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3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Blondie really wasn't responsible for Chelsea.  Chelsea was a grown woman, responsible for herself. 

I agree that Chelsea was a grown woman.  I agree that she was responsible for herself...a responsibility that Chelsea tried to exercise when she called craptastic Blonde Mommy and said, "Hey, I need a ride."  Blonde Mommy flat out ignored that.   Being responsible for oneself can involve asking for help.  It's not unheard of to expect to be able to count on your friends when you TELL them you are in need of help.  So, I surely do blame the murderer but I also blame Blondie for not taking a bit of time to be a decent human being and do something that could have prevented a murder from happening.  We will have to agree to disagree.

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I may need to stop watching this show. It makes me insane.  My son, who is 21 and away at college, was hanging out with friends last night so I texted him good night and went to bed around 11.  At 2:30 pm today I still had not heard from him that he was home and safe and I almost called for a welfare check BECAUSE THIS SHOW MAKES ME THINK BAD THINGS.  He had gotten in late and overslept, which of course we all did in college but our mothers didn't expect to talk to us anytime she felt like it.  All I could think was someone left him alone somewhere without his phone.  This show is not good for me lol.

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11 hours ago, Mama No Life said:

 At 2:30 pm today I still had not heard from him

Another thing I forget is just how long people that age can sleep.  It's like they can use the weekends to "catch-up," on a whole week's short nights.

I wonder what people would be saying about Chelsea's blonde friend if she had gone back out to pick her up and had a wreck that killed Chelsea because she  was too drunk to drive?  At least she wouldn't have been nationally reviled, it just would have been common, local news.

Well, one good thing about Dateline airing this story is that friends probably will be more likely to make plans to  all meet at a certain time and place to leave together.  I generally think that's a good thing unless the whole car load is wasted.

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16 hours ago, Ohmo said:

I agree that Chelsea was a grown woman.  I agree that she was responsible for herself...a responsibility that Chelsea tried to exercise when she called craptastic Blonde Mommy and said, "Hey, I need a ride."  Blonde Mommy flat out ignored that.   Being responsible for oneself can involve asking for help.  It's not unheard of to expect to be able to count on your friends when you TELL them you are in need of help.  So, I surely do blame the murderer but I also blame Blondie for not taking a bit of time to be a decent human being and do something that could have prevented a murder from happening.  We will have to agree to disagree.

I will be honest with you OHMO, even if craptastic Blonde Mommy (you really should TM that) did go and rescue Chelsea, slugged the bad guy into the next week and gave Big Mike a kick in the drawers I still wouldn't like her.

I also think she set her hair before her big meet with Keith. 

I suppose she wanted to put her best foot forward.  Again, good citizen my ass.

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7 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Another thing I forget is just how long people that age can sleep.  It's like they can use the weekends to "catch-up," on a whole week's short nights.

I wonder what people would be saying about Chelsea's blonde friend if she had gone back out to pick her up and had a wreck that killed Chelsea because she  was too drunk to drive?  At least she wouldn't have been nationally reviled, it just would have been common, local news.

Well, one good thing about Dateline airing this story is that friends probably will be more likely to make plans to  all meet at a certain time and place to leave together.  I generally think that's a good thing unless the whole car load is wasted.

I really hate it when people do this.  That didn't happen, so what's the point in hypothetically asking how one would feel if it did?  What did happen was a friend left a friend to fend for herself after she was called seeking help.  That's what happened.  And the blonde chick, who couldn't cry despite her incredibly shitty attempts to, should go to bed with guilt on her shoulders every single night because of that.  As many others have said here, there were other options than getting up and driving drunk...instead she did nothing and now she wants me to feel bad for her lack of action after her friend was killed?  Nope.  Not to mention her reasoning for leaving to begin with "Oh she's fine."  She has no phone, she wanted to go home before that and they weren't sure where she was or who she was with but she's FINE.  Yeah, friends of the year here.

This is why girls these days need to be smart.  When you go out with friends, one of you stay sober.  That way when all of your stupid asses get so drunk you can't even take five minutes to look for your friend one of you has the wherewithal to put the drunkies in the back seat to pass out while she sticks around to look and/or call the police.

