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S13.E14: Rat in the Street

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34 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

Did they change the time for the new episode?   I thought it was 9 PM?


31 minutes ago, Jack Terrier said:

Me too! It’s been on at 8 central all season. 🤷🏼‍♀️

I think it was so Bravo could premiere this "Dancing Queens" show that I am currently watching.  Not sure how I feel about this, or the time change for NJ.  

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9 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

And, seriously, just how friggin' stupid/ignorant is Brittany?  How can you get to the age she is (whatever it is - 30-something, 40-something-????) and not know that Ireland is an English speaking country?  She was dead serious when she asked Paul if he had to learn to speak English when he moved here.  Now I know why she's been with Frank for so long~~she's too stupid to know any better.

Especially living in New Jersey!  Because, you know, the lack of Irish people, and Irish bars. My mother worked with a woman who thought Australia was off the coast of Florida. I think she knew they speak English though.

Any bets on who the first housewife will be that thinks the Irish flag is an Italian flag?

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Just now, SweetieDarling said:

Especially living in New Jersey!  Because, you know, the lack of Irish people, and Irish bars. My mother worked with a woman who thought Australia was off the coast of Florida. I think she knew they speak English though.

Any bets on who the first housewife will be that thinks the Irish flag is an Italian flag?

I'd go with either Melissa or Joe.  (And, yes, I'm including Joe as a Housewife!)  🤣

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Just now, Baltimore Betty said:

I thought the original post said "he gives me the crepes," and I thought how cool he makes crepes but no it was and is the creeps.  

He gets very red when riled up, he may burst a blood vessel!

Well, just how did you think he was getting these "crepes" to @Stats Queen? Can they be made/reheated in a tabletop pizza oven?

He's always red

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18 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I thought the original post said "he gives me the crepes," and I thought how cool he makes crepes but no it was and is the creeps.  

He gets very red when riled up, he may burst a blood vessel!

I have never seen more guys that get all red in the face like that.  Most of the NJ husbands always look SO red, as we've all discussed over and over, and they get even redder when angry - Joe Gorga, Louie and Frank especially.  Joe Benigno, Evan and Bill get very red-faced when drunk, which is normal, I guess, because your blood pressure increases.  I haven't noticed it yet from Fuda and Nate Cabral, so maybe it's an age thing?  Like these older guys are going through male menopause and having hot flashes?  

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58 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I cannot remember if Teresa and Loouuiieee did a pre-nup.

Also, I missed something about that party, was it planned on the fly and squeezed in before the rehearsal dinner?


I think that was always planned as the finale party. 

I'm guessing that the wedding special epiode(s) will begin with the rehearsal party and end with the wedding reception (I'm thinking at least three episodes).  What I can't figure out is will the wedding special(s) be shown before or after they show the reunion episodes.

ETA:  If I remember correctly, Louie and Teresa do not have a pre-nup.  I remember her discussing this with Andy, either on WWHL or at last year's reunion, and he was sort of telling her that it was stupid not to get one.  I think her response was that Louie was the one with all the money.

Edited by njbchlover
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I know THIS... I ain't gonna be watching no wedding shit. No thank you.  This wedding has been SUCH a fiasco, I can't imagine anyone wanting to watch.

Actually, the reunion doesn't really do it for me either.  I'm about DONE-ZZZZO with the whole franchise. I will admit that Brittney asking if Paul had to learn ENGLISH when he came to 'Merica just made me HOWL!!! O.M.G.  WHAT a doofus.  I see why she's with Frank.  Maybe she needs to step away from the blunts and edibles for a while??

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5 minutes ago, Sweetpea4Utoo said:

Sad to see just how unhappy Bill looks now compared to those flashbacks

I think if Jennifer doesn't ease up on Bill, and stop with all that shit about it being Margaret's fault that her 9 year old knows about her parent's intimate relationship; he's gonna move.  And NOT just to the pool house.  I really think she's pushing it with him. Enough already.

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Lewy is an arch manipulator.  Teresa and her brother had a difficult relationship, but  there was love between them. A lot of the difficulty they have had came from Teresa's obvious need  to get rid of Melissa with lies about her past (Melissa was a stripper, Melissa was out trawling for rich men and never loved Joe, Melissa cheats on Joe, and on and on.)  How can you not have problems  with a family member who is trying to destroy your marriage?   Then Lewy comes along to work every possible angle and drive the Gorgas out so he can be in complete control of Teresa and her $$$. Oh yeah, and the only trouble Guidice had with Teresa was because of Joe Gorga?  Sure. 

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I feel like Joe & Theresa saw their Dad cut ties with his sister for years (who knows WHY) and they're just doing the Gorga "thang"....  It's a shame though; that NEITHER ONE OF THEM CAN SEE THIS!  And try doing something different.  I don't know. Set some BOUNDARIES?  Get some COUNSELING? It's sad.  They are showing the kidz (ALL of them) that THIS is the way you deal with FAMILY when you have problems.

