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As usual, crappy taste from the panel. Everybody but Brad is going to let Nicole Kidman get away with that Klum-worthy monstrosity? I don't mind the silly jokes so much if they actually had something intelligent to say about the clothes. They praise 90% of the looks whether they merit the praise or not.

Giuliana actually looked good AT the Globes for a change.

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I don't mind  Giuliana, Brad and Melissa. At least, they go straight to the fashion critique. I thought G's floral gown at the live red carpet event was lovely. I can't stand Margaret always comparing gowns to private parts and Nene's 'girl, I'm looking at you' shtick. Tiresome and time wasting.

Instead of the stupid games, have interesting segments like 'Colour of the Night' or 'Best in Cutouts' or 'Best Cleavage/ Necklace/Hair'.

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12 hours ago, IvySpice said:

As usual, crappy taste from the panel. Everybody but Brad is going to let Nicole Kidman get away with that Klum-worthy monstrosity? I don't mind the silly jokes so much if they actually had something intelligent to say about the clothes. They praise 90% of the looks whether they merit the praise or not.

Giuliana actually looked good AT the Globes for a change.

Thank you.  I also thought Nicole's dress was an epic fail.  The only saving grace for me was that my picks for best and worst that I selected the night of the awards, were the same as the panel's. (Not that there is anything to establish bragging rights about there.)

ITA. Guilana looked beautiful in her red carpet dress. The volume made her weight to look almost normal.

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I would like to see more of Tim Gunn, too.  Kris Jenner was good.  Margaret's humor is not being well received by the others at all.  Nervous laugh, head down or just a blatant ignore.  They don't need to replace her, four is plenty.   I agree that Melissa looked much better. I would like to see Carson Kresley as a guest judge. 

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The ladies behind www.gofugyourself.com should be on this show (or get their own). Good taste AND sharp wit. A show is better than a blog or magazine for this kind of critique because it's easier to show the dresses in motion.

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Why doesn't some other cable network pull together a show focusing on red carpet fashion during awards season that actually focuses on, you know, the fashion?  Fashion Police has long gone past its expiration date.  It made perfect sense when it began:  Joan Rivers was an iconic comedienne who had spent years covering the red carpet for awards shows and had great fashion sense.  This show's premise flowed organically from that.  The mistake that was made following Joan's untimely death was continuing on--or attempting to continue on--with the comedic side of the show.  I can't imagine that the ratings for this show as currently structured are any good but if they are going to survive they should ditch Margaret and don't replace her.  They don't need a comedian with no fashion knowledge.  Ditch Nene and don't replace her; she serves no purpose whatsoever.  They could walk outside on the street and pick anyone out of the crowd and that person could do the job as well or better than she.  Keep Brad, Melissa and Giuliana and rotate a fourth guest in and out as the season progresses, preferably people of color who actually have some understanding of fashion.

There is really no reason for me to watch this show any longer, especially as I usually watch the E! red carpet coverage.  I see and learn more about the fashion on the carpet itself than I ever do anymore on Fashion Police.  They used to show us hair, jewelry, accessories.  They used to show us how specific gowns were presented on the runway.  Where is all of that???  It's just sad now. :(

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On 1/15/2017 at 10:48 AM, IvySpice said:

The ladies behind www.gofugyourself.com should be on this show (or get their own). Good taste AND sharp wit. A show is better than a blog or magazine for this kind of critique because it's easier to show the dresses in motion.

When whatever the TV Guide Channel is called now was still called the TV Guide Channel it had a show called Fashion Wrap that competed with this one, and the Fug Girls definitely appeared on it at least once. They are so great.

Edited by ktwo
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This show needs Brad and Giuliana because they have been in the industry for awhile, know the history of who wears what, and have some fashion sense. I like Nene on other shows but she is no more a good fit on this show than I would be. Margaret ruins this show for me. Why do we need a comedienne? The snark coming from the other hosts is enough.

The other shows make more of an effort to display the fashion but the hosts really don't have much to say other than to kiss up.

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This episode it didn't seem like the hosts could even stand being in the same room together.  There were so many times they would either roll their eyes or glare at the others. 

The mouth guard game was a horrible timewaster, Margaret was never funny, Nene would not shut up.  The only saving grace was Melissa looked very pretty.  Her face looked a little fuller and very soft. 

