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S05.E07: Dill With It

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The flashback to years ago at the nail salon with the weight loss and health improvement for Tammy and Amy is amazing.   Seeing Tammy go up those stairs was heartwarming.      How lovely of the owner to give Tammy a free pedicure, and be so nice to her both times.  Tammy no longer needing oxygen is such an improvement.   Amy's feet are so dirty!   That's so unhealty to have her feet like that. 

Considering how far the airport is from where Amy lives, the time you have to be there early, then maybe the drive isn't that much longer.  I bet she would have to change planes at least once too.  She also only has to pack everything in the van once, and can take a lot of stuff for herself and the kids.

I'm happy Tammy enjoyed the flight.   Amanda's pink leggings are not good.    Amy's kids on the trip would have been a nightmare getting into the airport and on the plane, they're not used to behaving in public.     

That beach house is beautiful. 

So, Amy thinks that people are staring at them because of their size?  How about because there's at least one camera crew, and other production people filming them, and they're being loud too?       

I love Tammy seeing the beach for the first time.  Please tell me we'll never be subjected to Chris in a thong.   

How sad!  The Frisky Dolphin in Pensacola where they ate is now closed, apparently from a lease dispute.   That was a nice place from what I've heard.


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1 hour ago, Dibs said:

I'm thinking her husband helped more than she lets on.

Yep.  I wish someone would point that out to her when she's complaining about raising two kids alone.  

She sat at that table at the restaurant and let the others deal with two cranky tired babies and she never once offered to take one of them.  It wasn't until Amanda said she was leaving that Amy finally said, "I guess I'd better go, too."  Well, of course, you'd better go.  They're your responsibility, not Amanda's or Bridget's or Tammy's.

I'm happy for Tammy to get to ride on an airplane and visit the beach and go up steps.  She's meeting so many goals.  I'd like to see her driving a car and getting a job.      

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It's hard to feel bad for Amy when she says she's doing everything she can but she's actually doing nothing in the moment. Poor Glenn was asleep on his feet. I don't even think Gage's car seat harness was arranged properly on the way down. It looked like it was twisted and Amy's seatbelt was twisted too. That is very dangerous. 

I loved seeing Tammy enjoy herself and experience all these new things. Why couldn't someone step in and help her with her leg?? She's expressing herself so much better now too and I actually want to hear what she has to say. It's not all half assed (usually gross) quips like Amy followed by that laughter.

Misty has gotten so tiny! 

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Amy’s crying outbursts seem producer driven, imo.  Is it possible they are using mental illness as a staged ploy?  😮

I don't think it's staged, however I do think the producers are milking it for all it's worth.


8 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

Misty has gotten so tiny! 

I know!  Her swimsuit was surprisingly flattering.

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I love seeing how weight-loss surgery has changed these siblings’ lives. Looking back on the clips from previous seasons, the changes in all of them are amazing. Tammy in particular has totally transformed from the angry, hostile, depressed person she used to be. 

And the family is so patient and helpful with the kids. Hopefully Amy can get a handle on things and get back on the positive path as well. 

12 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

The flashback to years ago at the nail salon with the weight loss and health improvement for Tammy and Amy is amazing.   Seeing Tammy go up those stairs was heartwarming.      How lovely of the owner to give Tammy a free pedicure, and be so nice to her both times.  Tammy no longer needing oxygen is such an improvement.

YES to all of this!

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Id forgotten how big Amy was when this started. They both lost a lot of weight. Good for them.

I always think the same thing as Chris when I see these all white houses-how do they keep all these white surfaces clean?!

Amy's boys look just like their father. And they're a handful , but that's kids for ya. You have to build up a bit of resistance to the whining and the chaos because that's how it goes for a while. Especially when you take them out of their comfort zone, or anywhere in public sometimes lol

Happy for Tammy getting to experience new things. She was so nasty and miserable, its nice to see her happy side.

I wish them all well, but was zoning out and getting distracted as I've been this whole season. 

