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So there were some rumblings about how Brynn and Sai are no longer friends. Brynn disclosed something about Sai that was private or a secret.

I wonder who is in the wrong? 😉

Bravo filmed and aired Sai sharing with the women her relationship with her mother, her mother’s alcoholism and her mother’s death. So they should have understood that they should never discuss her mother again, once they left Anguilla.

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Awww…. Jenna and Beckett hold hands when they walk down the street.

That was creepy.


Things I liked about the episode:

Seeing Ubah at work, talking to a restaurant about them using her hot sauces in their meals.  

Jenna and her son at the eye glass boutique while she talked about how having a good relationship with her son takes away the sting of her bad relationship with her mom (though holding hands is very creepy)

Sai and her aunt had a nice scene, but I have a feeling the editors put that scene in as an emergency PR stunt to give her more layers.

Things I didn't like about the episode:

Erin/Sai's obession with Jessel's marriage.  That tells me things are not rosy in their own marriages if they're obsessed with Jessel's marriage.  

So Erin has theories on Jessel/Pravit's marriage... well Erin I have theories on your marriage to Abe.  It works both ways dear.

Sai obviously has unresolved issues about her mom and her upbringing.

Next weeks preview:

I've read that Sai and Brynn are no longer close, and it had something to Ubah.  So what I'm thinking is that whatever Ubah hinted about to Sai on camera Sai blabbed to Brynn and Brynn mentioned it at the party.

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7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Awww…. Jenna and Beckett hold hands when they walk down the street.

The kid is 15, props to their relationship that he can hold hands in public and on camera.

So we find out that Pivot has been to Vietnam two other times (obviously prior to being on this show) so for Jessel this is nothing new but it is to the others.  How much would it have been to just buy additional points or use the airline credit card and buy everything on it?

At this point Private should have made travel plans that included his wife especially if their sex life is non existent, go to Paris and stay at the Ritz for a few nights, eat well, see the sights, this tells me all I need to know about their relationship, he seems to lazy to care about it and that is fine by her.

Funny how Erin decides on Swingers for a night out considering she and Abe were talking about swinging in the last episode, I think she is leaning in to something that will never happen with them.

If Brynn has Covid why was there a film crew in her apartment? In the past the other HW's would self film themselves but she got a camera person to hang in her apartment?

I am about ready to order Ubah Hot, has anybody here tried it?

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Unpopular opinion but Sai doesn't bother me and I understood her irritation with the lunch. Jessel invited her, then was 40 minutes late and ridiculed her for not drinking. Jessel stated her goal was to reassure Sai that she wasn't trying to compare background stories only to quickly add that her uncle was an alcoholic like Sai's mom. I had whiplash watching it.

Now that Ubah's seemingly reined in the irrational anger, the only one seriously annoying me is Brynn. Now there's the true shit stirrer, gleefully getting everyone riled up by playing messenger. 

Edited by snarts
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Every franchise has a scene in which one of the cast shows up really late for an engagement. I have always thought that this was production driven rather than being organic. The two cast members are told by production two different times to show up. That’s my theory, anyway. Just another example of laziness on the part if production/writers because it happens on EVERY franchise that I watch.

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3 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

Next weeks preview:

I've read that Sai and Brynn are no longer close, and it had something to Ubah.  So what I'm thinking is that whatever Ubah hinted about to Sai on camera Sai blabbed to Brynn and Brynn mentioned it at the party.


Looks like Sai has another scream fest and then walks out next week. She needs to be a one and done if there is even a second season of this drivel. 

Jessel is doomed. All she has to do is open her mouth and that is enough ammo for Sai to lose her mind and Erin to snicker in the background. 

We get it, Abe. You and Erin are the only married couple on the planet that like sex. You know what they say about couples that talk about it all the time....means they really ain't gettin' much of it!


On 10/7/2023 at 8:08 PM, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Couples night, hosted by Erin and her husband, puts Jessel and her husband in the hot seat

What and how exactly did they host? Pick up the phone and invite 2 other couples to a club? Wow, that took a lot of effort. 

Is being "sick" code for producers to mean we don't need you in this scene so stay out? Brynn has been sick a couple of times, then Ubah and I believe Jenna. I've never seen so much illness on one cast in one short season. Notice never thirsty Erin because she's the star of the show and is much needed! She even came to a party (Jessel's) when she had a sick kid at home. Ugh!

