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Fashion Police - General Discussion

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Zendaya is an adult, so I don't think she is off limits. I thought her hairstyle was not great, and I have nothing against dreads. Her hairline looked really strange and it made her forehead look really small, also it looked way too big and fake. If she dreaded her own hair it would have probably come down to her shoulders and looked much better.

I mean how are you gonna stand up for women of color wearing their hair natural when what you have on your head is fake???


I think she was standing up for women of color being able to wear their hair however they choose to wear their hair, whether it be natural or not.  She just chose a hairstyle that has its roots in black culture and one that isn't particularly accepted by mainstream society as beautiful or acceptable, particularly for a red carpet. I also guarantee that many, many women on that red carpet were probably wearing some sort of fake extensions or weave or what not, and again, they don't get called out for not wearing their real hair.


As for dreading her own hair, well, it's a fairly big commitment.  One I'm sure she knows something about as her father has a full head of locs and has for years. But the girl is also a working actress in this town trying to book jobs. To further the point, how any acting jobs do you think she's going to book if she shows up to auditions with a full head of dreads in a room full of old white male executives?



Do you think they should have kept the same format after Joan died or should they have rebooted it to be more of a Fashion Rap-Up?


I think at this point they either need to end the show or reboot the format.  Joan was able to get away with saying things, generally unchallenged, because she was Joan.  She was an icon in the business and nobody was going to take her on.  None of these women/men are Joan, no matter how hard I think they are trying to be.  So either end it or change the format.   Besides, does anybody really care about Kathy Griffin's thought on fashion?  You know Kathy Griffin, the one whose voice in the background mentioned weed first in relation to Zendaya and Giuliana repeated it, but yet Kathy seems to be cowering under a rock someplace letting Giuliana completely take the fall for it all.

Edited by spanana
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And as evidenced by JHud's current look, fat can be changed, but looking like the cat shat you out cannot. Therefore Ms. Rivers, IMO, should not have commented on anyone's appearance considering her face looked like she was a victim in Hiroshima. It's one thing if you have anything at all going for you in the looks/style department but Ms. Rivers had neither.

Hope that's a little clearer...

It was already clear. Thanks.

Exactly. Fat can be changed. So why should it be off limits? Jennifer Hudson looks great now so who cares?

Joan was the first one to make jokes about her face, she laughed at herself and that's one reason I liked her so much.

Its a matter of opinion whether Joan had style or not.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 5


You know Kathy Griffin, the one whose voice in the background mentioned weed first in relation to Zendaya and Giuliana repeated it, but yet Kathy seems to be cowering under a rock someplace letting Giuliana completely take the fall for it all.

I'm curious about this.  I thought from watching the show that Kelly was the one who first mentioned weed, but was that just weird editing?  Kelly is being all huffy about it after the fact, but I'm pretty sure I saw her laughing at the whole thing during the show even if she isn't the one who mentioned weed.

No horse in this race, merely a superficially-interested viewer/observer who is not a woman of color (I can [and try to] empathize but cannot relate directly to the experience).


I do remember someone else (not sure who) adding "weed." It wasn't Giuliana. Doesn't discount the offense and Giuliana's role in it. Merely an observation.


I do not remember Kelly's response being anything resembling horror during the show. I'm sure it was one of her fakey-fake reactions that I don't take seriously because, well, they're clearly fake and often hard to tell apart. Her indignation now and threats to quit the show do not match her reaction in the moment.  Had she responded with embarrassment or outrage for her friend, it would have been noteworthy and we would have remembered.


To the threat to quit: go ahead. You contribute very little of value to the discussion, anyway. Everything is "beautiful" and something with which you are "obsessed." I was having trouble seeing (to the extent that I looked -  not hard) how she was being dragged into the situation. Also odd.

Edited by RealityCowgirl

I posted in the media thread that I think part of the problem with Giuliana's comment is that she stepped outside of her role. It used to be Joan's job to make those jokes -- if she'd made the joke, I'm sure Zendaya would have the same response, however there would be no apology (nor one expected, even if there should be). I think the perception is that Kathy's supposed to be making these cutting jokes now and Giuliana and Kelly are supposed to keep playing the aghast straight man.


