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S16.E18: What's Our Safe Word?

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Damn, Clint sure loves that dog, doesn’t he? A lot more than Gina I bet. My heart is breaking for Clint and Hank. I hope he gets visitation rights.

Everohe is hanging on by a thread at this point. Poor Chris, you can just see the desperation grow each week. I think he’ll say yes, but with an exit plan.


2 minutes ago, endure said:

🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍 Do you think Nicole is an only child of weird parents? 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍 She really needs to get. over herself!

Right on both accounts!

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1 minute ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Damn, Clint sure loves that dog, doesn’t he? A lot more than Gina I bet. My heart is breaking for Clint and Hank. I hope he gets visitation rights.

Everohe is hanging on by a thread at this point. Poor Chris, you can just see the desperation grow each week. I think he’ll say yes, but with an exit plan.


Nicole is always jumping the gun about everything.  He should have never said the love word.

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52 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:


Damn, Clint sure loves that dog, doesn’t he? A lot more than Gina I bet. My heart is breaking for Clint and Hank. I hope he gets visitation rights.


Clint is a warm, fun, attentive dog dad. I get the feeling poor Hank was STARVING for affection and attention. Gina seems to have a dog just because. Maybe she’ll give Clint custody since she’ll be so busy with her only loves — herself & her saaaaah-lonnnnnn . . . 

52 minutes ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Everyone is hanging on by a thread at this point. Poor Chris, you can just see the desperation grow each week. I think he’ll say yes, but with an exit plan.

Why on earth didn’t he tell her she bugged the shit out of him 1) with her constant negative narration and being Ms. Unfun during mini golf & 2) forcing him to wear the ridiculous lame dinosaur costume.  Just say no. 

Edited by ChiMama
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Shaq is giving Kirsten exactly what she gave him in the beginning .. nothing!  Now, she wants conversation and affection, but it’s too late.  I think he has had it.  She talked more on the couch with Keisha tonight than she did her whole marriage.  She wasn’t into Shaq in the beginning, so now she wants him.  Why didn’t she let him meet her Father?  She wants everything her way.  She sat there eating like she hadn’t eaten in three weeks while he was trying to tell her something.  Then, he got disgusted.  Now, she’s doing a 180 before decision day.

Edited by kristen111
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11 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Damn, Clint sure loves that dog, doesn’t he? A lot more than Gina I bet. My heart is breaking for Clint and Hank. I hope he gets visitation rights.

Gina and Clint live in the same building so at least it’ll be easier for Clint to visit Hank when he and Gina break up.

Clint’s haircut looks good! (The stylist was cute.) I think he needed to trim down the beard some once his hair was shorter.

There was something really sad about Jasmine saying she was taking the pole class to feel sexy because Airris made her feel unwanted and unattractive.

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Oh boy. Another stripper pole segment. 2nd season...in a row too!!! But it's to make the unattracted wives feel sexy. Gina is not in the same boat as Jas because Jas was attracted to Airris. Glad to not hear Jas say maybe he'd be turned on. I hope she didn't say it & it wasn't just cut. So that inspired the experts to send them an "intimacy" basket? Airris on his stomach in handcuffs while she's massaging him was so weird! & the shots of their dry feet!!! 🤮🤮 He wanted her to slap him, but he doesn't even look at her. It must be her face he doesn't like. Which is too ironic considering he's hideous! He wants her to initiate physical contact??? Ughhhh. BRUH!!! She's the one that doesn't even feel desired!!!! So stupid!

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Oh great. More insults. Poor Clint. He heard, "weird, creepy, & crazy." She said his humor was bizarre, initially. I guess she's really still embarrassed. So stupid to wait until then to say all that, like there's any time left to change it, like Clint said. Pursue. There's that word. That's what's fundamentally wrong with this experiment. Guys already get the wife, so they don't feel like they have to pursue them. I don't know if they know that or do that intentionally. I feel like it might be subconsciously. They don't have to win them over since they're already married, but what about DD? They should be aiming to keep them beyond that. So Gina feels he didn't make dinner special for her because he didn't bother to ask what she liked. 🤔 Makes sense. They don't care what each other wants, needs, or likes. Just being polite til DD. The PC & DP intervention just got Clint's feelings more hurt.

