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S14.E10: Naughty-ical by Nature

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Brynn doesn't bother me the way she does ya'll.  That: flip-my-hair-as-I-twerk-in-the-mirr'r that passes for personality covers up a girl (says me) whom it makes her uncomfortable to show to anyone.   There've been several times when it looks like we'll get to see it.....when she's telling the story of childhood abandonment, when she's being a little winsome with what's his name at the shishipoopoo car dealership and the conversation about egg preservation/the prospect of motherhood.  Then just as she's being all open, she either trails off, stops talking altogether or brings goldie hawn back out.  I just want one of em to be like....so yeah girl tell us what it's like being bi-racial but lowkey passing cause everybody thinks you're an olive skined wh'ite wh'oman? (tm Stewie).  Bitch you a whole fly on the wall in New York City and you don't have any  words bout how it has impacted you personally? Okie dokes.

I would've really appreciated it If Erin and Sai could've just made the point that they have definitions of struggle (and for that matter, providing actual food) that differ from Jessel's so they could get THEE fuck on with the rest of our episode.  Least I know down to Jessel and her mama house, sis gone eat.   I like what she said about Tribeca, if for no other reason than it bothered the cowballs outta Erin.  I wouldn'tve described it as up and coming, but it's one of the only parts of Manhattan that doesn't have a discernible identity (to me).  Metropolitan version of tofu.   Anyway, shid, if all you need to be considered rich, fancy and privileged is a British accent, lemme go get mine back lol.   

Are we sure Sai is a fashionista/influencer/blogger, etc.?   Everytime I see her come in the room like tah-dah!  shit you not, I yawn.  Jenna on the other hand is a whole style vibe.  Now in my style-mind she could be Diane Keaton, in that It's not my style, but it's timeless and flattering and looks like stuff I would pay for if I dressed like that and could afford it.   An episode or two ago, Sai pulled some shoes? boots? out of a box that she was all oh these are the shit about and I told the tv, teevee, I no longer know the meaning of the phrase the shit or the word influencer, because {{WakandaVoice}}  my guy, what are those

At first I thought Erin was gonna be all cool, now she's all, you know, uncool.  I'm pretty sure the chin stroking emoji doesn't replace the words:  Ubah I have your phone, be right down.  But, tf do I know, I'm a grown ass woman. 

Ubah is striking but I'm not sure what to make of her personality yet.  I do enjoy that she's a direct communicator though. 

Jenna's too good for the likes of them and p.s. girl, being picked up off the floor by Ralph Fiennes is a muthafuckin flex! You bet not ever tell that story in the embarrassing category again.  Shit should've been followed by a pony tail swish, shoulder shimmy, neck bounce, something. 

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11 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

This show is not getting better. The fights are dumb. Brynn is gross flirting with absolutely anyone. I wish Jenna would have told her that she’s not her type. I get why Ubah was mad  at stupid Erin but she go too aggressive at the end.

Way too aggressive. I don’t like Erin but  getting in someones face and snatching off their sunglasses crosses a line. So now I can add Ubah to the list of cast members I don’t like, which is everyone except Jenna

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42 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Bravo please make this stop. If you can't put together a better cast just let this show die a quick painless death.  Don't drag it out. 

Which is what it seems like they’re doing. They’re on what, week 3 of this dumb trip, with another one next week too. And the seats for the reunion are already out so the season must be ending soon. So pretty much at least half the season or more was dedicated to listening to them fight on a beach about who had the worst upbringing. 

How Andy and his guests can sit on WWHL every week and grin about how well received this show is, is beyond me. I

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I’m actually looking forward to this reunion and hope Erin gets crucified.  Editors please, please show the footage of Erin saying Ubah should “thank HER” for “going back” and getting her phone, together with the driver calling for Ubah that she forgot it. I think Erin “went back” 2 steps at most.

