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S02.E04: Alive!

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I can't believe they made Gloria Steinem share a scene with a flaccid dick pic. 

Also, Carrie's sensitivity about sharing a photo with someone with a walker, then seeming to mentally separate herself with the woman struggling to climb the stairs, seems very hypocritical from someone who, just last season, had her hip replaced. 

Charlotte's affinity for Harry's jizz seems a complete 180º from her previous effort to keep his bare ass off her furniture. 

Miranda following Che to California brings up memories of her chiding Carrie for giving up her life to follow the Russian to Paris. 

Very little about these characters seems familiar to me. 


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19 hours ago, greekmom said:

I honestly thought that Che and or their husband (whatever his name is) was going to initiate a 4some when they were all sitting on the bed and discussing their sex lives.  I bet Miranda would have been all for it and Carrie looking at her like she lost her freaking mind. 

Wasn't it Carrie who was saying about aging gracefully when Samantha had a big birthday in one of those 2 movies and she turned what 60?!  So now Carrie is an ageist? And IMHO - Carrie looks closer to 60 than 50. 

16 hours ago, Rebecca berkowit said:

It is stunning the lack of chemistry with Miranda and Che, especially since Cynthia Nixon was apparently so attracted to the actor.  Guess it just doesn’t translate.  I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, I’ve never seen such un-hot sex scenes.  Even with Oliver Hudson, Che has zero chemistry.  

I thought Lyle (Oliver Hudson's character's name that no one can remember is Lyle) was kinda hot when he started turning it into a threesome. Would have been funny if Miranda decided to green light the action then they both pushed Che away for totally man-on-woman straight sex, so Che would go out and sleep alone on the broken couch. LOL! A gal can dream...  

And yes, Carrie looks closer to 60. When they were all obviously stating their ages in S1 E1, didn't we learn she is 55, or was it 58? A year has passed so she's now definitely closer to 60.

4 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

When my husband died I was in my 40s.  Men my age or a little older weren't interested. They wanted women younger than me.  Carrie is in her 50s so I wouldn't be surprised if men her age also wanted women younger than her.  She might want to rethink her thoughts on dating older men.

Most any woman who becomes single in her 40s will say the same. A majority of men want to date younger women. So indeed Carrie may want to date guys her age but a lot of them will be looking for a woman under 50. (I still don't know why she gave up Thursday Guy. He was hot. Ok, she says she's "not ready.")

When she is ready she's attractive and rich and in those circles you do look for introductions. She just needs to tell friends that she only wants to date within a few years of her own age. Bitsy was trying to do her a favor it seems by setting her up not so much for dating but for sex. What a weird twist that the white-haired dick pic guy was supposedly Enid's boyfriend. Yeah, there aren't so many single, attractive, wealthy, well-hung (LOL!) men even in their circles. I guess he gets around, and some of the "older" ladies love it!

As for Enid's "our age" comment, Carrie had a right to cringe at that. Flipping it around, I say "our age" when I'm talking to my friend who is 77 to my 60. I said it when when I was 57, to mean generally we women over 55 or so, and because I didn't want her to think I was putting her in the "old woman" category. Some things we do have in common, others not so much because there is a 15-year-plus age difference.

SATC Carrie probably would have mused on that more, and Samantha, being some years older than the other gals would have had an interesting contribution. These typists (can't call them writers) seem to have no real world experience to bring to the table, especially not of women over 50. What a shame.

Edited by RedHawk
Missing words, fix math, paragraph breaks
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57 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

The thing that kills me is Steve didn’t have an affair. He had a one night stand and was consumed with guilt over it. Miranda’s having a full blown affair, she ditched her entire family and she thinks she’s entitled to it. 

Furthermore, having someone cheat on you is not a free pass to cheat down the line, especially if you’ve decided to forgive and move on. 

