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S07.E18: Stuck in the Griddle with You

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A unique new crew member joins for the final charter and the interior team scrambled to train her; the charter group includes two well-known NFL players, one of whom has a special food request that sends Dave scrambling.

Bravo Airdate: 11/07/2022

This season the episodes will be airing a week earlier on Peacock Premium.  You can comment on the episode once it is live there.  Anyone waiting for the Bravo airing, be aware there will be early comments on the episode - so don't enter if you don't want to be spoiled!

Lots to unpack.

1) Tash is now vibing with Nat and she is surprised. Uh...not me. Kyle was the thorn. Glad he's gone (or is he?....previews).

2) guy wants pancakes (have that at home, dude) and Dave doesn't seem to know how to make them. 

3) guy wears 6 digit cost chain (like that line there is obsurd to me) while jet skiing (also obsurd)...is this pancake guy?  Also requested noodle to see his friend snot rocket it. That saying...you can take the boy out of the country but can't take the country out of the boy....

4) new girl is cute and Reid seems to gel with her well. Good on him...roll tide!

5) Tash and Dave and Ex triangle is a hot mess. Dave doesn't think he's aggressive to Tash. M'kay. But Tash seems to have a 'type'. Girl, just be alone for a while. It will be so nice.

6) previews show a lot of stuff happening but how when this is last charter? How many more episodes are there?

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Natasha if you don't want to deal with your ex then block his number.  Problem solved. The ex is now texting Dave?   Seriously Dave did you say with a straight face you were never aggressive with Natasha?  Then we see the playback of him lol.

What a shock there is no drama with the interior now that Kyle is gone.  The new stew seems nice.  I thought she was going to be super hyper after seeing her introduced to the crew but she seemed nice.

Why in the world would you wear the expensive chain out on the water and did you think there would be divers going down to look for it?  Is it really that hard to make thin pancakes that have crispy edges? The charter guest didn't ask for a crepe you insisted he did.  That whole seen with the noodle was gross.

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25 minutes ago, MyMaui said:

Is it really that hard to make thin pancakes that have crispy edges? The charter guest didn't ask for a crepe you insisted he did.  That whole seen with the noodle was gross.

It's possible that a chef from somewhere else than the US wouldn't always know what is in someone's mind when they order pancakes. But when they were served, wasn't it Sandy who first said, "Those are crepes"?   Charter guest might have eaten them and been happy if she hadn't said something. Based on the noodle episode, the group does seem to have rather simple tastes.

Edited by rur
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1 minute ago, rur said:

It's possible that a chef from somewhere else than the US wouldn't always know what is in someone's mind when they order pancakes. But when they were served, wasn't it Sandy who first said, "Those are crepes"?   Charter guest might have eaten them and been happy if she hadn't said something. Based on the noodle episode, the group does seem to have rather simple tastes.

Haven't seen the episode yet but British pancakes are not American pancakes and are more akin to crepes. The guy I was best man for in Wales in the late 80s loved US pancakes and his wife spent years trying to make them & failing until one day she had almost given up until she realized that she had been trying to substitute buttermilk as it wasn't available in the UK, once it was she made them perfectly. Dave should know that and things are much more easily obtained now than they were 30 years ago which and people seem to forget that not every country calls the same things the same, but Dave being a chef for guests from various countries should have known that.

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13 minutes ago, rur said:

It's possible that a chef from somewhere else than the US wouldn't always know what is in someone's mind when they order pancakes. But when they were served, wasn't it Sandy who first said, "Those are crepes"?   Charter guest might have eaten them and been happy if she hadn't said something. Based on the noodle episode, the group does seem to have rather simple tastes.

But he got up and explained to Dave exactly how he wanted them. To me, he didn't look happy when they arrived. I'm sure they were great.

9 hours ago, MyMaui said:

But he got up and explained to Dave exactly how he wanted them. To me, he didn't look happy when they arrived. I'm sure they were great.

True. Dave heard that and it translated to crepes in his head. 

