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S02.E04: Charter Guest Soulmate


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I just saw the First Look, which addresses both your predictions. I posted it in the ep. 3 thread as a spoiler since I didn't notice this episode thread yet. Sorry 'bout that. Not sure if I should use the spoiler tag here even though the preview aired, but just to be on the safe side:

ExplainItAgain is exactly right! Andrew gets the full amount (of the tip) from the charter they just finished, but then the Captain fires him and off he goes. They're going to work short-handed for the next charter, but then I guess a new deckhand will join the crew.

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Saw the First Look as well but I'll refrain from commenting. I have no idea how to make a spoiler post.

FYI - If you're interested, a mod posted instructions on how to post a spoiler in the ep. 3 thread.

I also think it's probably not a spoiler once it's aired. A lot of Bravo shows have "First Looks," and we're allowed to discuss on those boards. But maybe a mod can give the green light?!

Thanks for the clarification, OnceSane. Well, I didn't like the Captain's decision to keep Andrew on the last charter, and I really didn't like how he talked about it in his blog, but I sure did like how he resolved it. It was definitely the right call. Not only would it have been unfair to the guests to have a crew member so inexperienced and seemingly incompetent, but a mutiny amongst the crew was oncoming! So, new cast member?

I don't watch much reality tv for eye candy, it's just a nice bonus when I get it! :)  I thought maybe Andrew was meant to be eye candy because he's worthless at everything else, but he's no great shakes in the looks department either.  So I guess he was just meant to be a quick bit of drama before they get someone who knows how to do their job.


I still may check out Farm Kings, walnutqueen. ;)

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Kate has now been told by two people from different charters that her lack of a smile makes them uncomfortable, and because her job is to provide hospitality, part of that job is to make the clients feel at ease, which includes plastering a pleasant look on her face when she's around them.  The clients should never be given a reason to discuss whether or not she might hate them, or if she's just a bitch.  They should never have a reason to stop and think about her contentment level at all.  I'm the first person to get mad when a stranger walks up and tells me to smile, because that shit isn't cute, but in a work situation when you are supposed to be taking care of high end clientele at the highest level of service, then you put on a happy face. If you can't, then the hospitality industry might not be the right place for you.


I'm not saying I am down with how he told her, because using the word bitch was absolutely uncalled for.  Once she apologized, it was time for him to back off, not continue to say she scared them, which was such bullshit.  The "rocketship" she made with his blanket was funny, and I'll bet the people with him will be amused by it, but someone with an ego like his does not typically handle being the butt of a joke well.  I'm anticipating a thin tip envelope on the next episode.


I thought Ben was being a petulant child about their "ridiculous demands" to eat dinner within 2 hours of their specifically requested meal time.  In a restaurant, I'm sure they would have walked out long before, but since they are on a yacht without access to another dinner option, they had to just sit there and wait for hours listening to that woman whining endlessly about how hungry she was.  As much as I wanted to throw her overboard for all the complaining, I'm afraid in her shoes I might have done the same thing, because do not mess with me when I'm hungry.   It was tacky to keep Ben waiting with breakfast the next morning, but again, the client gets what the client wants, and on that yacht, they are all there to cater to them.  Yes, even you, Ben.  Yes, EVEN IF YOUR FOOD IS GREAT, Ben.

Edited by Irritable
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The primary guest was a creepy ass dude, with his being the only preference list allowed, and the way he sat at the table like he was king of is domain. And to bring a bunch of porn stars (um, model/actresses) half his age when you know are being filmed was just gross. 


That being said, Kate has a resting bitchface, no doubt from the " work" she has had done. She needs to take a good look in the mirror so she knows how she appears and maybe she will understand why it makes people uncomfortable. But pointing it out in front of the other guests was no bueno. But neither was her shaping his towel like a penis. Bad bad bad. 


Ben was a douche. 2.5-3 hours to eat? when you asked to eat at 8:30 is not unreasonable. If I ate dinner at 10:30, but "had a few" while I waited, I'd be too hammered to eat. 

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Wow. So the "smile" issue comes up again. And how ironic, and almost kind of sad, that it was delivered by a guest Kate was calling her charter guest soulmate. So much for the special treat she was planning for them. Like I wrote in the last episode thread, the guy was totally out of line, especially when he called her a bitch (and I was glad one of the guests told him that). But, of course, Kate's "rocket ship" payback was out of line, too. Not sure how this is going to be resolved.