I don't see any of that crew catching a clue.  It's an endless cycle of idiocy. And long after the Howives $$$ dries up, it'll STILL be so, so, so, so STOOPID.

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Looks wise, Danielle and Brittany could have been separated at birth, lol. 

The dinner with the Catanias was lighthearted - especially compared to the dysfunctions of the Gorgas and Giudices.  Notice the subtle jab about including their families in each other's weddings.

I thought the Rachel/Jayden talk, dynamics came off really well.  He is pretty mature for his age.

Cringeworthy - Louie spewing his venom at Joe and Melissa.  

Edited by twilightzone
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What’s Frankie’s dream job?

Oh that reminds me of this- I saw it on fb maybe- 



Why did we have to see Jennifer Fezler’s mom and aunt?  I don’t care if they are wacky, I’m not interested in them or old lady Marge.

And Jen you have horrid taste in decor!  Your poor sister in law and brother.  Way to point out that you are supporting them, Jen.

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Run Teresa  for gods  sake run. You said Melissa  is in your brother's  ear. Well take a good long look who is in yours. The guy has a temper, he's  unstable. He winds himself up, and he loses all control. He's going  to marry her, then isolate  her.

Franks a softy, I'm glad he got on with Paulie. Frank junior is so sweet, so is his sister. 

Danielle doesn't  speak  to her brother? Who knew.

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Jennifer is right: Margaret is nervous because she doesn't know what and how much her ex-friend Laura told Teresa and Jen. Margaret and Laura were friends for 40 years, and because Laura wasn't associated with RHONJ, surely Marge leaned on her as a venting/sounding board. It's why Margaret is quick to get mad and attack Danielle and Jennifer because she knows that they know something that Margaret had in her arsenal about her "friends". 

Marge can dish it but she can't take it. 

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4 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Bill could not be less interested in Jen’s diatribe about Margaret’s ex friend.  Mentally he was running through some kind of checklist…planning how long he had to sit there before going to the pool house…something!  His soul had left his body.  

Does Teresa have any idea what “Gatsby party” means?

Can you blame him?

Teresa is, as always, a moron. I wonder if she’s ever read a book

Edited by Lady of nod
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31 minutes ago, Miss Slay said:

I felt really bad for Theresa when Louie was ranting. I get that he was frustrated but Theresa looked so hurt and upset. He should have noticed and stopped.

Teresa is marrying her brother. They’re both rage filled scary men. I’m not a fan of hers but Goddess help her if she ever pisses him off. She looked scared and sad.
Paulie hit it right on the nose. “Make up or break up”. I guess being reality stars is important enough to them that they’ve been putting themselves and their kids though this toxicity for years. 

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Did Joe Guidice really call Louie to complain about Joe Gorga? And he actually told Louie that Gorga was the problem in the marriage? And Louie believed that?  I don't believe Louie. 

54 minutes ago, Lady of nod said:

Teresa is marrying her brother. They’re both rage filled scary men. I’m not a fan of hers but Goddess help her if she ever pisses him off. She looked scared and sad.

Teresa is going to work her ass off in this marriage covering Louie's ass. Wait till his rage is directed at her. She asked him to calm down and it only fueled his fire. I'm actually feeling sorry for her. What a mess. 

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8 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Bill could not be less interested in Jen’s diatribe about Margaret’s ex friend.  Mentally he was running through some kind of checklist…planning how long he had to sit there before going to the pool house…something!  His soul had left his body.  

Bill participates on the show to provide Jen with a storyline, but he has his boundaries. Who in their right mind would like to hear this? Well, Joe Gorga, Joe Begnino, Frank Catania, and probably John Fuda would! They love gossiping.

Edited by ZettaK
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13 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:


12 hours ago, chuckity said:

If Joe & Melissa aren't in the wedding, why in the world would Tree and Louie think that they would be coming to the rehearsal dinner?

Oh that's right.  They're stoopid.


The Gorgas didn't tell Teresa and Louie about not coming to the wedding yet. 

12 hours ago, BluishGreen said:

Then Lewy comes along to work every possible angle and drive the Gorgas out so he can be in complete control of Teresa and her $$$. Oh yeah, and the only trouble Guidice had with Teresa was because of Joe Gorga?  Sure. 

In what way the Gorgas had any control over Teresa, and Teresa’s money for Louie to take over this?

Edited by ZettaK
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5 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I think that was always planned as the finale party. 

I'm guessing that the wedding special epiode(s) will begin with the rehearsal party and end with the wedding reception (I'm thinking at least three episodes).  What I can't figure out is will the wedding special(s) be shown before or after they show the reunion episodes.

