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S16.E30: Nominations #10

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Production really seems to have grown tired of Frankie.  They edited tonight's episode to show 1) his pettiness over Donny; 2) the way he sucked up to Caleb.  Oh, Caleb, you were just so wonderfully wonderful!!! 3)  The weaselly way the weasel refused to man up and admit he'd only been a Have Not one time.  4) His snideness about and to Christine. 


Okay, I don't care for her either, but still, he looked like a jerk.   


And did I mention that Frankie thinks Caleb is aces!?

Edited by Thalia
  • Love 7

You know it's a slow week in the house when 21 minutes of air time end up wasted on the HOH competition. I really miss Zach. 


I have to admire Caleb for his nomination speech, he pulled no punches in his assessment of Nicole. I agree that she's had 3 chances to make it through this game and hasn't played her cards to their maximum HP. Approaching Caleb in the HOH room was a fail, and tonight confirmed for me that there was potential to flip Christine.


Speaking of Christine, production hates her, wow! Last week they pulled the pin with her family criticizing Chrody, and this week they launched the grenade at Christine's laughter.


The Holla montage was cute. "The nominees will appear on that screen. HOLLA AT YO BAD SELF!"


Poor Victoria, it must suck to be so mirthless 24/7. Her one-liners (that don't insult the other houseguests) are probably fed to her in the DR.


If I see Frankie look directly into a camera and position himself for a close-up one more time!


Maybe I'm crazy, but I would have went to town with that have-not spread! Are they allowed spices? Fry the garlic and mushrooms, add the meat, put up your feet...

  • Love 4

Ugh, Frankie is just hideous... AND he has no sense in his fool head. I hope Nicole wins and he goes up as replacement nom.


I can't believe they are punishing all the hamsters just for Derrick taking the money...


And shock and surprise Caleb nominated two women! Didn't see that coming.


But after watching the after-effects I have to disagree with people saying this wasn't a "real" endurance test because they weren't just holding onto something until they fell. This one was brutal...

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 1

The $$$$ and HOLLAS is just another example at just how frick fracken good Derrick is at this game.  The 5000 HOLLAS to someone else would be their downfall...reminding their fellow house guests that he took the money 5000 times over.  First, he reminded them all about his cute little daughter and that he did it for her.  Ugh, but effective.  And then taking the Have Not as a punishment for taking the money.  Dude is legit.  Just give him the prize now.

  • Love 6

In the HOH comp, why do the women have to wear booty shorts (with zoom in on their ass each fall) and the guys get comfy loose shorts that hang to their knees?

They showed at least three or four times that Christine did not have her scoop in her hand. I can't believe that she was whipping it across the ice in front of her, so what's up with that?

I would have been a lot more impressed with Caleb's military story, if I hadn't just watched a clip where he lied about going to West Point.

  • Love 5

Oh, BB, you obviously know how easy I am, and you had me at the pissy Frankie DR, where he came off as a complete Donny hating douche for all of "America" to enjoy. Added to that, I finally get some DRs from Derrick where I actually believe the words coming out of his mouth. Sold!

Love Nicole, but fine with her leaving if she doesn't win POV. Loved Christine of all people calling Frankie out on only being have not once. Love Cody trying to save Christine, while trying not to seem like he wants to save Christine. I want to love Victoria, I really do, but her DRs are so forced and obnoxious, I just can't with her.

Other than that.......eh. Caleb was always going to nominate two women, it was just a question of Christine vs. Victoria.

  • Love 1

Sorry Frankie, America is not buying the BS you are selling.  You act like a troll and look like one too.


Derrick, as much as I can't stand him, he's got this game covered.  He takes the $$$, gets them all tortured with hollas, yet they all seem to think his farts don't stink.  These aren't dim bulbs, It's a brownout.


They won't have the guts to backdoor Frankie.  Fear of the mythical "all-girls alliance" will see to that, even though Victoria would boot Christine in a heartbeat.  I had to mute most of that cackling.


It should be fun when they finally have to start picking each other off.