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Poor Glenn, I thought he was going to whack his head on the table when he was falling asleep. Amy needs to take a parenting class or something. Gage was fussy, and I appreciate Amanda removing him from the table out of courtesy to the other diners. However, if he was fussy before going to dinner, maybe Amy should have stayed home with them and had the family get some food to go for her and the kids.

I see so many parents at restaurants with kids, they bring coloring books or even a tablet to let their kids keep busy to hopefully avoid these meltdowns. 

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That's exactly what I was thinking Mahamit! Amy needs parenting classes and some real guidance and coaching. And she needs to do the work. It would really help her a lot. I was also thinking perhaps they should have put the boys to bed and they could have brought a meal home for Amy. She probably would have benefited from some quiet/alone time after they were asleep. 

That part in the car where Gage is crying and she just tossed a stuffed toy at him, not really paying attention where it landed, said a lot 😬

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I didn't think the boys were being all that difficult when Amy had a meltdown over putting them in their car seats.  It's like she can't handle lifting a finger to do anything with them.  Those poor kids had no business being at the restaurant.  They had to be exhausted after a day at the beach in the sun.  I felt badly for Amanda having to miss out on her supper.

I also got tired of hearing Amy complain about how long the drive was.  She chose the car ride option so she had no grounds to complain.  I hope Justin had a good time in Florida.  He earned it. 

The good parts for me were Tammy's facial expressions on the plane and her joy at getting to experience being at the beach, Chris' ridiculous shorts, seeing how great Misty looks. 

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14 hours ago, Dibs said:


I'll just say.  Those poor little boys, trapped in car seats for nine hours!  Did they even stop to change them?  Amy is disgusting.

I’ll say it.  She has no maternal connection to those little boys.  It’s becoming sad to watch.  At the picnic table she plops one in the high chair and it was too much to put the other one in.  The baby sat there with nothing.  Push the chair up and get him some crackers and a drink.   Bring books to keep them occupied.   Both children were hungry, thirsty and tired.  She doesn’t pick up their cues.  

That’s a couple of crappy parents.  

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Based on what I have seen, I think Amy needs to exercise a little more emotional maturity, as well seek treatment for her mental health so that she can be as fit as she can be as a mother. 

I agree with Amanda- we understand she is sad and upset, but she’s their mother, she needs to step up. And if she’s too sick to step up, she needs to work on getting better so she can be well enough to parent them. She doesn’t know how lucky she is to have so much FREE caregiver support in her siblings. 

I do think she loves them and has affection for them, I think she WANTS to be a good mother (which is the first step, if she didn’t give a fuck then everything I’m saying would be futile), but it’s time to grow up Amy. You and your emotions aren’t the number one priority right now. Yes you’re a human being and you still have needs, but the needs of the boys come BEFORE your wants. Period. That’s being a good parent. 

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8 hours ago, SDVegas said:

Go on a beach trip and not take your kids? That’s nonsensical. Especially when you have so many other adults going who can help with the kids. 

The kids won't remember ever being there.  They would have been just as happy or happier in a house playing with their toys and getting to take a quiet nap.  And why should any adult have to take care of someone else's kids while on vacation?

Edited by Gemma Violet
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8 hours ago, SDVegas said:

Go on a beach trip and not take your kids? That’s nonsensical. Especially when you have so many other adults going who can help with the kids. 

To me, the kids could have enjoyed playing anywhere with proper attention/ supervision and Amy wasn’t equipped to care for them.  The others were there for rest/recreation themselves. Of course they lend a hand to help, but like Amanda said, she wasn’t supposed to be lifting. Bad move on her part.   Of course, it seemed to me they knew the boys would be tired, cranky and stress Amy out, which seems to be the theme of this season. I don’t enjoy that.  