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I have a few thoughts and I'm going to try and type them out as coherently as I can. It feels like they're constantly throwing out references/situations that tell us that Che and Miranda will break up or that they aren't right for each other or that Miranda will finally realize they aren't on the same page, only to pull it back and say "just kidding, they're the perfect couple!" It's confusing to watch. There was the whole strap on situation, Miranda overhearing Che speak to Carrie about Franklin. Then there was Che not wanting to be touched, Miranda thinking that they are no longer interested, only for it to be about Che's weight. Then there was Lyle and Miranda not knowing that Che was married, only for Che to completely brush it off and say "oh we're slackers, we never got a divorce". I was thinking maybe Miranda will finally get upset at the fact that Che kept a whole ass husband from her, but oh no, Miranda is totally fine with it. Then there was last week and the stupid phone plot and I thought Miranda will finally get angry at Che and say "I have a son, I had a family and I left it all to be here with you" only for Miranda to be all let's not leave things angry. Then there was this episode. First of all, why the f wouldn't Che just fly back to NYC and go to Ikea there? Why does Lyle need to drive them cross country?? Like what. I guess if the two of them wanted to take a road trip, sure but that made no sense and Miranda of course doesn't say anything about it. Then the threesome. Miranda was clearly uncomfortable and only went along with it because Che said she was making it less hot by talking about it. Che and Lyle were clearly way more into each other then either of them were into Miranda and then Miranda walked out. Here I go thinking again, finally will Miranda come to her senses and realize this is not the relationship rom-com she thinks it is? But no, out of the room comes Che and says they miss her and then all is good and giggle giggle, we're sleeping on a broken couch. I just don't get it. I'm not even sure what I'm trying to say with this long rant, but I just feel like I'm taking crazy pills watching the Che/Miranda relationship. The character of Miranda has been completely ruined and I hate it. And the writers will continue to push this relationship down our throats as true love so I highly doubt Carrie or Charlotte will ever say anything about it. Honestly, I would be shocked if any of the character call Miranda out.

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22 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

Because the people writing this dreck don't think it's unhealthy and toxic. And neither does  Miranda Cynthia.

I was really cringing through this whole thing. Seriously. My skin was crawling and I just felt like I was in strong need of a Silkwood shower afterwards. I know that Che told Miranda that they aren't interested in a traditional (monogamous) relationship but Miranda is such a third wheel even when it's just the two of them together. I'm sure that Che thinks that they are in love with Miranda, but all we have is Miranda twisting herself into knots trying to make this pairing work. I can't even call it a relationship because outside of the occasional orgasm, I don't see what Miranda is getting out of this. She's given up her career and aspirations to follow Che to LA and is often treated like she's an inconvenience unless she completely bends to what Che wants. I don't see Che doing anything to make Miranda happy, or make her feel wanted outside of sex.

Yeah, Brady is coming across like a whiney brat that needs to pull up his big boy pants but I get why his break up pushed him into a complete tailspin. He's already at a precarious age when your life feels like your entire future weighs on every single choice you make and right now it seems like his entire life has fallen apart. His parents are divorced (and his mother ran off to chase after Che) and now his girlfriend breaks up with him while he's traveling through Europe with her. I can get that right now he feels completely lost and unmoored. He doesn't need to be coddled, but he definitely needs some support while he figures out just what he's goin to do with his life.

Steve is still the absolute best and deserves far more than his flake of an ex-wife. He's got the revenge bod going on and even if he's hard of hearing, I can't see him having any trouble finding a nice lady who appreciates what he brings to the table. It's becoming pretty clear that a lot of the problems with their marriage stagnating was due to Miranda, because he's fully capable of changing and adapting to a new situation. The cruelty is that Miranda never communicated that she was unhappy with how their relationship had evolved nor did she give Steve a chance to make any kind of changes. Steve deserved so much better and hopefully he'll have a chance to get it.

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2 hours ago, RedHawk said:

These typists (can't call them writers) seem to have no real world experience to bring to the table, especially not of women over 50. What a shame.