  • Love 2

One of the most detestable people associated with BIG BROTHER this year doesn't even appear on screen and that would be the casting director. He/She made two  huge mistakes...first off I would gather they were so scared of the bad press the got last year for casting a merry band of racists that they decided to get the most docile people possible on the show....this lead to the non Detonator houseguests never being able to pull their s@%t together (and yes sadly that includes fan favorite Donny) and form an opposing faction. Many people on this board believe the fun in this game is the  power shifting between two factions rending no one safe...this summer has been a bust. Mistake two was casting Derrick. You don't put someone who lies and manipulates on a daily basis to collect a paycheck into a game like this! It's completly unfair and has ruined the season. It's like dropping an Olympic athlete into your local sports team.


So with Derrick in charge of a single faction...everything..has been compeltly by rote. Every nomination you would expect has happened. And now BB wants everyone to get pumped up over the double eviction Thursday but of course that is going to go by rote as well. Nicole gets booted...immediatly followed by Christine. Not one iota of suspense in an entire summer (well maybe one...when Frankie had to compete by himself...which turned out to be collosal screw up on Caleb's part...instead of sitting out all he had to do was perform poorly).


]Anyway the one thing I don't get is how they are going to drag this out all the way to the 24th when they are losing 2 people Thursday. Pre-emptions maybe?


Lastly of course Frankie had to make Caleb's win and opportunity to get more screen time by crawling over and lying on him.

  • Love 6

Speaking of Christine, production hates her, wow! Last week they pulled the pin with her family criticizing Chrody, and this week they launched the grenade at Christine's laughter.


I thought Victoria came out looking the worse after that segment. I'd rather listen to 30 minutes of Christine laughing than three minutes of Victoria whining about how much she hates Christine. 


Frankie has never looked more pathetic than when he was trying to convince America that Donny didn't pull his weigh in the Team America missions. The schadenfreude was strong tonight. 

  • Love 10

You know it's a slow week in the house when 21 minutes of air time end up wasted on the HOH competition. I really miss Zach.

They were busting their asses to stretch it out as long as possible, too. Anybody ELSE notice how the fluid levels in the snowmen heads kept going up and down? Production was taking clips from early in the competition and splicing them into the later footage.


Maybe I'm crazy, but I would have went to town with that have-not spread! Are they allowed spices? Fry the garlic and mushrooms, add the meat, put up your feet...

Assuming, of course, some not-a-Have-Not asshole whose name rhymes with Cranky didn't take your only non-slop food option and use it all up fixing a snack for himself. Douchebag.



ETA: snowmen, not pumpkins.  :P

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 2

I thought Victoria came out looking the worse after that segment. I'd rather listen to 30 minutes of Christine laughing than three minutes of Victoria whining about how much she hates Christine. 

I agree! Victoria came off looking so petty, I think I said something about her being miserable all the time. I was wondering more about production and what they have against Christine. After last week's slam, I thought they'd give her a few episodes to recover in the eyes of viewers, but it's like tonight they really wanted us to see Christine as a hanger-on with an annoying laugh. Victoria's been insulted by the other houseguests and even Julie, but has she ever been spotlighted in the way that Christine has been twice?

  • Love 1

They were busting their asses to stretch it out as long as possible, too. Anybody ELSE notice how the fluid levels in the pumpkin heads kept going up and down? Production was taking clips from early in the competition and splicing them into the later footage.


LOL I thought I imagined seeing Nicole take the same fall 4 times!

  • Love 3

In the HOH comp, why do the women have to wear booty shorts (with zoom in on their ass each fall) and the guys get comfy loose shorts that hang to their knees?

The booty shorts are quite comfortable. I'm about 30 lbs overweight and I'd rather wear those than the big loose shorts when I go hiking and doing other active activities (and lounging around the house). Plus, they actually are more flattering than other shorts :)

Wow this episode ended and there are only 16 replies in this thread...guess I won't be rushing to watch it before the next episode.

ETA: I can't believe they did that competition again without proper protection for the contestants. Figured they would've learned from last season and give these hamsters helmets, knee pads, and elbow pads. I don't like these guys, but I still felt bad when they fell...they could've seriously injured themselves!

Edited by looksee
  • Love 2

They were busting their asses to stretch it out as long as possible, too. Anybody ELSE notice how the fluid levels in the snowmen heads kept going up and down? Production was taking clips from early in the competition and splicing them into the later footage.

