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S02.E05: Halloween 2: The Ghost of Hetty's Past

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I lost it when Hetty said to Molly, "Let me ride you while you get sucked off!"

3 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

The look Trevor gave Flower after she said she'd been in relationships that had more people. 😄

Ruth Maid-er Ginsburg! I love a good punny costume.

Those were great!  

I like it, too, that the ghosts have ways of communicating with Jay even if he can't see them.

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I loved that the ghosts were freaking out over the seance working while the living guests were bored. 

I always Iike seeing the ghosts get Jay involved and he understands them in his own way. Then having Sam ask if her invisible friend could invite his invisible friend to the party. 

It is a wonder Flower lived as long as she did.

It is progress for Hetty to like one Irish person. 

Sam and Jay really just dress up as Step-brothers every year. Lol I guess it's a cheap and easy costume. 

"Let me ride you while you get sucked off!" If you only heard that line and didn't watch the show you would wonder what was going on. Lol

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Poor Jay with his “Sure do!” in such a cheerful tone when Allie asked if he realized how weird he was being. Bless him, they need to get my boy an actual friend. He’s so lonely!

Just now, Sakura12 said:

Sam and Jay really just dress up as Step-brothers every year. Lol I guess it's a cheap and easy costume. 

It’s also comfortable and doesn’t objectify Sam. Which according to Trevor misses the whole point of the holiday. 

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28 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I'm glad Molly's found her own peace in the afterlife

But she has to wear her maid's uniform for eternity?  What kind of paradise is that?  Unless people are incorporeal in heaven and she's been "reembodied" to appear as she would have if she had lingered on earth.

Do we know how she died?  If it was from syphilis, she looks amazing, unless Heaven restored her to eternal health in her ghost form.

31 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

I like it, too, that the ghosts have ways of communicating with Jay even if he can't see them.

They need to come up with a very specific plan for future emergencies.

And why did Sam and Jay stop to kiss in the vault after he opened it?  If the door had somehow closed again, they'd both die!

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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Hetty clinging to the maid screaming, “let me ride you while you get sucked off!” had me in tears. I’m glad she and Molly found common ground in hating Elias and Hetty’s so close to not hating the Irish anymore lol.

I laughed when Alberta said it’s surprising Flower lived as long as she did because she’s not wrong. The ghosts using their powers to guide Jay to the vault to rescue Sam was fun. Isaac’s power isn’t the best but it helped and of course Nigel still likes him anyway. It was nice of Pete to go along with the lie to help Isaac. 

At this rate, Jay is never going to have friends he can actually see, poor guy. 

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17 minutes ago, Driad said:

Jay went into the vault with Sam without making sure the door was propped open.  This episode might have ended differently ...

I know.  I was screaming, "Get out of the vault!" at the TV.

They borrowed a bit from the British Ghosts series in this episode when Trevor wrote on the bathroom mirror to communicate with Jay.  It was from the episode, "Bump in the Night," where burglars break into Button House when Mike is home alone without Alison. The ghosts need to find a way to communicate with Mike to warn him and each ghost puts to use its unique powers. 

Even though  US Ghosts works better when it doesn't copy the British plots, Bump in the Night was such an amazing episode that they should at least consider borrowing the basic premise.

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45 minutes ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

And why did Sam and Jay stop to kiss in the vault after he opened it?  If the door had somehow closed again, they'd both die!

I know! I was screaming (in my head) "GET OUT OF THE VAULT!" (A better idea would be to have the door altered so it can be opened from the inside.)

They need some sort of board or something that Trevor can write on so Jay doesn't have to steam up the mirror. I'm thinking something like zen garden sand. Or a typewriter with a sheet of paper always in it? I know it's hard for him but he can press the computer keys. Then if Jay's in the house he would hear it and know there's a message.

Edited by ams1001
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15 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I know! I was screaming (in my head) "GET OUT OF THE VAULT!" (A better idea would be to have the door altered so it can be opened from the inside.)

