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S03.E07: The Polterguest

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“The Polterguest” – Alberta hits it off with a poltergeist (Lamorne Morris) who is attached to a newly arrived Woodstone guest. Also, Isaac and Nigel have separate bachelor parties.  April 11

WRITTEN BY: Akilah Green



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I am SO looking forward to seeing what ghost bachelor parties are like XD.

I like this potential love interest for Alberta, too, it'll be fun to see them hitting it off. This episode sounds like it's going to be very entertaining. 

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1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

I am SO looking forward to seeing what ghost bachelor parties are like XD.

I like this potential love interest for Alberta, too, it'll be fun to see them hitting it off. This episode sounds like it's going to be very entertaining. 




Awkward situation for Sam 

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On 3/28/2024 at 4:13 PM, Neptune said:

Also, Isaac and Nigel have separate bachelor parties.

I hope we see the other British soldiers at Nigel's party.  After all, it was the three of them against the world for almost 250 years so they ought to be there, and I enjoy seeing them pop up from time to time.  Though given how long it's been for those actors since they made an appearance, especially the one who played Baxter, they might have had other gigs that would have made them unavailable.

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I'd love to see Baxter show up again, find out what all he's been up to these last couple seasons :D. Jenkins showing up would be interesting, too, mainly because of the way he's been trying to break up Isaac and Nigel, so if he does appear, I wonder if he'll use that appearance as an opportunity to yet again try and come between them. It would be a nice surprise if he did turn out to be supportive, or if he and Nigel used this opportunity to get some proper closure with their messy history together. 

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Um, Alberta does know she can follow the polterguest upstairs, right? 

I love that Isaac is still on the dinosaur kick.

The fifer is back!

"Just cuz they say it doesn't mean we have to."


Edited by ams1001
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Sucked off. Go down. And now jerked off. Lol. How many more will they come up with? 

Isaac getting turned on by the lap dance guy because of dinosaur facts was fun but I hope there won't be trouble in the relationship.

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Dammit!  We're under a tornado watch, and the local news/weather cut in while Saul was talking to Alberta about how he could keep jerking off and attaching to new livings forever.  I missed about the last ten minutes!   

The stripper with his dinosaur facts cracked me up.

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..I...I don't even know where the hell to begin with this episode XD. SO MUCH CRAZINESS. 

The entire stripper scene with Isaac. Goddamn, that out and out killed me XD. I don't think I caught my breath the entirety of that scene. The CLICKING. The music. Isaac shouting out that he loves lap dances. His face. I just. I...wow. That was all kinds of amazing and hysterical and I would give ANYTHING to see a blooper reel for that scene. 

And Isaac wanting a dinosaur theme for the wedding, up to and including the Jurassic Park theme. Good lord. 

And then Nigel getting a lap dance from...Jenkins. And a super awkward one at that. I don't blame Pete for blurting that out to Isaac, but I also agree that bachelor party lap dances don't have to mean anything. Though, most people don't get them from their exes, so...there is that :p. 

But that was an interesting ending scene with Isaac and Nigel. Seems he's having his own awakening, similar to the sort Hetty had last season. I'm very curious what that'll mean for him and Nigel, and how that'll play into their upcoming wedding... and any other developments in their rleationship going forward. 

I also cackled at the "jerk off" joke. This show, I tell ya... And I love Sam just rolling with Trevor's suggestion to get a stripper for Isaac's party simply because it's not the weirdest thing happening at the mansion that week :p. She's not wrong!

Alberta's whole thing with Saul was fun, too. They were really cute together - I loved her making a point to mention she was a murder victim when introducing herself. And I liked them connecting over their history at that club, and Alberta gettking out about sports. 

But of course, his partiuclar ghost ability does pose a problem, and of course, poor Jay gets stuck with the awkwardness of it all again. That guy has been going THROUGH it this season, my god. And I also get Alberta being a little, "...ehhhh..." when Saul pulled the whole "forever" thing so soon into their getting together. It's a shame things didn't work out for Alberta with him, but I am gad she got to have a bit of romantic, sexy fun for a change, and I hope she gets another chance at romance soon.