Typists 😂😂

46 minutes ago, Hana Chan said:

I was really cringing through this whole thing. Seriously. My skin was crawling and I just felt like I was in strong need of a Silkwood shower afterwards.

Silkwood shower 😂😂 I am old enough to understand this reference

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I was so hopeful that this season would be better after episodes 1 and 2, which made me laugh and felt more genuine than season 1. I was disappointed after episode 3 and now with episode 4 I think it's hopeless. The Charlotte/Harry storyline seemed the most true-to-life, and I liked KD's interactions with Victor Garber, but yeah, everything else was so strained and contrived. Last week, I said that I would watch a whole series on the Wexleys alone--and while I loved the addition of Billy Dee Williams, the whole dinner party plotline was ridiculous. Really, Herbert forgot to hit send and never checked RSVPs? Lisa, who coordinates her outfits to the nines and juggles so much, never ordered a cake and never once consulted her checklist for the party? Yeah, right. And this was the first time "cake" has ever come up in conversation for Mother Wexley to wax on about baking her own cakes, when Lisa and Herbert have three kids who presumably have had birthday parties before? Suddenly now she's commenting on cake-baking? This had such potential for great farce and it was just dead in the water. Sad. 

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I think that I will just go back to the old series and how it ended. Samantha is with Smith, Miranda is happy in the Bronx with Steve and Brady, Charlotte has her Harry and a baby on the way and of course, Big finally admits his love for Carrie and they live happily ever after. No movies, not dreck like this..... this is all just made up and never happened! 

Edited by libgirl2
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54 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

So indeed Carrie may want to date guys her age but a lot of them will be looking for a woman under 50. (I still don't know why she gave up Thursday Guy. He was hot. Ok, she says she's "not ready.") When she is ready

The "typists" forgot when they had Franklyn break it off with Carrie supposedly because he feared getting hurt as he was falling for her... that in a scene or two prior Carrie had told him that Thursdays were all she was up for right now and Franklyn smiled and replied okay. No equivocation, no complications.


...but that's what they're doing, changing not only character traits but changing characters. Completely forgetting not only the source material SATC, but they're forgetting what played out an episode before, or even within the  same episode!

Miranda once a  hard working professional and dedicated mother who lamented all the times she couldn't be at Brady's things is now chucking it all to follow some D level comedien like some teenage groupie following a band.

Carrie can't say vagina  and talk about a women's hygiene product because it's just not her, and then suddenly no  words or expressions are too raunchy for her to use.


I'm hoping from his brief scenes in this ep that Steve is once again speaking normally instead of delivering his lines like a doddering old fool who enunciates as poorly as  Buddy Hackett like he did  in s1. Also not much has been said about this but I'm sure Steve is very cable of seeing his son through a teenage break up. It's not like   Miranda hasn't  been available to speak to.

They changed Charlotte to some ditzy baby talking silly woman  who reacts to every single thing as though  it's so shocking! Not a good look on any woman but especially not at her age. I hate what they've done to Charlotte!



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On 7/6/2023 at 11:45 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

Billy Dee Williams, OMG! He is still very handsome, who didn't hum Diana Ross' song Mahogany when he came on the screen?

I'll always think of BDW as Lando Calrissian, which also explains why he was moving like an older man. The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi were over 40 years ago, and Lando was in early middle age in those films.


23 hours ago, Rebecca berkowit said:

And I agree, no way Bitsy would have sent a dick pic.  No way a woman that age (or any age) would care so much about dick size, or would be in the habit of taking this type of photo.  No way a man that age would send one.

As a straight man who watches the show with his SATC megafan wife, I wondered how that photo was even taken. It was a side view. When I send pics like that to Mrs. RaiderDuck (at her request, I might add), the view is always from my phone camera which is being held by my arms on my upper body.


