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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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10 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

She still hasn't refinanced it yet?  Wonder if she can't get financing. They most likely used his VA loan guarantee and his service to get approval for the original mortgage. 

This is what Karl was talking about when she said she was marrying Javi for benefits. One of many benefits was his ability to acquire a loan.

10 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

They both suck. A lot.

(that's all)

Okay?? Thank you.

Seriously, it is no contest as to who the bigger asshole was in this relationship. What matters now is, how these two act post divorce. My money is on Karl to continue being her usual asshole self since she thinks she is above it all and there is nothing wrong with her.

  • Love 15
25 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Okay?? Thank you.

Seriously, it is no contest as to who the bigger asshole was in this relationship. What matters now is, how these two act post divorce. My money is on Karl to continue being her usual asshole self since she thinks she is above it all and there is nothing wrong with her.

Agreed. Both of them behaved badly during the marriage, so it is pointless to me to tally up their scores, especially as the marriage is over now. The test now is to see who actually grows up and learns from their mistakes. Kail hasn't yet despite many opportunities to, but maybe with some therapy and some help she could. Javi could go either way. I think there might be a smidgen of hope for him. Looking at Jo, I used to think he was a huge, spoiled asshole and he has really surprised me by growing the hell up and becoming a great father and decent partner. If Javi grows up and calms down, I could see him maturing and finding a more compatible woman and settling into a normal family life. 

  • Love 14

I really want to not care about how petty both Kail and Javi have been, they both made their beds so they can deal... but I just keep going back to those kids...and what I find really sad is at this point it's more Isaac bearing the brunt because a) Lincoln is still young and probably doesn't completely understand what is going on and b) a lot of the turmoil we are seeing is whether or not Javi will continue to be involved with Isaac and while Kail is using it to hurt Javi, it's Isaac that's getting hurt. 

  • Love 12
24 minutes ago, MissMel said:


Sorry, can't get rid of quote box. 

2 hours ago, CofCinci said:

She still hasn't refinanced it yet?  Wonder if she can't get financing. They most likely used his VA loan guarantee and his service to get approval for the original mortgage. 

If that's true, how fucking sad that Kail needs to leech on to a program like that when she's earning near the top 1% of the nation (think that cutoff is like $450K). Even if her credit is shit, she should be able to put enough down that even the most cautious bank would be willing to finance 30-50%. And why would her credit be shit anyways? She's had 5 years of six figure earnings to get her credit improved. None of these chicks, except maybe Chelsea, has her priorities in order. 


Kail can talk about how she wants to rise above her upbringing, but that plan begins and ends with owning (or leasing) nice shit. It doesn't include proper money management and investment. It doesn't include taking the high road with your ex for your kids' sake (or even for the sake of not being an asshole, even when your ex is). Kail is that teenage boy who washes and waxes his car every weekend and spends on fortune on rims and stereos while ignoring basic maintenance requirements all cars need. 

  • Love 11

If it weren't for the kids, I would love to see her unable to refinance that house, and have to get something she probably feels is beneath her now.  But the last thing the boys need is to lose the stability of the home they're familiar with, so for that reason alone I hope she can refinance. 

If her highness weren't such a bitch now, I would be rooting for her like I used to.

  • Love 13

You know what?  Even if she did get the house....who acts like that?  The guy was deployed and just got home. He's the father to her son and the stepfather to her other son. She can't let him go through his fucking mail while he's there? I can see her being really angry if he was the one who pushed for a divorce. But he wasn't.

Hopefully those two boys are watching how she has acted around Jo and Javi and will stay away from women like their mother. (And she's halfway nice to Jo now but we all know that can change on a dime. It wasn't too long ago she was bitching at him for wearing sweatpants in the house on a Sunday.)  If either one of my sons ends up with someone like Kail ..... omg .....

  • Love 18

When my current brother-in-law divorced his ex-wife, they were living in a home that was financed with a VA loan and she kept it in the divorce. She was supposed to get it refinanced, but didn't. He contacted the divorce attorney because he wanted to get a new loan for a home with my sister, his current wife, and the lawyer told him the judge would only ask her to prove she tried, since at that time, most banks were not writing loans at all. I would expect that has improved somewhat, but do know that she has not refinanced still, and with the loan anticipated to be paid off in the next five years, his attorney suggested that the expense of fighting wouldn't be worth it, when she would likely qualify for a refinance if she married her current live-in boyfriend, but not on her own, since even though she has been working at the same company for fifteen years, her income isn't great enough for a conventional bank to make a loan at an interest rate that is reasonable payment wise. As long as she is making the payments, he is probably stuck.