The ending with Sam and Jay made me laugh ,too. And the promo for next week! Yay.

Yeah. Wow. This episode...was a ride XD. 

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“She is freak but has good attitude about it.” Thor with the backhanded compliment lol.

Isaac is still obsessed with dinosaurs. Honestly, walking down the aisle to the Jurassic Park theme would be awesome, so I can’t fault him.

I laughed at Sam readily agreeing to hire a stripper for a ghost simply because weirder ghost shenanigans were already happening and they caught her on a good week. The stripper making dinosaur noises and spouting dinosaur facts getting Isaac turned on had me rolling.

“Saul jerked himself off on to Jay.” I will never get tired of the double entendres. Saul was way too clingy for Alberta though. She just wanted some fun.

And Flower is back next week! Yay!

Edited by phalange
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The dinosaur stuff with the stripper was so unexpected and hilarious. And the rest of the episode was fun too, but not quite as fun as the stripper with Dino noises

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I'm not sure my eyes will ever recover from the sight of Jenkins's lap dance.  The horror was worthy of an Eli Roth movie.  Isaac definitely had the better bachelor party.

I was, though, at least glad that the Brits came to Nigel's party as I'd hoped they would, and also glad that we heard Baxter playing something other than "The Grenadiers March."  However, we've still never heard him speak--I'm starting to think maybe he can't.

Poor Jay was pushed to his limits with that poltergeist.  I was happy he stood up for himself.  Knowing you're not alone even when going to the bathroom . . .  That's a bad scene (not so great for the poltergeist, either).


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I love this show and all the characters, tho Sam is by far my least favorite and it especially bugs me how she constantly honors the ghosts requests   ( no matter how ridiculous - paying Nigel for the book when they’re struggling financially ) with no regard to poor Jay who’s a saint!  

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Cool – Geoffrey Owens!  (Elvin from The Cosby Show, who got “job shamed” several years ago for working at Trader Joe’s.)  Nice to see him again (as Gene).

I love Saul inviting Roberta to come up to his room later and sniff some wine, and Thor responding like the invitation was for everyone.  But those two got annoying in a hurry, so I’m glad she was appropriately scared off by his eternal clinginess.  “My thirst is quenched, but the water is still here” was great.

I also liked “That’s his prostate, but we’ll have a solid 45 minutes when I get back” when Gene got up to pee.

“Saul jerked himself off onto Jay.”  Maybe someday I’ll get sick of the double entendres, but not today.

I laughed myself silly when the stripper turned out to be another dinosaur nerd, and every moment of that which followed.


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3 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Dammit!  We're under a tornado watch, and the local news/weather cut in while Saul was talking to Alberta about how he could keep jerking off and attaching to new livings forever.  I missed about the last ten minutes!   

The stripper with his dinosaur facts cracked me up.

The last bit was Alberta finding Saul way to "clingy" and he agreed with her that had always been his problem and that was the exact reason he was a poltergeist.  The clingy bit. 

So Jay drove him back to the now puzzled dentist returning some umbrella to him he never lost where Saul re-attached to him so he could get back to seeing more of the world.

Meanwhile Nigel and Isaac talked about their bachelor parties with Nigel assuming Issac could now see a lap dance meant nothing as Issac starts to fantasize his stripper superimposed over Nigel.  And when Nigel adds he and Isaac "click" on a deeper level Issac agrees he likes "clicking" lol.

Then the brief preview for next week of Flower being discovered by the whole gang still trapped at the bottom of the well.

Edited by Skooma
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Isaac's dinosaur obsession makes me really happy. I do hope it doesn't cause problems between him and Nigel, though. 

Pete's ex wasn't in this episode, which was fine with me. But I do wonder where she was.

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3 hours ago, Browncoat said:

 I missed about the last ten minutes!

The episode should be on the CBS website tomorrow.  I may watch it again (that way), it was such fun!

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I thought the episode was a mixed bag. I loved Saul and Alberta and hated the bachelor party plot. I am so excited about Flower coming back I love her. This may be an unpopular opinion but I think Isaac and Nigel shouldn't get married because they barely know each other. I would love to see a Thorfinn and Flower wedding.