23 hours ago, Lethallyfab said:

So in therapy, it was implied that Miranda and Steve are staying together for the sake of Brady and, I’m sorry, but, literally, LOLWUT!?!  

The dude is 18 (which, retcon), he is not an actual child who can’t handle why mommy and daddy broke up.

My ex-wife and I tried the "Stay together for the sake of our child even though we can no longer stand each other" thing. When we finally had enough, sat her down and told her we were separating (while emphasizing that she was not in any way at fault and was in fact the best thing to come out of our 20-year marriage), she mentioned that she'd been listening to music constantly to drown out our arguments.

Teenage children know when the parents can't stand each other, and staying together "for their sake" accomplishes nothing good.


18 hours ago, Lethallyfab said:

Please let Harry end up as Miranda and Steve’s divorce lawyer.  That is a scenario I would actually find hilarious.

It would be a hilarious plot but totally unrealistic: Harry's friendship with both parties would get him tossed from the case for Conflict of Interest before it even started, no matter which one he represented. If Harry were the least bit ethical, he wouldn't want to represent either side, given that he would have confidential information the other side wouldn't want opposing counsel to know.


17 hours ago, luna1122again said:

Mother Wexler is also stylish and stunning but ugh, I hate her so much. 

It's almost like the writers are trying for a Livia Soprano character, forgetting that Livia (who was played by a better actress) was also witty, smart and cunning. Mother Wexler, by contrast, is an annoying insult machine. Why would anyone take her anywhere, particularly a high society dinner where you're trying to impress people?


8 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

The whole anniversary party table seating was dumb, Mother Wexler sits at the other end of the table alone so instead of everyone just moving to the other end of the table Charlotte tells Harry to sit with her, why wouldn't Lisa or her husband just move everyone down?

I agree that was one more unrealistic aspect of the entire scene. If the mother was so awful that literally no one wanted to sit within 30 feet of her, why have her there at all??

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7 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Carrie still did not ask Enid to plug her book, why is self employed Carrie so bad at self promotion? But to just write a check to Enid without parlaying it in to an opportunity, that is just stupid, Enid wants and needs that money, Carrie could have gotten something…

I thought Enid did agree with an ‘touche’ after Carrie said, “Well if I gave you a check for $100k then I’d have to give everyone &100k.”    Or at least that’s how I saw it.

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6 hours ago, Mrsmaul2021 said:

Che's not working just cut your losses. And I HATED when Che was discussing her sexual past and Miranda replied: I was cutting up carrot sticks for Brady's lunch during that time If anybody watched Miranda progress from workaholic to loving mom, wife, etc, that small line felt like such an insult to her entire arc in SATC, . 

Such an insult.  And why say it like that?  Like she’s embarrassed that she was being a good mom?  Wtf

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1 hour ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

I agree that was one more unrealistic aspect of the entire scene. If the mother was so awful that literally no one wanted to sit within 30 feet of her, why have her there at all??

If I remember correctly, and I may not because I was fast-forwarding through any Che scenes, didn't the MIL say she moved down to the end of the table because it was the only spot that was warm or not drafty or something like that? Granted, the whole thing was passive-aggressive, but she chose to sit down there.

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15 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Such an insult.  And why say it like that?  Like she’s embarrassed that she was being a good mom?  Wtf

I thought that too! What a colossal waste of her time now that she knows she could have been dropping out of grad school, attending sitcom tapings, contemplating bad tattoos, halfass cleaning a beach, assembling shitty college dorm furniture…

Every storyline presents a new red flag that should lead to a realization that Miranda is scared and unhappy and clinging to Che in the middle of her midlife crisis, but I suspect she WILL have a realization, break it off, and then Che will come to her a changed person, willing to compromise for love. Or something gross. One of them will have to change course (sell themself out entirely), and I think it’ll be Che because wouldn’t that be narcissistic new Miranda’s happy ending? Che, but monogamous, settled & traditional.