We were having fun pointing out Caleb's snowman when they would show it during a long shot, where it was almost full to the top, then the close-ups of him dumping a scoop in and the level being a lot lower. It wasn't even that funny to see them all fall and slide around. A few looked like they really hurt and there weren't really any spectacular moments anyway. It's sad. I have to make my own fun this season, these people are so dull and predictable. 


So, this being the 30th episode of the season: is this the first time we've seen an actual Have Not food reveal on the show? And picking Have Nots on the show? I don't consider the activity bracelet picks to count, because they did it once and then dropped it like they usually drop their stupid twists that don't work.


Yet we got stuck with one of the worst twists ever, that stupid Battle of the Block, for weeks. Making Frankie look like an asshole is a step in the right direction, but I haven't completely forgiven you yet, BB.


ETA: If I were in that house and had to live through those Holla!s for as long as Mr. Final 2 Derrick is in there, I'd probably self-evict in three days. Derrick gets the money, the whole house gets the punishment.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 3
So, this being the 30th episode of the season: is this the first time we've seen an actual Have Not food reveal on the show? And picking Have Nots on the show?​



I think they showed this earlier in the season, once or twice, but I suspect it's been so boring with this group of HGs that they haven't bothered.  My theory is that they showed it tonight to add to the terrible edit Frankie is (finally) getting, and possibly to show more of their obvious winner Derrick making a smart move by volunteering.  

  • Love 2

Christine's laugh has been an honorary houseguest this season, and I'm glad they acknowledged it.  Like Victoria, it drives me nuts when she busts out cackling over something mundane... usually something Cody says.  I don't know if she is like this in regular life, or if it's part of her strategy for people to want her around because she will always laugh at their jokes, as well as when they drop a Cheerio on the floor.   Mr. Irritable watched the montage tonight and was instantly reminded of Jabba the Hutt's laughing sidekick, Salacious Crumb.  The resemblance is rather remarkable, actually:



  • Love 4

One of the most detestable people associated with BIG BROTHER this year doesn't even appear on screen and that would be the casting director. He/She made two  huge mistakes...first off I would gather they were so scared of the bad press the got last year for casting a merry band of racists that they decided to get the most docile people possible on the show....this lead to the non Detonator houseguests never being able to pull their s@%t together (and yes sadly that includes fan favorite Donny) and form an opposing faction. Many people on this board believe the fun in this game is the  power shifting between two factions rending no one safe...this summer has been a bust. Mistake two was casting Derrick. You don't put someone who lies and manipulates on a daily basis to collect a paycheck into a game like this! It's completly unfair and has ruined the season. It's like dropping an Olympic athlete into your local sports team.

Great analogy @North of Eden! 


I think you are spot on about the how last years vile crop of HGs helped determine this years passive group too.     I don't really fault the CD for that because as boring as this group is - I'll take passive over racist anyday and can see why there was an overcorrection.  Just another reason to hate S15 for me. 


BUT, not only did they cast an professional manipulator like Derrick (who actually applied to be on the show btw) into this uber passive group but they also cast/recruited at least 3.5 women (Brittany, Joey, and Amber) who were completely unfamiliar with the show before being cast (The .5  is Victoria who claims to have seen the Israeli version but I still think she thinks she's on The Bachelor).   I don't even know about Pao but I doubt it.   I don't know if this handicap was intentional or not.  One the other hand, Christine not only was a BB fan, she saw what happened to the Brittany and Bridgade and still played the same game so who knows? 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 3

Anyway the one thing I don't get is how they are going to drag this out all the way to the 24th when they are losing 2 people Thursday. Pre-emptions maybe?

Here is the schedule:


ig Brother 16 – September 2014 Schedule:

    Sun, Aug 31, 8PM ET/PT – Nominations episode

    Wed, Sept 3, 8PM ET/PT – Power of Veto episode

    Thu, Sept 4, 9PM ET/PT – Live Double Eviction show – F5 revealed

    Sun, Sept 7, 8PM ET/PT – Nominations episode

    Tue, Sept 9, 8PM ET/PT – Power of Veto episode

    Wed, Sept 10, 8PM ET/PT – Live Eviction show – F4 revealed

    Sun, Sept 14, 8PM ET/PT – Nominations episode

    Tue, Sept 16, 8PM ET/PT – Power of Veto episode

    Wed, Sept 17, 8PM ET/PT – Live Eviction show – F3 revealed

    * Sun, Sept 21, 8PM ET/PT – F3 episode – Final HoH Rounds 1 & 2

    Wed, Sept 24, 9:30PM ET/PT – Season finale – 90 minutes

  • Love 3

The problem is most females who are superfans on Big Brother don't make it far into the game (ie BB8 Kail/BB11 Laura). The only females I can think of who actually applied for the show and were fans before they went on who made it far are Erika, Janelle, Dani Donato and Helen. I don't know if Rachel or BB12 Britney applied. Far more of the female recruits make it far into the game Lisa/BB3 Danielle (never saw Big Brother before applied for survivor), Nakomis (DNA Twist), Diane Henry (Looking for twins for DNA Twist), Maggie (Secret Partner Twist), Jen Johnson, Jordan and Amanda. If you want a season filled with superfans look at BB8 Jameka, Dick, Danielle, Jessica, Eric, Amber, Kail and Joe all applied multiple times. I would rather have this cast over season 8 any day.

Edited by choclatechip45
  • Love 1

Caleb's pep talks to himself during the comp were so funny. That boy is comedy gold. And Nicole and the cricket were cracking me up as well. We live out in the country and crickets get in the house all the time. They are SO loud and annoying. 


Wow, Frankie is really on a cocky, power trip. He sure thinks his shit don't stink. Donny was dead weight in Team America? What a crock. Derrick looked so uncomfortable during all of that. You could tell he did not agree but didn't want to argue with an alliance member.


While Christine's laugh IS highly annoying (especially when she's fawning all over Cody), Victoria's criticism of her just smacked of jealousy. I get the impression that Victoria thought she'd come into the house and be "the hot one", and all the dudes would be fawning all over her. I bet it just drives her crazy that even "nerdy" Christine is getting flirted with. 


I'm glad Caleb ended up nominating Christine. For a minute I thought Cody had talked him out of it. But really, the argument that she would be upset and turn on you next week is so stupid at this point....they're about to HAVE to turn on each other, one way or another. At least this way you can try and get her out before she has the chance. I hope they send her home this week and Nicole can stay!


ETA - We had bad storms last night and my satellite went out, so I missed what Caleb said after revealing his nominations. Anything interesting?

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 1

We had a half hour of "might possibly be the possibility of a possible tornado" coverage (30 seconds of actual information repeated over and over again) in the middle of the show, so it seems like after sitting through the boring challenge I missed the actual good stuff, like Frankie whining.

Here too. Luckily I found a live feed on the internets so I didn't have to hear the weather guy say the same thing over again for 30 minutes. It is On Demand if you wanna watch what you missed.

I agree with the above posters who say that Production is really hitting Frankie and Christine hard (good!). 


That said, this is the first season where I don't actually dislike anyone in the house.  Sure, a bunch of them are irritating, but I think they've turned out to be pretty decent human beings.  Aside from Donny, though, there's been no one in the house who I really, really LIKE, either.


I think this is Derrick's game, all the way.  He's playing great and probably deserved the $500k.  He's not the most interesting player, but he's really good at BB, and I enjoy when he explains his strategy in the DR to us.  A lot of times, he'll explain what he's doing and I'll think, "Oh yeah, that's a good idea!  Why didn't I think of that?" 

We had a half hour of "might possibly be the possibility of a possible tornado" coverage (30 seconds of actual information repeated over and over again) in the middle of the show, so it seems like after sitting through the boring challenge I missed the actual good stuff, like Frankie whining.



I hate that.  In Florida programing get interrupted for rain!  I am serious.  They love to lather up the viewers with the term  "rain bands."  I am not talking tropical storm.  Just rain. 


I loved Victoria talking about Christine, she made total sense and it would bother me too. 


They edit to show as much drama as they can scrape together and Frankie is the only one who gives them anything. 

Edited by wings707

I rewatched the show last night since I missed some of it while trying to find the live feed.  


I let the episode finish while I was cleaning and caught something that me actually, literally laugh out loud.  When Derrick was coming out to talk and console Nicole, as he was just sitting down to have a serious talk with her there was a HOLLA and Derrick just HOLLAS back and then right back to "there, there, it's okay Nicole" game talk.  I have no idea why I found it as funny as I did...but I did.  HOLLA.  

