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S03.E01: Always

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Boden forces members of Firehouse 51 to pull themselves back together in the aftermath of a harrowing fire explosion. While Severide goes missing for one week too many, Casey works to track down his whereabouts. Newhouse brings some unexpected news regarding one of Mills’ relatives. Herrmann and Otis make some new goals regarding Molly’s.


This thread will open at 11:00 p.m. ET after the episode airs.

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Yeah, I tuned in just to see who died. I see CF lived down to my expectations.


Well, I'll be honest: Once I saw it was Shay who died, I flipped over to Forever on ABC. Sure, it's cheesy and may not make it, but it also doesn't disgust me or make me rage filled. And I don't have to see Gabby.


So, all in all, it was a win for me.


But this sucks that Shay is gone.

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So basically, they decide to kill off one of two female characters, where they could have killed off one of the bazillion male characters, or even just had someone severely injured but alive. Ok, thanks show, for letting me know to stop watching. 


I stopped the episode once the 'six weeks later' came on. I'm sure I didn't miss much.

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Like Third Watch, this show will forever be divided into before and after a character's death.  Bobby on Third Watch and Shay here,


For a show going into its third season, they sure do go through cast members.  Darden, Shay, the guy with the messed lungs and the arsonist were all in the flashback.  Slow down show.  Slow down.

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I wonder if the conversation among the writers went like this.


Writer A --- "What should we do with Shay?"

Writer B --- "Give her same sex romances the same type of respect as the straight romances that are give to Dawson?"

Writer C --- "No.  No.  No.  Our goal was always to have the lesbian and Severide have a baby.  But then people whined that was bs so we had to drop it.  Now we're stuck with a hot blonde not having sex with Severide." 

Writer A --- "Well lets kill off Shay and replace her with a hot blonde who is into men!"

Writer B --- "Or we could treat Shay in a respectful..."

Writer C --- "Shut it.  Killing off Shay and getting some hot blonde to replace her and fall for Severide.  That's genius!"

Writer B (to themselves) --- "I may write for the show but I sure don't want to watch it ever again."

Edited by dohe
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I figured it would be Shay. Of course they would kill off the only female character I liked. To be fair, the only character I really wanted gone or in the background would have been Gabby, and I knew that would not happen. How many ways will Shay's death will be all about Gabby and her pain? I am disappointed show.

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This huge building just explodes and all that results is one death (of a person that just recovered from a serious injury a few weeks ago), and one broken leg?  So much suspenseful build up for that?  I liked Shay, but she was also whiny, needy, and totally inept.


I kept watching the clock wishing the hour would end, and that is not normal for me with Chicago Fire.  On the other hand, both Person of Interest and Forever are on at the same time, so I won't have to try to figure out what to DVR, and what to go watch in the other room. 

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Well that went as predicted. Wrong female died and of course it's all about Gabby, "it should have been me." Yup it should have been. However, since there's only 2 women, it could have been one of the dozen men.  I think I'm done, not interested to even more of the Gabby is the specialist person alive hour.


Severide made me cry and all his flashbacks. He's the only one worth watching for, I loved his relationship with Shay. It was the best the show had.

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At the beginning I found myself looking for the fire. Big explosion; where was the fire? Casey and Dawson remain chemistry-free. I did like that they got back everyone for the flashback, but I tend to agree with Kelly that the firehouse is cursed.

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I though this was an excellent episode.  I will miss Shay, but I think Lauren German is an excellent actress, and she will go far.  It would not surprise me if she did ask to be let go.  What I am upset about is that the previews "suggest" that they lose Mouch too.  I hope it's just a mislead.  He cracks me up, and I love him with the lady cop.  I think she's a pistol.  I will still watch regardless.  I like all the characters.

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I though this was an excellent episode.  I will miss Shay, but I think Lauren German is an excellent actress, and she will go far.  It would not surprise me if she did ask to be let go.  What I am upset about is that the previews "suggest" that they lose Mouch too.  I hope it's just a mislead.  He cracks me up, and I love him with the lady cop.  I think she's a pistol.  I will still watch regardless.  I like all the characters.

Mouch? I thought that was Mills.


Mouch doesn't tend to do ropey, upside down things.