I just noticed that once again Sandy seemed to  be happy to jump into the middle of an issue. Maybe it's the way of all charter yachts, but I don't think I've ever heard her say something like, "I'm sure there must have been a misunderstanding; let me take care of that, (or I'm sorry the water toys aren't out but you may have noticed the ship violently rocking a few minutes ago and the crew was busy attending to that). Her first reaction often seems to be immediately let the crew take the hit. 

Edited by rur
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I wanted to punch that pancake fucker in the face.  What an idiot.  Is that what he eats at home?  Why not try something new when you have a great chef at your disposal?  Is this the same brain trust that wore his $nnn,nnn chain on a jet ski and then said about the crew that they'd better find it?  And who even BUYS a $nnn,nnn chain?  I have a bad cold so I'm in a bad mood and this guy is really putting me over the edge.  Just stay home with your chain and your pancakes, dumb ass, and get off my screen.  Damn cold.  I want my Mommy!  Sorry for the rant.

LOL. Nobody ever said footballers were known for their brains.

Yeah, the pancake obsession was weird. I knew there would be trouble the minute Dave said crepes. But . . . they are made out of the same thing. Usually. I mean, if it was just the thickness that was the trouble, then the guest is an idiot. 

There are simply no words left for Dave, Tasha and her ex at this point, they are all hopeless and in bad need of intensive therapy.

I agree the new stew was surprisingly competent. The editors really seemed determined to make her look like a ditz at first but she had the laundry room all neat and tidy and stayed up until 4:00 in the morning cleaning and putting everything away. God knows Kyle would never have done that.

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Like a string of malformed pancakes, these comments are in order of the episode scenes broadcast…

OK, I’ve never before commented on the “previously on BD” segment, but I have to here.  Kyle, your crocodile tears are ineffectual, mate.  You are a massive phony who only cares about himself.  And as regards Dave/Natasha – Dave, your attempt at Svengali-like manipulation of Natasha is only exceeded by Natasha’s continued determination to be a femme fatale in search of attention.  And by the way, Natasha, your words ring hollow – if you “can’t deal with the messages” – block them.  Wish this is the last we see of you, Kyle, but this is Bravo – so I’m not holding me breath.

Elena, the new steward, is a tall drink of water.  A delicious, tasty, refreshing drink of water…  Natalya – jealous much?  The rest of the crew seems to notice as well.  Plus, Elana communicates at a pitch only dogs can hear.

Courney – to Mzi, regarding the new stew Elana – “She’s sexy.  You’ll like her.  She’s double your height.”

Final charter guests on approaching the boat:  “The boat’s not big enough – I want a refund.”  Oh, my Giddy Aunt, assholes approach.  “I’m not comfortable sleeping with that much water close to my head like that.”  Well, then, don’t charter a yacht, douche.

Thanks for giving us the heads up on koalas, Natasha, and how they can give you a STD.  So BD is a nature programme as well.   (:

So Elana and doors… don’t mix.  Good to know.

How long are we going to have to put up with the drama between Natasha and her (ex?) boyfriend?  Apparently she loves playing the victim and thrives on the drama.

So Pancake Man tells Dave in excruciating detail how he wants his pancakes… and doesn’t get them his way.  Dave did it exactly right from the initial description.

So  guest Jordan “lost” his necklace.  Why do I suspect shenanigans?  His bad acting is matched only by the obvious setup.  If you’re that incredibly stupid to wear a valuable necklace doing energetic watersports, you get what you deserve.  But still, not buying it for an instant.  And if making an assurance claim, I also suspect he paid a fraction of the value for the claim being made.  How the rich get richer.

Elana “just happens” to have *two* playboy bunny costumes she brought with her.  Sure, we all travel with one of those, don’t we?  “Just the tip.”  Not that I’m complaining about the result, but please, Bravo, don’t wee on my leg and tell me it’s raining.  Just do your thing.

The whole noodle thing was absolutely disgusting.  Way to contrast 5-star service with 1-star guests.

Now the whole Dave/Natasha drama spills over into Dave texting Natasha’s, what, boyfriend?  Ex?  Thing? 

