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S25.E42: Finale

Message added by Dustbunny,


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Wow, I never thought I'd fast-forward through parts of a BB finale, but I guess there's a first time for everything!

The actual "game play" was so dang boring that the only things that stuck out for me were peripheral.

Lots of nice dresses on the ladies.

Has Julie had work done this season? Her profile at the end of the ep looked whack.

Any episode in which the twisted bizarro-woodland creature formerly known as Frankie Grande appears should have a trigger warning at the start, like they have for strobe light effects. Forewarned is forearmed with the remote.

Was Dr. Will cosplaying as Little Lord Fauntleroy? All he needed was some ruffles on his shirt. I cannot believe I had a crush on him two decades ago.

See y'all next year!

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The DVR and the Fast Forward button....two of the greatest creations since the wheel...both allowed me to skip almost the entire slog of Jag's inevitable win up until the live part of the show kicked in.

That part actually was not bad. I wanted Jag to win HOH just so he would betray Bowie Jane but she took the fun out of it by not caring. What a wasted slot. Wouldn't want an airhead like that as my attorney.

I guess that was some weird multiverse stuff with the jury being on the wrong side of the stage.

I so wanted Matt to win just to see Jag foiled but he gave possibly the worst jury performance of all time.

Are Cory and America over? There was at least one zip code between them when they were on the couch during the Dr. Will segment and then at the end, they didn't even stand next to each other. Anyway, incest is best if you believe Matt.

We can assume Riley didn't vote for Cam as he was creeping her out in those early days of the season.

Cirie's big yellow dress...somewhere a circus is missing its tent.

MeCole got more love in the last half hour than she did the ENTIRE season.

But BB always has to fumble they ruined a fairly decent live segment with that cringe...I say cringe....multiverse segment. There is something about Franke Grande that makes me want to DESTROY my television when he appears.

Ugh...holiday BB with all of Grodner's favorites...can they at least live up to expect the unexpected and invite Kirstin to be the player instead of one of the players that got screen time all season? Oh, and if Christmas and her scooter aren't part of it...its already an epic fail.

All in all...I'm kinda glad it's over.

Edited by North of Eden
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So much for the prediction that Jag sunk his own game and would never win against Matt, who had a better social game.  Overall, Jag played the better game and the jury respected that.  The right person won.  And he did it without betraying his BFF.  Matt deserved to be F2.  3rd year in a row that a POC has won BB.  Also happy for Cam winning AFP.  He was one of the best competitors in the game.





Edited by inandout
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27 minutes ago, inandout said:

So much for the prediction that Jag sunk his own game and would never win against Matt, who had a better social game.  Overall, Jag played the better game and the jury respected that.  The right person won.  And he did it without betraying his BFF.  3rd year in a row that a POC has won BB.



I agree Jag prolly played the best game...but damn...what an asshole speech. Sorry..I hated it!  Not a fan of his. Can you tell? Haha...oh well...and Cameron got favorite? Wow. I'm actually ok with that. You could tell he was genuinely shocked and very grateful. JMHO!!

Blue was quite annoying. Lol

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I see I'm not the only one who wore out their FF button. I skimmed through this in about 20 minutes. The live bits were the only parts worth watching. 

WTF is wrong with Dr. Will? He looks weirder every time I see him. That hair.

Bowie Jane. Boy, is she dumb. And in what universe is that hairstyle attractive?

I could care less who won at this point. But I'm kinda glad Cameron won AFP. He seemed to be the only one who ever understood WTF was going on.

Why on earth does this show show insist we want to see more of Frankie Grande? What kind of messed up people are in their focus groups? Are they all on acid or something? The mind boggles.

Thank goodness the actors strike is over. Spare us from another extended season of this garbage. 

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Jag was so cocky with his speech that I actually wondered if he is so financially stable outside of BB that he is relinquishing the prize money to Matt, who probably needs it more.

Thank goodness the jury wasn't affected. I was actively rooting against Matt.

I was also rooting for Cameron as AFP so I was so happy to see him win. 

Edited by Blissfool
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Jury I think did right, Felicia was so adamant how she was right that Jag made 750K mistake, yet what she didn't get was as a good person he was ok with that because to him it wasn't a mistake  being loyal to his friend and honoring their alliance. That Jag wouldn't have been in the house without Matt.

I was happy Cameron won AFP, he deserved it. 

The rock paper scissors to see who would drop was funny.

