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S32.E07: Music Video Night

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This 2nd group dance suffered first from the song choice and from the energy level.  They all did just fine but there was nothing new from other dances we’ve seen everyone do in the regular performances.  And I would feel that way even if I hadn’t seen the other dance first.  

Edited by MerBearHou
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Barry Williams dancing to the Backstreet Boys. What a time to be alive XD. 

I loved the women screaming when AJ came in, LOL. I wonder if AJ and Lance crossed paths at some point :p. 

I think the "Gangnam Style" dance was stronger overall, yeah, but this was still cute and fun, and I loved the bit with the guys dancing together and the girls dancing together at the end. I've always loved that Backstreet Boys song and video, so I got a kick out of seeing this group do their take on it. 

Also, Sasha is looking exceptionally good in general tonight. /shallow

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7 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Oh no! There’s at least 3 worse than Lele but Brandon is not the best pro. Guess they don’t have judges saves anymore?

No, yeah, they got rid of the judges' save.

I'm legitimately surprised by that result, too. The only explanation I can think of is that Lele doesn't have the name recognition the others do, but hell, I'd never heard of Harry either before this show, so... 

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11 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I think the "Gangnam Style" dance was stronger overall, yeah, but this was still cute and fun, and I loved the bit with the guys dancing together and the girls dancing together at the end.

I didn't love either group dance but I think I preferred the choreography for the second dance partly because of the same sex partnering but mostly because it felt more like a group dance.  In the first dance, the solos were completely solo.  In the second, even when a couple was solo-ing, the other couples were usually in the scene doing something. 

But it usually comes down to choreography.  "Classic" styles rarely get the judges or crowd going the way a more freeform dance does.  And I truly miss Derek's choreography during the group sessions.  It felt like whichever team had him on it would usually have the more interesting choreography/dance.  (And won a lot of the time because of it as well.) 

Lele should have stayed for her hip action alone.  

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37 minutes ago, MerBearHou said:

This Gangnam Style dance is a blast — wish I could dance like this.  Fun!

If Harry can do it, you can too!

Please, please, please let this be Brandon's last season. He is a very weak pro and has squandered too many talented stars over the years. He doesn't have it. Lele should have been a dark horse for the finale but the choreography is so boring. 

Harry was far and away the worst dancer again. Lance said be bouncy and loose and Harry was flat footed and hunched over. In the group dance, he's just throwing his arms away with no polish or finish or awareness that they're attached to his body. And I agree about his attitude; this is a joke to him. He isn't putting the work in to improve.

Barry and Alyson aren't ever going to be competitive in his season but every week they are trying and they are improving at their own pace. I respect that in a way that I can't respect Harry. 

Ariana had my favourite dance this week. The choreography was a bit messy trying to combine the music video moves with her dance but she was so committed. 

My issue with Charity's performance is that she doesn't act while she dances. Her face has these dead moment that make her look drained. If she could just master her face, I think the audience and judges would feel her performances more. She can move but that's what I'm missing.

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10 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Barry has officially outlasted his Brady Bunch cohorts - Florence Henderson (RIP) and Maureen McCormick both were eliminated in eighth place. Tonight's elimination was for eighth place. 

I cast my votes for Barry because I wanted Harry to go before Barry. Apparently, I should have cast my votes to Lele - the judges save needs to be back.

The shocked judges shouldn’t have scored Harry as high as they did. 
I know nothing about Harry, still have no idea why he is famous, he seems sweet, but he is not improving and it’s uncomfortable to watch him dance.

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Who the heck is voting for Harry? Are that many people really falling for his "Poor me, people online are mean to me" schtick? He barely danced at all in the NSYNC number and he can't even commit to the poses.

That said, I actually thought Barry was worse. He walked through the first part of the number and the rest of it just looked stiff and awkward. I did think it was funny he sprinkled Bruno with glitter at the end, but either he or Harry should have gone home this week. I fear he's going to Bristol Palin his way into the finals. 

The judges have been nitpicking Lele since the start, it's like they've already decided who should be in the finals and are finding excuses to lowball her scores. And it seems like they know which way the wind is blowing WRT votes. I felt bad for her, she deserved to stay.

Team Gangnam Style had the edge just based on the celebs. They only had Harry to worry about and his one trick of throwing Charity over his head was impressive. His dancing, however, was not. He stood out as the worst in his solo with Rylee. He's like a floppy baby Labrador.

The other team had Alyson and Barry to contend with although Alyson really pulled her weight. I don't think the team scores made that much difference in the totals.

If Julianne has to wear a costume for this theme night why doesn't Alfonso? 

What is wrong with Paula Abdul? It's like she over-enunciates or has lockjaw or something. 

I wonder why they don't tell us who the final 2 are anymore. 

