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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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I just can't with Kail. This bitch needs to have several seats.

What I'm going to say about Kail's audition for the newscast....I hope I am able to articulate this so that it makes sense:

I was discussing the show with my friend who graduated from and works at an HBCU (Delaware State, Kail's school, is one). When Kail auditioned for the school newscast, my friend said her reaction was "the black girls who tried out for this better have been absolutely terrible" if Kail got the job over them. She said many students come to HBCUs because black students will be more likely to have positions they wouldn't necessarily have at non-HBCUs. Many mainstream media news anchors are blonde white chicks. So are many students newscasters at non-HBCU colleges and universities. Black students at HBCUs somewhat expect that the campus is a place where they can see other black students in prominent positions, etc. To turn on the school newscast and see just another generic blonde white chick who wasn't even good at her job on the HBCU newscast might make students question why they just didn't go to University of Delaware. I feel like I'm not articulating this as well as my friend did. I don't mean to imply that she was saying that HBCUs should exclude white students from things like being a newscaster for the school station, but more like if the bland white girl who isn't really that great got the job because of MTV over better black students at the traditionally black school, that might make students question if the school was really fulfilling its mission as a HBCU.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 13

That website is just eugh, eugh, eugh.  There is wayyyy too much stuff in that photo of Kail's room. If she wants the photo wall she should take out the plant thing next to it and if she wants the vase/candles she should take out the colourful blanket.  


And could this paragraph be any more Kail?


As a mother of two, having an open concept is very beneficial for multitasking. I can now cook while keeping a close eye on my boys Isaac, Lincoln and sometimes even Javi. All these changes have led to a more airy/beachy feel to my home. Between looking through Pinterest and frequent trips to Lowe’s, I brought home any and every color paint that caught my eye. Without a real vision for the colors I knew with enough options I would figure it out.




As a mother of two, having an open concept is very beneficial for multitasking. I can now cook while keeping a close eye on my boys Isaac, Lincoln and sometimes even Javi. All these changes have led to a more airy/beachy feel to my home. Between looking through Pinterest and frequent trips to Lowe’s, I brought home any and every color paint that caught my eye. Without a real vision for the colors I knew with enough options I would figure it out.

LMAO... Who in the hell does this bitch Kail think she is? How many times does she plan on using the term "open concept"? She reminds me of Peter Griffin pretending to be a millionaire...

Peter: What a marvelous vessel. It would look smashing in Lois's crapper. I mean "crapier".

Woman: It's a fabulous vase, Peter, darling do you collect objects d'art?

Peter: If that's French for "Star Wars collectors glasses," then si.

Kail is a freakin' poser. She should pitch her own spin off ...From White Trash to Riches...Leah could be her costar.

  • Love 7

Kail's decorating reminds me of Candace Olson from Divine Design on HGTV. She used to pack her rooms so full of knick knacks you couldn't move an elbow without knocking some shit over. I always wondered how many couples threw half that crap in the dumpster after she and the film crew left.

I like the light blue on the walls, but the style is all over the place and the tv is way too high on the wall.

  • Love 3

Also why is the TV eleven feet off the ground? Do they watch it standing up?

It is for an ulterior reason. It makes Karl have to tilt her head up and give the appearance that she doesn't have 11 chins.


Where is the giant cabanas of Kail and Javi in their underpants? Still in the bedroom I guess?

Karl left it at her original home so the renters there can bask in all her glory. I hope they use it for playing darts.

  • Love 4

Oh Lord, those two are interior decorators now? Give me a freaking break. I actually tend to like a lot that Kail does, but the problem is - she does too much of it. Pare it down a bit, hon.

Sterling's room? Good God. it's like Alex McCord's living room had a baby with a French prostitute. No. Just no.

I was going to say, Sterling's room looks like the inside of a bordello in Amsterdam's Red Light District. I was half expecting to see a list of her services and rates on a laminated card propped up on the nightstand.

I like Kail's color palette, but she clearly went on an Overstock binge when accessorizing the room.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 3

She definitely does Botox now. Her forehead doesn't move and she has that tell-tale shine. I'm not judging, I partake, but I'm in my 40s. She's too young and those lips do her no favors.

I live in Vegas and it's pretty common for girls out here to start getting Botox in their early 20s, pathetic as it sounds. I actually know a girl who's a size 4 and had lipo done. I used to get Botox injections myself until I read that they cause your facial muscles to atrophy, which can make you look worse in the long run. Hopefully Kail doesn't jump on the Kylie Jenner bandwagon and get all sorts of unnecessary procedures.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 1

Someone should go to Kail's Twitter and remind her of her hypocrisy. Here is when she and Javi were going after Kylie Jenner and slamming her for her fake lips and other parts:



Leah, according to an insider, was accused as having had some non-operative procedures done to her face back in 2011 after her divorce:


Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3

I've got a question. Now, I'm not trying to fat shame or diss Kailyns looks or anything by this question. ️I honestly could careless about these girls appearance.

