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All Stars Season 4 Anticipation

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Here's a link to a picture of the next All Stars which will probably air after the present season




The designers include Chris March, Jay Sario, two past winners: Michelle Lesniak, and Dmitry Sholokhov.  Also   Kate Pankoke for the third time. Here are the rest of the competitors, grouped by season:

Season 10
Fabio Costa, Gunnar Deatherage, and Sonjia Williams

Season 11
Samantha Black, Benjamin Mach, and Patricia Michaels

Season 12
Helen Castillo, Justin LeBlanc, and Alexandria von Bromssen


The host is Alyssa Milano, and the  judges are Isaac Mizrahi and Georgina Chapman, and mentor Zanna Roberts Rassi.


All I have to say is ugh to Helen and Patricia and Kate and Yay to Justin and Chris March and Dmitry.  The rest I don't care about.

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It'll be interesting to see how Kate and Michelle get along now that Kate's jumped the fence on meangirling. Wonder where Helen will land? In the mean time, I kind of hope Dmitri, Patricia, Fabio and Alexandria form a Leave Me The Fuck Alone coalition and get some work done without drama. 


Except for Georgina Chapman, who I'm neutral towards, I find everyone on staff actively painful to watch. 

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I kind of feel like when you're on your fourth season, it's no longer "All Stars" so much as it is a rerun.  All Stars to me should be one season, maybe two seasons tops of the very best designers/fan favorites.  Three seasons, you're starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel and four is just too much - at least back to back.  


That being said, I will watch it because I love Chris March and Dmitry ("one-way monkey" still makes me happy)  

  • Love 11

I'm rooting for Alexandria, and hope that she gives the mean girls a piece of her mind if they go after her again. Disappointed that they brought Helen back.  


It's not as if she and Michelle, or for that matter Kate, had other opportunities knocking down their doors.


I don't mind Alyssa Milano. She still has residual goodwill for me from Who's the Boss. But (leaving aside that absolutely horrible children's charity commercial she does where she performed concern so badly that she convinced me that the heartbreaking plight of the children really didn't bother her all that much, which I'm sure isn't true), whoever styled her for the last season seemed not to notice that she's a cute, petite woman with curves and styled her as if she was six feet tall with imposing features. She seemed to be disappearing into her clothes like a turtle most of the season. 

Kate again???? Why???? She wasn't that great.


I am mystified by her inclusion.  While she had some really great designs, she also had some epic fails as well.  It seems like the PR Machine really wants to shove her down our throats.


Ya know, I loves me some Chris March, and Dmitry, and Alexandria really grew on me... but I would love to see Patricia get her Native American thang going and win over everybody.  

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Can someone tell me how this is an All Stars cast with Gunnar in it?


Also, I always liked Patricia, and would love to see her and Alexandria join together to silence the mean girls. I'd even take Benjamin over Helen, Kate or Michelle.


I was going to post about how Gunnar made it far in his season, but it turns out he finished 8th after checking wikipedia. For some reason I had him in the top six of his season. The biggest thing I remember about him was how I kept mixing him and Christopher up the first few episodes because they looked exactly alike. 

I'd like Michelle to be eliminated also in a shocking first show double elimination.

Can someone punch her in the throat first?  She and Helen are two of the most insufferable people to grace a TV screen and  I will be watching mostly just to see her and Helen get kicked off.


Happy to see Chris March, Dimitry, Samantha, and Patricia (although I still don't understand her aesthetic, I have an appreciation for her personality)


Kate sort of bugs me, and I don't see why they keep bringing her back.  

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I'm starting to feel as if they're choosing their favorites specifically because they're controversial, whether because of their incomprehensible esthetic (Sandhya, Amanda, much as I love her Patricia) or their divisive behavior (Helen, Michelle, after last year's reunion show Kate) . If what they're really looking for is someone with Ideas, they wouldn't be rewarding Helen's weekly sheath dress or Michelle's tunics and reworked thrift shop finds. If those two were being rewarded for their finish and construction despite producing essentially the same garment most weeks, wtf the other three?


This show was always an interesting contest. It's kind of a shitty, frustrating slow-motion coronation.

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I'm starting to feel as if they're choosing their favorites specifically because they're controversial, whether because of their incomprehensible esthetic (Sandhya, Amanda, much as I love her Patricia) or their divisive behavior (Helen, Michelle, after last year's reunion show Kate) . If what they're really looking for is someone with Ideas, they wouldn't be rewarding Helen's weekly sheath dress or Michelle's tunics and reworked thrift shop finds. If those two were being rewarded for their finish and construction despite producing essentially the same garment most weeks, wtf the other three?


This show was always an interesting contest. It's kind of a shitty, frustrating slow-motion coronation.

Just another bad reality show. Which it didn't used to be. This seems like the Mean Girls All Star edition.

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I don't think either of the winners will make it far. I adore Dmitry, but I'm not a fan of his work. I'm neutral towards Michelle, but I loved her work on the show - sort of how I felt about Irina, and that didn't go so well in All Stars 3. 