Edited by Lindz
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I thought the medium was Olivia. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I wonder if his father came through. His great grandma wants him to settle down & have kids, but he's married! Welp. The medium didn't tell Jas to give up so who knows what that'll do. Didn't change the outcome with the other Jas. It was interesting hearing the medium summarize them, but she didn't say if they'd end up together. Imma take that as a no. Airris still doesn't want it! He still looks like he's somewhere else mentally. If only someone would really make him sit & think about what he really wants. He says he wants marriage but ain't acting like it. Maybe he doesn't want marriage with Jas or doesn't want marriage at all.

Edited by Lindz
12 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Oh nuts.  In that case, I better send Nicole some new tank tops, and a muzzle.  What a pain in the ass.  

Tank tops are definitely not her friend.  Doesn't she own a mirror?

She's absolutely exhausting.  I really, really hope Chris says no. 

12 hours ago, kristen111 said:

I was wondering if Kirsten’s butt was real, or enhanced, if there is such a thing.


Oh there is such a thing, alright. 

Ever watch The Real Housewives of New Jersey?  Dolores has a fake butt.  It's stupid.  And weird looking. 

No way, no how I want to add anything to my body to make it look big(ger).  And I'm a size 12, so I'm not entirely huge.  In QVC sizing, however, I am an XXXXXSmall.

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Ehhh. Idk about Kirsten's Mom's "words of wisdom." They're pretty gloomy. Idk about dropping expectations, maybe lower or manage them. Expect to be disappointed? 😬 That's with everything, but to apply that to your spouse??? Idk about that. Enjoy each other & relax? Ya. That's good advice. Maybe do less expecting & more accepting because you'll get nowhere making yourself dissatisfied with what your spouse says & does or not. It is weird that he ignores her when they're together. WTF is that???

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I dozed off again, but the parts I saw were awful. Why they had Jasmine on the pole was one thing, but when AirrASS came in and started throwing money at her, it made me sick. LOL that Gina had absolutely no game on that pole and looked really stupid next to someone who knows how to use her body (Jasmine).

I thought it was funny when Dr. P and PC came to visit with Clint and Gina and they told her they hadn't watched any of those emotional movies she assigned. Then she asked why she wasted her time coming over there. Exactly - WE all know they aren't going anywhere. I. felt so bad for Clint when she threw him under the bus AGAIN about his personality and humor. But, on her talking head she says she can see a way for them to stay married - HELL NO! He needs to get out and kidnap Hank and go off on his boat. Gina and Mac can hook up. Interesting that when Clint and Mac were working out, we didn't get a caption about Mac to say who he was. many people probably forgot him already. At least they haven't hauled that awful Dom out yet.

Enough of Shaq and Kirsten - they are done. They never really started, but when they showed those clips of Shaq just coming in after work and not even saying anything to her, I felt bad. Yes, she IS annoying, but she is kind of trying. She just wants to talk him to death. Same as Nicole.

I am so sick of the amount of time they are spending on Nicole and on her close ups and talking heads. We get it - she has a low self esteem, yet wants all the focus on her and her needs. Chris looks completely annoyed and he will have to sneak out in the night when he finally leaves her, which I am sure he will. Please don't get pregnant soon.

On the Afterparty - I couldn't watch. I definitely did NOT need to see any more of Jasmine and AirrASS exploring sex tools fully dressed. Why bother with those - if two people in the beginning of their relationship can't manage enough lust already, then give it up. At least Chris and Nicole had that right. And Keisha's husband is gorgeous.

Is next week the last before D Day and the 90 minutes they will drag that out?