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This was one of the finales that I actually liked.  I was rooting for Jag, but in no way was I not rooting for Matt.

Ok, well I liked the finale until they brought Danielle and Britney out for more TERRIBLE acting.  (Oh, was there another person there?  Didn’t see one)

Was Jag’s final speech overly aggressive, or was he just trying to project his voice so Matt would be sure to hear him?

If they are bringing any player back from this season, please not Blue.  She is just too ON all the damn time.

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I thought Jag's speech was harsh, but perfect for what he was trying to do.  He needed to counteract Matt's friendly "Kumbaya" speech since Matt had the Everyone Loves Me vote locked up.  By bragging that he had the blood of the entire jury on his hands, he took full responsibility for the backstabbing and strategic moves.  It was impressive and it paid off.  If I was on the jury, I would have hated hearing that speech but I would have had to (grudgingly) voted for Jag.

I'm glad we had a full 2 hours for the finale.  Many times, the last episode of the season lines up with the season premiere of "Survivor" where both are 90 minutes long.  Those BB episodes always seem so rushed.  2 hours is much more leisurely and allows for more interactions.

Cameron, the "agent of chaos", seemed surprised when Mecole said she thought he was the villain of the season but, on watching the show from home, realized he was the hero of the season.   I really enjoyed how genuinely surprised and humbled he seemed when he won AFP.

Funniest line of the entire BB season:

Julie:  Matt, which 2 contestants do YOU think are secretly related to each other?

Matt: I don't know.....Corey and America?  :o


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2 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Raise your hand if you were impressed shocked that Matt got all the questions right in the final hoh


Jag as well, actually. None of the HGs could ever answer those questions. So I was shocked they both got the 1st 5 correct...and then both got the last one wrong and answered the same. Then I wondered if the show gave them the 1st 5 answers and told them they were on their own for the last one. To build some sort of drama. Lame.

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Mrs. RaiderDuck and I were surprised by Jag's win. Given both Matt's popularity during the season and Jag's arrogance during the Jury segment, we'd thought it'd be unanimous for Matt. Wrong.

Good for him for winning the right way, though (i.e. not screwing over the guy who saved his ass two months ago).

Yes Julie, we get it. You and the producers have been waiting with great anticipation and unimaginable glee for 100 days to tell everyone Cirie and Jared were related. Hope you guys got your little thrill from The Big Reveal™, because it was boring as hell for the rest of us.

Interesting how they missed an opportunity to get Izzy's reaction when Cameron (who she bizarrely hated) was voted AFP. (Disclosure: My ten votes were split evenly between America and Cameron.)

What was with Felicia's Urkel glasses?

I only watched the first season of BB, then resumed from Season 21 (Jackson Michie's win) onward, so I have a question for those who have watched the whole series: Has anyone else been unpersoned the way Luke was this year? It's like he was never on the show: Picture gone from the website, no sighting or mention during the finale, etc. Someone tuning in after the first few weeks would literally not know he existed.

Finally, do let us hope they bury this stupid Multiverse thing forever. The final Multiverse segment was just as insulting and cringeworthy as the first.


Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
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Is it just me or did the show deliberately seek out and cast the dumbest people they could find so that nobody would guess The Big Twist of the season, the Jared and Cirie connection? Even the two people who knew were too stupid to make use of it. Or even try to. And then finally confronted with the question of who was related to who, still nobody could guess. 

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25 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Finally, do let us hope they bury this stupid Multiverse thing forever. The final Multiverse segment was just as insulting and cringeworthy as the first.

Yes! The horrible set ups with Frankie G. and company were dreadful. But I will say, the Multiverse really complicated Pt 2 of the final HOH. Contestants know to remember comps/winners/days, etc. but having to remember which of the multiverses each competition was part of really threw them. Neither of them were anywhere near close with their first guesses. Has one of those "remembering" comps ever taken over an hour for the winner?

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I would have been happy to see either Matt or Jag win so congratulations Jag. I was also rooting for either Cam or Matt to win AFH. I'm not sure if I'm happier that Cam won (especially since he was maligned the entire season and Matt got 75k) or happier Cirie didn't. I found her insufferable since she did absolutely nothing but coast through the season. 

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32 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Yes Julie, we get it. You and the producers have been waiting with great anticipation and unimaginable glee for 100 days to tell everyone Cirie and Jared were related. Hope you guys got your little thrill from The Big Reveal™, because it was boring as hell for the rest of us.