Elana:  “I work my behind as much as possible.”  Well, then, you’ll fit right in with this twerking crew.  (:

Next week:  How much lower will the Natasha/Dave/(ex)boyfriend triangle devolve?  Will Reid hook up with Elana?  Will Pancake Man get a pancake he likes?  Will Captain Queeg again be randomly inserted in a scene to remind us she’s there?  Stay tuned, if you can suspend disbelief…

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How are the football players related to the other guests?  They're friends?  Seems unlikely friends.  I thought Courtney was American but she said she didn't know anything about American football.  Someone said they were expecting rugby players.  In any case, they were struggling with the steep spiral stairs, because of football knee injuries.

But I wonder if some random guests weren't thrown together by the producers for this charter, given the mismatch of backgrounds, ethnicity, age, etc.

Yeah I suspect the chain was some fake story and the pancakes are as well.  They filmed a lot about the stupid pancakes and aired a lot of it  That's how boring this charter was, much of the crew was preoccupied with giving the guy American pancakes in Malta?

Ellie speaks all these language but apparently when nervous or excited she speaks with the high pitch?  But her voice settled down.  Either that or for some reason she wanted to meet her crew mates with that voice for some reason.

And she just happens to carry on a couple of Playboy bunny costumes?  She says she has limited experience working on yachts but says there are always costumes on the yachts she worked on.  This gave Courtney and her a chance to dress up like Playboy bunnies.

Magda on BD Down Under had previously worked on a yacht as the yoga instructor whee she wore tight outfits?  Maybe some yachts hire  young women who are willing to dress a certain way for the guests.  They don't necessarily have great experience with all the tasks that stews must perform but they keep getting hired on crews?

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4 hours ago, aghst said:

I thought Courtney was American but she said she didn't know anything about American football.

Courtney's from the UK, Wales.

The new stew gave off a terrible first impression with her heels, midriff baring top and shrieking. But, she turned out to be surprisingly chill and effective (costumes aside).  No wonder she was only a back-up and we were forced to deal with Kyle all season. Speaking of, why is he coming back? I can't believe they let him chill in hotel for the last charter. Beginning to think he's the son a producer or something. 

Edited by snarts
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Seems to me an experienced chef that deals with feeding Americans all the time should not have a problem making them and understanding the difference between a crepe and a pancake.

Except, how often is a five-star chef on a chartered yacht asked to make pancakes? I mean, really?


 Way to contrast 5-star service with 1-star guests.

That's it in a nutshell. 


But I wonder if some random guests weren't thrown together by the producers for this charter, given the mismatch of backgrounds, ethnicity, age, etc.

That's exactly what I think was going on, and in fact I think the last few seasons of the BD franchise have been hiring locals to "play" charter guests because of Covid. It was especially obvious on Down Under - most of those guests were clearly out of their element and didn't belong anywhere near a yacht.

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1 hour ago, aqusdealer said:

I couldn't think of one cast member in the entire franchise that I wouldn't want to see come back more than Kyle. UGH!

I would much rather have Kyle than Natasha (and her "booooooyfriend")   The constant crying and hiding on her phone makes me fast forward.   She likes the drama and the attention the sobbing gets her or she would block his number.   

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So refreshing without Kyle.

And any chef on a charter catering to many Americans would know how to make a pancake. And would certainly know the difference between a pancake and a crepe. Good grief...we have seen pancakes on all the shows for years.

Thin the pancake batter and stir it more to make the gluten tighter....hence not thick or fluffy.

Edited by maggiemae
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10 hours ago, maggiemae said:

And any chef on a charter catering to many Americans would know how to make a pancake. And would certainly know the difference between a pancake and a crepe. Good grief...we have seen pancakes on all the shows for years.

Thin the pancake batter and stir it more to make the gluten tighter....hence not thick or fluffy.

Once Dave realized he wasn't making what the charter guest wanted, why didn't he just look online for an American pancake recipe? So simple!

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On 11/2/2022 at 1:38 AM, sasywt ch said:

Oh my goodness, the new stew's voice.   Why is Natasha's bf texting Dave?    I hope we get a section for the new Below Deck Adventure

I really had a hard time trying to figure out new stew's accent, once I did I was able to stop staring at her odd bottom lip.

Is she the premise for the new Below Deck Norway intro?

How did Natasha's ex get Dave's phone number? Was she stupid enough to give it to the ex?