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I strongly suspect the boys went to the beach because Amy and TLC want to film them.  I, for one, am not buying Amy's "mental health crisis."  In my opinion, this is a combination of Amy trying to wrest the story line away from her more successful sister, getting a big head from the show and her fan base, thinking she's too good for her "toothless bald" husband, being negatively influenced by the newly divorced Amanda (misery loves company), and perhaps realizing too late that having two young kids isn't the fairy tale she thought it would be, but rather a lot of hard work she's too bone lazy, stupid, and immature to do.  I am unmoved by her crocodile tears every time someone looks cross-eyed at her -- no pun intended.  Also, GO TAMMY!!!

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6 hours ago, SDVegas said:

I was like, did she just throw a narwhal at him? But I couldn’t be bothered to rewind to see if she handed it to him or just tossed it to the back seat. 

She just tossed it back.   At that point most mothers would turn around, talk to him, maybe a drink or snack.   Don’t they have something comforting like a blanket or pacifier?  They sure don’t have comforting parents.    

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32 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

The kids won't remember ever being there.  They would have been just as happy or happier in a house playing with their toys and getting to take a quiet nap.  And why should any adult have to take care of someone else's kids while on vacation?

You don’t leave kids in the house for years because they won’t remember the particular experiences or trips they have or go on. Or at least you shouldn’t. A major part of parenting is exposing your kids to different things. And part of the joy of parenting is watching your kids experience new things. 

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56 minutes ago, SDVegas said:

You don’t leave kids in the house for years because they won’t remember the particular experiences or trips they have or go on. Or at least you shouldn’t. A major part of parenting is exposing your kids to different things. And part of the joy of parenting is watching your kids experience new things.

I'm not in favor of leaving kids in a house for years.  If I gave you that impression, I apologize.  As far as experiencing the joy of parenting, I don't think Amy was very joyful watching her kids experiencing this new thing.

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I think Amy is truly suffering a major depression given her divorce, post partum baby blues, dealing with two very young children, a messy house,  and lack of parenting skills or consistent help.  

Telling her to suck it up and put the children first isn't going to work without meds, therapy, and a reliable babysitter/nanny a few days a week and a house cleaner weekly. Depression is not amenable to  "snap out of it " demands.

Plus she obviously needs an ongoing parenting mentor to teach/support her that kids fussing and  crying is communication. I really don't think she has a clue about raising kids.

Amy's poor judgement or producer-driven choices for venues (like the sushi restaurant) in taking the kids with her is such a rookie mistake.  Going anywhere with babies or very young children to a non-child oriented place is a nightmare.  You stock up on bottles, diapers,  snacks, toys, and still they fuss. It's a royal pain which is why babysitters are necessary as well as foresight to figure out when to leave the kids at home or refuse invitations that only add more stress than enjoyment.

Parenting is a tough gig. I want to cut Amy some slack but hope to Goddess the producers are coming up with helpful ideas to save those poor boys from an ignorant  obese future.  

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2 things..

It's crazy taking those little kids to a restaurant,  let alone on a vacation.  we never took our 2 under 2 year boys on vacations.. we waited til they were more manageable,  and low and behold...they turned out to be great men!

Amy's on something ...opiates.  maybe when she had her c sections she got a taste of them    imho

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9 hours ago, suev3333 said:

2 things..

It's crazy taking those little kids to a restaurant,  let alone on a vacation.  we never took our 2 under 2 year boys on vacations.. we waited til they were more manageable,  and low and behold...they turned out to be great men!

Amy's on something ...opiates.  maybe when she had her c sections she got a taste of them    imho

Hadn’t thought of that……I was wondering if she was communicating with a guy online and it was what had her so distracted.  I don’t know that.  I don’t follow them on social media at all.  

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15 hours ago, Dibs said:

I strongly suspect the boys went to the beach because Amy and TLC want to film them.  I, for one, am not buying Amy's "mental health crisis."  In my opinion, this is a combination of Amy trying to wrest the story line away from her more successful sister, getting a big head from the show and her fan base, thinking she's too good for her "toothless bald" husband, being negatively influenced by the newly divorced Amanda (misery loves company), and perhaps realizing too late that having two young kids isn't the fairy tale she thought it would be, but rather a lot of hard work she's too bone lazy, stupid, and immature to do.  I am unmoved by her crocodile tears every time someone looks cross-eyed at her -- no pun intended.  Also, GO TAMMY!!!