They need some sort of board or something that Trevor can write on so Jay doesn't have to steam up the mirror. I'm thinking something like zen garden sand. Or a typewriter with a sheet of paper always in it? I know it's hard for him but he can press the computer keys. Then if Jay's in the house he would hear it and know there's a message.

Trevor can text.  Get him his own phone or tablet.

Edited to add: The start of our posts are almost identical.   Great minds and all....

Edited by TruffleHog
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16 minutes ago, TruffleHog said:

I know.  I was screaming, "Get out of the vault!" at the TV.

LOL, add me to the list of those who were thinking similar things! As was my mom - she was like, "Shouldn't they wait until they're out of the vault first...?" 

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8 minutes ago, Starchild said:

The vault was introduced last season. It makes sense that Alberta couldn't move the handle, but am I forgetting the reason that Flower could push the door closed in the first place? 

The vault being impenetrable to ghosts means they interact with the material the same way livings do. The handle was made of a different material, so Alberta couldn’t turn it. 

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28 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

LOL, add me to the list of those who were thinking similar things! As was my mom - she was like, "Shouldn't they wait until they're out of the vault first...?" 

Does it remind you a bit of the "Crock Tales" episode of Frasier when everyone gets locked out on the balcony, one by one, on the Fourth of July?  They're all trying to get Martin's attention to let them back inside, but he's watching TV with the fancy noise-cancelling headphones that Frasier bought him :)

Edit:  I brought this up because we first interacted on the Frasier forum, and I'm pretty sure you were the one to introduce me to Ghosts.

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25 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I even felt a bit bad for Trevor, with him being sad to see her [Molly] go - so many of the other ghosts are finding love in the afterlife, naturally he'd want that as well. 

In spite of Trevor's horndog façade, I think he would prefer a serious relationship with a woman who shared his own cultural references.
Of course, given access to TV and Alexa, in 20-50 years Trevor and Molly could have probably all caught up with each other.


15 minutes ago, TruffleHog said:

Trevor can text.  Get him his own phone or tablet.

2 minutes ago, ZuluQueenOfDwarves said:

The vault being impenetrable to ghosts means they interact with the material the same way livings do. The handle was made of a different material, so Alberta couldn’t turn it. 

Trevor just needs a keyboard with the keys painted with a lead-based paint, e.g. Flake white.
And then the letter and number symbols can be drawn back on with a permanent black marker.


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13 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Trevor just needs a keyboard with the keys painted with a lead-based paint, e.g. Flake white.
And then the letter and number symbols can be drawn back on with a permanent black marker.


With that innovation, would the rest of the ghosts be able to type, too?  Flower could push the lead door.  So many possibilities with your new invention, Shapeshifter.

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45 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Trevor just needs a keyboard with the keys painted with a lead-based paint, e.g. Flake white.
And then the letter and number symbols can be drawn back on with a permanent black marker.

33 minutes ago, TruffleHog said:

With that innovation, would the rest of the ghosts be able to type, too?  Flower could push the lead door.  So many possibilities with your new invention, Shapeshifter.

Yes! All the ghosts could learn to type.  
And to send emails, texts, tweets, FB posts, blog, etc.!

By showing Flower closing the lead door, the writers and directors have opened a veritable Pandora’s box of ghost-to-living communication possibilities, as well as ghost-to-distant ghost.  
Sass can send love poems to Shiki.

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Last season, was it an Alexa or a Siri that could "hear" Alberta? One or the other... she was surprised that she could give it orders.

She already has the power to sing in such a way that livings are aware of it, even if not distinctly. But her ghostly voice can clearly register on certain microphones, so can't she communicate with Jay or others by saying, "Alexa, repeat after me..."? Real time verbal language.

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5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

By showing Flower closing the lead door, the writers and directors have opened a veritable Pandora’s box of ghost-to-living communication possibilities, as well as ghost-to-distant ghost. 

How?  All the ghosts have the same interaction with the lead door as the living people because of the lead it is made of.  It isn't some special power.  Just what all ghosts experience with the door in this sitcom.  They can't walk through it.  But if unlocked of course they can move it.

