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S13.E20: Reunion Part 3

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I read somewhere that Kyle said Morgan was hot.  While I realize beauty is in the eye of the beholder, allow me to say, I don't find Morgan the least bit "hot".  Her face is okay and she may have a great body for all I know, but whenever a person has wall to wall tats it makes me wonder what they are trying to hide.  

It may have to do with reading a sci-fi book named The Illustrated Man, way back in the day, about a circus man that had wall to wall tats that came to life at night when he went to sleep, and sometimes they did bad things. 

Mainly though, I think so many are distracting (kinda like Rinna's lips) and frankly, EW-GLY. 



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2 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

I'm thinking the only reason this season was so popular in ratings is because of the drama, tension, unknowns about Kyle and Maurico. I think people who wouldn't normally watch the show tuned in to see if they could pick up clues, get the gossip. Maybe, I mean, it wasn't to see what happened with Sutton and her horse or dating, and it certainly wasn't the drama with Dorit and PK. 

Don't underestimate the number of lapsed viewers who came back now that Rinna is gone. I gave up on the show a couple of seasons ago because I found her toxic to the point of being unwatchable (I would typically tune in for an episode mid-season to see if it had gotten any better and it never had) and I don't think I'm alone in that. This was the first full season I've watched in years.

I know there was a lot of chatter online about Kyle and Morgan, but it never seemed to reach "Scandoval" levels of heat where even places that wouldn't normally feature articles about the show were devoting space to it.

Edited by Steph J
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2 hours ago, Pi237 said:

No one has been allowed to talk as long as Kathy and Kyle in any reunion without being interrupted. 

I dont believe Morgan never saw the Housewives, or wasn't at least Aware of its popularity.  That's ridiculous.

In their Amazon Live, she had stated this, but said she eventually went on YouTube and would watch compilations like 'Kyle Richards get dragged for fifteen minutes'. Also said she did see the Season 12 Reunion and found it 'very sad' and didn't want to watch the show because it would be difficult having known Kyle IRL. 

2 hours ago, Ss55 said:

Oh the hemming and hawing from Kyle over her country crooner is so lame! Also….“critically acclaimed?”

Maybe she is - I admit im not up on the country scene but I still don’t get the Morgan fascination. I just don’t.

Rolling Stone ranked her album the top country/Americana record of 2021. So yeah, there is critical acclaim. That's not a lie.

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I  was bored, I'm not particularly  enamored  with Kathy, and Kyle lost me this season,  or was it  the one before. 

I still think Kyle had a crush on Morgan, and I don't  think it was reciprocated , not that Kyle would own the fact, that yes,  she could have been used.

The camera kept panning to the smug look on Erica's  face, and the startled  one on Doritos.

I'm glad Sutton  was okay, Garcelle  was happy to get out of there, it was too much Kyle for my liking. 

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The biggest revelation during this reunion was the flashback to Kyle and Mauricio in Paris circa 2013. I had to face the fact that I’ve watched this show for at least 11 years 🤣

Though I am really put off by how Erika and Kathy reacted to Sutton’s medical incident (even if stress/panic brought it on, it was obviously serious enough to require medical attention), I’m calling it now: Sandoval will “pass out” during the VPR reunion 🤣

Edited by ivygirl
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1) if Kyle wasn't going to actually participate in this season, Bravo should have just edited her out completely and moved on.  I mean it's a reality show.  If she hiding her breakup and new romance, why show up at all?  Can you imagine having a job you refuse to do and instead of getting fired, your employer calls in your sister to help out instead?! Crazy.  Come on Bravo.

Kathy is an absolute bore.  And she isn't even on this show.  WtactualF?

2) This may be insensitive...but...I can't help wondering if Sutton was dehydrated from drinking.. or was hungover or something.  There is something really odd about her level of fragility.  Eating disorder? Alcohol issue? Genetic esophagus?  Idk.  But she doesn't appear healthy enough to be on this show. And, again, I find it odd that Sutton/Bravo just pass on addressing her obvious issues.

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6 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Andy Cohen loves Paris, and Kathy Hilton. I don't know why.

It's because he's nothing but a fan boy and seems to go for rich vapid woman with no morals.  I can't stand him sometimes.

This reunion bored me to tears because I just couldn't care less about Kyle and her problems with her sister and husband.  Waa waa waa...get on to someone else.  I just might close the door to this franchise.  The only people I like are Garcelle and Sutton.  

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The hem and haw hour with Kyle and her Hollywood star wanna-beez.