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That was so boring. Trying to chalk it up to tying up loose ends from finale, but holy crap that was boring. Tweeted about that earlier. Really hit home when I came to the forums, and realized I had already forgotten the show was even on tonight. Not a good sign.


Killing Leslie Shay is a BOO! A giant BOO! They killed Leslie. They killed Leslie. Why show? Why?


Mills is likeable enough, but who the hell cares about his family tree? I just assumed, along time ago, that  Boden would turn out to be the daddy. Not interested in a season spent on this.


And poor Boden w/the couples' dinners and cover band concerts from hell. My Said (his character on OZ) deserves better.


On the good side...Severide is still fine as all get out. I volunteer to cheer him up whenever needed. And Boden is aging like Billy D. Williams.

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I won't even watch this episode since I've already been spoiled on social medias. I guess we did know it was coming but I still didn't want to believe it. Shay and Severide were my reasons to watch and without Shay - the light of the show for me - I'm signing off. I'll try and pretend we're still in S2 and she's alive and kickin.


Found this through IMDB - http://www.tvguide.com/News/Chicago-Fire-Death-Postmortem-Matt-Olmstead-1087486.aspx - and I guess it's kind of an explanation, at least we know it wasn't Lauren who wanted to go. I kinda figured that having followed her on Instagram and she seems to be really good friends with the rest of the cast. Her Vine's are hilarious as a side note.

Killing off Casey would've had the biggest impact on the entire crew so their reasoning doesn't really work for me. I think they've made a huge mistake. And bringing in what seems to be 'Shay 2.0 but straight' is a bit of a slap in the face but since I haven't even seen the episode I won't go in to that.


Bye CF, it was fun while it lasted! Now let's see if NBC/writers/Dick can ruin SVU for me as well...

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ITA- went on my rant in the media thread. Total slap in the face to take out 1 of only 2 female leads, and the only LGBT representative in the show. And yes, replaced with a beautiful, look-a-like STRAIGHT character. Saying it again- no longer watching. And yes-Lauren German is wonderful!

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So basically, they decide to kill off one of two female characters, where they could have killed off one of the bazillion male characters, or even just had someone severely injured but alive. Ok, thanks show, for letting me know to stop watching. 


I stopped the episode once the 'six weeks later' came on. I'm sure I didn't miss much.


I don't think I'll watch this show anymore; and I actually LIKE Gabby, so there.


The reason I'm pissed off is that this is a show were there were only TWO female regulars and they kill one off; they could have killed off a male character, but NO and I really, really don't like that.  I may not have liked Shay, but I don't think she should have been killed off.  


That reminds me of the shit they pulled on Person Of Interest when they killed off Carter's character.  POI was the #1 show with black audiences and what do they do?  Well they kill off the only black person on the show, smart, right?  


I think writers have problems writing gay characters they same way they have problems writing black female characters.


I wonder what the deal was behind the scenes.  With POI, I heard that Nolan was gaga over Sarah Shahi and wanted her on the show as the leading female; so they had to kill off the leading female who wasn't a Mary Sue and replace her with Shaw, who was a Mary Sue.  


At least they could have replaced Shay with a black, female character, but that would have been too intelligent.  Two WOC, on the same show?  Oh, hell no.  

Edited by Neurochick
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There was WAY more to do with her character than without. As if focusing even more heavily on 2 already prominently featured characters, and further minimizing the rest of the cast will help this. Not to mention Severide now beats Casey for worst life ever. Has there been 1 person Severide loved that he didn't lose?

He lost his girl and assumed baby, his fiance, his sister (brutally) and by extension his father. And his strongest bond doesn't just leave his life-she dies.

Ok, aside from still having Dawson, for the moment, Casey's life pretty much sucks too.

Edited by Sharkatefonz
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I just can't buy for one second that killing Shay was the best choice for repercussions through the characters.  That should totally have been Casey if that's the impact they were truly going for.  It would have been a huge blow for Severide.  It would have not only been huge for Dawson, but then she could have stayed on as a firefighter at 51 knowing she's only there cause Casey died.  And they could have promoted Herrman to Lt and he would have had a lot to deal with knowing he's in Casey's spot just because he died. Plus it also would have allowed them to bring back Rafferty (assuming the actress was available), someone that many of the fans really enjoyed, to take the other Paramedic spot with Shay.  Maybe some people out there still enjoy watching shows compromised almost exclusively of straight, white male characters, but I'm not one of them.  This show just went from "appointment" Tv for me to "maybe I'll get around to it over the weekend" Tv.  Catastrophically poor decision, imo.

