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Manzo'd With Children - General Discussion

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Big Al pretty much is the best person on this show. He's the only person I believe isn't putting it on for the cameras. I also enjoyed in that exercise episode where Caroline's getting rid of all the "bad" food and Al is just like *yoink*! "I'll take this!" and off he goes. That seems like a (relatively) normal person to me.

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Does Chris have a medical problem?  Aren't there certain kidney disorders that cause one's face to swell?  He's certainly gained some weight in his bod, but his head seems to have expanded several times.  If I had to pick a Manzo that isn't horrible, it's Chris, so I hope he's okay.  The rest of them suck.  This show makes me laugh - they have to be one of the most boring crews to ever land their own show.  

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I watched RHONJ, turned the channel when this came on, then turned it back for the Eurotrash preview.  Too bad I'm not a Nielsen household. 


These kids annoy me.  Lauren's goal in life is to be a Bravo Housewife.  On WWHL, Andy showed a clip from when Caroline was on last week.  Andy was in the "hot seat" and Caroline was asking questions.  One of the questions was "Do you think Lauren Manzo should be a Real Housewife?"  They weren't showing Andy's answers, though.  I hope he said no.

  • Love 4

I noticed last night Albie looks like he has lost alot of weight. Not that he needed to, just an observation. His face looks is really thin and pale and when he got up from the chair after arguing with that beast Lauren, he looked super skinny to me. 

Lauren is insufferable, she is just a miserable person. Obviously Albie goes for sexy looking, big boobed girls (even if it's just for the camera). Lauren will hate anybody he is involved with. She feels inferior to any beautiful girls in her age group so she is going to continue to disapprove of anybody Albie brings to meet "the family". Does she have  any female friends at all? 

Oh, and once the wedding is over and she has a few kids under her belt, I bet she will gain all the weight back and even more. Since she and mommy place all of her value on looks and how much she weighs, she will be even more of a hateful shrew.

One last thought. I know we all joke about Albie and Greg, but has anybody notice that Crittofer never has a girlfriend? What's up with that? 

  • Love 6

Well, I liked it. I watch reality television to see what happens. Sometimes nothing happens for a long time, then it does.

Albie is confronting his sister, trying to have an honest conversation something that's troubling him and she calls him a douchebag.

For me, that's the good stuff. How soon people become defensive and abusive when they feel that their behavior is criticized.

I'm always reading "when will so and so get told off/taken down/find their match," etc. Rarely does anyone own up to bad behavior and discussing it with them only turns their flame higher.

This is the stuff that gets ME. YMMV

  • Love 3

Lauren is a bitch of the highest order. So Albie should get married and have babies for her? Not that I buy for one hot second that he and that girl are actually dating, but who the hell does she think she is?


Who knew that "sign girl' was an actual job?


Caroline is a bitch, but I'd be ticked off if some girl that my son was dating started calling me mama the moment I met her. 

  • Love 4

I noticed last night Albie looks like he has lost alot of weight. Not that he needed to, just an observation. His face looks is really thin and pale and when he got up from the chair after arguing with that beast Lauren, he looked super skinny to me. 

Lauren is insufferable, she is just a miserable person. Obviously Albie goes for sexy looking, big boobed girls (even if it's just for the camera). Lauren will hate anybody he is involved with. She feels inferior to any beautiful girls in her age group so she is going to continue to disapprove of anybody Albie brings to meet "the family". Does she have  any female friends at all? 

Oh, and once the wedding is over and she has a few kids under her belt, I bet she will gain all the weight back and even more. Since she and mommy place all of her value on looks and how much she weighs, she will be even more of a hateful shrew.

One last thought. I know we all joke about Albie and Greg, but has anybody notice that Crittofer never has a girlfriend? What's up with that?

I watched all three episodes in one sitting and in episode one where albie and Chris are throwing the football around, you can really see Chris's weight gain and it's all in his waist. His head looks proportionate to that body to me.

The strange thing about Lauren is she's got a cute little figure now. And she's got big boobs too! And real ones. I know she has insecurity issues that go way back and I know this is her storyline but it's just annoying. Be happy with yourself and if you dislike this girl because she's trashy or seems ditzy or whatever own that.