The left couch is so fake and insecure with themselves they have had elective surgery up the yin yang till its to the point if they do anymore its too much. Some have already surpassed that point. Dorit with that little shelf on the back of her head under her hood with the combs showing, looked like gravity was pulling it off her after all those hours. 

The right couch (before Annemarie was plopped on it) was the couch of actual real personalities of character, not pursuing having to be the most famous and beautiful moviestar in the land, or High priestess, in Kathys case. 

Natural in physical, emotional and basic truthfulness about their lives and themselves, is such a contrast from the left couch.

Kyle cant stand Sutton because she is so real and she has no clue what that even means, feels like, or how to go about attaining guilelessness. Narcissists don’t have a clue who they are and are terrified to look inside themselves. They’ed find nothing there. Guile Kyle would find a only conniving manipulative, play acting nobody who seems to wear any new friends skin, because she wants to be them. Try their personality on for size. 

Also cowardly bringing on her sister who was enlisted to back up being threatening to Sutton. The two sitting there with their smokey quartz’s playing head games with Sutton. You can bet Kathy threatened Sutton in some way before she came on. Sutton looked terrified. No wonder she had that “spell” hit her at that precise moment that gleefully smiling Andy lined up for them to have a gang up on her. 

I’d like to think it was Merce in the purse looking out for her. She suddenly knew just how deep of a set up it was, and it hit her like a bolt from the blue. It would freak anyone out and spike their blood pressure. I am so glad Sutton (and Garcelle) had that excuse to leave, tho it was not good why they had to.

Wonky eyed Kathy casually scrolling her phone, disinterested, during Suttons episode of medical distress. Erica ass kisser, liar that she couldn’t give a crap about anything, kisses Queen Kathys ass shooting the breeze about her Christmas trees, while also ignoring Suttons emergency, to gain Kathys favor, fearing retribution herself. 

Dorit, Kyle and Erica looking unconcerned or annoyed at Sutton, unless the camera focused on them, where they put on a face of, maybe they care a bit, for a moment. Poor Crystal, left behind because Garcelle leaped to action. 


I too hope that Sutton, Garcelle and Crystal don’t come back next season. Andy also just underlined that this is the Richard Sisters of Beverly Hills Show. I don’t like them and this hour of Kyle not being open and honest after not giving a damn if she   destroyed Denise’s marriage, insisting she give bedroom details about HER life. 

Kyle is boring. She probably can’t answer the question if she and Morgan are together because she can’t answer for Morgan. As I recall, it wasn’t Morgan who was the pursuer. I hope she used Kyle to get some publicity, like Kyle uses all her “friends” for what they can do for her. Like being her puppet, or voice, or pitbull, or temporary skin while shes deciding if she likes the fit. 

I hope Garcelle finished her beach house and doesn’t need this Bravo money. Sutton and Crystal don’t need it. I hope they walk away from these clowns. There are better places to go and things to do, than spend any more time with these type of wrong path followers. 




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Before this reunion I was on board with Kyle separating from the pile of ooze known as Mauricio and not divorcing because she was just waiting out his mid-life crisis and now, I think the opposite is true, that the pile of ooze is waiting out the pile of hostility known as Kyle's mid-life crisis.

I am in the camp of they are both wasting their time.

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I believe Sutton became suddenly ill, but I also suspect Andy made the most of the drama by letting Garcelle and Sutton leave while he continued with the filming. They are popular women. Andy will want them back for their nice factors. But the remainder of Part 3 wasn't for the nice. Andy got more drama from the minutes with the Richards' drama and the Doritt and Erika facial responses (kind of out of a silent movie). 

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11 hours ago, Pattycake2 said:

PS dancers are very handsy with each other.  Mo holding hands with his dance partner off stage is absolutely normal.  It just goes with the territory.

The image I saw looked like they were walking outside together. I would think that's pretty odd if I saw my husband doing it, regardless of whether he's a dancer (which Mauricio technically is not).


They both sure took off fast after Kathy entered the room. Maybe it was editing but it seemed like a quick exit to me. 

Which would make sense, as there appeared to be a health issue in progress.


whenever a person has wall to wall tats it makes me wonder what they are trying to hide.  

Most likely nothing (and adding visible swatches of ink to one's body is not the best way to divert people's eyes from anything). Most of us just like them.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I think Kyle may have finally realized she's backed herself into a corner. Who knows if she's afraid to be honest about her relationship with Morgan because it's same sex, a big age difference, and/or an extramarital affair, but it means she can't play the naive, wounded wife. Nor can she back the Hiltons when they sling mud at Mauricio because it could end up hurting her (and her daughters) financially.

Meanwhile, I bet Mauricio feels a sense of relief that his freedom is near.

