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39 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

and we know how that turned out.  Are we going to see another season about the lot lines, with nothing getting accomplished?  Christine was the only one against the Plyg Palace, so Kootie could go back to that idea, except that now he wants monogamy with Robyn and her 5.

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On 9/29/2022 at 8:11 PM, deirdra said:

So who was shooting the private phone footage for just the 5 of them? It whipped around the circle from one speaker to the next.

I’m sure Kody told Christine that was how he wanted it shot, so the film crew didn’t have control of the footage. Because if millions of people are going to eventually be privy to it, why bother making a fuss about privacy? Since everyone knew Christine was leaving, this part of the plot is the hardest to watch. It’s asinine. 

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14 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Poor Janelle - she should have bought that house because over 1 1/2 years later she still has no place to live! And am I wrong or did Robyn want  a "rennal" so they could build right away - they told us over and over in Season 14 (or 13) they could not find any rennals now Kody is saying they found plenty but none big enough for Robyn. This show is infuriating and all of Kody and Robyn's lies and sense of entitlement is coming to light,,  I guess God did provide Robyn a rennal it just did not meet her standards. 

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Robyn wanted a rennal with at least 6 bedrooms so each kid could have their own, and preferably 7 for a live-in nanny/maid/cook. It would have been more prudent to settle for a 4-bed at a much lower rent to save faster for the build.

Edited by deirdra
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21 hours ago, ginger90 said:

So that’s why Janelle wound up with an RV that she isn’t living in.

so her brilliant idea was BUY an RV to live in while she builds her house but after living in the RV for one summer she found out that savanah doesn’t want to live out on the prairie in an RV so now she has an RV she’s paying to store somewhere and she’s renting a place to live in.

She could have bought the house she was renting and made some money but no she buys a freaking RV that’s depreciating and she has to pay to store it somewhere and she pays to have it hauled back and forth, winterized etc. 

The Browns are experts at wasting money!

Meanwhile Kody and Roby needed a 7 bedroom rennel which of course they couldn’t find so they bought Robyn’s McMansion…. I think Robyn said she needed 7 bedrooms knowing damn well that they’d have to buy…. She’s come a long way since her days of living in a run down trailer with her kids.

Remember Robyn sobbing as she said that people looked down on her like trailer trash and she never wanted to go through that again.

Edited by Joan of Argh
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Nothing but the biggest and bestest for Sobbyn and her spawn.  Talk about falling in a shithouse and coming out smelling like a rose!

That rennal BS was just that.  She knew Kootie would get her an enormous house, and let the others live in cardboard boxes under a bridge.  Spoiled little bitch!

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1 hour ago, xwordfanatik said:

Nothing but the biggest and bestest for Sobbyn and her spawn.  Talk about falling in a shithouse and coming out smelling like a rose!

That rennal BS was just that.  She knew Kootie would get her an enormous house, and let the others live in cardboard boxes under a bridge.  Spoiled little bitch!

Exactly she was acting like a good Christian woman wanting to find a rental and relying on god to provide one while demanding a 7 bedroom house with a nanny suite knowing damn well that would be nearly impossible to find….. Robyn’s so full of shit she’s turning brown!

none of her kids can share a room and Dayun needed an entire suite so he can live at home forever whether he wants to or not.

I noticed that Janelle said she wants to build a simple small house that would be finished in 6 months but Robyn won’t let ANY of her kids leave the nest because she knows if she keeps all 5 of them at home she’ll always need a HUGE house or McMansion to house everyone.

Edited by Joan of Argh
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On 9/26/2022 at 5:24 PM, lookeyloo said:

Sometimes I think they make all the talking heads in one sitting. And then splice them in to some shots they also probably make in a few days 

Probably saves money.  I am sure TLC wants to pay as little as possible for this dreck.

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Since the sleuths on this site have confirmed that Janelle is on the mortgage/deed for 2 of the 4 original plots couldn't she just build on land with her name listed (which includes most of what she would get separately)? Then they wouldn't have to pay it off and resurvey.

Oh, that's right, Robyn and Kody no longer want to live on Coyote Pass.

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Janelle needs to realize that she is the only member of the family that is still interested in Coyote Pass. If she wants a house on that land, she'll have to take one lot and develop it entirely by herself.

I think that Janelle needs to also realize that the family is about done. She's a single woman with six children that she's just finishing up raising. She has a great friend in Christine and they share 12 children who are siblings.

This was filmed in April 2021. Hopefully by now in October 2022 she gets it. The family is over as she knew it. Coyote Pass, as she envisioned it, isn't going to happen.

