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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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The only other thing I know is he is in this pic with her. (Photographer has dreads) If it's the photographer, someone on twitter pointed out a different twitter profile that is him.  So, 2nd boyfriend? I can't figure out if this is Chris and this guy are the same person.  


Edited to add that Chris and this photographer are not the same. 


Edited by Mkay
2 hours ago, Mkay said:

The only other thing I know is he is in this pic with her. (Photographer has dreads) If it's the photographer, someone on twitter pointed out a different twitter profile that is him.  So, 2nd boyfriend? I can't figure out if this is Chris and this guy are the same person.  


Edited to add that Chris and this photographer are not the same. 


Chris is the darker black one, wearing the army shirt. He didn't have dreads in that pic. 

  • Love 2

I also need a recap of this boyfriend story. She hit him when? Started seeing him when? And when did Javi allegedly have an affair? 

I can't rag on her for having a boyfriend. She's single. I felt bad watching the blowup with Javi and how it affected Isaac, but he wouldn't be the first child to be upset by his parents fighting. My parents never divorced but I had a hell of a lot of uncomfortable moments with fighting. Was she in bed with the guy when Javi came over, or were they just hanging out? Everyone seems to assume it was the former, but I couldn't tell anything. I hate phrases like "dick hopping" because I think it sounds like slut shaming. 

  • Love 5

I won't hate on her for having a boyfriend. I will hate on her for not being sensitive to her children's needs during their father's homecoming and insisting on having that dude over RIGHT when Javi got home. She should have told him to give her some space during that time, as they would ALL have feeling and arrangements to work through. 

  • Love 21
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I won't hate on her for having a boyfriend. I will hate on her for not being sensitive to her children's needs during their father's homecoming and insisting on having that dude over RIGHT when Javi got home. She should have told him to give her some space during that time, as they would ALL have feeling and arrangements to work through. 

I pretty much agree with this. Look, I don't try to slut shame, I'm all for woman being in control of their sexuality. But when they put their emotional and physical needs before that of their children, yes, I find that very unacceptable behavior. I don't think anyone would have a problem it Kail had taken time to prepare Isaac and Lincoln for the divorce and made sure they were fine before she threw herself head first into another relationship. But she seems to have ignored her children's feelings. Kail (and a lot of these girls) run from relationship to relationship, exposing their children to a revolving door of men and emotional turmoil in most cases. You can be a single mom, date and have sex without having to drag your children into it every time, but so far the only one who bothered to put her child first in was Chelsea. 

  • Love 14

I pretty much agree with this. Look, I don't try to slut shame, I'm all for woman being in control of their sexuality. But when they put their emotional and physical needs before that of their children, yes, I find that very unacceptable behavior. I


Not to mention, the girls on this show are the biggest slut-shamers of all. They jump all over Farrah for having done porn and using her body to make and sell sex toys. Kail can discuss using her vibrator, but god forbid Farrah actually be part of the business that creates vibrators and creates porn.

2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I won't hate on her for having a boyfriend. I will hate on her for not being sensitive to her children's needs during their father's homecoming and insisting on having that dude over RIGHT when Javi got home. She should have told him to give her some space during that time, as they would ALL have feeling and arrangements to work through. 


Putting the needs of her children second to her boyfriend? That is dick hopping to me. Just as Adam can't keep his dick in his pants long enough to spend quality time with his daughter.


Kail (and a lot of these girls) run from relationship to relationship, exposing their children to a revolving door of men and emotional turmoil in most cases. You can be a single mom, date and have sex without having to drag your children into it every time, but so far the only one who bothered to put her child first in was Chelsea. 

Sadly, these girls are not healthy in a lot of ways. Not having a healthy sex life is part of all that is wrong with them. Kail has repeated past mistakes. She jumps into a relationship with a guy before finishing the relationship she is currently in. And in this case, she was married. I may be 51 and I am with the times, but there are some things that should be respected and that is do not have an affair. That is so damn shady. If you are even having feelings of cheating on your spouse, have the decency to let your spouse know your feelings have changed rather than drag them through shit. And if you can't do it for your spouse, do it for the damn children you CHOSE to bring into the world. As we would say it in my family - sin verguenza. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 13

Javi and Kail only agreed to do the show for the money, and to try to work on their co-parenting.

^^^^From the linked article.  Of course, the money! Is that all Kail cares about because I sure know she didn't do the show to learn co-parenting skills.

Hey assholes, you know what would work? If you both put your money into real, private therapy and learn how to co-parent and be respectful people to one another, not go on some Z-list celebrity reality show.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, Mkay said:

Someone on twitter tagged Kail in this so I can't take credit for it.  I think I may have laughed too loud and woke up the family.  Lolol 




8 hours ago, Mkay said:

The only other thing I know is he is in this pic with her. (Photographer has dreads) If it's the photographer, someone on twitter pointed out a different twitter profile that is him.  So, 2nd boyfriend? I can't figure out if this is Chris and this guy are the same person.  


Edited to add that Chris and this photographer are not the same. 


daaaaammmmmnnnnn that dude standing next to her is FINE.  A little on the short side, but mmmm dimples. 