Giuliana isn't known for her sharp humor; she's known for sucking up to celebrities. That's her shtick and I think it's part of the problem now.

Absolutely! That's the issue with the show since Joan's death.

I could see the change in Giuliana's personality but couldn't put my finger on the exact reason(s) for the change. Was she high on something, less intimidated because Joan was no longer on the set, had her head grown too much with her perceived growth in popularity??? It's actually none of these. (However, some of them could apply.) It's that she no longer plays the part of the straight man. Her "role" on FP has changed/evolved which may or may not work.

I realize the FP group is just getting their feet wet and trying to find their way without Joan and with Kathy. "Mistakes" can and will be made. I believe the most glaring error is that they're getting too far away from commentary on fashion and more on joke telling. Joan, et al, were sure to throw in several jokes/cuts about celebrities clothing choices throughout the show BUT Joan always led the conversation back to fashion. Always.

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I agree. I loved Joan, too, but some of her stuff I just didn't think was funny -- just crass.

I always assumed Paris Hilton must have run over one of Joan's dogs for all the shade she kept throwing her loooooong after Hilton was "news" worthy. Same with several other favorite targets.

That said, I do miss Joan's commentary on fashion. I didn't always agree, but I appreciated her informed opinion. That's what I'm missing most in her absence. That and, you know, fashion. It does feel like they're not covering as many people as they did before.

Edited by RealityCowgirl
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I always assumed Paris Hilton must have run over one of Joan's dogs for all the shade she kept throwing her loooooong after Hilton was "news" worthy. Same with several other favorite targets.

That said, I do miss Joan's commentary on fashion. I didn't always agree, but I appreciated her informed opinion. That's what I'm missing most in her absence. That and, you know, fashion. It does feel like they're not covering as many people as they did before.

I like the new host configuration but I miss Joan's comments on fashion. Kathy Griffin is fine as a host but picks her best and worst based on comedy, not fashion. I never got the impression that Joan made her picks on pissing off celebrities or for any other reason but their fashion choices. Joan had plenty to say about celebrities but didn't have an agenda when it came to her fashion picks. The show was working for me until Kathy suggested Lady Gaga for best dressed. Why Kathy, why?


Like Brad, but miss George. Bring back George to replace Kelly. We don't need to hear from Kelly anymore since she has nothing new to say. Thank you for your contribution Kelly and best wishes and good-bye.


Sadly, we may lose Guiliana if she doesn't get help for her eating disorder. She is past the snarking stage and needs medical intervention.

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yikes, this Zendaya weed just continues to grow (see what I did there?). now a story at Jezebel (from US Weekly) quoting an "anonymous source" is claiming there were multiple takes of that segment and that Kelly protested for her friend during the taping. and that Kathy may have been more involved. oh my.


i gotta say though, the whole conversation started with Giuliana saying the hair (i.e. the extensions) overwhelmed her, which I tend to agree with. it looked to me like an industrial-sized turban had unraveled from her head. oops, i introduced another culture there by accident. dang. which BTW, dreadlocks go way back in history and not one culture holds the "patent" on it. Hindus, Egyptians, Greeks, Aztecs, southern Asians and others too, mainly for holy reasons, all rolled with the look back in the day when selfies were carved in stone. everyone get in line now to be offended.


oh and at the mention of "patchouli oil" while i watched FP Monday night, my first mental image was of Tim Robbins' "Ray" character from "High Fidelity." pony tail, not dreads.

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Honestly it's not Kathy Griffin's style to dodge a good fight over something she said. She wouldn't address it exactly like Joan, but there's be some kind of defiance/don't mess with my comedy reaction from her if it was her.

I suppose the one exception COULD be if Guiliana messed things up by publicly apologizing too quickly, and now everyone would seem foolish acting defiant about this.