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Lauren is a straight up bitch. Rude, dismissive, entitled, superiority complex--the list goes on and on.  It all comes from a place of insecurity but grow the fuck up.  She still feels like the ugly fat girl and hates every pretty girl in the room.  Vito's self-esteem must be in the toilet if he doesn't realize by now that he'll be wedded to a hateful shrew and end up just like Al Sr, hating life and working 20 hours per day just to avoid the wife. 

  • Love 8

Perhaps, just perhaps, this episode would have been interesting and or evocative if these "children" weren't grown ass adults...or should be. Spare me a 28 year old man fighting with his 20 something sister over who he dates. He's not engaged to her, he is not marrying her, he is dating her. If you can't guilt free date a sign girl in your 20s, when can you? Not that I believe for a New York minute Albie is actually dating that girl or should I say, that girl is not dating him just for some TV airtime.

Lauren is an insufferable, miserable person.

Crittofer is shockingly immature.

  • Love 10

Caroline wanted her own show. Be careful what you wish for.

I'm sure she'll find a way to feed all this, even if the show fails, into her martyr complex. She did it for the kids, she hates to be on camera herself, yadda yadda yadda. The show is her contribution, a parallel to Al buying the sons that restaurant, and buying Lauren Cafface, a lapband, etc.  God forbid these kids should be expected to do anything for themselves.

Edited by nyxy
  • Love 8

So very sorry I watched this POS show -- I saw my beautiful neighborhood (where they did the trapeze (Long Beach, NY, HOURS from where they iive) being defiled by those horses' asses, and wept!!


I'm beginning to think that Andy, because of his demotion, is getting his revenge on the Bravo brass. I hope it's that..and not that he thinks this absolutely insipid, low-rent freak show is good TV.

  • Love 3

They sold it as wacky doings, but now we're into the part where Caroline demonstrates her parenting, which is good TV to me. She was on fire tonight straightening out her adult children!

Albie, by the way, seems like a reasonable person. Lauren -- those problems run deep and there's a heaping scoop of stupidity and me-ism that is insane. Caroline hollers! at her grown children. She is so deluded and that is quality reality TV to me. Hate Caroline? You'll love this show!

  • Love 2

Where should I begin...


1.  "There are girls out there maybe good enough for my sons"  What the hell!  Your sons are gutless losers who can not do anything but ride their mommy's coat tails  into reality T.V.whoredom on Daddy's dime.  If an intelligent and caring women is interested in them beyond getting their face on T.V. you should thank God. I know you think the only girls good enough for Albie are children of millionaire celebrities like Alexa Ray Joel (Billy Joel's daughter), but this is ridiculous and you need to let go of these type of delusions.


2.  Lauren...I would not snicker at a girl who is actually has to work for a living.  What wonderful things are you doing with your life...oh yes, you are waiting to get married.  With all your parents resources you have accomplished nothing.  I have heard you thought you could do much better then Vito (which is code for someone with more money) after you got you lap band and some fame.  After that did not pan out... you went back to him so you would actually have something to do on the show (bridezilla).   There is nothing wrong with being a wife, but I feel like you expect Vito to kiss the ground you walk on and that is not the right attitude toward marriage.


3. Caroline, you meddle in your children's life because you are a sad lonely woman whose husband can not stand to be around her.  Just admit this. 


4.  Andy, no matter how many women you hire from central casting none of them can get wooden Albie to seem exciting.

  • Love 13

Does Chris have a medical problem?  Aren't there certain kidney disorders that cause one's face to swell?  He's certainly gained some weight in his bod, but his head seems to have expanded several times.  I


Fun Fact: I wasn't sober one day in all of my 30s & my mug resembled a hot air balloon. Just sayin'...

(Disclaimer: BostonBlonde = not a booze hound since 2003.)



Every time I look at Albie:



  • Love 8

Was Caroline shaving her face as some sort of smoothing thing? She said it keeps her wrinkle free, and she doesn't seem like a very hairy woman. I get a lot of facial threading, so no judgment from me on being hairy, but shaving would seem like the absolute worst way to solve that problem.

Has anyone tried the Manzo boys's restaurant, Little Town? the yelp reviews are pretty dismal but I'm tempted just to see how it is. I wonder if they do well there.

