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S05.E10: Head of the Snake


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2 hours ago, paulvdb said:

And I'm fully expecting that note to come back to bite Daniel in the ass at some point in the future when Kreese gets out of jail.

For most of the episode I thought I had been very wrong with this prediction from episode 7. But when they cut back to the prison at the end I knew that Kreese wasn't dead after all.

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Of course Kreese faked his own death again! 

I didn't expect Mike to be the one driving the limo. It's nice to see Daniel and all of his peer enemies together. And of course, they all outvoted him. Johnny's quips during the fight at Silver's made me laugh. "You think you can hurt me? I'm running on whiskey and White Claw!" and "Wait your turn!" I'm glad the sonagram inspired Johnny to kick more ass. I like that he was about 90% done when Mike ran in. I'm glad Mike stole a Rembrandt on his way out. I don't think anyone thought Chozen was really dead, which almost looped around 360 to make me think he was dead and that we'd have a sad, shocking ending, motivation for next season and a sad Kumiko. "It's just a flesh wound!" "But it's, like, all your flesh!"

Aw, Amanda has Daniel saved as Hubby-San. It didn't occur to me that it was Stingray in the yard. Even when he pulled up to save Daniel, it didn't occur to me that Amanda would be in the car. I'm glad he got to kick a little ass. 

The Miyagi Fangs clearly did not think everything through. I'm mad at Mitch for being a traitor, but they've telegraphed it well this season. Hey, they gave Cobra Kai student with cornrows a line! Good for him! I loved the setup for a Demetri/Kyler fight. And Demetri and Eli switching between fighting and computer stuff. Nice callback to the egg with the most vulnerable Miyagi Do having the tablet. I'm glad Robby and Tory were united against Silver. And it was really satisfying to hear no one reply to Silver's call to violence. And nice to see everyone drop the Cobra Kai merchandise on him. I'm glad to see Miguel and Sam back together. Robby and Tory too, so there's no love triangle bullshit anymore.  

There's a lot of fanservice this season, but that's the point of the entire show. They're really making sure they've given us all the possible matchups.

Edited by bettername2come
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Is this the series finale or is there another season? I thought this season was very good and one of the better ones, with lots of character development and great use of flashbacks. I want more, damn it!

 Kreese coming back from the dead yet again is getting tiresome, but I’m so glad they didn’t kill off Chozen. I was so worried when they wouldn’t show what happened to him.

It was nice that Mike Barnes got to get his form of revenge on Silver- I was disappointed that they only brought Sean Kanan back for one episode so it was a nice surprise that he was the one driving the limo. If they do have another season I would love to see him back, bonding with the guys and belting out 80’s tunes. 

I wish I paced these episodes out a bit instead of binging them all on my day off. Now what am I supposed to watch?

Edited by twoods
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7 hours ago, bettername2come said:

Of course Kreese faked his own death again! 

From the word Go I always thought the “fight” that Kreese broke up was sus. And then when Kreese was stabbed, that’s when I knew for sure it was a ploy to make a jailbreak. Buuuuut, I seriously have to give the stink eye to the prison therapist who apparently didn’t notice her missing badge!??!  Really?  We clearly saw in one episode that she had to use her badge to exit, so after the session where Kreese stole her badge, how did she leave?  Or was she having a prison sleepover?  🙄  🤨

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If not for Kreese breaking out, that would have been the perfect series finale.

Demetri finally kicked Kyler's ass.  Truly everybody Kyler has bullied has kicked his ass.  And his insult of Eli had no impact on Eli, because Eli has learned that you do lose in life and you can move beyond it.

Stingray got some redemption.

Of course Daniel ended Silver with the crane.  He had to do it, the final strike against Silver and Cobra Kai is the one that began Cobra Kai's downfall.  And my goodness, that fight was a squash.  Silver got his ass beat, good.