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I have no facts to back this up, but I just have this "sense" that Airris is interested in someone else, maybe someone he hooked up with just before he got married.  It seems totally odd that Airris, who says he is so highly sexual, is not at least "trying" out his "wife" and the only logical conclusion I can come up with is that he's committed to someone else in the back of his mind.  And also, what IS the point in the intimacy exercises if they have both already promised no sex until after decision day??

I think the experts (and Keisha's superfine hubs) are frustrated with Clint and Gina because they see the two getting along so well.  In a successful long-term relationship, this is so rare and golden and a lot harder place to get to than the initial "jump each other's bones" phase.  The only reason this could not continue and flourish is if they are both faking it to make it, which is very entirely possible. 

Shaq is totally over his "nice house, nobody home" wife.  Nicole and Chris will put up with each other to keep the MAFS gravy train rolling.  They know a good paycheck when they see it. 

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I think Gina's real resistance to Clint came out when they were talking with Dr. Pepper and Cal-Clint is the life of the party and everyone likes him.  There, that's it.  I think she has quite an ego and just can't take it that everyone INCLUDING HER VERY OWN DOG prefers Clint over her.  So, she just digs and digs and digs.  She just had to make sure everyone knew that Clint's sense of humor is "below" her.  And, for everyone who hopes that Clint will be able to visit Hank after they break up?  I don't want to break hope or hearts but I don't think there's any way she will let Hank see Clint because she will resent how much Hank adores Clint.  Goldendoodles are a trendy dog right now and that's why I think she even has him.

Nicole needs to just stop.  And what nerve she has to now tell Chris she had fun at miniature golf?!?  What?  Does she think her negativity is cute?  At least Chris is finally standing up to her.  Her 'safe word' was stupid and he had her clear out the pineapples (I had noticed that the dinosaurs that were once on the counter were gone, so maybe he put his foot down on that, too).

As much as I really liked Shaq at the beginning of the season, he just irritates me to no end at this point.  However, I do agree with him that it seems strange she is not getting together with him and her family (especially her dad that she goes on and on about).

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3 hours ago, Doublemint said:

Kirsten's Mother gave better advice than all the "experts" since the show began.   I was completely floored by what she said, because it was spot on!

Surprised no one has mentioned it yet.

Her mother said, “Don’t have expectations “but I wish she would’ve added “Do your part”. I was hoping that her mother would tell Kirsten to get off the couch when your husband comes home and greet him with a hug and a Welcome home!  Kirsten noted that he is tired and often stressed from work, school and mentoring, but she doesn’t give very much and seems only interested in getting( homes, cars etc). I think Shaq is over it. 

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I think that we have seen enough of Gina and Clint to know that they are not trying to be married. Clint seems to be getting hurt every time Gina unleashes some garbage about him to the experts or in a group and has never spoken to him about it. I really don't like her and I really think he could be a lot of fun. Is he a little too much sometimes, sure. And his misuse of words is amusing. But, overall, I really think he is the best man on this season. (I know, that's not a high bar.) Gina is probably the most frustrating because she COULD have a good guy and a good relationship and actually have some FUN in her life, if she wasn't so allergic to it.

However, I do NOT want a Clint/Dom hook-up.

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2 hours ago, suzeecat said:

I think the experts (and Keisha's superfine hubs) are frustrated with Clint and Gina because they see the two getting along so well. 

What's the deal with Keshia's (note correct spelling) husband giving his assessment and advice about marriage?  On prior episodes he came off as just a fan, but last night he was acting like one of the experts and Keshia was actually asking him to give advice, so I checked and he's an actor.  Not only that, he and Keshia have been married less than two years (September 2021 wedding; met in 2019). 

But I started kind of (it's all I can muster) paying attention to what friends and family were advising the various cast members, and my reaction the entire time was, "Well, duh."  I know they do this for the show, but it's all so pointless.  Marriage takes compromise.  Stop the presses!


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14 hours ago, ChiMama said:

Mackinley is shady - he & Gina deserve each other.

Even though I didn't like Dom, I always thought there was something shady about him.   He and Gina definitely deserve each other.

26 minutes ago, Retired at last said:

However, I do NOT want a Clint/Dom hook-up.