The guest that lost his gold chain, you know the one that cost as much as a house? That is on him for wearing in the ocean but I am sure that Courtney was not loving having to tell him it is gone baby gone.  

Pancakegate, I am stymied as to why it was so hard for Dave to make a normal pancake, the guest had no idea what he really wanted, just make a normal American pancake and be done with it, he would have been happy. On the other side of that coin, OMG he reacted so strongly to a crepe like it was liver or tongue! Has this guy ever traveled before?

Kyle was sent to a hotel to chill for a day? Why, he should have been sent home if they had one more charter, a two day charter at that. He was dead weight, why bring him back, Capt. Sandy said they did not have enough cabin space to have him and the new stew so what's the real story?

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Pancakegate, I am stymied as to why it was so hard for Dave to make a normal pancake, the guest had no idea what he really wanted, just make a normal American pancake and be done with it, he would have been happy. On the other side of that coin, OMG he reacted so strongly to a crepe like it was liver or tongue! Has this guy ever traveled before?

Or been to a Denny's.

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13 minutes ago, aqusdealer said:

A famous TV judge always says "if something doesn't make sense, it isn't true". That's how I've been feeling about the gold chain. Something isn't quite right.

The insurance claim should be fun, would love to be a fly on the insurance office wall for that one, if it's insured. Probably fake anyway, they usually are, doubt he would be able to swim properly with that weight of real gold around his neck anyway.

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On 11/2/2022 at 7:17 AM, Jsage said:

Once Dave realized he wasn't making what the charter guest wanted, why didn't he just look online for an American pancake recipe? So simple!

  Because Natasha used up all the bandwidth texting her ex/non ex boyfriend so Dave couldn't use the internet.

Courtney should not have had to be the one to tell the guy they couldn't look for his chain.  Sandy should have been the  one to tell him.  She likes to put her nose into all other things.  But, then she would look like the bad guy telling him and not Courtney.

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13 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

  Because Natasha used up all the bandwidth texting her ex/non ex boyfriend so Dave couldn't use the internet.

Courtney should not have had to be the one to tell the guy they couldn't look for his chain.  Sandy should have been the  one to tell him.  She likes to put her nose into all other things.  But, then she would look like the bad guy telling him and not Courtney.

I know!  

Sandy did not hesitate to get involved with pancakegate but something major happens and she is not leaving the bridge. It is so odd to have this Sandy on board.

Courtney did a very good job of telling the guest that his chain is gone for good so there is that.

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Does Elena have…..an Adam’s apple? Maybe it’s just me.

Dave is a moron. Any decent chef should know that an American pancake is NOT a crepe. The charter guest is an asshat to be sure, but what he described was NOT a crepe. Crepes are much eggier with two eggs to one cup of flour. It’s a completely different flavor and texture. If unsure, dummy Dave could have consulted Mr. Google. That’s what a professional does.

Course, after the noodle trick, I hope Dave gives them all salmonella. 🤮

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Pancake dude perfectly described......a crepe. NOT a pancake. Thin batter, spread out across an entire pan, crispy around the edges, that's a crepe. Believe me, I am no fan of Dan's, but in this case he cooked exactly what the customer, in great detail, described to him.

Apparently what the customer WANTS is thin, overcooked American-type pancakes. I can see how Dave got it wrong, because he didn't get it wrong - he cooked exactly what the guy told him to cook.

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That noodle trick has put me off spaghetti.

If the charter guest that wanted the thin, not too fluffy pancake with crispy edges then why not at least try a crepe? Really such a visceral reaction to the same ingredients but in a different presentation? I wonder how many times other chef's got it wrong, I am guessing there were more than a few chefs that did not make that guys dream pancake. He could have gone in to the galley and cooked it himself, I am guess he was not a from scratch kind of guy when cooking for himself.

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1 hour ago, gabyzee said:

Pancake dude perfectly described......a crepe. NOT a pancake. Thin batter, spread out across an entire pan, crispy around the edges, that's a crepe. Believe me, I am no fan of Dan's, but in this case he cooked exactly what the customer, in great detail, described to him.

Apparently what the customer WANTS is thin, overcooked American-type pancakes. I can see how Dave got it wrong, because he didn't get it wrong - he cooked exactly what the guy told him to cook.