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Wow. I think this was the strongest season yet. Great story, excellent pacing, great performances. I don't really have any complaints other than the focus on the older characters took a bit away from some of the storylines with the younger characters (Kenny, Tory, in particular I think could have used some more time). The cast has gotten a bit bloated, so it's hard to do them all justice, though, and the writers really had to pick their moments.

Overall, I think Chozen was really the MVP of this season, with Johnny and Daniel running a close second. Feels very much like a series finale; I think there are places they could still go, but without a clear conflict or villain (other than Kreese, who I'm not sure can make a credible foe any longer, now that he's on the run), I'm not sure where they go from here.

Loved it.

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6 hours ago, Jediknight said:

If not for Kreese breaking out, that would have been the perfect series finale.

5 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

Feels very much like a series finale; 

Ok, so it wasn’t just me who thought the season finale had the feeling of a series finale.  Does anyone know if there is another season for sure?

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It figures the protect the egg strategy would be needed in the end.

After all these years, Johnny is still badass.My favorite parts were toward the end when he said, "I did most of this," and at the beginning when he hit the bullseye on Daniel's forehead with the beer can.  That's so Johnny being Johnny.  And the beer can imprint on Daniel's forehead.  🤣  I'm disappointed he didn't ask Carmen to marry him.  

We're already ready for Season 6.

5 hours ago, norcalgal said:

Ok, so it wasn’t just me who thought the season finale had the feeling of a series finale.  Does anyone know if there is another season for sure?

If there is another season, and I hope there is, they have to let those "kids" grow up a bit.

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You guys, my heart was in my throat during the middle of that episode, with Chozen going down and Robbie getting the wind slammed out of him. I also legit cheered when they formed up to protect the egg and then advanced.

The ending felt very 80s movie, beating the villain by showing his villainy and then having nobody back him up, but it was v apropos. I wonder what happened to Kim Da-Eun, if she scrambled out the back or what.

This season was great, all the way through. It did feel like a finale, but the worldwide championship is still coming and now Miyagi Fang will swell ranks and get to compete alone. Kyler and his cronies can go suck eggs.

Edited by Kate47
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1 hour ago, Kate47 said:

Kyler and his cronies can go suck eggs.

I wonder if they will try to “rehabilitate” Kenny like they did with Hawk. My opinion, don’t do it. Robby tried many times to empathize with Kenny and turn him away from Cobra Kai but Kenny just didn’t give a sh*t. Sometimes, a person just wants to do what they want to do. Nothing and no one can persuade them otherwise, so just leave it be.

 I gave the side eye to Hawk’s redemption when that happened, but I guess his years long friendship with Demetri was a factor in his turning, whereas Kenny doesn’t know the Miyagi-do kids, so doesn’t have that as impetus/reason for his redemption. 

As for Tori, just keep her as a grey character, not aligned to either side if this series continues on.

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59 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

I wonder if they will try to “rehabilitate” Kenny like they did with Hawk. My opinion, don’t do it. Robby tried many times to empathize with Kenny and turn him away from Cobra Kai but Kenny just didn’t give a sh*t. Sometimes, a person just wants to do what they want to do. Nothing and no one can persuade them otherwise, so just leave it be.

 I gave the side eye to Hawk’s redemption when that happened, but I guess his years long friendship with Demetri was a factor in his turning, whereas Kenny doesn’t know the Miyagi-do kids, so doesn’t have that as impetus/reason for his redemption. 

As for Tori, just keep her as a grey character, not aligned to either side if this series continues on.

I fully believe that Kenny will be redeemed next season. He embraced Cobra Kai after being bullied and other than Anthony his main target was Hawk. From his intro he didn't seem to be a bad kid, he's just young and from what he's experienced he's determined to not be a target again. I'm expecting to see Hawk telling him about his experiences with Kyler (which mirror Kenny's) and him being brought into the Miyagi-Fang group. 