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On 1/15/2017 at 7:50 AM, wings707 said:


I would like to see more of Tim Gunn, too.  Kris Jenner was good.  Margaret's humor is not being well received by the others at all.  Nervous laugh, head down or just a blatant ignore.  They don't need to replace her, four is plenty.   I agree that Melissa looked much better. I would like to see Carson Kresley as a guest judge. 


Carson would be a fun guest!  

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Well what do ya know?  They actually spent the entire hour talking about the fashions!  Maybe someone at FP is listening to us.

And what's more, both Margaret and Nene were bearable tonight.  I've also never minded when they bring in a guest for one segment, as long as they continue to discuss fashion and not play some stupid game.

I wasn't going to watch, based on the post Golden Globes disaster but tonight's show wasn't bad.

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I felt like it was bizarro world on FP, or I guess I just know nothing about fashion: they hated my fave of the night--Thandie Newton's gloriously strange and surreal and gorgeous shiaparelli, but they loved Nicole Kidman's parrot monstrosity and Salma Hayek's yellow and pink nightmare. I love both those actresses and usually love their fashion, but those two were just fugly to me. but what do I know? At least everyone loved Yara Shahidi's beautiful Neem Khan stripey dress, that was so fun.

I hate Nene. And Melissa.

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I couldn't believe they loved Nicole Kidman's gown either!  The ruffle on Salma's dress was too much, too bridesmaid to me, but I hardly noticed her at the awards.  What was with the Heidi Klum segment?  I did not catch it all, but I thought Heidi's breasts needed some support.

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On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 5:24 AM, luna1122 said:

I felt like it was bizarro world on FP, or I guess I just know nothing about fashion: they hated my fave of the night--Thandie Newton's gloriously strange and surreal and gorgeous shiaparelli, but they loved Nicole Kidman's parrot monstrosity and Salma Hayek's yellow and pink nightmare. I love both those actresses and usually love their fashion, but those two were just fugly to me. but what do I know? At least everyone loved Yara Shahidi's beautiful Neem Khan stripey dress, that was so fun.

I hate Nene. And Melissa.

Yes, yes, yes.  The Shiaparelli wasn't my favorite.  I felt like it could have been fitted to her better.  But it was interesting and different.  Even if Kidman's dress didn't have the parrot heads, it look cheap to me.  It didn't flow well and was  so damn shiny.  Salam Hayek's dress was in a bad color combination and looked costumey.  It was like a generic Mexican bar girl costume in an old western.  I really don't get their taste at all.

On the plus side, the hosts were less horrific this week and they did talk more about fashion.     

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I, too, felt that the episode was an improvement over previous episodes in that their comments were more focused on fashion.  However, I did not understand why in their '3 words' segment they didn't reference fashions from the SAGs.  I do think they could have included more fashion, but thanks to the 'trends' segment they were able to cover a few dresses at a time.

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On 1/31/2017 at 8:24 AM, luna1122 said:

I felt like it was bizarro world on FP, or I guess I just know nothing about fashion: they hated my fave of the night--Thandie Newton's gloriously strange and surreal and gorgeous shiaparelli,

They completely dissed Thandie on her choice.  Saying she was too high fashion for them to understand.  They acted like bratty teens - "We don't understand it - so it can't possibly be good."  If you watch "Westworld"  the dress makes perfect sense.  I thought it was designed specifically with her in mind. 

It was the highlight of the night for me.

Edited by Macbeth
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I didn't make it through the entire episode.  Five people commenting on each dress is way too much. Get rid of Margaret and Nene. Three is plenty and have a guest for a short stint.  And no games.

I agree that another network should create a fashion report show. Carson to inject humor WHERE IT WORKS, not with every dress, Tim Gunn, a stylist and a knowledgeable host. 

Edited by wings707
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This episode was an improvement but it still needs an overhaul. Too many hosts. Like everyone has mentioned, get rid of Nene, Margaret and maybe even Juliana.  I think this show needs to be lean and mean but also have light fun to it. Frankly, as much as she doesn't bother me that much, Melissa can go as host and be a producer behind the scenes. Bring in Tim Gunn as host. Carson Cressley is also a great suggestion. I think Bevy Smith (formerly of Bravo's fashion queens) would be a great add too. And once in a while instead of bringing in z-list stars trying to promo their projects why not bring in makeup artists, stylists, hairdresser, etc., as guest host to critic their area of expertise. And for the love that is holy NO.MORE.GAMES.