I wasn't quite sure where to put this as it doesn't relate directly to Fashion Police but I thought FP's viewers would like to know about it. That striking white pearl Calvin Klein gown that Lupita Nyong'o wore to the Academy Awards on Sunday night has been reported stolen!





My next question is: is they had to do multiple takes, why the hell did the producers choose to air it? There were lilterally hundreds of other celebs and dresses they could have picked to comment on. The comment Guiliana made is still dumb, but the producers could have chosen not to air that particular segment. Hmmmph.

I don't see the Hmmmph to this. The producers are saying that there WEREN'T multiple takes--that it's an unfounded rumor. Ergo, there was no ability to pick between takes. At most, they could have done an awkward edit, but probably had no idea the joke/comment would go down like a lead balloon.

Do you think they should have kept the same format after Joan died or should they have rebooted it to be more of a Fashion Rap-Up? The former TV Guide channel used to to a Fashion type show after award shows and they basically did what Fashion Police used to do-show tons of celebrities, comment on them and moved on. I enjoy a little snark as much as everybody, but I tune in to see what everyone was wearing. And I can go online these days if Fashion Police doesn't show me all the celebs. Heck, Yahoo has them up immediately!


The thing is, there's a reason why the fashion recap shows disappeared from TVGN a while ago, and why all of the red carpet arrival coverage disappeared from TVGN -- it was boring as hell.  Even when they got someone interesting on the panel -- Tabatha Coffey, for example -- the host was as dull as dirt.  Or if the host was fun and lively -- Lisa Rinna, for example -- the panel was a snore-fest.


Not only did the fashion wrap-up shows disappear completely from TVGN, but whenever there was a random, pop-up show like that on some other channel (I think that Reelz tried to do one), it flopped too -- because it was too boring.


There was something different about the formula and the panels involving Joan Rivers -- even before she began working with Giuliana, Kelly and George.  As much as she shoehorned in (often not-very-funny) jokes, there was a certain energy that always made the fashion recap shows with Joan more successful, while the others failed.


I think that Giuliana is doing a good job of letting her humor come out -- I don't know if she should have apologized to Zendaya or not, but it was kind of her to do so -- and Kathy is funny enough, though I don't really know if anyone thinks of her when they think of fashion.  If they try to revamp the format and make it just about straightforward commentary on the fashions without the humor, snark and raunch, I think the show will flop.

Edited by Sherry67
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Just read the story posted on Jezebel. Setting this specific incident aside for a moment:

If everyone who is a friend of the show, or a friend of one of the hosts, is off limits, they'll run out of subjects at some point. Probably sooner than they realize.

Whether a specific comment crosses a boundary is one thing - and worthy of discussion, maybe even on screen. "We can't talk about her/him because we/I like her/him" is another.

If I'm reading the article accurately, focus during taping was on the latter rather than the former. One has more moral authority than the other, in my book.

Edited by RealityCowgirl

Guiliana blurted out her remark as casually as though she was sitting around the kitchen table talking to a couple of girlfriends. She spoke exactly as she thought, and yes it was racist in my opinion. Kelly Osbourne instantly felt the racial slap, it was visible in her face. I'm really tired of everyone and the  'social and political correctness' because it gets silly and out of hand. I do believe that high profile people seen by millions should have some filters and stereotyping anyone because they wear dreadlocks and equates wearing dreadlocks with smoking weed is absolutely wrong.


Guiliana wants to be entertaining and Fashion Police gives her the right to speak her mind in the same way Joan Rivers did. But sorry, I never liked Joan Rivers because she was mean and nasty. For some reason, Joan Rivers felt entitled to cast disparaging and hurtful remarks onto anyone she felt like just to get a cheap laugh. I disliked her for exactly that, her feeling of entitlement. I'm old so I remember Joan in her earlier days when she was a struggling comic and her jokes were funny because they weren't hurtful to any particular individual. Over the years I started turning her off if she was on TV, she got nastier and dirtier. So, okay I'm not a fan of Joan Rivers and Guiliana Rancic shouldn't try to fill her shoes by throwing racially charged comments.


