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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Long time kindergarten teacher here. Over the years, I have had probably 10 kindergarten students who have split school nights with different parents. This year, I have a student who arrives with mom Monday through Wednesday, but dad picks up Wednesday afternoon and  brings child to school Thursday and Friday. Parents were never married, but maintain a good relationship. I put a chart on child's cubby with a picture of mom on Monday and Tuesday, and a picture of dad on Wednesday- Friday. Child moves a clothespin to point to the right day so she can remember who picks her up. Child brings bag with fav stuffed animal and blanket daily. It works because we all work together and it is in the best interest of the child. Kail aka She Hulk just doesn't get that. Jo has earned time with Isaac and him moving to Delaware (doesn't he have a job?), proves it. Kail is a POS.

  • Love 11

Long time kindergarten teacher here. Over the years, I have had probably 10 kindergarten students who have split school nights with different parents. This year, I have a student who arrives with mom Monday through Wednesday, but dad picks up Wednesday afternoon and  brings child to school Thursday and Friday. Parents were never married, but maintain a good relationship. I put a chart on child's cubby with a picture of mom on Monday and Tuesday, and a picture of dad on Wednesday- Friday. Child moves a clothespin to point to the right day so she can remember who picks her up. Child brings bag with fav stuffed animal and blanket daily. It works because we all work together and it is in the best interest of the child. Kail aka She Hulk just doesn't get that. Jo has earned time with Isaac and him moving to Delaware (doesn't he have a job?), proves it. Kail is a POS.

Glad you pointed out how well this works when both parents are working together. I have a friend who does this as well. The father picks up their son during the middle of the week from school. There are times when one parent needs to switch their scheduled visitation for one reason or another. They switch visitation days, and then they get back to the regular schedule.


Kail would never break the visitation order, unless it is to her benefit. Remember how she requested that only Jo and her do the drop-offs? Suddenly, she can't take Isaac because she was "too pregnant" and then later it was because Lincoln was a baby and she needed to breast-feed him. Those are reasonable reasons to not do the drop-off, but Kail would have not given Jo the same consideration if he, for whatever reason, was not able to do the drop-off.


There was a story a year ago about Jo missing a scheduled visitation. Someone had posted the story on the old message board. A reason was never mentioned as to why he couldn't have his visit with Isaac. Those things do happen in these kinds of cases. I saw them happen all the time when one parent cried foul for something that couldn't be helped such as an emergency, illness, work, all the kinds of things that happen to parents everyday of the week.  Jo was then being denied his scheduled visitation the following week by Kail.  You know her game - tit-for-tat.  This all played out on Twitter. Kail was not taking Jo's calls or text. He then tweeted (paraphrasing) " “I will call the police if you are not there with my son like the custody order reads.. After that I don’t care. You can go beat up your husband, go eat another cheeseburger, or whatever the hell else you like to do on a Wednesday night."

  • Love 10

In all fairness (crap,I'm about to stick up for Javi) regardless of you accept a step child you will still harbor jealousy feelings knowing that your spouse has to continuously see their ex for the sake of their kid. Yes, I know "you know it when getting involved with someone with a kid) but it still is uncomfortable knowing your spouse cheated on a previous boyfriend with this baby daddy and hard to not acknowledge the fact "it could happen again."

I have a child from a previous marriage and I'm now married with two kids with my current and forever husband and I can see his side when I have to visit my ex for "drop offs" that it could be nerve wrecking. My husband is very secure with our marriage but come on now..if I were him I certainly would be uncomfortable if he was talking (with out me present) to someone he use to be intimate with sexually or has cheated on a previous girlfriend for this person. Javi had been very mature with jo (even helped him move) allow him the jealousy of having "cheater hulk" hang out with jo without his presence.

I'm sorry to sound like an ass but in my book, if of you are truly secure in your relationship you don't get upset if one of you sees an ex, especially if the ex is your co parent.

Javi is a jealous, insecure idiot.