Their youngest child turns eighteen soon, and one of the barriers to the court making her sell it will be diminished then, but the property values had declined after the recession and have just started to increase. It's not fair to keep him saddled on the loan since it means he can't qualify for another one, but the entire situation is screwed up because of the ability to get a loan is out of her control, so allowing her to stay as long as she keeps the payments up is the way the court would rule, according to the attorney.

It's hard to imagine that Kail couldn't get a new loan, and even harder to imagine her actually doing it knowing that it would benefit Javi, but since she is such an independent woman, you would think she would want to be doing it on her own. 

Also, I still have trouble liking posts in this and the Teen Mom forums, but not the rest of PTV. It's like I'm still being punished for the bad decision of looking at that photo of Matt on the Teen Mom forum. Hmmmpft.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, lilmarysunshine said:

(And she's halfway nice to Jo now but we all know that can change on a dime. It wasn't too long ago she was bitching at him for wearing sweatpants in the house on a Sunday.)

She's nice to Jo right now...  I'm sure we'll witness her flip out at him again once he lets Javi see Isaac or come to a birthday party.

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, poopchute said:

Was the divorce finalized before he came home? I don't see how it could have been.  So how wasnt it his house in the scene with the mail?

The divorce was finalized in october.  In Delaware you file,  (which she claims was December) separate for 6 months, (Javi's deployment) and take a parenting class together if kids are involved. So that timing is about right for it to be final in October. 

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 2

I can't foresee that she'll be unable to refinance.  However it sounds like she is waiting to not be quick and stupid about it.  

I'd be interested to see what the actual divorce decree says.  Well, not curious enough to go looking for it like a TM stalker.  But if anyone else wants to do that and share, please feel free.  

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

I can't foresee that she'll be unable to refinance.  However it sounds like she is waiting to not be quick and stupid about it.  

I'd be interested to see what the actual divorce decree says.  Well, not curious enough to go looking for it like a TM stalker.  But if anyone else wants to do that and share, please feel free.  

Call me a stalker then because I've looked for it. Lolol For Delaware you have to get a copy of those in person or by mail after letting them know why you need access. :/ I can't ever sleep so I have a lot of downtime.  Yes, I am a nerd and I'm proud. Hehehe

Edited by Mkay
  • Love 14
4 hours ago, Mkay said:

Call me a stalker then because I've looked for it. Lolol For Delaware you have to get a copy of those in person or by mail after letting them know why you need access. :/ I can't ever sleep so I have a lot of downtime.  Yes, I am a nerd and I'm proud. Hehehe

You're not a stalker. You'd just rather look for the information yourself instead of having somebody else do it for you.  

I'm an insomniac myself. It sucks. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 7
41 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

You're not a stalker. You'd just rather look for the information yourself instead of having somebody else do it for you.  

I'm an insomniac myself. It sucks. 

I totally said to call me a stalker in a happy time. I know it can be interrpreted in a few different ways. I enjoy "investigating." Haha when I read anything non fiction I totally search up anything I can to get a visual of what I read. 


@Maharincess Yes! It absolutely sucks. 

  • Love 4

Wow. *takes deep breath*

@Mkay @Maharincess @CofCinci @ginger90 and to the many other posters here who have gone out of their way to find information, verify information, confirm or deny information, link articles, post tweets, Instagram, Facebook and other social media postings such as Snap Chat (still not sure how that works), sharing screen caps, I thank you very much. I don't have the time to do a lot of searching and frankly, not sure how some of you find the information you do, but it does make for some interesting conversations around here and it sure makes this a wonderful place to come and read when I have the down time. Life is a bitch as it is. With all the other drama going on in the world, this place gives me solace. It is also a place to come and enjoy a good laugh or to vent about the craptastic lives of the people on this show. I know a few of you have medical issues and you are home bound. Thank you for using your time to investigate. I am sure it helps to take your minds off of your personal health issues. Just as I am grateful for those who share their professional opinions many times over on certain topics, I am grateful for our sleuths.

Let me end this with two words: public records

Kail tweeted earlier about putting on a pair of sweatpants. Stupid Tiny Pic is giving me issues. Can't upload images. You can imagine the responses she received. LOL

  • Love 17
On 1/28/2017 at 7:03 PM, shelley1005 said:

If you are sleeping with someone who isn't your wife....you'd deserve all the pics sent.  I'm always gobsmacked at the blaming of the other woman/man in those situations.  

