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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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Oh yeah good call on the maintenance.  A friend was just telling me about her friend who got breast implants 10 years ago and now it's time for new air in the tires, so to speak, but she has two kids now and I guess her husband couldn't get time off work for her recovery which may not have been more than a few days, I'm not sure, but my friend said she had to go over to help with the kids because she couldn't do it.  I'm sure no one thinks of that when they get these surgeries.  

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I don't think Kail is fat, but I'm of the opinion that short shorts look ridiculous on anyone who isn't a teenager. I'm not saying she has to wear Peggy Hill style culottes, but if she's trying to be taken seriously in the TV reporting world, she may want to step it up a bit class-wise.

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10 minutes ago, poopchute said:

Oh yeah good call on the maintenance.  A friend was just telling me about her friend who got breast implants 10 years ago and now it's time for new air in the tires, so to speak, but she has two kids now and I guess her husband couldn't get time off work for her recovery which may not have been more than a few days, I'm not sure, but my friend said she had to go over to help with the kids because she couldn't do it.  I'm sure no one thinks of that when they get these surgeries.  

They don't, for sure. Right now, they're young with the lovely skin we have until age, gravity, lifestyle, sun and the elements catch up. But, there is no magic skin product or procedure that will stop time. We get older, our skin thins and gets crepey. Gravity takes it's toll and things aren't where they used to be. Trends are fine when it comes to clothes, cars, decorating, etc. But, these crazy, body modifying trends are just that - crazy - and no one is thinking about what's going  to happen after the years roll by. 

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19 hours ago, poopchute said:

Oh my god I hate her. Does she post one picture of her ass on the Internet each day??

Yes. If not on Instagram then it's on her snapchat. 

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13 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

How many moms wake up in the morning and take/post pictures of themselves before 9:00 AM?  Even if she's a SAHM, aren't there other things she can be doing with her time?  

Was the point to show a time stamp before she cut her hair?  

It's a very flattering cut on her, but strange that she is going for a more Mommy style cut when everything else indicates she is going full party girl.

Have either of them even filed for divorce yet?  Waiting for filming to start back up first?  

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13 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

How many moms wake up in the morning and take/post pictures of themselves before 9:00 AM?  Even if she's a SAHM, aren't there other things she can be doing with her time?  

These days, far too many it seems.

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I don't know that there WAS a point to her using the time stamp. They're just one of the current Snapchat filters/graphics...whatever you want to call them. My sisters have randomly used them this past week, not for any significant reason. 

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She seems very manic to me.  Like she never stops for one second to breath. I do admire her for being a go getter. She has never stopped like the others did. She carried on with school, new marriage getting her what she needed (but probably didn't really want), babies, "fixing" her body, and now the turn to being career and travel oriented. I had a sudden turn after my first baby - I was still a present and loving mom, but became all about getting the career and living life. But I don't think I was manic about it. Kait is all over the place. 

I do think she's one of the best moms of the franchise, and Isaac is an absolute doll (can't quite get a read on Lincoln - I'm worried about little bitch Javi influencing him. Now she seems to be living the life she can while she can. All that travel .. I guess it's ok as long as you are budgeting for that. I know she seems all over the place these days with the cars and the trips. She should save the trips for when the kids can go and remember them. I think she's heavily counting on a job that will support the kids when this run is over. Plus she's got two books under her belt. That first one must have done well or she wouldn't have the second out (wouldn't be surprised if Tyler tried but couldn't convince anyone that they had anything to say). And honestly, I have no doubt that she'll make it work. Hopefully the unhealthy choices are ending (a marriage to a doof because fairytale was her goal). I know she can be a mess (and unpleasant), but I can't help but like her for some reason. I loved her and Chelsea together making each other laugh. Seems to be the only real friendship between any of them. In contrast, I can only see Leah, Amber, Cate - on assistence and back to the beginning. I really think Kail will pull this off. 

Does anyone know if Jo or Vee are employed outside of their little MTV supporting rolls? The reality is that it IS a job for the moms.  They're making ridiculous money right now. The men are not or they wouldn't all be such cash strapped messes.

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She always has shoes on in these pics...on the carpet. Maybe that is why it looks so dirty?  I know the shoes are part of the "look", but it grosses me out. There was an episode last season where she had them on while sitting with her feet on the couch. 

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1 hour ago, RedKoolAide said:

All of Kail's butt selfies are the same pose. Just different clothes.

This is what I don't understand. What is the point of the same picture every day?  I think it's so weird for a mother (or father) of two children to put themselves on the Internet like that. Every day.

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Did she make a deal with the doctor that did her ass to post a pic of it every day hoping some of her 'fans' would cough up and buy themselves a ridiculous, giant ass too? It's just so damn weird. I can't imagine waking up every day thinking "Oh! I need to find a pair of skin tight pants or shorts, do my makeup and stand in front of the mirror for an hour to take pics of my clown ass."

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I think she can look pretty when she smiles and she's at a smaller weight (this is not a fat shaming comment. But Kail is one of those people that weight goes to her face and distorts her features, making her less attractive). That's a moot point though because she rarely smiles.

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This is what I don't understand. What is the point of the same picture every day?  I think it's so weird for a mother (or father) of two children to put themselves on the Internet like that. Every day.