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On 10/29/2017 at 7:34 AM, JudyObscure said:

Big Mike probably had a lot of  evidence of drugs in his mother's house or he would have allowed a search. 

Not necessarily.  Big Mike seemed to have some sense and lawyered up immediately.  Many seem to think this makes him look guilty, but actually, it's smart.  SO MANY times I've watched this show and I see people being interviewed WITHOUT LAWYERS.  DO NOT DO THIS!!  Whether you are innocent or guilty, get a lawyer!  Big Mike didn't need to consent to have the house searched without a warrant, nor did he have to give a DNA sample.  I think he was very accommodating to the family when they set up camp on his property without consent; he was sympathetic to them and tried to help.  Unfortunately, when you do the smart thing (hire a lawyer), people automatically assume you have something to hide.  He did all the right things.

I felt badly for the friends.  They were not at fault, but they must still feel so guilty.  Hindsight is 20/20.  This will haunt them.  

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On 10/28/2017 at 5:28 PM, walnutqueen said:

Big Mike allowed people to search his mother's property (without them even asking for permission, and with them setting up camp there without asking, too).  The cops automatically looked at him suspiciously because of his "type".  He was smart not to get involved - they had 600+ party-going suspects to look at, yet he was singled out from the onset.  No wonder he was cautious.

I actually think he went out of his way to be helpful.  The blame is on the murderer, period.

Edited by mostlylurking
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1 hour ago, CaughtOnTape said:

I really hate it when people do this.  That didn't happen, so what's the point in hypothetically asking how one would feel if it did?  What did happen was a friend left a friend to fend for herself after she was called seeking help.  That's what happened.  And the blonde chick, who couldn't cry despite her incredibly shitty attempts to, should go to bed with guilt on her shoulders every single night because of that.  As many others have said here, there were other options than getting up and driving drunk...instead she did nothing and now she wants me to feel bad for her lack of action after her friend was killed?  Nope.  Not to mention her reasoning for leaving to begin with "Oh she's fine."  She has no phone, she wanted to go home before that and they weren't sure where she was or who she was with but she's FINE.  Yeah, friends of the year here.

This is why girls these days need to be smart.  When you go out with friends, one of you stay sober.  That way when all of your stupid asses get so drunk you can't even take five minutes to look for your friend one of you has the wherewithal to put the drunkies in the back seat to pass out while she sticks around to look and/or call the police.

All this.  Plus, Chelsea had a bloody nose and Blonde Mommy's solution was to suggest she drink more to dull the pain!

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2 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

Unfortunately, when you do the smart thing (hire a lawyer), people automatically assume you have something to hide.  He did all the right things.

Good points, all. Even though I'm the one who guessed that he probably had drugs in the house, whether he did or not, I agree with you that he did the smart thing and was a good guy to let people camp on his grounds. 

Edited by JudyObscure
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Back in the dark ages, when I went out with friends to parties and clubs, the rule was:  We leave the place together.  That didn't mean you couldn't hang out with a guy all night...but when it was time to go home...you found the driver, and left with your gang.  Once in a while, one girl might say she'd met a great guy and was thinking about getting a ride with him.  99% of the time we talked her out of it...pointing out she could give him her phone #, and leave it at that.  The more booze you imbibed, the better those bad boys looked, unfortunately.  We looked out for each other - without getting parental about it, lol.

Big Mike cooperated to a point...and I didn't think he looked guilty because he consulted an attorney.  However, he just struck me as not really that concerned about helping the police find Chelsea -- or her killer.

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On 10/28/2017 at 5:51 PM, walnutqueen said:

I thought he allowed numerous searches of the property - it was the residence he refused a search of without a warrant.  Had there been any reasonable cause, the cops could (and would) have executed a search warrant.

In one of his segments, he said that the cops did get a search warrant. He also said they they really made a mess of his house when they searched it. Which was probably why he didn't want them searching his house in the first place.  

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Frequently when watching this show I am reminded how lucky I am to have been born with such good eyebrows, tonight was one of those nights.

I am curious what Kelly and Sabrina's discussions about the affair were actually like at the time. The pearl clutching smacked of revisionist history and she was so clearly jealous of Sabrina pre murder.

How do you go from giving out a sample to someone to an affair? 

They should have gotten additional years for those cheesy cringe inducing phone calls.