The thing is, the camera direction/production was terrible on that big reveal.  First of all, they should have let Julie announce it. Jared announced it like he was revealing his grocery list and Matt probably couldn't even hear what he said.  Then, the camera jumped from here to there and all over, with many far shots.  Very poor direction.   

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Final Speeches:

Jag: I was loyal to the very end to Matt. 

       Proceeds to rip Matt a new one by saying he        didn't do a fucking thing but ride on his coattails.

Matt:  I got to hang with Josh Duhmal for a week and I saved Jag from elimination so he could rip me a new one.



Edited by MsMalin
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I agree with Hisam-he and Mecole could indeed have made for a formidable pair in that house. But Mecole only seemed interested in being part of a resurrection of The Cookout so them’s the breaks, toots.

So Izzy and Blue were the only ones who ever knew about Cirie/Jared? Shame that Survivor nerd Cory never figured it out because he could have used it against Cirie during the later stages.

I enjoyed Cameron’s looks to the camera when Mecole labeled him a “hero” and when he won AFP. Not quite John Krasinski-in-The-Office-level but enjoyable, nonetheless.

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5 hours ago, Gregg247 said:

I thought Jag's speech was harsh, but perfect for what he was trying to do.  He needed to counteract Matt's friendly "Kumbaya" speech since Matt had the Everyone Loves Me vote locked up.  By bragging that he had the blood of the entire jury on his hands, he took full responsibility for the backstabbing and strategic moves.  It was impressive and it paid off.  If I was on the jury, I would have hated hearing that speech but I would have had to (grudgingly) voted for Jag.

I would have broken off the blade of the key while it was still in the bag, sneakily shoved the upper part into the slot, and left the building.

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15 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Jag was so cocky with his speech that I actually wondered if he is so financially stable outside of BB that he is relinquishing the prize money to Matt, who probably needs it more.

Thank goodness the jury wasn't affected. I was actively rooting against Matt.

I was also rooting for Cameron as AFP so I was so happy to see him win. 

Jag: cocky or "confident." That was the most assertive I've ever seen him and I think Matt didnt seem like he had a plan.

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1 hour ago, TimWil said:

I enjoyed Cameron’s looks to the camera when Mecole labeled him a “hero” and when he won AFP.

I was confused by Mecole's speech. She started off saying she was surprised that Cameron was a hero, but she finished by saying he was a villain. WTF? 

Honestly my favorite part of the whole 2 hours was the expression on Cameron's face when Julie said he won AFP. He just seemed so genuinely moved it was clear he had zero expectations of it.

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38 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I was confused by Mecole's speech. She started off saying she was surprised that Cameron was a hero, but she finished by saying he was a villain. WTF? 

Honestly my favorite part of the whole 2 hours was the expression on Cameron's face when Julie said he won AFP. He just seemed so genuinely moved it was clear he had zero expectations of it.

"Honestly my favorite part of the whole 2 hours was the expression on Cameron's face when Julie said he won AFP. He just seemed so genuinely moved it was clear he had zero expectations of it."



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12 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Has anyone else been unpersoned the way Luke was this year? It's like he was never on the show: Picture gone from the website, no sighting or mention during the finale, etc. Someone tuning in after the first few weeks would literally not know he existed.

We don't know! If there was someone, the memory of them has been mysteriously erased from our mind too.


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10 hours ago, Blissfool said:
23 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

Has anyone else been unpersoned the way Luke was this year? It's like he was never on the show: Picture gone from the website, no sighting or mention during the finale, etc. Someone tuning in after the first few weeks would literally not know he existed.

We don't know! If there was someone, the memory of them has been mysteriously erased from our mind too.



Jag definitely deserved to win. I don't necessarily agree with him when he said he played an honest and loyal game, but he certainly deserved it. I was entirely unimpressed and actually disappointed in Matt's answers to the jury questions and his speech. He was unprepared and expected everyone just to hand him the win. He didn't anticipate that Jag could have prepared. Jag didn't even have to go that hard in his answers and speech. He could have just said about 5% of what he did and still got the win because Matt did so poorly. Matt completely wasted the opportunity and Jag fully took it and made sure he didn't let go. If I were a juror I couldn't in good conscience vote for Matt after that performance.

Edited by LeDucDiableBleu
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Message added by Dustbunny,


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