld be transporting "killer bees" which are an invasive species and not used for agriculture. 

I was also annoyed that after the news of the bees, the dimwit was still having her outdoor party. 

I am glad the camp is back (when they said "are you ready for Monty?" I flashed to "the full monty"-- and I think they wanted me to think that), but I'm not enjoying this the way I've enjoued previous over the top 3 episode disaster season openers.

Bobby's story is kind of boring. 


Another thing that took me out of the story.. Athena put the bad guy fake cop whatever in a sedan type trunk and then drove off in an SUV. 
My daughter is 8. Not allergic to bees and would be freaking the f*** out. I would too. We are in stink bug season and they are all over the house and she refuses to go to her room until I do a stink bug check. 

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What idiot only has one epi pen for herself and her child when both of them are allergic? Did she think that if they ran into some bees, only one of them would get stung? 

 Not only that, the EpiPen I use comes in a set of two. Did she use one recently? Either way, I bet she'll carry two from now on.

Show of Hands:

Did anyone else already know the trick for calming bees with smoke from playing Minecraft? 😅

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It's a shane Mr angry Capt didn't  get stung, a lot!  I know, I should beehave honey..

I don't  know if that's something  you can do with the  epi pen, but it's good to know if it's true.  

We're  off to a fairly good start,  I thought  Eddie was being  played  by a new actor, not just the mustache,  his face looked fuller. 

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I liked this premiere more than last year.  It was more of an ensemble.  Every character had a purpose and didn't feel tacked on.  Last year, all the effort felt put towards the cruise and anything else was to give others something to do because they felt they needed to.

The bees were a silly concept but I legit got squeamish whenever they coalesced on the car or at the party. 

I'm not surprised Buck is having a hard time with Gerrard.  Everyone else's reaction makes sense as to why they're not pushing back.  I was not expecting the ending, though. 

Buck and Tommy were cute at the party, and I'm glad they're still so into one another.  The Eddie stuff was sad. I hope they bring Christopher home soon.  He can still be mad but it's not going to get better while he's in TX. 

I loved Caroline In The City, and I was glad to see Amy Pietz again as the perfumery owner. Buck's idea to set Eddie up as bait was hilarious. 

2 hours ago, Mountainair said:

Another thing that took me out of the story.. Athena put the bad guy fake cop whatever in a sedan type trunk and then drove off in an SUV. 

Yeah.  Especially since it looked like they were in the middle of nowhere.  She could have killed him.  If she had to put him in the trunk, why not her trunk?  That way she could at least know if he's alive. 

But I have to say, against my better judgment, I felt Athena to be quite hot during those scenes so I didn't care about it this season as much as I did when she did ish to Amir. 

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Bee-o-swarm!!!!!  ("How Did This Get Made?" listeners may recognize that.)

The hijinks this episode were very welcome after they were tapered down last season.  I am not sure why the second driver had soooooooooo many bees down his throat while the assistant breathing through the hose in the pool only seemed to get a couple.  The second driver's bees were probably the grossest thing in the episode for me.

I'm glad Mara has adjusted so well.  She and Jee-Yun are so cute together.

Brian Thompson (Gerrard) will always be "The Master" from season 1 of Buffy to me.  He is no less personable as Gerrard, heh.

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So the opening arc is an homage to The Swarm and the eleventy billion Airport movies that came out every year in the '70s. Of course Athena is gonna fly the plane, that's what she does.

I had to laugh at Bobby's storyline as a show consultant because it's an easy way for 9-1-1 to get meta and poke fun at itself.

Wilson/Han pizza night warmed my cold heart. So glad to see Mara is doing well and embracing her big sister role with Jee-Yun.

I know there's a lot of Buddie folks out there, but I was happy to see Buck and Tommy still going strong.

I was hoping since he was practically the fifth member of the crew last season that we would see Ravi. Was kinda bummed that we didn't.

Gonna rewatch because the bees distracted me too much.

Edited by michelec
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This is the 9-1-1 I like. Over-the-top scenarios like Bee-Nados and someone having to land a plane. I agree with @Irlandesa this was better than last season's premier which I thought was a bit too derivative. I had actually forgotten about the opening with the bees swarming the plane by the time we got to the end and realized Athena was on the other plane. Good job, show!

I hope Capt. Gerard is dead. Looked like there was a lot of blood. "New asshole boss" isn't something the show should do long-term. 

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11 minutes ago, fastiller said:

I don't know that I'd be able to watch Buck with the trauma that would leave on him.