I think Jo has Karl's number (by the way, I call her Karl on purpose because she looks like a Karl) and he knew that she was trying to stir something up with her smug soccer coach comment. He's so over her its hilarious.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 3

Long time kindergarten teacher here. Over the years, I have had probably 10 kindergarten students who have split school nights with different parents. This year, I have a student who arrives with mom Monday through Wednesday, but dad picks up Wednesday afternoon and  brings child to school Thursday and Friday. Parents were never married, but maintain a good relationship. I put a chart on child's cubby with a picture of mom on Monday and Tuesday, and a picture of dad on Wednesday- Friday. Child moves a clothespin to point to the right day so she can remember who picks her up. Child brings bag with fav stuffed animal and blanket daily. It works because we all work together and it is in the best interest of the child. Kail aka She Hulk just doesn't get that. Jo has earned time with Isaac and him moving to Delaware (doesn't he have a job?), proves it. Kail is a POS.

He deserves it, ofcourse. But he is not ready for it yet so why do you want to force someone get more time when he himself says he is not ready for it? I think Jo is assertive enough to ask for more time when he wants too and feels ready for it.

  • Love 1

He deserves it, ofcourse. But he is not ready for it yet so why do you want to force someone get more time when he himself says he is not ready for it? I think Jo is assertive enough to ask for more time when he wants too and feels ready for it.

Yes, I got the sense that he moved so he could eventually get more time with Isaac but was trying to settle into a routine at that moment in time so didn't want to ask right away. 

  • Love 5

In fact, Kail named Lincoln after rapper, Eminem. Lincoln's full name is Lincoln Marshall. Kailyn was considering naming him Holden:


Eminem's real name is Lincoln? Hm. Learn something new every day.

I can't say much about her naming her kids after celebrities. My daughter's middle name is Christine, she's named after Chrissie Hynde.

  • Love 1

Yes, I got the sense that he moved so he could eventually get more time with Isaac but was trying to settle into a routine at that moment in time so didn't want to ask right away. 

Which is fine and I feel that speaks for Jo a whole lot. I respect him because he is way more sensible and thinks of Isaac needs instead of how he can stick it to Kail.  I hope Kail learns by example. It will only make life easier for them all.

  • Love 5

I'm thinking Kail's biggest problem is Javi and Jo hanging out. I can just see it, "I'm going away with my friends this weekend. I won't be back until Monday. Don't give me shit Friday morning and back out of babysitting my boys, Javi".

"No problem. I ran into Jo at the corner stop sign and he said his mom was coming in town this weekend. They're gonna grill burgers and hot dogs. He invited us over. So cool, go have fun. We have plans, too."

Her head would explode.

  • Love 12

I think that Jo wants more time with Isaac but not the kind of time that there's a pick up at 2, drop off at 7 type thing that can feel like manufactured activities to fill the time. He wants to live nearby so at the drop of a hat he can take him out for an ice cream, or go shoot some baskets for an hour or whatever on a very constant basis. That will integrate him in to Isaac's daily and weekly routines so much that it will "feel" like they are a family even though they live apart. I hope that made sense. I think Kail will do whatever she can to prevent those things from happening.


Kail is nothing but trash in my book. Lots of us had a rough go growing up and many still have it rough. Kail has money, BENEFITS, a caring (but spineless) spouse, a support system and if she handled her MTV money right would never have to worry about living under a bridge. God forbid she's appreciate and take a "I've come a long way," attitude and be civilized. Instead, she continues to be a nasty, whiny bitch that pouts like a two year old all the time. Ugh.

  • Love 11

TM2, sorry can't quote on this device. Agree with you 100%. Jo has taken the high road in his dealings with Kail, and if/when he wants more time with Isaac, hopefully he will ask and receive. I have seen the gamut of custody issues over my years teaching and by far the best scenarios for my kiddoes have been the ones where there is give and take. I hope that someday Kail and Jo can both attend Isaac's soccer games and parent teacher conferences together.

  • Love 1

TM2, sorry can't quote on this device. Agree with you 100%. Jo has taken the high road in his dealings with Kail, and if/when he wants more time with Isaac, hopefully he will ask and receive. I have seen the gamut of custody issues over my years teaching and by far the best scenarios for my kiddoes have been the ones where there is give and take. I hope that someday Kail and Jo can both attend Isaac's soccer games and parent teacher conferences together.