I don't really care who Kail is or isn't sleeping with.  Or Javi.  Both of them are free as a bird to sleep with whomever they choose IMO.  

Yeah, that's 90% on him, the person who took vows with his wife. YMMV.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Wow. *takes deep breath*

@Mkay @Maharincess @CofCinci @ginger90 and to the many other posters here who have gone out of their way to find information, verify information, confirm or deny information, link articles, post tweets, Instagram, Facebook and other social media postings such as Snap Chat (still not sure how that works), sharing screen caps, I thank you very much. I don't have the time to do a lot of searching and frankly, not sure how some of you find the information you do, but it does make for some interesting conversations around here and it sure makes this a wonderful place to come and read when I have the down time. Life is a bitch as it is. With all the other drama going on in the world, this place gives me solace. It is also a place to come and enjoy a good laugh or to vent about the craptastic lives of the people on this show. I know a few of you have medical issues and you are home bound. Thank you for using your time to investigate. I am sure it helps to take your minds off of your personal health issues. Just as I am grateful for those who share their professional opinions many times over on certain topics, I am grateful for our sleuths.

Let me end this with two words: public records


Please allow me to second this wholeheartedly. I too am grateful for all of you sleuths out there.

  • Love 8
On ‎1‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 10:37 AM, CofCinci said:

She still hasn't refinanced it yet?  Wonder if she can't get financing. They most likely used his VA loan guarantee and his service to get approval for the original mortgage. 

I can't believe they're broadcasting personal info like that with strangers on twitter.  Step.  Away.  From.  Your.  Phones.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Yeah, that's 90% on him, the person who took vows with his wife. YMMV.

Sounds more like it is 100 percent on the cheating spouse AND 100 percent on the person who knowingly enters in a sexual relationship with a married person. Equal on both parts. 

5 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

How interesting that you have to give written reasons why you want the information about Kail's divorce decree.  

Thanks to our member, we would not know that information.

I applaud our sleuths. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 9

Yes, cheers to the sleuths! I am often the first of my friends to know things and add them into conversations, but I am usually on here using my phone so it's hard to maneuver some of the sites/links... so I definitely appreciate those who make it possible. I am also in the insomnia club... without the middle of the night I'd be behind on here :)

  • Love 10
22 hours ago, MissMel said:

Right.  But the contract states that the member has to be resident.  They are divorced, he's moved out.  That's a default.  She must refinance.  I'm just not sure how long she has to do so. I could  be wrong, though.


21 hours ago, eskimo said:

If it weren't for the kids, I would love to see her unable to refinance that house, and have to get something she probably feels is beneath her now.  But the last thing the boys need is to lose the stability of the home they're familiar with, so for that reason alone I hope she can refinance. 

If her highness weren't such a bitch now, I would be rooting for her like I used to.

I actually do hope she can't get financing, and in a wonderful twist, Javi gets to keep the house, and gets to live there with the kids, and Kail has to live in a new tiny house!  I am actually praying for this.


22 hours ago, poopchute said:

Was the divorce finalized before he came home? I don't see how it could have been.  So how wasnt it his house in the scene with the mail?

It was still his house in that scene.  She is a f-ing c-nt.


10 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

I am grateful for our sleuths.

Let me end this with two words: public records

Kail tweeted earlier about putting on a pair of sweatpants. Stupid Tiny Pic is giving me issues. Can't upload images. You can imagine the responses she received. LOL

I am forever grateful for all of the sleuthing that goes on around here!  I live for this stuff.  These girls are not intelligent enough to figure out that we all know how to access public records, and we can call them on their lies.  

I would LOVE to see the responses of the sweatpant pic.  Do you have a link?

  • Love 6

Typically in a divorce, the person not receiving the home will have to sign a quitclaim deed giving their interest to the other spouse. In turn, if the house is financed, it would be the responsibility of the one receiving the house to obtain financing in their own name so as to remove the other spouse.  If Kail fails to refinance the house, Javi's attorney can go to the court and ask for an order compelling her to do so (even though it would already be ordered in the decree). If she still fails to refinance, she could be held in contempt of court and face other penalties (which would be hilarious, IMO).  