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1 hour ago, norcalgal said:

I wonder if they will try to “rehabilitate” Kenny like they did with Hawk. My opinion, don’t do it. Robby tried many times to empathize with Kenny and turn him away from Cobra Kai but Kenny just didn’t give a sh*t. Sometimes, a person just wants to do what they want to do. Nothing and no one can persuade them otherwise, so just leave it be.

This show redeemed Chozen, a swindler who held a knife to the throat of an innocent girl who rejected him and also tried to straight up murder Daniel.  No one would have walked out of KK2 thinking that the guy deserved a second chance, and here we are.  A teenager isn't beyond hope in a show like this.

Speaking of Chozen, hopefully he sticks around if there's a season 6.  Apparently the vast majority of kids in the San Fernando Valley are just itching to learn some karate, so that's one heck of a business opportunity for an experience sensei.

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I too get tired of the constant side switching, but I think of it like this: kids are dumb, and Cobra Kai is the perfect trap. It takes kids who are bullied and want to be stronger and turns them into bullies, and it makes bullies even more dangerous. It's a perpetual cycle and some kids will eventually realize wait, idk if this is a good idea and choose to walk away. Some kids won't ever have that moment of clarity until they do something like injure or kill someone. But there's always new kids waiting to be recruited. And teenagers especially aren't really known for acknowledging their own mortality or limits.

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Was nice to see Silver brought down.  But at this point I don't how much more of this I can watch.  Well who am I kidding when the 6th season comes out I'm sure I'll be awaiting as well.  Just seems a little exhausted at this point.  

In real life the kids would all be in juvenile hall 

Edited by BlueSkies
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Figured Kreese was up to something - no way they'd kill him off, especially right at the start of the episode. However, he's now a wanted fugitive, so he can't just show up at a karate tournament. 

Reflecting on the season as a whole, this felt more uneven than previous ones. The Miguel-finds-his-dad-turns-out-he's-an-asshole-like-his-mom-said-all-along was shoehorned in, and unnecessary, IMO. I'm glad it wrapped up quickly, but didn't seem to have a point past some funny bits with Johnny on the road trip.

I also didn't care one iota for Sam and her existential crisis. And while Silver is obviously a bad dude, Amanda was right - it's not up to Daniel to save all the kids of the valley. 

I did absolutely love Chozen and the humour his character brought. Was not a fan of the female Cobra that Silver brought in. She seemed straight out of Central Casting for Villain 101.

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29 minutes ago, RunningMarket said:

Figured Kreese was up to something - no way they'd kill him off, especially right at the start of the episode. However, he's now a wanted fugitive, so he can't just show up at a karate tournament. 

After decades of soap operas/melodramas/bad fiction ingestion, I’ve come to the predict this for season six: Kreese is Johnny’s father.  There have been less than subtle hints since season 2.  The latest was the flashback to the 1980 Kreese/Silver confab, where Kreese turns down Silver because he has a promising new student who “has the same name!”

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2 hours ago, RunningMarket said:

Reflecting on the season as a whole, this felt more uneven than previous ones. The Miguel-finds-his-dad-turns-out-he's-an-asshole-like-his-mom-said-all-along was shoehorned in, and unnecessary, IMO. I'm glad it wrapped up quickly, but didn't seem to have a point past some funny bits with Johnny on the road trip.

Yeah not crazy about the Mexico scenes but my take on it:

-Miguel had to get that out of his system

-I guess it's meant to further strengthen the bond between Miguel and his mom.  Plus with a new sister or brother coming along to have that family bonding.  I mean it was a little gooey for me but it was what it was 

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I hated this season so much I can barely write about it as it doesn't deserve any more time. I see some lukewarm reception so maybe I'm not alone in this feeling as it boggles my mind how anyone could enjoy this over a certain age. I am not the right audience anymore I suppose. The absurdity and terrible overacting of mustache-twirling Silver made KKIII unenjoyable so maybe I should have just tuned out but I had faith the Cobra Kai team would ground it better. 