Speaking of A$$hole boss traumatizing Buck:
We got voiceovers of Buck recalling the guys telling Buck not to let the a$$hole boss bother him, 
but I'm not sure:
Did Buck purposefully knock down the a$$hole boss to save him from the buzz🐝 saw blade? 
Or did Buck just lose it and attack him at precisely the right moment to save the boss's life? 
Could buck see the blade coming? 
Or was it behind him? And, if so, would it have killed Buck?
I rewatched the scene a few times, but it seems to be edited to be deliberately ambiguous. 
Likely one of these scenarios will play out:

  • Buck is lauded as a hero but knows he wasn't really trying to save the a$$hole boss
  • Buck is accused of murder or attempted murder, but he knows he was trying to save the a$$hole boss
  • Buck is accused of murder or attempted murder, but his firehouse buddies believe Buck was trying to save the a$$hole boss, but Buck knows he was just knocking him down
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Wasn't Dennis Jenkins convicted of a state crime?  The killing of Athena's fiance Emmett?  The feds cannot arbitrarily release a state prisoner or change that prisoner's sentence. They have no jurisdiction to do so.  People working in a US Attorney's Office are not law enforcement so they would not be taking custody of a prisoner; that's your first clue, Athena! They would send the US Marshals, the FBI, or some other federal law enforcement entity. And no one would drive off with a prisoner relying only on cell phone service.  Where's her radio?  And only one officer with a prisoner?  How's a female officer transporting a male prisoner going to take him to the restroom?

Why didn't Maddie immediately tell that driver to close the vents on her car?  

No one heard or saw thousands of bees on top of that tent?  And the bees waited until a couple spritzes of perfume to start swarming?  All the floral arrangements or the food and drink didn't attract any? 

I'm an awful person, but I think I would have enjoyed that blade hitting Gerrard.  

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19 hours ago, possibilities said:

What idiot only has one epi pen for herself and her child when both of them are allergic? Did she think that if they ran into some bees, only one of them would get stung? 

17 hours ago, Whodunnit said:

 Not only that, the EpiPen I use comes in a set of two. Did she use one recently? Either way, I bet she'll carry two from now on.


It's possible she kept one in the car and one in the house; however, the whole scenario wasn't realistic to begin with. They went with too much poetic license.

There was no mention as to whether that was an adult or pediatric Epi-Pen. If it was for an adult, it would have killed the kid with an overdose (.3cc). There is no way to control how much comes out of it to give her a lower dose. If it was a pediatric dose (.1cc), there wouldn't have been enough for the mother to get a full dose.

They also should have been carrying emergency doses of Benadryl to go with the epinephrine.

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The “Bee-nado” is way more interesting than S07 “Cruise From Hell” premiere because we get to see 118 team in main action. It’s okay for Bobby the hero to take a backseat, consulting the fictional 119 team. 

Ohh Tori, your perfume is a flop from the get go. Nobody wants to smell like lemongrass. 😣

It’s good to see Mara adapting well in the Han-Buckley household. It would be a challenge for her to transition back into the Wilson family soon. Poor girl.

I hope Capt. Gerrard survives. I don’t need to see another round of Buck dealing with another trauma — accidental killing. Let him be happy with Tommy.

Athena Grant is not safe anywhere — on land, in the sky, at sea. Where else can she go? Underwater? Underground bunker? On top of the mountain? Outer space?

I cannot deal with Eddie having a moustache. It’s like seeing Freddie Mercury. Every. Time. 😩


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5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Speaking of A$$hole boss traumatizing Buck:
We got voiceovers of Buck recalling the guys telling Buck not to let the a$$hole boss bother him, 
but I'm not sure:
Did Buck purposefully knock down the a$$hole boss to save him from the buzz🐝 saw blade? 

Or did Buck just lose it and attack him at precisely the right moment to save the boss's life? 

Could buck see the blade coming? 

Or was it behind him? And, if so, would it have killed Buck?
I rewatched the scene a few times, but it seems to be edited to be deliberately ambiguous. 

Likely one of these scenarios will play out:

  • Buck is lauded as a hero but knows he wasn't really trying to save the a$$hole boss
  • Buck is accused of murder or attempted murder, but he knows he was trying to save the a$$hole boss
  • Buck is accused of murder or attempted murder, but his firehouse buddies believe Buck was trying to save the a$$hole boss, but Buck knows he was just knocking him down

I hadn't even considered any of these possibilities but I love them all. 