Out of all the songs used I recognized exactly four of them, and two were in the team dance. I'm old.

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Really bummed about Lele. I only saw one mistake dismounting from a lift, not several. I would have preferred she stay over several others.

Then they lowballed Jason. I hope that doesn’t become a trend.

I am once again an outlier, but I thought both Ariana and Charity needed a lot more oomph. It’s like they were marking their movements or something.

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The whole Madonna discush is hilarious to old me.  Julianne was channeling Madonna so hard that before she opened her mouth I was going to myself, self Madonna is two years older than you, that can't be her, who is it, Madonna's breasts are not that small, who is it"  Then she opened her mouth and went, self, you are a numpty.

The reason we don't get to hear the bottom 2 is that generally they are making up their scores for reasons that aren't to do with who is actually in the bottom or top and they need to preserve their narrative.  If we can see what they are doing, the jig would be up.

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20 minutes ago, A.Ham said:

Then they lowballed Jason. I hope that doesn’t become a trend.

Sadly he is the punching bag this season.  Last week they should have earned at least one 10 and this week the scoring was a disaster. If not for Paula, after the team dance he would have scored below Charity and might have been standing there for elimination. After the team dance Jason dropped to 4th place right in the middle the most dangerous place for elimination because people think you're safe. it makes me think he will be vulnerable and lose his dance off next week There seems to be an effort to get rid of him, especially by Derek.

What an insult to call that Jazz routine as something from earlier seasons, as. if it wasn't evolved enough. Does Derek ever study Fosse ?What's Derek's problem he's the only one that can have an Emmy nomination? 

The show wants us to believe Jason has just plateaued, but excuse me his rumba duet in the team dance was even better than it was week 3. To me, in that black outfit he looked like a ballroom dancer, and he knocked it out of the park. 

Edited by Andiethewestie
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31 minutes ago, A.Ham said:

I am once again an outlier, but I thought both Ariana and Charity needed a lot more oomph. It’s like they were marking their movements or something.

Agree! Ariana got kudos for mimicking Britney but her ChaCha was clunky especially her forward locks were sloppy not sharp.  Charity does the movement but doesn't feel the music 

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Well, that was a disappointing elimination. I really liked Lele, thought she had a couple more weeks at least to give some fabulous dances, and at least she finished her season on a high note. I thought tonight's dance was her very best. Even Brandon was starting to get a bit better in his choreography, and I'm glad he finally beat his placement....though only by one. 

Jason was absolutely lowballed. I thought he was making a comeback after a couple of very shaky weeks. Obviously ballroom has been his weakness, and his Contemporary last week was just so-so. His Jazz tonight was a wonderful comeback, showcasing that his strength in dances lies in fun routines like this, and he delivers with such passion as well. So to see him get two 8s? Surprising and just a damper to the 10 that Paula Freaking Abdul gave him. He should not have gotten 8s, period. This was better than the last couple of dances he's done. You also can't have the judges praise him and Daniella for a proper Jazz and then give him 8s. 

Ariana's dance was great, I actually think, compared to everyone else's tonight, it was the best dance that was worthy of one more 10. A lot of shaky dances tonight, but hers was actually really good. Maybe not on par with past season ringers' dances, but we're in a season with non-ringers and mediocre dancers.

Charity slipped in terms of progress. This time around, she did seem less confident and I finally figured out the proper phrase for what each Bachelorette has fallen into: Pageant Presence. Charity has fallen back into that Pageant Presence, with the fake smile and uncertain confidence. 

Alyson wins for Most Improved, easily. Besides the fluff at the start of the dance, Sasha REALLY gave her a lot to do with the Quickstep and did not have that dance stop for very long. And she really did deliver in every way possible, with the footwork but also with her hold. I was worried with her package, but she did an excellent job. She really did deserve an extra 9, in my opinion.  

So, I like Barry, I do, but he keeps going up and down in his dances. Either he's good or he's not. Tonight, he made a lot of mistakes in his Quickstep. I think the show did him a disservice by giving him a Quickstep in the first place, because we saw he was unable to handle it. Maybe some people his age could do it, but Barry wasn't able to. That being said, his energy is infectious and he really does make me root for him on pure joy.

Harry was properly scored tonight, so that's good. I'm glad the judges are being harsh on him, even if it keeps dejecting him. I think he knows he should have gone ages ago and he does seem to feel bad every time he's called safe. Rylee may be super excited every time they're safe, but Harry looks like he wants to crawl into a hole and disappear forever.