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Why did Amy even have kids?  She doesn't seem to enjoy being with them, she has no patience for them and is completely overwhelmed by them.  The very same things can be said about me, which is why I don't kids. 

I only started watching last year when she was pregnant with Glenn and already had Gage so I am missing a lot of backstory but I shake my head in disbelief every time I read or hear about how she wanted kids so badly.  Really?  I suppose she liked the idea of having two kids a lot more than living the actual reality of having two kids.  I think she'd be a lot happier had she stuck with sitting on her couch posting her videos.

I hope she gets some help because she has no coping skills.  She crumbles. Running out of the room crying "I'm done!" isn't exactly working to control the room as rambunctious Gage is already the boss and once Glenn can walk, she will have 2 bosses.  She even cries about how things got so much harder going from one baby to two.  Huh.  Ya think?  Thankfully Tammy and Amanda are there because they are both so loving and patient with those boys.  Hopefully some of that will start to rub off on Amy though I have my doubts. 

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27 minutes ago, Cementhead said:

Why did Amy even have kids?  She doesn't seem to enjoy being with them, she has no patience for them and is completely overwhelmed by them.  The very same things can be said about me, which is why I don't kids. 

Same for me which is why I did not have kids.  Having kids is a choice just like having animals in your life is a choice. And if you do either one, you better damn well live up to the responsibility of their care.

maybe this is why her husband stopped helping. Because she was not participating. That doesn’t excuse him either because neither one of them put their children’s welfare ahead of their own.

Gage is picking up on her stress which is making his behavior even worse.  If she doesn’t pull up her big curl panties and start living up to her responsibilities there is no hope for those boys. They will be obese and dysfunctional just like the rest of the family.

And I have dealt with clinical depression and anxiety my entire life and I have managed to live up to my responsibilities.  She lost me when, in a prior episode,  Tammy asked her to clean up the house after herself and the kids and IMMEDIATELY the pouting and crocodile tears started falling.  And it happens every time somebody asks her to step up.

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My 2 year old grandson recently starting throwing himself on the floor and crying everytime ANYONE told him he couldn't do something or have something. And it was quite the spectacle. (I think it is because verbally, he can't express himself to deal with the situation any other way.) But anyway, once we ALL started not responding, walking away, or whatever to not interact, guess what??!! He stopped. Maybe Amy's family needs to start doing the same thing when she puts on the toddler act. Personally, I think this was one of the new plot threads for this season.  I also wonder how much love and attention the boys get from the aunts when the cameras aren't around.

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Welp, I remember my first trip to the beach and I was 4!  Galveston,Texas.  And here I am, 65 years later, and I STILL LOVE GALVESTON! 

I think someone upthread really hit the nail on the head by saying "SUCK IT UP AMY" when she's got some bigass case of SOMETHING (depression, post-partum, etc.)  The girl needs some meds and professional help. STAT!

I DID enjoy seeing Tammy's reaction at seeing the beautiful beach and enjoying herself.  Glad she doesn't need the oxygen anymore.

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It seems that huge appetites and chowing down on food spreads is part of the family culture.  And, WLS isn’t going to change that.  That will likely continue to promote obesity in their younger generations.  It’s in my extended family too, except most of the adults (parents)  are average size and it’s the adult children/grandchildren who are glutinous.  Go figure.  

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On 1/25/2024 at 11:16 AM, Cementhead said:

Why did Amy even have kids?  She doesn't seem to enjoy being with them, she has no patience for them and is completely overwhelmed by them.  The very same things can be said about me, which is why I don't kids. 