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I do not think Kate not smiling is intentional. I think she seemed perfectly nice when she was talking and waiting on them, and she seemed to like the guy prior to the whole smile issue. I do wish the primary guest had taken it up with Captain Lee so he could approach Kate, than him bringing it up himself in front his group with the wording he used was not a good idea. Kate was acting on anger with the "rocket ship", but I could not help but laugh at it. I hope she does not get sent home because of it, and I hope this isn't why Adrienne appears again.


Now I am off to go master some towel art.

Edited by Misslindsey
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I'll admit I enjoyed Andrew as eye candy, but they could do a lot better. Hopefully they will.


As for Kate's resting bitchface issue, sometimes faces just land that way. I got in so much trouble when I worked retail back when I was a teenager who needed gas money because I have one of those. I don't actually want to chew off your face, but I do sort of look like it. Sorry.

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Years ago when I worked as a hostess at a high dollar restaurant, it was beaten into my head over and over again at the beginning (as standard training) to plaster on a smile when I am approaching or directly talking to a patron.  I was to wear a "pleasant expression" when I was in view of patrons but not necessarily in a situation where a smile was expected, like when I was standing alone at the hostess desk.  It bugged me, I get that being told to look happy regardless of how you really feel can be grating, and I also have a little bit of a resting bitchface myself, so by the end of the night I often had sore facial muscles.  But at the same time, I understood it, and we all had to do it, from the servers to the managers to the bartender.  Only the kitchen and janitorial staff were hidden during open hours, and had the luxury to look mad if they felt like it.   There is a reason why fine hotels and restaurants advertise that they have a friendly staff...it seems frivolous, but a pleasant demeanor goes a long way in keeping clients happy.  They are supposed to notice the excellent service and a feeling of being welcomed, not that their server seemed really pissed off about something while she took their drink orders.  You'll notice on YELP that so many bad reviews reference hostile employees and rude staff - the impression a staff member's demeanor makes is real.


I like Kate, I'm really not trying to bash her, but it's not unreasonable for a client to expect her to look at least personable during service, so that when tip time comes around, they will remember the delicious drinks and top notch level of attention she provided, instead of pondering her mood.

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This episode moved a little slow.  I enjoyed seeing the crew on the catamaran.  I'm also glad Captain Lee got rid of Andrew. 


I like Kate but gosh girl, you do come across as unhappy but the primary shouldn't have said something in front of his guests and he shouldn't have called her a bitch.  And Kate's rocket did cross a line.  There's nothing wrong with maintaining a professional demeanor but Kate, you've got to be a little more upbeat.


Ben, you screwed up on dinner.  I don't care how good you are.  You would have been eliminated on Top Chef for that kind of delay. 


I understand why Kelley was upset by having to do the slide and I'm surprised Captain Lee said it was okay.  But at the same time, I just don't 'feel' Kelley very much.  I think he's a bit immature.

Edited by breezy424
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I understand why Kelley was upset by having to do the slide and I'm surprised Captain Lee said it was okay.  But at the same time, I just don't 'feel' Kelley very much.  I think he's a bit immature.


I think they included that scene because it was in line with the sexism storyline.  "Will you go down the slide with me...Will you take your shirt off....?"  It was totally inappropriate, and clearly making Kelley uncomfortable.  I'm not sure why he didn't say he wasn't allowed, or he needed to stay on the boat...something like that instead of asking the Captain for permission, similar to how the guests asked Kate to take a shot with them, and she said it wasn't allowed.  I get that the mantra is "whatever the guests want," but I should think there's a line they don't have to cross.

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Wow. So the "smile" issue comes up again. And how ironic, and almost kind of sad, that it was delivered by a guest Kate was calling her charter guest soulmate. So much for the special treat she was planning for them. Like I wrote in the last episode thread, the guy was totally out of line, especially when he called her a bitch (and I was glad one of the guests told him that). But, of course, Kate's "rocket ship" payback was out of line, too. Not sure how this is going to be resolved.

She said soulmate because the guy had money. Her little smirk when she was looking at his paper work said it all to me.

She's in this line of work to meet a rich man. Its just too bad for her they all think she's a bitch.