I am sorry to beat a dead horse, but as the daughter of a French mother who grew up in the South eating all kinds of pancakes -buttermilk, buckwheat, basic AND crepes, Pancake Man did not describe a crepe. He wanted a thin pancake spread out so the edges would crisp. This is actually easier to achieve with whole wheat or buckwheat pancakes. That batter remains thin and gets crispy on the edges in a way that thick and fluffy buttermilk pancakes a la Joy of Cooking do not. As a kid, I actually preferred buckwheat pancake to buttermilk because the buttermilk were too thick and doughy for my taste.  Dave could have just thinned the pancake batter to make the edges crispier.

Below are the ingredients lists for crepes and basic pancakes. Thank you, Martha Stewart. Crepes have four times the eggs and 30% more milk than the pancake recipe as well as more butter. Crepes also have less sugar, less salt and no baking powder. Ideally crepe batter should sit in the fridge overnight so the ingredients meld. The batter looks like thick milk. It's consistency is totally different from pancake batter. 

Dave just latched on to crepes because it's the end of a long charter season, he is all up in his feels about Natasha, and he just jumped on easy solution that he was familiar with  and comfortable with. 

Crepe Ingredients

1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon granulated sugar

1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

1 1/2 cups whole milk, room temperature

4 large eggs, room temperature

3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, plus more for brushing

Basic Pancake Ingredients

1 cup all-purpose flour, (spooned and leveled)

2 tablespoons sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 cup milk

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, or vegetable oil

1 large egg

Edited by Chickabiddy
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3 hours ago, Gracie123 said:

Pancakes are the major drama this season?  What happened to Captain Micro-Manager?  What a snoozefest of a season.

And Kyle?  No one cares that you are back.  You and your ankle can go home.

2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I know, this is proof that the real Capt. Sandy has been replaced with a robot captain.

2 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

Thank the heavens. Let's leave Sandy to just driving the boat.

She just can't win.  If she hovers over the chef and the meals, she's too nosey and a micromanager.

She stops doing that and people are demanding what happened to the micromanager?

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4 hours ago, aghst said:

She just can't win.  If she hovers over the chef and the meals, she's too nosey and a micromanager.

She stops doing that and people are demanding what happened to the micromanager?

She is completely checked out this season.  Not just the chef, the entire staff is a mess and she doesn't give a shit. 

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On 10/31/2022 at 1:53 PM, Oosala said:

I wanted to punch that pancake fucker in the face.  What an idiot.  Is that what he eats at home?  Why not try something new when you have a great chef at your disposal?  Is this the same brain trust that wore his $nnn,nnn chain on a jet ski and then said about the crew that they'd better find it?  And who even BUYS a $nnn,nnn chain?  I have a bad cold so I'm in a bad mood and this guy is really putting me over the edge.  Just stay home with your chain and your pancakes, dumb ass, and get off my screen.  Damn cold.  I want my Mommy!  Sorry for the rant.

Ha ha ha ha your comment totally wins the Internet for me today! Thank you so much for that.

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On 10/31/2022 at 8:26 PM, maggiemae said:

Seems to me if an American wants pancakes on an expensive charter he should get American pancakes.

Seems to me an experienced chef that deals with feeding Americans all the time should not have a problem making them and understanding the difference between a crepe and a pancake.

I have a friend who is super into pancakes and she is so damn specific about it. After having breakfast with her at many different places I now realize that pancakes can have a ton of variation.  The thickness, the diameter, the texture, the fluffiness, the chewiness, it’s crazy.  If you really love something a very specific way, you are not going to be happy unless it’s that way.

That being said, you are on a vacation.   Have some exotic vacation food! Those very specific pancakes will taste even sweeter when you get back home.

On 10/31/2022 at 10:09 PM, Tanukisan said:

Thanks for giving us the heads up on koalas, Natasha, and how they can give you a STD.  So BD is a nature programme as well.   (:

Yet another reason to not f*** with koalas!!

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On 11/1/2022 at 1:42 PM, aqusdealer said:

I couldn't think of one cast member in the entire franchise that I wouldn't want to see come back more than Kyle. UGH!