  • Love 9

Well, I'll hate on her for dating. Can she ever be alone for one hot second?  Out of TM and TM2, only Chelsea and Farrah(!) have shown they're actually capable of being "single moms."  She jumps from relationship to relationship. It has to be confusing for her kids. These people paint themselves like they're so independent but the desperation oozes off of them.

  • Love 13
21 hours ago, Mkay said:

Someone on twitter tagged Kail in this so I can't take credit for it.  I think I may have laughed too loud and woke up the family.  Lolol 



9 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

Well, I'll hate on her for dating. Can she ever be alone for one hot second?  Out of TM and TM2, only Chelsea and Farrah(!) have shown they're actually capable of being "single moms."  She jumps from relationship to relationship. It has to be confusing for her kids. These people paint themselves like they're so independent but the desperation oozes off of them.

Not only that, she posted "Someone loves me" in that roses photo. Really, Kail? Love already? Isn't that how quickly you jumped into your relationship with Javi and Jordan?

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 12
3 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Is this guy still in the mix, or has she moved on since April 2016?




He looks like the same guy she posted in a SnapChat photo which is shown in this Wet Paint article dated December 2016: http://www.wetpaint.com/kailyn-lowry-boyfriend-snapchat-photo-1550924/

From that RadarOnline article linked:

"While Lowry snapchatted the duo having breakfast together with friends before she left for the MTV studio, the source maintains that her marriage is still in tact."

Hee hee - it should be INTACT not tact. Tact is certainly something Kail knows nothing about. Kail is nothing but offensive.

  • Love 7
On 2/10/2017 at 9:44 AM, Mkay said:

The only other thing I know is he is in this pic with her. (Photographer has dreads) If it's the photographer, someone on twitter pointed out a different twitter profile that is him.  So, 2nd boyfriend? I can't figure out if this is Chris and this guy are the same person.  


Edited to add that Chris and this photographer are not the same. 


Posting again to note that our favorite ripped jeans are making another appearance.

  • Love 4
On 2/10/2017 at 0:44 PM, Mkay said:

The only other thing I know is he is in this pic with her. (Photographer has dreads) If it's the photographer, someone on twitter pointed out a different twitter profile that is him.  So, 2nd boyfriend? I can't figure out if this is Chris and this guy are the same person.  


Edited to add that Chris and this photographer are not the same. 


I see some thug hair cuts and style in that pic. Lol I guess that is OK now that she has practically transformed herself into Trap Goddess Big-Booty K-Lo! This girl changes identities like underwear and I bet still holds problematic views on POC. I really cannot stand her Bikini Bottom-reject ass!

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I see some thug hair cuts and style in that pic. Lol I guess that is OK now that she has practically transformed herself into Trap Goddess Big-Booty K-Lo! This girl changes identities like underwear and I bet still holds problematic views on POC. I really cannot stand her Bikini Bottom-reject ass!

lol That may be why he posted the cut dreads photo on Instagram. She probably got mad at him for some stupid reason, accused him of looking thuggish and decided to cut his dreads off during a scuffle. Much like she hated how Isaac looked non-white with his haircut. 

Well she pretty much confirmed what we've all suspected, that she is angling to take her degree and z-list celebrity status and become a big time "TV" star. Wonder what kind of "brand" she  going for, Oprah or MTV VJ (is that still a thing) or does she think she is the next big time reality show producer? LOL all I can say is good luck, girl! She seems pretty devoid of talent and charisma, so I don't know how far she thinks her second rate hustle will get her, but I will laugh all the way.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, shelley1234 said:

You never know.  CT (Real World/Challenge beast) now works in production with MTV.  It could happen.  I could easily see Kail rangling some Nessa like job at MTV.  She doesn't even have to have talent....she can sell her D List celeb status, at least for a while.  I've seen a lot worse get jobs in the field.  

Ehh, Nessa is very pretty though. You don't have to be smart or have talent but you do have to be much better looking than average in my opinion. 

  • Love 7

Nothing is certain, especially when it comes to Kail. Now that she has her new man in her life, the style choices she is making, she seems to have fallen hard. She isn't going to leave him behind. I can see her leaving Isaac more and more with Jo and Vee as she tries with all her might to secure this relationship anyway she can.

Kail sure didn't do a good job on tonight's after show and the previous after show. Don't even get me started on how she looks so bloated in the face. Her eyes are disappearing. She reminds me of this character on Looney Toons whose face was pushed in:


  • Love 4
11 hours ago, shelley1234 said:

You never know.  CT (Real World/Challenge beast) now works in production with MTV.  It could happen.  I could easily see Kail rangling some Nessa like job at MTV.  She doesn't even have to have talent....she can sell her D List celeb status, at least for a while.  I've seen a lot worse get jobs in the field.  

Kail is no Nessa and she for damn sure ain't no CT!  Lol  CT is a beast, a soft hearted/hard core animal.  He can convey every single emotion he feels, with every fiber of his being, on camera.  He melted my heart with his gentle tug of Diem's wig, to get her comfortable with who she actually was.  And he lit fire, deep down into his soul, with "I will smack his head and eat it".  Whatever that man says, you can believe it.  