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6 hours ago, RunningMarket said:

Figured Kreese was up to something - no way they'd kill him off, especially right at the start of the episode. However, he's now a wanted fugitive, so he can't just show up at a karate tournament. 

Reflecting on the season as a whole, this felt more uneven than previous ones. The Miguel-finds-his-dad-turns-out-he's-an-asshole-like-his-mom-said-all-along was shoehorned in, and unnecessary, IMO. I'm glad it wrapped up quickly, but didn't seem to have a point past some funny bits with Johnny on the road trip.

I also didn't care one iota for Sam and her existential crisis. And while Silver is obviously a bad dude, Amanda was right - it's not up to Daniel to save all the kids of the valley. 

I did absolutely love Chozen and the humour his character brought. Was not a fan of the female Cobra that Silver brought in. She seemed straight out of Central Casting for Villain 101.

Since 50% is just a number Sensei Kim is now all that is left of Cobra Kai, not about to murder a man almost knocked like her minions out but just protecting her business.  Kreese as a fugitive, I have no ideal how they can make that work. How many students will go back to a Cobra Kai without Silver. With one more season there is one more movie to pull from and Tory's mother is still just an image behind the door. By all rights Chozin should be going home to Okinawa for that late in life chance for love

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18 hours ago, anonymiss said:

I hated this season so much I can barely write about it as it doesn't deserve any more time. I see some lukewarm reception so maybe I'm not alone in this feeling as it boggles my mind how anyone could enjoy this over a certain age. I am not the right audience anymore I suppose. The absurdity and terrible overacting of mustache-twirling Silver made KKIII unenjoyable so maybe I should have just tuned out but I had faith the Cobra Kai team would ground it better. 

It wasn't spectacular to me (I'm a guy who watched all 3 movies 586860 times growing up) but it was what it was.

The episodes held my interest enough that I wasn't checking my phone every few minutes during watching 

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20 hours ago, anonymiss said:

I hated this season so much I can barely write about it as it doesn't deserve any more time. I see some lukewarm reception so maybe I'm not alone in this feeling as it boggles my mind how anyone could enjoy this over a certain age. I am not the right audience anymore I suppose. The absurdity and terrible overacting of mustache-twirling Silver made KKIII unenjoyable so maybe I should have just tuned out but I had faith the Cobra Kai team would ground it better. 

I didn't hate it but I get what you are saying. I now look at this like it is science fiction.

Somehow, these black belt Sensei's could not find one punch or kick or elbow to render Johnny unconscious.

For 5 seasons I have been absolutely amazed that there is very little/no cop presence but they show up with 5 cars to arrest Kreese for beating up one guy but somehow there was no cops around in the school when weapons were being used by teenagers.

Also, this show seems to completely ignore/disrespect the many other forms of Martial Arts. I seriously doubt that if they bought out a Judo club/Taekwondo Dojang they wouldn't get too many converts.

Edited by juno
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1 hour ago, juno said:

Also, this show seems to completely ignore/disrespect the many other forms of Martial Arts. I seriously doubt that if they bought out a Judo club/Taekwondo Dojang they wouldn't get too many converts.

From the very first fight the ignore/disrespect of other martial arts started with Miguel using Cobra Kai karate against Kyler, a competitive wrestler, and his gang to Johnny laughing off any danger from a professional MMA fighter.  With the Smith's part ownership of the franchise I doubt if they ever snap back at Jackie Chan's Mr. Han dismissing karate, Korean or Okinawan based, in their nepotistic remake of The Karate Kid.

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1 hour ago, juno said:

I didn't hate it but I get what you are saying. I now look at this like it is science fiction.

For 5 seasons I have been absolutely amazed that there is very little/no cop presence but they show up with 5 cars to arrest Kreese for beating up one guy but somehow there was no cops around in the school when weapons were being used by teenagers.