I'm with the other posters who have wondered why the F these girls aren't just buying the homes outright, or making huge down payments, to avoid having issues getting loans.  I don't know the home values around where Kail lives, but let's say it's a $500k house. Most banks would take no issue giving her a loan for $250k-$400k. She'd never be close to being upside down on the mortgage and the value of the house would be plenty of collateral in the event she defaults.  I could, however, see why she might have trouble securing the full $500k given her age, lack of credit history, and not having a typical job with a regular paycheck. 

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I am forever grateful for all of the sleuthing that goes on around here!  I live for this stuff.  These girls are not intelligent enough to figure out that we all know how to access public records, and we can call them on their lies.  

I would LOVE to see the responses of the sweatpant pic.  Do you have a link?

Some of the comments I screen grabbed last night. There were a lot, I just grabbed these:




  • Love 5
18 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Kali could probably buy a decent house (but maybe not up to her "standards") outright with the money for this season's TM2, if she could live off whatever she has banked/book sales and cuts down on the Starbucks and ugly tats (or get some kind of job to hold her over a bit too...hahaha).

Yup. That would be the prudent thing to do. Look at Gary - he bought a decent, but not flashy house. It appears he's doing a lot of work on it himself. I find that much more appealing than debt, but to each their own. 



Bahahaha, those Twitter comments are everything. Kail and Javi were both shown in workout gear quite a bit that season. I think Kail only scoffed at Jo's because they were probably some generic brand from Target and she shelled out $100 on hers. She's a fucking snob. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, saratothej said:


I'm with the other posters who have wondered why the F these girls aren't just buying the homes outright, or making huge down payments, to avoid having issues getting loans.  I don't know the home values around where Kail lives, but let's say it's a $500k house. Most banks would take no issue giving her a loan for $250k-$400k. She'd never be close to being upside down on the mortgage and the value of the house would be plenty of collateral in the event she defaults.  I could, however, see why she might have trouble securing the full $500k given her age, lack of credit history, and not having a typical job with a regular paycheck. 

From that online record, looks like the price of her house was $290,000.  I have to say that she must live in a cheap area. The house looks nice, I think this is the listing:


I wouldn't be able to get a one room shack for that price where I live, so I guess I expected the house to be worth more.

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Yup. That would be the prudent thing to do. Look at Gary - he bought a decent, but not flashy house. It appears he's doing a lot of work on it himself. I find that much more appealing than debt, but to each their own. 



Bahahaha, those Twitter comments are everything. Kail and Javi were both shown in workout gear quite a bit that season. I think Kail only scoffed at Jo's because they were probably some generic brand from Target and she shelled out $100 on hers. She's a fucking snob. 

That's like in Forgetting Sarah Marshall where Kristen Bell complains that Jason Segel wore sweatpants for an entire weekend and he replies, "oh if they were Sean john sweatpants it would have been fine but since they were from Costco it's the worst thing I could do."

  • Love 9
14 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Wow. *takes deep breath*

@Mkay @Maharincess @CofCinci @ginger90 and to the many other posters here who have gone out of their way to find information, verify information, confirm or deny information, link articles, post tweets, Instagram, Facebook and other social media postings such as Snap Chat (still not sure how that works), sharing screen caps, I thank you very much. I don't have the time to do a lot of searching and frankly, not sure how some of you find the information you do, but it does make for some interesting conversations around here and it sure makes this a wonderful place to come and read when I have the down time. Life is a bitch as it is. With all the other drama going on in the world, this place gives me solace. It is also a place to come and enjoy a good laugh or to vent about the craptastic lives of the people on this show. I know a few of you have medical issues and you are home bound. Thank you for using your time to investigate. I am sure it helps to take your minds off of your personal health issues. Just as I am grateful for those who share their professional opinions many times over on certain topics, I am grateful for our sleuths.

Let me end this with two words: public records

Kail tweeted earlier about putting on a pair of sweatpants. Stupid Tiny Pic is giving me issues. Can't upload images. You can imagine the responses she received. LOL

I'm not one of the sleuths. Any time I see something online and come here to post it, I'm always too late.  The real sleuths here are on top of it.  

  • Love 1
On 1/18/2017 at 1:16 PM, BitterApple said:

So true. When my parents were getting divorced something similar happened. My dad was transitioning out of the house, but still had access. I'm at dinner with my sister one night and we get a call from our mother. She's on the other end screaming that our Dad had stolen cases of creamed corn, tuna fish and Gatorade that she'd recently purchased at Sam's. I told her that was the most random shit in the world to take out of a house, but she wouldn't be swayed. She fumed about it for weeks...until she found the items underneath some folded blankets on a basement storage shelf. So yeah, moral of the story, give the key back.

