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Jeopardy! Season 40 (2023-2024)

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9 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

I sit in wait of an “it’s easy if you know it” FJ!

I remember Austin as being in my top very small number of most annoying players, but honestly if I had been able to put that out of my mind, he would’ve been fine today. 

I cut Jeopardy contestants so much slack because I know I couldn't do it but Austin and Yogesh are the worst. Austin is over the top and Yogesh is so rude.

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11 hours ago, Katy M said:

And since none of those supersmart contestants did, by the transitory nature of Jeopardy, I have beat everybody.

I'll concur, as I got it too.

Some horrible person on FB made a comment that she would not watch when "that horrible thing" Amy was on. What the hell, on so many levels? I know answering that is beyond our pay grade,  but it bothers me that people are so blindly hateful 

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12 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

How in the world did all three of these champs not know FJ!? It was so easy! I immediately thought wound+nickname-> Scarface->Al Capone and spent the rest of the 30 seconds trying to figure out what the trick was because surely it couldn’t be that obvious.

I got to Scarface, but since I hadn't seen the movie, and didn't know Al Capone was "Scarface" - I did not get it.

16 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Austin grew on me during his run and now I have to root for him. He made a couple dumb mistakes in the first round, though. And then Amy got on a roll in DJ. Good for her.

We liked both Austin and Matt in their previous runs. Austin seemed a bit subdued this time around. Amy is a powerhouse, and we've always liked her.

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Ugh, Amy and Austin in the same episode.  

Oh well, at least I got FJ even though it was a guess.  I knew the Argonne was WWI so I guessed someone with a wound/scar who was famous in the period after that.  Totally missed the category title.

17 hours ago, Katy M said:

I got the missed clues of Mamma Mia and sunfish.

So did I.  Both seemed pretty obvious to me, but again, if you know it, you know it and if you don't . . . 

11 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

I remember Austin as being in my top very small number of most annoying players, but honestly if I had been able to put that out of my mind, he would’ve been fine today. 

He definitely wasn't as bad as before.  And also, not Yogesh.

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Austin certainly was different during last night's game, nowhere near as annoying as I found him during his winning run. Yogesh was really toned down, too. These guys must have been told how off-putting they came across, and made some changes. At least they listened to the criticism! Austin wasn't irritating at all...except for the hair; that uncombed look isn't 'cool', it's just shabby, IMO. 

Amy was a wrecking crew, as usual. Austin is an extremely good player, and she left him in the dust. 

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A nickname based on a wound brought Scarface to mind immediately.  To me, that's just an Al Pacino movie I've never seen, but I was pretty sure it's not about a real person.  So trying to think of another Scarface (or another wound nickname) got me nowhere -- that Al Capone was also Scarface is something I've probably come across, but never retained.

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March 26:

57% / 50% / 54%

In J I ran Pick a Card, missed one in Mammals, two in Magazines, three in Flat Earth and Sporty Talk, and four in 4-Word Synopses (Cheers is the only one of those shows I've ever watched).

In DJ I missed one in Religious Ranks, two in Supreme Court Justices, World Star, and Feeling Jittery, three in Museums, and completely failed Shakespeare.

FJ was an instaget.

TSes: (J had 2; DJ had 7 + 1DD) Seems like a lot of stumpers for a tournament game. I got cleanup, agita, unstrung (DD), and Priyanka Chopra.

Arthur is the only one of these people I have any recollection of whatsoever. I didn't dislike him like a lot of people did when he originally played; I was kinda rooting for him going in but as the game went on I didn't really feel strongly about anyone. So good for David.

I'd love to see the parrots play. 🦜🦜🦜

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I was rooting for Arthur to win and was so disappointed in that second DD. I know I was trying to think of the name of an instrument and not just a characteristic of the instrument shown. The wording of the clue was a trifle misleading: 

It describes someone weakened by nerves and also the instrument here.

I am also mad that I didn't think of vicar, but in my defense I don't associate the term vicar with Monty Python at all. I can't even think of any sketch with a vicar. 

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7 minutes ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

I was rooting for Arthur to win and was so disappointed in that second DD. I know I was trying to think of the name of an instrument and not just a characteristic of the instrument shown. 

I got it at the last second; I noticed that the violin didn't have strings pretty quickly but didn't connect that to what they were going for. Then I thought 'stringless...no, that makes no sense...' and then I refocused on the "nerves" part and it came to me right before Ken said it.

7 minutes ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

I am also mad that I didn't think of vicar, but in my defense I don't associate the term vicar with Monty Python at all. I can't even think of any sketch with a vicar. 

I got it more from thinking of British clergy (don't hear the term vicar here much) than anything to do with MP specifically.