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To add to my earlier list of questions, when the plane is in descent why is the captain 1) not in her seat; and 2) just coming out of the cockpit?  And did Athena's prisoner have his driver's license, passport, or some other acceptable form of picture ID with him in prison?  How did he get past TSA?  I don't think Athena's LAPD badge would have been sufficient.  And did Athena check her firearm?  After removing the handcuffs on her prisoner?  

I think we had an entire episode without Maddie weeping, unless I missed something.  I'm sure that will change by next week's episode.  


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This episode showed every reason I've really grown to hate Buck. He's such an overgrown chid. I was glad when he made the ridiculous suggestion that they should all quit everyone laid out how they were adults with actual responsibilities. Obviously it was a way to get exposition on where things left off last season but it highlighted how stuck he is.

I like the little Chimney/Maddie/Hen/Karen blended family they've created. It's good for everybody so I assume that once we get past the beenado that's going to get blown up. Until then, I really want to try that eggplant and pepper pizza.

Under no circumstance would they have sent Athena alone for a prisoner transport. I'm pretty sure they don't send any officer alone. I know this show isn't realistic but still the machinations they go through to get our heroes in place are bonkers.

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37 minutes ago, marceline said:

Under no circumstance would they have sent Athena alone for a prisoner transport. I'm pretty sure they don't send any officer alone. I know this show isn't realistic but still the machinations they go through to get our heroes in place are bonkers.

At this point Athena going alone where No Others Have Gone Before is almost a joke. I just wish they'd break the 4th wall a bit and have a character make an actual joke about it each time.

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3 hours ago, marceline said:

This episode showed every reason I've really grown to hate Buck. He's such an overgrown chid. I was glad when he made the ridiculous suggestion that they should all quit everyone laid out how they were adults with actual responsibilities.

I don't know, I'm sort of with Buck on that one. The new captain is an over-the-top villain, surely everyone who has ever met him knows it. The higher ups have to know nobody can stand him, and he was fired before if I recall correctly. If everyone put in a request to transfer to another station it would send a message. It's sort of absurd, really, he was ever reinstated if he was originally removed for that very reason and is just as bad. Sort of like how it was absurd that council woman had the power to remove foster kids from Hen's house when it was blatantly personal.

Realism just isn't in this show's wheelhouse.

Edited by iMonrey
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Gerard is so ridiculous he’s a caricature of himself.  I know we are supposed to hate him, but he is very funny.  I laughed at almost everything he did.  In RL he would be reported, again, for his racist, sexist and bullying behavior and be removed from that job. In today’s job world, it’s not ok to do anything he is doing.

Athena flying the plane.  They know their audience will see it as another gimmick but they are playing with us.

Buck seemed like the adult in the room this episode.  He wasn’t lying or pretending to be Gerard’s ideal employee. He was doing his job and doing it very well. I may like him again this season.

The new character this season, The Moustache, is part of the Gerard humor.  I think Eddie did it to mock the new Chief. It will go away when Gerard does.

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5 hours ago, kwnyc said:

I'm not sure, but I think that killing a police officer makes it a federal crime. That's why he was in arizona.

It's only a federal crime if the officer is a federal officer, or if the officer was killed during the commission of a federal crime. Didn't it happen when Emmett walked in on a robbery taking place at a gas station?  (It's been a long time since I saw the episode, so I may have the details wrong.)  I supposed it could have been a federal crime, homicide taking place during a Hobbs Act crime (armed robbery of a business engaged in interstate commerce).  But a police officer being killed?  No DA worth their salt would allow it to be prosecuted by the feds IMO. 

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On 9/27/2024 at 4:39 PM, michelec said:


I know there's a lot of Buddie folks out there, but I was happy to see Buck and Tommy still going strong.


I find it weird because I really liked the Destiel ship on Supernatural but Buddie just doesn't work like that because to me Eddie is totally straight. Bi Buck absolutely believable, Eddie nope. 

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3 hours ago, lianau said:

I find it weird because I really liked the Destiel ship on Supernatural but Buddie just doesn't work like that because to me Eddie is totally straight. Bi Buck absolutely believable, Eddie nope. 

Yeah fandom likes to think everyone is gay but it doesn't usually work that way. Eddie has always been straight and never seemed possessive of Buck or attracted to him. I like Tommy and I hope he sticks around. Frankly Eddie had better romantic chemistry with May or even Linda Bates than Buck IMO. 