I don't think Clint is that stupid, and I sure hope not.

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1 hour ago, Retired at last said:

I think that we have seen enough of Gina and Clint to know that they are not trying to be married. Clint seems to be getting hurt every time Gina unleashes some garbage about him to the experts or in a group and has never spoken to him about it. I really don't like her and I really think he could be a lot of fun. Is he a little too much sometimes, sure. And his misuse of words is amusing. But, overall, I really think he is the best man on this season. (I know, that's not a high bar.) Gina is probably the most frustrating because she COULD have a good guy and a good relationship and actually have some FUN in her life, if she wasn't so allergic to it.

However, I do NOT want a Clint/Dom hook-up.

i don't want a clint/dom hook-up or a mac/gina hook-up

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3 hours ago, cinsays said:

i don't want a clint/dom hook-up or a mac/gina hook-up

I don't need to see Mac or Dom again. I didn't much like either one of them and I didn't think that either of them were on the show for the right reasons. When I was still tuning in, it was for "Married At First Sight" and I'm not really in the market for "Random Hookups Amongst Divorced People."

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I think Clint and Gina are both being defensive and trying to protect their egos. They seem to really like each other and unless the other person is downright repellant it seems that it would be worth exploring the physical side. I think Clint could get it on with Gina and I  don't the she would be totally icked out by him. Not sure watching Driving Miss Daisy would help though.

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Okay, I'll just say it-I don't get Dr. Pepper's obsession with watching Driving Miss Daisy.  I saw it back in the day and just don't get how it would lead to romance (I never saw the other movie she mentioned).  She said it would bring emotion to their relationship/romance; sure, it was sad when Miss Daisy died, but as far as I know, death isn't necessarily the key to romance.  What about a nice romcom?

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It's good they played video of C&G's wedding when DP asked about it. They sure put on a show. Now why didn't they play & DP ask about what Clint said when they were about to get into bed that night??? Same for Airris!!! They were down to seal the deal wedding night, so what happened?!! Gina killed it later on the honeymoon with the BS she said, but what did Jas say/do? Or were the guys just lying to the camera/producer??? 🤔🧐

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On 5/4/2023 at 8:12 PM, bichonblitz said:

Crappy haircut by the way. Type of cut you learn first thing in beauty school. Clint has pretty good hair, it could have been so much better!

The only way it was better than what he had was that it was a little shorter, which always feels good, and it would do well under a cross-check because the person cutting it knew what he was doing.  But otherwise, it was pretty much the same as what he had, except a little shorter and slicked back, and I don't think he's the type to be mindful that his hair stays slicked back at all times to maintain the look. 

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Gina complained that Clint cooked dinner but not FOR HER.  What does she do, ever, for him??  At least he cooks and takes care of the dog! She and Kirsten both fail to see that marriage is a two way street.  Though at least Kirsten offered Shaq salmon and broccoli that one time.

Edited by Alexander Pope
meant SHE not HE
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On 5/4/2023 at 1:39 PM, Retired at last said:

And his misuse of words is amusing. But, overall, I really think he is the best man on this season. (I know, that's not a high bar.)

I like him a lot too, but the misuse of words would drive me up a tree!  In this episode, he said "sideline" when he meant "blindside", and he said "stopgap" as meaning something that is stopping things, but stopgap doesn't mean that.

On 5/4/2023 at 1:52 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

What's the deal with Keshia's (note correct spelling) husband giving his assessment and advice about marriage?  On prior episodes he came off as just a fan, but last night he was acting like one of the experts and Keshia was actually asking him to give advice, so I checked and he's an actor.  Not only that, he and Keshia have been married less than two years (September 2021 wedding; met in 2019). 

I noticed that he was doing that in the previous episode he was on, and it was annoying then...it was more annoying this time.

8 minutes ago, Alexander Pope said:

Gina complained that Clint cooked dinner but not FOR HER.  What does he do, ever, for him??  At least he cooks and takes care of the dog!  