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Eh, they were never going to kill off Casey or Severide. Not unless the actors wanted out. It's an ensemble, but that show has centered around them since day one with the Darden death. If I had to point to "main characters/actors," those are the ones. 


I personally would have preferred Dawson bite it, because I can't stand how much of the show is ALL. ABOUT. HER. But I do agree that showrunners saying Shay would have the most impact is silly - unless you amend it to "the most impact on Severide and Dawson." Boden could have had HUGE impact. So would Dawson (but another dead fiance/soon-to-be fiance would send Casey to the sanitarium, so ...)


I'm less bothered by the fact that it's Shay (which, although I hate losing her instead of Dawson, isn't as tough as it would have been had she not been so backburnered by the writers in season 2. I don't know if backburnered is the right word either. But her character had nothing that interested me in season 2. Nothing. Season 1 Shay? Loved her. Except the stupid baby thing. But Season 2 Shay felt like a prop to give Severide and Dawson something to angst over ... hey! Just like now!).


Anyway, I'm more bothered by how bored I was last night. I'm hoping it's just because they had to waste the whole show on cheesy flashbacks that felt pretty contrived to me and on Severide and Dawson zombie-ing around the set. Gawd, I hope the whole season isn't like that. Can we get some cool rescues instead next week? I even kind of enjoyed the firefighter fights, which added some spark, until I remembered, "Oh yea. It's ALL. ABOUT. GABBY. Again. Some more. Etc."



He lost his girl and assumed baby, his fiance, his sister (brutally) and by extension his father. And his strongest bond doesn't just leave his life-she dies.


Eh, this ties them at deaths, right? They both lost Darden. Casey lost Hallie. Severide lost Shay. Boom. Back to a tie. Casey also lost his instafamily (when their mom got out of prison early and moved with them) and his own prison mommy who ultimately took off (wish they'd address that disappearance). And, of course, he's got that pesky brain injury that COULD KILL HIM AT ANY TIME except ... not, I guess? That at least puts him on equal ground with Severide's losses. Personally, I give the edge on sucky life to Casey. But that's because he's stuck with Dawson. I'm not sure the show would see that as misery-inducing, but I sure do. Casey for the Win!

Edited by el perro fumando
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'Personally, I give the edge on sucky life to Casey. But that's because he's stuck with Dawson.'

LOL, good one.

I just had a scary thought:

Since Casey and Severide and Gabby are all gonna play Three' s Company, for the foreseeable future-Does anybody else think this is all leading up to a 'Severide starts to fall for Casey's girl' storyline?

Dragging out all season until the season 3 finale, where an 'overstressed about, career, wedding, commitment and shared loss' Dawson, and 'grieving and now PINING ' Severide share a fateful and 'perfectly timed' kiss that poor Casey will just happen to walk in on? And welcome angst, party of three? Any takers?

If in any way, shape or form that could be true, I'm really glad I won't be seeing it.

Edited by Sharkatefonz
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I, too, would have preferred they killed off Dawson instead of Shay. That said, my number 2 choice would have been Shay. I never really got past the whole baby obsession thing followed by the near suicide attempt. Shay just seemed too unstable to me. 


I also half suspect the writers knew if they killed Gabby, we'd be glad, and that wasn't what they were going for. Also, Casey has had enough relationship drama as it is. 


I just want to know what happened to Casey's traumatic brain injury that left him seeing double and getting violent. I wish they would quit dropping plot points on this show.


I don't remember the storyline about Mills looking for his father's family. Whoever he was watching from his truck could not have been his grandfather.

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There are times when I have to slowly realize that I simply don't want to continue watching a show. But, dang!   I only heard the rumors about them killing off Shay a couple days ago and when it was obviously shown to true in the first two minutes,  I hit the delete button faster than EVER on my DVR.  The sad thing is, I really enjoyed Chicago Fire. This was one too many female gay characters killed off for no good reason.  So, like a lot of other people have stated, no more CF for me. I also hope Lauren German gets a good part on another show.