The Silver Lakes seem awful on so many different levels.

Detective Meyer will be played by Scott Grimes in the TV movie.

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When they were describing this perfect, blissfully happy couple over and over in the beginning ... I knew the wife did it. I guess she didn’t come to visit her boy toy in jail and he decided it was time to tell the full story. Sabrina came off as an entitled, spoiled, pretentious princess. I wonder what was really going on in that perfect marriage that led them to have an open relationship and partner swapping?

Neither of them thought this murder out very well. The warehouse had cameras, every business around there had cameras. Stopping for gas and a soda nearby was just dumb. Riding his motorcycle with those tailpipes was dumb. 

I’m glad all their praying didn’t pay off.

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If God has a plan for you, He would probably NOT include a breaking of several of the 10 Commandments in that plan.  

  • Thou shalt not kill
  • Thou shalt not commit adultery
  • Thou shalt not bear false witness
  • Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife

Etc., etc., etc.

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6 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Frequently when watching this show I am reminded how lucky I am to have been born with such good eyebrows, tonight was one of those nights.

Yes. LOL Except for me, since I do fill mine in a bit, I say to my husband "...do my eyebrows look like that!?"

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Did the idiot killer really think he would get away with it? It's weird how he would be so blinded by love to murder someone, then when push comes to shove and threatened with life in prison sells her out for a plea deal. Romantic.

I also don't think it's really fair that the actual murderer, the guy who put two bullets in Rob, gets a plea deal/manslaughter conviction while his wife gets convicted of premeditated murder and life in prison. She may have been the "mastermind" but here's a concept, Romeo! Don't kill people! I would have sought murder charges for BOTH of them but maybe there's more to the case they didn't get to.

I cringed every time the words "wolf pack" were used to describe the group of friends. Is that a thing? Should I start brainstorming for me and my friends?

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I knew the killer (or one of the killers) was the wife after 20 minutes.  Notice how they talked around 'Rina' - just pictures.  She's not talking to Josh means she's incarcerated.  If she just didn't want to talk to Josh he would have mentioned it. 

I also caught on early that the sanctimonious couple needed to mind their own business.  He could have been the 85 year old in my mom's neighborhood that sticks her nose in everyone's business. 

And this episode has really tilted me in the direction that the producers of Dateline have no idea what the words beauty, stunning, gorgeous mean.  Holy hell, if she looked that hard at 34 I can only imagine what 54 will look like. 

I agree with everything above but there is one thing I'd like to add.  My mom always said that a group of friends that do everything together, all holidays, all weekends, all the time only leads to no good and that couples need private time. 

I think if I mom watched this episode she'd be the first to tell me "toldja".

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I can't believe how hypocritical this couple was - all full of Godliness and praising the lord while they know that one of you put a bullet in a man's head.  I'm sure he's one of those who thinks that while he broke some heavy-duty laws, that he will ultimately answer to God when the time comes, and that makes it OK for him to get away with all of the dirt he's done.  That kind of thinking scares me.   I know there are many people, Christians included, who let themselves do the most horrendous things with the "only God can judge me" mindset -- they'll get mercy/forgiveness in the next life while leading a very un-Christian life now.

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I've had the distinct "pleasure" of having a religious predator try (and fail) to bible thump me into bed. I won't bore you with the details but I'll just say Jonathan's MO was very familiar. I have no doubt he used that strategy on several aging desert bumpkins who needed attention. That said, only one of them was dumb enough to have her husband murdered over him.

I don't judge what folks do in their bedrooms but swinging with close friends has disaster written all over it. I wonder why Jason and Kelly divorced...

It takes a special kind of person to kill the mother or father of their children knowing it will cause the kind of pain that little boy was going through. I can't even imagine it. So for that reason, I'm not mad that Brina got more time. 

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Secrets in Silver Lakes

Oh, not sure what to say about this one.  I had not heard of this case before so that made it interesting.  But it was obvious very early that Rob was going to be dead.  He lit up the room when he walked in and everyone wanted to be him or with him.  Of course that meant the wife was involved.  No couple that is truly that happy with a great relationship has to try so hard to convince everyone else they are the perfect couple.  