If Kelley was so offended by going down the water slide with the guest, why the hell did he even ask the Captain in the first place? A simple "no, I'm sorry, I'm not allowed" would have worked fine.

I don't think the girls being half the charter primary's age really matters as I don't really think he's sleeping with any of the girls if you know what I mean.

Were the younger ones all couples or single or what? Was that ever explained?

Edited by Maharincess
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I was a little relieved that she decided to punish the client by not going forward with her whole "scavenger hunt" idea. Somehow, I didn't foresee this particular group of people being very into that, and was cringing in anticipation of how hard and flat the whole thing would fall.

That was strange: her whole "scavenger hunt because I like them" thing made no sense. You are so pressed that a member of the understaffed outdoor staff has to be pressed into service to assist and you are spending your time doing crafts projects? For what? Compliments?

Can't be the tip, as next week she blows the tip for everyone.

Very odd obsession on her part and the motivation hard to suss.

I agree with the other posts. As much as I hate it, I think she should crack a smile with the guests. I know she has quite a few things on her mind, but smiling in a hospitality environment is important. 


On the other hand, the guy using the bitch word was completely uncalled for and pretty rude. He could have and should have handled it professionally.


I agree about the dinner thing … I can understand it being maybe 20-30 minutes, but 2 hours late? That would have made me hungry! I remember going to places where we spent lots of time swimming and such, and how starving I would be by dinner time, and how ready for bed I would be early. I needed to eat by like 6:30 and was asleep by 10.


I didn't like the charter guests this week either. They didn't seem like a fun group. But I did feel that the crew was at fault.


I'm also kind of disappointed in Kelley and Jennice. I seriously hoped that before the flirting got more serious, they broke it off with their significant others. I know Kelley was barely dating his girlfriend, but still. I can't imagine how hurt I would feel to see my boyfriend slapping another girl's ass and being very handsy with her before he had the courtesy to tell me it's over. 

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Aw, Andrew with his hat on, all sad, made me feel kinda bad for him. But then I didn't miss him once he was out of the picture so oh well, farewell yachty Andrew. I would not be surprised if Bravo brought him back next season with "more experience" to cause drama.


I still like Kate. She was being polite and courteous and was doing a great job and the primary charter guest was such a jerk. I was pleasantly surprised that the people at the table with him when he said Kate was bitchy called him out on it, not that he gave a damn. From the previews she might take things a little too far though. Gotta think of the whole tip situation for the rest of the crew especially.


I totally agree that Ben was being ridiculous. The (jerk) guest specifically specified that he wanted dinner served plated at 8:30 and it was like 10:30 when the food was brought out. I understand if he's a bit late but 2 hours?! That's crazy. He did make up for it by getting things ready bright and early the next morning.


So, at this point how long have Kelley and Jennice known each other? Cause they make it seem like they're soulmates but hasn't it been like 2 weeks at most? Also, I find Kelley really cute and hot, but the preview next week where he grabs Jennice and kisses her and then leaves saying he hopes it doesn't make work weird or something? WTF dude.

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I totally agree that Ben was being ridiculous. The (jerk) guest specifically specified that he wanted dinner served plated at 8:30 and it was like 10:30 when the food was brought out. I understand if he's a bit late but 2 hours?! That's crazy. He did make up for it by getting things ready

I wouldn't even call it making up for it, it's his job to wake up and make them breakfast. He has ridiculous time management if it took him that long to do a rack of lamb and some couscous. Also, why on earth wouldn't recruit someone to help him with plating or some of the basic prep work. It seemed ridiculous that four or five people were just standing around watching him when the guests were starving.

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Re: Ben and the late dinner - no way was that real. Ben's been a chef on yachts for years - he knows the drill. These are wealthy and demanding guests, and you cater to their requests. Lavender water in your mojito? No problem. Dinner at 8:30? Coming right up. Instead, we hear Ben uncharacteristically say that his art can't be rushed; that the guests should just chill out and enjoy some cocktails until he's good and ready. Yea, right. Totally fake. 100% producer invention.

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Ben should have been called out more on his attitude as it's what he would have done had any of the other crew members made the guest angry due to excessive slowness in job duties. I don't think the person in charge of cleaning the cabins would get away with keeping guests out of their rooms for two hours with the excuse of "But I wanted to make sure the linens were on perfectly straight and the mirrors were shining; if it took longer than expected, so be it!" would fly.