I was never as big of a fan of Chris and Patricia as others were, and I still don't think Patricia is really a great fit for this competition (I think she's a great textile designer, but I don't love her clothes) but I guess it's nice that they get a second chance. Samantha, Ben, Sonjae, Justin, Kate, Gunnar, Helen... really couldn't care less.


Alexandria, Jay, Fabio: Yes. FUCK yes. They totally should've won their seasons (sorry, Seth Aaron) and I'm almost sad that only one of them can win this time. Jay had kind of a shitty attitude at times, but his collection was really great.


I think I'm rooting for Alexandria, though.

i don't know who i'm rooting for this season other than chris march, and maybe alexandria, justin, jay. i just remember how much of a bitch jay was to a model during the reunion on his season, anyone remember that? but i liked a lot of the stuff he made that season, so....

why is there so many designers from the more recent  2/3 season for this all star cycle? how come there's hardly anyone from season 8 and earlier except for like, jay and chris? i'm sure i'm blanking on a few more, i'll admit i missed season 10 and 11 and barely remember season 9, so i'm not too familiar with the designers from those seasons, but i don't recognize a lot of the designers in the pic, or the names mentioned throughout this thread...

Edited by kaydub123

i don't know who i'm rooting for this season other than chris march, and maybe alexandria, justin, jay. i just remember how much of a bitch jay was to a model during the reunion on his season, anyone remember that? but i liked a lot of the stuff he made that season, so....

why is there so many designers from the more recent  2/3 season for this all star cycle? how come there's hardly anyone from season 8 and earlier except for like, jay and chris? i'm sure i'm blanking on a few more, i'll admit i missed season 10 and 11 and barely remember season 9, so i'm not too familiar with the designers from those seasons, but i don't recognize a lot of the designers in the pic, or the names mentioned throughout this thread...


I'm not sure if it was jay, but I remember someone having a model who was pretty clearly IMO on something that made her wonky and show up late for stuff, and I think she missed a show and he had to use someone else which put him at a disadvantage.  If its the same model, I can sort of see why he made it a point to say something.


It may be a Lifetime v. Bravo thing?  I mean, Lifetime's version of PR has a lot to do with interpersonal drama, so it would make sense that if they wanted to cast the personalities to cause conflict they would look to the later Lifetime seasons.  

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I hope the likes of Jay, Alexandria, Dimitri, Chris and Fabio can turn out some interesting designs while Helen (ugh!), Michelle, Patricia (just because she is a target for the other 3) and Kate are busy playing mean girls with and against each other. It was inevitable to see the unbearable Helen again in some spin-off, but to have her on the same circle as Kate and Alexandria again is a bit draining. I hope it does not play out the same way as S12.

I don't mind seeing Chris March on the show again, because he is a very loveable guy and never an annoying troublemaker - and his designs are pretty good, I loved his last All Stars final collection.

If there is a team challenge with teams of 3, I'm all for Chris, Fabio and Alexandria in one team!


And I hope they kick out the first one who does that ugly raw shredding technique again. (Bye Helen!)

I will watch for the amazing Chris March and hope that he puts out something as outlandish as his human hair dress!  That totally skeeved me out but I was also delighted by the audacity and the way he just didn't get why Tim wasn't on board with the idea.  I loved the wackiness of it all.


I have no memory at all of Jay.  Even when i googled him and watched his home visit.  I didn't find any of his Project Runway entries and didn't have the time to dig further.  Dmitry's deadpan humor was great but I wasn't in love with his designs.  I haven't loved anyone on Project Runway in so long.  I definitely haven't loved anyone in the Lifetime era.


I'm not sure if it was jay, but I remember someone having a model who was pretty clearly IMO on something that made her wonky and show up late for stuff, and I think she missed a show and he had to use someone else which put him at a disadvantage.  If its the same model, I can sort of see why he made it a point to say something.

Jay McCarroll had a model like that in the first season... Morgan was her name, and she was a train wreck (but a great model, which is why he kept picking her). Jay Sario, IIRC, made some comments about a model's physical characteristics after she said she didn't like his designs (or something of that nature). I remember thinking it was amazingly rude and childish of him at the time.

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Jay McCarroll had a model like that in the first season... Morgan was her name, and she was a train wreck (but a great model, which is why he kept picking her). Jay Sario, IIRC, made some comments about a model's physical characteristics after she said she didn't like his designs (or something of that nature). I remember thinking it was amazingly rude and childish of him at the time.


okay, if it was jay mccarrol who talked shit about his model, i understand.  I can't remember jay sario, but that sounds like an asshole move

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okay, if it was jay mccarrol who talked shit about his model, i understand.  I can't remember jay sario, but that sounds like an asshole move


I partially remember this. It was the really pale model that Jonathan won a challenge with, I think she was Irish. She made a comment about not understanding Jay's style and he made fun of her shape, and maybe her teeth?  I'll have to look it up. It was one of the seasons they were showing Models of the Runway so there was more model drama than in recent seasons.