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Elias is still right there, huh? Shouldn't they bury him?

And I though this in the first Elias episode - he's definitely a total jerk but he died one of the worst deaths ever... then was alone in a vault for 100 years... then went to hell. That's harsh!

Meanwhile Thorfin seems to have hacked whole towns to bits but that's in the past.

(I know, it's tv. But bury the guy!)

UPDATE: Oh, and he was nice enough to pay for the B&B repairs!

Edited by highway61
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40 minutes ago, highway61 said:

Elias is still right there, huh? Shouldn't they bury him?

And I though this in the first Elias episode - he's definitely a total jerk but he died one of the worst deaths ever... then was alone in a vault for 100 years... then went to hell. That's harsh!

Meanwhile Thorfin seems to have hacked whole towns to bits but that's in the past.

(I know, it's tv. But bury the guy!)

Sam claimed that they are trying to space out dead body removals. Not sure what she meant (Thor's bones? But it was quite a long time ago), but I guess it explains why they have not retrofitted the vault door to open from the inside yet.

Hetty (about a seance she had once): "The lights flickered, the smell of death surrounded us, and I'm just now realizing that was Thor and Isaac messing with us."  Smell of death, huh?

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10 hours ago, TruffleHog said:

Trevor can text.  Get him his own phone or tablet.

Edited to add: The start of our posts are almost identical.   Great minds and all....

That's right, I forgot he used the tablet, too. Also forgot about Alberta's ablilty to talk to Alexa.

I posted about 2 minutes after you did and the 'new post' bar popped up right as I was hitting submit. 😄

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Hetty about her husband's death, "I like to fantasize it was agonizing, full of misery and pain, his hungry lungs crying out for air that would not come........or perhaps it was lovely". 😂😂😂😂 I almost like that line better than " let me ride you while you get sucked off"😂😂

Hetty has the best lines

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1 hour ago, shura said:

Hetty (about a seance she had once): "The lights flickered, the smell of death surrounded us, and I'm just now realizing that was Thor and Isaac messing with us."  Smell of death, huh?

I liked how Sas was laughing that Thor and Isaac got her so good, but a séance is supposed to summon ghosts and that’s exactly what happened. So really they just gave her the desired end result. 

Hetty really does get the best lines. “I am being forced to spend time with someone whose company I do not enjoy,” while Sam is worrying about suffocating to death. Rebecca Wisocky’s facial expressions are incredible. 

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I was getting anxious watching Sam and Jay kissing in that vault! Close the door! 

Oh my God that "Let me ride you while you get sucked off" made me about fall down off my couch, this show has the wildest lines. It was fun getting to meet the infamously hot maid Molly, and its nice that Hetty was able to make peace with her, of course Elias was the kind of jerk who would pursue his families maid knowing she wasn't in a position to say no. And Hetty gets one step closer to not completely hating the Irish! Its progress, let her have this. 

Poor Jay, he really does need some living friends. Preferably ones that talk about things besides pickling things. I do really love that the ghosts and Jay have ways to communicate even if they cant speak to each other. The ghosts need to get some kind of typing system down since Trever can type, Sam and Jay need to invest in a keyboard! 

Awww the ending was sweet, of course Nigel doesn't think the smell thing is a deal breaker considering he's fine with the fact that Isaac accidently killed him. 

"There are other fish in the sea! Well there is that one guy, and whatever it is when Thor talk about boat rules..." 

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It's a lucky thing that Jay remembered the combination to the vault. I loved that while he was waiting for the mirror to steam up he asked "Anyone want to hear about Liam's cheeses?" Also when they finally cut to the mirror it read "Sam Safe." NO! LOL. 

Yeah - it's really not necessary for Jay to be able to see or hear the ghosts at this point, he already "knows" them all and it's a lot funnier this way IMO. Like how he knows lights flickering means Thor and the smell means Isaac and "No Pants" can write on the mirror. 


Sam and Jay really just dress up as Step-brothers every year. 

I can't remember what the gag is with that - who are the "step brothers" - are they some specific pair of step brothers?

