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  1. The same question can be asked of production about other houseguests' behavior, including things not only seen on live feeds but on the broadcast as well including Jared using the "r" word. I am guessing that if production got rid of everyone who did something viewers may not like, there wouldn't be any houseguests left.
  2. I would have been happy to see either Matt or Jag win so congratulations Jag. I was also rooting for either Cam or Matt to win AFH. I'm not sure if I'm happier that Cam won (especially since he was maligned the entire season and Matt got 75k) or happier Cirie didn't. I found her insufferable since she did absolutely nothing but coast through the season.
  3. While his exit with the houseguests and chat with Julie were fine, I found his mocking Cam classless. He can dislike Cam all he wants although how ironic he (Cory) didn't like Mama Fe disliking him, but leave Cam's daughter out of it. I had high hopes for Cory at the beginning but he turned out to be extremely immature and self important.
  4. I know this may not be a popular opinion, but i really lied Cam. I don't watch live feeds but was very impressed with his classy exit vs. Izzy and MeMe's unclassy ones. I found his discussion with Julie very classy too. Instead of moaning about being a target all season, and housemates either not wanting to work with him or backdooring him, he blamed himself for the mistakes he made. I think the vitriol from the housemates was because Cameron was a great competitor. Compare his game play to Ciri, Blue, Cory America and Bowie Jane's non game play. With Cameron gone, my choice for winner is Jag but wouldn't it be Karmic for Ciri to win then let the houseguests know she lied to them all season?
  5. Most likely to be a Mama's Boy - Jared Most likely to be asked for advice - Cirie Most likely to ask for advice - Jared Most aggressive - Izzy Least aggressive - Red Most forgetable - Kristen Most likable - Jag Most likely to get hurt during a comp- Feliciia Lease likely to get hurt during a cop - Matt Best hair - Cam Most impressed with themself - Blue
  6. That would explain her bitterness towards them at her eviction, but she has gone on and on about hating Cam for a couple weeks. What did he do BEFORE this week that would make her hate him so much. As for the hugs, I hate those too because everyone just voted you out. Why do you want to hug them? That being said, had the situation been reversed and Cam been voted out, Izzy would've been a hypocrite and hugged him. Now Izzy is saying she wants a "rematch" between her and Cam on The Challenge. First, rematch indicates that she actually competed against Cam when in reality she did nothing but Mama Cirie's bidding. Second, she couldn't handle BB's baby challenges. She thinks she'd be able to handle the major challenges on The Challenge? In denial much? All these houseguests make me laugh when they get angry about being on the block or having their friends be put on the block. What game do they think they're playing? Did they think the HOH would put their friends up? I just want someone to make the connection between Cirie and Jared and call them out. THAT would be worth 2 bowls of popcorn.
  7. Not a lot of action from Izzy to back up all her "I'm going to get you" comments about Cam. He never did anything to her to deserve that. Izzy was also too stupid beyond words to think that she ever had a chance to win aligning with Jared and Cirie. She'd be used and discarded with the 2 of them sitting on the final 2 chairs.
  8. https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/9022846/big-brother-season-25-live-spoilers/ So what a double standard BB has. We (rightfully) had a houseguest removed for using a racial slur. Now Jared uses a slur referencing those who are developmentally delayed and nothing happens. I guess TPTB don't want their surprise mother/son twist ruined but there should have been some consequence. I am from CT so I was pulling for Jared to win, but I've lost respect especially based on this.
  9. It may not be the popular opinion, but I like Paul. At least he played to win, not that he won, but he tried. Also, is it just me or did Brittany look like she had a lot of work done on her face?
  10. Get on with it. Sheesh! Stop talking about smells Angela!
  11. I do love me some Paul though. He is always entertaining.
  12. Guess we know how they are going to fill the episode now. Josh is still annoying as all git out. What the hell is Brittany talking about?
  13. PK and Dorit are being sue by her "partner" in the bathing suit business, and the Bellagio is garnishing PK's wages due to owing them over $2 million.
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