Jay finished fourth in his season. He and Mila did a runway-off just before fashion week and he was auf'd. 

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I partially remember this. It was the really pale model that Jonathan won a challenge with, I think she was Irish. She made a comment about not understanding Jay's style and he made fun of her shape, and maybe her teeth?  I'll have to look it up. It was one of the seasons they were showing Models of the Runway so there was more model drama than in recent seasons.


Jay finished fourth in his season. He and Mila did a runway-off just before fashion week and he was auf'd. 


yes! that was it! he said something about her weight or something, and i remember even his model, sitting next to him, looked shocked by what he said. carrie, that was her name (the model he made the comment about) and yes, she was irish.

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I don't understand why Helen would agree to come back.  Wasn't she the one (or one of the ones) saying the show was rigged after not winning the season?  This may have different judges but it's still the same basic reality competition on the same channel.  Wouldn't it just be the same manipulated show she previously slammed?


I'll watch for Chris.  Hopefully he's fast enough for the one-day challenge world.  Or, y'know, hopefully it's manipulated to keep him in longer since he's not a jackass.

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I don't understand why Helen would agree to come back.  Wasn't she the one (or one of the ones) saying the show was rigged after not winning the season?  This may have different judges but it's still the same basic reality competition on the same channel.  Wouldn't it just be the same manipulated show she previously slammed?

Yeah I'm pretty sure she did some loud social media griping about how the show was fixed and blah blah blah blah.  Maybe the whole "you're an ALL STAR" thing fed her ego enough to change her tune...

Yeah I'm pretty sure she did some loud social media griping about how the show was fixed and blah blah blah blah.  Maybe the whole "you're an ALL STAR" thing fed her ego enough to change her tune...


or maybe it's that unless there's some massive success she's not telling us about (which seems improbable, because it's Helen), she's actually doing less well in her career than she was before PR. I'm guessing that's why Michelle's on too.

Edited by Julia
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Did Helen actually say the show was rigged after she got kicked out before the finale?


So, out of morbid curiousity, I went over to her Twitter, and she is tweeing non-stop about the current season of PR and all things PR, just in general. Like tons of tweets. Which is fine cause she's at that age where "the twitter" is the cool thing to do.

But obviously, she's still PR obsessed, in spite of her claims of how wonderful her post-PR fashion life is going. She also said she had the most wins of anyone on Season 12, but actually, BRADON McDonald and she had the same amount of wins: four. And she really shouldn't have won the week that she and Kate were partnered; that should have been Kate's win, but Kate felt bad for her previous week's meltdown (I guess?) and said Helen should win for the red straw hat dress. Which was totally Kate's style, by the way; I saw nothing of Helen in it.

At any rate, towards the end of season 11 and then into season 12 and now ongoing, the regular PR judges are smoking a particularly powerful brand of crack or something that renders your fashion sense nil, so I don't care how many challenges Helen won. I still don't like her. And we can only hope (those of us who are predisposed to dislike her, that is) the PR All-Stars judges don't buy into her esthetic and she's sent packing early. First episode would be perfect.

Edited by PepperMonkey
  • Love 3

Helen? Seriously? Ugh. Why don't they make it an all mean girls season and bring back Gretchen and Ivy too? Yuck. Doubtful that I'll be watching this. At least not until Helen gets the boot. Although it would be beyond awesome if the same thing happens to her this time....get SO close to making the finals, only to be axed at the last minute. That has to be the most heartbreaking elimination of them all -- so Helen getting it just made me cackle with wicked glee.

Helen? Seriously? Ugh. Why don't they make it an all mean girls season and bring back Gretchen and Ivy too? Yuck. Doubtful that I'll be watching this. At least not until Helen gets the boot. Although it would be beyond awesome if the same thing happens to her this time....get SO close to making the finals, only to be axed at the last minute. That has to be the most heartbreaking elimination of them all -- so Helen getting it just made me cackle with wicked glee.

Her annoying mix of whining and self congratulation makes my blood pressure rise.  But when she finally gets axed it feels so good, but I don't want to make myself sick, so I'm hoping she gets far enough to really show us how much she is into herself, and then she gets the boot.  IIRC, I think I may have yelled "Yar trick!" at my computer when she got aufed.

What ever happened to the black female (even I can't remember her name)but she won and was gonna design for Belks(?) 

Someone posted some of Dom's work, but I don't know if it was for Belks.  And if this is the PR I know and love it was probably the winner probably got "the opportunity to design for Belks"


I hated Fashion Star (well, I loved it for the snark value), but the one thing that was pretty neat about it was that literally the day after someone won you could see their dress/outfit/look in the store.  Of course, the designs were woefully substandard most of the time, and they used different materials in the store, and most things IMO was way overpriced, but it was still pretty neat.

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