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Between Kate and Ben the rest are totally screwed on the tip!  I would agree that the 3 hour late dinner could very well have been producer driven but it did seem out of character for Ben.  It did not look like they had any appetizers or chips or anything to munch on while waiting which was weird. 


I had to laugh at Kate loving this charter and the primary was her soul mate.  Really?  He was creepy before he even got on the boat.  Why was it that he did not allow the others in his party to have preferences?  Why did he have to call all the shots?  That is just controlling and very creepy.  I guess they did not care since he was paying for the charter and they were his guests.  There was just something off about the guy.  And I don't think they seemed like a fun group of people either.  I liked the charter they had last week much better.


Bye Andrew.  He did go out "like a man" so good for him.  I really do not understand all the hate from his crewmates.  Yes if this was a serious charter boat and not a reality TV gig I could see it but come on folks they had to have known?  Andrew must have known some things since his boss (can't think of his name) did not notice or catch it on the first charter.  In fact Kat even said something to him when he told them Andrew faked his resume' and she said something like "and he worked with  you and you didn't notice" something like that.  She has a point.  If he was that inexperienced it should have been very apparent on the first charter.  And for as much as they said he didn't do anything they sure bitched about being a "man down" on this charter.

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BTW, the slide looked awesome. I would totally make them put it up if I was chartering that boat. As for having a scavenger hunt, really Kate? I guess maybe a young demographic might get into it, but pretty much rolled  my eyes at the thought. But then again, this is the first season I have watched and I am shocked at how "unclassy" people with money can be. Like the last group dancing on deck using the poles as stripper poles, or Georgia, bless her heart, trying to motorboat with her boobs and Captain Lee. I guess the Countess LuAnn was correct, money can't buy you class. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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She said soulmate because the guy had money. Her little smirk when she was looking at his paper work said it all to me.

She's in this line of work to meet a rich man. Its just too bad for her they all think she's a bitch.

If Kelley was so offended by going down the water slide with the guest, why the hell did he even ask the Captain in the first place? A simple "no, I'm sorry, I'm not allowed" would have worked fine.

I don't think the girls being half the charter primary's age really matters as I don't really think he's sleeping with any of the girls if you know what I mean.

Were the younger ones all couples or single or what? Was that ever explained?


I believe in the first episode, Kate said that she wanted to meet a rich man and that's why she's working there.


I don't know why Kelley had to ask the Captain about the waterslide; a simple "I'm not allowed" would have made sense.  Even on a cruise ship, the staff aren't allowed to fraternize with the guests.


I don't think that guy was sleeping with any of the girls either, and yes, I know what you mean because I thought that too.  Maybe he's one of the owners of Vivid or something else in the porn industry?   Or maybe his guests were just famewhores who wanted to be on TV.


I'm also kind of disappointed in Kelley and Jennice. I seriously hoped that before the flirting got more serious, they broke it off with their significant others. I know Kelley was barely dating his girlfriend, but still. I can't imagine how hurt I would feel to see my boyfriend slapping another girl's ass and being very handsy with her before he had the courtesy to tell me it's over.



I guess it depends on the seriousness of the relationships; are they SO's or are they just dating?  

Edited by Neurochick
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I know it was so unprofessional (and not to mention childish) but I just laughed at Kate's "rocketship." I guess that's her idea of revenge.


And speaking of revenge, if I were Ben and specifically had breakfast ready between 9 and 10:30 and the guy didn't even even emerge from his room until 10:30 I would have said "Sorry, breakfast was from 9 to 10:30, right on time as you requested last night."


This is why I don't have a career in hospitality. I admire people that can smile through all that.

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Ben was a snot. If he needs 2 hours to count out individual grains of salt or whatever he's doing to take that long, it is his responsibility to start the cooking process a lot earlier instead of expecting the guests to appreciate that an artiste cannot be rushed. I kind of wish he'd appear on Top Chef Masters just to see his reaction when true industry elites handle a speed challenge. However...that guest was such a douche. I personally think he made sure he was over an hour late to breakfast to passive aggressively tell Ben that HE is the one to keep THEM waiting. I also think the escorts visibly deflated when they realized Ben is a zillion times better looking than their gross client, and that the gross client noticed.


Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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The guests weren't great, but they aren't "guests," either--they're paying clients.  I'm getting a little bit weary of the crew's annoyance at being all inconvenienced by those pesky strangers invading their space.


No great surprise that people didn't hop up for breakfast when dinner must have wrapped up around midnight.


And I know this won't be a popular opinion, but what "The Primary" said to Kate was:  have a drink with us while we discuss something blah blah blah, you're really pretty when you smile blah blah blah, you don't seem happy and you don't seem to want to be around us, so

-- ". . .you're coming off kind of bitchy."   To me, that's not the same as calling someone a bitch.
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candall - I was just going to comment on the bitchfest, too.  Could he have used words like sullen or surly instead of bitchy?  Sure, but he didn't.  Both Kate and Ben were being more than a little bitchy, not to mention passive aggressive.  Ben may fancy himself s a great chef, but I doubt his food is worth waiting 2 hours for.  As for Kate, I think bitch is mighty charitable - I'd call her something worse (but I'm a bitch).  ;-)



ETA - I would call Ben bitchy - it is  comment on someone's behavior, not gender, in my opinion.

Edited by walnutqueen
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I don't get Kate.  She LIKED this charter and even they found her unpleasant.  Maybe seeing herself on TV and how she looks or comes across to guests will make her realize she needs to change how she "concentrates" when around clients.

And to whom ever said it up thread, yes they are clients and not guest you invited to hang for a couple of days.  I do not remember there being this much moaning and groaning about doing their job.  Maybe because Sam sucked the life out of every episode last season.

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I definitely got a gay vibe from the primary charter guest and that other guy. The whole bunch of them was odd. The primary guy was a total creeper and control freak.


That said, Ben's two hour dinner delay was nuts. I was starting to starve just watching.... I can't stand having to wait long for food at restaurants. Ben, get over yourself!


Kelley going down the slide was so stupid. As everyone else has stated, he could have very easily said it wasn't allowed. That scene was just odd.


Kelley and Jennice...annoying. Kelley does seem immature but I guess he's a young guy so no biggie. It's just all this soulmate talk about Jennice, come on. They just met and honestly, it would have been any semi-cute girl sharing his bunk on the boat. Just happened to be Jennice. All the drama about the boyfriend back home. Give me a break. She set her sights on Kelley immediately and knew she would be cheating. Why not just break it off and be done and have fun? Don't think so hard.


Kate needs to liven up. It's not just the no- smile, it's her whole flat demeanor.



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I know Andrew had a lot of negatives, but I will say one thing on his behalf. Of all the crew, Amy and Andrew seem the most friendly to the charter guests and the most committed to making sure the guests have a good time. There is a difference between the two as Amy seems much more professional and appropriate, while Andrew seemed perhaps a little too collegial and too flirty. Nevertheless, I couldn't help but notice that at the end of the first charter, one of the guests gave Andrew a big, affectionate hug. That affection can translate into bigger tips.


This doesn't mean Andrew didn't deserve to be fired. But that kind of friendliness is sorely needed with this crew.

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I agree about the dinner thing … I can understand it being maybe 20-30 minutes, but 2 hours late? That would have made me hungry! I remember going to places where we spent lots of time swimming and such, and how starving I would be by dinner time, and how ready for bed I would be early. I needed to eat by like 6:30 and was asleep by 10.

I thought the primary's confrontation of the staff about his expectations and issues with service was borderline inappropriate. He should have addressed his concerns to the Captain and let him handle the staff.  I though it set a bad tone.  I know he was a paying guest (unless the trips are paid for by Bravo) and had a right to voice his concerns, but he risked alienating the staff and the usurping the Captain's authority.  He behaved as if he were the Captain... Out of line IMO.  PLus he's a douche.


Why does the primary charter guest... Dean Slover look so familiar???  Was he on Millionaire Match or something?

Edited by BitchOnWheelz
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So what is the proper protocol for voicing a complaint on a charter yacht? Is it like a restaurant, where you complain to the manager? If so, then he should have gone to the captain, But I have cruised many times, not a charter yacht, sadly, and if your food is not up to par or the service is slow, you complain to the head waiter. The captain really has nothing to do with guest services. But again, that's a giant cruise ship that carries thousands of people. I think of head steward as the same as a hotel manager. Complaints about service go through him/her.  Maybe it wasn't appropriate to bring Ben into the conversation, but it certainly wasn't appropriate for him to confront the guest about the plastic. Guest make mistakes all the time. The staff shouldn't make them feel bad about it. 