I spent about half an hour yelling at the TV to check if Jonathon had a motorcycle.  They take so long to get to things so they can drag the story out for 2 hours.  

I hated the way they used religion to explain and justify everything.  It was sickening listening to their conversations.

They mentioned early on that Rob was not suppose to be working that shift so he might not have been the intended victim.  How would Jonathon know that Rob would be there if Brina didn't tell him?  I expected them to bring this up in court.  

I was glad they were both convicted.  Brina really looked rough on the stand.  She is not aging well at all.

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They said Kelly and Brina had sex but I think Kelly and Rob and Brina and Jason also had sex. Kelly and Jason didn't want to admit they were swingers. 

Kelly Bernatene was far more direct than her ex-husband in her answers regarding sexual activity with the Limons.


Kelly Bernatene was far more direct than her ex-husband in her answers regarding sexual activity with the Limons. She said she and Jason Bernatene, the Limons and other couples enjoyed partying and sometimes got "wild."

She testified she performed sex acts with Robert Limon, but only when Jason Bernatene was present, and there was never intercourse.

"He was my friend," she said of Robert Limon. "He was my good friend. We were all best friends."

Edited by druzy
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When I first saw Sabrina's sister, I said "Well we can see who [Sabrina] got all the looks in the family..."  DH said it was all smoke and mirrors and makeup.  I didn't believe him until I saw Sabrina's testimony in court, when she looked like the spitting image of her sister, but without the glasses.  DH is very smart!

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I assume we are suppose to believe the Wolfpack were all swingers.  Silver Lakes is so boring they created their own little fun group for recreation.  Jonathon wanted in the Wolfpack so badly.  It would have been the perfect way to have sex with Brina without feeling like they were cheating.

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5 hours ago, thejuicer said:

I cringed every time the words "wolf pack" were used to describe the group of friends. Is that a thing? Should I start brainstorming for me and my friends?

Yes....awful.  They seemed like a group of people I would NEVER want to hang with.  They all seemed so impressed with themselves.  What a large burden, to be so cool.  LOL

1 hour ago, Lovecat said:

When I first saw Sabrina's sister, I said "Well we can see who [Sabrina] got all the looks in the family..."  DH said it was all smoke and mirrors and makeup.  I didn't believe him until I saw Sabrina's testimony in court, when she looked like the spitting image of her sister, but without the glasses.  DH is very smart!

Exactly...it was a lot of makeup, hairspray, mirrored sunglasses and tilting her head up.

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3 hours ago, LakeGal said:

They mentioned early on that Rob was not suppose to be working that shift so he might not have been the intended victim.  How would Jonathon know that Rob would be there if Brina didn't tell him?  I expected them to bring this up in court.

I was waiting for them to drop that bomb also, but we have no idea if they did and it was edited out. I wish we had someone here who is from that area to give us the scoop.

Remember “key parties” back in the 70s? I live in a small town, and I remember some of the neighbors (we all lived in a golf course community) would have these parties. My parents didn’t participate, thank God, but I heard stories. Everyone put their keys in a bowl and then took turns taking others’ keys and you paired up with the wife of whichever husband owned the keys. Several of them were my teachers. LOL, I had a hard time looking them in the eye after that.

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the producers of Dateline have no idea what the words beauty, stunning, gorgeous mean.  Holy hell, if she looked that hard at 34 I can only imagine what 54 will look like. 



"Well we can see who [Sabrina] got all the looks in the family..."   DH said it was all smoke and mirrors and makeup. 

IMO, all the smoke, mirrors, makeup, hair bleach, teeth bleach, etc. could not disguise Sabrina's lantern-jawed, thin-lipped, phony eye-browed appearance. YIPES! And I was trying to find the similarity between Sabrina and her sister, but couldn't see it until she was in the courtroom. Then, I thought they could be twins. All that sinning sure does age a person. (By the way, after I post this message, I plan on praying so that God will forgive me for being so cruel in judging her appearance. I'm sure he'll forgive me.)

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How many of these murder cases involve seemingly perfect couples - living amazingly happy lives?  Yet, we always discover that they were not only unfaithful...they were engaged in wife-swapping, etc.  Also, we often are shown one or both of the mates were also embezzlers, or swindlers?  (This week the latter was not the case...instead we had the faux-religious factor.)  I cannot believe that so many people surrounding these couples are not fully aware that said perfect pair was really living behind a easily-penetrated facade.   