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I can’t believe I kind of liked Erin in the first episode. She is such a mean girl. I don’t think she’s ever happy either. Why couldn’t she have just said sorry to Ubah about the phone. She immediately turned herself into the victim. I don’t think Erin had any plans to give the phone back that night either. She would’ve kept it going. I hate pranks tho they are usually just dumb and mean spirited. Ubah needed to chill a bit too but meh fuck it Erin deserves someone to finally call her out.

Brynn is annoying. Enough with the constant flirting. So try hard.

Sai shut up. I’m over her too right now.

I am actually not minding Jessel now.

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Ubah went OTT in her reaction.  I cringed when she pulled Erin's glasses off.  Nope!  But it wasn't a prank; it was just BS.  Ubah left her phone in the car.  Erin is the last one out so the driver gets her attention.  Any reasonable person would have given the phone to Ubah right away.  Also WTF was her supposed interpretation of the hand on the chin emoji.  Why would anyone think that meant I have your phone? 

I am exceedingly tired of Brynn's flirting.  Her personality is all a very boring act.  I've seen more than enough of it now.  

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16 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Same - we went from Brynn telling Sai and Erin she was skipping dinner to the next morning.  I kept thinking I had missed something, but then they started showing it in flashback.  It must have been a REALLY BORING dinner if they didn't even bother to cobble a story about it together.  Just create a Jessel pile on by showing flashbacks.

Also, feel free to correct me, I always watch when I’m half-asleep, they show Erin and Brynn joking about Erin looking like George Washington. Erin is wearing a beautiful cream-colored crochet/lace (?) dress. The next day, she is wearing the same dress? Or are the editors trying to manipulate the timeline? 

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OK, yes, in a technical sense, $20 is more than no dollars. OK. But it so does not put Jessel in the "lucky" category. And they know that and that's why Sai sucks the most. Personalitywise, she's way worse than Jessel, IMO (other than the whole rude Christmas tree thing, Jessel hasn't really bothered me too much. I think she knows this whole show is silly. Also, Brynn doesn't really bother me either). It's like Sai is on a mission to make everyone see her as Act 1 Cosette or some shit.

(NOTE: Opinions above based only on what I'm told/shown, as I have no way [or burning desire] to confirm any of it.)

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I can't with Bryn's over the top flirting. This episode alone she talked about gagging during blow jobs, she licked Jenna's finger, she asked the boat guy to pour a drink into her mouth, then said she would rather ride him than the boat, then when she brought Jenna breakfast, she said she would pour hot sauce over her boobs. Please, make it stop.

I think the issue that Erin and Sai have with Jessel, is that Jessel seems convinced that she has also suffered a great deal but she actually had a lot more help then she likes to admit. If she just said "yes, I did it mostly on my own but I was lucky because my dad paid for college and I was able to live with my uncle", it will go over a little better. But she seems to want to double down on the I have suffered and I was so broke train that they are getting annoyed. Sai didn't need to yell at her on the boat like that though. Yes, her parents immigrating is part of her story. But I'm also over this who has suffered the most competition.

I was generally on Ubah's side because I would also be pissed if someone took my phone but she did overreact ripping the glasses off Erin's face. I wonder if there was more to it that was edited out.

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On 9/18/2023 at 9:12 AM, Pi237 said:

Bryan actually has a good sense of humor. And a little of her cutesy sex kitten stuff would be fine, but she's making it her Whole personality on this show. The only other glimpse we got of who she actually is, was the child abuse stuff which-sorry-I don't watch tv for because its a major downer.  And her pushing so hard on Jenna makes me Really uncomfortable. She's doing it because she likes to make people squirm. Not cute. But I still like Brynn. I think there's a cool chick behind all that try hard sex talk.....Or maybe not.

Still would kill for Erin's body.. Except I like to eat food. 