Edited by racked
  • Love 4

Was Caroline shaving her face as some sort of smoothing thing? She said it keeps her wrinkle free, and she doesn't seem like a very hairy woman. I get a lot of facial threading, so no judgment from me on being hairy, but shaving would seem like the absolute worst way to solve that problem.

Has anyone tried the Manzo boys's restaurant, Little Town? the yelp reviews are pretty dismal but I'm tempted just to see how it is. I wonder if they do well there.

...I remember she brought up the shaving...at a reunion? maybe.  Exfoliates?

  • Love 3

Was Caroline shaving her face as some sort of smoothing thing? She said it keeps her wrinkle free, and she doesn't seem like a very hairy woman. I get a lot of facial threading, so no judgment from me on being hairy, but shaving would seem like the absolute worst way to solve that problem.

Has anyone tried the Manzo boys's restaurant, Little Town? the yelp reviews are pretty dismal but I'm tempted just to see how it is. I wonder if they do well there.



...I remember she brought up the shaving...at a reunion? maybe.  Exfoliates?


I think this came up very early on in the show, maybe season 1/early season 2.


At the time, she commented on how she shaved her face every morning and Al had seen her doing it once.


I totally agree.  No judgment here on facial hair but damn...she now says she's been engaging in this activity for 12 years.  


I can't help but wonder, after 12 years of daily shaving, wouldn't one develop the dreaded "5 o'clock shadow" effect as many men have?I would think after 12 years, shaving morning *and* evening might be a necessity.


There are so many other options for facial hair removal that I can't imagine ever grabbing Mr. Persnickety's razor and shaving my face.  I'll stick to waxing.


As for the exfoliating effect...well, there are literally hundreds of other less extreme methods readily available that seem much more appropriate than a Gilette razor and shaving cream.


I dunno...just weird, IMO.


But then again, I once read where Christie Brinkley used (presumably clean and unused) cat litter to exfoliate her face.


Different strokes and all, but I'll stick with my razor-free forms of hair removal and exfoliation.  I'm old-fashioned that way, I guess.  

  • Love 6

What is with the ugly ass hair that Caroline and her sister have? The big bump in the back of their heads? WTF is that?


Caroline stop complaining about all the junk food in your house. You bought it. I doubt Albie and Chris go food shopping. I'm guessing Caroline hits Costco or BJ's for that huge container of cheeseballs. And the big hunks of expensive cheese.


Lauren isn't going to stay thin for long.  She was doing plenty of snacking on chips.


I really doubt Albie's girl is in it for the long run. Getting her foot in the door on a reality show I'm sure was first and foremost in her thoughts. And I suspect the reason Albie dates girls like her is because they are so "not his type" that the inevitable end of the relationship doesn't surprise anyone.. I also believe he does it in a way to get under his mom's skin. He resents her intrusion into his life, but doesn't have the balls to tell her to butt out. so he goes passive aggressive and dates someone whose overt sexuality bothers Caroline, because there's one thing she can't do for Albie and that's fuck him.

  • Love 4

Was Caroline shaving her face as some sort of smoothing thing? She said it keeps her wrinkle free, and she doesn't seem like a very hairy woman. I get a lot of facial threading, so no judgment from me on being hairy, but shaving would seem like the absolute worst way to solve that problem.

Has anyone tried the Manzo boys's restaurant, Little Town? the yelp reviews are pretty dismal but I'm tempted just to see how it is. I wonder if they do well there.


God, threading is the best!  Especially when I had it done in a high-end salon in Sri Lanka and it only cost a buck.

  • Love 2

Was Caroline shaving her face as some sort of smoothing thing? She said it keeps her wrinkle free, and she doesn't seem like a very hairy woman.


I'm older than Caroline and have somehow managed not to get wrinkles on my chin and jawline.  Such a problem area for wrinkles.  I guess I'm just a genetic freak.

  • Love 6

What is with the ugly ass hair that Caroline and her sister have? The big bump in the back of their heads? WTF is that?


Caroline stop complaining about all the junk food in your house. You bought it. I doubt Albie and Chris go food shopping. I'm guessing Caroline hits Costco or BJ's for that huge container of cheeseballs. And the big hunks of expensive cheese.