Oh, and the fact that I have never been able to stand Severide made the decision much easier. And whoever mentioned Third Watch,  I still miss that show. It had a ton more depth that CF.  I think the only reason I thought I liked CF was because it reminded me just a little bit of Third Watch. That must be the reason I could give it up for a character that really had a rather small part in a large ensemble show. Casey I could handle. Mills was cute as, well, he is cute.  Love the Chief.  Liked all the characters except Severide.  But, I have to start sticking to my principles. They could have made great strides and very interesting storylines with Shay. Nope, it's the Severide show. Oh god, I'll shut up now.

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Yeah, I remember holding my breath when that creep Keeler rammed Casey's head into the wall. I was sure that a guy with his trauma wouldn't be fairing perfectly well after an explosion. Hello show! Just keeps pointing more to me as fuel to lead Dawson into Kelly's arms for comfort, when 'Hulk Smash' Casey comes back.

I took all the dumb storylines with a grain of salt before last night's opener, because up until then, they didn't drop the ball so badly, but now I'm just seeing all the cracks in the show and none of those elements I enjoyed so much before.

Because before I still had that comfort zone of 'The family' to tune in for each week. Family, can make mistakes, annoy you and make you scratch your head, but they (hopefully) have your back. For me, that's gone now and that sucks.

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Since Casey and Severide and Gabby are all gonna play Three' s Company, for the foreseeable future-Does anybody else think this is all leading up to a 'Severide starts to fall for Casey's girl' storyline?

He better not or I will start to wonder, to paraphrase Heath Ledger, if Gabby has beer flavored nipples. Because why else would every one fall for her: Mills, Casey, Mouch, Serveride.  Personally I would rather Casey and Severide fall for each other and then Gabby can be so devastated she moves to New York or LA never to been seen again

Edited by Aliconehead
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 If this was not Lauren German's decision than I'm mad.Shay was the most likeable female on the show and her friendship with Severide was one of the best parts of it. Dawson was much more tolerable with Shay than anyone else. 



However, in the shippers' defense, the Shay/Severide chemistry was hard to ignore given their complete lack of chemistry with their love interests. Still, better casting and writing could have solved that problem

It was impossible to like Shay's love interests. They were so obviously bad for her. 

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I liked Shay for the most part, but none of her story lines did anything for me.  I didn't like watching her doing stupid things all the time, like working when she was injured and about to keel over, and her entire love life.  I liked her with Severide as friends and will miss that. 


Gaby could have died and I wouldn't have cared in the least. 


They do a great job showing the beauty of Chicago, so I'm glad they're keeping up with that.

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I wish they had touched on the boy who was injured in the fire in the finale. Severide was all broken up about it - went to the hospital, felt guilty about missing him on the sweep, etc. I fully understand Shay's death taking a priority in his mind, but while he was cutting wood or talking to Casey, i wish he could have used that as a defense. Maybe "we don't save everyone; i missed that little boy in the school fire" etc. His grief was such a huge part of the finale, i just wanted them to recognize that the Shay death piled on.

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Former TWOP poster popping in to say that, yeah, this blew.  I mean, I was thankfully spoiled, so I was prepared, but I'm still not happy. I'm really hoping this was Lauren German's decision, and she was just getting sick that all of her scenes had either been a) how being a lesbian was fucking up her life or b) being the soundboard for whatever drama Gabby was currently dealing with, but either way, killing Shay has really killed a lot of the love I had for this show.  She wasn't perfect, but when the writers let her be fun, she was a good character to watch, and her relationship with Severide was refreshing.  Now, that's all gone away.


And, really, if the reason was so they can give Severide and Gabby more drama and angst, come one, show.  At this point, Severide has gone through almost every kind of drama a person can go through.  An upset Severide is nothing new.  I miss the moments when he can actually be fun.  As for Gabby, well, it's Gabby.  You don't have to kill her BFF to set her off.  And, of course, they just had to pull the whole "They switched places so it should have been her!" twist, so now she's going to be all guilty and shit.  Not looking forward to that.