I only started watching last year when she was pregnant with Glenn and already had Gage so I am missing a lot of backstory but I shake my head in disbelief every time I read or hear about how she wanted kids so badly.  Really?  I suppose she liked the idea of having two kids a lot more than living the actual reality of having two kids.  I think she'd be a lot happier had she stuck with sitting on her couch posting her videos.

I hope she gets some help because she has no coping skills.  She crumbles. Running out of the room crying "I'm done!" isn't exactly working to control the room as rambunctious Gage is already the boss and once Glenn can walk, she will have 2 bosses.  She even cries about how things got so much harder going from one baby to two.  Huh.  Ya think?  Thankfully Tammy and Amanda are there because they are both so loving and patient with those boys.  Hopefully some of that will start to rub off on Amy though I have my doubts. 

I don't really understand why she wanted kids so badly. She should have at least  taken the doctor's advice and NOT had another pregnancy so soon. I still think their marriage could be saved if they went to counseling, addressed Amy's depression, took parenting classes. Amy needs a lot of basic skills, as in cooking, cleaning, parenting. Your siblings are not going to raise your kids.

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That was a lovely restaurant.   I don't live very far from Pensacola, and that restaurant was very nice.  They would cook your fresh catch if you wanted them to.   Unfortunately, they've closed due to a lease dispute.  I'm hoping they relocate.   I like that they had the picnic tables, eating outdoors by the ocean is so special.  I hope the family actually had some of the seafood, eating seafood at the beach is so good too. 

Cooked seafood is so different from raw, and  I would be surprised if the Frisky Dolphin had sushi, raw oysters were on the menu though.     Most of the seafood restaurants at the beach have some grilled stuff, maybe raw oyster bars, but a lot of deep fried too.    At the right temperature, the fried entrees are very tasty.    Nothing like the fresh French Fries, and hush puppies.   


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21 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

This made me appreciate living in a coastal state. I’ve been to the beach most every year I can remember.  First trip was when I was 6.  NC has great beaches…as does SC, VA and FL.  I love those too! 

Tammy was in such awe of actually seeing the ocean for the first time.  

Tammy's reaction made me realize I take the beach for granted since I live about an hour and a half from it. 

I realize Amy has problems and needs help, but I'm tired of her scrunching her face up.

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Finally watched. All I could think about was oh those poor kids. Amy is going to stick them BACK in the car soon for the drive home. 

We used to car travel a lot with 2 small boys. There are things you can do to help the kids. We stuck an adult in the back seat to read, talk for a while. We'd split up the drive on way there and spent night on road so kids were decently happy on arrival. We'd stop for an hour lunch/dinner at a play place fast food and let them run a bit. 

Driving can make more sense with kids since you have room for all their stuff, especially if you're staying a week or so, but those poor kids were so out of sorts, it's gonna ruin the trip for the adults. 

Amy gets no joy from her boys. That's tragic.

Edited by BAForever
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Since Amanda's son drove Amy and the little ones 9 hours + to the beach, her claiming she wants to leave is ridiculous.   So, her solution is apparently to have Justin (? in case I screwed up the name) drive her home, and he won't have any vacation except driving with Miss Cranky Pants, and two little kids. 

I'm wondering if Amy really wanted to go to the beach, and hoped that claiming she wouldn't fly and someone would have to drive her there was her way of getting out of the trip?  She didn't seem to really care about the beach at all. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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14 hours ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

I'm wondering if Amy really wanted to go to the beach, and hoped that claiming she wouldn't fly and someone would have to drive her there was her way of getting out of the trip?  She didn't seem to really care about the beach at all. 

She probably was obligated to go because of her contract and couldn't get out of going even if she wanted to.

Edited by Gemma Violet
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On 1/23/2024 at 8:22 PM, Gemma Violet said:

It wasn't until Amanda said she was leaving that Amy finally said, "I guess I'd better go, too."  Well

Yeah. I wish Amy would go too. Go off this show, go off TLC. Go get some therapy Amy. Your whining, sniveling, "poor me" act is disgusting. I doubt any of it's real. I can't watch even 5 minutes of this show anymore because of Amy.

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