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Sorry Redhawk, I'd hoped when I typed your name it would spontaneously appear in one of those fancy blue bubbles. Oops.


One of the reasons when discussing things that bug me about AJLT Che doesn't even make it onto my radar past CN having taken over Miranda's character and Chrissy Snow haven taken over Charlotte's character and Carrie's   inertia... is that I never bought the Che Miranda coupling in the first place. Che seems like a 35-40 year old whereas Miranda seems 55+. Not that it never ever happens but they seem like they're in two completely different stages of life, besides having no chemistry.

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1 hour ago, T Summer said:

Sorry Redhawk, I'd hoped when I typed your name it would spontaneously appear in one of those fancy blue bubbles. Oops.

One of the reasons when discussing things that bug me about AJLT Che doesn't even make it onto my radar past CN having taken over Miranda's character and Chrissy Snow haven taken over Charlotte's character and Carrie's   inertia... is that I never bought the Che Miranda coupling in the first place. Che seems like a 35-40 year old whereas Miranda seems 55+. Not that it never ever happens but they seem like they're in two completely different stages of life, besides having no chemistry.

No problem, T Summer, I don't know how to make those so still just bold the person's name. (I didn't even get what those bubbles meant until you mentioned them.) 🙂

I also rarely have seen a spark of chemistry. I think maybe a brief one in the first couple of times they met. It really doesn't help us to understand why they're together if we can't see a few sparks now and then.

Ok, another knock on Carrie. As a few have reminded us, Carrie had a hip replacement last season. Like, about a year ago in show time. And I assume at some point (can't recall if we saw it) she needed to use a walker during her recover/rehab. So she knows what it's like not to be fully abled and to have to go slow climbing stairs and such.

That remark about "no photos with anyone on a walker" was bad enough. Then she is going up Enid's staircase and sees the woman pulling herself up slowly hand over hand. Carrie blurts out "Do you need help?!" in her usual cadence and the woman snaps at her. (Were we to think that was funny? OMG, I hope not.)

Where was Carrie's kindness and compassion? She could have paused and said, "May I offer you my arm?" and given the woman the opportunity to take her arm and hold the stair rail with her other hand as they climbed. That would have respected the woman's dignity. Instead, Carrie was rude and unhelpful. I would have snapped at her, too. 

Carrie is awful. I hope she loses all her money.


Edited by RedHawk
Typos and other
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6 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Fixed for you, I'm sure it was an honest mistake.

Look, misgendering is not a good thing, of course.  But I think the fact that the misgendering keeps happening with respect to Che is simply an indication of just how much the character just doesn’t work as written and portrayed.  Something as basic as the character’s identity is not registering with some viewers.  That’s a problem, and I believe the problem lies with the show and not the audience.  

Edited by Rebecca berkowit
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On a better show, Carrie going from someone in season one of Sex and the City watching one of her guy friend's sex videos to being someone who can't seemingly deal with any sex talk would be a conversation about aging and becoming more conservative and what that means and if that is good/bad and how she fits into the greater cultural moment. This is not that show.

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On 7/6/2023 at 3:51 PM, DoubleUTeeEff said:

Another thing I was offended by was that they used a body double for Kristin Davis in the kegel exercise scene. Just let her be the size she is. It's hypocritical to make a whole story line about Che being a fat shamed TV actor and then do that.

I agree in principle, but it's likely that Kristin Davis wanted the body double. From what I've read, most actresses who are in a position to ask for a body double choose to do so, and Davis as a show lead and producer certainly has that power. If Davis is uncomfortable being filmed like that, it'd be wrong to make her. Her body is fine, but social media is vicious and there would be a lot of awful comments anyway, and Davis has already been through that with the remarks about her face. So I would understand her not wanting to put her body up for scrutiny too.