Lauren isn't going to stay thin for long.  She was doing plenty of snacking on chips.


I really doubt Albie's girl is in it for the long run. Getting her foot in the door on a reality show I'm sure was first and foremost in her thoughts. And I suspect the reason Albie dates girls like her is because they are so "not his type" that the inevitable end of the relationship doesn't surprise anyone.. I also believe he does it in a way to get under his mom's skin. He resents her intrusion into his life, but doesn't have the balls to tell her to butt out. so he goes passive aggressive and dates someone whose overt sexuality bothers Caroline, because there's one thing she can't do for Albie and that's fuck him.

You said girls like her. This is a question not a criticism ... what type of girl is Albie's girlfriend?

Edited by ethalfrida
  • Love 1

You said girls like her. This is a question not a criticism ... what type of girl is Albie's girlfriend?

Girls that are outgoing, confidant and obviously attractive and not afraid to show it. Girls that aren't going to be cowed by someone's disapproving mother. IMO a girl with those qualities isn't going to be falling for a guy like Albie, who at 27/28 is still hung up on what his mother thinks. And I don't mean that Albie isn't a nice guy, just that he's weak. Imo what attracts Albie to this girl, down deep in his psyche is that he knows mommy won't approve. And this girl seems like she's got the 411 and isn't going to let an opportunity to get on TV and maybe further her career path pass her by. Reality TV is a stepping stone for any one with show biz aspirations. I think right now they are having fun and neither thinks the relationship is going the distance. Caroline wants a nice, average girl for a daughter in law. She didn't get along with Jac in the beginning because she wasn't good enough for her brother Chris. She wants a daughter in law who will kowtow to her, run her house the way Caroline thinks Albie's house should be run.

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I thought Jac confirmed that story. Supposedly she had the temerity to leave their young baby with Chris while she went out for a break (they were new parents) and Caroline accused her of being a shitty/neglectful parent.

...and didn't Caroline track Jac down to a parking lot (Starbuck's?) and that's where the supposed smack down took place...

Caroline looks better with shorter hair. I have the same type of hair. It looks great up to a certain length then as soon as it gets to my shoulders it becomes a stringy, limp difficult to control mess. And if Lauren is still doing her makeup for her, she needs to close that fake business of hers and find another career because she sucks at being a "makeup artist".! 

  • Love 1

Caroline looks better with shorter hair. I have the same type of hair. It looks great up to a certain length then as soon as it gets to my shoulders it becomes a stringy, limp difficult to control mess. And if Lauren is still doing her makeup for her, she needs to close that fake business of hers and find another career because she sucks at being a "makeup artist".!

I haven't been watching this much so I didn't realize she had a cosmetics business. I thought it was a salon she was working for. I noticed all the Two Faced cosmetics on the counters & automatically thought Lauren was lucky to get free makeup samples. I love doing makeup and realize that sounds ridiculous to others.

Did Lauren go to cosmetology school?

  • Love 1

I thought Jac confirmed that story. Supposedly she had the temerity to leave their young baby with Chris while she went out for a break (they were new parents) and Caroline accused her of being a shitty/neglectful parent.

Jac definitely confirmed this at the season 1 reunion, I think. That's when they were presenting a united front to Danielle so Caroline rushed to explain how she'd instantly forgiven Jac.


I think Jac had reason then....from what I remember, she'd been taking care of baby CJ for weeks all day, finally took a break leaving Chris in charge, Chris called Caroline over to help, Caroline delivered a lecture when Jac and she met up ( I really hope it started with "Let me tell you something" and continued in the third person, "Caroline Manzo does not appreciate having to give up her afternoon wiping counters to come and wipe baby poo). So Jac punched her.


After that though, over the years I read a few reports about how Jac had spent the night in jail for assaulting a boyfriend. And last season didn't she scratch someone's head with her stiletto? I think she's a violent person who has somehow managed to get a pass for her aggression on the show. And possibly in real life as well.


I remember they started showing Chris being quite hands on with his kids later...eg changing baby Nicholas one Thanksgiving. So presumably he made giant strides since that afternoon when he couldn't handle his own baby for a few hours!

Edited by nyxy
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