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Did they explain how Saul first attached to Gene?  Saul and Alberta are from the same era, so he must have died in the 1930s.  Gene was probably not born until the 1960s.  

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20 minutes ago, Phebemarie said:

Did they explain how Saul first attached to Gene?

I was distracted by my cat briefly in the beginning, so I figured I'd missed that story to explain the timing, but if not I think they covered it by him having experience jerking off onto another host (heh; seriously, I turn about 14 so very often with this show, and laugh every time) in the past so knowing how it would go it he did it again now, without needing to get into who he'd originally clung to or when he'd transferred to Gene.

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I'm not sure if that stripper was meant to be conventionally hot, despite the abs. But I have to say he really did it for me. I have a thing for mustaches, then the nice ass and on top he's also nerdy? *swoon* So I totally get where Isaac is coming from with his second thoughts.

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1 hour ago, PurpleTentacle said:

I'm not sure if that stripper was meant to be conventionally hot, despite the abs. But I have to say he really did it for me. I have a thing for mustaches, then the nice ass and on top he's also nerdy? *swoon* So I totally get where Isaac is coming from with his second thoughts.

Yeah, he was definitely attractive. And he was into Isaac's interest! So yeah, not surprised he can't stop thinking about him :D. 

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Did the stripper say he was working his way through grad school? I'm still wondering why he knew so much about dinosaurs.

When Jenkins was giving Nigel a lap dance it looked like there were some special effects going on so that they were interpenetrating (get your minds out of the gutter!). Did anyone else notice this?


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8 minutes ago, appositival said:

When Jenkins was giving Nigel a lap dance it looked like there were some special effects going on so that they were interpenetrating (get your minds out of the gutter!). Did anyone else notice this?

No, but I do remember thinking that Jenkins took to the whole lap dance concept with incredible intuition for someone who'd never heard of it before lol.

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The Alberta/Saul plot actually pissed me off.  Alberta had no consideration for Sam and esp Jay.  She was very selfish, and Sam continually giving in to her also made me angry for Jay.  He puts up with so much from the ghosts and Sam.

But Nigel and Isaac and the bachelor parties were fun.  I'm surprised they didn't demand Jay make a spread for the ghosts to smell.  And it's always nice they remember Baxter & Jenkins, at least once a season.  Tho I imagine we'll see them at the wedding, too.

9 hours ago, Bastet said:

Cool – Geoffrey Owens!  (Elvin from The Cosby Show, who got “job shamed” several years ago for working at Trader Joe’s.)  Nice to see him again (as Gene).

Ever since then, more prominent actors have stood up for him by giving him bits in their shows.  I admired his courage at the time this happened.  Good for him.

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Yes, nice to see Geoffrey Owens, and as a New Girl fan it was really fun seeing Lamorne Morris too.

Both bachelor parties were hysterical, the fife music and the dinosaur clicking cracked me up. Would LOVE to see outtakes, as I’m sure they did not get through that with straight faces on the first take. 

Does anyone else have a lot of trouble using this site on their phone? On mine it constantly tries to reload the page and the ads are insane. Guess I need some kind of ad blocker.


Edited by desertflower
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Isaac's bachelor party was GOLD, JERRY! GOLD!!

I loved how the stripper wasn't at all phased by stripping to an 'empty' chair, he gets paid regardless lol. Oh, and Sam was into it too because at the end when she was in bed with Jay, she asked him to say the line from Crocodile Dundee in an Australian accent, like the stripper. I see you, Sam. 😉

Ok, it's past time for Jay to get some kind of huge win/gift from the ghosts. They seem to have forgotten how hurt he was when Sass was invading his dreams, and then to just let Saul jerk off onto him (hee hee 🤭) without asking. I really really need the ghosts to care about Jay and all that he does for them more than they're currently showing. Even his restaurant dreams had to take them into consideration so I need the ghosts to show up and show out for him in a big way. Huge way. Otherwise, for me, the show loses a bit of its heart if it's all just him giving in and being taken advantage of. It becomes mean spirited and then I will just want Jay to get the Hell away from all of them and go be happy because I'm rooting for him above everyone else at this point. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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13 hours ago, Snow Apple said:

Sucked off. Go down. And now jerked off. Lol. How many more will they come up with? 