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27 minutes ago, Black Knight said:

I agree in principle, but it's likely that Kristin Davis wanted the body double. From what I've read, most actresses who are in a position to ask for a body double choose to do so, and Davis as a show lead and producer certainly has that power. If Davis is uncomfortable being filmed like that, it'd be wrong to make her. Her body is fine, but social media is vicious and there would be a lot of awful comments anyway, and Davis has already been through that with the remarks about her face. So I would understand her not wanting to put her body up for scrutiny too.

Wasn’t she clothed in that scene? 

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8 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

I give that a pass because they have been married awhile.... you get used to things after time 😁

I always LOVED the episode where she came home & Harry was sitting buck naked on her white chaise lounge, reading the newspaper.  *ROFL*

But frankly, when you do qualify for AARP and Senior discounts (usually 55), you ARE in "that" group.  Just at the very lowest end....

Edited by SnapHappy
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46 minutes ago, SnapHappy said:

I always LOVED the episode where she came home & Harry was sitting buck naked on her white chaise lounge, reading the newspaper.  *ROFL*

But frankly, when you do qualify for AARP and Senior discounts (usually 55), you ARE in "that" group.  Just at the very lowest end....

Oh that was so funny. I also remember him leaving his tea bags around and Samantha's first reaction. I miss Samantha 😢 

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1 hour ago, SnapHappy said:

But frankly, when you do qualify for AARP and Senior discounts (usually 55), you ARE in "that" group.  Just at the very lowest end....

Some older people (ages ~70-92) in my building created a social society that meets every Thursday night. It's for anyone in the building but they did it especially for older folks who are less able to get out in the evenings, are lonely, etc. When one of the ladies invited me (age ~57) to join them she said, "We'd love to have you, and we know you're not a senior." I said, "Oh, that's ok, I'm a junior senior."

Edited by RedHawk
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12 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

And by the way that dick pic did not look like it came from a guy that old.  And while I'm thinking about it did they have an actor pose for that dick pic?  Did they get a pic from online porn?  Why do I care?

So I listened to MPK’s podcast for this episode (called The Writer’s Room) and he said they had to look everywhere  for a big dick pic with gray hair 😳 and that it was an extensive search.🙄 

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On 7/7/2023 at 11:12 AM, Rebecca berkowit said:

It is stunning the lack of chemistry with Miranda and Che, especially since Cynthia Nixon was apparently so attracted to the actor.  Guess it just doesn’t translate.  I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, I’ve never seen such un-hot sex scenes.  Even with Oliver Hudson, Che has zero chemistry.  

It just screams "trying too hard..."  It's a shame.  Exploring a mid life journey like this for Miranda was going be hard but casting the wrong actor to play Che has made it almost unwatchable.  With her experience in all forms of acting you'd think Cynthia Nixon would understand how important chemistry is if only for her own performance... it's just such a bummer to see Miranda in this phase.  Personally I've always thought she was better than this.

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4 minutes ago, NeenerNeener said:

Since commenting about how unsexy the Miranda/Che Che Binks relationship is has caused MPK and CN to double down on it I wonder if they would get the hint if we stopped commenting on it at all. But we're probably too small a community to be noticed and the tv critics will continue to give it publicity, even if it's bad publicity. 

Take it to real social?  Lol maybe someone would notice if it was discussed on Threads or Twitter…

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3 hours ago, BellyLaughter said:

  With her experience in all forms of acting you'd think Cynthia Nixon would understand how important chemistry is if only for her own performance... it's just such a bummer to see Miranda in this phase.  Personally I've always thought she was better than this.

Miranda might have been better than this but Cynthia Nixon is not. Whereas Miranda was someone who thought about things beyond herself Cynthia apparently does not.  She might think she is making a statement or blazing a trail or whatever but this story with Che is all about Cynthia's crush on Sara Ramirez.