Kail has none of that.  She's pretty, when she smiles.  Her hair is gorgeous.  She's abusive because she can.  She's a user.  There is no emotion in any of her actions.  She's void.  And that doesn't play well with being on tv.  I mean, I think Sarah said of CT "he looks like he eats small children for breakfast, lunch, and dinner".  Which is true, and it makes for good tv.  Especially when he can scoop Diem up and make her feel like she's the only girl in the world.

What does Kail do?  She bitches about her children wearing untied, ghetto(thug?) shoes and having 'white boy' haircuts.  She could be a perfectly nice person but her attitude and judgements fuck it all up.  Like we won't remember her redneck daddy and his padlocked refrigerator when her fake diaper ass trots out a blurry black man because her military husband came to his home at the wrong time.  While her kids were there.  That's where her problem lives.

  • Love 15

Forgive me for venturing off topic, but in regards to MTV careers, I do know some reality alumni have gone into production (either through Viacom or another company) and made very good money, but for someone like Nessa, is this really a full time job? I thought it was more like an NFL referee gig- you're paid very well for the time you spend, and you get some perks, but you would still need to supplement it with an outside job.


But it's all moot, because I am sure Kail thinks of someone like Nessa as  too "small time" anyways. I bet Kail sees herself as the next Kelly Ripa.


ETA: did some googling. Not sure of her salary or net worth, but Nessa does a lot of things besides MTV hosting.

Edited by Tatum
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

Kail should go into wrestling like The Miz. 

More like Nicole Bass.. They are twins. They are both Hulks:



As I mentioned in the episode thread, Javi may have made a request in his child visitation order - Karl must stay put in Delaware due to his military career. Karl requested from the judge that she be allowed to move to Delaware (away from Jo) by maintaining her spouse was in the military and was stationed there. Now, Javi could use the same in the proceedings. His family is there and it makes it easier for him to have visitation as well as his family who would likely take care of Lincoln if he is overseas again.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Tatum said:

Forgive me for venturing off topic, but in regards to MTV careers, I do know some reality alumni have gone into production (either through Viacom or another company) and made very good money, but for someone like Nessa, is this really a full time job? I thought it was more like an NFL referee gig- you're paid very well for the time you spend, and you get some perks, but you would still need to supplement it with an outside job.


But it's all moot, because I am sure Kail thinks of someone like Nessa as  too "small time" anyways. I bet Kail sees herself as the next Kelly Ripa.


ETA: did some googling. Not sure of her salary or net worth, but Nessa does a lot of things besides MTV hosting.

I mean, honestly, Kail can think whatever she likes, but while she's average looking/ can look nice for a normal person, she has a face for podcast hosting not television. I don't normally rip on people's looks and beauty is in the eye of the beholder etc, but she's a terrible person and makes it very easy for me.

Nessa isn't a host because she has the best questions, she's a host because she's very easy on the eye, in a conventionally beautiful way, and has a generally pleasant disposition-- which is what you need for a small time host gig. Kail has neither of those qualities. Nor does she have the combined beauty, charm, and intellect of Savannah Guthrie, Tamron Hall etc. Finally, she isn't from a connected family a la Jenna Bush. I do think she can score some sort of behind the scenes production gig, but no way in hell is Kail going to be some big, or even small time, on camera host. But, I mean, I didn't think Donald J Trump would ever be POTUS either, so what do I know? 

  • Love 9

I totally think Kail can work in production. If not for MTV, then for some other cable network...Discovery comes to mind. I've seen this in my previous life, lots of younger TV personalities are mentored by a producer and then that producer takes them along as they cycle through the cable networks. At least that's how I saw it back in the late 90s. 

Working in TV isn't hard, but it takes a certain flexibility in ethics (like a lot of jobs...selling securities, for example) that some can't take.

I saw again in this episode, after they dropped Isaac off at school, how much Kailyn's plastic surgery makes her look like Jo.  They are like brother and sister now.  Her lips...if her jawbone was more defined they would be fine.  As it is, it just makes everything on her look puffy.  Her nose looks puffy. Her cheeks look puffy. Her chin looks puffy. Somehow. 

  • Love 5

Kail would be horrible hosting. She was awful last night on the aftershow. She can smile all she wants, but her tone comes off as very wooden. Nessa is no rocket scientist, but she's pretty and affable. She has an ability to turn things around real quick when they get awkward (as they do, since none of these bitches are ever honest) and she kisses all their butts good, so no one gets offended. Kail could never kiss anyone's ass. If she had a difficult subject to interview, SHE'D probably storm off. And she's just not friendly enough for anyone to find her entertaining to watch. 

I could see her doing behind the scenes stuff. She's not a moron and is capable of working hard if she really wants something. But she's also very stubborn and prideful and I can see her thinking that something like that isn't good enough. 

  • Love 8

Karl was atrocious on the after show.  She speaks too quickly, fumbles over words, and makes it too obvious that she's reading from prompter.  She's going to have to stick to snapping an Instagram picture once a week for teeth whitener because not even her local Delaware news station would want her in front of their camera.  Alternative plan: stay in college for another 17 semesters and get lots of practice on the campus news station. 

  • Love 10
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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