Frankly, considering how bleak this was, I'm surprised Boden is still married.  I was totally waiting for them to reveal they separated in those six weeks.  No one can be happy on this show!


I don't think I"m gone for good, since I still like a lot of the cast (Eamonn Walker can still do so much with just looks and one or two words), but this does not pleased me.  It especially sucks that I didn't like Lauren German at all on Hawaii 5-0, but she impressed me here.  Go figure that her character managed to leave that show in one piece, but not here.  Ugh.

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That was gut wrenching. Fair play to both Taylor Kinney and Monica Raymond because they were both brilliant in this episode. I felt their despair.


Regarding the future of the show... I don't know. Shay's death had the emotional impact they were looking for in this episode but I could see the show suffering in her absence. Last season she was relegated to the background and had shitty storylines but Lauren German played her with a specific lightness about her that meshed well with all the characters. I'll miss that now that she's gone.


As for her replacement.. meh. She seems ok but she doesn't have the sassiness that I loved in Shay. I did like her trick at the end though. Anyone that can out do Dawson "paramedic extraoidinaire" deserves a shot. If they make her a love interest for Kelly though then I'm out because that's just an insult.


I don't really care for Mill's family drama or new guys mysterious cut above his lip.


Love Mouch and Platt - as a fan of PD I'm delighted to see Trudy lightening the mood over on Fire. I absolutely loved the Chiefs reactions to her. Eamonn Walker says so much by saying nothing. I was almost out of the season with Shay's death and the boring ass plots so far but that scene between Mouch, Chief wearing the Zepelin shirt reminded me of how much I love the heart of this show.


Final thought - how are they ever going to pull off Dawson eventually firefighting in 51? Casey is way too overprotective when it comes to her. In the job they're doing I can't see there being any doubt he'd end up putting her before his duties if there was a life or death situation. On PD Voight has a rule that his team shouldn't date because in the job they do there's no way emotional attachments wouldn't interfere and distract them. The example of this rule is what I see happening on Fire if Dawson joins the squad.

Edited by Chas411
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Well. I had not been following any media info re this show all off season because I don't want to get too obsessive about shows. This killing of Shay does not sit well, regardless of whether or not LG wanted to go. She was my fave person on the show. And I adored her cray cray chemistry with Kelly. 


My immediate reaction was to stop watching. But in sticking around for this ep I have changed my mind. I have grown severely attached to Boden. My man is killing it! Eamonn, please don't ever leave. So adorable. 


I also love Hermann. So passionate about his family, job and his future.

And really, Severide is my guy. Maybe it's because TK is so good looking...I am shallow. His love for Shay really bonded me to his character. The other folks are appealing to me as well with their quirks.


I miss Shay.


How interesting was Gabby's admission to the counselor. Almost makes me think TPTB actually debated which woman would be sacrificed.  Almost. 


Did I miss something? Is Dawson going to be at 51 as a firefighter?

Edited by prican58
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Did I miss something? Is Dawson going to be at 51 as a firefighter?

I think she's suppose to transfer to that Firehouse 66, that is being lead by Kenny Johnson's character.  It sounded like she stayed at 51 for the aftermath, but Boden is prepared to transfer her now.  My guess is they're setting it up for her to decide if she should become a firefighter, or stay at 51 as a medic.  I'm sure the fact that Kenny Johnson's is such an over-the-top bad guy will play a deciding factor (this show never was subtle about that. Still have memories of Michelle Forbes' mustache-twirling villain last season.)

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Well, I'm out. Before, I wouldn't have said I only watched the show for one character, but apparently I did because I have zero interest in watching now. Other than the (very slight, since it seems like most people were already spoiled) suspense of the first couple minutes, I thought the episode was just...boring, without Shay, and after reading the interview with Matt Olmstead, I'm really annoyed at the way the writers handled it.


I know everything coming out all summer pointed to it being her, but Derek Haas pointed out how important shocking the audience was to him so many times that I figured it had to be someone else because of how obvious Shay seemed. So if their goal was to shock people, I think they failed miserably. And it would've been one thing if LG wanted to leave but to basically fire her just to create drama and prop Gabby's special snowflakeness and Severide's painfully boring relationship with Lindsay? Ugh. Maybe it's just me, but if the only way you can think of to come up with an interesting storyline and keep the audience watching is to kill someone for shock value, your writing just isn't that good.