Edited by shelley1005
  • Love 5

ETA - We had bad storms last night and my satellite went out, so I missed what Caleb said after revealing his nominations. Anything interesting?

Not super interesting but Caleb said something about Nicole's arguments to him in the HOH room and basically said that she kind of got him thinking with the 'country girl to country boy' argument but the rest he just dismissed out of hand.  Or something.  I thought it was funny that the logical arguments didn't get through to Caleb at all, just the emotional, patriotic one.  Or was it 'southerner to southerner'?  It was something that had nothing to do with strategy, just geography.  

I thought Victoria came out looking the worse after that segment. I'd rather listen to 30 minutes of Christine laughing than three minutes of Victoria whining about how much she hates Christine.


I don't think it has to be an either/or situation. Both women are annoying in their own way.


I admit, I did kind of crack up at the "Holla" montage. The thing of it is, though, it's not just a punishment for Derrick, because everyone has to put up with it, not just him. And at first I thought it was Frankie's voice doing the "Hollas" but it's just someone who kind of sounds like him, which makes it worse.


When Frankie said Donny was holding back TA, it's possible (though not probable, I know) he was referring to the mission Donny refused to do, when they wanted them to make the vote come out hinky then blame someone else. In regards to just that, he's kind of right, because that mission was the closest they ever came to actually doing something that might have affected the game. Everything else has been totally lame. But at this point, I'd rather they pull Derrick and Frankie aside and say "Sorry, but since you voted Donny out, TA is over."

  • Love 2

Not super interesting but Caleb said something about Nicole's arguments to him in the HOH room and basically said that she kind of got him thinking with the 'country girl to country boy' argument but the rest he just dismissed out of hand.  Or something.  I thought it was funny that the logical arguments didn't get through to Caleb at all, just the emotional, patriotic one.  Or was it 'southerner to southerner'?  It was something that had nothing to do with strategy, just geography.  

It was country boy to country girl (or vice versa).  Nicole is from Michigan, so it can't be southerner to southerner.  But it is Caleb so I wouldn't put it past him to think Michigan was in the south. 

When Derrick was coming out to talk and console Nicole, as he was just sitting down to have a serious talk with her there was a HOLLA and Derrick just HOLLAS back and then right back to "there, there, it's okay Nicole" game talk.  I have no idea why I found it as funny as I did...but I did.  HOLLA.


That made me LOL! Maybe I missed it, but was he instructed that he had to "Holla" back each time?

The problem is most females who are superfans on Big Brother don't make it far into the game (ie BB8 Kail/BB11 Laura). The only females I can think of who actually applied for the show and were fans before they went on who made it far are Erika, Janelle, Dani Donato and Helen. I don't know if Rachel or BB12 Britney applied. Far more of the female recruits make it far into the game Lisa/BB3 Danielle (never saw Big Brother before applied for survivor), Nakomis (DNA Twist), Diane Henry (Looking for twins for DNA Twist), Maggie (Secret Partner Twist), Jen Johnson, Jordan and Amanda. If you want a season filled with superfans look at BB8 Jameka, Dick, Danielle, Jessica, Eric, Amber, Kail and Joe all applied multiple times. I would rather have this cast over season 8 any day.

That's a good point chocolatechip.    I guess I am so disappointed in most of the girls this season I was looking for reasons. 


I admit, I did kind of crack up at the "Holla" montage. The thing of it is, though, it's not just a punishment for Derrick, because everyone has to put up with it, not just him. And at first I thought it was Frankie's voice doing the "Hollas" but it's just someone who kind of sounds like him, which makes it worse.

It was intended to be a punishment for the house where ideally the other hgs would become annoyed with the person responsible.  But I guess this group just thinks it's hilarious and fun and wonderful that Derrick not only got $5K, but the 5000 Hollas as well and why not?  It seems to me everyone left, except Nicole, has been playing for Derrick this entire time.

  • Love 2

Shock follows shock!  Caleb wins HoH! Derrick takes the $$$!  The "5000 Hollas" is unfair to all the HGs who didn't win the money!  Frankie sucks! Caleb targets women!  Gee, who could have seen any (or all) of that coming?


Dear Caleb, you weren't in combat.   You were in Baghdad in 2010.  You might have worried about stepping on an IED, but your "combat" doesn't even come close to what the "support your local drug lord" forces in Afghanistan have to worry about, not to mention actual real wars like Viet Nam, Korea, or WWs I and II.  Take your cord and gag yourself, please.