I don’t want to see Adam or his horse face girlfriend Jenna ever again.  She was the worst.

Now I feel kind of mean for saying she had a horse face. But I’m not taking it back! She was a mean girl bully.  She and onion head Adam can just go f*** right off in the van of doom.

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14 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

I am sorry to beat a dead horse, but as the daughter of a French mother who grew up in the South eating all kinds of pancakes -buttermilk, buckwheat, basic AND crepes, Pancake Man did not describe a crepe. He wanted a thin pancake spread out so the edges would crisp. This is actually easier to achieve with whole wheat or buckwheat pancakes. That batter remains thin and gets crispy on the edges in a way that thick and fluffy buttermilk pancakes a la Joy of Cooking do not. As a kid, I actually preferred buckwheat pancake to buttermilk because the buttermilk were too thick and doughy for my taste.  Dave could have just thinned the pancake batter to make the edges crispier.

Below are the ingredients lists for crepes and basic pancakes. Thank you, Martha Stewart. Crepes have four times the eggs and 30% more milk than the pancake recipe as well as more butter. Crepes also have less sugar, less salt and no baking powder. Ideally crepe batter should sit in the fridge overnight so the ingredients meld. The batter looks like thick milk. It's consistency is totally different from pancake batter. 

Dave just latched on to crepes because it's the end of a long charter season, he is all up in his feels about Natasha, and he just jumped on easy solution that he was familiar with  and comfortable with. 

Crepe Ingredients

1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon granulated sugar

1/4 teaspoon kosher salt

1 1/2 cups whole milk, room temperature

4 large eggs, room temperature

3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, plus more for brushing

Basic Pancake Ingredients

1 cup all-purpose flour, (spooned and leveled)

2 tablespoons sugar

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 cup milk

2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, or vegetable oil

1 large egg

You are the real hero doing the Lords work with this detailed information. Honestly if the guy wanted pancakes a certain way he should’ve shown pictures or a video. Or just wait till you get freaking home! It’s like asking a chef to make your mom‘s spaghetti, they’re never gonna get it exactly right.

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Who else really wants to see a dolphin breaching the water wearing that fat gold chain???  Maybe it could swim up to the yacht and do that hilarious dolphin laugh!

Really for a chain of that value, it should’ve had a completely soldered clasp. If it did not and it broke or opened that easily then it was poorly made.  Unless it just came over the top of his head?

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I don't think the guy cared that much about pancakes, especially for what, 2 days of meals?

Come on this is another fake issue.

If he was really having pancakes all the time, why would he seek out the same while he's on vacation with a chef preparing his meals?

I'd think you'd want things which are hard to prepare well, like lobster or some kind of cooking process which takes hours to do.

Or they'd want something that is executed a lot differently, which could be a sous-vide steak with hand-browned exterior and some fancy sauce.

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2 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

When Natasha was getting along with her boyfriend I’m sure she complained about Dave. She seems to thrive on the drama with her men.

Pancake guy was eating the regular dinner and wanted pancakes? What a weird combo. The whole conversation is making me think of Ricky Bobby.


This was me watching!  At first I was like, damn dude just wanted pancakes and he's gonna be upset.  But then he started eating everything else.  I know when I'm having some great fish dish I always wish for a side of pancakes.  Not too fluffy.  With crispy edges.

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On 11/8/2022 at 6:15 AM, gabyzee said:

Pancake dude perfectly described......a crepe. NOT a pancake. Thin batter, spread out across an entire pan, crispy around the edges, that's a crepe. Believe me, I am no fan of Dan's, but in this case he cooked exactly what the customer, in great detail, described to him.

Apparently what the customer WANTS is thin, overcooked American-type pancakes. I can see how Dave got it wrong, because he didn't get it wrong - he cooked exactly what the guy told him to cook.

I agree that Dave tried to make the guest the "pancakes" he requested, and maybe elevated it into a crepe due to the fact that it was a dinner service.  The guy did not describe a fluffy pancake, but wouldn't even try the crepes.  He may have found they were amazing.

My family has Danish origins, and one of my favorite dishes is Danish thin pancakes.  I'm pretty happy with any pancakes in general, but these are BEYOND yummy.  I highly recommend them.  🥞

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