I got really annoyed that none of the experts asked Gina what she was doing that was wife-ish, or asked Clint whether he felt Gina did anything wife-ish.  I'm guessing that complaint didn't just go one way in that marriage.

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On 5/4/2023 at 8:43 AM, Shauna said:

I think Airris was attracted to Jasmine at first, but when he realize she was not open to sex talk, he shut down. 

I'm surprised no one has mentioned Jasmine's new teeth.  They were debuted on the after show.

What was wrong with her old teeth?  I'm aware she has a gummy smile but her teeth seemed fine!

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On 5/4/2023 at 9:33 PM, coconutcookie said:

I think Clint and Gina are both being defensive and trying to protect their egos. They seem to really like each other and unless the other person is downright repellant it seems that it would be worth exploring the physical side. I think Clint could get it on with Gina and I  don't the she would be totally icked out by him. Not sure watching Driving Miss Daisy would help though.

Gina seems to have no interest in Clint other than dog sitting, complaining about the saloooon and saying hurtful things to and about him!

She's an ice princess and honestly I can't imagine her in the sack with Clint or any other guy!  No wonder she's single.

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4 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

What was wrong with her old teeth?  I'm aware she has a gummy smile but her teeth seemed fine!

I guess you never paid attention to her crooked yellow bottom row of teeth that were visible in every talking head.

23 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

Okay, I'll just say it-I don't get Dr. Pepper's obsession with watching Driving Miss Daisy.  I saw it back in the day and just don't get how it would lead to romance (I never saw the other movie she mentioned).  She said it would bring emotion to their relationship/romance; sure, it was sad when Miss Daisy died, but as far as I know, death isn't necessarily the key to romance.  What about a nice romcom?

She never said the movies she wanted them to watch were romantic or lead to romance. She said that those movies show different types of bonds and love. I think she was trying not to force romance on them but show that can get closer in different ways. Maybe romance will grow from there. Of course, it won't mostly because of Gina but whatever. There was never anything the experts could say to help them after the honeymoon.

1 hour ago, Racj82 said:

I guess you never paid attention to her crooked yellow bottom row of teeth that were visible in every talking head.

I surely never did!  😮. TY!

1 hour ago, Racj82 said:

She never said the movies she wanted them to watch were romantic or lead to romance. She said that those movies show different types of bonds and love. I think she was trying not to force romance on them but show that can get closer in different ways. Maybe romance will grow from there. Of course, it won't mostly because of Gina but whatever. There was never anything the experts could say to help them after the honeymoon.


I think Gina never got over Clint's honeymoon comment about prior girlfriends being more athletic and slender.  Which wasn't a nice comment by him, but she had made the unfortunate Ginger comments, so they never moved past Hank-walking and dinner-cooking.

Clint at least took the higher road this episode, while Gina struck as below the belt as she could.  

I get what she was saying about the cooking:  it's not like he made her a special dinner, it was cooking that he was going to do anyway, because he likes cooking.  But as others have said, what did she ever do for him?  Did we ever hear her ask him about his work?  People want to be heard and appreciated, which he was not.

In the end, he never initiated anything with her because he's just not attracted to her, which I understand.  Clint has had a lifetime of stunning women who also probably appreciate him, instead of this nose-ring salon-obsessed cold chick who believes she has a 26 inch waist.

I felt really bad for Kirsten when it was only her mom who showed up for dinner.  She made plans for more of her family, yet they didn't keep up their end, which is so disappointing.  I hope Shaq realizes that not every family is there in the way that his is.  At least her mom was there, and she seems like a nice woman.  But the distance that Kirsten must feel with her family plays into her emotional distance overall, for which I hope she gets therapy, and realizes that it isn't her fault.  She seems to work hard and is a beautiful woman, but no one was there for her, so it's hard for her to be there for her husband.  Shaq needs more of a Jasmine (which I hope...fingers crossed), and Kirsten needs some deep-dive therapy, not for herself, but for how emotionally blank she must feel, not having a true support system other than her mom.

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