Too bad Trevor didn't hear that one.

13 hours ago, phalange said:

Isaac is still obsessed with dinosaurs. Honestly, walking down the aisle to the Jurassic Park theme would be awesome, so I can’t fault him.

It is one of John Williams' better movie scores.  I hope there are dinosaurs on the cake.

I love the part with the stripper.  Who was hot and pretty damned good.  And clearly willing to roll with whatever since Sam was paying.

10 hours ago, Bastet said:

Cool – Geoffrey Owens!  (Elvin from The Cosby Show, who got “job shamed” several years ago for working at Trader Joe’s.)  Nice to see him again (as Gene).

I didn't realize that was him.  But yes, very cool.  Glad to see him again.

10 hours ago, Driad said:

The episode should be on the CBS website tomorrow.  I may watch it again (that way), it was such fun!

I record this show just so I can watch it again later.  This episode is definitely worth the rewatch, if only for the dinosaurs.


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9 hours ago, Phebemarie said:

Did they explain how Saul first attached to Gene?

I don't think they did, but since he explained to Alberta how he can "jerk himself off" to another person, I think he goes to whomever he wants to.  He liked Gene because he travels the world, so it's an adventure for Saul.  Someone correct me if they did say how he latched onto Gene!  

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1 hour ago, roamyn said:

The Alberta/Saul plot actually pissed me off.  Alberta had no consideration for Sam and esp Jay.  She was very selfish, and Sam continually giving in to her also made me angry for Jay.  He puts up with so much from the ghosts and Sam.

I think Sam agreeing to leave her marital bed because Alberta wanted alone time, after Jay already expressed discomfort about it, might be a new low for her when it comes to her doormat tendencies.

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4 hours ago, PurpleTentacle said:

I'm not sure if that stripper was meant to be conventionally hot, despite the abs. But I have to say he really did it for me. I have a thing for mustaches, then the nice ass and on top he's also nerdy? *swoon* So I totally get where Isaac is coming from with his second thoughts.

I knew I recognized him from somewhere. He was in "The Flight Attendant" and "Maid," but also played Aladdin in "Once Upon a Time." 

This episode will go down as one of my top five or six favorites of all time. It was hysterical. I can't believe what this show gets away with, dialogue-wise. "Saul jerked himself off onto Jay!" I wonder if people write to the network and complain the show is too dirty.

And OMG, those lap dances. Both of them. I can't decide which was more cringe (and hysterical) - Jenkins' or the stripper's. It's funny they've kept Isaac's dinosaur obsession going. And we haven't seen Baxter since Season 1 - although imdb.com tells me that's not the same actor who played him back then.

I also loved the whisper-fight between Sam and Jay while Saul was asleep. This was a great episode for Jay. Especially at the end when he had to just stand there while Alberta broke up with Saul. 

This appears to have been the first episode written by Akilah Green. I hope whoever that is gets to write a lot more of them.

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@Neptune, thanks for the link about the Library of Congress hosting the cast and it being a homecoming for the actors who play Pete and Jay because they went to high school in Rockville, MD. I have lived in Rockville since 1988 and rarely boast about it since it is ordinary suburb (if people in other countries or other parts of the US ask where me or my husband where we are from, we usually say "Washington, DC"). But it is exciting to know that two actors in a show I love came from here. Utkarsh is the same age as my daughter so they were in high school at the same time (Richie was a freshman when Utkarsh was a senior so there was an overlap there also). My daughter did not go to the same high school, but the schools were geographically close and she was friends with some people from the school Utkarsh and Richie attended.  

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11 hours ago, possibilities said:

Isaac's dinosaur obsession makes me really happy. I do hope it doesn't cause problems between him and Nigel, though. 

When Jenkins was giving Nigel a lap dance it looked like there were some special effects going on so that they were interpenetrating (get your minds out of the gutter!). Did anyone else notice this?

