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S20.E02: Project Redemption

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For their first challenge of the competition, the designers have to rewrite history by reinventing the look that either got them eliminated or gave them the lowest score in their past, and turn it into a high-fashion moment for the runways of today. Airs Thursday June 15 9:00pm.

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I loved Fabio's (I think it was...the one with the striped sleeveless tunic thing?) and Mila's looks! Wish we could have longer looks at the safe one's and a few judges remarks on them. i say the same thing every season, but really they could fit it in in an hour and a half.

Edited by T Summer
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Kayne wins, I agree. Nice dress. No surprise Nora went home, that dress was not sewn well and looked sloppy. I would have liked to have seen more from her because I couldn’t remember her from S1 and she was an OG. 
Really wasn’t blown away by anything the other designers did although I thought Brittany’s pink dress was pretty. 

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I felt for Bishme. But yeah, having him freshly grieve all season is going to be something I don't need to share, sorry. So here's hoping he can speak to someone to help him through with some modicum of peace.

I'm with whatshisname (low-rent Michael Kors), the leg straps were all about the LEG STORY played by stilts in the unfortunate original episode. Were the don't-get-it judges high or reading a script?

I'm not the biggest Kayne fan, but I loved that outfit. 

Also, poor Kara San, nothing moves above her mouth! And when Christian suggested she edit, he might have included that dress, too.

Coming back from another channel, I missed the introduction for Alicia. I kept wondering who that was. Oy.

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Seeing Nora eliminated reminded me of the queens on one of RPDR's all star seasons when they were discussing why one queen was there and one replied, "well, they need someone to go home first." 
When introducing the all stars, even Stevie Wonder could see she would be the first to go home. LOL....

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Definitely the right winner. I loved Kayne's design, and it surprised me, coming down the runway, because it didn't look like it was going to be much from the bits we saw in the workroom. Nora's design deserved to be in the bottom, and I wasn't surprised she was eliminated. It seemed a foregone conclusion before the challenge was even given that she'd be the first one out. I'm sorry to see her go. I would've eliminated Viktor. His was better designed and executed, but it was a costume not fashion. 

Brittany's was lovely, but it wasn't much of a design, per se. The fabric was doing all the work for her. Conversely, Kara Saun should've let her fabric do more of the work for her. Man, she overworked that design. It was surprising to me that she put something so fugly down the runway. I remember liking her work from Season 1.

::sigh:: I have never and will never understand the love PR's judges have for Fabio's work. I just flat-out don't like his aesthetic, and this week was the first time I thought Mimi was unable to carry it off down the runway. She looked short and no-necked in this design.

Still dislike Elaine and Brandon as judges, and still think the show needs a host. I'd love it if they brought Karli back, but, if not her, at least someone. And I wish, when Christian does his walk-throughs of the workroom that he'd visit each designer, like Tim did. This iteration of PR tips its hand as to who is going to be in the top and the bottom too often with his walk-throughs.

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Bishme's garment was more visually appealing than that shades of pink mess he made originally...I guess? but would I want to wear it? No. Never. Sorry Bishme.


...and while I can appreciate Kayne's transformation from coat to skirt as it made for a great runway moment, IDK? I didn't love it quite as much as everyone else did. It didn't really work as a coat IMO and I couldn't see myself wanting to wear the skirt, beautiful as it was. He's definately very talented though. I understand them giving him the win. I didn't even mind his original look.


I loved the unusual quality of Fabio's look and Mila's just as much, maybe more. With time to take a second look Rami's was the other one I really liked. Those are the ones I'd want to wear if I had the tall willowy figure and the budget for designer clothes.

30 minutes ago, Fellaway said:

Definitely the right winner. I loved Kayne's design, and it surprised me, coming down the runway, because it didn't look like it was going to be much from the bits we saw in the workroom. Nora's design deserved to be in the bottom, and I wasn't surprised she was eliminated. It seemed a foregone conclusion before the challenge was even given that she'd be the first one out. I'm sorry to see her go. I would've eliminated Viktor. His was better designed and executed, but it was a costume not fashion. 

Brittany's was lovely, but it wasn't much of a design, per se. The fabric was doing all the work for her. Conversely, Kara Saun should've let her fabric do more of the work for her. Man, she overworked that design. It was surprising to me that she put something so fugly down the runway. I remember liking her work from Season 1.