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10 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I can't remember what the gag is with that - who are the "step brothers" - are they some specific pair of step brothers?

It's from the Will Ferrel/John C. Reilly movie.


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11 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I can't remember what the gag is with that - who are the "step brothers" - are they some specific pair of step brothers?

It's a movie with Will Farrell and John C Reilly. They are the adult children who still live with their parent - one lives with his mom and the other with his dad - and the parents meet and fall in love and get married and then they join houses while these two adult children still live with them and have to learn to get along. The movie poster features them wearing the pants and sweater vests. 

@ams1001 Jinx!😂 

Edited by joanne3482
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3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Awww the ending was sweet, of course Nigel doesn't think the smell thing is a deal breaker considering he's fine with the fact that Isaac accidently killed him. 

And Nigel does have webbed feet after all.

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Also loved that Isaac didn't know how to describe his relationship with Nigel. Boyfriends? Too lovey-dovey. Murderer and victim? Not loving that one either.

I felt so bad for Jay at the seance, because actually that should have killed since they have real ghosts who can make the lights flicker and hum a haunting tune, and maybe knock a candlestick over. It seems like dumb luck they actually managed to conjure up a ghost since what they were saying sounded like nonsense they just made up off the top of their heads. Maybe the joke here is that it's really easy to conjure up a ghost at a seance on Halloween but you just can't see them so you don't know it worked. On the other hand it's kind of alarming ordinary people can manifest spirits who've already moved on and gone to heaven without knowing and consigning them to being earthbound again since they don't even know they did it.

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That was a great episode.  I am wondering about  the seance.  There was now mention of any spirits being summoned during Hetty's seance.  Did the an actual spirit get summoned in the present time because of Samantha?  I mean does her ability to see and hear ghosts make her some kind of medium at least on Halloween?

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17 hours ago, ams1001 said:

Guess it's a good thing he can't take his shoes off...

He can take them off.  He just can;t let go of them or they'll go back on his feet.

8 hours ago, Doublem1 said:

That was a great episode.  I am wondering about  the seance.  There was now mention of any spirits being summoned during Hetty's seance.  Did the an actual spirit get summoned in the present time because of Samantha?  I mean does her ability to see and hear ghosts make her some kind of medium at least on Halloween?

I think it was just becaue they had an object of a dead person who died at the house at the table.

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On 10/28/2022 at 12:32 AM, kathyk24 said:

Did anyone else think Molly resembled Hetty? They had similar hair and facial features. Jay's love for Big cracked me up. Pete needs to be more assertive he shouldn't let Isaac use him.

I remarked about that in the media thread based on promo pictures before I saw the episode. Elias had a type!

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7 hours ago, Katy M said:

He can take them off.  He just can;t let go of them or they'll go back on his feet.

I think it was just becaue they had an object of a dead person who died at the house at the table.

(Re: Nigel's shoes hiding his webbed feet). I don't think he can take the shoes off any more than any other ghost can take off anything on them and move it elsewhere like Pete not being able to remove the arrow and hold it in one hand instead say or Thorfinn remove his shield and wave it around for fun.

I agree it was something about the duster having belonged to the maid that made the seance work.

Edited by Skooma
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32 minutes ago, Skooma said:

(Re: Nigel's shoes hiding his webbed feet). I don't think he can take the shoes off any more than any other ghost can take off anything on them and move it elsewhere like Pete not being able to remove the arrow and hold it in one hand instead say or Thorfinn remove his shield and wave it around for fun.

I agree it was something about the duster having belonged to the maid that made the seance work.

The rules are a bit iffy. Trevor’s shirt goes up and down with his movements, so he unwittingly flashes everyone when he lifts his arms. Thor can wield his sword, but if he lets go it will probably rematerialize in the scabbard. Sasappis pulled the eagle feather out of his hair, but when he handed it to Sam it appeared back in his hair. So yeah, I can see Nigel being able to prove that he’s the product of many generations of first cousin marriage by taking off his shoes, so long as he is still holding them. 

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