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Che is simply not happening. Please show, make it stop. They have shown us nothing that makes me think these two characters would be together. Are we really supposed to believe a 40 something hip happening binary person would be attracted to needy, flighty almost 60 year old Miranda; they have zero chemistry and the fact that CN is so hell bent of this being the storyline makes not only Miranda look desperate but it also makes Cynthia Nixon look desperate. And throw Oliver Hudson into the mix and the level of unbelievability just ventured into sci-fi territory. 

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30 minutes ago, sadie said:

Che is simply not happening. Please show, make it stop. They have shown us nothing that makes me think these two characters would be together. Are we really supposed to believe a 40 something hip happening binary person would be attracted to needy, flighty almost 60 year old Miranda; they have zero chemistry and the fact that CN is so hell bent of this being the storyline makes not only Miranda look desperate but it also makes Cynthia Nixon look desperate. And throw Oliver Hudson into the mix and the level of unbelievability just ventured into sci-fi territory. 

I had wanted to say that but I was afraid that I would be considered ageist and insensitive and whatever else people would call me but you hit the nail on the head, I agree totally. 

While Che might have had fun with Miranda in Carrie's kitchen I bet she in no way thought of having a full on relationship with Miranda, they did not really know Miranda at that point and did not know Miranda would be a Stage Three Clinger. 

Oliver Hudson in the story would have made sense if it was a marriage for a green card like they could have made Che Canadian but otherwise I don't get it either.


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3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I had wanted to say that but I was afraid that I would be considered ageist and insensitive and whatever else people would call me but you hit the nail on the head, I agree totally. 

While Che might have had fun with Miranda in Carrie's kitchen I bet she in no way thought of having a full on relationship with Miranda, they did not really know Miranda at that point and did not know Miranda would be a Stage Three Clinger. 

Oliver Hudson in the story would have made sense if it was a marriage for a green card like they could have made Che Canadian but otherwise I don't get it either.

I wish we had seen Che's reaction when Miranda show up in Cleveland. That might have told us something about how Che views Miranda's clear intention to have a rather typical relationship, which Che already said they can't/won't provide. The writers leave out a lot and that's why we'er also not buying into their connection.

Lyle seems to be up for anything just like Che, and they described getting married in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator. I gather they had an ongoing sexual relationship. Drunk wedding?

Edited by RedHawk
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3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

While Che might have had fun with Miranda in Carrie's kitchen I bet she in no way thought of having a full on relationship with Miranda, they did not really know Miranda at that point and did not know Miranda would be a Stage Three Clinger. 

It doesn’t look like Che is having a relationship at all; seems pretty one sided to me the way Che calls the shots.  If nothing else Che getting her new apartment without Miranda should have told her all she needed about her “relationship” and that’s before the surprise threesome.

Edited by Cosmocrush
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41 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

I wish we had seen Che's reaction when Miranda show up in Cleveland. That might have told us something about how Che views Miranda's clear intention to have a rather typical relationship, which Che already said they can't/won't provide. The writers leave out a lot and that's why we'er also not buying into their connection.

Lyle seems to be up for anything just like Che, and they described getting married in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator. I gather they had an ongoing sexual relationship. Drunk wedding?

See, I’m not buying any sexual chemistry/relationship between Che and Oliver Hudson, either.  The character does not read (to me) as being attracted to men.  I can buy the marriage as a youthful mistake.  But I’m living in reality, and not whatever world this show is.  

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On 7/6/2023 at 11:38 AM, thesupremediva1 said:

 It makes me think of when Bethenny Frankel screamed at Carole Radziwill, "At least I'm not 60!" Like, I'm sorry, what? Aging is a privilege, you arrogant bitch. Consider the alternative. 

I'm 47 now. I survived a near fatal car wreck at 18, and then at 40, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Finished treatment last February and am happy to still be alive.

I've been saying this for a while now too:  aging is a privilege. 

Carrie isn't young anymore. Her character is older than me. I'm glad she was put in her place by Gloria Steinem.

Edited by Surrealist
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