Any topic of conversation is okay in my book no matter how controversial, but when it begins to denigrate specific cultures or races and puts them down as being less important then I have to say 'enough!'. Oh sure, if it was Joan Rivers that made this comment nobody would be making a big fuss because the public 'loved' Joan and forgave all her transgressions because she was a comic. I never really liked Guiliana Rancic either, she's just too difficult visually to watch and she's not a comedienne.


I never watch Fashion Police and only knew about this hullabaloo because of the press. I have always found it scripted in order to allow Joan Rivers to insert her 'ad libs' and 'amusing jokes' which in my opinion were well planned out and not spontaneous in the least. The number #1 commandment of TV for NON-COMICS should be, "I shall not intentionally make a mockery of another human because of their race, religion, or ethnicity".

Edited by HumblePi
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So whats  Beyonce doing , with her straight blonde hair?

Women of color spend millions upon millions of dollars on hair products.  For years, hair has been a hot-button topic among African-American women. Many African American women feel they have been judged solely on their hair. There are women who will tell you that they have been denied advancements in their careers because of their hair, or judged because they wear locks.  African American women feel they have to spend billions of dollars on relaxers, wigs, extensions and other products that will make their hair culturally acceptable to mainstream America's ideal of beauty. Guiliana Rancic should have been aware that hair is a sensitive topic among women of color.

Edited by HumblePi
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Well....she was fat. Its not like it was a big secret. People always say somebody is too thin but when somebody says somebody is fat that's wrong somehow. Makes no sense to me.


Maybe it's because fat people are marginalized, while thin people are not; in fact thin people get more cash and prizes for just being thin.

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I don't think what Shonda said about Gaga was as nasty as what Guiliana said about Zendaya, because it didn't have any racial implications and maybe Shonda thought Idina Menzel was the better singer.  Personally, I thought Gaga was great and sounded very much like Julie Andrews.

I don't know what the comment about Gaga was that Shonda made but I can honestly say that I thought Gaga did an absolutely wonderful job singing the songs that Julie Andrews made classic. She didn't make any attempts to stylize or twist the words or melody to make it unique for herself, she just put it out there in the most refined and classic manner. It was the true Julie Andrews version and I loved it. I am not, and have never been a fan of the voice of Idina Menzel. To me she has a voice trained specifically for the Broadway stage. It's sharp and it's loud. A stage performer has to be able to project their voice as far back as the last row in the theater. It's not the same as holding a microphone and singing into it in a voice that's not strained or sharp sounding. The entire John Travolta gag was so fake and awkward that I actually blushed with embarrassment in my own bedroom!  That was just awful.

Maybe it's because fat people are marginalized, while thin people are not; in fact thin people get more cash and prizes for just being thin.

Sure, when we're not being accused of having eating disorders. You can't say us underweight folks aren't marginalized unless you've been in our shoes.

I don't know anybody who would walk up to an overweight person and tell them they're too fat, but people have no problem yelling at us to eat a sandwich.

Back on TWoP nobody was allowed to mention how enormous the teacher on Dance Moms was but there were hundreds of pages about how "gross" Kelly Ripa looks because she's thin. There's a double standard here.

Edited by Maharincess
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I see that Kelly has officially quit the Fashion Police now and that the Us article is saying it was due to a difference with producers and not just because of the Zendaya incident. Isn't Melissa Rivers the producer of the show?




Edited to say, it was actually TMZ that said there was other conflicts with the producers.

Edited by Palomar

I used to like Kelly -- But it was clear she wanted to leave after Joan died and, frankly, I think she used this whole incident as her way out of her contract. Nobody in their right mind who wanted to keep their job would take to Twitter to bite the hand that feeds them. That whole outrage over the 'weed' comment, on her part, was probably fake. Ba-bye, Kelly.