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1 minute ago, QQQQ said:

Nor can she back the Hiltons when they sling mud at Mauricio because it could end up hurting her (and her daughters) financially.

That's a good point.  I wanted to hear Kathy's side of the story about Mauricio leaving their company, but Kyle cut her off quickly!  

7 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

In the end, they may have enormous love for each other, but THAT is certainly not a healthy sister relationship.

Exactly!  I've always thought that the 3 sisters have the most effed up dynamics I've ever seen.  

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Business deals must get brokered at Kathy Hilton parties.  Throughout Hollywood history, there's always been a handful of draconian grande dames whose invitations were highly coveted because that's where drunken production chiefs say to one another, Let's do a show where some TikTok influencer becomes a cop!!  And the next morning, personal assistants begin arranging the lunch.  😀

That's really the only explanation for it.  Kathy Hilton is boring as f--k.  And her offspring are downright repulsive.

Obviously, Andy Cohen is pitching something to someone.  Hence Kathy Hilton's completely gratuitous appearance at this reunion.

Sutton's breakdown was... interesting.  Evidently, you don't need Andy Cohen to offer you cocaine or whisper sweet threesome nothings into yr ear to create a completely toxic show environment.

I am thinking maybe Reality TV needs a new type of employee, analogous to the intimacy coordinators they have on set when actors are filming sex scenes.

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On 3/13/2024 at 9:40 PM, Pi237 said:

Why the hell are we wasting All this time on Kathy?! 15 minutes of them slobbering all over her because she's Beverly Hills power blah blah.

Kathy is not Hollywood-powerful. The Hiltons are colluding with Andy to craft this narrative for Bravo's viewers. Kathy is one of many of Hollywood's aging, nasty, narcissistic once-wealthy assholes living on credit and faded dreams. Bravo is the sisters' last desperate grab for attention, abetted by social media and attempts at third-rate TV shows.

I think that Andy's days at Bravo are limited. His influence over network programming is greatly reduced these days. The rumors of his hard partying aren't helping his case. He has not objected to Kathy Griffith's public assertion that he tried to get her to do cocaine with him - twice, in his Bravo office - when they were friends. Bravo will keep the Housewives franchise as long as it makes money, but the rest of the entertainment world has moved on.



Edited by pasdetrois
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1 hour ago, bosawks said:

Before this reunion I was on board with Kyle separating from the pile of ooze known as Mauricio and not divorcing because she was just waiting out his mid-life crisis and now, I think the opposite is true, that the pile of ooze is waiting out the pile of hostility known as Kyle's mid-life crisis.

I am in the camp of they are both wasting their time.

Completely agree on Kyle, she is having her own mid-life crisis right now.  It really is too bad Garcelle and Sutton were gone when she started tap dancing around whatever Mauricio had done to break her trust or however she put it.

It amused me that they left the Sutton and Garcelle seats open on the right couch.  Andy will not allow any other than his designated preciouses for the season to be right next to him?  4 people scrunched up on the left couch, Crystal and AnneMarie on the far edge of the right.  

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11 hours ago, Ss55 said:

Yup. I just find it all so cringey because she looks AND acts like she’s very young.

100% if Mauricio was romancing a woman 26 years younger, much would be made of it. People will say no but look at Erika and Tom (32 year age gap). He has probably been called a sugar daddy (it ain't wrong) their entire relationship. 

For someone who prides herself on being a great mother (just ask her - she'll tell you), she sure is gone a lot chasing tail while Portia spends her last few years under their roof. Not to mention her other kids and their pets. 

I used to like Kyle. I liked that she did seem to be an attentive mom and I liked that her dogs were a little wild and it seems well-loved. I don't know if she has changed that much or is just now revealing her true colors and I didn't see them. 

ETA: By the way, has anyone seen older pics of Morgan? This idea she is this earthy, genuine singer-songwriter who only cares about her craft is laughable. Girlfriend has had a lot of work done by the ripe old age of 29, particularly her lips. 

Edited by lilmarysunshine
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14 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

How does it feel to be back Kathy? She was never on the show this season and just said she didn’t even watch it. This reunion shouldn’t have been three parts just to have her on. Dumb. 

WTF Sutton. That seemed fake…whatever that was. Mini seizure? 

I don't think she was faking, her blood pressure was extremely high, I think she has a severe anxiety attack. Kathy sure seemed unbothered about Sutton Lol !!

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13 hours ago, JD5166 said:

Why has this turned into "The Richards Sisters" hour? I am so over these super close sisters who love and care more than any sisters the planet and MOM, OUR MOM is so great she's here with us now! Good lord, enough! I would rather watch that piece of shit Erica's special right now. 