Edited by bichonblitz
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4 hours ago, snarts said:

Unpopular opinion but Sai doesn't bother me and I understood her irritation with the lunch. Jessel invited her, then was 40 minutes late and ridiculed her for not drinking. Jessel stated her goal was to reassure Sai that she wasn't trying to compare background stories only to quickly add that her uncle was an alcoholic like Sai's mom. I had whiplash watching it.

Now that Ubah's seemingly reined in the irrational anger, the only one seriously annoying me is Brynn. Now there's the true shit stirrer, gleefully getting everyone riled up by playing messenger. 

While Jessel is awkward and annoying, I think she was trying to bond and be supportive.  However, as usual, her language choice wasn't the best.  If she had said I saw a little of an alcoholic's behavior with my uncle; of course, that is nowhere near what you experienced with your mother . . . . which is what I think she was trying to express.  At the same time, Sai is going to hear the worst from her no matter what she says.  It's bitch eating crackers for Sai.  Jessel can do nothing right in her eyes.  She will always hear the worst in what she says. 

Brynn is playing her housewife role as directed.  Spread shit. ✔️ Repeat every rumor. ✔️ Misstate what others have said. ✔️ Feign shock and horror when stories are told. ✔️ It is all so transparent and boring.  She's at her best with her brother when she drops her OTT persona.

2 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Sai pinky swore to keep Ubah's secret.   I'll be shocked, SHOCKED I say, if she tells someone.

But the pinky swear is the most solid and unimpeachable promise!  When testifying in court, doesn't the witness pinky swear  to tell the truth?  When getting married, don't the partners pinky swear?  

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Is being "sick" code for producers to mean we don't need you in this scene so stay out? Brynn has been sick a couple of times, then Ubah and I believe Jenna.

I don't necessarily doubt the legitimacy of any of them being sick since new covid strains have been going around, but I do have questions. Namely, if Brynn was sick and quarantining, then why was someone there filming her? And where was Brynn staying where she could be filmed, since she supposedly isn't allowed to film in her apartment? 

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36 minutes ago, realityplease said:

Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention - but I thought when Brynn was being filmed during her covid quarantine (as when she spoke to Ubah while Ubah was in a bubble bath), she was supposedly being filmed by her cellphone.

As for Sai & Erin - they're despicable. Jessel is a try-hard & can be tone-deaf to other's emotions, but she didn't seem to be purposefully deceitful to Sai or Erin - nor trying to upset Sai, but simply trying to connect in an awkward way.  For Sai to keep insisting that she didn't care & didn't want to be there was flat out mean & intentionally hurtful.  That's not a "truth-teller" - that's an asshole. 

As for Pavit & his points - it IS a thing.  I don't blame him for wanting a brief escape with first class service - at a great discounted price - in order to garner points for later use on a family vacation AND get a brief pampering.  (I used to call the airport my "happy place" when once every month for five years (!) I escaped to go home cross-country for a day or two - both to get a respite from being caregiver to two stroke-impaired parents for the rest of the month & to touch base with my regular life.)  Eating caviar at 36,000 miles, having a banh mi before  returning home doesn't seem like a bad deal nor imply something like sex tourism or whatever the hell Sai & Erin were mean-girl suggesting. Better they should pay attention to their own lives, husbands & children.

When Pavit was explaining it, I got what he was saying. Especially if he was a ticket that is going to expire. Why let it expire when you can use it? Sai and Erin being "confused" were just being obnoxious. 

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Erin and Sai are just mean girls. I am not enjoying them at all. Chill out for a bit and have fun you bitches. Stop being a judgemental bitch about everything.

Ubah is just kind of annoying. I don’t really care about her hot sauce.

Maybe I’m a bitch now but I FF the scenes with Sai and her aunt. Don’t care now after her just constantly being a bitch.

Do not care about Abe and Erin’s sex life.

Pavit going to Vietnam for 24 hours is odd but they are all being so mean about it. If Jessel is ok with it then move on ppl.

I feel like Sai thinks she’s so cool with her whole I don’t care thing. She just come across as a total bitch to me.

Oh my god Jessel didn’t say the exact date her husband is leaving - what a lie. Shut the fuck up Sai. You aren’t just being honest you seem like a miserable person. Erin just cackling away ugh.

David asking why Ubah isn’t in a serious relationship was rude. Mind your business dbag.

David and Abe’s answers about why they are with their wives just seemed like bs to me. I just don’t like them tho now lol so everything they do annoys me.

If Brynn would stop with her stupid constant sex jokes and sex kitten act or whatever it is I could maybe like her as a housewife.