ETA:  If I remember correctly, Louie and Teresa do not have a pre-nup.  I remember her discussing this with Andy, either on WWHL or at last year's reunion, and he was sort of telling her that it was stupid not to get one.  I think her response was that Louie was the one with all the money.

It was reported that the wedding special would air after the regular season, and probably not even on Bravo. Maybe Peacock?

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Jen Fessler is such a name dropper. I wanted to like her but she seems like an asshole. I didn’t find the quirky twins to be entertaining at all. Marge Sr in her pajamas and Marge Junior in her caftan also suck. Why is she propping that annoying voiced Lexi so much? Who cares? The outdoor shot of that house continues to be one of the ugliest.

Danielle should just enjoy not speaking to her brother. If he blew up over something dumb than you don’t need him in your life.

Eeww there’s those stupid rat faced Fudaa again. Gross. Her fake crying is annoying.

Jennifer’s brother and her sister in law seemed nice enough but the apartment didn’t look comfy at all.

Good for Frank, making some progress with Paulie.

Louis is showing his true colors and it’s entertaining but in a way that makes me feel bad. It looks like he says “winning” in the previews. In true Charlie Sheen fashion. Kind of horrifying but I’m looking forward to it.

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Why didn't we see a picture of Jennifer Fessler's mom and aunt with Barbara Streisand if they were so close?

Jennifer is walking a fine line helping her brother and sister-in-law with Bill's earnings and then trashing him behind his back.

Louie red-faced rages while Teresa just sits there blinking and staring with that stupid look on her face. The two brain cells in her head say "I got everything I wanted, so why am I still not happy?" Dumbass.

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6 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

And Jen you have horrid taste in decor!  Your poor sister in law and brother.  Way to point out that you are supporting them, Jen.

Hey I thought that apartment was tastefully decorated for a furnished unit...no way did Jen pick any furnishings out otherwise it would have been full of ugly gilt furniture like a Persian whorehouse like her place. I laughed when she told that woman to make the place look good so she could surprise the happy couple, like suddenly other things would appear in that place? I believe that was a furnished apartment and Jen's friend went to HomeGoods for accessories. 

Delores' worst nightmare is that Frank and Paulie start a bromance like he did with David. 

7 hours ago, twilightzone said:

Looks wise, Danielle and Brittany could have been separated at birth, lol. 

I know! I thought that was Danielle as they were walking in to the restaurant!

1 hour ago, Chatty Cake said:

Louis is showing his true colors and it’s entertaining but in a way that makes me feel bad. It looks like he says “winning” in the previews. In true Charlie Sheen fashion. Kind of horrifying but I’m looking forward to it.

He is textbook personality disorder. 

Louie is going to be more toxic for Teresa than Melissa and Joe every were and I am not looking forward to the day where I start to care or like Teresa because of how shitty Louie is being.  

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So Jen Fessler was cast to be a celebrity name dropper?

10 minutes ago, BluishGreen said:

Well, I never said the Gorgas had control over Teresa.  What is said, and what could not be more obvious, is that Lewy's goal is and has always been to separate Teresa from her family  and break those ties so that he has complete control.  And that is what happened.

Not obvious here. Louie's done nothing to separate Teresa from the Gorgas, they did that themselves. For more than year, we watched Louie try repair the relationship. Many even accused him of not having Teresa's back. After months of extending the olive branch, while they repeatedly turned down invitations and lied about it, he's given up. I don't blame him. 

Someone who wants complete control is not going to encourage therapy and be open to cultivating past relationships, like we've seen him do with Marge and off-camera with Jacqueline.  Louie's weird and red and at times intense, but I don't see isolation or control. 

@heatherchandler Frankie Jr's already refuted the rumor.  Frank bringing it up at the reunion is rumored to get Dolores enraged, off the fence and firmly on the Teresa/Louie side.



Edited by snarts
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3 hours ago, ZettaK said:

The Gorgas didn't tell Teresa and Louie about not coming to the wedding yet. 

In what way the Gorgas had any control over Teresa, and Teresa’s money for Louie to take over this?

Well, I never said the Gorgas had control over Teresa.  What is said, and what could not be more obvious, is that Lewy's goal is and has always been to separate Teresa from her family  and break those ties so that he has complete control.  And that is what happened.

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55 minutes ago, snarts said:

So Jen Fessler was cast to be a celebrity name dropper?

@heatherchandler Frankie Jr's already refuted the rumor.  Frank bringing it up at the reunion is rumored to get Dolores enraged, off the fence and firmly on the Teresa/Louie side.



But what would big Frank “bring up” if none of this is true?  I guess we will have to wait to see what happens at the reunion.  

I do think where there’s smoke there’s fire.  And I don’t believe anything Teresa says, ever.

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