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Kelly means well.  I don't think she's a bad person.  However, I agree that she really didn't add anything to the show as far as critiquing fashion or cracking jokes.  She always seemed like she was trying to be too nice and say positive things about every outfit, even when the outfits were clearly hideous.  She loved Joan -- I think she was a mess when Joan died -- and her heart probably wasn't in continuing on with this show.  There had to have been other reasons for quitting besides this Zendaya stuff, though.  I think the timing of her quitting is convenient -- after the Oscars and before the next FP show in March.


I hope they can get someone good to take on the Kelly role.  It would be nice if they could get George back, but I sense that he had no interest in carrying on without Joan either.


So I suppose this will mean that Kelly is now out of all of the red carpet shows too?  She used to stand in a box somewhere, with Ross Mathews, commenting on celebrity arrivals.

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I don't think Kelly's heart was in doing Fashion Police anymore so I'm not surprised she's left the show. She seemed to have a great relationship with Joan and it probably wasn't the same for her to do the show without her. I think Kelly saw this whole controversy with Zendaya as the perfect time to quit.

I miss Joan on Fashion Police, but I really like Kathy and I think that Brad is doing a great job too. Thinking back to the guests that would fill in for Guiliana or Kelly when they weren't there, I always liked Kimora Lee Simmons and Laila Ali the best. Maybe they could be good choices to replace Kelly.

Edited by Steph619
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Does Kelly even have any other marketable skills?  She's theoretically a singer, but... she's not any good at it.  She's done pseudo-comedic stuff, but again, I don't think is really all that good at it.  She's done hosting, but only of shows in a similar vein to Fashion Police (she hosted, for example, the UK version of Project Runway). She doesn't really have any acting ability as far as I know.


Does she just go into retirement?  Does she maybe go back to the UK and become one of their vague celeb faces who goes on Celebrity Big Brother and goes on panel shows a lot?  

Edited by Kromm
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Are there any other Fashion Police type shows on other networks? I've never seen any which is the only reason I watch E at all. So, if they put a Kardishian on in place of Kelly I'm definitely out! I wasn't a huge Joan fan and do find myself enjoying Kathy. Kelly can sometimes add an insightful quip regarding fashion but mostly I find her constant giggling annoying. I won't absolutely miss her but I thought she played the "straight man" type role well. I mean you have the outlandish persona with Kathy (Joan), the gay fashionista persona with Brad, the not a jokester, straight, serious gal with Kelly and then Guliana brings her rubbing noses on the red carpet, interviews with celebrities, first hand encounters persona. I just don't know.....

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I have no idea what Zendaya does entertainment industry-wise but I thought her hair was gorgeous. Shiny, beautiful, expensive. I thought them making fun of it was out of touch.


Kelly, maybe doesn't need to have a job? She's dumb for quitting, she seemed lucky to have the gig to begin with. What else is she going to do? I don't watch FP other than the Oscar episodes, but she's incredibly wishy-washy about her opinions. It seems like if she thinks someone is more knowledgeable about something she switched to match their opinion.


Also during the red carpet she kept taking everything back to herself. Aren't I soooooo edgy with my dumb hair, dress, shoes, etc. No one really cares about Kelly Osborne.


Guiliana is dumb for being snarky, she needs to stay on the good side of all these humorless actors.

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I was never fond of Kelly being on the show and really didn't understand her being there.  But it wasn't my place to question why she was there.  I never cared for her 'fashion comments' anyway.  I'm guessing she didn't want to be there, saw this as a way out and it was mutually decided they part ways.  Meaning she didn't quit and wasn't fired but was in the best interest in the show they part ways.  What else will she do in the US.  It's not like Ozzie or Sharon have any pull to get her a gig.  I'm sorry I don't see her having any talents to land on a show of any topic either - in the US at least.

This whole episode demonstrates why there needs to be a person of color in the writing rooms on all these shows. We could easily avoid these types of incidents if there were someone with a different perspective to point out, that what's humorous to the majority group may be less so to minority groups, including sexual orientation. Just a thought.