I think you're right. It's an alternative universe where karate is somehow an extension of the justice system, as if the samurai rules of feudal Japan never went away. Like what exactly did Silver get hauled away for at the end there? It seemed to me like he got hauled off for breaking karate rules which is kind of a ridiculous thing to go to jail for. Meanwhile, the hero characters who committed a colorful variety of crimes to expose Silver are just milling about at the scene of said crimes at the end. Chozen doesn't end up in jail for attempted murder (or his earlier assaults on Mike Barnes' employees). Stingray doesn't end up in jail for perjury. Et cetera. It all seems to suggest that karate is a perfectly acceptable solution to a conflict until and unless someone really gets hurt or someone cheats at which point the law will step in but only to keep both sides apart until a karate tournament can be arranged.

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On 9/11/2022 at 5:53 PM, RunningMarket said:

Figured Kreese was up to something - no way they'd kill him off, especially right at the start of the episode. However, he's now a wanted fugitive, so he can't just show up at a karate tournament. 

Reflecting on the season as a whole, this felt more uneven than previous ones. The Miguel-finds-his-dad-turns-out-he's-an-asshole-like-his-mom-said-all-along was shoehorned in, and unnecessary, IMO. I'm glad it wrapped up quickly, but didn't seem to have a point past some funny bits with Johnny on the road trip.

I also didn't care one iota for Sam and her existential crisis. And while Silver is obviously a bad dude, Amanda was right - it's not up to Daniel to save all the kids of the valley. 

I did absolutely love Chozen and the humour his character brought. Was not a fan of the female Cobra that Silver brought in. She seemed straight out of Central Casting for Villain 101.

Miguel-finds-his-dad and Johnny-and-Robbie go looking for him also helped pave the way for Robbie to make peace with Johnny and Robbie and Miguel to start to make peace., as well as for there to be a Carmen-Johnny-Miguel-Johnny-Baby Johnmen family.

I really dislike Sam. And as such, I disliked one aspect of this season because it really defanged Tory.

48 minutes ago, dwmarch said:

I think you're right. It's an alternative universe where karate is somehow an extension of the justice system, as if the samurai rules of feudal Japan never went away. Like what exactly did Silver get hauled away for at the end there? It seemed to me like he got hauled off for breaking karate rules which is kind of a ridiculous thing to go to jail for. Meanwhile, the hero characters who committed a colorful variety of crimes to expose Silver are just milling about at the scene of said crimes at the end. Chozen doesn't end up in jail for attempted murder (or his earlier assaults on Mike Barnes' employees). Stingray doesn't end up in jail for perjury. Et cetera. It all seems to suggest that karate is a perfectly acceptable solution to a conflict until and unless someone really gets hurt or someone cheats at which point the law will step in but only to keep both sides apart until a karate tournament can be arranged.

Silver is guilty of assaulting Stingray and framing Kreese for it, as well as bribing Stingray for his silence and ongoing complicity. I think we have to read into things that Stingray told the coppers earlier than what was shown on scene. The detective specifies that "Given Raymond Porter's (Stingray's real name) revised statement, Mr. Silver's going to be facing a litany of charges." The potential charges could include aggravated assault and battery, conspiracy, obstruction of justice, bribery, witness intimidation.

Now, the notion that the cops would immediately take Silver away in cuffs based on the word of an admitted perjurer seems very much of a shortcut. Then again, the cops could decide to understand that Stingray went along with the frame-up scheme at least in part because he was scared of the rich and powerful guy who literally beat him into a coma and could easily finish the job. 

Likewise, the notion that a criminal case against Silver would work seems a little loose. Then again, I was expecting that Silver would have had Stingray killed, as there was always a chance that someone would get Stingray to flip on him. 

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1 hour ago, twoods said:

I thought he got hauled off to jail for assaulting Chozen with a sword, and Stingray coming clean that it was Silver that attacked him and not Kreese. 