As for the Team Dances, Gangnam Style was fun to watch. A bit sloppy in places, but a really fun dance with high energy. Harry moved his feet! He did actual steps! Not a lot still, but they utilized his strengths to cover most of it up. I do think he did great in the dance, overall. They used camera angles to cover up his portion of the group section but the stuff we saw from him, he did do better. It seems like maybe working with different pros was a help to him for the dance. Not sure if the dance was perfect score worthy, but it was enjoyable in a way 95% of dances this season haven't been.

Everybody (Backstreet's Back) was great in terms of content but I think because it's not as high energy, it makes it slightly less fun. But still, some great work from that team as well. And none of them were in danger (besides maybe Barry) so their lower scores didn't impact them, after all.

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I hope that whoever decided that Iconic Videos was a good theme for the show gets fired.  What a waste, I watch this show for the ballroom and Latin dancing, not to imitate old videos.  Please, can we leave this theme in the trash where it belongs.  

How the heck can we get rid of Harry?  He's worse that the years Billy Ray Cyrus and Wayne Newton were on and we couldn't get rid of them when they themselves wanted to go home. Lele wasn't my favorite but she's miles better than stompy Harry.

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Harry can not make it another week. He just can't. That's one of the biggest flaws about this show, how the obviously dancing-challenged make it so far while better dancers get eliminated before them. 

They need to figure out the voting system. Maybe one a piece. Maybe allow the west coast to vote. Maybe bring back judges saves. Something. 

I don't know who Lele is and what it is that makes her a "star", but she's far and away better than Harry (don't know his claim to fame, either). 

Alyson had a great night and I'm very much enjoying watching how much she's improving week-to-week. So happy she was safe tonight. 

Edited by funnygirl
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I was a bit underwhelmed  with the choice  of videos  tonight, there and so many iconic videos. I thought  Ariana  did well, and Jason. I'm impressed  with Alyson,  who has never danced.

I really  didn't  want Lele to go home, what a dissapoinment.  

Harry's wig was terrible.

Both Harry and Whitney did much better  in the group dance.

Paula did well a a guest judge. 

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I noticed that both Alyson and Charity have lost weight.  I think for Alyson, it has helped with her endurance and her dancing.  She has increased her fitness and confidence.   For Charity, she was thin to begin with.  Now i think tjis has impacted her endurance and energy.

I also agree Jason has been robbed scoring wise.  

Lele…i think she was a good performer, but her technique wasn't as good.  That said, she should have outlasted Harry.  Heck, everyone should have outlasted Harry.  It is getting painful to watch him every week… i cant imagine how he feels, knowing he has to go out and suck every week.  

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5 hours ago, funnygirl said:

Harry can not make it another week. He just can't. That's one of the biggest flaws about this show, how the obviously dancing-challenged make it so far while better dancers get eliminated before them. 

The show can do it if they want to but they think Harry is bringing in the youth vote regardless if they just vote and don't watch. lol

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I love Jason and agree that he was robbed last night, but please, could he lose that hat that makes him look like he just stepped out of Hee Haw? He’s worn it twice in the past couple of weeks and it just makes me cringe. 

I agree that Alison has lost weight and is just getting better and better. I hope she sticks around for a while. 

I don’t know who Lele is but she has been good, and certainly better than Harry, who I also don’t know. (I’m old) I was surprised to see her eliminated.


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10 hours ago, dizzyd said:

Oh no! There’s at least 3 worse than Lele but Brandon is not the best pro. Guess they don’t have judges saves anymore?

No, and I am glad. I don't like gimmicks like that. Just a straight judges scores and audience votes for me. 

Harry is likeable, that is what is keeping him in. He's sweet. And English. Like that accent. He isn't arrogant or smart-ass. We've seen that on DWTS. 

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8 hours ago, Linderhill said:

I hope that whoever decided that Iconic Videos was a good theme for the show gets fired.  What a waste, I watch this show for the ballroom and Latin dancing, not to imitate old videos.  Please, can we leave this theme in the trash where it belongs.  

How the heck can we get rid of Harry?  He's worse that the years Billy Ray Cyrus and Wayne Newton were on and we couldn't get rid of them when they themselves wanted to go home. Lele wasn't my favorite but she's miles better than stompy Harry.

I agree. That whole music video theme was cringey. I don't want to see these folks shimmy to Taylor Swift, either. I sure do miss the ballroom dancing that they used to have.

Harry and Barry are adorable, but both of them were bad last night. I guess I'm in the minority in that I really liked Jason the first couple of weeks, but he has been sort of forgettable lately. Then again, I don't like contemporary and I have no idea what a proper "jazz" is, so maybe he deserved higher scores. Neither Xochitl or Charity was that impressive yesterday either. Ariana is the one who has consistently been the best, although her dance yesterday wasn't particularly memorable. In fact, that whole night was cringe.