He was right about Nicole not doing jack with her second chance, though.  How long do we have to wait until the logical Derrick/Cody/Nicole/Victoria alliance manifests itself?  I mean, I can see Derrick not wanting to formalize it (he'll have more control over the girls than Cody would, even if "the Hitmen" are almost certainly most loyal to each other) until he's guaranteed to have three votes for the week, but why hasn't Nicole at least proposed it?  So far, her "game play" has consisted of going to the HoH (Cody last week, Caleb now) and sucking up.  How innovative!  If I thought she'd told Christine about the slush to put a target on her betrayer's back, that would be one thing, but clearly (as Nicole admitted in the DR) she wasn't planning anything nearly as complex.


If you want a season filled with superfans look at BB8 Jameka, Dick, Danielle, Jessica, Eric, Amber, Kail and Joe all applied multiple times. I would rather have this cast over season 8 any day.


And yet recruit Jen was the star of the season, Dustin (recruited for the "twist") had control of the major alliance for the first half of the season, and Zach (an emergency recruit, cast four days before pre-sequester) nearly won the damn thing.  (Allegedly, the only reason Dickless won the final HoH was because production cheated for him, yet again, angling the mirrors so that he could see Zach's answers.)  So, you never know.


Which is not to say that recruits are necessarily a good thing.  The supremely boring S12 was rife with recruits—was Ragan a fan? Matt?  Sheriff Kathy?  Those are the only ones I can think who might even qualify.  (Maybe Enzo, just because I can't see Kassting finding him on their own [even if they were looking for a "Jersey Guy", they'd probably have found someone more Jersey Shore than a balding 30-something, left to their own devices], but I really don't remember a lot of "I love this show so much, I can't believe I'm in the same house Mike Boogie was!" talk on BBAD that season.  But I could be wrong.)


But the good thing about this show is that, even in a bad season, the social dynamics can surprise you.  I'm not rooting for Caleb in the least and he's certainly no fan (like Devin, an Amazing Race reject where TAR didn't like his partner, but BB snagged him off the application pile), but it is morbidly interesting to see how he's almost imposing his "Bomb Squad to the end" vision on the group, despite most of the "alliance" having made a smaller alliance behind his back seven weeks ago.  And yet, even though he's supposedly only "a number" for the Detonators, he's still here and one of them is gone, and Christine might be endangered this week.  Maybe it's just what happens to meatshields when the other side never gets to chuck a spear, but the concept of Caleb creating his own (game) reality by force of (delusional) will at least slightly amuses me, I admit.


Maybe I missed it, but was [Derrick] instructed that he had to "Holla" back each time?



It wasn't stated specifically, but I would hope so.  Otherwise there's absolutely no Derrick-specific aspect to the "punishment", which would suck.


And since this is (I hope) the last time we'll be talking about last week's Team America "mission", what Frankie "put on" was not a play, but a revue.  You'd think he'd know the difference, wouldn't you?  And, after thinking about it, I think one reason Donny failed to sway the others was because his "Mission: Save Me!" idea came across as crass and selfish; if he'd come up with a better frame for the same result, things might have been different.  Something like "our mission is to recruit a fourth member and take over the game" (since at this point, TA would have a shot at numerical control for the first time).  He could have been all "America loves big moves!  America wants us to WIN THE GAME! This is our chance to take the power…for America!" and they might have gone for that.  Satan knows, Victoria is just sitting there, waiting to be scooped up…


Instead we got Frankie apparently thinking that Joey was an old Jewish woman.  Oh, well.  (Or, "oy, vey!")

Edited by DAngelus
  • Love 3

Christine laugh montage:  hehehehehehehehehehehe.


Why does Victoria find it necessary to do a head bob in her DR's?


Frankie - I must say, the bus tracks on your back do match your dark roots nicely.  It was nice that production coordinated them for you.  (And no...your protests of Donny not carrying his weight are, to put it mildly, bullshit- you know it, Derrick knows it, and the audience DAMNED sure knows it.  Hell...his Devin impression was best thing about your Super Special Variety Pagent hour!  So it's nice that you are taking a page out of 'repeating a lie enough so it becomes true' - but in this case, the audience already knows.)  Just when I think I've run out of reasons to loathe Frankie, the little twit comes up with another!