::sigh:: I have never and will never understand the love PR's judges have for Fabio's work. I just flat-out don't like his aesthetic, and this week was the first time I thought Mimi was unable to carry it off down the runway. She looked short and no-necked in this design.

Still dislike Elaine and Brandon as judges, and still think the show needs a host. I'd love it if they brought Karli back, but, if not her, at least someone. And I wish, when Christian does his walk-throughs of the workroom that he'd visit each designer, like Tim did. This iteration of PR tips its hand as to who is going to be in the top and the bottom too often with his walk-throughs.



I agree with a lot of your takes. Would've liked to see more of Nora as I couldn't even find photos of what she made in season 1. If only her sewing had been better.

 Victor can go to some whacky  costume design competition! Just when we thought it couldn't possibly get more gimicky than stilts! The taste level. 🫣 :clutches pearls:

While I like Christian, I'll always miss Tim Gun. Wouldn't miss Elaine or Brandon though.

Even though Fabio's look really appealed to me, I have to admit when Mimi walked in it I wondered if the aspect of my TV was off. Mimi almost  always appears so tall and slinky in the clothes, but not tonight.

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I was surprised they were gushing so much over that rather ordinary jacket by Bishme. And if you want to talk bad sewing, I was quite distracted by what seemed to be an uneven hem in the front, with the two sides not lining up with each other. 

That said, Nora’s design was awful and the sewing was awful. Looked like something we might have made in our seventh grade sewing class. But we would have failed because of bad pressing and no grain alignment. This was really telegraphed in various scenes where she said she hadn’t done much sewing in years. 

I wish they would show British Sewing Bee here. I don’t know why somebody doesn’t pick that up.

Edited by EtheltoTillie
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28 minutes ago, EtheltoTillie said:

I was surprised they were gushing so much over that rather ordinary jacket by Bishme. And if you want to talk bad sewing, I was quite distracted by what seemed to be an uneven hem in the front, with the two sides not lining up with each other. 

That said, Nora’s design was awful and the sewing was awful. Looked like something we might have made in our seventh grade sewing class. But we would have failed because of bad pressing and no grain alignment. This was really telegraphed in various scenes where she said she hadn’t done much sewing in years. 

I wish they would show British Sewing Bee here. I don’t know why somebody doesn’t pick that up.

I agree. That front really bothered me.   And it would make the wearer look huge.  I thought it might even land in the bottom.   I was terrified it would win.  Sadly agree with the bottom look. It wouldn’t cut it on a regular season, let alone All Stars.  And Hester can leave any time, and take Anna with her.  

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Kara Saun and Nora should both have been eliminated for poor fabric choices and ugly dresses.   Kara Saun brought that mermaid fabric with her?  It looked like  cheap Halloween costume fabric.    Nora made (poorly) a bridesmaid dress that wasn't cute or fresh.

I couldn't stop waiting for Alicia Silverstone's nip to pop out of her way too small top.   Maybe she needed a visit from Hester Sunshine to cover those up just in case.   

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I really loved Rami's look (coat and dress) and was hoping he would be in the top/win.  I was really surprised that Bishme was in the top (and to be honest, I was surprised Fabio was there as well-like an above poster, I don't always get the judges' love for his designs).  Once again, switching models comes back to bite someone and in this case it was Nora.  Even though it was poorly designed/sewn, it would have looked better on her original model.  I just don't think that fabric color that matches skin tone looks good.  However, Nora seemed happy to switch models and she probably knew she wasn't long for the show-she was very gracious as she left.

Wow, Viktor had a harrowing experience (he and his boyfriend were cut by someone wielding a machete!!!).  Glad they made it through that experience.

Am heartbroken for Bishme, but I don't want it to be a focus of the season, and I don't want him to get pity votes from the judges.  Top three?  How?

Lots of use of "triggering" in this episode.  Bishme, Fabio ('see the garment again triggered me), etc.  While in some instances I understand, in others it just seems to be a ploy.

Alicia is a beautiful woman, but that outfit?  Not so much.  I get it that they wanted her in a plaid as that was part of her 'signature' look in Clueless, but sometimes someone just has to say 'no.'

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I really liked Kayne’s look and was glad it won. Dramatic, creative and well executed.  I liked the grey and white striped look too. I can’t remember all the safe looks, but I liked Anna’s and Rami’s. All the others were fine 

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Can anyone explain to me what Prajje's vinyl, slim, dress had to do with his doily monstrosity? How is that "reimagining" it?

I also didn't think that Viktor's bondage thing had much to do with his original.