It's part of what people do when they have large social media followings. Their fans want to see new content. I think Kail's smart to work that particular hustle because she does need to milk MTV and social media for as much as she can now. It's lasted longer than I think most of us expected, but it really isn't going to last forever. I hope she has a good financial adviser helping her invest because there's no way she was raised with any kind of modeling of long-term investing, but I think she and Chelsea (and maybe Maci) are the ones whose lives are materially improved by the show. 


You must not be succeptible to her fuckboy magnetism.

You know being a fuckboy magnet is a bad thing, right? That tweet was a complaint, not a brag.

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18 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

LOL, of course I did not know that, yet it changes nothing for me :). 

I didn't know what it meant either, but it doesn't change your point that someone who is not a fuckboy won't find her attractive, regardless of whether being a 'fuckboy' is a desirable or undesirable trait. Also, I'm old.

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1 hour ago, Zuleikha said:

It's part of what people do when they have large social media followings. Their fans want to see new content. I think Kail's smart to work that particular hustle because she does need to milk MTV and social media for as much as she can now. It's lasted longer than I think most of us expected, but it really isn't going to last forever. I hope she has a good financial adviser helping her invest because there's no way she was raised with any kind of modeling of long-term investing, but I think she and Chelsea (and maybe Maci) are the ones whose lives are materially improved by the show. 



You know being a fuckboy magnet is a bad thing, right? That tweet was a complaint, not a brag.

But why does the new content have to be her ass? I can think of one thousand more appropriate things for a mom of two small children to post online.  

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In regards to her latest photo...Why, for the love of god, don't people who post selfies ever pick up the background? Whenever I post anything, it's the first thing I do - (and it only takes a few seconds.)

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I'm not a selfie poster generally, and only do on a vacation or such, but it literally is her livelihood. I don't follow these girls on any social media for a reason, and only see what is posted here, but all those products they push and events they go to, they make money from that and the more followers, the more money. Most of these girls don't have traditional jobs, but they make money through various methods they've lucked into because of the show, and the show itself is a job (making six figures a year counts as a job, even though it's not 9-5). Non-traditional, sure, but if I could make that much money in as little time as they do, I would too (just not in the same way, I value my privacy). And if posting selfies every day adds to that income, I understand it even though it's not my thing. We make fun of it, but enough people like it (no idea how to tell how many likes or follows or whatnot a snap chat story gets).

I just want to know how hard it is to for her to find non-stretchy pants now.

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Meh.  I see it as her thinking she looks hot with that big, fake butt.  It's snapchat so I don't think she makes any money from it. She's just very into herself. 

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Ugh! The untied shoe fad was wrong when it happened 20 years ago and it's still a stupid idea. When it was all the rage 20 years ago, our neighbor kid was over here playing, tripped on the stupid shoelace and face planted on the concrete patio. Broke both upper front teeth off at the gumline. I got a call from his mom the next day telling me that they were 'in between' health insurance and wanted our homeowners to cover it. The insurance adjuster came out and inspected our patios and found nothing that would cause a fall. Our policy  allowed  a one time payout for essentially someone doing something stupid on our property and hurting themselves. I'd love to see Kail trip over her high dollar shoelaces and fall on her giant ass. At a televised, red carpet style event.

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I don't think I own a pair of shoes that require laces. I'm a slip on kind of gal. I SO not fashionable and my ass is original equipment. Kail would have a great time dissing my fashion and ass choices.

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4 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

You don't tie Adidas.    At least Run-DMC never did.

I tie mine because I'm grown and I don't want to trip.

I know that is how the "kids" are wearing them, but come on... Kail you are not as hip and young as you think you are!

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As one of "the kids" I feel qualified to inform everyone that most young people who go to university and are working their arses off in part time jobs do not, in fact, have the luxury of walking around with untied shoelaces. 

But since Kail doesn't have to worry about menial things like money, juggling multiple jobs and school or even just stressful timetabling I suppose this does not apply to her.  

I personally think that she looks ridiculous given that I spent half of my afternoons at out of hours school care telling kids to tie up their laces but each to their own. 

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Karl is klearly kopying the Kardashians.

I recently had breast reduction surgery because the pain in my neck and back was becoming too much to bear. Carrying around natural double D's has been a nightmare not a dream. I shake my head at these girls who are clearly trying to look like Kim Kardashian because they have shit for brains. It comes off as a desperate move to attract guys. Karl is not classy because a classy woman knows her self-worth and knows she has more to offer than what she sees in a mirror. 

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10 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Karl is klearly kopying the Kardashians.

I recently had breast reduction surgery because the pain in my neck and back was becoming too much to bear. Carrying around natural double D's has been a nightmare not a dream. I shake my head at these girls who are clearly trying to look like Kim Kardashian because they have shit for brains. It comes off as a desperate move to attract guys. Karl is not classy because a classy woman knows her self-worth and knows she has more to offer than what she sees in a mirror. 

And, doesn't need to post pics of that reflection in the mirror every....damn....day.

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53 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

What is wrong with these people??  I miss the days when I would call a girlfriend I was at war with, cuss her ass out and be done with it?

Why all the back and forth for all the world to see?

Because that is how Karl Kardashian rolls. 

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