"Don't touch that creamed corn!" Dan Conner pilot 

All roads lead to Lanford.

  • Love 10
On 1/18/2017 at 1:16 PM, BitterApple said:

So true. When my parents were getting divorced something similar happened. My dad was transitioning out of the house, but still had access. I'm at dinner with my sister one night and we get a call from our mother. She's on the other end screaming that our Dad had stolen cases of creamed corn, tuna fish and Gatorade that she'd recently purchased at Sam's. I told her that was the most random shit in the world to take out of a house, but she wouldn't be swayed. She fumed about it for weeks...until she found the items underneath some folded blankets on a basement storage shelf. So yeah, moral of the story, give the key back.

"Don't touch that creamed corn!" Dan Conner pilot 

All roads lead to Lanford.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Tatum said:

That's like in Forgetting Sarah Marshall where Kristen Bell complains that Jason Segel wore sweatpants for an entire weekend and he replies, "oh if they were Sean john sweatpants it would have been fine but since they were from Costco it's the worst thing I could do."

As usual, this made me think of Roseanne. Kail is the Cathy Bowman of her teeny tiny town. Kail is the one with the $200 ceramic dog.

That house price is cheap compared to here in So. Cal.  Kail gets paid at least $250k per year going by what we know of Amber's salary.  That house could be paid off in one check.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 11
1 minute ago, GreatKazu said:

As usual, this made me think of Roseanne. Kail is the Cathy Bowman of her teeny tiny town. Kail is the one with the $200 ceramic dog.

That price is cheap compared to here in So. Cal.  Kail gets paid at least $250k per year going by what we know of Amber's salary.  That house could be paid off in one check.

Yep, all these TMs can easily pay off their houses -- but they don't. The only one is Gary. 

  • Love 8
30 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

As usual, this made me think of Roseanne. Kail is the Cathy Bowman of her teeny tiny town. Kail is the one with the $200 ceramic dog.

That house price is cheap compared to here in So. Cal.  Kail gets paid at least $250k per year going by what we know of Amber's salary.  That house could be paid off in one check.

And THIS! 


Sorry about the double post above. No effin clue what happened there!

  • Love 3
On 1/28/2017 at 5:55 PM, Maharincess said:

Yep.  I would bet all of my savings that Karl has said thousands of times "he's not your son, he's MY son".  He was just giving it back to her.  I bet that Isaac was "their" son when she needed Javi to babysit or take isaac someplace but when he wanted to do something with them Issac became HER son. 

Karl will never learn from her mistakes. She keeps making the same ones over and over.  I've seen no growth from her at all since her 16 and Pregnant episode. I've seen growth from some of the other girls, but not karl.  Shit, I've seen more growth from Jenelle than karl. 


If it was Kail saying to Javi "he is not your son" - and I am certain she has said it because she has done it to Jo - she wouldn't receive the same backlash. Something about Kail's actions just don't seem to garner much criticism from her followers on her social media pages. She could run over a puppy and would get sympathy. Javi does it, and he would be crucified. It comes off very sexist.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 7

I think Javi being petty and cruel about Isaac not being his kid is absolutely vile.  He threw those words at Kail to punish her and the idea that Isaac wasn't even a thought in his mind let me know who and what kind of man he isn't.  He used Isaac as a pawn in the control game he was playing with Kail.    

Kail could save a puppy and get slammed and mocked for it.  Javi could throw one out a window and Kail would get blamed for it.  I think that's pretty sexist too.  IMO. YMMV.  

From the current timeline, it does look like everyone is trying their very best to put the kids first.  I see Jo leading the way and it's been awesome to see.  We've watched Jo truly grow up into one heck of a man.  Jo making sure Lincoln is invited to Vivi's bday was super sweet.  I also read that Jo and Javi took the boys together to the aquarium.  Isaac is such a sweet and sensitive boy and I hope all this happiness and love continues for him.  

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

As usual, this made me think of Roseanne. Kail is the Cathy Bowman of her teeny tiny town. Kail is the one with the $200 ceramic dog.

That house price is cheap compared to here in So. Cal.  Kail gets paid at least $250k per year going by what we know of Amber's salary.  That house could be paid off in one check.

I literally just watched that episode tonight!

  • Love 4
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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