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2 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

I was waiting for them to drop that bomb also, but we have no idea if they did and it was edited out. I wish we had someone here who is from that area to give us the scoop.

They allegedly settled on targeting the hubby at his workplace in an industrial complex, and Limon gave Hearn specifics on her husband’s schedule.

2 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Remember “key parties” back in the 70s? I live in a small town, and I remember some of the neighbors (we all lived in a golf course community) would have these parties. My parents didn’t participate, thank God, but I heard stories. Everyone put their keys in a bowl and then took turns taking others’ keys and you paired up with the wife of whichever husband owned the keys. Several of them were my teachers. LOL, I had a hard time looking them in the eye after that.

There was an episode about the key parties on That 70s Show.

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Going back to Big Mike and the Halloween murder, anyone who watches Dateline should know to lawyer up and refuse letting the cops go anywhere or do anything, like lie detector. IMO most cops want to snag the first most-guilty-looking person, arrest that one, case closed, let's go get some doughnuts. So while Mike might have looked guilty by refusing to cooperate, he was legally within his rights and guess what ... he's not in jail. And the guy who found the ivy costume and touched it, then didn't want to report he found it? Another Dateline win for him, he was smart enough to know he could be convicted just by having touched and leaving his DNA on that costume. As for the Silver Lake murder, I was irritated by the Wolf Pack nickname since that's the nickname used by a group of super athletes that train together for American Ninja Warrior, they are the best ninjas and great supporting friends. Then the line that griped me the most was about the swingers, the cop saying well, what else is there to do in the desert? Using his reasoning, if you can't go to a Broadway play it's okay to screw your neighbor. Why read a book when you can have group sex? Geesh.

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Brina's sister:  "Would nevernevernevernevernever participate in killing Robert."  

Those taped phone convos didn't spell it out exactly but the constant references to feeling guilt etc, the fact that Jonathon knew his work details, and Jonathon flat out admitting she did... I understand people wanting to believe in their loved ones but really, what more do you need?  

I think swinging is more common than people want to believe.  You'd be amazed at what people will tell you when they know you're open minded.

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The "best friend" Kelly sported false eye lashes, painted eyebrows, blinding white bleached teeth, and expensive hair coloring, etc.  So I laughed out loud when she said she enjoyed seeing Brina in court without makeup because she knew appearance was important to her.  I get the impression that appearance was important to EVERY member of their little wolf pack.  As the interviews and story progressed, it also seemed to me that Kelly and her husband were more interested in getting some kind of revenge on Brina than getting justice for the victim.

It doesn't surprise me that Kelly and her husband divorced.    

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I believe Kelly was Brina's hairstylist.  That was how they met.  So they probably bonded over their interest of hair, makeup and appearance.  I found it interesting they accused Kelly of being jealous of Brina because she wanted Rob.  That might have added a reason to the divorce. 

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Yep, another season of wonderfully horrible eyebrows. I love to watch Dateline and other murder shows just to look at the bad eyebrows and lipliner . It is amazing to me that women in America have not learned how to groom their eyebrows YET. My other favorite thing, the gals who are being interviewed who put on the big ole fake eyelashes trying to be glam. I JUST LOVE IT.  Bye now, I'm off to pluck my eyebrows and bleach my ass! 

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7 hours ago, MonicaM said:

The "best friend" Kelly sported false eye lashes, painted eyebrows, blinding white bleached teeth, and expensive hair coloring, etc

She’s a professional hairstylist and that is how they met, when Sabrina came in to become a new customer. Kelly would know more than anyone else how much Sabrina spent on her looks.

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I think I actually disliked Kelly more than Sabrina!  She just gave off that snobby, judgmental vibe....meanwhile she's couple-swapping with them.  It was very obvious that she was in love with Rob and that's why she hated Sabrina so much.    And like the above posters mentioned, for being a hair stylist, her hair looked like garbage.