From before the season aired and now, every instagram photo Kailyn takes does not look like how she looks on TV.

I don't think I'm explaining this right.

Before the new season aired kailyn looked super thin, face thin and subtle changes, but when I see her on the new episodes I don't think she looks any different than she did last season.

Someone posted either in this section or the Jenelle section of Kailyns Instagram photo of her with purple hair and there was a side by side or up to down photo of her now purple hair and the mixed up color hair from this seasons first episode (the fight about the concert) and there's a big difference in appearance.

Again, I'm not trying to body shame her, more like wondering if it's some special photoshopping because I kinda want to play around with it to see how I would look if I changed up a few things lol.

I don't know, maybe it's just me but I remember all these photos uploaded by her when production was still filming and she looked tinier in the photos but on TV im just not seeing this amazing weight loss everyone was talking about.

Again, I wouldn't care if she gained 200 pounds im just trying to figure out a few things. So if this question offends anyone it wasn't my intention. I just want to know how I can do it too.

Edited by Calm81
  • Love 3

I think what you are saying makes sense.  I think at times it is hard to tell between the timing of filming, etc, what took place when.  I do think Kail looks better this season than last.  And as a side note, there is not doubt that Chelsea looks terrific...her weight loss and health are very clear.  


Kail doesn't come off as the skinniest of people anyway, just by her body type and how her face/chin looks, so I think with her that is why she can look thin one moment and not so thin the next.  Plus the tattoos are horrible and do not help in making her look better.

  • Love 1

Kail might be a yoyo dieter. I've had a couple times where I was really stressed out and didn't eat, and I could lose a considerable amount of weight in very short periods. Also, she is likely choosing highly flattering pics of herself to post. There was a Facebook post a few years back that went viral, when a girl in a red bikini posted before and after weight loss pics- but both pics were taken the same day. In one she is standing at a very unflattering angle and under harsh light, while in the other her posture is better, the lighting is softer, and she might be wearing makeup that gives her face the illusion of being thinner. It was really interesting.

  • Love 2

With all the photoshopping aps and Instagram filters, you can pretty much transform yourself into an entirely different person on social media. 


I think Kail is one of those women where, if she gains a couple pounds or retains water it shows up in her face. If you look at her from the neck down and factor in camera weight, she has a large frame naturally but she's not fat. Also, on the show she tends to wear tank tops and short shorts that don't do her any favors. When she was at NYFW and Catelynn's wedding she was covered up and looked thirty pounds thinner. 

  • Love 5

She's messed with her lips.  People are calling her out on it.  https://instagram.com/p/7_knpdDbT-/ But y'all. She needs more money!!!!!!


Someone should go to Kail's Twitter and remind her of her hypocrisy. Here is when she and Javi were going after Kylie Jenner and slamming her for her fake lips and other parts:




The next tattoo Karl should get should be the words HYPOCRITE, right across that massive forehead of hers.

  • Love 3

You'd be surprised how women can deceive you with their selfies. My sister has a friend who only uses neck up pictures and I was shocked when I met her in person. I don't really care, but some people know all the tricks to making themselves look totally different. 


Yea, Kail messed up her lips. What a shame. Despite her nasty attitude, I thought she could actually be a pretty girl when she smiled. Now her smile is on its way to ruination. 

  • Love 4

Also why is the TV eleven feet off the ground? Do they watch it standing up?

Just a guess, but the wall they wanted it on won't support a TV so they had to hang it from a support beam near the ceiling. In that case I would have just put it on a stand on the chest of drawers, but some people are really, really into having a wall mounted flat screen. I think they think it looks fancier that way, like you're in a hotel or something? Anyway I could totally see Javi being the "I need a wall mounted flat screen" type.

  • Love 1

With all the photoshopping aps and Instagram filters, you can pretty much transform yourself into an entirely different person on social media.

I think Kail is one of those women where, if she gains a couple pounds or retains water it shows up in her face. If you look at her from the neck down and factor in camera weight, she has a large frame naturally but she's not fat. Also, on the show she tends to wear tank tops and short shorts that don't do her any favors. When she was at NYFW and Catelynn's wedding she was covered up and looked thirty pounds thinner.