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1 hour ago, TVMovieBuff said:

Harry is likeable, that is what is keeping him in. He's sweet. And English. Like that accent. He isn't arrogant or smart-ass. We've seen that on DWTS

Harry isn't likeable to me he's a narcissistic douche bag literally crying when he gets a critique. He reminds me of a spoiled rotten over grown  kid who is actually 26 but acts like he's 12 wants undeserving praise just for showing up. He's using the  showmance appeal of an 18 year old dancer to get the vote. In reality a guy like him would never be in Morman Rielly's orbit. His reality fame is for hooking up and cheating on girls in his aw shuck's misogyny. Plus he's an arrogant Australian not English.

Edited by Andiethewestie
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This is the first season in quite a while where I could legitimately see just about any order of elimination from here on out.

Alyson is in the running for "most in-season improvement", possibly ever. She looks almost unrecognizable compared to her first couple of dances.

Barry is solid, and enjoyable but is always going to be limited. Even w/ the standard dances where you'd think he might be able to maximize his scores..

Harry might have least natural dance ability/rhythm anyone on DWTS has ever had. He is trying, he really is. Rylee seems to be working incredibly hard (if not smart) w/ him. He just doesn't have it. As someone who performed in choirs, but always struggled to hear the beat and stay on time w/ the music..I can commiserate. I will say in the team dance, what little bit you could see it did seem like he was somewhat in time w/ his teammates. He didn't stick out like a sore thumb at least. I'm not sure I'm getting Bobby Bones vibes just yet, but unless the judges go the Master P route and start giving out 3's or 2's I think he's going to outlast a couple more people.

Ariana, Charity, Jason, & Sochi are so close together. Usually by now there's some clear "tiers" but right now they are a giant jumble (and really Lele was right in that jumble or just off of it). They are all so close together, I think judges shenanigan's may play an even bigger role going forward.. 


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5 minutes ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

.Alyson is in the running for "most in-season improvement", possibly ever. She looks almost unrecognizable compared to her first couple of dances.

I was really impressed by her last night. She looked almost as good as the top tier group. It looks like Sasha (wisely) dropped the comedy choreography and started giving her some actual content. It would be cool if he got his first win.

It would also be cool to see Barry win, just because a senior citizen has never won. If they would give him actual ballroom and Latin dances instead of pop culture crap, he might have a chance.

I know Harry sucks, but I won't be mad if he wins. He isn't as obnoxious as Bobby Bones, and if he brings interest to the show from the younger crowd, then that is a good thing for the show.

Edited by boyznkatz
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It's a bad thing if Harry wins. It tells the youth that all you have to be is young and stupid and have lots of fans but you don't need to do anything to accomplish anything.

it seems to me all you have to be is a young white dude who pretends to give a shit and the overwhelmingly female audience comes to the rescue. He's not a dancer nor does he have rhythm. I really want to watch people who at least have rhythm, otherwise what's the point? Advance a bullshit career on the back of dance?  I didn't watch a number of seasons because of this kind of crap. I came back to see Iman and last season Charli - to me examples of non-dancer who works his tail off and a beautiful contemporary dancer really shinning in ballroom.  I'm not into all the extraneous bs 

Edited by Andiethewestie
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I don't think he is going to win. I still think Jason or Xochitl will win, but he might make the finals. His shipper fans are going to vote like crazy, but I suspect that they vote without watching the show. That won't translate to ratings, but at least it gets the producers the attention that they desperately want from the twenty something crowd.

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1 hour ago, boyznkatz said:

I know Harry sucks, but I won't be mad if he wins. He isn't as obnoxious as Bobby Bones, and if he brings interest to the show from the younger crowd, then that is a good thing for the show.

Disagree. I don't think more "music video nights" and "Taylor Swift nights" are a good thing for the show. And that's what we're going to get the more they cater to the youth audience. We'll also get even more social media pseudo celebs and reality "stars."

11 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Jason was absolutely lowballed. I thought he was making a comeback after a couple of very shaky weeks.

Some of his positions looked a little sloppy, and he didn't fully extend. I had to agree with Carrie Ann (sadly), it was a little "small."

I'm glad they didn't over-score Xochitl either. The attempt to put more costume on her mid-number really ruined the flow of the dance and the hat falling off was a big distraction. A 9 for that was too high.

I thought Charity did OK but I agree she's got Pageant Face. Also, the lift/flip thing they did looked awkward.

I thought it was weird they announced Arianna and Pasha won immunity from next week's dance-off even before the team dances or the elimination. I know the odds were against them being eliminated but it still seemed premature to declare them "safe" for something happening next week.

I don't know if bringing back judges save would have saved Lele. If she and Charity were the actual bottom two (which I suspect) I think the judges would have saved Charity. They've generally preferred her over Lele.

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