So far Brynn keeps in the positive space on the scale but barely and boy does it teeter regularly, ugh!! The sex kitten stuff when well timed can be a hoot but her making it her whole personality just starts to disappoint me. She's got way more going for her than just THAT particular theme. She needs to mix it up a bit and stop making that her one and only bit. Plus she has her moments where it's reaches unacceptable when it turns overbearing and inappropriate. Pace it better, time it better, shorten the bit and space it out more. In better, smaller, few and far between doses it would be totally cool but this constant vulgarity and or overly flirtatious occurrences get really hard to watch really fast and i'm over it. 

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23 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Brynn doesn't bother me the way she does ya'll.  That: flip-my-hair-as-I-twerk-in-the-mirr'r that passes for personality covers up a girl (says me) whom it makes her uncomfortable to show to anyone.   There've been several times when it looks like we'll get to see it.....when she's telling the story of childhood abandonment, when she's being a little winsome with what's his name at the shishipoopoo car dealership and the conversation about egg preservation/the prospect of motherhood.  Then just as she's being all open, she either trails off, stops talking altogether or brings goldie hawn back out.  I just want one of em to be like....so yeah girl tell us what it's like being bi-racial but lowkey passing cause everybody thinks you're an olive skined wh'ite wh'oman? (tm Stewie).  Bitch you a whole fly on the wall in New York City and you don't have any  words bout how it has impacted you personally? Okie dokes.

I would've really appreciated it If Erin and Sai could've just made the point that they have definitions of struggle (and for that matter, providing actual food) that differ from Jessel's so they could get THEE fuck on with the rest of our episode.  Least I know down to Jessel and her mama house, sis gone eat.   I like what she said about Tribeca, if for no other reason than it bothered the cowballs outta Erin.  I wouldn'tve described it as up and coming, but it's one of the only parts of Manhattan that doesn't have a discernible identity (to me).  Metropolitan version of tofu.   Anyway, shid, if all you need to be considered rich, fancy and privileged is a British accent, lemme go get mine back lol.   

Are we sure Sai is a fashionista/influencer/blogger, etc.?   Everytime I see her come in the room like tah-dah!  shit you not, I yawn.  Jenna on the other hand is a whole style vibe.  Now in my style-mind she could be Diane Keaton, in that It's not my style, but it's timeless and flattering and looks like stuff I would pay for if I dressed like that and could afford it.   An episode or two ago, Sai pulled some shoes? boots? out of a box that she was all oh these are the shit about and I told the tv, teevee, I no longer know the meaning of the phrase the shit or the word influencer, because {{WakandaVoice}}  my guy, what are those

At first I thought Erin was gonna be all cool, now she's all, you know, uncool.  I'm pretty sure the chin stroking emoji doesn't replace the words:  Ubah I have your phone, be right down.  But, tf do I know, I'm a grown ass woman. 

Ubah is striking but I'm not sure what to make of her personality yet.  I do enjoy that she's a direct communicator though. 

Jenna's too good for the likes of them and p.s. girl, being picked up off the floor by Ralph Fiennes is a muthafuckin flex! You bet not ever tell that story in the embarrassing category again.  Shit should've been followed by a pony tail swish, shoulder shimmy, neck bounce, something. 

......pony tail swish, shoulder shimmy, neck bounce, something.  Loved this, giggle and kinda LOL'd and said who is this I gotta check and before I scrolled up enough to see i was like ZALDAMO!!! and sure enough. You stay making laugh with you're clever quips and timing... oh and ("wakanda voice" took me out too... LOL) 

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19 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

I'll give it to Jessel.. she at least stands up for herself and was right on the money calling Erin 'Queen of Assumptions' and not backing down... unlike Jenna who acts like a victim and doesn't stand up for herself.