Jenna still not minding her. The scenes with her son was alright.

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5 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

What and how exactly did they host? Pick up the phone and invite 2 other couples to a club? Wow, that took a lot of effort. 

Um did you forget, she ordered all the guacamole.  It's like ordering food that is the least like ordering food.

When the hostess came to the table and said they would be teeing off in groups I thought she meant that the couples were a group but no, their "let's do a couples night" was really let's separate the men from the HW's and play golf separately, ahh togetherness.

Why is it that everytime Ubah enters a room I get my hackles up, she always has to announce verbally and physically she is in the room, every time.


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5 hours ago, bichonblitz said:


Looks like Sai has another scream fest and then walks out next week. She needs to be a one and done if there is even a second season of this drivel. 

Jessel is doomed. All she has to do is open her mouth and that is enough ammo for Sai to lose her mind and Erin to snicker in the background. 

We get it, Abe. You and Erin are the only married couple on the planet that like sex. You know what they say about couples that talk about it all the time....means they really ain't gettin' much of it!


What and how exactly did they host? Pick up the phone and invite 2 other couples to a club? Wow, that took a lot of effort. 

Is being "sick" code for producers to mean we don't need you in this scene so stay out? Brynn has been sick a couple of times, then Ubah and I believe Jenna. I've never seen so much illness on one cast in one short season. Notice never thirsty Erin because she's the star of the show and is much needed! She even came to a party (Jessel's) when she had a sick kid at home. Ugh!

Can’t stand Erin and her husband.  They think they are the coolest couple on the planet.  I give them five more years.   Also think Jessel and husband really love each other.  She’s not a jealous Bitch and has to prove nothing.

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Pavit is easily my new favorite “cast member”.  

My new LEAST favorite is Sai’s husband, who I had originally thought was cool.   He’s a mean girl, too - that’s why the two of them are REALLY two peas in a pod.

I like Jenna and Pavit, and that’s pretty much it.  I don’t think I officially dislike Ubah, but she makes me ponder it often.  Somehow Jessel’s worked her way up from my “can’t stand” list to my “frequent eyeroll” list, which is definitely a promotion.  Whoda thunk it?! 🤷‍♀️ Not ME!

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6 hours ago, realityplease said:

Eating caviar at 36,000 miles, having a banh mi before  returning home doesn't seem like a bad deal nor imply something like sex tourism or whatever the hell Sai & Erin were mean-girl suggesting.

I believe the points thing is just as possible as the sex tourism thing. He can very well be going for miles and a sandwich combined with a break from the kidshile being pampered in first class and probably did just that.  I also know someone (another Indian coincidentally) whose wife (now ex-wife) discovered had been visiting a mistress in various places in Asia while making secret side trips when he was supposed to be on business elsewhere. It came as a complete surprise to everyone who knew him because he didn't seem the type. I've learned through the years that sometimes shit happens and that life offers many possible considerations.

To see Jessel in her confessional saying Sai is probably jealous of the way she dresses while she herself is attired in something that make her look like a chorus girl straight out of Gold Diggers of 1933 singing the We're in the Money number...hysterical!


12 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Erin's husband reminds me of when Jerry Seinfeld got a bad hair cut.

OMG, yes! Only Jerry's hair didn't look dirty and greasy.  Abe needs to find some new hair product and styling routine because what he's doing now isn't working for him. What is that, Brylcreem left over from the 1960's that was found during an apartment renovation?


20 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Sai is a crazy mean bitch. That's all I got from this episode. 

But not in a fun to watch, love to hate way.

The two I really don't miss at all when they are not in a scene are Brynn and Ubah.

Edited by ichbin
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7 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

There's  something  wrong with Sai, I'm not Jessels biggest  fan, but the way Sai goes on, makes me want to throw  something  at the tv. I don't  like any of them, they need to recast the whole show, or lose the few viewers they do have.

If only.  According to Andy Cohen, everything is fine and the show is a hit.  I don’t see that.  These women are self centered and obnoxious.  None are funny at all.  The old cast were the best.  Not all New York women are like this.  Why do we have to hear sob stories about how hard their lives were.  Who gives a shit?

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It says something (to me) about this new iteration of RHoNY that I don’t race here to post something…and when I get here I can’t think of anything to say about the episode!

It’s just not interesting enough. I’ll go further to say that it is mostly tedious. That can’t be a good recipe for a reality show?

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
Extra words required
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