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If she wants a house on that land, she'll have to take one lot and develop it entirely by herself.

Which might actually have been feasible if there already were utilities run to the land. Since there aren't...

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8 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Nothing but the biggest and bestest for Sobbyn and her spawn.  Talk about falling in a shithouse and coming out smelling like a rose!

That rennal BS was just that.  She knew Kootie would get her an enormous house, and let the others live in cardboard boxes under a bridge.  Spoiled little bitch!

Would love to see her end up the last wife standing. then Kootie 'fall in love' with and marry a secod much younger wife-lol

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Janelle needs to realize that she is the only member of the family that is still interested in Coyote Pass. If she wants a house on that land, she'll have to take one lot and develop it entirely by herself.

I think that Janelle needs to also realize that the family is about done. She's a single woman with six children that she's just finishing up raising. She has a great friend in Christine and they share 12 children who are siblings.

This was filmed in April 2021. Hopefully by now in October 2022 she gets it. The family is over as she knew it. Coyote Pass, as she envisioned it, isn't going to happen.

Janelle spends all her time with either Christine or in North Carolina. She has no apparent interest in Kody, Robyn, or Meri. So I don't understand why she didn't just buy the rental house. And she's an asshole for passing that up to haul poor Savannah out to an RV in the middle of nowhere.

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What a freakn joke this family are. Totally living seperate lives. There is one family and two ex wives, one with a couple of kids, stil on friendly terms. That's it. Not counting the kids. They are not on friendly terms. 

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7 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Her rental was listed in May 2021 for $699,000, and sold in September 2021 for $649,000. 

Must be the value of the land - someone could tear down that house and build something bigger and much nicer.

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8 hours ago, Kellyee said:

Janelle spends all her time with either Christine or in North Carolina. She has no apparent interest in Kody, Robyn, or Meri. So I don't understand why she didn't just buy the rental house. And she's an asshole for passing that up to haul poor Savannah out to an RV in the middle of nowhere.

She is probably not sure yet what she wants to do.  Depending on what Savannah does after graduating.  She may be waiting to see if Kody decides to move again.  So why waste time and money buying.

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2 hours ago, Pickleinthemiddle said:

She is probably not sure yet what she wants to do.  Depending on what Savannah does after graduating.  She may be waiting to see if Kody decides to move again.  So why waste time and money buying.

When looking at their past habits, I’d say it’s about time Kody rings the bell and tells everyone to pack up and move. However, I doubt he Robyn is going to sell Brown-Mansion and relocate again, so they’ll probably stay exactly where they are.

Unless….that over-mortgaged mansion is facing a balloon payment in the near future; in that case, we’ll have a repeat of Vegas whether Robyn likes it or not. I do consider this very likely as our sleuths have unearthed quite a bit of info related to extra loans against the house over the past few years.

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Now that Janelle has Maddie in NC, Garrison in Flagstaff, Logan in LV, Christine in SLC-area, plus "Plecus" events and can work online, she could just forgo a home and visit relatives & see the country all the time.  What she needs is a smaller RV or van-camper that she can easily drive from place to place herself.

Edited by deirdra
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On 10/2/2022 at 6:08 PM, deirdra said:

Now that Janelle has Maddie in NC, Garrison in Flagstaff, Logan in LV, Christine in SLC-area, plus "Plecus" events and can work online, she could just forgo a home and visit relatives & see the country all the time.  What she needs is a smaller RV or van-camper that she can easily drive from place to place herself.

Yes but that would make too much sense.

It's the Brown's we're talking about!

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On 10/2/2022 at 6:08 PM, deirdra said:

Now that Janelle has Maddie in NC, Garrison in Flagstaff, Logan in LV, Christine in SLC-area, plus "Plecus" events and can work online, she could just forgo a home and visit relatives & see the country all the time.  What she needs is a smaller RV or van-camper that she can easily drive from place to place herself.

And those can cost more than the one she just bought.  I've been looking for one for myself nothing very big.  Just with a kitchen and small bedroom, where I can lay flat and don't have to climb a ladder to get in bed.  Instead of offering her a place to stay, they were like no way would I do that, live in an RV, that's crazy.  Just hate it that she was put in a situation that she didn't have anywhere to go.  There were rentals available, but it might have moved Savannah into a different school.  Or from some of the ones I've seen, not the best looking.

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Christine claims to love Janelle's kids like her own and has said her and Janelle were "always close", but she never offered her a place to stay. Neither one were getting any or even barely seeing Kody during the last two years. She only offered to rent Janelle her house - a month too late I might add.