Like a couple people said above, I wouldn't be at all surprised if we got a Casey/Dawson/Severide triangle now. That was supposed to happen last season when Dawson was in Severide's class in firefighter academy and never happened for whatever reason (like several other things the writers claimed would happen and never did; in retrospect they've always been kind of all over the place).


I'm just really disappointed with Shay's death. I thought she was a far more interesting and likeable character than Gabby (which seems to be a common opinion from what I've seen) and there's so much they could've done with her. The interviewer asked Matt Olmstead if the fact that she was the only LGBT character made them hesitate any in killing her and he was like "oh, no, we never thought of her as a token lesbian, she was just one of the guys!" Which is exactly why she got love interests and important storylines just like everyone else, right? Oh, wait...


Ugh. This whole thing just really rubs me the wrong way. I was going to at least watch the season premiere of CPD out of curiosity since I liked it well enough last season but at this point I'm annoyed enough with these writers that I'm not sure I'm going to bother.


I know last night's episode got pretty good ratings, because they hyped up the "who dies?" cliffhanger over the summer, but I'm curious to see what the ratings are like for next week's episode since the reaction has been mostly negative that I've seen.

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'That was supposed to happen last season when Dawson was in Severide's class in firefighter academy and never happened for whatever reason'

I'm glad you brought that up. They said they tossed the idea to kill a character for a while, and Monica Raymond mentioned this Severide/Dawson connection back a few months before the end of last season. Then there was the pics from that big crossover with PD. Rafferty visiting Shay. And with that, we lose that friendship, or could it have been something more. That was either cut, or changed to a Kelly/Shay scene. I was so annoyed that moment didn't happen on Fire because I was never a PD viewer. (I could never let go of all Voight did to Casey. I always think of that scene of him trying to intimidate him, and Boden walking over to back Casey up.)

I don't know if I'm right or not, but it seems like the talk about Severide and Dawson connecting could've been about Shays death all along, as far as the writers were concerned. If so, that really upsets me, because they had a long time to mull it over and they still let go of Lauren German.

Edited by Sharkatefonz
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'Final thought - how are they ever going to pull off Dawson eventually firefighting in 51?'

I keep thinking that Casey will start getting the head trauma problems and personality issues, Severide and Dawson grow closer, Severide pines for Dawson, she has a weak moment and Casey sees a kiss. Casey breaks up with Dawson and she works at 51.

And then Severide and Casey's relationship is back to square one, with the added will Dawson and Kelly or won't they, before Kelly eventually finds his way back to Lindsey, well, after the next guest star romance plot he's supposed to get anyway.

I'll keep reading the postmortem s on this ep, but I'll be sticking to commenting on Outlander and Black Sails, shall it ever return. Glad I had a place to rant. Dang I really wanted the cozy joy of CF back, and it really disappointed.

Edited by Sharkatefonz
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I keep thinking that Casey will start getting the head trauma problems and personality issues, Severide and Dawson grow closer, Severide pines for Dawson, she has a weak moment and Casey sees a kiss. Casey breaks up with Dawson and she works at 51.


I'm thisclose to being out already after they got rid of Shay (the one person who really brought the whole group together, and whose relationship with Severide was THE BEST part of the show).  But if your scenario happens??  I'll be gone so fast it will make heads spin.  I've already got Dawson fatigue and if the show continues on its "every storyline runs through Dawson and becomes about Dawson"... blech.

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There is that small hope that since I've put it out there, the writers will see it, (because we all know they have people that look at fan response) and they'll drop the idea because too many fans see it coming.

I really do think that's where this is headed though. Altleast to the degree that a close bond will form for Severide and Dawson, because they've said as much already. If there's a bond to be formed, then in my mind they go with sexual tension because so many shows do it. From there it's the love triangle/betrayed friend/fractured relationship etc.

Whatever it is, I won't be there to see it. I've left a few shows over the years. I just can't continue with this one. I feel so let down and after that newest interview, I'm really disgusted with the way they view their female/minority characters. That explanation behind the choice solidifies that belief for me, and I just can't stand behind it.

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