To be clear, I don't think anyone has suggested Giuliana Rancic is a racist but what she said was insensitive, ignorant and took on more racist overtones because Zendaya identifies as black. I know that's very high concept but we are going to have to come to terms with the modifiers, and nuances of identity if we're going to be a better, richer society.

Edited by ThomasAAnderson
  • Love 5

This whole episode demonstrates why there needs to be a person of color in the writing rooms on all these shows. We could easily avoid these types of incidents if there were someone with a different perspective to point out, that what's humorous to the majority group may be less so to minority groups, including sexual orientation. Just a thought.


To be clear, I don't think anyone has suggested Giuliana Rancic is a racist but what she said was insensitive, ignorant and took on more racist overtones because Zendaya identifies as black. I know that's very high concept but we are going to have to come to terms with the modifiers, and nuances of identity if we're going to be a better, richer society.

Or maybe we are all going to need to relax and not look to be offended all the time.  This show has always been completely unPC and crude, and Zendaya is a hypocrite, as she has been a guest several times (the only reason I even know who she is), so she has endorsed it.  I don't think anybody can say with a straight face that Guiliana is a racist.  There may be a history of dreads with black people, but this white boy and his Mexican boyfriend watched and got the patchouli and weed jokes thinking of the silly white kids from college who sported locs.  Black people make similar jokes about white people all the time, which trade on stereotypes, and no one blinks an eye.


Khloe would be a good replacement for Kelly (bye!) as long as she is okay with busting on her sisters and Kardashian-adjacent folks (like when Bruce starts going out in public in full drag, I'm sure Kathy and the others will have some great one liners).  

  • Love 9

This whole episode demonstrates why there needs to be a person of color in the writing rooms on all these shows. We could easily avoid these types of incidents if there were someone with a different perspective to point out, that what's humorous to the majority group may be less so to minority groups, including sexual orientation. Just a thought.



Your suggestion is a good one and I'd take it a bit further.  They should take this opportunity and put a person of color on the Fashion Police panel.   

  • Love 3

Or maybe we are all going to need to relax and not look to be offended all the time.  This show has always been completely unPC and crude, and Zendaya is a hypocrite, as she has been a guest several times (the only reason I even know who she is), so she has endorsed it.  I don't think anybody can say with a straight face that Guiliana is a racist.  There may be a history of dreads with black people, but this white boy and his Mexican boyfriend watched and got the patchouli and weed jokes thinking of the silly white kids from college who sported locs.  Black people make similar jokes about white people all the time, which trade on stereotypes, and no one blinks an eye.


Khloe would be a good replacement for Kelly (bye!) as long as she is okay with busting on her sisters and Kardashian-adjacent folks (like when Bruce starts going out in public in full drag, I'm sure Kathy and the others will have some great one liners).  

Thank you!  Geez, people can't wait to jump on other people and call them racist, sexist, homophobic.  Look at Patricia Arquette's comments in the press room after the Oscars.  Everyone was with her during her speech.  Then the PC police couldn't wait to jump on her for not understanding what "intersection" is.  I'm pretty sure Patricia Arquette understands what intersection is.  Don't parse every little word.  And Kathy Griffin loves to point fingers, so where is she in all this?  I'm pretty sure it was her that made the weed comment first.

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I googled it and I have no what clue what Patricia Arquette did that was supposedly intolerant... besides being white.  I'm afraid the twitter-verse blowing the very vocal minority getting offended into huge TMZ-level news is going to kill humor in America, and Fashion Police will probably be a victim.  Giuliana should have never apologized, now every navel gazing anthropologist watching the show is going to find something hateful in every punch line and they'll be issuing weekly apologies to the "wronged" parties.

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Afraid to ask but what is the intersection? I have no clue. 

Y'all don't go off on me if I get this wrong, but she said that women have fought for equal rights for gays and minorities and it's time for gays and minorities to fight for women's rights.  Apparently this was terribly offensive because there are gay women and minority women and gay minority women, hence intersection.  This was somehow distorted to mean she was saying only white women deserve equal pay.  God, I don't know.  One thing I do know, if you're looking to be offended, you'll find it.