Jessels annoying and tough to take but yes I agree. I do like how she stood up for herself. I'm okay with Sai but yeah, meangirl vibe for sure. I don't appreciate how she constantly decides she's "over" something and proceeds to dismiss it as some authority. She's one of those, "I'm done, it doesn't matter, this is a waste of my time, I'm above this nonesense, let's move on" eyeroll type.  Meanwhile just seconds before she's hella invested, has screamed and has been insulting or at least vehemently contributing to the conversation but then wants to cut the other party off at the knees and shut down the conversation  all together.  Condescending implying that it's a simpleminded conversation to continue having, AFTER she's said her peace. Can't stand when people do that. You don't want to continue until it's resolved you just wanted to participate in the part where your cutting someone down. Doesn't want the person to get back up again and ultimately she is correct. The shit they and SHE have been cackling about is ridiculously stupid. She just isn't the one to determine when the conversation should die. Especially when she was a part of giving it life.

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Sai and Erin are humorless.

Erin holds grudges, and loves payback. As for having Ubah's phone, she wanted to keep it for some time, and that was not "funny". Ubah overreacted though. I wonder if there is more to it (that was edited out).

Jessel's parents might have paid for her college in the U.K., but if her father didn't want her to move to New York, she would have very limited funds. But she stayed with her uncle, which could have helped. Sai was angry at her because she thinks she didn't really "suffer". 

Edited by ZettaK
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19 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

Way too aggressive. I don’t like Erin but  getting in someones face and snatching off their sunglasses crosses a line. So now I can add Ubah to the list of cast members I don’t like, which is everyone except Jenna

See I would have been hard pressed not to have sent Ubah flying across the room with the hardest shove my body could manage. Erin may have not been able to strongarm Ubah into the pool but had it been me Ubah would have had a very quick and unpleasant meeting with the wall on the other side. 


If I were filming I would have seriously been barking at production, breaking fourth wall and everything, that they really needed to get her out of my face because there's a real good chance she would be catching hands! Imma chick from the Bronx and when I saw that I even flinched. My whole slap a ho personality was jolted awake and gasped loudly.. LOL!

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8 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

OK, yes, in a technical sense, $20 is more than no dollars. OK. But it so does not put Jessel in the "lucky" category. And they know that and that's why Sai sucks the most. Personalitywise, she's way worse than Jessel, IMO (other than the whole rude Christmas tree thing, Jessel hasn't really bothered me too much. I think she knows this whole show is silly. Also, Brynn doesn't really bother me either). It's like Sai is on a mission to make everyone see her as Act 1 Cosette or some shit.

(NOTE: Opinions above based only on what I'm told/shown, as I have no way [or burning desire] to confirm any of it.)

Jessel doesn't bother me much either (her embarrassing story was funny), and Sai didn't do her argument any favors by focusing on the $20.  But Jessel had much more valuable advantages that Sai didn't, namely a college education (paid for by her parents), a free place to stay in NYC (with her uncle), and perhaps most importantly, a safety net with both families.  Even her funny story took place during Spring Break in Cabo, which isn't an experience many deeply impoverished people have.  Sai didn't say it very well, but I think she was trying to make the point that Jessel isn't acknowledging that she had many advantages that Sai and Brynn didn't.  That doesn't make Jessel a bad or undeserving person; Sai just wishes she would admit that she didn't have to struggle as much as they did.

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I’m not saying Jessel and Sai are the same though, and I don’t think Jessel is either. But it seems like Sai can’t accept that struggle, while relative, is still struggle. She seems, to me anyway, to be the only one competing in some weird poverty contest.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I'm actually kinda shocked to see that there is almost a 100% consensus that no one likes the RHONY reboot ... because it's really grown on me.

I don't even mind Brynn and her sex kitten persona .... I think it's pretty obvious that her childhood damaged her and the cutesy flirting is a coping mechanism.  

I feel the original RHONY was getting old and tired like Sonja's townhome and it needed a full gut ... and I'm here for it.  The reboot feels light and fresh and young.  








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1 minute ago, chuckity said:

I'm actually kinda shocked to see that there is almost a 100% consensus that no one likes the RHONY reboot ... because it's really grown on me.

I don't even mind Brynn and her sex kitten persona .... I think it's pretty obvious that her childhood damaged her and the cutesy flirting is a coping mechanism.  

I feel the original RHONY was getting old and tired like Sonja's townhome and it needed a full gut ... and I'm here for it.  The reboot feels light and fresh and young.  