Yeah, more than any moral objection, I object to people calling Kali fat because I don't think she is. She has that moon face with no chin and a body that likely carries a higher BMI naturally, all of which makes her look kind of sloppy. But I really doubt she's medically overweight. At the top of her weight range? Sure. But medically heavy? I doubt it.

  • Love 6

There was a Facebook post a few years back that went viral, when a girl in a red bikini posted before and after weight loss pics- but both pics were taken the same day. In one she is standing at a very unflattering angle and under harsh light, while in the other her posture is better, the lighting is softer, and she might be wearing makeup that gives her face the illusion of being thinner. It was really interesting.

Yeah, it's like the old "Myspace angles" meme. A lot of people complain now when they meet through dating sites when their date doesn't match the pictures that got their attention. Sometimes the pics are up to date, the person is just very good at skewing them.

  • Love 2

Yeah, more than any moral objection, I object to people calling Kali fat because I don't think she is. She has that moon face with no chin and a body that likely carries a higher BMI naturally, all of which makes her look kind of sloppy. But I really doubt she's medically overweight. At the top of her weight range? Sure. But medically heavy? I doubt it.

Back in my day, we'd call her "Bad Built."
  • Love 2

Just a guess, but the wall they wanted it on won't support a TV so they had to hang it from a support beam near the ceiling. In that case I would have just put it on a stand on the chest of drawers, but some people are really, really into having a wall mounted flat screen. I think they think it looks fancier that way, like you're in a hotel or something? Anyway I could totally see Javi being the "I need a wall mounted flat screen" type.

I think Kail just went with the wall for the television because she wasn't about to have it on her precious furniture.


Is that her mom's old flat screen television? Or, is it in the boys' room?

  • Love 1

Kail is leading 15-1 in this manipulating game. Kail is the biggest (no pun intended) manipulator on this show.


I'd be a fighting bitch if I had to deal with that big pile of shit called Kail. I can't blame Jo for defending himself.



Kail to Jo: "You manipulated me and made me feel guilty."

If anyone would know about manipulations...

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

That website is just eugh, eugh, eugh. There is wayyyy too much stuff in that photo of Kail's room. If she wants the photo wall she should take out the plant thing next to it and if she wants the vase/candles she should take out the colourful blanket.

And could this paragraph be any more Kail?

As a mother of two, having an open concept is very beneficial for multitasking. I can now cook while keeping a close eye on my boys Isaac, Lincoln and sometimes even Javi. All these changes have led to a more airy/beachy feel to my home. Between looking through Pinterest and frequent trips to Lowe’s, I brought home any and every color paint that caught my eye. Without a real vision for the colors I knew with enough options I would figure it out.


I love that she basically says they just went and recklessly bought paint, with no plan for it. Once again, Kail is a financial wizard.

  • Love 6

You'd be surprised how women can deceive you with their selfies.

Kail is stupid because plenty of people watch her in high-def, like me. She can use all the filters she wants. HD speaks the truth!


You can see Javi in his formal military uniform in that photo on her living room wall on the left.



I wonder if Jo is not working now because he's trying to find a 9-5, Monday-Friday type of thing.

Good point. The problem is, Jo and Kail need to sit down ALONE and discuss these things. But, Javi won't have it because he seriously doesn't trust Kail or Jo. Jo, like Cory, is not at all interested in his ex. Far from it. Jo likely can't stand the sight of Kail but, he knows he has to deal with her. The issue is, Jo doesn't have to deal with Javi and that punk is causing a ruckus with his pushing and prodding. For once, I wish Kail would throw her usual smack down and tell that little shit that he needs to back the fuck off! The problem is, she is the one who pushed him to be Isaac's daddy! Not his step-dad, his DAD. Chelsea is nauseating about the whole "Cole is your daddy" shtick but, Kail takes the cake in that department. Hell, I don't think anyone would ever come close to what Kail did there. She even got her man to get a tattoo of her son on his arm. 

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 2

Is this Javi's brother? Seriously, Kail wanted to join the Air Force???


Oh whatever Kali.

On another note, do the armed forces have a rule against a parent enlisting if the other parent is already active duty? I thought I heard that.

Edited by FozzyBear
  • Love 1

Are we sure Javi isn't in the Air Force Reserves? It could explain why he's home a lot. I knew someone in the reserves and he didn't work every day.

You got me on this one. What is the difference?


Yes, that photo on the previous page is Javi's brother. His name is Sal and he has been deployed:


Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 1

You got me on this one. What is the difference?

Air Force Reserve is part-time. So you can live off-base but still have a number of assigned days to work. The person I know in the Reserves had certain assignments here and there, but lived with his girlfriend in his own apartment. Plus you still get BENEFITS! which is why Kail married Javi to begin with.

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Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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