They still briefly covered non-awards fashion like Bella Hadid and Heidi Klum though. So unnecessary. Those segments could have been used to cover men's fashion, couples, casts of shows (like the cute Stranger Things kids and Orange is the New Black, etc.) jewelry and hair. 

On to the fashion. I think with some editing Nicole Kidmans' dress could've been one of those iconic red carpet moments. I actually loved the concept and the color. Perhaps if the v neck hadn't been so wide and deep, got rid of all the black extra fabric hanging off the sides and made the bottom more streamline and column like it could have been great. I still liked it but I think I would have like it better with the editing suggested and on Kerry Washington. That just wasn't Nicole's dress.

Kerry Washington's dress was meh but I thought she had the best hair and makeup at the SAG. Her and Nicole should have switched dresses. Although Nicole K in white might not be a great look.

I think that they should give the actual SAG nominees more coverage. No Ruth Negga, Isabelle Huppert coverage? Damn! Nothing on the male nominees? Even if just to rag on Casey Affleck looking like a hobo who probably smells like mop water? Come on now!

I didn't think Taylor Schillings look warranted being called worst dress by anyone. Salma Hayek on the other hand.... she looked like ass. She does not look good in yellow and even worse in yellow and pink. It isn't lost on me that every since she married a billionaire who practically owns all the major  $$$$ fashion lines her taste has gone to shit. Back in the day she stayed on people's best dress list. I guess with too many choices, she keeps making the wrong ones.  Janelle Monae look was pretty bad too so I agreed with Nene's choice.

Edited by islandgal140
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This was better.  (Still not good, but better!) Margaret was less crude and actually, to my surprise, made a couple of fashion comments and used some terms of the trade (sorry, it's too many days later for me to remember them).  Nene was a bit toned down.  I still wish the show would axe them though. 

I wish they had included Mayim Bialik in the section on striped dresses (though I'm glad they actually had a section on the striped dresses!).  Her fashion is not cutting edge, because she adheres to certain religious tenets involving modesty, but I kind of liked her dress and I applaud beautiful modesty.  I'm not a total prude, but I really really hated so many of those crude dresses.  They were distracting in that they turned into a game of "try to find the nipples" instead of beautiful fashion to be admired.  I hated Taraji P. Henson's dress most of all for that reason.

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Maybe somebody at FP is reading our comments here. Yes, the SAG awards show was much better than usual. The absence of asinine games was a welcome relief.

I am in the minority who liked Nicole Kidman's dress, but I am a sucker for anything green! I also liked Thandie Newton's dress in that it was different. Analyzing every detail of the print was a little too much for me. It's not a thesis to be picked apart, it's a damned dress! I believe it was supposed to be admired as a whole.

I didn't like Salma Hayek's dress either. It overwhelmed her petite frame and the busy ruffles detracted from her face.  Not her best look and yes, given her marital status, you'd think that she'd have first pick of whatever she desired off the runways.

I liked the striped dresses and agreed with choosing the young lady in the Elle Saab ?? for best dressed. Sorry, but I forgot her name.

Didn't get the "meh" response to Emma Stone's dress. I liked it and I thought it was a good compliment to her skin and hair tones.

Janelle Monae (sp?) uh, NO!

I am eager to see if they stay on the track to improvement for the Emmy's. I would also love to see Nene and Margaret replaced. Carson would be a great addition!

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13 hours ago, jcbrown said:

I thought Paris Jackson looked like she was 18 going on 58 years old. Just me?

Nope, I agree.  She's a beautiful girl, but that gown aged her. 

The Grammy episode wasn't too bad.  Loved that they brought back the worst dressed nominees!  Wish they had nominated best dressed nominees as well.  Was still bummed that they didn't discuss a lot of the attendees' gowns. Margaret has been better lately and actually talking about fashion!  She only made one vagina joke.  Though, that was one too many. 

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This is from the NY Fashion Week episode that aired today...that dark red outfit that Guiliana is wearing is so tacky.  To be truthful, Nene and Melissa's outfits were no prizes either.  It's so ironic that the hosts of a fashion critique show look so basic.

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I felt like none of the hosts looked fashionable.  However, I actually laughed a couple of times during the episode.  I don't think that has happened in eons!  It seemed like they covered more looks-so maybe they are making an effort?  Nevertheless, Nene and Margaret can go and the remaining hosts can cover even more looks.