Exactly. I feel that way too. I think if Kail will only get of her high horse and not be so defensive it will really go so much better for Isaac. I find Jo being real reasonable and wanting to co parent in the best way imaginable. By just going with it and having a more organic interaction with each other. Not by rules, demands and tension. I feel the kids can really have the best of both worlds if Kail will warm up to the idea.

  • Love 3

I think that Jo wants more time with Isaac but not the kind of time that there's a pick up at 2, drop off at 7 type thing that can feel like manufactured activities to fill the time. He wants to live nearby so at the drop of a hat he can take him out for an ice cream, or go shoot some baskets for an hour or whatever on a very constant basis. That will integrate him in to Isaac's daily and weekly routines so much that it will "feel" like they are a family even though they live apart. I hope that made sense. I think Kail will do whatever she can to prevent those things from happening.

I agree. I don't think that asshole Karl will ever let that happen. She'll just keep telling Jo its not his day.

Isaac will know someday that his mother did all she could to keep him from his dad and he'll resent the hell out of her for it.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 8

I just don't understand why Kali just can't get along with Jo. My sisters ex husband lives right across the street from her and they work at the same company. They still get along and are great friends. Kali get off your high horse before Issac resents you. It won't be pretty when Issac is 15 and requests to live with Jo full time over you because you're selfish

  • Love 9

Kali get off your high horse before Issac resents you. It won't be pretty when Issac is 15 and requests to live with Jo full time over you because you're selfish


This is exactly what's going to happen.  Kail is desperately trying to ensure that Isaac likes her better than Jo so Isaac won't leave her, but her actions are going to drive Isaac away in the end.  I think Kail is so certain that she's unlovable (her mom left her, her boyfriends leave, etc) that she'd do anything to keep Isaac's love, but what's she's doing is going to have the opposite effect.

  • Love 3

Eminem's real name is Lincoln? Hm. Learn something new every day.

I can't say much about her naming her kids after celebrities. My daughter's middle name is Christine, she's named after Chrissie Hynde.

Eminem is Marshall Lincoln Mathers.


I think naming your kid after a celebrity is a little uninspired, but there are plenty of people who do it. A friend of mine named her son Harrison after George Harrison. As long as your kid isn't named Natalie Portman Jones I don't see an issue with it besides maybe a small laugh every now and then....I mean wasn't Isaac named after a Hanson brother? THAT makes me chuckle! Mmmmmmbop!!!

Also, Karl seems like way too much of a sourpuss to enjoy Hanson songs. She strikes me as the type to listen to more gangsta rap, which could explain all the fancy cars and expensive purses. She has an Escalade, right? Those are mainly popular cos of rappers and pop stars driving em almost exclusively. And of course, the Mercedes. Next thing ya know she'll be buying a Bentley. Maybe she can hook up with Melissa Gorga and go car shopping, lol.

Edited by fliptopbox
  • Love 6

Looking at Kail's sneek peak is infuriating. She's basically telling Jo she wants everything her way and he gets no extra time but she wants more money. I mean technically she is getting more money because she'll be saving a ton is gas each month. She has no business bringing up child support if she isn't even open to letting Jo be around Isaac more. I'm curious how she will be when Vee goes into labor, will she allow Jo to come get Isaac so he can meet his little sister or will they have to wait until it's his weekend?

  • Love 7

Oh. I don't watch the previews so didn't know she wants support increased. Jo's mtv check is a fraction of hers, she has her best selling books, her clothing line and she wants MORE from Jo. Sigh. Guess she did just buy a new house! And she wants jo's house to stay a fixed upper. No money for him! And kail needs another vacation!

  • Love 5

She has a grifter's instinct. New house + new baby = increased income and therefore a child support increase. I have zero problem with CS increases btw. I just don't like how she uses it in a spiteful, vindictive manner and not in the best interests for Isaac.

Yeah, the timing is awfully suspect on this one. God forbid Kail let everyone just rest and be happy for five minutes. Jo moves closer, Vee is pregnant, Jo and Javi are getting along, Isaac is excited to have his Dad close by, so naturally it's time for Kail to start World War Three and blow it all to pieces.