Silver claimed when Johnny, Chozen and Michael came to his house looking for a fight that they were trespassers and that he was entitled to do whatever he wanted to them. Although that's almost certainly an exaggeration by real-world law, certainly in the CK universe version of the law, he has a point. Or at least, when it's the word of Silver and like a half-dozen goons versus the trespassers, it would be unlikely that Silver would face criminal charges for that.

Besides, there's no reason to think that the police would know about that confrontation.

8 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Likewise, the notion that a criminal case against Silver would work seems a little loose.

Silver must have some very good lawyers. He will be out in no time. The most consequential thing about that You Tube Video is that CK will now be disqualified from that big tournament.

(I am surprised that Netflix allowed the You Tube product placement!)

It also strains my disbelief that all the CK kids would turn on Silver. They have all drunk a lot of the CK Kool Aid, and a few would find ways to justify Silver's actions.

Edited by marinw
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1 hour ago, marinw said:

Silver must have some very good lawyers. He will be out in no time. The most consequential thing about that You Tube Video is that CK will now be disqualified from that big tournament.

(I am surprised that Netflix allowed the You Tube product placement!)

It also strains my disbelief that all the CK kids would turn on Silver. They have all drunk a lot of the CK Kool Aid, and a few would find ways to justify Silver's actions.

I don't think he was arrested for bribing the karate ref. But yes, it seems like it would be hard to make a case based on the word of Stingray stick. Then again, it would might be hard to spin that Silver showered him with all the specific gifts that he did without something else going on. Something like "I felt bad because my business partner left him in a coma" probably won't work, because the normal thing to do would be to give a one-time money settlement, as opposed to the very specific actions of buying him a Cobra Kai branded car, an apartment and all sorts of pluses. And even though Silver deleted the portion of the video showing him actually beating Stingray down, the video of him meeting Stingray just before the beating still exists and provides some level of corroboration to the truth that he met Silver. It seems like it would be tough for Silver's attorney to explain why Stingray met privately with Silver before the beating when they had no prior relationship.

It's interesting that the Karate Super Bowl plot pretty much completely disappeared after it was said that both Miyagi-Do and Cobra Kai qualified. I guess if there's a S6 they may pick it up. But I don't know if CK dies so easily. Just because Silver self-incriminated as to bribing that ref may not mean that the Karate Super Bowl people will hold his misdeeds against the kids and other senseis there. 

And yes, it was very unbelievable that even a majority of CK kids would turn on Silver. I could see some, like Kenny, realize that between the bullying, Silver's being a cheater, and Silver being beaten down by Daniel-San that they had enough. But others would have bought into the notion that bribing the ref was justifiable/excusable or at least have clung to the notion that the other senseis and CK kids were still worth hanging out with.

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
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That was the most ludicrous episode of television I have ever seen. I look forward to joining you all for a season 6.

If you weren't hopping up and yelling at Johnny to Get. Up. You just ain't living. I feel like the 80s took television form tonight. 

It's actually kind of ironic that if Kreese held on, the new testimony would have freed him. 

On 9/9/2022 at 2:19 PM, bettername2come said:

The Miyagi Fangs clearly did not think everything through.

Par for the course though. I actually thought this had more strategy to it than usual. If the Cobras weren't tipped off, they would have been in and out. I mean, they outwitted Silver. 

On 9/10/2022 at 1:47 AM, Jediknight said:

Of course Daniel ended Silver with the crane.

I also was standing up for that one. Actually, tbh, the block Daniel pulled on Silver after one of the cutaways was more impressive. But Crane. Come on. During the fight, it almost looked like the *actors* were just impressed with Macchio and Griffith. I would assume they did the fight and then edited in the movie scenes even if it wasn't one take. 

On 9/12/2022 at 3:30 AM, Jediknight said:

The painting that Mike has is The Storm on the Sea of Galilee which was stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. 

Brilliant. I didn't even notice. 