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On ‎11‎/‎5‎/‎2017 at 11:44 AM, MonicaM said:

The "best friend" Kelly sported false eye lashes, painted eyebrows, blinding white bleached teeth, and expensive hair coloring, etc.  So I laughed out loud when she said she enjoyed seeing Brina in court without makeup because she knew appearance was important to her.  I get the impression that appearance was important to EVERY member of their little wolf pack.  As the interviews and story progressed, it also seemed to me that Kelly and her husband were more interested in getting some kind of revenge on Brina than getting justice for the victim.

It doesn't surprise me that Kelly and her husband divorced.    

Yes, yes, yes and yes.  In the photos Sabrina looked so cute.  It's amazing what make-up (or lack of) can do to a person's appearance.  This whole "wolf pack" group seemed very immature.  First of all, just the fact that they named their group.  Second, almost every photo was taken in a bar.  Third, Kelly's weird silver and purple hair...that might look cute on a teenager, but not someone her age.

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6 hours ago, Phoebe70 said:

I think I actually disliked Kelly more than Sabrina!  She just gave off that snobby, judgmental vibe....meanwhile she's couple-swapping with them.  It was very obvious that she was in love with Rob and that's why she hated Sabrina so much.    And like the above posters mentioned, for being a hair stylist, her hair looked like garbage.

I thought I was the only person who saw this.  At the end when they said Kelly and Jason were divorced I was like...saw that comin.  These people were all white trash.  Poor Rob for being a popular guy and having people around him who resented it.

Sabrina deserves to be where she is.  Enjoy that bible honey.

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6 hours ago, cooksdelight said:

Amen to that!

I’m wondering what the townspeople are feeling/thinking now that the secrets are out. I bet the gossip is wild.

I'm wondering how many "For Sale" signs are up in that neighborhood.  And who would want to buy a house there.

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4 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I'm wondering how many "For Sale" signs are up in that neighborhood.  And who would want to buy a house there.

Who would want to buy a house there even before all of this happened that place looked like hell.

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Catching up on Dateline episodes. About the Florida podiatrist case. I agree with just about every point made so far by you all, most of them hilarious by the way. Yes both are extremely unlikeable. I thought the case had some weak spots but I would have convicted him on the Medicare fraud alone (assuming I would know about that as a juror, but they probably didn't).

Why do these middle-aged pale men think jet black hair looks good on them? He looked so much better with the gray - and that was even while living in a stressful prison environment. 

I too thought they were going to say Samira was secretly a man and thank you to the commenter who pointed out the hyperbole on these shows about how incredibly beautiful or handsome the victims are. 

I was surprised his baby mama sold him out on the stand. Will she still be able to get child support while he's prison? If not I really commend her on giving an honest testimony and not just thinking about the money. 

Which leads me to Samira's mom and the letter. Maybe she's worried any money would dry up if he went away to prison and therefore made up the part about the prowler to help his case? Can't blame her though if she's living in poverty. :(

The prosecutor is the most unenthusiastic orator I've ever heard. Maybe I'm too used to fictional crime shows, but her delivery wasn't convincing at all. 

I hope those babies' aunt and uncle are normal people who have their best interests at heart. 

Edited by birdmom
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As for who would want to buy a house there, I was thinking I wish I lived there as I watched this episode. Dry, warm high desert, big lake out my front door to stick my feet in, all year 'round. I write this as I'm wearing four layers of clothes (inside) and getting my snow shovel out, and axe to hack through the ice that's here already. Different strokes!

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On ‎11‎/‎4‎/‎2017 at 3:07 PM, Kelly said:

They seemed like a group of people I would NEVER want to hang with.  They all seemed so impressed with themselves.  What a large burden, to be so cool.  

I will admit that I'm envious. 

Not because they're so cool but because they're so shallow, so self-centered that they have nothing else to occupy their minds except where's the next party, who's sleeping with who and how much attention can the wolf pack get while in public.

I don't have time to work on my coolness.  I have a job responsibilities that force me to tune into the needs of others.  If there's a shooting, death or unexpected tragedy I go to schools to try to calm students, faculty and administrators and help them make sense or process what happened.  I see clients on a daily basis who truly are in need of help.  My time is a lunch hour - and usually during that hour I take care of mundane, non-glamorous tasks like grocery shopping, balancing checkbooks and planning my schedule for the week next.

Yes.  I am envious.  But I wouldn't want to trade their lives with mine for all the coolness in the world.

Good post Kelly.

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