The challenge seemed to leave that aspect a bit too open to interpretation.

And oof, Alicia Silverstone made it hard to avert one's eyes from her chest.

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3 minutes ago, dleighg said:

Can anyone explain to me what Prajje's vinyl, slim, dress had to do with his doily monstrosity? How is that "reimagining" it?


I was wondering that too.  It was the one project furthest from the original. 

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If I never see another Hester nipple cover, it'll be too soon. Although she looks so much better than she did in her season, having her auf'd soon would be so much better, too.

Losing that whatever material (or forgetting it or being blessed by the cashier at Mood) was the best thing that ever happened to Kayne. Take a lesson, Kayne.

And now I remember Viktor with a k. Kostumes! Bye, soon. Anyone up for a triple elimination? (Hester and Anna, stand next to Viktor, please.) Sorry, Anna, I liked some of your original work, but put down whatever you're smoking here. (Making a joke, but sincerely hoping this isn't leftover trauma from her accident.)

Edited by buttersister
Need more coffee.
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I knew there was no way Kara San would get eliminated. They made too much of a fuss over her to do that so early.

Alicia Silverstone is one of Christians clients. I sure hope he didn't design that awful get up or I may lose respect for him.

Good to have PR on my screen again.

Edited by MsMalin
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26 minutes ago, MsMalin said:

Alicia Silverstone is one of Christians clients. I sure hope he didn't design that awful get up or I may lose respect for him.


If anyone finds out whether Christian was the designer or not, please let us know!

Her boobs looked like boudin sausages waiting to be stuffed into their casings.


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9 hours ago, Fellaway said:

And I wish, when Christian does his walk-throughs of the workroom that he'd visit each designer, like Tim did.


39 minutes ago, SweetSable said:

I'm sure he does but some of it gets edited out.  

You can usually tell who is going to be safe, especially in these early episodes when there are so many designers, when they get little to no workroom airtime.

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I’m happy to see Project Runway back, it’s one of my favorite shows. I’ve watched every season but didn’t remember Nora. If she knew she was coming on the show she should have brushed up on her sewing skills. I think a few of them mentioned they don’t do their own sewing anymore, but this is a sewing competition! I liked Kane’s and Fabio’s outfits but thought Bisme’s was what Nina used to call “junior”. Agree Alicia looked awful in that outfit. 
Maybe unpopular opinion but I could do without Elaine. A journalist who writes about social issues and politics doesn’t really fit into a show about design. I think she is always in favor of people who want to share a message of some sort with their design and not everyone does.


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20 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

Maybe unpopular opinion but I could do without Elaine.

speaking of Elaine, the first commercial on the Bravo app replay was for Audi. I thought to myself "that woman looks like that judge from Project Runway." Then I remembered I was WATCHING Project Runway. I looked it up and it indeed is her.

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It’s always so exasperating when someone dressed as Alicia was is considered worthy of judging a fashion competition.

I question her taste level! (Though Heidi might have liked it).

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Just watched on Peacock and got cut off two or three minutes before the end!  Glad I could come here and find out the results.

Was not looking forward to seeing Hester again, but I find her much improved.  The outfit she made looked very professional, unlike her original version.  Anna got on my nerves almost immediately, and I thought her dress was terrible.  As I recall, she's very talented but extremely annoying, the way she calls attention to herself.

God, I love seeing Christian's hilarious hair in the old clips.

There are definitely some of my favorites here, like Fabio, Rami, and Laurence.  Loved Rami's look this week!  I remember Viktor being very talented too, but I didn't care at all for what he put out this week.

Seems some here didn't like Bishme's look, but I thought it was pretty cute.  I like the way he dresses himself, too.

I'm always glad for another new season.  I've gone back and rewatched a lot, but I had to stop when I got to the season with the twins.


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One of the judges critiques of Nora's was that her fabric color was wrong with her model's skin tone. But she got that fabric when she had her first model who would have looked just fine in that color! Not that her dress wasn't fugly anyway, but that was an annoying critique. I was pleased that when Nora and Kara Saun switched models it was for their skin color and not that Kara Saun was trying to get a thinner model.

I also caught that Viktor said that the stilt challenge he went home on was a team challenge. I remember a stilt challenge in general, but I don't recall anything about that episode specifically so I have no recollection of if that design was his aesthetic in the first place. If it wasn't, maybe that's why he strayed so far from the original look besides the legs/stilts reference. 