Also I figured Gerrard wouldn't last through the Beenado but I figured the bees would finish him off not Buck. I do think he will die and Buck will have serious guilt. I do wonder if the others will get dragged in. Chimney looked skeptical (which is kinda his default in fairness) but he is also would lie for Buck if he had to. 

I also think the story with Mara is going to push Chimney and Maddie into thinking it time to give Jee a sibling. Which could go a couple of ways. It might be nice for them to have a baby without a pandemic complicating things. Or given how rough post partem was for Maddie maybe they could adopt. 

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20 hours ago, kwnyc said:

I'm not sure, but I think that killing a police officer makes it a federal crime. That's why he was in arizona.

No it doesn't. I was trying to remember if something about his story would have caused protective custody and witness protection. I can only figure a Fed was watching the newly sentenced felons and looking for  volunteer snitches and grabbed him from the California Department of Corrections 

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I decided to watch this, and it was better and seemed more on-brand than last season, though I could definitely do without the cartoon villain(s).

No way would Athena be allowed to transfer a prisoner who murdered her fiance alone. Even if he insisted she be the one to do it, they would have absolutely sent someone with her.

Unpopular opinion (maybe): Someone needs to take Chris in hand and tell him it's not OK to be an emotional terrorist because he got his feelings hurt. At this point it's a temper tantrum that needs to be stopped. He's deliberately hurting his dad and he needs to learn that doing that to someone who loves you is not OK, or his future relationships are going to be very messed up and bleak. It was understandable at the beginning, but it's now been months.

So instead of Eddie's parents being responsible and trying to help mend the relationship between father and son they're enabling his sullen, bratty behaviour and spoiling him rotten. Oh, and Grandma's going to build him a pool (for when he visits? Not likely, I'd say the suggestion Chris stay with them permanently is on the horizon). Teenagers are entirely capable of empathy and being able to see something from someone else's perspective, and if they can't learn to forgive a parent for one inadvertent, stupid mistake and are that self-centred, that's a big developmental problem.

I've been in a workplace with a toxic boss (though they weren't as obvious about it as Gerrard) so I'm sensitive to the subject, as I know how much it can affect you in real life. I should have left for my own mental health, and would if it happened again, so I totally get Buck. It doesn't matter how great your co-workers are, that one toxic person can make it a living hell. I fully hope that Eddie's awful facial hair is a subtle ridiculing of Gerrard. It seems like something someone in the army would come up with.

Bobby's storyline so far is just funny.

And yay for a sighting of Josh!

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13 hours ago, agathapenny said:

Unpopular opinion (maybe): Someone needs to take Chris in hand and tell him it's not OK to be an emotional terrorist because he got his feelings hurt. At this point it's a temper tantrum that needs to be stopped. He's deliberately hurting his dad and he needs to learn that doing that to someone who loves you is not OK, or his future relationships are going to be very messed up and bleak. It was understandable at the beginning, but it's now been months.

So instead of Eddie's parents being responsible and trying to help mend the relationship between father and son they're enabling his sullen, bratty behaviour and spoiling him rotten. Oh, and Grandma's going to build him a pool (for when he visits? Not likely, I'd say the suggestion Chris stay with them permanently is on the horizon). Teenagers are entirely capable of empathy and being able to see something from someone else's perspective, and if they can't learn to forgive a parent for one inadvertent, stupid mistake and are that self-centred, that's a big developmental problem.

The opinion may be unpopular, but I share it. Christopher had the summer to be upset and get some space from his dad. Now it is time to move forward. I said as much in the thread for the season finale. I would’ve liked to have heard Eddie make it clear that Chris can spend the summer with his grandparents, but he returns to LA for the school year. And a lot of family counseling in their future.

Eddie absolutely messed up here for sure but it wasn’t malicious and Christopher is old enough to recognize that.

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First of all, we really missed a golden opportunity for someone to break out their best Nicolas Cage impression for this bee-nado. Not the bees! Overall I thought that this was a fun opener, it always impresses me how they find some new ridiculous disaster for the gang to fight every single season opener that is more ridiculous than the last one. I really hope that the show goes back to fun/intense rescues and interesting character stuff this season, with much less melodrama involving evil congresswomen, doublegangers of dead ex's, and redemption quests involving fighting the Mexican Cartel. 