  • Love 4

The first "Holla" they played sounded like a lot like Frankie, but the rest of them didn't, thank heaven.


We were having fun pointing out Caleb's snowman when they would show it during a long shot, where it was almost full to the top, then the close-ups of him dumping a scoop in and the level being a lot lower. It wasn't even that funny to see them all fall and slide around. A few looked like they really hurt and there weren't really any spectacular moments anyway. It's sad. I have to make my own fun this season, these people are so dull and predictable. 


The way they all staggered into the house after and collapsed on the floor was pretty telling. They could barely walk.



Caleb's pep talks to himself during the comp were so funny. That boy is comedy gold. And Nicole and the cricket were cracking me up as well. We live out in the country and crickets get in the house all the time. They are SO loud and annoying. 


That was so funny. I was disappointed we didn't get a closeup of the cricket. It would have been something new. Plus, the way Nicole was talking about it I thought it was taking up half the lane. I wouldn't have wanted to step on one, though. 


Here too. Luckily I found a live feed on the internets so I didn't have to hear the weather guy say the same thing over again for 30 minutes. It is On Demand if you wanna watch what you missed.


It is also up on CBS.com.


I don't think it has to be an either/or situation. Both women are annoying in their own way.


Which is what I said. I said I found Victoria to be more annoying in that segment than Christine was, and didn't use either/or.


That made me LOL! Maybe I missed it, but was he instructed that he had to "Holla" back each time?


I didn't hear any instructions to that effect either, but the person running the "Hollas" seems to think he should, because BB keeps it up until Derrick responds. I did enjoy that they didn't consider the Nomination ceremony too sacred to interrupt. 


But the good thing about this show is that, even in a bad season, the social dynamics can surprise you.  I'm not rooting for Caleb in the least and he's certainly no fan (like Devin, an Amazing Race reject where TAR didn't like his partner, but BB snagged him off the application pile), but it is morbidly interesting to see how he's almost imposing his "Bomb Squad to the end" vision on the group, despite most of the "alliance" having made a smaller alliance behind his back seven weeks ago.  And yet, even though he's supposedly only "a number" for the Detonators, he's still here and one of them is gone, and Christine might be endangered this week.  Maybe it's just what happens to meatshields when the other side never gets to chuck a spear, but the concept of Caleb creating his own (game) reality by force of (delusional) will at least slightly amuses me, I admit.


And he still thinks he's running the show! It would be very amusing to see Derrick and Caleb make it to the end, both claiming to have been the leader all the way through the season. 

Dear Caleb, you weren't in combat.   You were in Baghdad in 2010.  You might have worried about stepping on an IED, but your "combat" doesn't even come close to what the "support your local drug lord" forces in Afghanistan have to worry about, not to mention actual real wars like Viet Nam, Korea, or WWs I and II.  Take your cord and gag yourself, please.



He's done more than I am willing to, so I happily and respectfully thank him for his service.  Anyone who has served and had to be in either Iraq or Afghanistan has all my respect.  

  • Love 8

The first "Holla" they played sounded like a lot like Frankie, but the rest of them didn't, thank heaven.

Maybe a tease for Frankie, to prod him toward going for the money instead of pursuing HoH?

You KNOW nothing would have pleased Frankie more than hearing his own voice reflected back at him - and everybody else - 5,000 times.


I didn't hear any instructions to that effect either, but the person running the "Hollas" seems to think he should, because BB keeps it up until Derrick responds. I did enjoy that they didn't consider the Nomination ceremony too sacred to interrupt.


I more than half suspect at this point Derrick is specifically not responding, to get them to run through the 5,000 count quicker.



And he still thinks he's running the show! It would be very amusing to see Derrick and Caleb make it to the end, both claiming to have been the leader all the way through the season.

Now THAT would make for some great television.

  • Love 2


I hope Frankie gets ZERO votes for fan favorite & Donny gets 100%


This would be the only unanimous vote of the year I would be happy to see.


Does Frankie seem to be rapidly aging in front of our eyes?? Maybe it's the dark hair coming in but he's looking a little rough around the edges to say the least. Or it's just that I hate him more each eppy.

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