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I didn't realize this show was coming back, and was so happy to see it mentioned somewhere yesterday!! It had crossed my mind to check, since Top Chef just ended... but I feel like PR has been vanishing, so wasn't sure if we were even getting a new season.

It's fun to see familiar faces, though there are a few I think we all could do with out. 

For this week I agreed with the judges on the win and the auf, but there were plenty of other designs that could have fit in the bottom. 

Kayne's dress definitely had drama, but was classy and edited to not be too much. I always liked him on his season, so glad to see he can do some good stuff still. 

Kara Saun was lucky she didn't get eliminated... her fabric was cool, but definitely over designed and too much happening. I didn't mind Viktor's look, though it was definitely a lot, but I also think he had a harder look to re-imagine and making the legs look long/mechanical at least referenced the stilts for me. 

I didn't think Bishme belonged in the top, i didn't want him to go home or be booted for his look, and while it was miles better than the look he was re-doing, it was just still off to me and we didn't like it at all in our house when it came down the runway. 

Looking forward to the rest of the season! Yay, I missed PR!

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I love Bishme and was very happy to see him back, but I really disliked his look and was surprised to see it in the top.  Alicia Silverstone is still gorgeous (even though I think she’s a kook), but that outfit was NOT it.  Happy to see Rami, Kayne, Victor, Laurance, Mila, Korto, and a few others.  Hester can leave any time now, seriously.  One of my least favorites ever.

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So glad this show is back!

Nora’s reminded me of the first bridesmaid’s dress in Bridesmaids, the one they refused to consider.

Kara Saun hasn’t changed one bit, still finagling what she wants, and creating costumes. My husband said it looked like a Star Trek costume. 
Good for Kayne, I loved his dress and it was a true redemption.

Edited by cpcathy
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It doesnt seem like Bravo or any other website posts the runway pictures. That's a shame. Would help me remember the dresses better after the fact. I do remember Kara's having a crazy-high slit.

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I.......cannot wait for Hester Sunshine to leave.  She gets on my very last nerve. 

I like that Kayne has settled some, he was one who also got on my nerves, but it appears he's matured which just knocked off some of the jaggedy annoying edges of his big personality, so I'm going to see how this goes.  He needs to step away from the botox and fillers though, he's dangerously close to becoming a clickbait article on bad plastic surgery.

Anna, I fear, is just too weird and fragile for this competition.   I expect she'll be an early auf-ee or will DOR by saying she's got PTSD remaining from the accident that happened in her original season.  I think she does interesting stuff, but I don't think she's built for this sort of thing.

Even though I don't think all the designers exactly followed the brief on the challenge and therefore should have been dinged for that (*cough*cough*Prajje*cough*cough*), I think we're going to be in for a good season despite this frustrating first challenge.  With the glaring exception of Hester Sunshine, I like this set of designers, and I expect good things from them.

Here's a sentence I never thought I'd write:  Why was Alicia Silverstone serving her tits up to us on a tray?

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If Alicia Silverstone was known for her plaids back in the day in Clueless, and they referenced that particularly with Elaine being the best friend whose name I don't recall, could someone have forced the comparison by putting Alicia into a plaid bandana as a top instead of whatever else she chose to wear that day?  It didn't look like it was a sewn top, it looked like it was folded to cover her and was not doing a very good job over time. It just didn't look like a top at all to me. It looked improvised.


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1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

will say that Nora's bridal dress for which she was aufed in season one is not the worst bridal dress that I have seen on t.v.

I completely agree! I thought it was rather pretty (as I duck). Does anyone remember what the criticism was focusing on?

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10 hours ago, Pi237 said:

It doesnt seem like Bravo or any other website posts the runway pictures. That's a shame. Would help me remember the dresses better after the fact. I do remember Kara's having a crazy-high slit.

I always wish they'd use a little corner of the screen to show the current or former design when it's referenced - my brain is the archetypal sieve and, especially in the early stages, I can't retain the looks from one minute to the next.  If they can use up the bottom right corner for the network logo, they can certainly use the bottom left one for something that people actually want to see.

Edited by Leeds
Because I don't have a lisp and with is not the same as wish.
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42 minutes ago, dleighg said:

I completely agree! I thought it was rather pretty (as I duck). Does anyone remember what the criticism was focusing on?

I remember them criticizing the roses which she had hand dyed and sewn or pinned on. There was more that I don’t recall specifically.  She did pay way too much attention to the model’s vision of the ideal wedding dress. 

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