I don’t dislike the concept of a total reboot, band I enjoyed many things about the new version, but they just didn’t vibe. - It is hard to recreate the magic of first few seasons of RHONY.

I’m disappointed they the cast missed the mark but I am happy to not have Dorinda, Leah or Eboni on my screen.

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4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I’m not saying Jessel and Sai are the same though, and I don’t think Jessel is either. But it seems like Sai can’t accept that struggle, while relative, is still struggle. She seems, to me anyway, to be the only one competing in some weird poverty contest.

And let’s not forget that according to Sai, Jessel sharing her story of how her parents came to this country and what followed is not HER story. But Sai rambling on endlessly about her alcoholic mother and how it affected her IS her story. And Brynn talking about how her parents came to be and what followed IS her story. But any mention of Jessel family has nothing to do with her. GTFOH Sai. God, you’re a miserable fuck. 

It’s also sick that the only time Sai is happy and laughing is when others are mocking each other or someone else is hurting. The snoring story at breakfast, the embarrassing stories etc etc. 

Edited by hottesthw
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Keeping Ubah's phone as a payback prank was lame, but Erin should've left it in the car. Ubah overreacted. It could've be so much worse - the phone could've been lost for much longer or even forever. 

I thought it was cute when Jenna said she was ready to pick out rings with Brynn, but she'd make her sign a pre-nup because she wasn't getting everything. 

Who's Sai influencing? Because none of her outfits are worthy of being copied.  I preferred Erin's white lace top & ripped denim shorts. Her lace dress was cute too.  

Jessel says she didn't get any help from her parents, then in the next moment said they paid for her college. That's a huge gift as most people carry student debt for decades. 

During the $20 versus negative $498 argument, I did like Ubah saying it's not a competition, you were all broke.  


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8 hours ago, chuckity said:

I'm actually kinda shocked to see that there is almost a 100% consensus that no one likes the RHONY reboot ... because it's really grown on me.

I don't even mind Brynn and her sex kitten persona .... I think it's pretty obvious that her childhood damaged her and the cutesy flirting is a coping mechanism.  

I feel the original RHONY was getting old and tired like Sonja's townhome and it needed a full gut ... and I'm here for it.  The reboot feels light and fresh and young.  








I don't mind Brynn either.

As for the OG version, it became boring. I doubt Bravo will bring it back, and cancel the reboot. 

Edited by ZettaK
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22 hours ago, Mstk3000 said:

Jessel doesn't bother me much either (her embarrassing story was funny), and Sai didn't do her argument any favors by focusing on the $20.  But Jessel had much more valuable advantages that Sai didn't, namely a college education (paid for by her parents), a free place to stay in NYC (with her uncle), and perhaps most importantly, a safety net with both families.  Even her funny story took place during Spring Break in Cabo, which isn't an experience many deeply impoverished people have.  Sai didn't say it very well, but I think she was trying to make the point that Jessel isn't acknowledging that she had many advantages that Sai and Brynn didn't.  That doesn't make Jessel a bad or undeserving person; Sai just wishes she would admit that she didn't have to struggle as much as they did.

I agree. Sai is doing it wrong. And she's being pretty mean while she does it cause not matter what life you lived you should never dictate to someone else what their life experience has been. 

Jessels problem is that she's tone deaf. That can be very hurtful and Erin and Sai are trying to make her aware of how she chooses to relay her life experiences. I don't think people should walk on eggshells but I also think people should understand when something is in bad taste and how to time certain things in a more thoughtful way. 

Erin wasn't wrong when she said Jessel comes across like she want the others' stories to also be her story in a sense that Jessel wants to be seen as a person who has also worked hard for what she has and in her head that's where the commonality is but she fails to realize it's not the best comparison to make based on the other ladies life experiences. Jessel see the caring and support they receive from the others and wants to relate as well being that she comes from a family of immigrants but fails to see how that in itself doesn't exactly equate with the life experiences of some of the others. 