IMO, they only became close once they were no longer in competition for Kody. That and I really believe Christine's revengeful side wants Janelle's kids to align with her and not Kody.

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On 9/30/2022 at 11:59 AM, Roslyn said:

Based on the angle of each shot, they are using one camera/phone for each of themselves and then the editor is popping back and forth piecing the frame with the conversation or whoever is having a facial reaction at the time.

Each shot looks like they are sitting in a circle, so they could have a mini center circle of 5 tripods to film the whole thing.

You could see the tripods with all the phones before they started, they each had their phone recording facing them, then production clearly worked it into the show. 

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Christine claims to love Janelle's kids like her own and has said her and Janelle were "always close", but she never offered her a place to stay. Neither one were getting any or even barely seeing Kody during the last two years. She only offered to rent Janelle her house - a month too late I might add.

I don't think that Christine knew that Janelle's landlord was selling until after she made the decision to leave Kody and move to Utah. I thought it was kind of her to offer Janelle her house; that would have meant that Christine couldn't sell it right away and would not have any cash from the sale to finance her new life. 

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

I don't think that Christine knew that Janelle's landlord was selling until after she made the decision to leave Kody and move to Utah. I thought it was kind of her to offer Janelle her house; that would have meant that Christine couldn't sell it right away and would not have any cash from the sale to finance her new life. 

Exactly… I don’t think Christine was financially independent enough to keep her house in Flagstaff and relocate to Utah.

She was begging online for help to pay for Ysabels surgery, at that time I think her only income was from TLC and whatever she made shilling Lularot… I don’t think she was fully involved with “Plecus” at that point.

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1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

Is it just me or is Robyn looking more and more like a Joan Crawford/Bettie Davis clone?

The hair, the make-up, especially the rouge and tomahawk eyebrows plus the clothing looks like 1940’s Edith Head Hollywood actress wardrobe… where does she find all these flowery granny blouses?!?!?… I think she must smell like mothballs!

Then she adds the wringing of the hands, grimacing, fake tears and puts on quite the performance!


This must be intentional on her part-her hair, makeup, and appearance were completely normal in the first seasons. I have no idea what the neck is about. 

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5 hours ago, MamaGee said:

So I asked this in a recap thread (that's all I ever read!) but got my hand slapped. Where is everyone now?? I don't care so much about the grown up kids but Kodouche and the wives?

Christine took Truely and moved to Utah and TLC gave her an online cooking show called “Cooking with Just Christine”

Janelle bought a giant RV and she spent one summer out on the coyote Pass property with Savanah…. Janelle had the RV towed away to be repaired and winterized… Savanah didn’t want to spend another summer way out on the property alone with Janelle so Janelle rented a house in Flagstaff and the RV is still sitting in storage.

Janelle won a couple trips from the MLM that she shills “Plexus” so she’s been to Portugal, Hawaii and Nashville.

Maddie is pregnant and Ysabel moved in with Caleb and Maddie so she could attend school in North Carolina.

Mykelti is pregnant with twin boys

Meri still has her B&B and she travelled to Cancun Mexico last week for a gathering courtesy of Lularoe which is the MLM she shills.

Thats all I could think of off the top of my head, I’m sure I probably forgot some stuff.  😊

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I skimmed that article and on my deathbed I know I'll want that time back! This really blew me away though:


"I'm going to be the head of my household again and so I'm not going to be circumvented in that," Kody declared. "And so if everybody's willing to conform to patriarchy again, I guess, because I've been fighting to make everybody happy. My bitterness is that out of trying to do that and not having the family that I had thought about and designed."

"If it's too awkward or I don't feel like I'm the head of my household when people are around then I'm not going to have the whole family together," he added. "I'm at the point now in my life where I don't have time to waste on people who won't respect me or treat me with respect, so we'll see how that goes." 

KoDouche is such a misogynistic, fucking asshole. The dude hasn't been having his whole family around for years, of his own doing. Stupid twat. He clearly still doesn't get why Christine would leave his ass. The only one who does is Janelle. I'm sure Meri gets it but she's angry because she rilly hopes to get back in the Douche's good graces one day. Sad, deluded girl.

ETA: I don't think Janelle will ever formally leave Douche. I think she'll either move away, or travel around and just not be around anymore. I don't understand why she wants to be tied to these morons but...

Edited by gingerella
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22 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Christine claims to love Janelle's kids like her own and has said her and Janelle were "always close", but she never offered her a place to stay. Neither one were getting any or even barely seeing Kody during the last two years. She only offered to rent Janelle her house - a month too late I might add.

IMO, they only became close once they were no longer in competition for Kody. That and I really believe Christine's revengeful side wants Janelle's kids to align with her and not Kody.