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I think Kate has a hard time smiling partly because of her better-than-you attitude and mostly because of botox, which freezes the muscles. The lines around the mouth are a common location for botox injections.


Aah, I hadn't thought of that, and you may be right.  I think Kate's demeanor is pleasant even if she doesn't go around grinning all the time.  Personally, I'd give a server a bigger tip if, when I asked for a drink, they'd say "my pleasure" like Kate does.  It just sounds so gracious.


If I was spending big bucks to rent a yacht, I'd not only want my meals served at my preferred time, I'd want to be able to say "I'll have eggs benedict today", and not just eat whatever Ben fixes.

Edited by technorebel
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I thought the way these guests, and the ones on the last episode, were just like "hey Kate, smile for us, mmkay?" was super rude. Who cares if you want her to smile more, you don't just out of nowhere order someone to smile more, even if you are paying for the yacht. So I understood Kate being pissed and saying she's not their circus monkey, or whatever it was she said. Having said that, she does kind of have a resting bitch face, but I do too and I almost got fired from a restaurant once for not seeming happy enough, so I can relate. If it was really bothering them so much, they should have said something to Capt. Lee, or just get over it because everybody doesn't have be making whatever dumb face you want them to be all the time! 


Andrew's a bimbo. But he seemed like a nice guy. Deserved to be fired because he was super slow and had no idea what he was doing, but at least he wasn't an asshole. I thought the whole crew being pissed that he got his part of the tip was stupid. Like did they actually think Capt. Lee was just going to be like "I know I agreed to pay your for this charter, but *jk* not gonna give you the money after all." Like yeah, fire the guy, but you still have to pay what your agreed to pay him. The crew members know that, they're just being whiny brats. 


That girl deckhand (Jenice or something?) is simultaneously annoying and boring. I hate the brokenhearted facial expressions she makes all the time. How about instead of taking random stuff too personally, you think about the brokenhearted facial expression your boyfriend will have when he sees you cheating on him on television. 

Aah, I hadn't thought of that, and you may be right.  I think Kate's demeanor is pleasant even if she doesn't go around grinning all the time.  Personally, I'd give a server a bigger tip if, when I asked for a drink, they'd say "my pleasure" like Kate does.  It just sounds so gracious.


I agree. I think Kate's serving demeanor is way better than the pretend-happy Texas girl grinning like it's a pageant all the time. Like why are grinning at me so much? Close your mouth! 

Edited by wovenloaf
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That was strange: her whole "scavenger hunt because I like them" thing made no sense. You are so pressed that a member of the understaffed outdoor staff has to be pressed into service to assist and you are spending your time doing crafts projects? For what? Compliments?

Can't be the tip, as next week she blows the tip for everyone.

Very odd obsession on her part and the motivation hard to suss.

I cringed at the idea of a scavenger hunt too! Maybe if the weather was less than ideal, but I'm sure this group can entertain themselves. I do think Kate had good intentions and was trying to compensate for Ben's tardiness with dinner but all bets went out the window when the guest called her 'bitchy'


On a slightly unrelated note, don't the guests work in night life? I find it comical they have a strict dinner time of 8:30 considering their occupation

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Aah, I hadn't thought of that, and you may be right.  I think Kate's demeanor is pleasant even if she doesn't go around grinning all the time.  Personally, I'd give a server a bigger tip if, when I asked for a drink, they'd say "my pleasure" like Kate does.  It just sounds so gracious.


If I was spending big bucks to rent a yacht, I'd not only want my meals served at my preferred time, I'd want to be able to say "I'll have eggs benedict today", and not just eat whatever Ben fixes.


As a guest I would have just told the captain that we needed the launch (or what ever they call it). " We've been waiting an hour for dinner and that is long enough we're going ashore to eat."


Kate is pleasant and gracious but sometimes it's not being picked up on by the guests and that is when it becomes something she is responsible for, though in no way did she deserve to be called a bitch. That being said, I like her non-verbal artistic skills at telling someone what she thinks of them. That is one special way to tell someone they are a prick on national TV. 

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