 A couple of times Jessel was asked to share so it's not like she inserted herself right after Brynn's story or Sai's story to try and jump on board the woe is me train, so I feel there is a bit of unfairness there but at the same time Jessel needs to lay off the emphasis on the idea that she was "down and out".  

20 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I’m not saying Jessel and Sai are the same though, and I don’t think Jessel is either. But it seems like Sai can’t accept that struggle, while relative, is still struggle. She seems, to me anyway, to be the only one competing in some weird poverty contest.

Agreed and it's not cute.

Edited by Yours Truly
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14 hours ago, Feline Goddess said:

Jessel says she didn't get any help from her parents, then in the next moment said they paid for her college. That's a huge gift as most people carry student debt for decades. 

University is much cheaper in the UK. It's less than 5,000 pounds per year where she went to school. That's certainly not nothing, but many US viewers seem to be thinking her parents paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and that's not the case. 

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3 hours ago, Panda Bear said:

University is much cheaper in the UK. It's less than 5,000 pounds per year where she went to school. That's certainly not nothing, but many US viewers seem to be thinking her parents paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and that's not the case. 


3 hours ago, Panda Bear said:

University is much cheaper in the UK. It's less than 5,000 pounds per year where she went to school. That's certainly not nothing, but many US viewers seem to be thinking her parents paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and that's not the case. 

Oh yeah, forgot it was England and not the US. But even so, her upbringing was much better than Sai and Brynn's. Still doesn't excuse Sai playing 'my childhood was worse than yours' one-upmanship game and bashing Jessel for not being as poor. Sai still rose above it and is earning money and getting designer freebies for posting 'content' on social media. Some people have to get real jobs to pay the bills. 


Edited by Feline Goddess
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On 9/18/2023 at 4:18 PM, ZaldamoWilder said:

Brynn doesn't bother me the way she does ya'll. 

I actually feel like Brynn is naturally very funny, smart, and quick-witted. I've laughed out loud a few times at things she's said! She also doesn't seem mean or cruel. I think I might like her a lot if she could move past the constant innuendo/sexual harassment-- but, alas, that's most of what we see. I completely buy that there's more to her than that, but unfortunately she's either not showing it or the editing is not allowing us to see it.  

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3 hours ago, ladle said:

I feel like the biggest Mom in the world, but my primary reaction to this episode was the following: 

Sexually harassing service employees (male or female) is incredibly not cool, and pushing people into pools is incredibly dangerous. 

I totally agree with you.

Also, when I went to summer camp, the lifeguards and counselors were constantly yelling, “No running near the pool!!” To this day, even as an old adult, I refrain from running near pools.

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On 9/20/2023 at 8:05 PM, Feline Goddess said:


Oh yeah, forgot it was England and not the US. But even so, her upbringing was much better than Sai and Brynn's. Still doesn't excuse Sai playing 'my childhood was worse than yours' one-upmanship game and bashing Jessel for not being as poor. Sai still rose above it and is earning money and getting designer freebies for posting 'content' on social media. Some people have to get real jobs to pay the bills. 


All we know about Brynns background is what she recalls when she was 6 months old. Someone raised her and paid for her quite expensive college tuition. I don’t remember any discussion of her being so smart she was granted excessive scholarships, but then again I missed quite a few of the early episodes. 

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On 9/19/2023 at 11:32 PM, chuckity said:

I'm actually kinda shocked to see that there is almost a 100% consensus that no one likes the RHONY reboot ... because it's really grown on me.

I don't even mind Brynn and her sex kitten persona .... I think it's pretty obvious that her childhood damaged her and the cutesy flirting is a coping mechanism.  

I feel the original RHONY was getting old and tired like Sonja's townhome and it needed a full gut ... and I'm here for it.  The reboot feels light and fresh and young.  