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Maybe somebody has been reading our posts! I thought the Grammy episode was a huge improvement. Margaret actually talked about fashion. She didn't offer anything of much depth, but baby steps.  I actually thought that the game where they guessed the price of the accessories was kind of interesting.

I also didn't mind that they took viewers' votes into consideration for best and worst dressed.  I wonder if it was a one-time thing? Melissa's overall look was very aging and she really looked like Joan 2.0.  I didn't like Nene's dress or ponytail either. Made her look huge. The clip of Brad styling Margaret was fun!

More, please! (but less Nene and Margaret)

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I know that the Fashion Police Oscars' special hasn't run yet but last night's fashions are already out there so I figured it was OK to make a few comments about them.

Overall, I was really disappointed in the fashion choices at the 2017 Oscars.  Some years we get lots of great fashion.  I don't think last night was one of them. To me, the only person who completely knocked it out of the park was Taraji P. Henson.  She looked amazing, head to toe.  Hands down, best dressed for me.  In second place--and I can't believe I'm typing this as I always think she looks awful!--is Taraji's Hidden Figures co-star, Kirsten Dunst.  Stunning.
While I'm at it, I'll say that the other two Hidden Figures' ladies, Octavia Spencer and Janelle Monae also looked great.  Full disclosure:  I almost always love what Janelle wears.  I really like her off beat fashion takes.

In no particular order I also liked (although not loved) Isabelle Huppert, Viola Davis and Karlie Kloss.

Now the men brought it, especially Mahershala Ali and Dev Patel!  Andrew Garfield looked great too.
Even though I wasn't knocked out by her dress--she looked fine but not outstanding--I have to give Best Hair to Emma Stone.

On the other side of the coin, Worst Dressed is an easy choice:  Dakota Johnson.  She looked as if she'd raided Joan Crawford's closet!  Horrible look.  I also hated Emma Roberts' dress.  Biggest disappointment for me was Alicea Vikander.  She is usually high on my best dressed lists and last night was a complete swing and miss.  I was really looking forward to seeing her too.

And for the men, I really hate saying this because he usually looks great, but Ryan Gosling was a fashion don't last night. :(  I really didn't care for the shirt.
As I gave out a Best Hair win, I'll even it out with a Worst Hair WTH Was She Thinking to Halle Berry.  The dress wasn't terrible but the hair sure was.  I'm guessing that was a wig?  Why?


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I didn't see any dresses that I absolutely hated. I got Dakota's, but hated her hair.

Kerstin Dunst, LAWD---your engagement is making you dress like a GODDESS. I loved it, I think I actually gasped when I saw it.

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Nene's useless.

But, at last, a good show! Brad was on target and so, so funny. No stupid games, no "obsessing" over outfits, they went quickly from dress to dress. I wish Kirsten Dunst's dress had been mentioned. It was stunning.

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Once again, I watched the entire episode and felt like they only discussed about half a dozen looks. Lots of fashion talk over jokes, but they moved on to what people wore at the parties without talking about the vast majority of the gowns on the red carpet! Argh.

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23 hours ago, ktwo said:

Once again, I watched the entire episode and felt like they only discussed about half a dozen looks. Lots of fashion talk over jokes, but they moved on to what people wore at the parties without talking about the vast majority of the gowns on the red carpet! Argh.

Yes! I don't care about the parties. I want to see Academy Awards Red Carpet!

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Overall, I thought this was a good episode.  There were no stupid games and even Margaret seemed to actually discuss fashion, albeit with a few of her distasteful jokes thrown in.  

Brad was on fire this episode!  His energy was contagious.  The whole panel was relaxed and seemed to play off him.  It worked very well.

We had actual Best Dressed Nominees and an official Best Dressed and Worst Dressed choice, which is as it should be.

As usual, I would have liked to see a few more of the men.  If I'm recalling correctly, the only three who were highlighted were Ryan Gosling, Pharrell Williams and Terrance Howard, all of whom would have been on the worst dressed side.  How about a little love for the guys who really brought it?  Mahershala Ali, Dev Patel, Riz Ahmed?  I wanted a bit more of that.  Of course, Brad found himself right in the men's discussion as he and Matthew Morrison were wearing the same thing!  That was a funny part of the ep.