I hope that Gerrard isn't actually dead, mainly because I don't want Buck to get in trouble, but that he's so badly injured that he is forced into retirement, its bizarre that this guy is even here in the first place. He's a shitty boss who has no idea how to create a productive work environment who has a petty grudge against Buck because he apparently doesn't like his face and disciplines him for actually doing his job and saving people. He was transferred the first time because of his racist/sexism/asshole behavior towards the very people he's currently supervising, and he has clearly just gotten worse. 

At least Buck and Tommy are still going strong, I would love to spend more time on them than on needless drama. 

I hope that Eddie's mustache is a bit to mess with Gerrard and that it goes away soon, its an even scarier bug than the murder bees. 

Did the mom not realize that she was also deathly allergic to bees? What a time to find out! 

Of course the guy who killed Athena's finance was put in a cell with someone who is totally not a famously horrible child trafficker who allegedly hung himself, of course she has to be the only cop to transport him to testify, of course she now has to fly a crashing plane, a typical Tuesday for Athena. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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3 hours ago, anna0852 said:

The opinion may be unpopular, but I share it. Christopher had the summer to be upset and get some space from his dad. Now it is time to move forward. I said as much in the thread for the season finale. I would’ve liked to have heard Eddie make it clear that Chris can spend the summer with his grandparents, but he returns to LA for the school year. And a lot of family counseling in their future.

Eddie absolutely messed up here for sure but it wasn’t malicious and Christopher is old enough to recognize that.

I wondered how long summer vacation was there. He's been gone three months — he must have started school again in Texas, no? 

I think it's important to remember as you say that while Eddie messed up, it wasn't intentional. It's such an improbable scenario that it's tough to gage just how much it could have hurt Chris to see this woman who looked just like his mom for a few seconds/minutes (ugh, this awful storyline), but surely this is now teenage petulant overkill. He's old enough to be able to understand that his dad never meant for him to meet this woman and that his dad was also thrown for a loop seeing the doppelgänger and was going through his own emotional pain. 

3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Overall I thought that this was a fun opener, it always impresses me how they find some new ridiculous disaster for the gang to fight every single season opener that is more ridiculous than the last one. I really hope that the show goes back to fun/intense rescues and interesting character stuff this season, with much less melodrama involving evil congresswomen, doublegangers of dead ex's, and redemption quests involving fighting the Mexican Cartel. 

Hear, hear! This was much more the show I fell in love with, despite the stupid villains ex machina. 

3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I hope that Gerrard isn't actually dead, mainly because I don't want Buck to get in trouble, but that he's so badly injured that he is forced into retirement, its bizarre that this guy is even here in the first place. He's a shitty boss who has no idea how to create a productive work environment who has a petty grudge against Buck because he apparently doesn't like his face and disciplines him for actually doing his job and saving people. He was transferred the first time because of his racist/sexism/asshole behavior towards the very people he's currently supervising, and he has clearly just gotten worse. 

At least so far it's mostly been played for laughs. The idea that he would be allowed to go back to supervising employees he had previously abused is totally absurd. I can't decide if I want him to be dead or not. Clearly Buck shouldn't get in any trouble — he did save the guy from a flying saw blade in front of plenty of witnesses — but who knows with how they've handled the villains so far?

3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I hope that Eddie's mustache is a bit to mess with Gerrard and that it goes away soon, its an even scarier bug than the murder bees. 

God the mustache is awful, lol. But I can forgive it if he's messing with Gerrard.

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3 hours ago, anna0852 said:

The opinion may be unpopular, but I share it. Christopher had the summer to be upset and get some space from his dad. Now it is time to move forward. I said as much in the thread for the season finale. I would’ve liked to have heard Eddie make it clear that Chris can spend the summer with his grandparents, but he returns to LA for the school year. And a lot of family counseling in their future.

I was thinking the exact same thing. Do we know if Gavin McHugh wanted off the show, or a lighter schedule? Is that why he's gone? Or is this just some sort of storyline they came up with for him and Eddie? I agree it doesn't make a lot of sense at this point. It's incumbent on the grandparents to steer Christopher back home, not to indulge him and keep him for as long as he wants. And Eddie should just put his foot down. Things aren't going to improve as long as Christopher is allowed to ignore his dad and the issue.

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On 9/27/2024 at 12:44 AM, Irlandesa said:

Yeah.  Especially since it looked like they were in the middle of nowhere.  She could have killed him.  If she had to put him in the trunk, why not her trunk?  That way she could at least know if he's alive. 

Car trunks have had emergency release handles on the inside for over 20 years. It shouldn't take the dude that long to get out.

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