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Yeah, poor Patrica A. is taking a lot of flack for saying something awkward that's being spun as exclusionary/racist.

She has some fault in the sense that she made a badly worded statement in an environment where nobody really wants to hear politcal talk anyway, but at the same time when what she's saying is actually being twisted to mean something totally different, it's a real shame, and that part isn't her responsibility.

To me though its not quite the same thing as the hair comment, which was just kind of blunt purposeless racial-seeming (if not actually racial) comedy. It's been blown out of proportion, but not as much as what Arquette said.


I saw the episode in which G made her remarks re: Zendaya's dreads. I wasn' t paying too much attention though. I watched this ep and the previous one On Demand the other night before the controversy was unleashed. No one on the panel seemed particularly offended at G's remarks from what I recall. These 2 eps were the first I'd seen without Joan & what I did notice that was G was particularly bitchy which I've never really seen her be before. I don't know if she was trying to add some Joan edge or was indirectly throwing some hostility Kathy's way. I got the impression that maybe G thinks she should have been given the "Joan" position, but she wasn't so she pissed!


Whatever was going on I didn't like her for it. I've never really been a big fan of hers anyway, but she seemed really bitchy and hostile in these 2 eps. So rather than hearing anything racist I just heard a lot of discord within the panel itself.


Kathy, who I don't like as a comedian, isn't too bad here, she's very low key. I didn't like Joan either, not to denigrate her, but the show seemed to just be filler for her rude/vulgar, unfunny comments/jokes and I couldn't watch anymore.


I like Kelly, but for other reasons than her work on this show. I'm curious as to what's next for her. Frankly, I don't think any of them, Kelly, G or Kathy know shit about fashion, just look at the way they themselves dress.

Edited by kat165

I saw the episode in which G made her remarks re: Zendaya's dreads. I wasn' t paying too much attention though. I watched this ep and the previous one On Demand the other night before the controversy was unleashed. No one on the panel seemed particularly offended at G's remarks from what I recall. These 2 eps were the first I'd seen without Joan & what I did notice that was G was particularly bitchy which I've never really seen her be before. I don't know if she was trying to add some Joan edge or was indirectly throwing some hostility Kathy's way. I got the impression that maybe G thinks she should have been given the "Joan" position, but she wasn't so she pissed!


Whatever was going on I didn't like her for it. I've never really been a big fan of hers anyway, but she seemed really bitchy and hostile in these 2 eps. So rather than hearing anything racist I just heard a lot of discord within the panel itself.


Kathy, who I don't like as a comedian, isn't too bad here, she's very low key. I didn't like Joan either, not to denigrate her, but the show seemed to just be filler for her rude/vulgar, unfunny comments/jokes and I couldn't watch anymore.


I like Kelly, but for other reasons than her work on this show. I'm curious as to what's next for her. Frankly, I don't think any of them, Kelly, G or Kathy know shit about fashion, just look at the way they themselves dress.


I agree... I have not felt that Giuliana and Kelly have gelled with Kathy.  Maybe one of them thought they would be elevated to host post-Joan.  I was surprised to see Kelly turn on G... not sure if that was her intent but thats how it came across.  Between Kelly's tantrum (and she may just be mourning Joan still) and G's health issues, I wouldn't mind them both being let go.  I agree they do need some minorities on the panel... not out of PC-ness, but it would insulate them from future accusations of racism when the entire panel is white.  Maybe Loni Love or some other funny lady (NOT NENE LEAKES!)

I saw the episode in which G made her remarks re: Zendaya's dreads. I wasn' t paying too much attention though. I watched this ep and the previous one On Demand the other night before the controversy was unleashed. No one on the panel seemed particularly offended at G's remarks from what I recall. These 2 eps were the first I'd seen without Joan & what I did notice that was G was particularly bitchy which I've never really seen her be before. I don't know if she was trying to add some Joan edge or was indirectly%2

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