  • Love 6

Yeah, the timing is awfully suspect on this one. God forbid Kail let everyone just rest and be happy for five minutes. Jo moves closer, Vee is pregnant, Jo and Javi are getting along, Isaac is excited to have his Dad close by, so naturally it's time for Kail to start World War Three and blow it all to pieces.

Not only the timing but, the excuses Javi and Kail gave for their moving to a bigger place, which in reality is not bigger, just farther from Jo and Vee. Kudos to McKay for calling out Javi on Twitter about the big move.


Kail is so vindictive and such a thief, she not only steals flat screen televisions and cash but, she also takes away a child from his loving father. What's next? Kail pays someone to kidnap Jo's daughter shortly after she is born?

  • Love 6

I think Kail's paranoid that Jo and Javi will start to compare notes, if you will. Kail knows she's shady as fuck. If Jo and Javi get to talking, Javi might actually realize that Kail is a massive POS and leave her. Plus, Kail is just so damn sexy, how could Jo and Javi ever resist fighting over her? Jo obviously is jealous that Javi married such a sexy goddess.

  • Love 2

Looking at Kail's sneek peak is infuriating. She's basically telling Jo she wants everything her way and he gets no extra time but she wants more money. I mean technically she is getting more money because she'll be saving a ton is gas each month.

Let's see...Kail gets more money, and Jo gets less time with Isaac? Seems legit.

She has no business bringing up child support if she isn't even open to letting Jo be around Isaac more. I'm curious how she will be when Vee goes into labor, will she allow Jo to come get Isaac so he can meet his little sister or will they have to wait until it's his weekend?

I'll bet she refuses to let him see her until it's Jo's weekend. She'll make something up, like they were planning a family vacation for the week of Vee's due date and Isaac has to go, because he loves the beach. And then Mail will round everyone up into the Benz and hide them in a Motel 6.

  • Love 5

I think Kail's paranoid that Jo and Javi will start to compare notes, if you will. Kail knows she's shady as fuck. If Jo and Javi get to talking, Javi might actually realize that Kail is a massive POS and leave her. Plus, Kail is just so damn sexy, how could Jo and Javi ever resist fighting over her? Jo obviously is jealous that Javi married such a sexy goddess.

I think the reality of them comparing notes is much more likely than them fighting for her. I don't know how narcissistic Kail is, but I feel like even she would realize that. She's a horrible person, and I think the more time Jo and Vee spend with Javi, the more they'll take pity on his weird little ass. I don't think Jo would actively bad mouth Kail, but if Javi felt comfortable with Jo, he might tell her more than Kail would want him to know.

  • Love 5

I'm thinking Kail's biggest problem is Javi and Jo hanging out. I can just see it, "I'm going away with my friends this weekend. I won't be back until Monday. Don't give me shit Friday morning and back out of babysitting my boys, Javi".

"No problem. I ran into Jo at the corner stop sign and he said his mom was coming in town this weekend. They're gonna grill burgers and hot dogs. He invited us over. So cool, go have fun. We have plans, too."

Her head would explode.


If Kail was smart, she could see how Jo could take Javi off her hands as she goes on her 354th vacation in 2015. The guys could get together, barbecue, watch sports, play with the kids, just have a blast with no Kail around.

When Kail and Javi divorce, I'd love to see a sitcom-style situation where Javi moves in with Jo & Vee. Then Isaac and Lincoln could be together at both parents' houses. Sitcom hi-jinks & hilarity ensue as the two baby daddies, Vee, and the kids try to avoid Kail's anger at their happiness.

  • Love 10

When Kail and Javi divorce, I'd love to see a sitcom-style situation where Javi moves in with Jo & Vee. Then Isaac and Lincoln could be together at both parents' houses. Sitcom hi-jinks & hilarity ensue as the two baby daddies, Vee, and the kids try to avoid Kail's anger at their happiness.

Kind of like Full House, with Kail as Kimmy Gibbler. Except Kimmy was funny and a good friend. So I guess they swapped Kimmy Gibbler for the dependapotomous.

  • Love 1

Another (mini) vacation y'all.