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26 minutes ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

I was rooting for Arthur to win and was so disappointed in that second DD. I know I was trying to think of the name of an instrument and not just a characteristic of the instrument shown. The wording of the clue was a trifle misleading: 



I am also mad that I didn't think of vicar, but in my defense I don't associate the term vicar with Monty Python at all. I can't even think of any sketch with a vicar. 

Look up the Dirty Vicar sketch on YouTube 

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I only remembered Arthur (I vaguely recognized MacKenzie as someone I'd seen before, but that's it) and was rooting for him, so was yelling "Unstrung!" to him through my TV to no avail.

I only came up with Cheers in synopses and came up with everything other than own goal in sports, but the rest of the first round was brought to me by the number two -- I missed two each in all the rest.

I ran Supreme Court.  On the flip side, I didn't get a single clue in Shakespeare (I should have known St. Crispin's Day from Sports Night).  I managed to only miss two in religion (thanks to some lucky guesses, but they count), but I missed another two each in stars and jittery and three in museums, so DJ was another lackluster performance.

I did figure out FJ, though, so ended on a high note.  I knew the symbol for silver is Ag, but didn't specifically know it comes from argentum.  Still, seeing the word "argentum" in the context of elements made me immediately think Ag.  I figured vivum had to be something about life, but that didn't help me as I hadn't ever heard of living silver so I was thinking "live silver" and getting stuck.  So I thought maybe I was somehow wrong on that part, and just tried to think of something silver to describe another element.  And then quicksilver came to me, and, voila, I had mercury.

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I’m not sure if I should be sad that I broke an impressive losing streak, or happy that I finally got a FJ. I’ll go with the latter.

I got to it pretty much the same way as everyone else: made a rough translation to “living silver”, and from there it was a quick leap to mercury. I can still picture the drops of mercury that bounced across my 5-year-old hand as my friend and I played with the contents of a broken thermometer. Fascinating stuff. (We didn’t know.)

I also got the TSs of People magazine, agita, and Omar Sy. Speaking of Omar, if anyone reading this has Netflix but has not seen “Lupin” (utterly charming French series about the exploits of a gentleman thief), stop what you’re doing and watch immediately. You can thank me later. 😉

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6 minutes ago, ABay said:

I call shenanigans on allowing St. Crispian for Crispin but not whatever Mackenzie said for Priyanka Chopra.

In Henry V, Shakespeare uses both Crispin and Crispian in the speech. Ken could have acknowledged that when he delivered the decision. 

I didn't go back to check Priyanka (I heard Priyankar) but they claimed Mackenzie had said Priyankra which would be consistent with their pronunciation rulings (no extraneous letters in the wrong place).

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I don 't remember Mackenzie from her previous appearance.  When they introduced her all I could focus on was what a fabulous collar was on her jacket, and then I realized it is her hair.  I think she might win the Jeopardy prize for best hair ever.  I also thought, as the game went on, that she was just taking wild guesses, and was there more to have fun than to win money.  I am glad that she had some $$ left to play FJ, if her intent was to fully enjoy the experience.


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2 hours ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

In Henry V, Shakespeare uses both Crispin and Crispian in the speech.

Sometimes in the same line:

"And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by,

From this day to the ending of the world,

But we in it shall be remember'd"

Edited to add: I just checked the complete text of the speech. Shakespeare uses "Crispian" four times, and "Crispin" only three. If anything, calling it the St. Crispian's Day speech is more correct.

Edited by MrAtoz
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I remember Arthur Chu as someone who was not too popular when he was first on Jeopardy! but he seemed so bland last night that there was nothing to like or dislike.

 Maybe all the contestants were told to tone things down.  I remember liking Austin Rogers quite well in his early days despite his quirks but he was another one who stayed quiet.

I remember Dave Madden's name but not him personally - or his parrots.  And McKenzie Jones I don't remember at all.

For FJ I first said platinum for some reason, thinking it looks like silver but more so.  Then "living silver" became quicksilver (from 'the quick and the dead', and then to mercury.

I did not get Monday's FJ but I should have - my first thought was that it would be a criminal type who would claim his scar as a war injury but Scarface never came to me even though I know full well that it was Al Capone's nickname.

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9 minutes ago, Trey said:

I remember Arthur Chu as someone who was not too popular when he was first on Jeopardy! but he seemed so bland last night that there was nothing to like or dislike.

I vaguely recall that it hadto do with something outside of Jeapordy (a column maybe?).

I did pretty badly, though I ran 4 word TV Synopses. Not sure if I should be proud or embarrassed.

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I loathed Arthur Chu when he was originally a contestant.  Like Yogesh-levels of dislike.  He wasn't actually too bad last night, but I'm glad as hell that he missed that DD.  Which I got right away, btw.