I am done with this show if Kyle is back. 

I concur, I am so over Kylle. have been for years. 

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1 minute ago, byrd said:

I don't think she was faking, her blood pressure was extremely high, I think she has a severe anxiety attack. Kathy sure seemed unbothered about Sutton Lol !!

Kathy is a narcissist and that explains why she can't get along with Kyle or anyone else for that matter.  She is full of rhetoric that makes her sound good but she emotionally doesn't seem to connect to anyone.   This is true with her own children who when very young  she dumped on people for caretaking whenever a social opportunity came around.   I'm sure the emotional abandonment of her children  was just as bad. 

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2 hours ago, QQQQ said:

I think Kyle may have finally realized she's backed herself into a corner. Who knows if she's afraid to be honest about her relationship with Morgan because it's same sex, a big age difference, and/or an extramarital affair, but it means she can't play the naive, wounded wife. Nor can she back the Hiltons when they sling mud at Mauricio because it could end up hurting her (and her daughters) financially.

Meanwhile, I bet Mauricio feels a sense of relief that his freedom is near.

I agree because it looks like Mauricio is leaving Kyle and not the other way around.   Kyle is such a proud person she can't admit to faults and failure and can't even say the word divorce. Kyle who can't stay off of social media for five hours at a time cares just as much if not more about the audience as Dorit who photographs herself in every stage of costuming. 

On the dysfunction of the Hilton family, until they admit their mother was a horrible and irresponsible person and move on from the false narrative they create about her, her memory will continue to block them from good mental health and functional relationships.  It seems they allow the dead mom  to reach out from the grave to make them feel guilty and because of the lies they live they can't have an honest relationship with anyone.  Growing up in a dysfunctional family emotionally crippled all of them. 



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9 hours ago, Axie said:

Kyle is old enough to be Morgan’s mother.   It’s kind of creepy she finds her hot.  Plus, she’s not hot.

She is 100% Not hot. If Kyle wanted to dip into the Lady pond, that's up to her, but she seriously could have done better.  Or, maybe not, considering what a Vile person she is. As Vickie from OC would say,  Kyle is  a Liarpants. When Andy actually asks the single, direct question he had to ask, if something was going on between her and Morgan, she hemmed and hawed and stalled and then chose to lie. As viewers we should all be insulted. She thinks we are idiots.

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10 hours ago, Steph J said:

Don't underestimate the number of lapsed viewers who came back now that Rinna is gone.

Although I have found Kathy to be annoying, I am forever grateful to her for eviscerating Rinna at last year’s reunion, leading to Rinna leaving/being fired from the show. No one else had had the guts to do that for years, and Rinna was making the show unwatchable for me.

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7 hours ago, SassyCat said:

I’d like to think it was Merce in the purse looking out for her. She suddenly knew just how deep of a set up it was, and it hit her like a bolt from the blue. It would freak anyone out and spike their blood pressure. I am so glad Sutton (and Garcelle) had that excuse to leave, tho it was not good why they had to.

I’m sure that’s why she brought the ashes with her. She has said that he was a huge support for her and she attaches great sentiment to his ashes. Kyle brought her giant crystal, but then I think it was Kyle who made some nasty comment when they discovered the ashes in Suttons purse after she left the set. 

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Last week Kyle insisted that she, above everyone, has put it all out there. Yet she hems and haws when asked about a relationship with Morgan before eventually saying no they're just friends, then hems and haws again when asked if she wants to date her. I guess that means Morgan has indeed friend-zoned her, much to her frustration.

Then more beating around the bush while implying very strongly that "Moe" cheated, yet later she was saying that the years of tabloid gossip was untrue, yet it started to erode away at her faith in him. While Kathy is saying that the tabloids like to spread lies, so... it's not true that he cheated? Kyle was just sick of reading about it? Or was Kathy just making it about her and the Aspen allegations? And why the fuck is she so chummy now with Erika, who she claimed was 50% of the reason she refused to return to the show?

Poor Crystal. Finally after three years has some genuine allies coming into the reunion, only to have it end with her stuck alone next to her nemesis and yet again isolated from everyone else in the room (including Andy, who I'm sure wants her fired above anyone else including Doorit and OG Kyle's "good friend" Annemarie).

What an awkward close to the season. No toast, just Andy saying "I'm Andy Cohen" then getting shit from everyone while he defends himself that it was on the prompter. And camera fade.

Doorit needs to go, but I fear she has two aces up her sleeve for the next season: feuds with Kyle and Garcelle, and an impending marital separation storyline.

Edited by dmeets
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