In Christine's defense she only had a small house.  My guess is Janelle Had already decided she wanted the 5th wheel.  Not knowing what the future might bring.  At least this would have been a place to live.  But long term RV parks are expensive.  Almost as much or more than your RV payment.

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These women take the cake, they’re still propping up Kody and making excuses for what he says while I think he’s totally aware of what he says and meant what he meant.

Kody clearly said that Meri laid her Lizzie’s Burden at his feet and he gave her a solution.

he has no interest in Meri or some day rekindling their relationship… for him that type of thinking is annoying and he’s tired of it… he’d like her to stop grasping at straws and GO AWAY!

meanwhile Meri keeps wallowing in a fairytale where it’s some type of misunderstanding and eventually he’ll want her back in his bed because he’ll remember the good old days when he loved her….. JMO but that’s never going to happen and the more she clings the more he resents her.

Good grief have some self respect and leave already!  🙄

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In Christine's defense she only had a small house.  My guess is Janelle Had already decided she wanted the 5th wheel.  Not knowing what the future might bring.  At least this would have been a place to live.  But long term RV parks are expensive.  Almost as much or more than your RV payment.

Christine did not have a small house in Flagstaff. I remember when they showed them all moving in. Christine's house was ridiculous-sized just like Meri's. The only one who tried to save money was Janelle.

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30 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Christine’s house had 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, and was 2,400 sqft. Seems reasonable to me, and she owned it. It was herself and 3 children living there. 

Exactly Christine wound up using the loft with no door for privacy so Truely, Ysabel and Gwen could have the actual bedrooms.

on the other hand Meri rented a gigantic home with 8 bedrooms including two master suites and an indoor waterfall for just herself.

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5 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Here’s a tidbit about the waterfall,  elevator house. It sold for $810,000 in 2019. Then it sold again, in July of 2021 for $1,465,000.

Christine was the only one smart enough to buy when she moved to flagstaff, all the others went and rented houses one after another and Robyn would still be renting if it was up to her.

Meri and Janelle are tossing money out the window month after month… Meri on huge mansions with waterfalls and elevator and Janelle on one rental after another while she pays to store her RV

its shocking how stupid these people are with their finances 🤪

Edited by Joan of Argh
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4 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

on the other hand Meri rented a gigantic home with 8 bedrooms including two master suites and an indoor waterfall for just herself.

Bedrooms for each of her six spirit children, one for her and one for LuLaCrap.

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On 10/5/2022 at 6:36 PM, Joan of Argh said:

Is it just me or is Robyn looking more and more like a Joan Crawford/Bettie Davis clone?

The hair, the make-up, especially the rouge and tomahawk eyebrows plus the clothing looks like 1940’s Edith Head Hollywood actress wardrobe… where does she find all these flowery granny blouses?!?!?… I think she must smell like mothballs!

Then she adds the wringing of the hands, grimacing, fake tears and puts on quite the performance!


And the goiter is showing off it's presence!  Don't forget: the goiter has a phone and social security number!

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Nobody seemed to object to the McMansions leading me to believe they all had their own bankrolls.

That would explain a lot!  Some smart with money some really dumb.

I think when they started out and were living together and had nothing they had one pot but once they got the show they were paid individually for taxes, social security and working salaries.

That's why they could afford big houses and brand new SUV's.

Truth be known I think they all have big bank accounts.  Lots of money being paid to Kody and sister wives!

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

Truth be known I think they all have big bank accounts.  Lots of money being paid to Kody and sister wives!

The biggest reason I doubt this is lack of any kind of medical insurance.  And needing to do a GoFundMe type deal to pay for Ysabel's surgery.  If you have a kid that needs major surgery to live a normal life, you pay for it up front if you have money, not beg for it from strangers.

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16 minutes ago, Cetacean said:

The biggest reason I doubt this is lack of any kind of medical insurance.  And needing to do a GoFundMe type deal to pay for Ysabel's surgery.  If you have a kid that needs major surgery to live a normal life, you pay for it up front if you have money, not beg for it from strangers.

When the were buying in LV they all spent months cleaning up their bad credit. IIRC, Christine and Robyn's credit were the worst. So even with a year of TLC income and the promise of at least one more year, they didn't even initially qualify for mortgages.

I do think these TLC shows pay well, but supporting 4 households and nearly 20 kids takes a lot of money, so I'm guessing they've never been loaded. With that said, I do think Meri, Janelle and Christine make some good money now that they're all successful in their MLM "jobs".

So I'm guessing at this point they are all above middle class.

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