I really liked Dave Madden in all his previous appearances, so I'm thrilled he won.

FJ seemed really easy to me but if you didn't know enough Latin to realize that argentum vivum mean living silver, you probably didn't.  Not that I know a lot of Latin.

14 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

I didn’t remember David at all, and I say this in the most positive way possible, but if I were the casting director for a character who travels with three parrots, he’d be my guy! Also, good for you, David!

I remember him from his original run (19 wins) but even more for his being a member of Team Brad during the Jeopardy All-Stars tournament.  Neither he nor Larissa were flashy winners and thus weren't chosen until picks 6 and 7 in the team draft, but they both had experience creating quiz competitions since their original games and Brad valued that.  Clearly he was correct because his team won, more on the basis of their performances than his own.  Not that he played badly but they were phenomenal.

I really want a Pet Jeopardy tournament now.  Since the producers are obsessed with giving us umpteen zillion tournaments anyway.


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One of the things that people complained about with Arthur was his technique of jumping from category to category rather than playing all the clues in one category from top to bottom. Even though he didn't invent that practice--it's called "the Forrest bounce" for a reason--it really got a lot of attention (mostly negative) when he did it. Nowadays it's become so common as to be completely unremarkable.

Somebody on one of the Jeopardy contestant Facebook groups pointed out that 10 years ago, the top three game winners were Ken Jennings (74 wins), Dave Madden (19 wins), and Arthur Chu (11 wins). All three of whom were on the stage together yesterday.

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6 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

I vaguely recall that it hadto do with something outside of Jeapordy (a column maybe?).

The only column of his that got any widespread attention I recall is one examining the sexism and racism in the gaming community, which made me like him more.  (I never disliked him, to be clear; I didn't mind his habits on the show that irritated others, and certainly didn't think he was unsporting and all that jazz.  I didn't get excited about him during his run like I did with Julia, Amy, and a few others, but he was fine.  It was hearing about the things he used his 15 minutes of fame to speak up for and against after his shows aired that caught my attention, so I was rooting for him in this game.)

Since most have probably forgotten:  There's a thread about him here in this forum if anyone wants to refresh their memory.

Edited by Bastet
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March 27:

70% / 43% / 56%

J!: An actual decent round, finally! Missed one in Trending, Instruments, and Auto Parts, and two in Equine Words, Cruise Lines, and Ports of Call.

DJ: And back to tournament form…missed two in During Buchanan's Presidency and Bones, four in Music Collabs, and three in everything else.

No FJ for me.

TSes: (J had 4; DJ had 5) I got Furby (a guess), .

I didn't remember Brandon but I like him; I actually remembered Jennifer and Alex. Wasn't rooting for anyone in particular (though kinda Brandon because he's cute and I wouldn't mind seeing him again in the next round).


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Obviously, "mesonoxian = pertaining to..." MESONOXIA!  Duh.

ETA: At the first commercial break, we got a blue screen with 11ALIVE in big letters with "Technical Difficulties" beneath.  Last time I checked, they were still off the air. I'm watching Rawhide on PlutoTV, but I did check thejeopardyfan for tonight's FJ.


Edited by Prevailing Wind
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10 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

FJ seemed really easy to me but if you didn't know enough Latin to realize that argentum vivum mean living silver, you probably didn't.  Not that I know a lot of Latin.

I translated it just fine, but didn't get beyond that. I mean, I did actually briefly think of mercury but then somehow convinced myself that the element was in fact just plain silver.

Tonight I was able to translate the "middle" part but didn't separate out the compound word well enough to get to night>midnight.

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Of course I remembered Alex, but I did not recognize the other two.  Good for Jennifer; I was rooting for her simply for having a cool job, but wasn't expecting her to win any more than she was.

I didn't run anything in the first round.  I got all but one in instruments, equine, and auto parts (a category I typically run, but I was expecting something more obnoxious than port for what Tesla calls anything), but I missed three in ports and two each in the others.

To be consistent, I didn't run a damn thing in DJ, either.  I got all but one in bone, but I blew world lit entirely and missed two each in everything else.

No clue on FJ.


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1 hour ago, secnarf said:

Tonight I was able to translate the "middle" part but didn't separate out the compound word well enough to get to night>midnight.

My thought process was something like "1623, so not ancient, meso- like mesoamerican, hm, but onox doesn't ring any geographical bells, wait, nox for night (so Latin was some use after all) -- but 'middle of the night' is more than one word, whatever shall I do?" [Dramatic pause] "oh, midnight, of course."

I knew theremin easily (highly recommend the documentary about its inventor) but did not come up with  John Brown or Steppenwolf.

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