I'd like to see a possible season 6 more of a growing up and moving on denouement. The kids are getting older. They can't just live in their karate past. That was Johnny at the start of this series. The cartoon lady still owns Cobra Kai, and I get that she wants to teach her grandfather's style; Daniel wants to teach Miyagi-do. It would be nice if they tempered things and wound it down.

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On 9/12/2022 at 5:30 AM, Jediknight said:

It's been bugging me since seeing the episode on Friday, and I had to look it up.  The painting that Mike has is The Storm on the Sea of Galilee which was stolen from the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum.  So, that's another reason to lock Terry up and Mike better not try to sell it.

I’ve seen it listed as a genius bonus on TVtropes. There’s a $10 million reward for its return so Mike doesn’t even need to do anything (else) illegal to make back the money he lost.

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7 hours ago, bettername2come said:

I’ve seen it listed as a genius bonus on TVtropes. There’s a $10 million reward for its return so Mike doesn’t even need to do anything (else) illegal to make back the money he lost.

Some googling told me they dropped the reward money down to 5 million recently. Either way there is a pretty good Netflix documentary series about that heist, and it totally makes Silver look like an even more over the top villain to be displaying that painting. And the 5 million is no questions asked I think, so a nice bonus for Mike Barnes.

The end fight was pretty good, although I would have also been cool with Daniel walking away, just thinking to Myagi's "no be there" philosophy.

I also liked the call back to Johnny knocking the flat screen off the wall, thinking back to his job at the start of the series.

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On 9/13/2022 at 12:20 PM, RunningMarket said:

There was a lot of product placement this season. At one point, 3 characters were next to each other wearing very visible NIKE logos, and Chozen was watching 90 Day Fiancé (which was hilarious).

If you compare the production values of the show in season 1/season 2 a.k.a. the YouTube years vs. what it looks like now, you can just see that the budget for the show has significantly increased. The sets and stunt work especially look so much better. They gotta pay for it somehow. 

For me it was the White Castle and Olive Garden.

Edited by methodwriter85
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On 9/12/2022 at 10:12 PM, dwmarch said:

I think you're right. It's an alternative universe where karate is somehow an extension of the justice system, as if the samurai rules of feudal Japan never went away. Like what exactly did Silver get hauled away for at the end there? It seemed to me like he got hauled off for breaking karate rules which is kind of a ridiculous thing to go to jail for. Meanwhile, the hero characters who committed a colorful variety of crimes to expose Silver are just milling about at the scene of said crimes at the end. Chozen doesn't end up in jail for attempted murder (or his earlier assaults on Mike Barnes' employees). Stingray doesn't end up in jail for perjury. Et cetera. It all seems to suggest that karate is a perfectly acceptable solution to a conflict until and unless someone really gets hurt or someone cheats at which point the law will step in but only to keep both sides apart until a karate tournament can be arranged.

I described CK to my wife as the Road House of TV shows. You really can't take anything that happens seriously. For example, in the real world, Daniel would be committed to a mental institution based on his obsessive behavior. He's willing to sacrifice his family, business, and safety for...karate? Specifically, someone teaching a kind of karate he doesn't approve of? And Johnny, after learning he's going to be a dad (lol), continues to put himself in life-threatening situations, and his girlfriend is OK with it? 

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On 9/11/2022 at 10:02 PM, Superclam said:

I was really waiting for an ending scene with Miguel's father waiting all sinister-like outside of the apartment complex, while ominous music plays. Ultimately, that plot had no purpose. 

There is nothing to say we are fully done with the father.

Of course, this is getting another season. Why does anyone think it would end with Kreese breaking out of prison?

The showrunners said after season 4 they have ideas for two more seasons.

Also, the tournament will no doubt be challenged again with the cheating being unearthed.

I guess Kreese gets a figured head to run his dojo while he lurks in the shadows.

I assume, no matter where they are, Robbie and Sam win next time around. Miguel already got his. It's time for the other two leads to win.

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