No, but I do remember thinking that Jenkins took to the whole lap dance concept with incredible intuition for someone who'd never heard of it before lol.

It seems like the dinosaur thing (I'd say it's approaching more of a fetish than an obsession at this point) is already a bit of a sore subject with Nigel.  Remember, he told Isaac that dinosaurs were his thing but the wedding was supposed to be about both of them.  However, Nigel shouldn't complain too much, given his devotion to ants (though I doubt Kevin and the McGregor clan will be invited to the ceremony).

As for Jenkins's lap dance (I shudder, horses neigh), I did notice that, for a supposed beginner, Jenkins wasn't exactly clueless about what to do.  If someone were to say, "This is his first time," I'd respond, "This is his first time today.

Isaac's interest in the stripper-and-fellow-dinosaur-enthusiast got me to thinking about the sexual dynamics of our two soldiers.  You'd think that Nigel, having accepted and been comfortable with himself much longer and more easily than Isaac, would be the more uninhibited and adventurous, yet I'm getting the sense  that he's pretty conventional and downright vanilla (though, in fairness, we don't know how he'd have reacted if he'd been presented with Isaac's stripper instead of Jenkins).  Isaac, however, who has only just come out, is already showing some mildly kinky tendencies.  He's going to be the proverbial kid in the candy store.  I just hope that on their wedding night he doesn't ask Nigel to make clicking noises.


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42 minutes ago, PaulE said:

As for Jenkins's lap dance (I shudder, horses neigh), I did notice that, for a supposed beginner, Jenkins wasn't exactly clueless about what to do.

He was all into it, wasn’t he?  Just got up and did, dare I say, a great job there.  Knew to ask Baxter for some music, too.  I died when he threw in a “I'm making my way through university”.  They all totally accepted it as a necessary part of lap dancing, Thor mentioned it later too, when he was explaining the concept to Isaac.

Isaac’s stripper was something else too.  The music, the lights, the dino noises (that must have been some very detailed stuffy dinosaur for him to ID so specifically).  Not judging Sam whatsoever, even though she was the only client in that room as far as he knew.  “You don’t have to explain. That’s what the money is for.”

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I know it's been some time, but was Alberta being able to communicate with an Alexa ever resolved? It seems like she should be having a lot of impact on the outside world that way.

Loled at pretty much everything in the stripper storyline - and did I put the Jurassic Park theme song on while reading the comments? You bet I did.

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4 hours ago, desertflower said:

Does anyone else have a lot of trouble using this site on their phone? On mine it constantly tries to reload the page and the ads are insane. Guess I need some kind of ad blocker.

Highly recommend using DuckDuckGo. It fixed all my issues. 

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I loved Trevor getting all indignant at Sam when the stripper winked at her.  "Don't tee-hee at him.  That's Issac's stripper."  Gotta love a Bro Code moment.  The whole dinosaur lap dance scene was hilarious!  And that the fantasy scene with the stripper had him talking about dinosaurs and doing the clicking!

I am going to side with Alberta on this one.  I think they could have at least given her a few days or a week to get it all out of her system.  They have an entire manor house - would sleeping in another room for a few days really be that bad?  I'm not saying do that for eternity, but damn, the woman hasn't had sex in almost a decade century.  Cut her some slack. 

But at the same time, I do feel for Jay.  I like that the show is finding more ways to involve him with the ghosts, but yeah, they really do owe him for all he puts up with. 

Since it's already been spoiled on this page...  damn those previews!  I really wish they didn't preview Flower being found.  I would have loved to have had that as a surprise during the episode. 



Edited by chaifan
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18 hours ago, Packerbrewerbadger said:

I love this show and all the characters, tho Sam is by far my least favorite and it especially bugs me how she constantly honors the ghosts requests   ( no matter how ridiculous - paying Nigel for the book when they’re struggling financially ) with no regard to poor Jay who’s a saint!  