Javi Marroquin ‏@JaviM9 3h

Going to Boston for our anniversary

Are those Germy's shorts?! Hahahaha https://instagram.com/p/7EXpSvF8Ub/

Of fucking course they are. Have fun with Lidia, kids. By the way, Lidia's pregnant isn't she? She probably won't be able to babysit much for awhile. Watch Kailyn give that baby an attitude.

  • Love 3

I'm sorry to sound like an ass but in my book, if of you are truly secure in your relationship you don't get upset if one of you sees an ex, especially if the ex is your co parent.

Javi is a jealous, insecure idiot.


Agreed. I really don't care about their history or if Javi has reason to be jealous. Jo hooked up with Kail probably about 4 years ago? He's got Vee now and they're having a baby. I think he's got even less interest in Kail in that way than he did then. Back then I think she was just an easy lay to him.


And that's the best thing that's probably ever happened to Jordan. He seems like a decent guy. Even seeing Kail while she was living with Jo's family - I have a feeling her grifter ass spun him some sob story and he fell for it. He didn't seem to be a famewhore at all like Javi - just seemed to be a regular guy. He and Chelsea's Cole seem to be the only decent guys on any TM show. (I think Jo is a good father but he still is ...ugh .....something about him I don't particularly like though he's been getting better.)


Cracks me up - their "starter house" they stayed in for like a year and a half and they've "outgrown" it with their two kids aged 5 and 1. We stayed in our "starter house" for 17 years and didn't leave until we had a teenager! lol  They've outgrown it at the ripe old age of 23?  I cannot wait until reality hits these assholes and they're living on a military salary only.

  • Love 11

I came across an article yesterday online. I wish I had saved it so I could share it. It was about a couple who were divorced. The mother wanted to move to Florida to be near her parents. She, of course, had custody of the child from her marriage, but the ex had visitation. It would make it hard for visitation so, the father of the child wanted to move to be closer to his child and seek work in that state.  The court allowed the mother to go ahead and take the kid except, she was ordered to pay for the expenses of the ex-husband for six months once he established residency in Florida.


That story made me think of Kail.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 2

I came across an article yesterday online. I wish I had saved it so I could share it. It was about a couple who were divorced. The mother wanted to move to Florida to be near her parents. She, of course, had custody of the child from her marriage, but the ex had visitation. It would make it hard for visitation so, the father of the child wanted to move to be closer to his child and seek work in that state. The court allowed the mother to go ahead and take the kid except, she was ordered to pay for the expenses of the ex-husband for six months once he established residency in Florida.

That story made me think of Kail.

Can you imagine the sour look on her face she would have from just reading that? Never mind having it applied to her. I think if a judge dared tell her she, a WOMAN and MOTHER had to PAY Jo a dime, the state of Delaware would just explode. Like there would be a Delaware shaped hole on the map of the US, due to the ire of Karl.

  • Love 4

Can you imagine the sour look on her face she would have from just reading that? Never mind having it applied to her. I think if a judge dared tell her she, a WOMAN and MOTHER had to PAY Jo a dime, the state of Delaware would just explode. Like there would be a Delaware shaped hole on the map of the US, due to the ire of Karl.


  • Love 4

My best friend actually had to do this. She lived in one state, her ex in another, and she got a job in a third. She was allowed to move but had to absorb the cost of getting their child to her visitation. It was 50/50 but the move made it 100% on her. (The mother). I think they were gone for about 4 months before she quit her job and moved back in order to continue the previous arrangement. It cost too much to work in that situation for my friend.

  • Love 1

My best friend actually had to do this. She lived in one state, her ex in another, and she got a job in a third. She was allowed to move but had to absorb the cost of getting their child to her visitation. It was 50/50 but the move made it 100% on her. (The mother). I think they were gone for about 4 months before she quit her job and moved back in order to continue the previous arrangement. It cost too much to work in that situation for my friend.

It sounds like it was a headache.


Karl Lowry is lucky she hasn't been put on blast by a judge like that in her case. Yet.

  • Love 4
Message added by OtterMommy

Please remember that it is against Primetimer policy to publish home addresses, links to home addresses, or other personal information of anyone--on or off the screen.

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