I like it. I’ll take any of them—even Sai and Erin—over Leah and Eboni. For the most part they actually have money and connections. The old group had pretty much lost that save for Ramona. They’re a diverse group—there’s not one straight white cisgender WASP. Ubah is black (and muslim?), Erin is Jewish, Jenna is LGBTQ+, brynn is biracial, Jessel is Indian (and Hindu?) and Sai is Hispanic and black.  Loved the old housewives but there was nothing there anymore. It was tired. They tried jolting it with Leah, yuck, then eboni, yawn. I will take Brynn flirting all over the place over Leah doing anything. Sai and Erin aren’t as humorless, to me, as eboni. Jenna is super cool. She’s like the countess without her more negative attributes. I like jessel’s awkwardness. It reminds me of Ramona without the mean streak. Ubah is a nicer, less snobby and psycho Kelly. Her style also reminds me of the countess’s better moments. 

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1 hour ago, lawrbk said:

I like it. I’ll take any of them—even Sai and Erin—over Leah and Eboni. For the most part they actually have money and connections. The old group had pretty much lost that save for Ramona. They’re a diverse group—there’s not one straight white cisgender WASP. Ubah is black (and muslim?), Erin is Jewish, Jenna is LGBTQ+, brynn is biracial, Jessel is Indian (and Hindu?) and Sai is Hispanic and black.  Loved the old housewives but there was nothing there anymore. It was tired. They tried jolting it with Leah, yuck, then eboni, yawn. I will take Brynn flirting all over the place over Leah doing anything. Sai and Erin aren’t as humorless, to me, as eboni. Jenna is super cool. She’s like the countess without her more negative attributes. I like jessel’s awkwardness. It reminds me of Ramona without the mean streak. Ubah is a nicer, less snobby and psycho Kelly. Her style also reminds me of the countess’s better moments. 

Ubah is Muslim.

I like that the cast is more representative of NY than the old cast.

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22 hours ago, hottesthw said:

All we know about Brynns background is what she recalls when she was 6 months old. Someone raised her and paid for her quite expensive college tuition. I don’t remember any discussion of her being so smart she was granted excessive scholarships, but then again I missed quite a few of the early episodes. 

I don’t know the specifics of Brynn’s situation but if she was raised in a single-parent (grandma), low-income home it is likely that she qualified for extensive needs-based scholarships. 

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I also like the diversity, except it’s somewhat superficial. They’re all the same in that they’re all thin, rich, mostly have jobs that rely on their looks as an asset. I mean, it’s TV, so ‘No Duh!’ But I hope if they get another season, we see more interesting attributes than nice clothes and stupid fights.

I’d also love a cast with some fat people in it. Not just ‘tv fat’ and not always crying about being fat. Lmao but I’m dreaming now, again- it’s TV. 

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4 hours ago, Pi237 said:

I also like the diversity, except it’s somewhat superficial. They’re all the same in that they’re all thin, rich, mostly have jobs that rely on their looks as an asset. I mean, it’s TV, so ‘No Duh!’ But I hope if they get another season, we see more interesting attributes than nice clothes and stupid fights.

I’d also love a cast with some fat people in it. Not just ‘tv fat’ and not always crying about being fat. Lmao but I’m dreaming now, again- it’s TV. 

Unfortunately, it's a reality show, so it has to be superficial.

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On 9/23/2023 at 3:03 PM, Anonysaurus said:

She probably also has student loans out the wazoo. 

As does every other young adult in America. Brynns story is the same as millions of others. 

8 hours ago, Pi237 said:

I also like the diversity, except it’s somewhat superficial. They’re all the same in that they’re all thin, rich, mostly have jobs that rely on their looks as an asset. I mean, it’s TV, so ‘No Duh!’ But I hope if they get another season, we see more interesting attributes than nice clothes and stupid fights.

I’d also love a cast with some fat people in it. Not just ‘tv fat’ and not always crying about being fat. Lmao but I’m dreaming now, again- it’s TV. 

I hope this is their one and done season. These women are assholes. Sai is the leader of the pack.

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