I didn't mind seeing a bit of the post-awards party fashion, although I wish they had spent less time on the weird outfits worn by lesser celebrities.  I would have liked to see the ensembles that the nominees changed into.  I saw a photo of Emma Stone's post awards dress, liked it and would like to have seen what some of the other stars of the night were wearing to party in.

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7 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

...even Margaret seemed to actually discuss fashion, albeit with a few of her distasteful jokes thrown in....  


Could do with no distasteful jokes myself.

Just strikes me as odd that "E" thinks the target audience wants NeNe's and Margaret's schtick.  

Melissa looked particularly toad like, think it had to do with her bangs and sinking into the couch.  The fashion critics should really look fashionable themselves.

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I still feel they spend too much time talking about one look and arguing when others don't agree. Just move on, please. I'm not interested in the after party looks.  They did focus on the jewellery but only to play that silly game of 'which one costs more?'.

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Melissa needs a new hair style or she needs to do something with those bangs. Otherwise, she is looking better than she has in a long time.

I liked it better when each host gave their best and worse looks and then Joan ruled on the end. Not interested in the after party looks. It would be great to see more fashion featured. 

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I really hate this show now.  Of course it will never be the same w/o Joan, but it could be better than the current installment.  I like Margaret and NeNe but not in this arena.  Neither of them have any business judging fashion choices.  I can't take the show seriously with those two there.  I don't like Brad either.  How I wish the show had not fallen apart.  Giuliana, George and Kelly were great together.  I like Melissa too, just not trying to be Joan.  She was never as funny or even close.  My ideal lineup would include the four just mentioned and someone like Michelle Collins.  She's hilarious and seems like a good fit for a show like this.   

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I was completely distracted by Melissa Rivers' Jackie Collins wig (Lord rest her beautiful soul).

The Anna Wintour segment was an unecessary space filler. I would have rather seen more celebrities & outfits. Pregnant Serena! Divorcing La La! Newly shorn Naomi! With the first Black editor of British Vogue! La Lupita!--- ah, well, that may have been a benevolent omission...

There are too many panelists & I don't need to hear from each one of them unless they have something constructive to add. Of course I miss Joan, but I also really miss Kelly Osbourne.

Edited by NowVoyager
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I thought it seemed Margaret had toned it down a bit this episode (not completely but a tiny bit). NeNe can shut it and get off my screen.

I could not believe they gave Rihanna best dressed for that monstrosity. 

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I would rather watch a show (or at least a segment on a show) where the panelists had NOT been to the event or seen the clothes before, and the faces of the wearers were blurred out.  Then, I wonder if the reactions would be different if they didn't know who was wearing the outfits they were evaluating.  If some "D" list actress were wearing Rihanna's stupid outfit would they have thought it to be so wonderful?  They fall over themselves to fawn over big stars like her.  

And yes, avant gard can be amazing, but RiRi's dress just looked like a bunch of ping pong paddles strewn together. I liked Claire Daines' outfit MUCH more. I thought its shape was beautiful and different.  Then again, I like sharp lines and edges rather than rounded ones. 

I wish they would get rid of Nene and Margaret and replace Brad with Tim Gunn. 

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This show could be a lot better if they took the time so size up whats working and what's not.  I guess Melissa has to stay (Jackie Collins wig - NO) But they need strong fashion knowledgeable anchors. I like Brad and was impressed with Carson, he should return.  G (ugh!) can stay I guess but Ne-Ne and Margaret can GO.  Margaret was a lot less annoying this time but I think she and Ne-Ne lack the fashion chops to be effective and their comic relief is lacking.  

I will have to admit, regardless of the hot mess that appears on tv it looks like there is a genuine "friendship" between Ne-Ne and Brad and G. It seems like they are having fun with each other. 

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I only got as far as Rita Ora and I think she was the second dress they discussed.   They stayed on her too long so stopped while they were still talking about her!  I really want to see the fashion at these events but someone else needs to create another show or Melissa has to make some drastic changes.  

Listening to 5 people comment is too much.  Brad (knowledgeable). Carson (witty) and Tim Gunn (conservative) would make a good show.   

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Giuliana and Brad at least dress like someone who appears on a fashion show. Nene looks like she wears clothes bought at a mall. Margaret is not even worth mentioning. Melissa needs someone to cut her very outdated bangs.

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