Sam has to put up with a lot of ghost shenanigans, I don't envy her. Notice when Hetty was trying to pin down the wedding details with Nigel and Isaac she said "There's a lot of things we have to tell Sam to do!" Yeah, Jay does have to put up with a lot but Sam has to put up with a whole lot more. I agree she should put her foot down more often but it's just her, versus eight or nine ghosts on a daily basis. That can't be easy.

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18 hours ago, Bastet said:

Cool – Geoffrey Owens!  (Elvin from The Cosby Show, who got “job shamed” several years ago for working at Trader Joe’s.)  Nice to see him again (as Gene).

That's who that was! I couldn't place him.


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22 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Um, Alberta does know she can follow the polterguest upstairs, right? 

I love that Isaac is still on the dinosaur kick.

The fifer is back!

"Just cuz they say it doesn't mean we have to."


I  thought the whole dinosaur thing was funny too.

21 hours ago, Snow Apple said:

Sucked off. Go down. And now jerked off. Lol. How many more will they come up with? 

Isaac getting turned on by the lap dance guy because of dinosaur facts was fun but I hope there won't be trouble in the relationship.

that was funny

21 hours ago, Annber03 said:

..I...I don't even know where the hell to begin with this episode XD. SO MUCH CRAZINESS. 

The entire stripper scene with Isaac. Goddamn, that out and out killed me XD. I don't think I caught my breath the entirety of that scene. The CLICKING. The music. Isaac shouting out that he loves lap dances. His face. I just. I...wow. That was all kinds of amazing and hysterical and I would give ANYTHING to see a blooper reel for that scene. 

And Isaac wanting a dinosaur theme for the wedding, up to and including the Jurassic Park theme. Good lord. 

And then Nigel getting a lap dance from...Jenkins. And a super awkward one at that. I don't blame Pete for blurting that out to Isaac, but I also agree that bachelor party lap dances don't have to mean anything. Though, most people don't get them from their exes, so...there is that :p. 

But that was an interesting ending scene with Isaac and Nigel. Seems he's having his own awakening, similar to the sort Hetty had last season. I'm very curious what that'll mean for him and Nigel, and how that'll play into their upcoming wedding... and any other developments in their rleationship going forward. 

I also cackled at the "jerk off" joke. This show, I tell ya... And I love Sam just rolling with Trevor's suggestion to get a stripper for Isaac's party simply because it's not the weirdest thing happening at the mansion that week :p. She's not wrong!

Alberta's whole thing with Saul was fun, too. They were really cute together - I loved her making a point to mention she was a murder victim when introducing herself. And I liked them connecting over their history at that club, and Alberta gettking out about sports. 

But of course, his partiuclar ghost ability does pose a problem, and of course, poor Jay gets stuck with the awkwardness of it all again. That guy has been going THROUGH it this season, my god. And I also get Alberta being a little, "...ehhhh..." when Saul pulled the whole "forever" thing so soon into their getting together. It's a shame things didn't work out for Alberta with him, but I am gad she got to have a bit of romantic, sexy fun for a change, and I hope she gets another chance at romance soon.

The ending with Sam and Jay made me laugh ,too. And the promo for next week! Yay.

Yeah. Wow. This episode...was a ride XD. 

Lots of funny moments in this episode. 

21 hours ago, phalange said:

“She is freak but has good attitude about it.” Thor with the backhanded compliment lol.

Isaac is still obsessed with dinosaurs. Honestly, walking down the aisle to the Jurassic Park theme would be awesome, so I can’t fault him.

I laughed at Sam readily agreeing to hire a stripper for a ghost simply because weirder ghost shenanigans were already happening and they caught her on a good week. The stripper making dinosaur noises and spouting dinosaur facts getting Isaac turned on had me rolling.

“Saul jerked himself off on to Jay.” I will never get tired of the double entendres. Saul was way too clingy for Alberta though. She just wanted some fun.

And Flower is back next week! Yay!

 So happy Flower is back!

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19 hours ago, DanaK said:

Man, they are making really obvious efforts to hide Rose’s pregnancy

I laughed so hard when she walked by the door carrying that huge laundry basket, then next scene she's behind the front desk.  If you didn't already know, well, now it's obvious.  

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